Orthodox channel andrey tkachev. Andrey Tkachev: who is he, biography, where he serves, sermons

  • 29.09.2019

For a long time, religious activity remained under the ban of the authorities, but today no one oppresses Christians in Russia. Thanks to the authoritative preachers of the Church, most Christians advance religiously, expanding their own horizons of spiritual life. The activities of the clergyman Andrey Tkachev are especially distinguished.

Missionary activity of the archpriest

clergyman Orthodox Church Russia is a cleric (reader) of the church of St. Basil the Great. A. Tkachev bears the title of mitred archpriest, preacher and missionary, and is also a TV presenter. This person does not stop there, is not afraid to confirm what was said earlier, writes books and actively preaches.

Read about church leaders canonized as saints:

The biography of Archpriest Andrei Tkachev indicates that the clergyman was born on December 30, 1969. Ukrainian Lvov became his hometown. The child was baptized in early childhood and taught in a Russian school. When he was 15 years old, he entered a military school, and then continued his studies at the Military Institute. I did not finish the course, because I did not have a particular desire to gain specific knowledge. While serving in the army, he gets acquainted with the holy book of Hinduism - the Bhagavad Gita.

On a note! According to Archpriest A. Tkachev, the conversion to the Christian faith came from the realization of nonsense and longing, which he felt as early as adolescence. The formation of a priest was influenced by a certain friend from Lvov, who was fond of reading the Gospel.

  • Returning to his hometown, the young man tries the professions of a loader, sexton and security guard in an Orthodox monastery. After some time, Andrei Tkachev enters the seminary, having listened to the advice of senior priests.
  • During his studies, he met the future archimandrites Longin and Kirill. For not attending lectures, he loses his place in the seminary. The archpriest admits that he could not master the full-fledged education because of his active lifestyle.
  • According to the biography, Andrei Tkachev received the rank of deacon in the spring of 1993 in the city of Lvov. And in the autumn of this year he becomes a priest. A. Tkachev was in the clergy of the Church of St. George for 12 years. During this time, he read religious treatises on Christian foundations and taught the Law of God, which in schools is called ethics.
  • In 2005, the archpriest, who signs an agreement to participate in religious programs, sold his apartment and moved to Kiev. While he did not have an official document on the transfer, he served in several monasteries.
  • In the period from 2006 to 2014, he served as rector of the church of Agapit of Pechersk. In 2013, he took up the post of manager of the missionary department. A year later, Andrei Tkachev moved to Russia and was appointed to the Moscow clergy.
  • Today the priest is the rector of the church built in honor of Basil the Great. Andrey Tkachev reads sermons, writes books, articles and participates in a number of television programs for Orthodox TV.
On a note! The archpriest leads the dynamic activity of the missionary, supporting it with his own literary works. The priest's sermons are popular beyond Lviv. Andrei Tkachev notes that missionary work chose him, and not vice versa.

Role of journalist and writer

In his books, the clergyman tries to convey to his contemporaries the idea of ​​serving the Almighty. Calling himself a journalist, Andrey Tkachev writes articles on acute social topics for the Russian people and does not forget to implement in own thoughts divine instruction.

The priest is trying to reveal the topicality and hopes that the works of his pen will be relevant in 100 years. The most popular essays include:

  • "Return to Paradise" - collections of the author's reflections on topics close to every Christian.
  • "Letter to God" is a collection of vivid episodes from the life of saints and ordinary people.
  • "The Air of the Heavenly City" - the stories of the archpriest about the saints of the Almighty.
  • “The Fugitive from the World” - in this book, the archpriest examines the personality of the philosopher G.S. Skovoroda and notes that the study of his works is a complex matter that requires a prayerful approach.

WITH complete list published books of the clergyman can be found on his official website. http://www.andreytkachev.com/knigi/

The small works of the author absorb his worldview, eloquently and succinctly reveal to the reader the incidents that happened to Christian ascetics. The author, through his sermons, calls on the common people to turn to the commandments of the Son of God and keep them.

Read about the commandments of God:

Most of the stories are built in the form of a dialogue between the author and the priest, where the reader finds answers to intriguing questions. Andrey Tkachev touches on the subject of childbirth, emotional complexes, relations between a man and a woman. The clergyman does not bypass more important substances: God, life and death, old age.

The archpriest is well versed in human psychology and determines the causes of the appearance of the passions of life. In his works, laymen find answers to questions that have long been of interest to them.

