Scenario for celebrating my sister's birthday 45. Conscience is not enough

  • 21.09.2019

3.75 /5 | Voted: 4

Before starting the celebration of the anniversary of 45 years, a woman according to the scenario below should decorate the room. Homemade decor is perfect for this, although store-bought garlands and flowers can also be used. Bright posters with cheerful wishes for the hero of the day will complement the interior. And of course beautiful bouquets!

At the appointed time, the hero of the occasion meets her guests. They take their seats at the table. The leader appears in the room.


Hello dear birthday girl! Hello dear guests! Once again, we are all gathering in the house of our beloved and respected (name and patronymic of the birthday girl). But, today's occasion is quite unusual. We are celebrating the anniversary of a wonderful woman, a caring wife, an attentive mother and a wonderful hostess!

Young people consider anniversary a synonym for old age. But, look at our birthday girl! Does she look like an old woman? Not at all! Ours (name and patronymic) is as positive, beautiful, kind, sympathetic as in her youth. The only thing that has changed is that she is wiser now. But wisdom does not mean old age!

Please accept the most sincere and warm congratulations on your 45th birthday from all those present. After all, today relatives, friends, colleagues have gathered in your house - only the closest people.

In this part of the script for the 45th anniversary of the woman, congratulations with humor from the girlfriends and friends of the birthday girl. All guests are invited to raise their glasses to the health, well-being and happiness of the hero of the occasion.


Among all the guests there is one person for whom you (name and patronymic of the birthday girl) are the meaning of all life. Your family is already (so many) years old and together you have experienced a lot. Well, the word to the spouse (name and patronymic).

After congratulating the husband, a small competition is held. After all, what without interesting fun?


Let's check how much the husband got to know his wife during the years of married life. After all, every woman is a mystery! Could (name and patronymic of the spouse) unravel all the secrets of our birthday girl?

We offer a simple test to see how attentive you (husband's name and patronymic) are to your beloved! Some of the questions will be provided with possible answers, from which you will have to choose the correct one. Shall we start?

  • Date and time of your spouse's birth?
  • The number of the school where the birthday girl studied?
  • Was your favorite school subject your favorite?
  • Wife's prom dress color?
  • The university that you graduated from (name and patronymic of the birthday girl)?
  • Date, time and day of the week when your child was born (if there are several children, then name all by seniority)?
  • What is the name of your wife's favorite perfume?
  • What flowers does the wife prefer?
  • The name of the "signature" dish of your favorite?
  • Where would the wife go on vacation: a) to the country; b) to the Canaries; c) to Odessa?
  • When the birthday girl retires, will she: a) breed rabbits in the country? b) engage in floriculture; c) knit socks for grandchildren?
  • What series does your wife like to watch?
  • The ideal male actor, according to your wife?
  • How long does it take for a birthday girl to cook dinner: a) 15 minutes; b) 60 minutes; at 3 o'clock?

So, according to the results of the test, the spouse will have to reveal the secrets of the soul of his beloved. But there's so much more to come happy years life together! And yet, she knows a lot (the name and patronymic of her husband), therefore he receives the title of “Ideal Spouse” and is awarded a medal.

Applause, toasts and congratulations sound.


Everyone sat up for something! It's time to warm up a little, so a dance competition is announced!

To conduct this part of the script for the 45th anniversary, it is necessary to prepare props - ordinary newspapers. Several pairs of women and men are selected. The winners need a prize - a medal for the "Best Dancers"


When the music starts, all the couples stand on the newspapers and start dancing. When the music stops, you need to fold the newspapers in half, then continue the dance again. The couple that can dance on the smallest piece of paper wins.

After the end of the competition, the winners receive medals and thunderous applause.


Well, the birthday girl and her guests are excellent dancers. And now is the time to test your creative and intellectual talents!

The host divides those present into two teams - everyone participates, except for the hero of the occasion.


The task for the teams is the same - to compose a song for the hostess of the holiday. Run time - 10 minutes. Begin!

At the end of the competition, the birthday girl and the presenter determine the best composition. She gives the winners the medal "Best Writer" to applause.


What wonderful songs the guests composed in honor of our birthday girl! But, how can we leave our (name and patronymic of the birthday girl) without a reward? After all, it is thanks to her that we are all here! It was the birthday girl who organized such a wonderful holiday for us!

