What is the OGRN of an individual, why is it needed. What is OGRN - what is its decoding and how it is used to check a legal entity

  • 19.10.2019

For more information on what OGRN is for a company, legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Why do you need a registration number, how can you find out or check for authenticity in order to avoid cooperation with non-existent fraudulent companies. Detailed decoding of OGRN and OGRNIP.

OGRN is the main state registration number characterizing the taxpayer (organization, company) operating in the territory Russian Federation. It contains everything you need to tax office information about its owner.

PSRN consists of a combination of 13 digits (х-хх-хх-хх-ххххх-х), each of which carries specific information about the company.

OGRNIP is a registration number for individual entrepreneurs. It contains a combination of 15 digits (х-хх-хх-хххххххх-х).

Decryptions of OGRN and OGRNIP will be given below.

Until July 1, 2002, there was no OGRN. The TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) was used to identify companies and entrepreneurs. However, after the emergence of new forms of ownership and the growth in the number of companies, it was decided to introduce the OGRN and OGRNIP (Federal Law No. 29-FZ of 08.08.2001).

Why do we need OGRN and OGRNIP

OGRN indicates that a legal entity or company (LLC) legally operates on the territory of the Russian Federation and is registered with the tax service.

OGRN is entered into the certificate of registration, which, in turn, is entered into the USR (Unified State Register).

From the OGRN you can find out:

  • The date of registration of the company, legal entity or individual entrepreneur.
  • Form of ownership.
  • The subject of the Russian Federation in which the owner of the PSRN was registered and carries out its activities or is located in fact.

OGRN simplifies the process of obtaining the necessary information about an individual entrepreneur or legal entity to various government agencies.

Who assigns the registration number, and what is needed to obtain it

The tax service has the authority to provide the OGRN. And to get it, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Collection desired package documents and filling out the application of the approved form.
  2. Transfer of documents and applications to the tax service.
  3. Obtaining a certificate of registration.

Just 3 simple steps.

It is worth noting that at the last stage, instead of a certificate, you can receive a notice of refusal to register. It specifies the reasons for the rejection. Such a decision can be challenged in court.

How are the combinations of numbers OGRN and OGRNIP deciphered

The OGRN contains complete information about the time of the creation of the company, about the tax authority to which it is assigned, the subject of the Russian Federation where the legal entity is registered, etc.

As mentioned earlier, the OGRN consists of 13 digits in the form of their combination x-yy-xx-bb-xxxxx-y.

X - form of ownership: 1 - legal entity; 2 - public institution; 3 - individual entrepreneur (in the case of OGRNIP).

YY - year of registration of the organization (for example, 16 means 2016).

XX - government number legal entity.

BB - code of the tax service that carried out the registration.

XXXXX - number of the decision on state registration of a legal entity or company. In OGRNIP, this number contains 7 digits.

OGRN looks like this: OGRN116374074756

OGRNIP has the following combination of numbers: x-yy-bb-хххххххх-y. The decoding of this is:

X - indicates that the number belongs to an individual entrepreneur. In this case, this number will always be 3.

YY - the year the entrepreneur was entered into the register. The last two digits of the year are used (for example, 16).

BB - code of the subject of the Russian Federation (for example, 50 - Moscow), where the IP is registered and operates.

XXXXXXXX - the number of the entry in the state register.

Y - control number.

Thus, OGRNIP looks like this: OGRNIP3165074756725

How to find out your PSRN

To find out which OGRN has been assigned to a company or legal entity, just visit the website of the Federal Tax Service - www.nalog.ru.

On the site, in the menu, you can choose which number you need: for an individual entrepreneur, individual or legal entity.

In the form that appears, you need to enter information about the company:

  • title;
  • subject;
  • the address;
  • date of registration.

If all fields are filled in correctly, the service will show the OGRN or OGRN of interest.

Is it possible to verify the authenticity of the registration number?

You can check the authenticity of the OGRN either on the website of the tax service, or with a calculator at hand. Let's consider the last option.

The full combination of OGRN or OGRN numbers is taken as the initial number. It is necessary to remove the last digit from it. The result obtained is divided by 11 for OGRN and 13 for OGRNIP.

