Specifications for pvc windows. Guests on plastic windows

  • 23.06.2020

It is a mistake to think that knowledge of state standards governing the manufacture and installation of plastic windows should be of interest only to manufacturers and installers. window structures from a plastic profile.

The increased demand for glazing with PVC frames sometimes gives rise to unscrupulous offers. Construction companies, of course, will not be allowed to install plastic windows, during the manufacture of which the current GOST was not observed, because they know that non-compliance with the current rules will lead to the refusal of the selection committee to issue permission to put the facility into operation.

For a private person, knowledge of GOSTs that regulate the production and installation rules for PVC windows will help control the ordered window structures at the design, manufacture and installation stage. This is also important when replacing old window blocks in multi-storey housing, but especially when building your own house. Compliance with state standards significantly prolongs the life of window glazing, determines the warranty period for installation work, so if they are not observed, you have the right to warranty service.

It is possible to install the window correctly only on the condition that the technological standards for its manufacture have been observed. A reliable manufacturer has certificates of conformity of products to the requirements of state standards.

Current GOSTs for installing windows

The norms of the new GOST R 56926-2016 systematized and combined all the GOSTs, SNiP and technical standards in force on November 1, 2016, while considering the PVC window as a structural element of a multi-storey residential building. These standards do not apply to the construction of private housing.

The new state standard lists the current industry state standards that regulate the production and installation of plastic window blocks:

  • characteristics of plastic window structures - GOST 30674-99;
  • general requirements for windows and balcony blocks for buildings for various purposes - GOST 23166-99;
  • TU for the manufacture and installation of double-glazed windows for construction purposes - GOST 24866-99;
  • requirements for sound and heat insulation, ventilation of products - GOSTs 26602.2-99, 2602.1-99 and 26602.3-99;
  • requirements for the characteristics of the profile, components and accessories (window sills, slopes, flashings, platbands, etc.) - GOST 30673-99;
  • installation technology using vapor-permeable self-expanding tapes when making assembly joints - GOST 52749-2007;
  • junction joint insulation technology - GOST 30971-2012 replaces the outdated GOST 30971-2002.

Types of installation according to state standard

Types of installation are classified depending on the method of fastening the product in the opening. Proper installation involves only two types of fastening: using self-tapping screws directly through the plastic profile of the frame and using fittings if it is built into the model.

In the first case, you can even install the window correctly on your own, having little experience and reading the current instructions. The second method requires a more professional approach.

Technological map of installation

Technological installation charts of each company may differ, but the main sections must correspond to a typical technological instruction and include the parameters of window blocks (window sizes in width and height, profile parameters in mm), characteristics of double-glazed windows, organization and installation technology, including installation seam diagrams, quality control with permissible limits of deviations, operating conditions, safety requirements.

TTK usually provides for the following procedure for the installation of PVC windows in accordance with applicable regulations:

  • measurements;
  • preparatory work;
  • frame fastening by one of 2 types;
  • drain installation;
  • window assembly;
  • gap filling;
  • window sill installation.

Definition right size window opening is 50% of the quality of the installation and a guarantee of a long service life of the window structure due to the timely elimination of distortions. The size of the window is determined taking into account the mounting clearances established by state standards.

After fastening the frame in one of the ways to special bars, fixing it with wedges and leveling it with the help of special substrates, fasteners (anchors, self-tapping screws) are tightened.

Requirements for the installation of drainage include its foaming and subsequent verification of the structure for compliance with geometry and strength. After mounting the drain, the window block is assembled.

An important installation rule is to follow the gap filling technology in strict accordance with state standards, which provide for the following procedure:

  • gluing a vapor-tight waterproofing tape around the entire inner perimeter of the frame;
  • processing of external seams with a membrane strip PSUL - a self-expanding sealing tape;
  • filling gaps with foam for different climatic zones.

Insulation of the assembly joint of the junction must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the State Standard 30971-2012, which include 3-4 layers with different functions: heat and sound insulation, moisture diffusion from the joint, vapor barrier.

If the insulation of the junction joints is done correctly, the room will be reliably protected from the penetration of moisture, sounds, drafts, dust, and the double-glazed window from the formation of condensate, which in turn will significantly extend the service life of the products.

Installing the window sill is the final step. In order to properly install this part, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the state standard for permissible entry onto the walls, its slope and sealing of the seams.

Warranty period when installed according to state standard

If you are thinking about how to install a PVC window, please note that the installation warranty is issued only if all the requirements of state standards are met. If you are not sure that you can handle this professional job, it is better to entrust it to specialists.

The long service life of glazing largely depends not only on the manufacturer. Proper use also affects the life of the product. Usually, after installation, an instruction manual is carried out, and serious companies offer their own versions of instructions for various models.

Installation of plastic windows in accordance with GOST and proper operation is a guarantee of their long service life without serious damage for 50 years.

Windows are an important part of any building process. At the stage of building construction, they are given attention in terms of optimal design and load. In the process of repair, the owners of offices and residential premises independently regulate the location of windows, their height and dimensions, since GOST for windows 2002 does not give specific absolute values. However, there is whole line norms and standards that are documented and must be observed by companies that produce and install wooden, plastic or aluminum profile windows (GOST takes into account the features and technical specifications in each case). Here are various classifications, designation of windows according to GOST, technical parameters, marking and specification of windows and doors according to GOST, etc.

GOST 12506 81 for windows

If you prefer wooden windows, GOST will be useful to you. The standard defines window types. For example, according to the method of opening, they distinguish:

  • wooden windows opening inwards (B);
  • deaf non-opening windows (G);
  • outward opening windows (H).

According to GOST, wooden windows and doors have specific specifications and technical features depending on the type of room, its purpose and other parameters. From the document you will learn how wooden windows are classified and installed - GOST 12506 81 will give answers to all pressing questions. This is especially important in the face of growing demand for such window structures. They are environmentally friendly, aesthetically attractive, natural and reliable.

GOST 23166 99 for plastic windows

The provisions of this standard apply to balcony door and window blocks, which are made from metal alloys, wood, and plastics. They are designed for structures of various functional purposes. Thus, GOST covers metal windows, steel windows (gives a classification and design features), etc. When choosing and installing a quality window, GOST 23166 99 can be very useful.

GOST for windows 21519 2003

This standard describes the basic requirements, features and standards for door and window structures, the production of which involves the use of an aluminum profile. The products are designed for operation in buildings of various purposes. The document provides various classifications. So, based on the design features of the profile according to GOST, aluminum windows are made:

  • from a hollow profile (A);
  • from a combined profile, the thermal insulation insert of which is filled with insulation (AKU);
  • from a combined profile with an insert with thermal insulation properties (AK).

GOST 30971 2002 for plastic windows

It is generally accepted that the success of durable and trouble-free operation of windows half depends on the correct installation. In fact, competent editing can be assigned an even more significant role, because errors can nullify even the most best performance window construction. As practice confirms, GOST for plastic windows, which regulates their installation, is extremely important. It allows you to formalize the process and limit the freedom of manufacturers in choosing tools, methods and installation technologies. This minimizes the options for negligence, unjustified savings, the use of unskilled labor, etc. As a result, high-quality windows will be correctly installed, which means they will last a very long time, guaranteeing only comfort and ease of operation. According to GOST, each installation company installs metal-plastic windows, observing the provisions internal instruction. It, in turn, must be approved by the local government office.