The presenter presents the medal to the hero of the occasion “The most charming and attractive hero of the day.” Congratulations again.


On this, the official part is considered closed, but the holiday continues!

A woman can make any changes to the script for 45 years, the main thing is that the birthday girl is happy.

Berry script for the anniversary of 45 years for a woman

The room in which the scenario of the anniversary of the 45th anniversary of the woman will be held can be decorated different colors, congratulatory posters. You can also take photos with Photoshop, which will depict the face of the hero of the day and the body of a beautiful fashion model, with a hint that her appearance is incomparable.

They say that at 45 (forty-five),
Baba berry again
There is definitely no dispute about this.
Here is the answer!
And today, on a beautiful day,
In such a sunny and clear
Everyone gathered here together
Salute the jubilee!
Only she's not here
Dinner is on the table
We need to call her
And tap your hands!

(name, patronymic), applause.

Here she is, fashion model,
So fluffy like a spruce
And hair, makeup,
This is a complete shock!
Just a small nuance
Missing a couple of rhinestones
So let's give the crown
So that it was suitable for the throne!

To applause, the crown is awarded to the hero of the day for 45 years.

Everyone hasten to raise a glass,
How lucky this anniversary is,
For the happiness of our dear,
Our beloved and dear!
For you, dear (name, patronymic).

Musical pause. Meal.

Sitting up, bored
You need to play
The competition will be held
And give gifts!

Competition called "Mummy"

It needs 4 people (2 couples). Each pair is given a roll toilet paper. One stands motionless, and the task of the second is to wrap the person standing with this paper as quickly and better as possible, to make a mummy. Whoever does this ahead, those are the winners. Prize: a pack of toilet paper.

Well, here we are a little warmed up,
We laughed heartily together
Now spanking say and toast,
I hope it won't be easy!

I give the floor for congratulations on the 45th anniversary from the closest people

(husband, children, parents and other relatives come out).

Musical pause. Meal.

Here we sit again
Gotta do something about it
The competition is rushing to us again,
Here is the place for the players!

Competition "Berry"

It needs two volunteers. Two basins filled with water are placed in the middle of the hall, and berries are also placed there, for example, strawberries, or cherries. Players kneel near the basins, hands are held behind their backs. On command, they must pull the apples out of the pelvis with their mouths. Whoever does it the fastest is the winner. Prize: box apple juice.

The family has already said
Well, friends were silent for some reason,
Couple and them say the words
In honor of such a celebration.

Friends and other guests congratulate the hero of the day for 45 years.

Musical pause. Meal.

We are running a contest again
And we move our bodies here,
Will have to dance
So, to the number 5!

Competition "Dance"

Everyone comes out for him. The task of everyone is to dance as best as possible, but in accordance with the musical theme. Every 10-15 seconds change melodies (Russian folk, gypsy, lambada, tap dance, sambo, etc.). Who dances badly, leaves, and so on to one, to the winner. Prize: CD with dance music.

They danced, they danced
Even a little tired
Well get some rest
And pour into a glass of wine!

Musical pause. Meal.

I want to say to the hero of the occasion:
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this date,
May there be room for miracles in your life,
And everything bad will disappear without a return!
Let comfort march in your house,
Love, kindness, and unearthly happiness,
Out of joy, there is always a big salute,
Does not give you the usual rest,
Wishing you more health
He is always missing in pairs,
And never let you lose heart
And let the best inspire you!


There is a song about a birthday at 45 (for example, performed by Irina Allegrova). The script for the 45th anniversary of the woman is over.

Scenarios of anniversaries 45 years old woman

Are you approaching your 45th birthday? This will be a day that you will remember forever, because your parents, brothers and sisters will gather for the anniversary, work colleagues will come and, of course, your children, who will say many warm words of gratitude to you. And how many flowers!
How many gifts!
So many happy faces around!
And at the age of 45 for a woman, the scenario of the anniversary will make your holiday truly unforgettable. All guests will remember your holiday, your 45, if the script is chosen correctly, taking into account all the nuances of age.

And the scenario of the anniversary of a woman of 45 years old requires a special approach. It is imperative to tell about what a wonderful mother and wife she is, what a miracle worker and needlewoman she is.

In the scenario of a 45-year anniversary, a woman needs to pay attention to what an indispensable helper she is for her husband and what wonderful children she has. Also, the 45-year anniversary script for a woman should contain poems, with the help of which her personality will be revealed even deeper.

