The corrugation for the toilet is short. Corrugation for the toilet: product options and their purpose

  • 13.06.2019
Manufacturer Model WC-F20P Style modern Warranty 2 years Material plastic Color White Release direction direct Purpose for toilet Application area household The form round Add. information Colour: white, matt Seal: nitroelastomer Maximum stretched length: 410 mm Inlet (toilet): 90 to 110 mm Outlet to sewer: 110 mm The country Great Britain Sales discount corrugated toilet bowl

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When designing a bathroom, the priorities are safety, practicality and functionality. These requirements apply to plumbing, and to furniture, and to decorative elements interior, as well as various additional accessories, without which the operation of the equipment is impossible. Corrugation for toilet bowl 200mm McAlpine WC-F20 P and other accessories for sanitary ware can easily cope with high loads due to a solid indicator of strength, and also ensure the smooth operation of all systems. This product is worth buying also because it meets the highest standards. This allowed the manufacturers to gain an excellent reputation in the market.

Pickup. Pickup is free. Self-delivery point address: Moscow Region, Tomilino, Novoryazanskoye Highway 25km, st16, Pavilions 24G, 53B, the territory of the Stroymarket on Ryazanka market. Working hours: Mon-Sun, 9:00-19:00.

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If the value of the goods is more than 25,000 rubles. (excluding the discount: that is, taking into account the discount, the cost of the goods may cost less than 25,000 rubles), then we will deliver this product to you free of charge within Moscow (inside the Moscow Ring Road) and the territory adjacent to our warehouse (see map). in the event that the total cost of goods with free delivery is not less than 70% of the order amount, or when the order amount is more than 35,000 rubles. (including the discount: that is, the amount of the order, including the discount, must exceed 35,000 rubles).

Rise to the floor. Based on the specifics of the goods, as well as the fact that delivery is carried out by our delivery service, in most cases, by car (parking problems in Moscow), then all delivery is carried out to the entrance. Rise to the floor (with an elevator / without an elevator) is a paid service, its possibility, as well as the cost, are negotiated separately and in advance with the manager accepting the order. If the goods are oversized (up to 5 kg), then, at the request of the buyer, the forwarding agent-courier can deliver the goods to the door, but is not obliged to do this: forwarders are kind people and will almost always help the elderly and pensioners to lift the goods.

Toilet corrugation McALPINE WC-F20P

It is intended for connection of a toilet bowl with system of the sewer pipeline.

The sliding toilet flush is manufactured by UK manufacturer Mcalpine, which has long been one of the world's leading sanitary ware manufacturers. The corrugation for the toilet Mcalpine WC-F20P is made in accordance with all the necessary quality standards of GOST, both European and Russian standards, and is confirmed by certificates of quality and conformity.


Corrugation Mcalpine (Makalpayn) WC-F20P for a toilet bowl has a number of advantages:

  • Ease of installation
  • Long service life
  • Resistant to high and low temperatures
  • Flexibility to create turns
  • High wall smoothness

Materials and specifications

Corrugation Mcalpine WC-F20P is made from polypropylene. Toilet insert inlet: 97-107 mm. The outlet of the insert into the sewer: 90-110 mm. Having such characteristics, the corrugation can be connected to most types of modern toilet bowls and sewer pipelines, regardless of their size.

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Corrugation for the toilet: product options and their purpose

Previously, only one material was used to install the sewer pipe system and the toilet bowl - cast iron. Pipes, risers, elbows, a collector were cast iron, but this metal has not very many advantages for such a system. The fact is that cast iron is rough, that is, all sewer pipes quickly become overgrown with dirt and the need to clean them often arises. But over time, not only the connection scheme changes, but also the materials used for the production of various nodes.

Corrugation for the toilet, there are both plastic and cast iron. In houses built in Soviet time you can find a cast-iron corrugation of the toilet bowl. In our current time, to replace the cast-iron corrugations, they began to make plastic corrugations for the toilet.

Instead of difficult to install, heavy and not very high-quality cast-iron pipes, light, but very durable and high-quality plastic pipes are increasingly being used. One of the connection leaders household toilet from the outlet to the sewer socket is a special corrugation for the toilet, that is, a pipe of a special shape.