The result obtained is reduced to an integer, and it is multiplied by 11. Thus, a certain number X is obtained, which must be subtracted from the resulting integer. The result should be the last digit, which is initial stage was removed from the room.

In this way, you can find out the authenticity of any OGRN or OGRNIP. This will help protect against fraudsters who pretend to be a legal entity or organization, but in fact are not.

OGRN is main identification number assigned to a legal entity by the state. It is assigned by the Federal Tax Service to an organization in two cases: at the time of state registration of the enterprise upon receipt of the certificate and, if the company was formed before the adoption of Law No. 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities", at the time of the first provision of data on this legal entity.

Definition and application

The abbreviation stands for the main state registration number. It follows from the name that it is assigned once upon formation, does not change throughout the entire period of the company's operation, and only upon liquidation becomes invalid. He individual for every organization.

Knowing the OGRN of an enterprise, one can draw conclusions about its location, the year in which it was registered. The OGRN is entered into a list containing the data of all companies operating in Russia.

For entrepreneurs, the OGRN is not used, but a similar identifier is formed. The difference is that a thirteen-digit code is adopted for a legal entity, a five-digit number is used for the ordinal record, and a fifteen-digit number is used for an individual entrepreneur, respectively, the serial number in it is seven-digit.

This registration code is used all business participants:

  • in the financial statements balance sheet, Statement of financial results, explanations to them;
  • in primary documents - invoices, acts of acceptance and transfer of work performed, waybills, etc.
  • in contracts, additional agreements to them;
  • in the Charter;
  • on the print;
  • in documents submitted to the tax office.

In order to obtain a duplicate of the Company Registration Certificate, in addition to the fact that an organization or an entrepreneur must be registered, they must pay a state fee in the amount of 800 rub.

Transcription for legal entities

All of the thirteen digits that make up the OGRN carry important information. For example, the OGRN of the enterprise is 1061656027014.

  • the first number 1 - is used to designate the legal entity, the value "5" can also be taken;
  • 06 - the last digits of the year in which the owner registered his business. In this case, it is 2006;
  • 16 - code assigned to each region of Russia by order of the Federal Tax Service. This value indicates that the organization was registered and operated in the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • 56 - the code of the tax office, where, in fact, the certificate of state registration was issued;
  • 02701 is the order number under which the company is registered. Every year the countdown starts anew;
  • 4 - check number. It is equal to the remainder obtained by dividing the twelve-digit OGRN number by 11. In our case, 106165602701 / 11 = 9651418427.36. We round up to integers and multiply by 11, we get 106165602697. The difference between them will be 106165602701–106165602697 = 4. This is the control number. If there is no difference between the last numbers, then 0 is put at the end of the registration number.

To quickly determine the authenticity of the OGRN, calculate the check number. If it matches, then the registration number is indeed entered in the state register.

OGRNIP for entrepreneurs

For individuals operating as individual entrepreneurs, the rules for compiling and deciphering the OGRNIP practically do not differ from the OGRN, except that it includes not 13, but 15 digits.

For example, OGRNIP 314774605701032:

Registration number for non-residents

For foreign organizations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is not assigned, since it is issued only upon registration of a legal entity. foreign company in his education does not document this on Russian territory, therefore, the registration number is not allowed to her.

However, to identify such companies, it is possible to use two options:

  1. can use for identification on the territory of our country the number assigned by the authorized body of his state. He must put down this code in the same columns where it is supposed to indicate the OGRN.
  2. A branch or a foreign company is registered on the territory of the Russian Federation, accredited in accordance with the established procedure, receives a certificate and uses its number in its legal, accounting documents, when submitting reports to state inspection services.

For non-residents themselves and counterparties working with them, it is important that all constituent and other documents be officially translated into Russian and notarized.

Differences from the GRN

Often, in addition to the abbreviation OGRN, there is an abbreviation GRN. The similarity of the letters in their composition clearly indicates a single area of ​​application. However, the OGRN is issued once for the entire period of the company’s activities, and if there have been any changes in the basic information about the organization, then in the OGRN you you won't see.