GOST 30674 99 for plastic windows

The provisions of this standard apply to window structures, as well as balcony door blocks, which are made of PVC profiles. Currently, there is a consistently high demand for PVC windows - GOST 30674 99 reflects all the main technical points. The standard provides classifications of products according to various criteria, as well as the main provisions of working documentation - design and technological. In accordance with GOST, plastic windows must be manufactured within tolerances given in the text of the document. For example, the limiting deviation of the nominal dimensions should not go beyond +2.00 -1.00 mm.

At present, it is easy to find the required GOST, and windows and doors manufactured and installed with it in mind will retain their original performance characteristics for a long time. A lot of useful information can be gleaned from the standards: the specification of windows (GOST contains the necessary explanations), requirements for buildings of any purpose, etc.

Separate standardizing documents define acceptable materials, overall dimensions, types of structures and other characteristics of window and balcony blocks.

GOSTs for translucent PVC structures

  • GOST 23166-99 Window blocks. General specifications.
  • GOST 24866-99 Glued double-glazed windows for building purposes.
  • GOST 23166-99 and 24866-99 include data defining the areas of application of translucent structures, their types, basic terminology and classification. According to the GOST 23166-99 document, developed more than three decades ago, all types of window products are certified. In GOST 24866-99, the main attention is paid to the design of double-glazed windows, used for their formation, seals that are acceptable for filling with inert gases.
  • GOST 26602.1-99 Window and door blocks. Methods for determining the resistance to heat transfer.
  • GOST 26602.2-99 Window and door blocks. Methods for determining air and water permeability.
  • GOST 26602.3-99 Window and door blocks. Method for determining sound insulation.
  • GOST 26602.4-99 Window and door blocks. Method for determining the total light transmittance.
  • GOST 26602.5-2001 Window and door blocks. Methods for determining the resistance to wind load.

The above documents define the methods and limits for determining the stability of window structures to various negative external influences. Some articles relating to the protective qualities of window structures made of PVC, aluminum and solid wood are defined in the following GOSTs:

  • GOST 30673-99 PVC profiles for window and door blocks.
  • GOST 30674-99 Window blocks made of PVC profiles.

GOSTs for the installation of PVC windows

Features and rules for the installation of plastic windows are described in the following regulatory documents:

  • GOST 30971-02 Mounting seams for adjoining window blocks to wall openings.
  • GOST 52749-07_8922 Mounting window seams with vapor-permeable self-expanding tapes.
  • Decree of the Government of Moscow on the procedure for the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in residential buildings.
This section presents only current GOST for windows and double-glazed windows. Previously, other standards were in force, which were replaced by the standards listed below. You can download these documents for free.
Under each GOST for window blocks, information is provided on the date of introduction. The previous numbers of standards for windows that were in effect before the introduction of the updated standards are also indicated.

For each type of window structures, certain standards are provided, which indicate the following data: the scope of the standard, general requirements, including window sizes, acceptance rules for production control, methods for controlling window blocks during testing, transportation and storage conditions, manufacturer's guarantees for compliance with the requirements of GOST windows .

Now windows and double-glazed windows are subject to declaration of conformity in the Russian Federation. You can read about the procedure for obtaining certificates and declarations of conformity for windows in the next section of our website -.
We remind you that laboratory tests are carried out taking into account the requirements of the above mentioned standards for windows.

1. DEVELOPED by the Office of Standardization, Technical Rationing and Certification of the Gosstroy of Russia with the participation of CJSC "KBE Window Technologies", NIUPTS "Interregional Window Institute" and the SE Center for Rationing and Standardization Methodology in Construction of the Gosstroy of Russia. INTRODUCED by Gosstroy of Russia.
2. ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (ISTCS) on December 2, 1999
4. INTRODUCED from January 1, 2001 as the state standard of the Russian Federation by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated May 6, 2000 No. 37.
INTRODUCED Amendment adopted by the Letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated July 23, 2001 No. 9-28/462

1 area of ​​use.

This standard applies to window and balcony door units made of polyvinyl chloride profiles in accordance with GOST 30673 of a single design with double-glazed windows (hereinafter referred to as window units or products) for buildings and structures for various purposes. It is allowed to extend the requirements of the standard to products glazed with sheet glass and intended for use in unheated rooms. The standard does not apply to roof windows, products with sliding opening of sashes, as well as to window blocks for special purposes in terms of additional requirements to fire safety, burglary protection, etc. The scope of specific brands of products is established depending on the operating conditions, in accordance with the current building codes and regulations, taking into account the requirements of GOST 23166 and this standard. The requirements of this standard are mandatory (except as specified in the text as recommended or reference). The standard can be applied to certify products.

This document provides references to the following standards:
GOST 9.303-84 ESZKS. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General requirements to the choice
GOST 111-90 Sheet glass. Specifications
GOST 166-89 Calipers. Specifications
GOST 427-75 Measuring metal rulers. Specifications
GOST 538-88 Lock and hardware items. General specifications
GOST 7502-98 Metal measuring tapes. Specifications
GOST 8026-92 Calibration rulers. Specifications
GOST 9416-83 Building levels. Specifications
GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Specifications
GOST 23166-99 Window blocks. General specifications
GOST 24033-80 Wooden windows and balcony doors. Mechanical test methods
GOST 24866-99 Glued double-glazed windows for building purposes. Specifications
GOST 26433.0-85 Accuracy assurance system geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. General provisions
GOST 26433.1-89 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. Prefabricated elements
GOST 26602.1-99 Window and door blocks. Methods for determining the resistance to heat transfer
GOST 26602.2-99 Window and door blocks. Methods for determining air and water permeability
GOST 26602.3-99 Window and door blocks. Method for determining sound insulation
GOST 26602.4-99 Window and door blocks. Method for determining the total light transmittance
GOST 30673-99 PVC profiles for window and door blocks. Specifications

3 Terms and definitions

The terms and definitions used in this standard are given in GOST 23166. The terms reflecting the specifics of the design of window blocks made of polyvinyl chloride profiles (hereinafter PVC profiles), as well as the definitions of their main functional areas, details and dimensions are given in Appendix A.

4 Classification and symbol

4.1 Products are classified according to GOST 23166, as well as by options design and type of finishing of front surfaces of PVC profiles.
According to the design options for PVC profiles, window blocks are divided into products with one-, two-, three-, four or more chamber profiles.
According to the type of finishing of the front surfaces, the products are divided into:
white, dyed in mass; trimmed with decorative film (laminated); with co-extruded face.
4.2 The symbol of products is accepted in accordance with GOST 23166 indicating the designation of this standard.
4.3 For products manufactured by individual orders, it is allowed to adopt the following structure of the symbol:

An example of a symbol for a window profile- OP V2 1840-1220 (4M1-16Ar-K4) GOST 30674-99 - window block made of PVC profiles - OP, product class in terms of reduced resistance to heat transfer - B2, 1840 mm high, 1220 mm wide, with a double-glazed window structure: outer glass 4 mm thick, grade M1 according to GOST 111, glass spacing 16 mm, filled with argon, internal glass 4 mm thick with a hard heat-reflecting coating, in accordance with this standard.