In addition to writing books, priest Andrey Tkachev is involved in the development of websites on the topic of Orthodoxy, and also writes articles for religious magazines.

Preacher's thoughts

The sermons of Andrey Tkachev occupy a sufficient place in his missionary activity. The clergyman directs his words to all segments of the population. Old people and young people, believers of various faiths and atheists listen to him with equal attention. In the speeches of the archpriest there is no excessive pomposity and desire for persuasion. The priest speaks in simple and clear language.

Many sermons can be heard during meetings with the archpriest, or can be found on his official website on the Internet.

Advice! There is also Elitsy.ru - a project where you can listen to instructions and ask questions to the missionary.

Andrey Tkachev's sermons have modern look and are often seasoned with authoritative quotations from ancient sages. This allows you to destroy the illusory nature of the material environment and reveals the regularity and predestination of all events. The archpriest claims that a person becomes stronger within society, but spiritually improves - in the distance. Loneliness is necessary, because life among people gives rise to a certain underdevelopment. In order to preserve and increase health, avoiding bad influence, a person needs solitude.

On a note! Speaking of love, the clergyman calls for a short time away from society in order to restore his emotional strength, because today's realities have completely changed social guidelines.

The missionary also conducts a lot of explanatory work among young people in social networks.

These three funny faces are familiar to many. It's easier to find someone they don't know. One monkey closes his laughing mouth, another closes his ears, and the third closes the doors of his eyes from external impressions. They make it clear that they, these curious grimaces, do not see, do not speak and do not hear. But we know that monkeys are capable of all this. They hear and see, and all that ... Moreover: they are curious about everything, they imitate everything they see. Their hilarious antics and jumps were described to us by Krylov and other fabulists.

So why do they close their eyes and close?

They are afraid of sin! They symbolize a person who personally and actively resists sin. For this purpose, he does not reform the world but, on the contrary, protects itself from it.

The fact that these are monkeys is the tenth thing. It could be three pigs or three bear cubs. But they would all do the same thing: they would cover the organs of sight, hearing and speech with their upper limbs. So they would show:

I don't look at sin.

I'm not talking about sin.

I don't want to hear about sin.

I do not want to increase the evil that reigns in the world, and I myself want to be saved from it.

The world can't change me. But I do not want to increase the evil that reigns in the world, and I myself want to be saved from it.

Such "not doing" may seem too easy and too passive form of resistance to evil. In fact, this is a difficult and active position. Smile, looking at these faces, but also remember something.

For example, that holding your tongue is definitely harder than lifting any weights. And that the tongue, according to the word of the Apostle James, also governs all the most complex human life how the small rudder sets the direction big ship. He is the source of countless blessings, and he is also "unstoppable evil." So much has been said about language, about its potential healing and lethality, that this topic can be considered central in the entire history of human morality. And here is not only Solomon and David, the Gospel and the apostles. Here are Confucius, and the ancient Greeks, and in general everyone who was attentive, reasonable and sensitive. So a monkey, or a macaque, or a gorilla, covering its mouth, while maintaining amusingness, speaks volumes.

The same goes for closed eyes. How much better David's life would have been if he had not once looked carelessly at someone else's nakedness. The royal singer of psalms is a reader. Not being able to sing and not wearing a crown, we all (literally everyone!) can say the same thing about ourselves. “How happy I would be, and my family, and my guardian angel, if I didn’t look then ...” (the list is attached). In addition to real someone else's nudity, there may be someone else's nudity in the monitor; and someone else's wealth, expressed in houses or cars; and magazine gloss; and shop windows of inaccessible stores; and other mirages of someone else's alleged happiness.

And the world, as luck would have it, masterfully teases the eye to tickle the heart

And the world, as luck would have it, masterfully teases the eye to tickle the heart. And no one turns away from the world. On the contrary, allowing the zenks to get out of their sockets, a person turns his head to the right and left, devouring impressions, kindling desires, becoming infected with greed.

The macaque, meanwhile, or, excuse me, the monkey, in a funny way, closes its eyes as a warning to a person. And if I keep forgetting that the spectacle of the world's beauties and riches was one of the devil's strongest weapons against Christ in the wilderness; if I criminally forget about it, then the Japanese figurine shows me a cunning face with a deep meaning.

You can think of your own ears.