In such cases, it is used UAH- the registration number assigned by state bodies to the changes made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, while each entry for a particular organization has its own number.

The state registration number, as well as the initial registration number of the company, consists of 13 digits. For example, the state registration number of the organization is 1152352364515. The numbers in its composition indicate:

  • 1 - a change made specifically to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, "5" can also be used;
  • 15 - the last two digits of the year in which the entry was made;
  • 23 - indicates that the company operates in the Krasnodar Territory;
  • 5236451 - serial number of the change record from the beginning of the year;
  • 5 - check number.

As can be seen from the transcript of the SRN, its difference from the OGRN is that it does not contain information about the tax inspectorate that registered the entry.

Each firm should have only one PSRN, but it can have several PSRNs or do without it. A fee in the amount of 800 rub. for each entry.

Valid for IP similar order obtaining the state registration number and decoding its number. However, this code consists of 15 digits and is issued to an entrepreneur when his personal data changes, for example, when changing his passport due to age or due to a change in surname, registration of a new type of activity.

Verification methods

PSRN is not a commercial secret and is freely available on the Internet and other sources of information. Knowing the name of the organization or the name of the entrepreneur, you can find out the registration number, and vice versa.

Why you may need OGRN:

  1. Determine whether the company really exists and legally operates on the territory of Russia, protect yourself from one-day firms, fraud on their part.
  2. Check the reliability, get reliable information about the organization.

To find out the OGRN of any company or the OGRN of an entrepreneur, you need to officially order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. To do this, you must personally visit the tax office, where the company of interest was registered, with an application and pay the state duty.

The application is being written arbitrarily in different forms from legal and individual. In this case, the text must be spelled out:

  • from whom the request comes: name, address, TIN and KPP for the society and full name, passport data, address of registration for a citizen;
  • request for an extract;
  • company name of the counterparty, tax identifier, PSRN and official place of registration.

A receipt of payment of the state fee must be attached to the written request. For each document requested, the amount of the receipt will be 200 rub. if you are satisfied with the delivery period of five working days, if not, you will have to pay for urgent provision 400 rub.

To make your life easier, you can use online services or order an electronic statement on the website of the Federal Tax Service. On the portal of the tax service, it is convenient to find any organization or individual entrepreneur, knowing their name and the region in which they operate.

After finding the organization, you need to log in or register in the system, and then create a request for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or. The document is provided to everyone free of charge within one working day, the file can be downloaded in PDF format, and it will be signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

If the data about the required organization is not contained in the registry, then a certificate of the absence of information will be downloaded.

It is important that the request does not require an EDS of either the applicant or the company about which the request is made. An electronic file received on the website of the Federal Tax Service has the same legal force as a paper version affixed with a state seal.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains basic information about the company:

  • location, contact numbers;
  • the size authorized capital, founders - their number, full name, TIN;
  • date of registration and PSRN number;
  • data on managers, persons authorized to act by proxy;
  • kinds economic activity which the legal entity can deal with;
  • tax codes of the organization: TIN, .

So, PSRN is the main registration number of enterprises, by which any business participant can be identified. OGRN consists of thirteen digits, OGRNIP - of fifteen, each of which has its own meaning.

Information about the registration of legal entities is presented in this video.

Before the organization own business many companies are faced with the need for registration in public authorities. First necessary document becomes PSRN, that is, the main state registration number.

Relatively recently, amendments were added to the law, according to which the PSRN must be indicated in all documentation that the enterprise uses in its work. But if this number was indicated on the seal (stamp) of a legal entity, then he has the right not to reflect the OGRN in the documents. In this case, you need to put a stamp, indicate the identification number and the checkpoint previously issued by the tax service.

What is it and why is it needed

The main state registration number is the record number that is assigned to a legal entity on the basis of Federal Law No. 129 dated 08/08/2001 when submitting primary information. State registration of legal entities is obligatory on the basis of Art. 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. All registration information remains in the unified state register of legal entities. Based on clause 8 of the rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the PSRN code is indicated in the certificate. In the future, the organization can use the number in various government documents, checkpoints, TIN.