In case of using products frost-resistant execution to product type designation add the letter " M».

When placing an order for the manufacture (supply) of individual products, it is recommended to indicate the design solution, including a description of the design of profiles and double-glazed windows, a drawing indicating the opening scheme, type of window fixtures, requirements for appearance and other requirements as agreed between the manufacturer and the customer.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 General
5.1.1 Products must comply with the requirements of this standard, GOST 23166 and be manufactured according to design and technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.
The recommended composition of the documentation for the manufacture of window blocks is given in Appendix B.
5.1.2 Products consist of frame elements welded from PVC profiles reinforced with steel liners.
Imposts are fixed in frame elements by means of mechanical connections or welding.
The design of products (except for those intended for unheated premises) must include at least two rows of sealing gaskets in the porches.
Examples constructive solutions the main nodes of connections (porches) of sashes and frames of various window systems are shown in Figures 1-3.

Figure 1 - Assemblies of the main porches with internal and external seals
a - a window system of three-chamber profiles; b - a window system with a four-chamber sash and a three-chamber frame (the location of the outer walls of the sashes and frames in the same plane); c - window system of three-chamber profiles (outward opening); g - a window system of multi-chamber profiles with an expanded box; d - window system with glazed frame

Figure 2 - Knots of the main porches with various types seals
a, b - window systems made of three-chamber profiles with medium and internal seals; c - a window system with a four-chamber sash and a three-chamber frame, with external, middle and internal seals; d - a window system with a multi-chamber sash and a three-chamber frame with external, middle and internal seals (location of the front outer walls of the sashes and frames in the same plane); e - a window system with a four-chamber sash and a frame with outer, middle and inner seals; e - window system with a four-chamber sash and a multi-chamber composite frame with outer middle and inner seals

Figure 3 - Knots of impost and shtulpovy vestibules
a - impost porch of the window system with external and internal seals; b - shtulp (non-multiple) porch of the window system with external and internal seals; c - shtulp (non-multiple) porch of the window system with medium and internal seals; d - impost porch of non-opening and opening elements of the window system with middle and internal seals
5.1.3 The design of products for residential premises should provide for ventilation of the premises using vents, transoms, sashes with tilt-and-turn (tilt) adjustable opening or ventilation valves. To improve the humidity regime of the premises, it is recommended to use self-ventilation systems in products using intra-profile channels, as well as window blocks with built-in adjustable and self-regulating climatic valves. The system of intra-profile duct self-ventilation is given in Appendix B. To improve the soundproofing characteristics of the product in the ventilation mode, noise protection dampers can be installed in window blocks.
5.1.4 The requirements of this standard apply to window blocks with an area not exceeding 6 m2, with maximum area each opening element 2.5 m2 for white products and 2.2 m2 for other colors. The estimated weight of sashes (cloths) of white products should not exceed 80 kg, the weight of opening elements of products of other colors - 60 kg. The manufacture of window blocks (sashes) with an area and weight exceeding the specified values ​​must be confirmed by the results of laboratory tests or additional strength calculations in accordance with the current building codes, taking into account the requirements of GOST 23166. The permissible ratio of the height and width of the opening elements of specific brands of products, taking into account the opening scheme, the types of profiles and window devices used, the moment of inertia of the reinforcing inserts and the weight of the sash elements are set in the technical documentation.

5.1.5 Products must be safe to operate and maintain. The safety conditions for the use of products of various designs are established in the project documentation (for example, window blocks with suspended opening of the sashes are not recommended for use in children's institutions). The products must be designed to withstand the operating loads, including wind loads, in accordance with current building codes.
5.1.6 Products (or materials for their manufacture and component parts) must have sanitary safety documents provided for by applicable law and executed in the prescribed manner.

5.2 Dimensions and tolerance limits

5.2.1 Overall dimensions and architectural drawings of window blocks - in accordance with GOST 23166.
The nominal dimensions of sections of profiles, reinforcing inserts, combinations of profiles are set in the technical documentation for their manufacture.
5.2.2 Limit deviations of nominal overall dimensions products should not exceed +2.00 -1.00 mm.
5.2.3 Limit deviations from the nominal dimensions of product elements, gaps in the porches and under the overlay, the dimensions of the location of window devices and hinges should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table 1. The difference in the lengths of the diagonals of rectangular frame elements should not exceed 2.0 mm at the greatest length leaf sides up to 1400 mm and 3.0 mm - more than 1400 mm.

(Revised edition, Amend. 2001)

5.2.4 The difference in the front surfaces (sag) in welded corner and T-shaped joints of adjacent profiles of boxes and doors, the installation of which is provided in the same plane, should not exceed 0.7 mm, when mechanically connecting the imposts with the profiles of the boxes, as well as between each other - no more than 1.0 mm.
5.2.5 In the event that the processing of the weld provides for the selection of the groove, the size of the groove on the front surfaces should not exceed 5 mm in width, the depth of the groove should be in the range of 0.5-1.0 mm, and the shear value of the outer corner of the weld should not must exceed 3 mm along the weld.
5.2.6 Sagging of opening elements (shutters, curtains, vents) in the assembled product should not exceed 1.5 mm per 1 m of width.
5.2.7 The deviation of the nominal size of the distance between the overlays of adjacent closed doors should not exceed 1.0 mm per 1 m of the length of the porch.
5.2.8 Deviations from the straightness of the edges of the parts of the frame elements should not exceed 1 mm per 1 m of length in any section

5.3 Characteristics

5.3.1 The main performance characteristics of products with three-chamber profiles of boxes and sashes are given in Table 2. The indicators of the reduced heat transfer resistance for products from profiles with a different number of chambers and a different design of the double-glazed window are taken based on the results of laboratory tests.

(Revised edition, Amend. 2001)

5.3.2 Resistance to static loads and forces applied to the doors to open and close them - according to GOST 23166.
5.3.3 Welded fillet joints with processed welds of leaves up to 1000 mm wide must withstand the action of the control load applied according to scheme A of Figure 9, not less than:
750 N - with leaf height up to 1300 mm;
800 N - with a leaf height over 1300 to 1500 mm;
900 N - for sash heights over 1500 to 1800 mm;
1000 N - with a glazing area of ​​\u200b\u200bsashes of 2.1-2.3 m2 and for door leaf bindings.
The value of loads during strength testing corner connections doors with a width of more than 1000 to 1200 mm are increased by 10%. The value of loads when testing the strength of the corner joints of boxes according to scheme A of Figure 9 is not less than 800 N, according to scheme B - 1600 N. When tested according to scheme B of Figure 9, corner joints must withstand the action of a load doubled.