You can simply enumerate the types of spiritual infections transmitted through hearing. Gossip, rumors, slander. Slander, deliberate lies... World media, "official statistics", reports of "British scientists"... Silence about the truth, distortion of facts... The family, really, has no end.

Through an evil word heard, people lose their good name, their ideals collapse, despondency or aggression comes. Entire countries can be destroyed by sweet molasses of deliberate lies. And if someone has lost faith in God, then know that poison was poured into him through hearing, just like Eve in Paradise. Through snake whispers. And Hamlet's father was also killed by pouring poison into his ear (!) while sleeping. The idea is the same. Actually, the “whisperer” is the “diavolos”, a specialist in murders through hearing.

Our monkey plugged his ears. Both of her friends are sitting next to each other. Just like grannies on a bench near the house. Only grannies opened their eyes and do not close their mouths, and monkeys sit with edification. Each is occupied with its own head, one of the feelings that fit in the head.

These figurines have a habit of standing on desktops. I don’t know if they are fulfilling their protective and instructive function, I don’t know. Apparently - not very much. But it’s not the naughty primates who are to blame.

It’s just that we didn’t catch the meaning of the edification hidden in them.

Or they didn’t look into the terrible depths. We were afraid.

Or understood once, but now forgotten.

Or they understood everything, but in the secret of their hearts they decided to do the opposite, like everyone else.

It is not easy today to express criticism of Andrei Tkachev's father. Not so long ago, looking through the window of a bookstore, I discovered a dubious pseudo-scientific book, which I complained to the saleswoman. “You will not be pleased! came the offended reply. “Some people don’t like Tkachev either!” Alas, the dubious fame of a liberal again hurries ahead of me.

Therefore, I hasten to assure the admirers of the priest that I love Father Andrei Tkachev in my own way, as it is proper to love any Christian, in any case I do not hate him. I have been following his work since the late 90s, when in Kiev two bright priests named Andrei, Tkachev and Dudchenko published the youth magazine SOS - Save Our Souls and wrote sharp, topical articles in it. What wondrous times were when in the Church we all did a common thing, and the conflict between Ukraine and Russia seemed unthinkable nonsense! Analyzing in the sermons and books of Father Andrei Tkachev what seems to me personally erroneous, I criticize not so much him as a certain trend in modern preaching and pastoral practice in general. At the same time, I also criticize myself, because I myself am related to moral Christian journalism, and if life had turned out a little differently (I would have married on time, would have taken the rank), I could literally repeat the same mistakes.

First of all, let's honestly answer the question: "Do you like being scolded?"

Orthodox upbringing, a certain erudition in the quotations of the holy fathers, suggest an answer like that it is useful to scold a Christian. Good is done by the one who reproves us; we often do not see our sins, even though we are the first among sinners. The one who sheds light on our abominations saves our souls.

Yes, it's helpful. Furacilin is also useful, but hardly anyone likes its bitter taste.

But the reaction to accusations is different. One woman drips tears: “Yes, I am so dirty, dirty! I'm the worst in the world!" Another, for example, a man is sharpened by bewilderment: “What should I do immediately to fix everything, at least start correcting it?”

Another question: “How do you react when you are scolded for nothing?”

Each of us has sins that especially torment our conscience. If the conscience is deaf, the task of the confessor is to awaken it, to force a person to change his life, or at least change his attitude towards sin. Sometimes in confession you raise your head from the lectern, and the priest silently, contritely shakes his head - this is how it works.

But to denounce sin publicly, regardless of anyone - to shoot sparrows from a cannon. Of course, if the sparrows are completely insolent ... It is especially "effective", say, to tell the monks about the dangers of abortion, the old women - about the unbridled youth who "buried their phones", the stern bearded men - about the dangers of ecumenism and same-sex marriages.

In theory, a person should listen and humble himself. Or delve into yourself, whether there is indirect guilt in this sin, or repeat “okay, I didn’t have abortions, I didn’t steal motorcycles, but I’m still the worst of all, because I fell asleep without reading the prescribed kathisma, or ate mayonnaise on Wednesday.”

In fact, the effect can be exactly the opposite. “Turned up” by the incessant search for sins, the bearded uncle, who has never been involved in either infanticide or attraction to his own sex, sighs with relief: “Finally! Be like other people." This is how the consciousness of the Pharisee is gradually formed: in the words of “the most sinful”, inside he is proud of his righteousness.