Such a corrugation is an adapter, which is made of thermoplastic materials that are stretchable and do not lose their strength. Corrugation refers to spillway fittings. It is a special flexible sleeve with a cuff, along which drains flow from the outlet to sewer pipe. Today, the corrugation is produced with sizes from 231 to 500 mm, its diameters at the end are 110 mm (for a sewer riser), on the side connected to the outlet - 134 mm on the outside and 75 mm on the inside.

Corrugated pipes-adapters are mounted quite simply on the toilet bowl; this does not require special experience or expensive equipment, which makes the corrugation so popular these days.

Pros and cons of using

Corrugation for the toilet bowl has numerous advantages that have made it the most popular recently:

  • very simple, convenient installation, which anyone can handle;
  • if necessary, displacement, transfer of the toilet corrugation - almost the only connection option;
  • when installing a temporary toilet, when the bathroom is still being repair work;
  • if the types of equipment outlet and the socket of the sewer system in the house do not match.

Not always corrugation for toilets is an excellent option for connection, there are some disadvantages of using it, which should be mentioned:

  1. Ordinary soft corrugation is not very durable, its walls are quite easy to damage. This must be taken into account during operation and installation.
  2. The corrugation for the toilet bowl can only be used for open areas, that is, its installation in the wall is impossible.
  3. Such pipes sag, that is, blockages are often observed during operation, especially if the angle of rotation is significant.
  4. There is one drawback that is not related to the characteristics of the pipe itself, but is quite important during installation. The problem is that the market today is simply littered with low-quality fakes, so you need to buy pipes only from a trusted supplier.

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Appointment corrugations for the toilet

Corrugated toilet pipe has good flexibility. It can be made longer or shorter as it stretches well.

A modern toilet corrugation is sometimes the only way to perform installation in the required position. It is not always possible with the help of ordinary rigid pipes to make a connection to the sewer in the selected position or when using a certain model of it, if the socket is simply not intended for it. Let us consider in more detail in which cases the use of corrugations is required, what mounting options can be used, what types of corrugated flexible pipe offered by experts today.

Corrugation for the toilet bowl is used in several cases:

  1. If necessary, axial displacement of the toilet bowl in relation to the sewer socket. There are quite a few such cases today. This is the flooring tiles on the floor, which raises the equipment, that is, it is no longer possible to use rigid ordinary pipes. There is an option when the plumbing equipment is simply transferred to another place, more convenient for use. In each such case, the outlet line of the toilet and socket sewer exit will no longer match, which means that the use of a special flexible corrugation for the toilet is required.
  2. The second case concerns the release itself and what type of sewer socket it is intended for. Manufacturers today offer toilet bowls with the most different types release, but, for example, old apartment buildings are intended only for installation of oblique release. Therefore, if you have purchased equipment with a horizontal or vertical outlet, you will only need a corrugated pipe to connect to the sewer system, which can bend at any angle, while maintaining its qualities.

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Types of corrugations for the toilet

To connect a corrugated pipe for a domestic toilet, various types of it can be used. Such pipes are not only traditional soft, but also rigid, more reliable and durable. But, despite this, it is the soft corrugation that is more popular today, since it is much easier and faster to install, the connection is made for any type of toilet outlet, since the soft corrugated pipe can be bent at any angle. Such options are more acceptable.

Today, manufacturers offer corrugations for the toilet bowl, simple, unreinforced and reinforced. For reinforced, rigidity is provided with a small diameter wire that reinforces the walls of the sewer pipe. This variety is more expensive than non-reinforced, but its service life is much higher, and the indicators of reliability and strength are excellent.

The toilet corrugation is a flexible corrugated pipe that is attached to the toilet drain hole.

Also, corrugated pipes for mounting a household toilet can be divided into short and long. In this case, the choice depends on how far the toilet is from the sewer socket. Experts do not recommend taking pipes that are too short in the hope that they will stretch end-to-end during installation. This option is quite risky, leaks are possible.

When choosing a corrugation for installation, attention should also be paid to what pipe diameter is needed, although manufacturers today are trying to offer standard solutions, that is, choosing exactly the type that is needed is quite simple.

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Corrugation installation process

To provide correct installation corrugations for the toilet, you will first have to prepare tools such as:

  • perforator or drill with a percussion function;
  • ruler or tape measure;
  • silicone-based sealant;
  • flexible corrugated pipe of required length;
  • FUM tape (can be replaced with tow);
  • supply hose cold water to the toilet;
  • toilet of the selected design;
  • set of adjustable wrenches for connecting water supply to the tank.

After the tools are prepared, you can proceed with the installation of the toilet bowl and its connection to common system house sewerage.