5.3.4 The strength values ​​of the corner joints of frame elements in the case of the use of profiles of classes B and C according to GOST 30673 are set in the regulatory and design documentation for these types of products.
5.3.5 Appearance products: color, gloss, permissible surface defects of PVC profiles (risks, scratches, shrinkage cavities, etc.) must: correspond to standard samples approved by the head of the product manufacturer. Welded seams should not have arson, unwelded areas, cracks. Changing the color of PVC profiles in the places of welds after their stripping is not allowed.
5.3.6 The front surfaces of the profiles of the doors and boxes of products (except for curved ones) must be protected with a self-adhesive film.
5.4 Requirements for accessories and their installation
5.4.1 Materials and components used for the manufacture of window blocks must comply with the requirements of standards, specifications, technical certificates approved in the prescribed manner.
5.4.2 The main component parts of the products: PVC profiles, double-glazed windows, sealing gaskets, window devices must be tested for durability (failure-free) at testing centers accredited for the right to conduct such tests.

5.5 Requirements for PVC profiles

5.5.1 PVC profiles must be made of rigid non-plasticized PVC modified for high impact strength and resistance to climatic influences, and meet the requirements of GOST 30673, as well as specifications on specific systems of profiles approved in the prescribed manner.
5.5.2 Products are recommended to be made of PVC profiles of white color, dyed in mass. By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is allowed to manufacture products from PVC profiles of other colors and types of finishing of front surfaces. The use of colored profiles painted in mass without a protective decorative coating on surfaces exposed to ultraviolet rays is not allowed.
5.5.3 Curved profiles should not have deviations from the shape (warping, waviness) exceeding the width and height of the profile (± 1.5) mm. The recommended minimum bending radius for white PVC profiles should be taken equal to five times the width of the profile, for other profiles - 5.5 times the width of the profile.

5.6 Requirements for glazing, door leaf panels and seals

5.6.1 For glazing products, one- or two-chamber double-glazed windows are used in accordance with GOST 24866, glass in accordance with GOST 111, as well as according to regulatory documentation for specific types of translucent filling of window blocks. It is recommended to use glass with low-emission heat-reflecting coatings in the construction of double-glazed windows. To improve the heat-shielding characteristics, double-glazed windows can be filled with an inert gas.
5.6.2 To increase the architectural expressiveness, it is allowed to install decorative layouts (slabs) on the outer surfaces of double-glazed windows on weather-resistant adhesives or use double-glazed windows with an internal frame (Figure 4).
5.6.3 Double-glazed windows (glasses) are installed in the fold of the sash or box on linings, excluding touching of the edges of the double-glazed window (glass) of the inner surfaces of the PVC profiles folds. Depending on the functional purpose linings are divided into basic, supporting and remote.

Figure 4 - Options for installing decorative layouts
a - profiles of the inner frame of the double-glazed window; b - overhead decorative layouts; c - a variant of the combined use of overhead layouts and the inner frame of a double-glazed window; g - binding connections of layouts

To ensure optimal conditions for transferring the weight of a double-glazed window to the product structure, support pads are used, and to ensure the nominal dimensions of the gap between the edge of the double-glazed window and the fold of the sash, remote pads are used. Base pads are used to align the bevels of the fold and are installed under the support and spacer pads. The width of the base pads must be equal to the width of the fold, and the length - not less than the length of the support and spacer pads. Support and spacer pads can combine the functions of the base pads. The length of the supporting and spacer pads should be from 80 to 100 mm, the width of the pads should be at least 2 mm more than the thickness of the double-glazed window.
5.6.4 Linings are made of rigid weather-resistant polymer materials. The recommended value of the hardness of the support pads is 75-90 units. by Shore A.
5.6.5 The installation methods and (or) the design of the linings should exclude the possibility of their displacement during transportation and operation of the products.
5.6.6 The design of the pads must not impede air circulation over the inner surface of the glazing seam.
5.6.7 If the place of installation of the lining coincides with the head of the fixing screw, it is not allowed to warp the lining.
5.6.8 It is recommended to install no more than two support pads on any side of the double-glazed window.
5.6.9 The distance from the linings to the corners of the double-glazed windows should be, as a rule, 50-80 mm. With a double-glazed window width of more than 1.5 m, it is recommended to increase this distance to 150 mm.
5.6.10 The main layouts of the support and spacer pads during the installation of double-glazed windows, depending on the type of opening of window blocks, are shown in Figure 5. In balcony door blocks and in products with reinforced locking devices, it is recommended to install additional pads in the locking points.

Figure 5 - Diagrams of the location of the support and distance pads during the installation of double-glazed windows, depending on the type of opening of window blocks
Types of opening window blocks: a - non-opening; b - tilt-and-turn; in - rotary (oar); g - folding; d - hanging; e - installation of linings in figured window blocks; g - support pads; c - spacers

5.6.11 It is recommended to make opaque fillings for balcony door blocks (panels) from three-layer panels consisting of plastic or aluminum facing sheets filled with insulation. In the panels of products intended for operation in unheated premises, it is allowed to use sheet or facing materials without insulation.
5.6.12 Installation of panels in door leafs is carried out in accordance with the requirements for the installation of double-glazed windows.
5.6.13 The design solutions for the fastening points of double-glazed windows, as well as panels for filling the opaque part of the door leaf, should exclude the possibility of their dismantling from the outside.
5.6.14 The installation of double-glazed windows (glasses), as well as the sealing of the porches of the wings, is carried out using elastic polymer sealing gaskets. Allowed for fastening double-glazed windows with inside use of glazing beads with co-extruded seal.
5.6.15 Sealing gaskets must be resistant to climatic and atmospheric influences.
5.6.16 The fit of sealing gaskets must be tight, preventing the penetration of water.
5.6.17 Sealing gaskets must be installed continuously around the entire perimeter of the porch of the sashes and the double-glazed window. For ring installation, the joint of the gaskets must be in the upper part of the product. When installing gaskets with joints at 45° angles, the joints of the gaskets should be welded or glued (except for gaskets installed in glazing pieces). Corner bends and welded joints of sealing gaskets for double-glazed windows should not have protrusions (protrusions) that cause concentrated loads on double-glazed windows.

It is allowed to break the continuity of the installation of gaskets in the porch in structures that provide for self-ventilation of products, as well as in other cases provided for by design solutions and established in the design documentation.

5.7 Requirements for reinforcing inserts

5.7.1 The main PVC profiles of the products are reinforced with steel inserts with an anti-corrosion coating.
5.7.2 The shape, wall thickness and moments of inertia of the reinforcing inserts, as well as the maximum allowable dimensions of the flaps when using specific types of inserts, are established in the technical documentation for the manufacture of products.
5.7.3 Reinforcing inserts must enter the inner chambers of PVC profiles tightly, by hand, without the help of special devices.
5.7.4 When using white profiles, it is allowed not to install reinforcing inserts (except for mullions) in product parts whose length is less than 700 mm. When using colored profiles, as well as in the details of frost-resistant window blocks and in special cases, when it is required according to the documentation of PVC profile manufacturers, the installation of reinforcing inserts is mandatory in all details of the products.
5.7.5 The wall thickness of the reinforcing inserts must be at least 1.2 mm; to reinforce colored and frost-resistant profiles, it is recommended to use reinforcing inserts with a wall thickness of at least 1.5 mm.
5.7.6 The distance from the insert to the corner (end) of the reinforced part of the profiles should be within 10-30 mm. In the designs of products with a mass of double-glazed windows over 60 kg, as well as in reinforced products, it is recommended to use liners trimmed at an angle of 45 °. Examples of installing reinforcing inserts are shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 - Examples of installing reinforcing inserts

The length of the reinforcing inserts of imposts when they are mechanically fastened to the inserts of the box is determined by the design of the connection.

