How to open a marriage agency in a small town. How to open a marriage agency: tips, tricks, business details

  • 23.09.2019

self-organize Marriage Agency- this is perhaps one of the most extraordinary ways to generate income. What could be better than making people happy?! It is you who will begin to look for their soul mates for people, and they will be grateful to you for this. You will not only receive material benefits from what you are doing, but you will also be morally satisfied, since the mission you have chosen - "to collide the fates of people" - is considered noble and in demand. In just a few months of work, you can achieve tremendous success in this field.

However, without a competent organization of your own business, you can’t do it here. The question of how to open a marriage agency can be confusing for some. Certainly he demands detailed analysis. The following recommendation will be primarily useful to those who intend to engage in acquaintances on a professional basis.

Where to begin?

Before you open a marriage agency, you should study in detail the situation in this type of activity, at least on the scale of your locality. Read materials from printed publications, advertisements, advertising information on how to properly organize a business.

For example, analyze the price level in your city for the services of a "professional matchmaker". Chat with your friends or acquaintances - it is possible that one of them has some experience in the field of activity that interests you. It will not be superfluous to sign up for a consultation with specialists who help you find your destiny as a client and explore the material, so to speak, from the inside.

Prepare a business plan

Do you want to know how to open a marriage agency? Do not hurry. First, you should draw up a detailed business plan for the marriage agency. In this document, you should thoroughly work out all the details and prospects for your future enterprise.

For example, you must determine the specialization of your activity, namely: will you look for wives or husbands only among your compatriots, or will foreign citizens also appear in your client base. Perhaps you want to open an international marriage agency.

That is why the services of a “professional matchmaker” are in high demand today: Russian women dream of a foreign husband, and a certain part of our representatives of the stronger sex prefers to marry girls from Europe, Africa and the USA. Also in your business plan, you must detail the cost estimate (rental of premises, purchase of equipment, wage employees) and predict how long it will take you to recoup your investment.

How to open a marriage agency? There is nothing difficult in this. Remember that the main goal is to select the ideal candidate for the role of spouse or husband. The principle of the marriage agency is quite simple: the more you manage to "connect hearts", the better. The popularity rating of your company will depend on this.

So, the business plan is developed and the goal is defined.

The next step is to register your business with the tax authority. As a rule, this procedure is done fairly quickly (3-7 days).

As a result, in your hands you will have documents confirming the legality of your business. What's next? Let's move on to the practical side of the question of how to organize a marriage agency.

Choose a room

The choice of the location of your marriage agency should be approached responsibly and seriously. It is better to choose an area with developed infrastructure. The building you are renting from must be close to shopping centers, supermarkets, hotels, cafes and restaurants. The place must be respectable. One square meter of rent can cost you about 2,000 rubles a month. Think over the design of your office in advance.

Provide an area in the room in which the representative of the weaker sex over a cup of coffee could discuss with her friends the proposed candidates for the role of "life partner". The interior of the office should be made in a business style, which, at the same time, would encourage the client to a confidential dialogue. It is optimal if the area of ​​the office you rent will not exceed 50 square meters. To decorate the interior and make repairs, you will need about 200,000 rubles.

What will be required from the equipment?

You must be aware that each hired employee must be provided with a workplace and have necessary set office equipment: computer, scanner, printer, copier. Also indoors you will need cushioned furniture to make customers feel as comfortable as possible. As a result, your wallet will be empty for another 300,000 rubles.

Hiring staff

Paradoxical as it may sound, but in the organization of a marriage agency, the ability to understand the psychology of the individual is of paramount importance, while the financial side of the matter is secondary. And one of the main components successful business is a competent selection of personnel. You will need a couple of smart specialists who can thoroughly understand the peculiarities of interpersonal relationships. With their help, you will be able to find out as accurately as possible what qualities the chosen one or chosen one of the client should have.

Many people ask the elementary question: “Why can long-term relationships between people be ultimately doomed to failure?” It's all about their psychological incompatibility. To minimize this risk, you need the help of experts.

With the help of consultations and tests, they will definitely select the ideal pair for the client. Do not forget that you will pay for the work of specialists: one employee will cost you approximately 30,000 rubles per month. At a minimum, you will need two psychologists.