The first moral is that what a pastor should tell a person face to face does not necessarily have to be the subject of a public sermon.

But what, the Church to keep silent about the obvious vices of society? Is she not allowed to speak publicly?

It has. But look how the ever-memorable Bishop Anthony of Surozh did it in his conversations. How different even the tone differs from Andrei Tkachev's father! Vladyka's tone is calm, conciliatory. The goal is not to be horrified by the depth of sin, but to arouse compassion for the sinner. The listener himself will be horrified if he wants to, he is a thinking person. And it is better to feel sorry for the sinner (and yourself in his person) together with the priest. And turn to God for help in correction.

The second moral is: it is good when a shepherd speaks at least from his own spiritual experience. A formal letter from the Scriptures and the holy fathers can kill, but not give life. Especially if it is flavored with bright epithets.

Suppose a parishioner comes for an indulgence in fasting. It is not difficult for a father to observe a fast: his non-working mother prepares for him, and even the parish refectory. “Of course, the sick are supposed to be relieved,” the shepherd says from the screen. – For example, those who have open tuberculosis or cancer in the fourth stage. Do you know what it is? Batiushka is not a doctor, but visiting hospitals he himself must have seen dying cancer patients. But is it only for them to take care of their health, located on the threshold of the grave?

Another example: the ideal family. We all know what it should be according to Christian concepts. Alas, the ideal on earth is almost unattainable. What is better to “poke your face” at the ideal, reminding a person of his sinfulness, or at specific example(better than his own, maybe acquaintances, but not Saints Peter and Fevronia) show what steps can be taken towards improving the family?

A special case is when the shepherd himself was seen in those sins that he most loudly denounces. What tone to choose here? How can a priest, addicted to alcohol, criticize this vice? Ruthlessly scourging from the pulpit or seeking compassion?

In the case of Father Andrei Tkachev, everyone knows his “anti-Ukrainian” views. Well, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But with this opinion he infected many of his Kiev parishioners, who now, not without reason, are afraid for their future. Where is the father himself? Does he share experiences with his children? He has no time, he sings of the Russian world in Moscow and denounces the rotten West.

According to a good shepherd, it would not be worth speaking out about politics at all. Blessed are the peacemakers...

The third moral is: you have to prepare for the sermon. It may not be necessary to write a summary, as in a homiletics class in a seminary, but at least to think about a sermon, like any speech, is worth it.

The speech usually contains the main idea. Vivid images, fresh ideas, new facts are needed primarily to illustrate it. You can designate it as the topic of a lecture or sermon.

Unfortunately, some priests begin to speak with the intention of “blabbing” like a student at an exam. So jumping from bump to bump is obtained. If you look at the sermons of neo-Pentecostals on YouTube, it comes out exactly the same, only for an hour and a half ...

It is at the moment of such improvisations that absurdities arise, such as the desire to bring up a wife with a whip (almost according to Nietzsche). And I don’t want to refuse, you can always find such a formal “letter” according to which you are right.

“But all this does not concern the father! - Admirers of Father Andrei's talent will tell me. “You are denouncing someone imaginary!” I gladly agree with them. It is better to admit the mistake and keep the peace.

However, I dare to formulate a fourth moral.

In Christ there is neither male nor female. Being a “real man” is not a virtue at all, but only a natural state for a Christian. Masculinity is not righteousness. And even strength (physical, imperious) is not a “bonus”, but a responsibility, a dangerous tool entrusted to a person. "Put down the mighty from the throne and exalt the humble..."

The temptation to "be a real man" breaks a lot today male characters: both lay and pastoral. Women, unfortunately, are often psychologically attached to someone who is stronger. Moreover, it is one thing for a confessor, who is obliged to regulate family affairs, and another for a husband who is only looking for a way to faith ... And especially if the priest is also outwardly handsome. There may not be any prodigal passion in thoughts, but everything looks ambiguous. Conclusion: this topic should be dealt with very carefully.

If we talk about gender relations, then at the heart of many family crises is disrespect for each other. Why is the spouse not forgiven what is easily forgiven to a neighbor? “I laid my life on him! The trouble is that a person is bad in principle! And women just as accurately respond to our male disrespect with disrespect on their part: yes, we do not live up to their expectations. But what is better, to force a woman to respect herself with the help of a fist, or to open new horizons to replace her (albeit incorrect) expectations in front of her?