(Revised edition, Amend. 2001)

5.7.7 It is not allowed to join or break the reinforcing inserts along the length within one PVC profile.
5.7.8 Each reinforcing insert is attached to the non-front side of the PVC profile with at least two self-tapping screws (screws) according to the regulatory documentation (hereinafter referred to as ND). Distance from inner corner(weld seam) to the nearest location for the installation of a self-tapping screw should not exceed 80 mm. The fastening step should be no more than: 400 mm - for white profiles, 300 mm - for profiles of other types, as well as for frost-resistant profiles.
5.7.9 Steel reinforcing inserts must be protected with a zinc coating with a thickness of at least 9 microns in accordance with GOST 9.303.

Omissions and damage to the coating are not allowed.

5.8 Requirements for window fittings

5.8.1 In the manufacture of products, window fittings and fasteners are used that are specially designed for use in window systems made of PVC profiles.
5.8.2 The type, number, location and method of fastening of locking devices and hinges are set in the working documentation, based on the size and weight of the opening elements of the product, as well as the operating conditions of window blocks. In this case, the distance between hinges and locking points, as a rule, should not exceed 800 mm.
5.8.3 It is recommended to fasten the hinges with self-tapping screws through at least two PVC profile walls with a total thickness of at least 4.5 mm or through one profile wall and a reinforcing insert. If it is necessary to drill holes for screws, their diameter must be equal to the diameter of the central shaft of the screw. With a mass of opening elements of more than 60 kg, as well as in balcony door blocks and reinforced products, it is recommended to fasten the hinges to reinforcing inserts.
5.8.4 It is recommended to use adjustable hinges, tilt-and-turn opening devices that provide slot ventilation, as well as ventilation with an adjustable opening angle, using fuses against accidental opening (including when the devices are in the ventilation mode) in products. To ensure a fixed gap between the lower profiles of the leaves and frames, it is recommended to use guide (running) pads, rollers or special fittings.
5.8.5 Locking devices must ensure reliable locking of the opening elements of products. Opening and closing should be easy, smooth, without jamming. Handles and bolts of devices should not spontaneously move from the “open” or “closed” position.
5.8.6 The design of the locking devices and hinges shall ensure tight and uniform crimping of the gaskets along the entire contour of the seal in the porches.
5.8.7 Window devices and fasteners must meet the requirements of GOST 538 and have a protective and decorative (or protective) coating in accordance with GOST 9.303.

Window devices must withstand the action of loads and forces applied to them in accordance with GOST 23166.

5.9 Design requirements

5.9.1 Corner joints of PVC profiles of frame elements must be welded. The design strength of welded joints is given in the design documentation. To reinforce welded joints in the corners of the balcony blocks with a width of more than 800 mm, it is recommended to use weldable polyvinyl chloride inserts connected with reinforcing inserts by screws. An example of insert installation is shown in Figure 7.
5.9.2 Transom parts are attached to adjacent PVC profiles of the box (sash) using steel or plastic fasteners, screws or screws. Examples of fastening imposts are shown in Figure 8. It is allowed to use welded T-shaped and cross-shaped connections of imposts. In this case, the strength of the joints must not be lower than the strength established for corner joints.
5.9.3 Corner and T-shaped connections of profiles must be airtight. It is allowed to seal the mechanical joints of PVC profiles with weather-resistant elastic gaskets. Gaps up to 0.5 mm can be sealed with special sealants that do not impair the appearance of the products and protect the joints from moisture penetration.

Figure 7 - Insert for reinforcing corner joints

Figure 8 - Examples of fastening mullions

5.9.4 Product designs must include a system of holes: to drain the cavity between the edges of the double-glazed window and the profile folds; water drainage; wind pressure compensation; reducing the heating of colored profiles.
5.9.5 Each glazing field must have openings to drain the cavity between the edges of the double-glazed window and the profile folds. Holes should be located in the deepest parts of the folds and not have burrs that prevent water from draining. For systems with a medium seal, the holes must be in front of the medium seal from the outside. At least two holes with a maximum distance between them of 600 mm should be provided in the lower profile of the sash, two holes in the upper profile with its length up to 1 m, and three more than 1 m. The recommended hole sizes are at least 8 mm in diameter or at least 5 x 10 mm in size. The location of the holes should not coincide with the places where the linings for the double-glazed windows are installed. In the walls of the profile, the holes must be offset relative to each other by at least 50 mm.
5.9.6 The bottom profiles of the boxes and horizontal mullions must have at least two drain holes with a size of at least (5x20) mm, the distance between which should not exceed 600 mm. Drainage holes must be offset in the profile walls by at least 50 mm. Holes should not have burrs that prevent water from draining. For systems with a medium seal, the slots must be in front of the medium seal on the outside. On the front surface of the box, the openings must be protected by decorative visors.
5.9.7 For systems with external and internal seals and for systems with three sealing circuits, when installing products at a height of more than 20 m, it is recommended to make holes in the upper horizontal profiles of the boxes to compensate for wind pressure in the cavity between the frame and the sash. Openings for wind pressure compensation must have a diameter of at least 6 mm or a size of at least (5x10) mm in the upper profile of the box. With a box profile length of up to 1 m, two holes are drilled, more than 1 m - three. To compensate for wind pressure, it is allowed to remove the outer seal in sections 30 mm long in the upper profile of the box.
5.9.8 Functional openings must not pass through the walls of the main chambers of the profiles.
5.9.9 In the case of using colored profiles, it is recommended (to ventilate the outer chambers to avoid overheating when exposed to sunlight) to make through holes through the walls of the outer chambers of the leaf and box profiles with a diameter of 5-6 mm.
5.9.10 The number and location of all types of holes are set in the working documentation. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the influence of spillways on the adjacent functions of products (sound, heat insulation, etc.)

(Revised edition, Amend. 2001)

5.9.11 The depth of pinching of a double-glazed window (glass) in the folds of profiles, as well as the depth of pinching with glazing beads, should not be less than 14 mm.
5.9.12 Thresholds of balcony doors are recommended to be protected with aluminum plates that do not block water drainage holes.
5.10 Completeness
5.10.1 The complete set of products upon their delivery to the consumer must comply with the requirements specified in the order.
5.10.2 Finished products must have installed appliances, double-glazed windows, gaskets and protective film on the front surfaces. A set of products may include additional, connecting and other profiles for various purposes in accordance with GOST 30673. Completing profiles, parts of locking devices protruding beyond the plane of the product, as well as decorative peaks, can be supplied unmounted complete with products. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, separate transportation of double-glazed windows is allowed, while the consumer must be provided with a scheme for installing linings for double-glazed windows.