Making people happy and getting paid for it is quite real: this is what marriage agencies came up with. Marriage agency is one of the most profitable types business, as the need for love and creating a family will always be relevant. Entering this business does not require large financial costs, but it implies the desire and ability to successfully interact with people - after all, in this business you will have to earn money on such a delicate subject as feelings.

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  • How to open a small marriage agency: choose a place for an office
  • What you need to know when opening a marriage agency
  • The real story of the creation of a marriage agency
  • How marriage agencies work
  • Compiling financial plan marriage agency
  • How much money do you need to open a marriage agency?
  • How much can you earn by opening a marriage agency?
  • How to draw up documents for opening a marriage agency
  • Taxation system

How to open a marriage agency from scratch

People who are looking for options to start their own business and are considering this type of entrepreneurship are wondering how to open a marriage agency from scratch.

First you need to decide in which market you will work. Can successfully create marriage unions within your own country, or you can enter the national and international markets. To enter the international level, you will need a good knowledge of English and cooperation with foreign marriage agencies that can provide you with a base of potential clients, mostly men interested in foreign wives. Another option is to build your own customer base from scratch, but this will require time and advertising costs.

If the scale of your city is enough for you, then you can limit yourself to its borders. But it is more promising to do this business throughout the country and even around the world, especially since it is enough to have an office at one point. Almost all work with clients can be done online.

Most agencies accept cash contributions only from males, but this does not oblige you to work by the same rules.

How to open your marriage agency and make money from it

Marriage agency does not require high costs and yet there will be costs. In addition to the initial costs of registering an individual entrepreneur, renting premises and salaries of employees, you will also have to spend money on advertising. It is very important that people know about you. It is also important to create a good reputation for your business.

Be sure to analyze competitors, their methods of work, promotion and base collection. If your city has a solvent population and there are no marriage agencies yet, most likely, the start will not be difficult. In this case, you will only have to compete with free dating sites. But there are many frivolous users on these sites: people who are really interested in starting a family are more likely to go to a marriage agency with a serious selection of candidates. Your task is to make yourself known to potential customers, and then - to create a reliable reputation. At first, it is important to invest in advertising and quickly build a customer base.

If there are competitors (and most likely there are), you need to carefully analyze their offers so that your agency is competitive. Read more about that in 2019.

In our time, the marriage business is considered a kind of prestigious and elite area. In addition to high status, such enterprises bring enough big income, which makes one think about the possibility of developing own business in this direction.

What is the high demand for the services of marriage agencies? Nowadays, most young people make acquaintances on the Internet, and finding their soulmate outside the virtual world is difficult. And the representatives of the older generation, who devote all their energies to their careers and everyday worries, often do not have time to spend it on acquaintances. Marriage agencies are focused on these categories of clients, whose mission is to help people find their life partners. And, of course, to receive a certain profit from this.

Opening a marriage agency is a positive and useful thing

How to open your own marriage agency:

  1. Tax registration and state registration

Any entrepreneurial activity necessarily requires state registration. Marriage agencies are also subject to this procedure. Fortunately, this line of business does not provide for obtaining a license, so it will be enough to register the enterprise as a private enterprise (FL-P). The marriage agency is taxed according to a standard unified system.

Prepare all the necessary documentation when registering a company

  1. Market analysis

Market analysis is the first thing a novice entrepreneur should work on. This applies to absolutely any type of business, marriage agencies are no exception. Market research in the chosen direction and region will allow you to get information about the presence of competitors, their activities, pricing policy. All this will serve as the basis for organizing your own business, taking into account its characteristics.

  1. Room. Choice and design.

The agency needs an office to receive clients and conduct conversations with them. A small rented apartment is perfect as an office. It is not worth talking about such a need as a worthy repair and interior design in a pre-designed style. The entrance to the office should also be decorated in the chosen style. And the use of photographs and reviews of previous customers in the design will be an excellent recommendation for the company, noticeable after the first visit.

It is recommended to locate the agency in the city center, or in another place with high traffic. And the office should not only be properly furnished, but also have all the equipment necessary for work: computers, scanners, fax and printer. Separately, it should be noted the need for constant access to the Internet.

  1. What services to offer?

Of course, the profitability of a marriage agency directly depends on the range of services that it is ready to provide to the client. But it is not necessary to provide all available species services at the initial stages of company development. You can start with a small selection of standard offerings and expand the range of services as the firm grows. The main services of a marriage agency are as follows:

– providing information about brides and grooms in printed or in electronic format;

– periodic replenishment of the register of clients with the subsequent placement of questionnaires both in your agency and in agencies related to you by cooperation;

– implementation of acquaintances of clients, organization of dates, honeymoons;

– partnership with foreign firms, search for candidates for clients in their databases;

– an agreement with a professional photographer, makeup artist, services of a lawyer and a translation specialist.