The same applies to respect between parents and children, and in the Church between confessors and flocks. You should not despise all "these intellectuals", rotten liberals, Americans and Ukrainians. Many of the laity make moral demands on themselves that are tougher than pastors make on themselves - I know from experience.

We still respect Father Andrei Tkachev as a bright, albeit not an impeccable speaker. Does he respect us?

Ostap Davydov

executive secretary, literary editor of the children's Orthodox educational magazine "Kolokolchik"
(literary and artistic almanac for children's and family reading).

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Andrei Tkachev is famous, a biography and photos of his family can be found on the Internet. He gained his popularity because of his warm attitude to temples and churches, as well as to the people around him. Now he is a preacher of Orthodoxy, publishes books and writes them.


Andrey was born in 1969 at the end of December in Soviet Ukraine in Lvov. He was baptized at birth. His passion for religion manifested itself in adolescence. The young man was always looking for beauty, something to admire and enjoy, his hometown was his main inspiration.

Most of all he was attracted by churches and temples, he liked the way they look, the atmosphere around these buildings. The young man was fascinated by their beauty. Often in adulthood, Tkachev returned to his native places in order to again feel what he felt many years ago.

His parents saw their son as a military man, which is why the student went to study in the Russian capital Moscow at the Suvorov School. The student graduated from this school, having this education, he entered the Institute of the Ministry of Defense Soviet Union where he studied Persian.

Studying at a military institute allowed Andrei to understand that a military career was alien to him. Therefore, it was firmly decided that the career would develop as he wanted, and not his parents. The reason for this decision was his communication with one of the students, who told him about the church.

An acquaintance constantly read books about religion, could quote lines from the bible, one of his favorite activities was visiting various sacred places to look at architecture and listen to singing.

It was this person who influenced the further biography of Andrei Tkachev. As a result, the student decided to withdraw documents from educational institution, and the reason for leaving was his unwillingness to continue his studies. Based on the specified reason for leaving, he had no chance to recover at the institute. Due to the fact that Andrei did not study anywhere else, he was drafted into the army. During the service, the soldier read a lot.

At one point, standing on guard, Tkachev began to communicate with one of the soldiers about religion. They became good friends with this man, as they had common topic faith that is interesting to both. A new acquaintance brought books to the future priest, which he actively studied.

In the biography of Andrei Tkachev there is no photo of the service, the soldier returned to the family immediately after the army. For a long time he had to work in the lowest positions - he was a loader in a grocery store, he worked in the temple as a security guard. He liked the church life, and after some time he decided to enter the seminary.

During the period of study, Tkachev made acquaintances with people who had exactly the same interests as Tkachev. During his studies, he worked as a minister in the temple, while he could get acquainted with new unknown moments about religion. Tkachev was never able to graduate from the academy, as he regularly skipped classes. Andrey devoted all his free time to parishioners and his own family.

Andrei admitted that the 90s were not very noticeable for him and his wife, they refused to watch TV and other media.

At that time, Andrei's entire attention was directed to the church, while Tkachev could be distracted from everyday life and hard life. The priest believes that such an image is most suitable for any of the people, especially those who find themselves in difficult situation. In his opinion, in such a rhythm a person is less susceptible to negative emotions and can pay more attention to their own development, while maintaining the harmony of the soul.

At the end of 1993 A. Tkachev became a priest. For the next two decades, the priest was in the clergy at the temple in his hometown in Ukraine. Andrei was actively involved in public affairs, read the law of God in schools.

In the zero years, the priest was waiting for significant changes. Andrei began acting in TV programs, the task of which was to attract believers. To translate the idea into reality, Andrey went to Kiev. Tkachev was a preacher invited by friends, but was not assigned to churches.

With the advent of time, Andrei became the rector in the temple, replacing another person. Andrey worked like this for 8 years until 2014. While working, he had his own works, the first book was published 10 years ago.

Since 2013, he began to lead one department of the Kiev hierarchy and he could be seen on the channel about Kievan Rus, where he served as a TV presenter.


The priest got married in the early 1990s. During this period, the biography of Andrei Tkachev is connected with the family, whose photos he does not try to put on public display. Tkachev does not hide the presence of a family, he also has four children. However, Andrei Tkachev does not distribute a photo of the family, does not talk about their names and tries to avoid such conversations.

Most likely, this is done in order to protect the family from possible rumors and discussions.