This anniversary should show that she enjoys life, and her beauty blossoms, therefore the script should be blooming and cause only smiles. We suggest choosing from a large number a variety of scenarios suitable for your woman 45 years old scenario of the anniversary, from which everyone, including the birthday girl, will be delighted. You will have everything: romantic poems, interesting jokes, congratulatory performances of guests and an ocean of joy!
Look at 45 years of congratulations on the anniversary of a woman in verse, in prose


Fun "Confession"

In the hands of the presenter or the owner are two sets of cards, different in color. One has the questions, the other has the answers. Guests take turns approaching the cards, choosing and reading out a question, and then choosing an answer to it in the same way.

The essence of the game is that the texts are compiled in such a way that any variant of the selected answer is suitable for any question.

sample questions


Thanks to the competitions in the scenario of the anniversary for the 45th anniversary of a female colleague, a cheerful, relaxed atmosphere reigns at the holiday, but this is only if the presenter knows how to interest, laugh, cheer up the losers, inspire them with hope for new feats and a desire to participate in new games. Prizes for competitions can be chocolates, key rings, pens, souvenirs from the hero of the day, things that allegedly belonged to him (favorite toy, pacifier that he never parted with as a child, favorite book in his youth, favorite CD with music now, etc.).

Transform the hero of the day

As props, you will need two posters with a printed photo of the hero of the day. Two blindfolded teams will improve the portrait. Each in turn draws the birthday girl's ears, mustache, hair, beard.

The team that retouched the photo more accurately wins.

delicious chocolate

Host: Ludmila
Vasilyevna is a mystery flower, a chocolate bar will help us to congratulate her.” Participants are divided into two teams. Break the chocolate in half and give it to the first participant in each team.

He must bite it without the help of his hands and pass it to his teammate, he bites off exactly like that and passes it on. When the last player in the team has treated himself and finished the chocolate bar, the team shouts “Congratulations” in unison. Together with the birthday girl, we congratulate the winners.

Japanese competition

Volunteers are given a cosmetic pencil (preferably black) and a mirror. On command, they begin to turn themselves into a Japanese, drawing eyes and everything that they think complements the image. Whoever "Japanized" most convincingly, he receives the title of the most Japanese, the rest will also not hurt to give consolation prizes in the form of cosmetics.

grape passion

Several pairs are invited for the competition, according to the number of plates with grapes. One of the couple holds a bunch of grapes in his teeth, and the other must, without the help of hands, remove all the berries with his lips and put them on a plate. Whoever managed to pick the berries quickly and not eat them, that couple gets the prize.

Table competition-test

I give the guests leaflets on which they must write down 6 phrases from their favorite songs. When everyone has completed the task, the host offers a clue:

Fire, water and copper pipes

For this competition, you need a playing space so that you can scatter. Team game. Prepare 4 chairs - two in front of each team and two at the finish line.

Place the props on the starting chairs - a plastic cup, a lighter and a straw for a cocktail. On the finishing chairs there is a candle and a bottle of drinking water. Players take a lighter each, run to a candle and return to their place with a lit candle.

The second player takes a straw, runs to the water and, having filled it into a tube, returns to the team, pouring water into a glass. The team that carries all the water with minimal losses wins.


Men participate in the competition. The host offers to go fishing and throw fishing rods into the stormy sea, then the water comes closer and already covers the legs. You have to roll up your pants and take off your shoes…. And then a competition for the hairiest male legs is announced!
Women will certainly appreciate it.

dance marathon

The number of participants is not limited. The main condition is not just to dance beautifully - the dance must correspond to the theme of the musical accompaniment.

Gypsy, lezginka, lambada, "Apple", "Letka-Enka" and other popular dance melodies sound in short fragments. Guests must move quickly. In each round, the winners are applauded until there is only one left.

He can be given a medal for the "Best Dancer" and a disc with a dance music recording. You can complicate the competition by dancing while sitting on a chair and restricting movements (no arms, no legs, only the head, etc.).

Ode to the hero of the day

Burime competitions are familiar to everyone since childhood. The host proposes to compose an “Ode to the hero of the day” using the following rhymes: hero of the day - fire, schoolboy - gift, blow - case, tan - nightmare, etc. The prize - a bottle of wine, is awarded at the end of the evening, when all options are announced.