First you need to properly position the toilet, fix it on the floor surface. After that, the outlet is cleaned, as well as the socket of the sewer pipe. It is necessary to follow that inner part the socket was as clean and even as possible, knock down all the remaining cement with a chisel or a special nozzle on the puncher. Then wipe the bell inside with a dry rag.

Before you start installing the corrugations on the toilet, you need to make sure that there are no traces of mucus, dirt, cement and other debris on the socket and outlet, which can cause a defect in the adapter.

The corrugated pipe itself is very easy to install, a special rubber seal is pulled over the outlet. In this case, you can apply force, it stretches perfectly, after which it takes its previous position, tightening the knot.

To treat the joints to avoid leaks, it is recommended to use silicone sealant. The composition is applied in a circle, after which the corrugation is fixed. It is necessary to try not to displace it until the sealant is completely dry. Outside, it is completely useless to process the pipe, so do not forget about this most important step.

After that, you can fix the toilet in the chosen place so that it does not stagger or move. After that, the corrugation for the toilet bowl can be attached to the sewer socket. A sealant is also used here, which will not only protect against possible leaks, but also prevent unpleasant odors from entering the room, which is very important when using plumbing equipment such as a toilet bowl.

Non-pressure plastic corrugations greatly simplify the process of connecting plumbing equipment to the sewer system. Previously, socket pipes made of cast iron PTCHK (including their fittings) were used for this purpose, which were regulated by GOST 6942-98. Now they are being confidently replaced by plastic fittings, which have undeniable advantages.

It should be noted that modern socketless pipes (both pressure and non-pressure), as well as ductile iron products, have a special inner layer that allows them to improve their technical characteristics. An example is the products of Pam-Global, Duker, SML.

Corrugation for a toilet bowl is much better than cast iron products, since it has less weight, a lower price, a longer service life, it is not difficult to clean such fittings; chasing and fittings are not required to connect a cast iron pipe to a plastic one. In addition, if after the repair in the bathroom the floor level changes (as a result of which the toilet bowl rises), the corrugation will not need to be replaced.

Note that the corrugated plastic pipe is intended only for outdoor installation, it cannot be embedded in the wall; cast iron or metal pipe fittings are used for this purpose.

How to choose

Before you buy a corrugation to connect the toilet, you need to decide on its type and size. It makes sense to consider this issue in more detail.


The corrugations used to connect the toilet may differ in the following parameters:

  • elasticity, corrugated pipe is soft and hard. The latter is more durable and wear-resistant. Soft corrugations are universal, they can be installed on any toilet, regardless of what type of outlet it has (vertical, oblique or horizontal). The good elasticity of such a pipe greatly simplifies installation;
  • reinforcement, to strengthen the rigidity of the structure, thin steel wire can be used; such a corrugated toilet pipe has a much longer service life than conventional counterparts. True, and the price for it is higher;
  • length, it can vary between 20-50 centimeters. When making a choice, it is necessary to take into account the distance from the toilet to the place where you want to embed the corrugation. We recommend taking the length with a margin, this minimizes the risk of leakage.


Despite the fact that corrugated pipes used to connect various plumbing equipment can have a diameter of 50, 100 or 200 mm, the dimensions of the toilet corrugations are usually standard. The figure below shows where and to what extent there may be discrepancies.

It will not be a problem to buy a corrugation with the necessary parameters; there are many networks of specialized stores selling sanitary equipment. Moreover, they are in almost any city, whether it be Pyatigorsk or Chelyabinsk.

We remind you that a quality product always has a certificate of conformity, of course, the cost of counterfeit products is much lower, but such dubious savings can lead to expensive repairs being required. Beware of retail chains selling counterfeit products.

Once you have made your choice, you can proceed to the installation process, which, as a rule, begins with the dismantling of the old plumbing equipment.


Before installing the corrugation and connecting it to a new toilet bowl, it is necessary to dismantle the old one. For this work, you need to stock up on rags and prepare a bucket (or rather a few).

The sequence of actions of the preparatory process:

  • turn off the supply of water entering the chamber of the drain tank;
  • unscrew the water supply tube;
  • drain the water from the tank;
  • remove the drain pan.

Now you can proceed directly to dismantling. It is immediately necessary to warn if the toilet has been in operation for a long time, then there is a high probability that it has a reliable “grounding”, that is, it is cemented. If so, it will be difficult to remove it without damaging it, and when the toilet neck is also packed with rags and paint, it is almost impossible.