Andrei tries in his works, during television programs, to be honest and open towards his fans.

In 2014, his words about what was happening on the Maidan became the reason why he was persecuted. Tkachev, together with his relatives, moved to another country. He is still not in various social networks.

Last news

According to the latest news, Andrey Tkachev in 2018 continues to promote morality, while using modern television and other media resources. Andrei gives advice and informs about the spiritual life.

In January, he was invited to a program about religion on the Spas channel. He is one of the participants in the project dedicated to atheism and the righteous.

Some of his statements did not receive the approval of society, which seemed rude or wrong.

Criticism and views

Andrei Tkachev expressed not the most flattering views about Russian writers - in 2015, on the radio, he criticized the works of S. Yesenin, calling him primitive, and calling Mayakovsky just as strange. He spoke disapprovingly of the organization of the church in England.

He received disapproval for his words, saying that men need to show their strength in front of women, apply physical force, while insulting women who lost their virginity before marriage. His statements were often criticized. Tkachev believes that various childhood illnesses are directly related to the behavior of their parents, who exalt their children. According to him, children are often considered idols, but this should not be so.

Have you heard of Andrew before?

Andrey Tkachev is a clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church, a preacher, a missionary and a TV presenter, therefore, close attention of the public is riveted to him. From our article, right now you can learn more about his biography, family, children, and also see a photo of the archpriest, who has repeatedly distinguished himself by very ambiguous and even scandalous statements.

Archpriest Andrey Tkachev

Childhood and youth

Andrey was born on December 30, 1969. in Lviv. This city boasts a huge number of attractions, including beautiful temples and majestic cathedrals. Such shrines impressed the boy very much, so it is not surprising that Tkachev became interested in Christianity as a teenager.

Andrei studied at a Russian-language school, and at the request of his parents, after the ninth grade, he was enrolled in the Suvorov School in Moscow, and then at the Military Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense at the Faculty of Special Propaganda.

Andrey Tkachev in infancy

The guy chose Persian as a specialization, which is one of the most difficult to learn. However, Tkachev did not study there for a long time - he was expelled. Taking the documents, in an explanatory note Tkachev wrote that he did not want to study anymore.

After that, the young man was drafted into the army, where he got acquainted with an unusual book called the Bhagavad Gita. It is also called "The Poem of God". At the end of the service, Andrey returns to his native Lviv and is actively looking for work. First, he gets a job as a loader in a grocery store, and after some time he takes a job as a watchman in the church.

Andrey during a speech as part of a visiting Sunday school

Interesting! The formation of Tkachev as a person, as well as his formation as a future servant of the Lord God, was most influenced by one of his religious friends. It was he who introduced Andrei to the study of Christian literature and taught him to find beauty in church music.

Career in the ROC

1992 was marked for Tkachev by entering the theological seminary of the city of Kiev. It was there that Andrew met famous people having a high church dignity. Biggest Influence Archimandrites Longin and Kirill influenced the worldview of the young man. During his studies, Andriy simultaneously worked as a minister in several churches in Lviv.

Andrey Tkachev never managed to graduate from the seminary

Interesting! Tkachev made the decision to enter the theological seminary on the advice of his confessor, a confessing priest.

For some time, the novice clergyman studied at the Kiev Theological Academy, but was eventually expelled. The reason is almost the same - absenteeism. Andrey himself stated that getting a full-fledged education for him is a difficult task, because his lifestyle is very dynamic and filled with important things. That is why Tkachev has repeatedly said that he is self-taught.

Do you think education is important for a priest?

  • In 1993 Andrei Yurievich was ordained a deacon, and shortly after that, a priest. After such a significant event for himself, Tkachev worked for twelve years in the church of St. George. Moreover, he combined the service with lecturing at the Theological Academy. He also did not miss the opportunity to explain to schoolchildren what the "Law of God" is.

    Moving to the capital

    In 2005 the clergyman moves with his family to the capital of Ukraine. There he has the opportunity to take part in television programs of spiritual content.

    He did not have a direction to any particular church. For this reason, he carried the word of God wherever he could. Mostly in places where Andrey was invited by familiar clergymen. Thanks to the enterprising parishioners, Tkachev was admitted to the church of St. Agapit of Pechersk and became rector of the parishioners, having served for eight years.

    Interesting! During this time, he hosted several programs on the Orthodox channel. Also, his sermons could be heard in the framework of one of the projects, which was aired on the Era FM radio.