With a known OGRN of a company, you can check the reality of its existence on the territory of Russia. It is enough to check the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and you can get data on the name of the company, information about the founders, legal address, etc. Using this number, one-day companies are calculated.

Where is issued

The local tax office is responsible for issuing the OGRN. The document is issued in the manner prescribed by law. Such a prop is a registration one, since it is simultaneously issued with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

To obtain a number, the company must follow certain procedures and actions in accordance with federal law. First, a set of documents is collected and an application is drawn up in the form approved by Russian government. All collected documents are sent to the tax office. After a certain period, the applicant receives a refusal or a certificate of PSRN. In this case, the reasons must be indicated in the refusal. decision and he can sue.

Generally, registering a company goes smoothly, despite certain details that non-professionals may encounter.

The cost of the certificate corresponds to the amount of the state duty, which is charged once upon delivery of the documentation. In accordance with applicable laws, the amount of the service is 4000 rubles. The cost of re-issuing a certificate with the specified OGRN number is 800 rubles.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then the easiest do it with online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your enterprise and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed with an electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for an individual entrepreneur or LLC on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

Required documents for registration

To obtain the OGRN, the applicant must pass. Now the easiest way to do this is online, for example, through the My Business service. When submitting documents to the IFTS, you need to collect:

  • application for registration;
  • charter;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • approved decision to form a company;
  • a letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises where the company will be registered.

Number decoding

Decryption will provide important information about the company. The number consists of 13 digits. Each number has a specific meaning and reveals the necessary information.

Consider the sequence of decoding the number SGGKKNNHHHHHHH, where:

  • C indicates ownership of the registration number. If C is equal to 1 or 5, then we are talking about the company and the OGRN number. If C is equal to 3, then in this case the company must issue (registration number of an individual entrepreneur);
  • YY - determines the year of registration of the company (the last two digits from the date of registration);
  • KK - code of the Russian subject, which corresponds to the list of regions;
  • HH - code of the tax authority;
  • ХХХХХ - registration number;
  • H is the check number needed for validation. The first 12 numbers are summed up and divided by 11. Instead of the 13th number, the resulting remainder is entered. If it is equal to 10, then 0 is entered instead of the last value.

From the description of the code, it becomes clear that there are no two identical values.

What is in the certificate

Due to the fact that the company receives the OGRN after its registration, the certificate is the main constituent documentation. Based on the entry from the Unified State Register, other entries are made and documents are issued for the normal activities of the organization. Therefore, if the original is lost, it is important to restore a duplicate of the OGRN.

Checking organizations

OGRN allows you to find a company to check various data about it. This is very important in our time, when fraudsters are at work, causing large losses to firms.

Using the OGRN, you can identify criminals and get correct information about the organization. For example, about the subject of Russia where it was registered, about the time the legal entity was formed, the code of the tax inspectorate, etc.

On the personal website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, you can check any company. Such a service is a directory of contractors. From here you can get the following information:

  • registration data;
  • legal address of the company;
  • data on changes made to the unified state register of legal entities;
  • information about the head and founders of the company.

That is, using this code, you can get maximum information about the activities of the counterparty. With regular checks, the company protects itself from cooperation with "fly-by-night firms".

One of the options for checking through a special system is presented in the video:


PSRN is the number of the record on the organization of a legal entity, which is recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Therefore, the IP does not have this number, but the entrepreneur has the main state registration number of the OGRNIP.

Such details have certain differences, the main of which is related to the number of digits (OGRN has 13 of them, and OGRNIP has 15). OGRNIP is also reflected in the certificate that the IP receives upon registration.

Getting a duplicate number

Certificates of OGRNIP and OGRN are registration documents of an entrepreneur or company, which may be lost for various reasons. For this, a number recovery process is provided.

To make a duplicate, the applicant must personally apply to the tax authority at the place of registration and draw up an application. This may be the head of the organization or a trusted person with a passport. The application contains the following information:

  • Company name;
  • its details (KPP, TIN and OGRN);
  • date of entry in the unified state register of legal entities;
  • the reason for issuing a duplicate certificate.