But to demonstrate it to stimulate creative inspiration, you need to immediately. It would be nice for the winner to prepare a commemorative medal "For the Gift of Poetry".

The scenario of the anniversary of 45 years for a woman should include fun contests, rather bold entertainment, and lyrical moments. But the main thing is that everything should be reasonable, decent and not vulgar.


Contest: The contest is called "The Mummy". It needs 4 people (2 couples). Each couple is given a roll of toilet paper. One stands motionless, and the task of the second is to wrap the person standing with this paper as quickly and better as possible, to make a mummy.

Whoever does this ahead, those are the winners. Prize: a pack of toilet paper. Host: Well, here we warmed up a little,
We laughed heartily together
Now spanking say and toast,
I hope it won't be easy!
I give the floor for congratulations on the 45th anniversary from the closest people (husband, children, parents and other relatives come out). Here we sit again
Gotta do something about it
The competition is rushing to us again,
Here is the place for the players!
Contest: The contest is called "Apple". It needs two volunteers.

Two basins filled with water are placed in the middle of the hall, 4 apples are also placed there. Players kneel near the basins, hands are held behind their backs. On command, they must pull the apples out of the pelvis with their mouths. Whoever does it the fastest is the winner. Prize: a box of apple juice. Host: Well, friends were silent for some reason,
Couple and them say the words
In honor of such a celebration. Friends and other guests congratulate the hero of the day for 45 years.

Scenario of the anniversary of 45 years of a woman

This page was viewed by: today 69, total 627501 people. Scenario of the anniversary of 45 years of a woman. 1. Dear colleagues!
Dear birthday girl,
We ask everyone to sit down at the table, pour what is supposed to be!
Today we are in friendly cheerful company, in our so-called "banquet hall" we decided to congratulate the hero of the day. Well, here you are 45,
How fast the years go by
But for a reason like this
Do not be upset!
And now - what a body!
Bones covered with flesh
Lush bust, hip, what you need - For men's eyes a joy.
There is something to take, something to look at,
There is something to cling to the bones. And those sparkling eyes
At least someone will be driven crazy!
They say that at 45 you are a woman - a flower, a source and a star,
Mysteriously tender, beautiful and proud.
You are the flame of the hearth and home,
You are the light that is beyond the earth, never goes out. And therefore, without extra words I want to raise the first glass to our hero of the occasion. What a beautiful inflorescence of guests is present at this table!
Everyone attracts with the sparkle of their eyes, a charming smile, a special charm and originality, like flowers in a beautiful meadow, to which no less beautiful creations of nature flock and living beings gather. For example, an ant
Could be among the guests.
This good worker
I'll tell you, not a miser at all. For such a celebration
You and the word, dear
With a gift
I propose to drink for these wonderful wishes!
You cried when you were born
And everyone around was laughing ... But indeed, a little pensioner was born with us. You all know how capricious little ones are, they are afraid of a cold, and they don’t have too much mind, therefore, so that they don’t puff out in their ears, they don’t bake their heads, and also so that different thoughts don’t get into their heads, we decided to give her a cap. (The host puts on a cap for her) And also you all know that the little ones are so clumsy and so awkward that when they eat they get dirty themselves and dirty everything that surrounds them, so that this does not happen, we give her an apron. (The presenter puts on an apron) And I also want to add to the above that young pensioners are upset for any reason, they are always very loud about everything, so their eyes are always wet.

So that our pensioner does not cry, we decided to give her a pacifier. (The host puts on a pacifier on a ribbon) And now I want to raise a glass to the birth of a young pensioner, but very, very young, who still has a lot to do!
Dear guests!
Dear hero of the day!
Now greet with friendly applause guests from far abroad. The Italians have arrived. Italian - Brilliant, blooming, puffed winter, hero of the day.

Translator - Dear hero of the day!
I. - And sieve for free, drunken dormoedo tuto.
P. - Dear guests!
I. - Roll with figato quickly from here. P. - Greetings to all who are here. I. - Hard labor dollar is not received. P. - Representatives of the working class and commercial structures. I. - Learned, read, counted, paper-marato and musical, and then expelled. P. - Workers
media, education, and culture.

I. - Bandito, shot, caught, planted. P. - Employees of the police, the police, the security department. I. - Their other gentlemen are lodyrento. P. - And other other workers. I. - Slurry on anything. P. - I arrived on a special flight. I. Italy stubbornly shines in the eyes.