    Soon, Andrei Tkachev becomes the author of the journal of the Ioninsky Monastery, a columnist for the newspaper Segodnya, and also a journalist for an Internet project for young people called Otrok. It should be noted that A. Yurievich is also the author of a number of books.

    Interesting! In dealing with the media, Andrei Tkachev often took a "pro-Russian" position.

    Andrey managed to make a career on television

    In 2013 the clergyman was appointed head of the Missionary Department of the Kiev diocese. Then he visited the United States of America and noted that this country was in the stage of "imperial decay".

    Departure to Russia

    In 2014 Tkachev moves to Moscow. This happened at a time when, against the background of the escalation of the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, relations between the patriarchy of these countries also escalated. In the capital of Russia, he ended up in the temple of Moscow University, after which he became a clergyman of the Church of the Resurrection of the Word. However, the gymnasium of St. Basil the Great near Moscow was determined as the main place for serving him.

    Upon arrival in Moscow, Andrey continued to successfully combine church service and authorship - he writes books and articles for magazines. He did not abandon his appearances on television, becoming the host of the author's program on Tsargrad. And in 2017 the priest was appointed regular clergyman of the Cathedral of St. Basil the Great.

    Archpriest during the broadcast on the radio

    The worldview and activities of Andrei Tkachev can be treated differently, but the fact remains that he is a very famous person. Therefore, many are interested in learning more about the biography, family, wife and children of the archpriest.


    Being a public figure, Andrei tries to protect his family members from the public. This became especially relevant after he voiced his own position regarding what was happening on the Maidan in 2014.

    Not all radical citizens liked his opinion. By the way, this was precisely what served as the main argument for leaving for the capital of the Russian Federation, where the priest was offered support and the opportunity to freely talk about current events.

    Detailed information in open sources about personal life and the family of the clergyman is not. However, we do know something. A. Yurievich married in 1992. At that time, his life was not yet closely connected with the church - he then only entered the Kiev Seminary.

    Archpriest protects the interests of his family and does not publish their photos

    Answering questions from the press regarding some facts from his biography, Andrei Tkachev never hid that his family consists of a wife and four children, whose photos, by the way, are very difficult to find on the Internet.

    The clergyman was always honest with the parishioners, as well as with his readers and viewers. Journalists have repeatedly noted that the young priest is always open for communication. But the archpriest does not like to discuss the family topic and does not widely spread about his personal life.

    Interesting! In a conversation with the media, A. Yuryevich never mentioned the names and ages of his children, and when he was asked specific questions about his wife and heirs, he tried to turn the conversation in a different direction.

    After moving to Moscow, Andrei Tkachev, as well as at home, tried to avoid talking about his personal life and family.

    It's time to highlight some interesting facts about Andrei Yuryevich and his views on life:

    • Tkachev himself admitted that the events of the nineties passed almost imperceptibly for him and his wife. The reason is simple - they completely refused to watch all the news programs.
    • The archpriest believes that reading is in the best possible way life extension.
    • In one of the interviews, A. Yuryevich very interestingly answered the question of what love is for him. He stated that there could be no exhaustive definition. But here you can definitely check the authenticity of feelings. And this is done only with the help of the victim. The more it is, the more love.
    • Tkachev is sure that guessing the future is not the best idea.
    • In people, a clergyman most of all appreciates sighted generosity, diligence and a deep mind.
    • Previously, the priest had many different hobbies, but now, as he admits, there is only one thing left - to go to bed early, if possible.

    Now you know a little more about A.Yu. Tkachev.

    Andrey Tkachev now

    The archpriest continues to give people advice on matters of spiritual life. In particular, and with the help of author's books. And through the media, Tkachev promotes the traditional values ​​of morality and believes that awareness of each person is a very important task.

    Archpriest often and with pleasure answers the questions of the laity

    January 2018 on the channel "Spas" A. Yuryevich was present as a guest in one of the programs, where he answered questions regarding Christianity and faith, later he participated in the project of the futurologist Danila Medvedev. Also, the priest could be seen at Tsargrad in one of the video sections.

    We hope that our article was interesting to you, and with its help you managed to learn something new about the biography and family of Andrei Tkachev, despite the fact that there is practically no information about his children. You can see what the priest looks like now in the photo from this article.

    And how do you feel about Andrei Tkachev and his activities?