In addition to the application, you must provide a receipt for payment of the state fee. Its value will be equal to 20% of the cost for registration of a legal entity.

According to the same scheme, an individual entrepreneur can apply for the restoration of the OGRNIP. An individual will need to submit an application with information about the company and a passport to the tax authority. You also need to pay a state duty in the amount of 20% of the payment for state registration.

Certificates are important documents for individuals and legal entities, the numbers of which contain important information. Each company should have an individual number with a multifunctional purpose and application.

OGRN - state-level registration number, which is assigned to each organization or individual entrepreneur during registration and is registered in. What is the OGRN of an organization and an individual entrepreneur, what does it mean in the details - we will find out further.

Decoding and features of OGRN

The OGRN abbreviation stands for "Main State Registration Number". It can be assigned to both a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur during registration. Throughout the entire period of implementation of professional activities, the OGRN does not change.

This code has a number of features:

  • There are 2 types of OGRN - for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. OGRN for individual entrepreneurs has a special name - OGRNIP.
  • Legal entities must indicate the OGRN without fail: sometimes this code is even included in official seals. At the discretion of the owner, the OGRN may be included in stamps or regular seals.
  • For individual entrepreneurs, the indication of the PSRN in the documents is not a mandatory requirement.
  • Entries about the OGRN are made in order, that is, after registration, any enterprise will receive its unique number.

PSRN replaced the classic TIN, information from which was not enough for the inspection authorities. This code is in the public domain, therefore, knowing a minimum of data about the company, you can find it out.

What is the OGRN of an organization and an individual entrepreneur?

OGRN of an organization and individual entrepreneur is a unique code that allows you to find out a significant amount of information about the enterprise. The OGRN of the organization consists of 13 characters, IP - of 15. Moreover, each character has its own special meaning:
  • First digit - a sign of attribution state. record registration number.
  • Second and third digits – the last digits of the year of registration.
  • Fourth and fifth represent the number of the subject of the Russian Federation, established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  • sixth and seventh digits indicate the number of the district tax office that registered the organization.
  • From the eighth to the twelfth (for OGRN) and from the eighth to the fourteenth (for OGRNIP) digits - this is the record number under which the organization was registered.
  • last digit - control. Can be from 0 to 9.

Example of OGRN and OGRNIP in details

Consider the following example, how to correctly interpret the OGRN 1137746358608 in props. It consists of 13 characters, respectively, this is the legal entity code:
  • The first digit 1 "- means that the code refers to the main state. registration number.
  • The second and third digits 13 ” means that the registration was carried out in 2013.
  • Fourth and fifth digits 77 ” is the number of the subject of the Russian Federation where the registration was made. If we turn to the official list of subjects, we will find out that this is Moscow.
  • Sixth and seventh digits 46 ” is the number of the Tax Inspectorate in which the organization was registered. In this case, this is the MI of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. 46.
  • From the eighth to the twelfth digits 35860 "- the serial number under which the organization was entered in the state register during the year of registration.
  • The last digit of the code 8 ' is the calculated check number.
For example, you should also analyze the OGRNIP 308500116000157 , which consists of 15 digits:
  • The first digit 3 "- is responsible for assigning the code to the main state. registration number.
  • The second and third digits 08 "- this is 2008, the year of registration of IP.
  • Fourth and fifth digits 50 "- the number of the subject of registration, in this case, the Moscow region.
  • Sixth and seventh digits 01 "- the number of the Tax Inspectorate-Registrar, in this case, the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate for the city of Balashikha.
  • Eighth to fourteenth digits 1600015 "- the serial number assigned to the individual entrepreneur during the year of registration.
  • The last digit 7 ” – is the calculated control number.

What is a OGRN certificate?

The OGRN certificate is an official document that can be obtained when registering a legal entity at the regional tax office. The document looks like this:

This document contains not only the OGRN code itself, but also some additional information:
  • The full name of the company with its official name.
  • The full date of registration of the organization under a specific registration number.
  • Abbreviated name of the organization.
  • Company name of the organization.
  • The name of the organization that carried out the registration (as a rule, the district tax authority).
In addition, within the framework of the certificate, the seal of the registrar organization must be affixed (otherwise the document will not be recognized as valid), as well as the full name, signature and position of the expert who carried out the registration of the organization.