P. - From solar
Italy. I. - Toshito pocherto boltata from Italiano in Chehanto different nonsense. P. - I brought greetings and congratulations from Italian and Czech friends. I. - En is all unnecessary borochlyanto. P. - And small modest gifts. I. - Italian belly grown first, zhironakoplento, ek requetiro. P. - First our straw
I. - He puts a lot of relish, sousento, as a reward.
P. - To straws for color sauce
I. - It stinks from a mile away, Chipollin's head from the mafia structure. P. - For a smell specially from the Sicilian mafia - onions. I. - Spilled, what is drained and underfilled. P. - Famous liquor
P. - In conclusion, I would like to wish.

I. - The back is not bolenta, the nose is not chihanto, the catfish are cusanto, the legs are shaganto. P. - Health. I. - In the garden of copanto, in the house of pribiranto, tascanto bags, everywhere in time. P. - Youth, long life. I. - Do not swear, always love, respect your friends.

P. - Friends, happiness. I. - Always pouring for the hero of the day
P. - Let's drink for the hero of the day
On this memorable, festive evening
We bring this cake to you as a gift.
Let in darkness and silence
Words will find their way to you...

Let me wish on a holiday - Let happiness be only help. Good luck, heat, heat,
So that luck awaits along the way,
And every evening was joyful,
And we will also ask you in addition - Blow out these candles!
We went to death for our faith!
In their names - the basis of life:
We serve the Fatherland with faith,
Life is born in love
And without a dream, life is impossible. Without our
It's hard for us to live.
We love her, respect her
Hope gives us back
Hope for the cherished hour
Nadia lives among us:
She will bring us happiness. And on her name day we wish her
Be our earthly compass
The girlfriends of the hero of the day come up to her, sing a congratulation to the motive of the song "Snowfall".
Friends are singing. Accept in the color of years
Our warm, cordial greetings,
And without hiding our feelings,
We will raise our bowls for you!
CONFESSION In the hands of the owner of the house are two sets of cards of two colors; Questions are written on dark-colored cards, answers are written on light-colored cards. Guests are invited to choose a question for themselves, read it, then choose a card with the answer for themselves and also read it aloud to everyone present. The meaning of the game is that any answer is suitable for any question, it is only important that the number of questions matches the number of answers. Sample questions for cards. 1. Does your loved one make you jealous?

2. When do you have to smile? 3. Do you compliment your boss? 4. Are you afraid of prison? 5. How often do you put wine on the table? 6. How often do you sort things out with your fists? 7. Do you respect alcohol? 8. Do you enjoy erotica? 9. Do you remember those who loved you before?

10. Do you dream of winning a car? 11. How often do you step on the feet of others? 12. How often do you fight with your friends? 13. Are you jealous of your other half? fourteen.

Is your character unbearable to others? 15. Do you like to enjoy food? 16.

Do you like to fool around? 17. How often do you remember your loved one? 18. Do you spend your hard-earned money on trifles? 19.

Do you want to go to
America? 20. Do you hide your left-hand earnings from your family? 21. Do you use obscene words in a conversation? 22. Do you believe in love at first sight? 23. Do you experience fatigue from work? 24.

Do you criticize our government? 25. Are you capable of noble deeds? 26. Are you patient and well-mannered to the best of your ability? Sample answers. 1. There was not and will not be. 2. Let's talk about this without witnesses. 3. I am ashamed to ask such questions, knowing my character.

4. This is the most pleasant thing for me. 5. Only when bad mood. 6. Of course, and more than once. 7. It happens, but only at night. 8. Every day, and more than once. 9. Whenever I go to bed. 10. Had to suffer from it. 11. Only awake and in slippers. 12. Exclusively in a restaurant. 13. And under torture I will not tell. 14. This is my hobby. 15. Once a day I allow myself this pleasure. 16. It was once. 17. When there are guests in the house. 18. Of course, otherwise it would be uninteresting to live. 19. Not without it. 20. This is my secret, I do not want others to know about it. 21. If there is no second half nearby. 22. When kicked out of the house. 23. This topic is unpleasant for me. 24. When my relatives do not see. 25. At night under the covers. 26. Only in thoughts.