(Revised edition, Amend. 2001)

5.10.3 The delivery set should include a quality document (passport) and instructions for using the products.
5.10.4 At the request of the consumer, the manufacturer provides him standard instruction for the installation of window blocks, and also completes the products with materials for the care of products in accordance with the requirements of the operating instructions.
5.11 Marking
5.11.1 Marking of products - in accordance with GOST 23166.
5.11.2 The main profiles, window fittings and double-glazed windows included in the product must be marked in accordance with the ND for these products.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Products must be accepted by the manufacturer's technical control for compliance with the requirements of this standard, as well as the conditions specified in the contract for the manufacture and supply of products. Confirmation of acceptance of products by the technical control of the manufacturer is their marking, as well as the execution of documents on the acceptance and quality of products.

Products are accepted in batches. When accepting products at the manufacturing plant, a lot is taken as the number of products manufactured within one shift and issued with one quality document.

6.2 The requirements for product quality established in this standard confirm:
input control of materials and components;
operational production control;
acceptance control of finished products;
control acceptance tests of a batch of products, conducted by the quality service of the manufacturer;
periodic testing of products in independent testing centers;
qualification and certification tests.
6.3 The procedure for conducting incoming control and operational production control at workplaces is established in the technological documentation.

If the manufacturer completes window blocks with components of its own manufacture, they must be accepted and tested in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documentation for these products.

6.4 Acceptance quality control of finished products is carried out piece by piece, by the method of continuous control. At the same time, they check:
appearance of products;
deviations in the dimensions of the gaps under the overlay;
sagging opening elements;
deviation of the size of the distance between the overlays of the valves;
the presence and location of holes;
work of window devices and hinges;
the presence of a protective film on the front surfaces.

Finished products that have passed acceptance control are marked. Products that have not passed the acceptance control for at least one indicator are rejected.

6.5 Products must pass control acceptance tests conducted by the quality service of the manufacturer at least once a shift. At the same time, they control:
deviations of nominal sizes and straightness of edges;
strength of corner joints;
requirements for the installation of linings for double-glazed windows;
requirements for the installation of sealing gaskets;
requirements for the installation of reinforcing inserts;
location and operation of window devices;
quality requirements for welds;
requirements for appearance and the presence of a protective film;
requirements for the size, number and location of functional holes;
labeling and packaging requirements.
Tests are carried out on three samples.

In the event of a negative test result for at least one indicator, the quality of products is re-checked on a double number of samples for the indicator that had a negative test result. If a non-compliance of the indicator with the established requirements is detected again, the controlled and subsequent batches of products are subjected to continuous control (sorting). With a positive result of continuous control, they return to the established procedure for acceptance tests.

In the event of a negative test result in terms of the strength of the corner joints, repeated tests are carried out on a double number of samples. If the result of repeated tests is unsatisfactory, the batch is rejected, and the production of products is stopped until the cause of the reject is eliminated.

(Revised edition, Amend. 2001)

6.6 Periodic tests for performance indicators specified in 5.3.1-5.3.3 are carried out when changes are made to the design of products or their manufacturing technology, but at least once every five years, as well as during product certification (in terms of indicators provided for by the methods certification).

Qualification tests of products are carried out when the products are put into production. In justified cases, it is allowed to combine qualification and certification tests.

Tests are carried out in independent testing centers accredited for the right to conduct them.

6.7 The consumer has the right to conduct a quality control check of products, while observing the sampling procedure and test methods specified in this standard.

When products are accepted by the consumer, a batch is considered to be the number of products shipped for a specific order, but not more than 500 pieces, drawn up with one quality document.

By agreement of the parties, acceptance of products by the consumer can be carried out at the manufacturer's warehouse, at the consumer's warehouse or in another place specified in the supply contract.
6.9 Each batch of products must be accompanied by a quality document (passport) in accordance with GOST 23166.
6.10 Acceptance of products by the consumer does not release the manufacturer from liability in case of detection of hidden defects that led to the violation performance characteristics products during the warranty period.

7 Control methods

7.1 The methods of incoming and production operational quality control are established in the technological documentation.
7.2 Control methods for acceptance inspection and acceptance tests
7.2.1 The geometric dimensions of the products, as well as the straightness of the edges, are determined using the methods established in GOST 26433.0 and GOST 26433.1. Limit deviations from the nominal dimensions of product elements, the difference in the lengths of the diagonals and other dimensions are determined using a metal measuring tape according to GOST 7502, a caliper according to GOST 166, and probes according to ND. Limit deviations from the straightness of the edges are determined by applying a straightedge according to GOST 8026 or a building level with a flatness tolerance of at least the ninth degree of accuracy according to GOST 9416 to the tested part and measuring the largest gap using feelers according to ND. Measurements of linear dimensions should be made at an air temperature of products (20 ± 4) ° С. If it is necessary to carry out measurements at other temperatures, the temperature change in the linear dimensions of the profiles should be taken into account: 0.8 mm/m for every 10 °C deviation from the specified temperature.

7.2.2 The limit deviations of the nominal dimensions of the gaps under the overlay are checked using a set of feelers. The gaps in the porch are determined with a caliper by measuring the adjacent dimensions of the sections.

(Revised edition, Amend. 2001)

7.2.3 The sag in the mating of adjacent parts is determined with a feeler gauge as the distance from the edge of the metal ruler according to GOST 427, applied to the upper mating surface, to the lower surface.
7.2.4 The appearance and color of products (including in the places of welds) are evaluated by comparison with standard samples approved in the prescribed manner.

Differences in color, gloss and surface defects that are visible to the naked eye from a distance of (0.6-0.8) m in natural light of at least 300 lux are not allowed.

7.2.5 The tightness and correct installation of sealing gaskets, the presence and location of linings, functional openings, window devices, fasteners and other parts, the color and absence of cracks in welded joints, the presence of a protective film, marking and packaging are checked visually. To determine the tightness of sealing gaskets, compare the dimensions of the gaps in the porches and the degree of compression of the gaskets, which should be at least 1/5 of the height of the uncompressed gasket. Measurements are made with a caliper. The tightness of sealing gaskets in closed porches can be determined by the presence of a continuous trace left by a coloring matter (for example, colored chalk), previously applied to the surface of the gaskets and easily removed after inspection.

7.2.6 Determination of the strength (bearing capacity) of fillet welded joints To test the strength of fillet welded joints, the load application schemes shown in Figure 9 are used.

Figure 9 - Schemes of load application when determining the strength of fillet welded joints
1 - support; 2 - emphasis (for scheme B - carriages); 3 - sample; 4 - - load application point; 5 - removable fastening clamps

The procedure for testing is in accordance with GOST 30673 with the following additions.

Welded seams are cleaned according to the accepted technology for the manufacture of window blocks.

The specimens are tested with reinforcing inserts inserted into them.

The magnitude of the loads is taken according to 5.3.3, the control method is non-destructive, exposure under load is at least 3 minutes.