In such a situation, it will be necessary to apply a strong blow with a hammer or sledgehammer of the target to the neck of the toilet in order to split it. The vibration created by the impact acts on the cemented base of the structure, which will help in the work.

Important! Do not hit the sewer pipe, especially if it is made of cast iron. This brittle material can shatter or crack. Note that it will not work to close such a crack, as a result, before installing the corrugation to connect a new toilet bowl, you will have to change the sewer pipe. This will cause additional difficulties.

After the neck is destroyed, we proceed to detach the structure from the floor, for this we try to swing it. If this does not work, we take a chisel and a hammer in our hands and knock the cement off the base. In the process of this, the toilet bowl may crack, from which water will begin to flow, or completely break (there will be even more water), in these cases a bucket and rags will help us.

After separating the structure from the floor, we knock down the remaining cement from it until the surface becomes even. At the final stage, it is necessary to clean the socket by removing the necks from it. For this operation, you can use an old screwdriver. When the pipe is completely cleaned, a plug is put on it so that an unpleasant smell does not spread in the apartment.


Plastic non-pressure corrugation for the toilet greatly simplifies the repair of the bathroom. A few years ago, heavy cast iron pipes. However, today plastic fittings have almost completely replaced the usual overall products.

Advantages and purpose of plastic corrugation

Plastic products have several advantages. Firstly, they are easy to install - anyone can handle the procedure for replacing a pipe. Secondly, corrugation is considered one of the only options in cases of transfer of the toilet bowl or its displacement. Thirdly, a plastic pipe helps with when the repair work in the apartment has not yet been completed. In addition, the pipe will help out in cases where the outlet holes of the toilet bowl and the sewer socket do not match.

A modern plastic pipe often plays the role of the only option for installing the toilet in a certain position. This applies to those cases when the living space in the apartment is very limited, and the structure can only be installed in one position.

In addition, the pipe is used when new. This applies to cases where the old toilet was installed in one place, but after the repair, this part of the toilet becomes occupied by furniture or a washbasin. In order not to displace the entire sewer pipe, you can use a corrugation. In this case, it is best to use long pipes of 50 cm or more.

How to choose a pipe - we share secrets with beginners

The plastic corrugation for a toilet bowl has one big advantage. Both non-pressure and pressure pipes have an inner layer, which significantly increases their technical characteristics. This is clearly seen in the examples of world leaders in the production of corrugated pipes - SML, Duker and Pam-Global.

Installing corrugations on the toilet provides more advantages than installing a cast iron product. It weighs much less than a heavy metal channel, the price of plastic products is much lower, and the service life is many times higher. It is very easy to clean it yourself, and before you install the corrugation on the toilet, you do not need to emboss and use fittings. In addition, if, as a result of repairs in the toilet, the floor height changes and the toilet rises, the corrugation will not need to be changed to a shorter or longer one.

Do not forget that the plastic product cannot be mounted inside the wall, as it will not withstand the load. For this purpose, only cast-iron fittings can cope.

Before you buy a product, remember that each corrugation for the toilet has certain dimensions. In addition, plastic fittings lend themselves to a certain classification. Which type a product belongs to depends on parameters such as:

  • elasticity;
  • reinforcement;
  • length;
  • diameter.

According to the first parameter, pipes are hard and soft. The first type is highly durable and wear resistant, so it can be installed in toilets in industrial plants and large commercial buildings. Soft reinforcement has better elasticity, which makes it easier to install.

Reinforcement is reinforcement plastic fittings special steel wire. The period of operation of reinforced corrugations is many times longer, but the price is, accordingly, much higher.

The armature also differs in length. On sale you can find products with a length of 20 to 50 cm. When buying a product, consider the distance from the place where the corrugation is cut to the toilet. We advise you to buy fittings with a small margin to prevent leakage.

Another important parameter is the dimensions of the reinforcement. Pipes can have a diameter of 5, 10 or 20 cm. This characteristic must be taken into account so as not to buy reinforcement with a cross section larger than necessary. Before going to the store, measure the diameter of the hole in the toilet, and with the resulting size, go to the store.

Do not forget that each product must have its own quality certificate. Be sure to study the marking of fittings and bypass stores with confiscated goods.