WITH THE HELP OF A SONG Each of the guests present is invited to remember and write down a few lines from six of their favorite songs. After the guests fulfill the condition, they are offered a clue: 1. The first song is the feeling after the first kiss. 2. The second - memories after the wedding night. 3. The third is a reminder of the honeymoon. 4. Fourth - a year after the wedding. 5. Fifth - what I think about today, when today we are together with you. 6. The sixth - the morning after the golden wedding. all men of the celebration are invited. the leader offers to play fishing. "Let's take imaginary fishing rods, throw them into an imaginary sea and start fishing, but then suddenly imaginary water begins to wet our legs and the leader suggests rolling up our pants to the knees, then higher and higher."
The joke is that when everyone's trousers are already pulled up to the limit, the leader stops fishing and announces a competition for the hairiest legs. there will be laughter!
Props: 3 sundresses, 3 kerchiefs, 3 brooms (better - brooms), 1 accordion (can be for children). The most active, cheerful men are chosen from the guests, they are dressed in sundresses, they are handed props and the text of ditties written on postcards. Before the performance itself, it is advisable to conduct a rehearsal. Then the host of the anniversary asks the hero of the day to accept congratulations from the fabulous, mysterious old women. And invites
Ezhek in the hall. The ideal option it will be if you have an accordion player who can play ditties
Ezhek from m / f " flying ship", or you will have a soundtrack recorded without a voice.
Until it fell off the branch
I also came to _____
And today you are like a plum
Fresh ... .. marvelously!
Gypsy: Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am a gypsy
I came to you here by order. On the table, oh, stacks, oops, oops, buds.
That one is hers, and that one is yours, and this pile is mine. Dear hero of the day, I see you are happy
How many close friends you rather pour them. What can I say, gentlemen, I'm glad this meeting,
I will dance for you all evening.
On the hands of the bracelets slowly click,
And all the peasants touch me by the skirt.
Sei na ne, na ne, na ne, I wanted to tell you
What an obsession
I can tell you for a fee.
Gild my pen, but don't be afraid. Better
Do not even try to find the basics.

You, my handsome, all your dreams will come true
And your heart will be filled with happiness.
Give me your right hand, maybe your left hand. I will always do everything for my friends for free!
Gypsy: Here the mobile phone is ringing, urgently called,
I just don't get days off!
I move my hand, I shake my foot.
Well, you are good, clap your hands. Ai na ne, na ne, na ne. Oh, I decided, romale,
Aza is leaving
And he leaves his business card for you,
Oh, you are winter nights, everything is covered with frost.
You call sometimes I will come to you then!
Sheikh Arabic (Arabic music plays) Speech
No matter how beautiful a flower blooming in the desert, it is not more beautiful than you. O,
The most beautiful!
No matter how bright the sun shines, it cannot block the light coming from you. O,
The brightest!
No matter how desirable a sip of water in the desert is, it is not more desirable to you. Oh desired!
No matter how majestic an oil rig is on the shelf
Red Sea, she is not greater than you. O,
No matter how I love the women of my
Harem, they are not more loved than you. O Beloved!
Become an ornament of my harem, even for one minute.
O Most Magnificent! (music sounds,
Sheikh invites the hero of the day to dance) In order to get full version this author's script
You must provide your own script via
Scenario exchange form
You don't have your script to share, then
You can buy this script.
Although it is tasty, but with a little bit of bones,
And the name of such a berry is yellow - ...? (answer: cloudberry) This is the largest berry and very sweet in taste,
For summer harvest, and the name of her ...? (answer: watermelon) This berry blooms like that in spring,
What we all forget about the fetus! (answer: cherry) Well, what a berry mood,
For our (name) great
We congratulate her on this.
And we wish you all the best! (musical break, meal) And now the competition for the sweet tooth!
Competition. The competition is called: "The Elusive Jelly". Everyone is welcome to participate. Each is given a table, a chair, a plate with berry jelly and toothpicks is placed on the table. At the command of the presenter, all participants, with the help of toothpicks, begin to hook the jelly and put it in their mouths. But all this is not as simple as it seems at first glance, because the jelly slides, and it is very difficult to bring it to the mouth. Whoever eats all ahead, he will be the winner. Prize: a large flip calendar with a picture of berries.

berry extravaganza

The birthday girl is Elena.

The hall is decorated with artificial berries and flowers
Fanfare sounds. The leader comes out.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! We are pleased to welcome you to the anniversary of dear Elena, which bears such a charming name - "Berry extravaganza".
What a beautiful berry season! Enchanting scents all around ripe berries. There is a desire to live and enjoy this magic. And how delightful is the woman entering this season! However, it is very easy to be convinced of this when looking at our birthday girl, for whom this time is just beginning.
Please welcome with applause - our beautiful Elena!