OGRN (for IP - OGRNIP) is the main state registration number, which is assigned when it is created and after it is recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (or EGRIP for IP). The OGRN is indicated in the certificate, which is officially issued by the tax service and indicates tax registration.

The OGRN number was introduced in Russia in 2002, and all organizations that were created earlier also received it. However, the year for such companies in the PSRN indicates not the grounds, but the receipt of reg. numbers.

What information does the OGRN contain - transcript

The OGRN of a legal entity contains important information (region, year of creation, etc.), which is written using numbers and has its own structure and decoding, like a TIN or KPP. In total, there are 13 characters in the OGRN, each of which has its own sign (in the OGRN - 15 digits):

OGRN template: S Y G K K N N X X X X X H

Example of OGRN: 1 1 4 7 7 4 6 0 1 8 9 2 6

OGRN structure:

  • 1, 5 - sign of OGRN;
  • 2 - a sign of another state. registration number of the record (GRN).

YY - correspond to the year the entry was made in (only the last 2 digits).

KK - correspond to the serial number of the subject of Russia (Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

HH - correspond to the code of the interdistrict IFTS, which issued the OGRN.

XXXXX - the number of the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities made during the year.

H - control number (least significant digit of the remainder from dividing the previous 12-digit number by 11).

How to find out and check PSRN

Both the company itself and another individual or legal entity can find out or check the PSRN number. This may be needed in cases such as:

  • to confirm the existence of the organization;
  • to find out the TIN of the company;
  • to find out the reliability of the documentation that comes from the counterparty;
  • to clarify the address of the location of the organization;
  • to obtain information about the full name of the director of the company;
  • to find out if the company is on the “black list” of the Federal Tax Service;
  • to understand whether the director of the company is on the “black list” of the Federal Tax Service.

OGRN of an individual entrepreneur or OGRNIP

So, the OGRN number for an individual entrepreneur is the OGRNIP, which stands for the same way - the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur. A certificate with a number is issued to the entrepreneur, when it is created and an entry is made in the state. registry - .

OGRN for individual entrepreneurs is recorded and carries a similar and semantic load, as well as OGRN for legal entities. persons:

OGRN Template: S Y G K K X X X X X X X X X H

Example of OGRNIP: 3 0 6 7 8 4 7 2 3 0 0 0 2 2 0

OGRNIP structure:

C - corresponds to the sign of state assignment. registration number of the record, where the numbers are:

  • 3 - sign of OGRNIP;
  • 4 - a sign of another state. registration record (GRN).

YY - the year the entry was made in the USRIP (only the last 2 digits).

KK - the code of the subject of Russia in accordance with (Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

XXXXXXXXXXXX - the number of the entry in the USRIP made during the year.

H - control number (least significant digit of the remainder from dividing the previous 14-digit number by 13).

The main difference between the OGRN of a legal entity and the OGRNIP is in the number of digits corresponding to the registration number in the state. register, as well as the procedure for calculating the control number.

How to get a duplicate certificate of OGRN or OGRNIP

OGRN and OGRINP refer to the registration documents of an organization or individual entrepreneur, as well as an extract from the state. register or TIN that the tax service issues when it is created. However, for various reasons, both dependent on legal entities or individuals, and not dependent on the main state reg. the number may be lost, as well as other documents of the company, or registration. Therefore, a procedure for restoring the main number is provided.

To obtain a duplicate of the OGRN certificate, the tax service (for Moscow - the head of the company with a passport or other authorized person acting by proxy must personally apply with an application in free form. The application must indicate:

  • company name;
  • date of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • OGRN (GRN), TIN, KPP of the company;
  • reasons for obtaining a duplicate PSRN.

Also, in addition to the application, you must pay the state duty and submit a tax receipt confirming this. The state duty for a duplicate of the OGRN certificate is 20% of the amount of payment for the registration of a legal entity (for example, 20% from 4 thousand rubles - 800 rubles).