The test result is considered satisfactory if each sample withstood the load without destruction and cracking.

7.2.7 The operation of window devices is checked by opening and closing the sash elements of the product five times. In case of detection of deviations in the operation of window devices, they are adjusted and re-checked.

7.3 Methods of control during periodic tests.

7.3.1 Strength ( bearing capacity) fillet welds are determined according to 7.2.6.

When testing, it is allowed to use other load schemes and test equipment. In this case, the test procedures, including the processing of results, must be correlated with the test method according to 7.2.6.

7.3.2 The reduced resistance to heat transfer is determined in accordance with GOST 26602.1.

7.3.3 Air permeability is determined according to GOST 26602.2.

7.3.4 Sound insulation is determined according to GOST 26602.3.

7.3.5 The total light transmission coefficient is determined according to GOST 26602.4.

7.3.6 Resistance to static loads is determined according to GOST 24033.

7.3.7 Indicators of durability (including resistance to climatic and atmospheric loads), failure-free operation of window devices, as well as the forces applied to window devices, are determined according to the methods approved in the prescribed manner.

8 Packaging, transport and storage

8.1 Packaging of products must ensure their safety during storage, handling and transportation.

8.2 Devices or parts of devices that are not installed on the products must be packed in polyethylene film in accordance with GOST 10354 or in other packaging material that ensures their safety, tightly tied and delivered complete with products.

8.3 Opening sashes of products before packaging and transportation must be closed on all locking devices.

8.4 Products are transported by all means of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

8.5 During storage and transportation of products, they must be protected from mechanical damage, exposure to precipitation, significant temperature fluctuations and direct sunlight.

8.6 When storing and transporting products, it is not allowed to stack them on top of each other; it is recommended to install gaskets made of elastic materials between the products.

8.7 Products are stored in a vertical position at an angle of 10-15° to the vertical on wooden linings, pallets or in special containers in covered areas without direct contact with heating devices.

8.8 In the case of separate transportation of double-glazed windows, the requirements for their packaging and transportation are established in accordance with GOST 24866.

9 Manufacturer's warranties

9.1 The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of products with the requirements of this standard, provided that the consumer complies with the rules for transportation, storage, installation, operation, as well as the scope established in the regulatory and project documentation.

9.2 Warranty period of storage of products - 1 year from the date of shipment of the product by the manufacturer.

9.3 The warranty period for the products is set in the supply contract, but not less than 3 years from the date of shipment of the products by the manufacturer.

Annex A (informative) Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms apply with their respective definitions.

Profile system - a set (set) of PVC profiles and components combined into a complete constructive system drawn up by the design documentation.

Profiles - details of window blocks, made by extrusion, with specified shapes and section sizes.

Profile width - the largest dimension between the front outer and inner surfaces of the profile.

Profile height - the largest cross-sectional dimension of the profile in the direction perpendicular to the profile width.

Chamber - a closed internal cavity (system of cavities) of a PVC profile, located perpendicular to the direction of heat flow. The chamber may consist of a number of sub-chambers separated by partitions. The chambers and subchambers can perform various specified functions, for example, for the installation of reinforcing inserts or as self-ventilation channels.

Fold - part of the surface of the profile, formed by the protrusion of one of its parts.

Falzluft - the distance between the sash and the frame, set based on the conditions for the normal functioning of locking window devices.

The porch is the junction of the sash with the bars of the box (the main porch), with the impost (impost porch) or with the sash (non-mullioned, shtulpovy porch).

Surfacing - a protrusion in the porch node, formed by the protruding part of the box (sash) and overlapping the sash (box) by the size in the porch under the surfacing.

Reinforcing insert - profile steel element, installed in the inner chamber of the main profile for the perception of operational loads.

Combination of profiles - a connection point for mating profiles (for example, a box profile - a sash profile with a glazing bead; an impost profile - a sash profile with a glazing bead; a sash profile with a sash and a glazing bead - a sash profile with a glazing bead).

The main profiles are profiles of boxes, sashes, imposts, shtulps, which perform a strength function as an integral part of window and balcony door structures.

Additional profiles - profiles that do not perform a strength function as an integral part of window and balcony door structures.

Glazing beads (layouts on glass) - additional profiles designed for fastening a double-glazed window.

Glazing beads are allowed to be manufactured with a co-extruded sealing gasket.

Connecting profiles (connectors) - profiles designed to block window and balcony door frames with each other in structures consisting of two or more products. Connectors can connect box profiles at different angles and are selected taking into account strength requirements.

Expansion profiles (extenders) - profiles designed to increase the height of the window frame profile.

Gorbylki - profiles designed for dividing the fields of glazing of the wings.

Decorative overlays - overhead decorative profiles glued to the double-glazed window from the inside and outside and forming a false cover.

Low tides - profiles designed to drain water from the window structure.

Cladding profiles - trim profiles window slopes(corners, platbands, flashings, etc.). Facing profiles can form various systems.

Controlled ventilation - the organization of ventilation of premises with different air exchange rates due to the design solutions of products.

Self-ventilation - a system of limited air exchange through the channels of the profile chambers or through the climatic valves built into the window blocks in order to regulate the humidity of the air in the room and prevent condensation on the internal surfaces windows.

Durability - a characteristic of products that determines their ability to maintain performance for a given period, confirmed by the results of laboratory tests and expressed in conditional years of operation (service life).

Definitions of the main details, dimensions and functional areas of profile combinations are given in Figures A.1 and A.2.

Figure A.1 - Main details of the profile combination
1 - box; 2 - outer seal gasket; 3 - base lining; 4 - support lining; 5 - outer sealing gasket of a double-glazed window; 6 - internal sealing gasket of a double-glazed window; 7 - double-glazed window; 8 - glazing bead; 9 - reinforcing leaf insert; 10 - sash; 11 - inner seal gasket; 12 - reinforcing box insert

Figure A.2 - The main dimensions and functional areas of the details of the combination of profiles
A - the height of the combination of profiles; A1 - leaf profile height; A2 - box profile height; B - profile combination width; B1 - sash profile width; B2 - box profile width; a1 - the size of the backlash (gap in the narthex); a2 - the size of the porch under the overlay; a3 - the height of the fold (quarter) of the glazing; a4 - the height of the pinching of the double-glazed window; b1 - the size of the gap under the overlay; b2 - the thickness of the double-glazed window