The birthday girl comes out to applause. Her husband meets her and escorts her to a place of honor.

August stood serene over the world, (any month)
An angel flew over the earth at that moment.
That angel descended to earth from heaven,
And gave us you - the best gift of miracles.

Child of love, child of dreams
Fortunately, that angel brought it to us.
Elena grew up as a smart girl
And she gave her spark to everyone.

In fun and games, everything grew up,
And now she's grown up
Graduated from school, went to work
Friends on the fate of the most faithful found.

Helens of our magic hands
They did not know fatigue, laziness and boredom.
How much strength and will in fragile shoulders!
And what an impressive wingspan!

Finely honed exquisite taste
(Let Yudashkin smoke on the sidelines).
And time has no power over Lena -
Still slim, smart and beautiful.

Everything is just as fresh - just a socialite!
She smiles and faces light up.
All the words for her still will not be enough.
Let's raise our glasses to Lena!

First birthday toast

Wonderful Elena! Looking at you, you understand why, for the sake of possessing a woman with the same name, men once started a war. You deserve the very best in the world!
Today, all those who are dear and close to you have gathered for your Berry extravaganza. People who are infinitely happy that you brighten their lives with your presence. Who are happy to be with you. These are your family, friends and colleagues. And each of them will have warm, kind and sincere words to assure you of my love.
Now I give the floor to the people who gave Elena to the world, warmed her with their love and affection, were wise mentors and remain best friends - ____________ and _____________, mom and dad.

Congratulations from parents

How much tenderness, love
In your eyes, hands. Oh mom!
My steps are always towards you.
And in life there is no sacred temple.

Oh dad! With his wisdom,
Always forgiving me for everything
Strength did not spare his soul,
Protecting from all misfortunes.

I propose to raise glasses to the health of these holy people! God bless you many years!

Second toast

The happiness of a woman is in her family. We all know well how boundless are Elena's feelings for her husband (name) and children. But how did it all start?

Park, disco. Come on, youth!
Grannies clamored: "Moral failure."
That's where fate brought them together forever -
Goodbye, romance, happiness, the moon.

So before the wedding they met,
And "Bitter!" from relatives, friends it was distributed.
In warmth, understanding, consent, love
They gave birth to two wonderful children.

And _________, dear bloodlines.
How mother blew off dust particles from both!
Beauty, smart, right, as it should -
Elena's life is love and reward!

Let's give this wonderful family a round of applause and give the floor to the husband and children.

Congratulations from the family. In conclusion, a slide film about Elena's life, made by children, is shown on the projector. During the show, they comment on the frames.

Elena, here's what I wanted to tell you:
You won't find another like you!
To create such a family
You need to have great talent!

About your pies the glory goes,
Well, for borscht - everyone will fall at their feet.
But, most importantly, your big soul.
With you comfort and inside the hut.

Let's raise our glasses to our wonderful wife, mother and hostess - our incomparable Elena!

Third toast

Tell me, who of those present, except for the parents, is aware of Elena's childhood pranks? Who remembers the most important events her life and, moreover, was present at the same time? Well, of course, they are her family. But how good they are with memory, we will now find out.

All relatives (adults) are welcome. A quiz is held for them on events from the life of the birthday girl (when she took her first steps, when she began to read, whether she was a pioneer (Komsomol member), when she fell in love for the first time, what she was fond of, what she dreamed about, favorite song, etc.)
After the quiz, everyone (optionally) is given a word for congratulations.
During the congratulations, the presenter prepares an entertaining moment (congratulations from the cat).

What wonderful words! And how wonderful that our extravaganza cannot have many of them!
But before you take your seats, I would like to ask you one last question. Tell me, you remembered a lot about events in Elena's life, about her hobbies. But the main hobby at the moment has not been mentioned. I hint: alive, furry and tailed. Yes, of course! The favorite of all families is the cat Barberry, who, alas, stayed at home ...
I hear some noise. Looks like we have guests!

One of the guests in the form of a postman enters with a large box in his hands. On the box is the inscription: "To a beautiful berry." With the help of the guests' tips, the postman finds the birthday girl and calls her to him. Asks to sign, hands a postcard and a box. The host, with permission, takes a card and asks one of the guests to read it.