  1. How the agency works

The main work of a marriage agency is to process a database into which information about future clients who want to meet is entered. As a rule, the database of male profiles is formed first. To create it, it is recommended to establish ties with foreign enterprises in this field, but it is quite possible to create it by your own company. However, contacts with partners in any case will bring considerable benefits to your business.

If you are thinking of creating your own database "with clean slate”, then the use of social networks or other Internet resources will be of great help. In the case of a partnership between your agency and another, the profits are usually shared equally among all participating agencies. It is also important that your firm is of interest to cooperation with potential partner agencies. This will require the creation of a website that will host and update information about your company. And creating a web page with a choice of user language will make it easier for you to find clients abroad.

Marriage agency is a positive business

Creating a database of potential brides and grooms also requires a special approach. For high-quality work of the agency, especially at first, the selection must be carried out very carefully. The attractiveness of your first customers will shape your firm's reputation. Subsequently, when the database is filled with several thousand questionnaires, the recruitment rules can be simplified. It is also very important to remember that in any marriage agency the number of female profiles is much larger than that of male ones.

  1. How much will it cost to open such a business?

If you decide to open your own marriage agency, you will need certain financial expenses for state registration, rent suitable premises, office decoration, purchase of technical equipment. Some financial costs will require the creation of the site. The minimum initial investment is about $2,000.

In addition to the first investment, monthly costs must also be taken into account:

  • office rental fee
  • tax payments
  • site content
  • payment cellular communication(including international),
  • maintenance of office equipment
  • communal payments

It will cost about $590 per month.

  1. Profitability of the enterprise

The main income for marriage agencies is brought by the so-called "honeymoons" paid by foreign clients. On average, for one such trip, a groom from another country is ready to pay 2.5-4.5 thousand dollars. However, at first, until the agency has established contacts with foreign firms, you will receive income mainly from organizing correspondence of clients, their meetings and acquaintances. In addition, some of the profits will come from the services of a photographer and make-up artist for photography for the catalog and direct placement of photos on the site.

If your agency belongs to the club category, then profit is made according to a different scheme. The services of such firms are paid exclusively by male clients in the form of a subscription fee and additional payment for information about the girl who is interested in the client.

  1. How quickly will it pay off?

The payback of funds invested in the development of a marriage agency directly depends on its scale, client database. An important factor is its location - profits in more developed cities are higher. The average payback period will be about 1-2 years.

Choosing a life partner is an important step that should be approached responsibly. Many modern women and men are looking for their happiness on the Internet on dating sites and in social networks. Such a popular way of dating could not fail to interest scammers, so you should be very careful not to fall into their cleverly placed networks.

To protect yourself and find a really suitable applicant for the role of a spouse who meets all the parameters and requirements, you can use the services of marriage agencies. It is about this idea of ​​​​earnings that we will talk in our today's publication. How to open a marriage agency? How much does it cost and what is the profitability of this type of business?

marriage agency business plan

Before proceeding with the implementation of this, it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan with calculations. What is it for? The fact is that with the help of a business plan, you can not only control the step-by-step process of implementing an idea, but also appropriately distribute the available money. As a result, the payback of the project will come in the shortest possible time, which is important.

Stages of a marriage agency business plan:

  1. Evaluation of the profitability of a business idea. At the initial stage, you need to properly analyze your future project, assess the demand for the service, competition in the chosen field of activity, and also determine the amount of financial investments;
  2. Business registration. At this stage, you have to collect and arrange the entire package required documents to open a marriage agency;
  3. Search and rental of premises. It is necessary to evaluate all options, their advantages and disadvantages and make the right choice;
  4. Acquisitions necessary equipment for productive work;
  5. Search for employees and execution of employment contracts with them;
  6. Advertising campaign to attract customers;
  7. Calculation of profit and payback period of the project.

Don't neglect this important point like writing a detailed business plan. Believe me, even experienced entrepreneurs start implementing an idea immediately after drawing up a detailed business plan.

Scheme: statistics of marriage agencies

How to open a marriage agency from scratch?