Disabling and removing a worn channel

Replacing the corrugation on the toilet requires dismantling old pipe. To do this, be sure to stock up on a few buckets and old rags. First turn off the water supply to cistern. Then unscrew the tube through which water enters. Drain the water from the tank and remove the tank itself.

After that, start dismantling the old corrugation. At the same time, remember that if the toilet has been in operation enough long time, then, most likely, it is firmly cemented into the floor. In this case, dismantling the toilet without damage will be almost impossible. In such a situation, use a hammer to hit the neck of the toilet with a hard blow as if you want to split it. The vibration from the impact will act on the cement base, making removal much easier.

In no case do not strike the pipe itself, especially if it is made of cast iron. As a result, the material may crack or shatter into small fragments. It will not be possible to repair the crack, and to install a new corrugation, you will have to completely change the pipe into the sewer. This will cause difficulties and financial costs.

Once you destroy the neck, you can begin to dismantle the structure. First, try to swing it in different directions. If this does not work, take a hammer and chisel and try to knock down the cement base. Often, as a result of this, the toilet cracks or collapses. In order not to flood the room, collect water with rags.

As soon as you remove the toilet, knock off the remaining cement from it until its bottom is perfectly flat. After that, clean the socket, removing fragments of the toilet neck from it. As soon as you clean the channel, put a plug on it to prevent the smell from spreading throughout the apartment.

Installation of a plastic pipe - performance features

Before changing the worn corrugation on the toilet, we recommend that you study the method in which the fixation is performed using dowels. This method is the simplest and is perfect for beginners. For work you will need:

  • hammer or sledgehammer;
  • tape measure or ruler;
  • liquid Nails;
  • FUM tape or tow;
  • hose for draining cold water from the toilet;
  • set of keys.

The work is done according to a very simple algorithm. First, try on the purchased pipe. To do this, attach the corrugation to the place where it will be attached. So you can see if the diameters of the toilet neck, sewer pipe and corrugation itself match. In addition, in this way you will check whether the new channel is suitable in length.

If necessary, cut the corrugation and start marking. With a marker, mark the points for the dowels and outline the base for the toilet. Install the tank and drain pipe on the toilet. Drill holes with a puncher at the points marked earlier. Start installing the new corrugation. To do this, wipe the pipe with a rag, apply sealant to the gasket ribs and install the pipe into the sewer drain hole.

Treat the second end of the channel with sealant and put it on the toilet neck. If you notice gaps, then be sure to cover them with sealant or.

On the outlined place under the toilet, install rubber gasket and apply a layer of silicone sealant to it. Install the toilet and fasten it securely.

The last step is to check the bathroom. To do this, drain the water from the tank several times and check if it flows out from under the structure.

An alternative solution - how to replace the corrugation?

Despite the many benefits, plastic pipes also have several disadvantages. Among them, a small wall thickness and brittleness in comparison with metal channels stand out. In addition, many residents do not like and appearance the entire product. In this case, you can choose a regular chrome pipe, which looks much better.

If there is no desire to buy and install corrugation, then you can go the alternative way. For example, you can install a toilet with an oblique type outlet. In this case, the latter should be located above the sewer socket. Installing such a design can be quite problematic. You can solve the problem by using polyethylene or PVC pipes. Take the pipe and connect one side of it to the toilet. The other part is connected to the sewer. To seal the connection, use rubber cuffs.

The second method of solving the installation problem involves heating the pipe. To do this, the pipe must be heated until it becomes soft. After that, pull the product over the toilet outlet as quickly as possible. Connect the other end of the pipe to the sewer socket and apply sealant.

You can also use a plastic corner to connect a toilet with a direct type outlet to an oblique sewer socket. There is a wide selection of such items in stores. To prevent water from leaking out from under the corner, be sure to place a rubber seal under the toilet bowl.

Directly when buying, experts advise paying attention to the length of the corrugation. This is especially true for toilets in which the toilet is located away from the wall. On the one hand, the corrugation is able to stretch, however, if the product is strongly stretched, then its walls can become a little thinner. This will adversely affect the strength of the structure.

Masters recommend not to stretch the product immediately before you install it on the toilet. This can only be done when connected to the sewer. Otherwise, the outlet may sag, which will cause clogging of the system. When installing, make sure that the channel bends do not interfere with the normal drainage of water. In no case do not pinch the pipe, so as not to damage the soft product.

It must be remembered that the corrugation is not designed for heavy loads. Try not to clutter it with heavy objects, so that in the end the pipe does not burst.