Documentation for the manufacture of window and balcony door blocks from PVC profiles must contain the following data:
B.1 Window and door units
The design description should include:
ways and schemes of opening windows;
methodology for calculating the main and functional dimensions;
tables (diagrams) of the maximum allowable dimensions (proportions) of sashes;
types and sizes of reinforcing inserts used depending on the size of sashes, frames, imposts, crossbars;
drawings of the location of holes for water drainage, drainage of glazing seams, wind pressure compensation, indicating their number and size;
the number and location of locking devices;
additional requirements for windows made of colored profiles.
B.2 PVC profiles:
sections of profiles indicating their functions and dividing into main and additional profiles, profile articles;
basic and functional dimensions of profiles;
sections of combinations of profiles with basic dimensions;
information about the physical and mechanical characteristics and durability of PVC profiles.
B.3 Reinforcing inserts:
type and thickness of anti-corrosion coating;
sections with basic dimensions;
moments of inertia (E x J),
B.4 Sealing gaskets:
material, dimensions, cross-sectional shapes, recommended requirements.
B.5 Glazing:
a table with possible combinations of double-glazed window designs, sealing gaskets and glazing beads;
scheme for installing linings for glazing.
B.6 Profile connections (corner, impost, etc.):
for welded joints - design strength for all main profiles;
for mechanical connections - a description of the fittings, reinforcements, fasteners, seals and sealants.
B. 7 Window fixtures and hinges:
opening options;
designation various types window appliances;
location of devices and loops;
restrictions on the weight and size of the valves;
characteristics of the protective and decorative coating;
conditions for adjusting locking devices and hinges.
B.8 Technological documentation for the manufacture of windows:
Technological documentation for the manufacture of windows should include process flow charts, technological regulations, including quality control regulations, and other necessary documents.
B.9 Typical installation instructions for products
B. 10 Instructions for use of products
General requirements for the installation of products are given in Appendix D.

Figure B.1 - System of functional holes
1 - drain holes; 2 - holes for draining the cavity between the edges of the double-glazed window and the folds of the profiles; 3 - holes for compensation of wind pressure; 4 - holes for ventilation of the outer chambers of colored profiles

Figure B.2 — Location of functional holes

Figure B.3 - Intra-profile duct self-ventilation system
1 - the gap between the frame and the leaf, through which the outside air enters the chamber before the middle seal. The outer seal is installed only in the upper bar of the box; 2 - a special ventilation chamber in the upper bar of the box, through which air enters the cavity between the box and the sash behind the internal seal; 3 - a system of displaced openings in the sash, through which air penetrates into the room; 4 - sound-absorbing pillows at the ends of the ventilation chamber in the upper bar of the box

D.1 Requirements for the installation of products are established in the design documentation for construction sites, taking into account the design options adopted in the project for the junction of products to walls, designed for given climatic and other loads.
D.2 Installation of products should be carried out by specialized construction companies. The ending installation work must be confirmed by an acceptance certificate, which includes the warranty obligations of the manufacturer of the work.
D.3 At the request of the consumer (customer), the manufacturer (supplier) of products must provide him with standard instructions for the installation of window and balcony door blocks made of PVC profiles, approved by the head of the manufacturer and containing:
drawings (diagrams) of standard mounting junctions;
list of materials used (taking into account their compatibility and temperature conditions applications);
the sequence of technological operations for the installation of window blocks.

Figure D.1 - An example of a window block mounting assembly
1 - window box; 2 - foam insulation; 3 - sealing gasket; 4 - mounting dowel; 5 - window sill

D.4 In the design and execution of junction nodes, the following conditions must be met:
sealing of mounting gaps between products and slopes of openings of wall structures should be dense, tight around the entire perimeter of the window, designed to withstand climatic loads from the outside and operating conditions inside the premises.
The version of the mounting unit of the window block is shown in Figure D.1;
the design of the junction points (including the location of the window block along the depth of the opening) should prevent the formation of cold bridges (thermal bridges) that lead to the formation of condensate on the internal surfaces of window openings;
the operational characteristics of the structures of the junction points (heat transfer resistance, sound insulation, air and water permeability) must meet the requirements established in building codes;
the vapor barrier of the joints from the side of the premises should be denser than from the outside;
the design of the junction points must ensure reliable drainage of rainwater and condensate to the outside. Penetration of moisture into wall structures and premises is not allowed;
when choosing the filling of mounting gaps, operational temperature changes in the overall dimensions of the products should be taken into account.

In order to increase the reliability of the thermal insulation of the mounting unit, it is recommended to use window blocks with a box width of at least 80 mm.

(Revised edition, Amend. 2001)

D.5 The following should be used as fasteners for mounting products:
flexible anchors complete with screws and dowels;
building dowels;
mounting screws;
special mounting systems (e.g. with adjustable mounting feet).

Options for mounting fasteners are shown in Figure D.2 and are selected depending on the design of the wall.

Figure D.2 - Variants of mounting points
a - attachment point with a mounting dowel; b- fastening unit with a construction screw; c - attachment point with anchor plate

It is not allowed to use sealants, adhesives, foam insulation, as well as building nails for fastening products.

D.6 Window blocks should be installed according to the level. The deviation from the vertical and horizontal of the sides of the boxes of mounted products should not exceed 1.5 mm per 1 m of length, but not more than 3 mm for the height of the product.

D.7 The distance between fasteners when mounting white products with profiles reinforced with steel inserts should not exceed 700 mm, in other cases - no more than 600 mm (Figure D.3).

Figure D.Z - Location of fasteners
wall attachment points

(Revised edition, Amend. 2001)

D.8 To fill mounting gaps (seams), silicone sealants, pre-compressed PSUL sealing tapes (compression tapes), insulating polyurethane foam cords, foam heaters, mineral wool and other materials that have a hygienic conclusion and provide the required performance of the seams. Foam heaters should not have bitumen-containing additives and increase their volume after completion of installation work.

D.9 To transfer loads in the plane of the window (weight) of the product to the building structure, load-bearing pads made of polymeric materials with a hardness of at least 80 units are used. Shore A or hardwood. To fix the position of the window block in the wall, spacers are used.

With multilayer wall structures, when the window block is installed in the insulation zone, the loads must be transferred to the load-bearing part of the wall.

Wooden wedges used for temporary fixation of products during installation must be removed before sealing the installation joints.

D.10 In the case of assembly blocking of window blocks between themselves or with balcony door blocks, the connection of products should be made through special connecting profiles, which may have reinforcing inserts to increase the strength characteristics of products. The connection must be tight, excluding blowing and penetration of moisture, compensating for the thermal expansion of products.

Options for blocking the window and balcony door blocks are shown in Figure D.4.

D.11 Removal of the protective film from the front surfaces of the profiles should be carried out after the installation of products and finishing the mounting opening, taking into account that the duration of exposure to sunlight on the protective film should not exceed ten days.

Figure D.4 - An example of a blocking unit for a window and balcony door unit
1 - window block; 2 - door balcony block; 3 - coupling screw; 4 - silicone sealant; 5 - flashing

Annex D (informative) Information about the developers of the standard

This standard has been developed working group specialists composed of:
N.V. Shvedov, Gosstroy of Russia, head;
V.A. Tarasov, ZAO KVE-Window Technologies;
H. Scheitler, KBE GmbH;
Yu.P. Alexandrov, JSC "TsNIIPromzdaniy";
T.V. Vlasov, CA window and door technology;
V.A. Lobanov, NIISF RAASN;
V.G. Milkov, S.I. Tikhomirov, NUEPC "Interregional Window Institute";
B.C. Savich, GP CNS.

Key words: window blocks, door balcony blocks, PVC profile, profile system, vestibule, overlay, reinforcing insert, sealing gaskets, self-ventilation