Novice entrepreneurs are always interested in the question of how much it costs. Therefore, we cannot ignore such an important point.

It is rather difficult to name the exact amount needed to open a marriage agency. After all, it directly depends on the cost of renting a place, buying equipment, paying employees, etc.

Where to get the necessary amount of money?

Finding money to implement your own project is quite difficult, but there are several options that will certainly suit you.

  • Credit. One of the most simple ways getting money is getting a loan from a bank. But this is a rather risky step, so before you decide, you need to carefully consider everything, weigh the pros and cons.
  • Search for an investor. One of the most good ways obtaining the necessary amount of money to invest in the business. But this option is quite difficult to implement, because to find the right person who will be interested in your idea is not so easy.

What do you need to open a marriage agency?

  • Business registration. First of all, it is required to determine the substantive form of activity. In this case, the most appropriate and least costly option is to register as an individual entrepreneur;
  • Establish cooperation with foreign marriage agencies that will provide you with a database of their clients, potential brides and grooms;
  • Create a dating site where you will advertise your services, register your clients and look for a suitable match for them;
  • Create a database of potential brides and grooms. It is necessary to carefully fill out each questionnaire, write detailed information about the candidate and attach his successful photos.

Premises for rent

It is desirable to locate the dating service office in the central part of the city. If the property does not have suitable premises, then it should be rented. Naturally, renting a place in the center is not cheap, but believe me, all costs will pay off very quickly if you correctly approach the implementation of the idea.

Indoors required to do good repair, I do not advise you to save on this if you are going to serve elite clients. It is very important that visitors feel comfortable. Therefore, the interior, furniture, office equipment, everything should be located in its place and harmoniously combined with each other.

For creating comfortable conditions labor, you will need to purchase comfortable furniture. It is best for visitors to offer to sit on soft sofas, and for employees to equip them with everything necessary. workplace. Of the equipment, you will need modern computers, a scanner, a copier, a printer. In addition, it is required to install a safe in the office, where important documents will be stored. It is also required to install security programs on the computer so that only employees have access to the database with personal information about customers.

Search for employees to work in a marriage agency

It is very responsible to take the recruitment of personnel for work in a dating agency. Candidates for the position must meet certain requirements: a pleasant, but not vulgar appearance, education (preferably a psychologist), experience in similar organizations, attentiveness, the ability to communicate and listen to people. In general, your employees must be impeccable so that every client is satisfied with their work and the quality of the services of your agency. Believe me, reputation is very important, to earn good feedback It is quite difficult, but you can lose trust in one moment.

It is necessary to conclude employment contracts with people hired, in which a condition should be prescribed on non-disclosure of personal data about clients.

In addition to consultants on the selection of brides and grooms, it is necessary to hire a photographer as well. His task is to photograph potential candidates in order to be able to attach a portfolio with the most successful photographs to the questionnaire.

Profit from dating agency

Your income will be the envy of many specific moments. It should be understood that each marriage agency earns differently.

Dating agency?

  • You can charge a fee for registering on a dating site;
  • Set a certain amount for your services. Some agencies take payment only from suitors, others, from all potential clients;
  • The marriage agency also receives money from the sale of a database of brides or grooms;
  • Another way to earn money is to organize personal meetings between the candidates you like;
  • In addition, the agency is paid a certain amount for the opportunity to correspond, provide the address and other personal data of the client, the ability to view additional photos graphics, etc.

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How to attract clients?


  1. Good location. The agency, which is located in the city center, is very difficult not to notice. Therefore, pay attention to this important point;
  2. Title and sign. A bright sign and a sonorous, memorable name will certainly attract the attention of customers;
  3. Advertising in the media and on television. If finances allow, then you can advertise your organization in popular magazines that women love to read, as well as on television and radio.
  4. Internet advertising. A dating site must be promoted on the Internet by everyone accessible ways. Also, do not forget about social networks, be sure to create your own group there.
The payback of the business, of course, depends on the performance of you and the agency team, as well as its popularity and credibility gained over years of hard work. The approximate payback period of a marriage agency is about 1-2 years. You should not count on a stable profit in this business, income will depend on your efforts. Therefore, you will have to work constantly, because a marriage agency does not belong to the types of passive income. Before deciding on such a responsible step as opening a marriage agency, weigh all the pros and cons in order to make sure that the decision is correct and the business is profitable.