Congratulations from the cat

Well hello hostess!
You, I see, are a little arrogant:
Invited everyone to the party
And she forgot me.

And I sit like an orphan
Like some kind of cattle
And no one will comfort
Let the belly not scratch ...

I hope you understand?
Have you already taken a low start home?
Kohl took - cool, relax,
Sit down and stay.

Well, I'm just like that, for the sake of it,
For show-off, not for offense.
For you my best friend
I will be dumb, and blind, and deaf!

I won't tell anyone
About addictions to revelry,
About obscene rampage ...
I have feelings for you!

And you, my you zaya,
I won't change for anything!
I will forgive and understand everything
(I'll take compensation).

The main thing is to be healthy
Always ready for my "meow"
Relax and have fun -
Your favorite, Barberry!

P.S. And so that you do not relax
And out of the way, so as not to stray,
Get my message
Reminder about me!

The birthday girl opens a box in front of everyone, from which balloons filled with helium emerge. At the bottom of the box is a cup (vase, picture) with images of a beloved cat surrounded by berries.

Dear Elena, allow me to proclaim a toast on your behalf to your entire large, friendly and strong family, in which even shaggy pets love and appreciate you so much!

fourth toast

What is a real friend? The one who is known in trouble? Not only. One a wise man said that true friends are best known in those moments when a person is happy. After all, not everyone can sincerely share the joy. Dear Elena, you can be congratulated! Because these are the kind of friends that surround you. And today they are here, next to you. By the way, where are they? I think I hear someone's voices.

To the sounds of fanfare, friends (5 people) enter the hall, wearing attributes - caps, scarves (for men) and bibs - with images of berries.

Raspberry Who walks together in a row?

Together Ripe Berry Squad!

Raspberry One, two, three, four, five

Together To congratulate Elena!

Squad, stay where you are! One, two. Nale-e-evo!
Our squad:

Together Berry!

Raspberry Our motto:

Together, the more years, the more better color!

Raspberry Get ready for the name-calling of the newborn Yagodka!

Together Always Ready!

Raspberry Raspberry I - the main sweetness.
I do not know the word old age.
I wish you flowering in joy
So that life seems to you like me!

Strawberry And I'm a strawberry. All the people know
I am the most erotic fetus in the world.
I wish without fuss and without snobbery
Healthy such eroticism.

Cherry I ripened in Uncle Vanya's garden.
Now I'm Cherry, like Armani.
And on you, Elena, there is my fragrance -
You will put checkmate and checkmate on all men!

Currant Currant berries cannot be found more useful:
Stems, leaves, berries are treated for diseases.
You are now one of us and, without being hypocritical,
We appoint the main one - you will be the Panacea!

Passion fruit (male) Do you want exotic? So take me!
What am I? Passion fruit me!
Feijoa, papaya, they all suck.
I will take you, Elena, with me!

Together And you from the generous berry soul
We welcome you to our ranks!

The birthday girl is put on the neck and head wreaths of berries. Friends become around the birthday girl and dance to incendiary music, involving all those present.
Musical pause.

Good evening dear friends! You have gathered today in this hall in order to congratulate the wonderful Elena on her birthday in a solemn festive atmosphere! Mark beautiful anniversary beautiful woman - mother, wife, sister, friend and just a wonderful woman - our Elena!

To begin with, I ask everyone to sit comfortably, pour what is necessary, and put what is available on the plates.

Birthday is a glorious holiday
A good, long-awaited holiday.
On this day, I wish you all the best,
Light, joy, happiness, warmth!

Well, here you are 45,
how fast the years go by.
But for a reason like this
don't be upset!
Of course it's not 17
And far from 25
But to be honest
There is no reason to be discouraged!

A string of these years
did not ruin the portrait.
Let's look honestly, from above:
What were you before?
Walked - ribs rang ....
And now, what a body!
Bones covered with flesh
Rounded features.
lush bust
Hip what you need
(For men's eyes a joy).
There's something to take
What to look at.
There is something to stick with the bones.
And those sparkling eyes
At least someone will be driven crazy!!!

And so, without further ado, I ask you to raise your glasses to our beautiful hero of the occasion!

I was given a government telegram with a decree from the President of Russia, who personally congratulates our mother and awards me with a Certificate of Honor.

Honorary Diploma awarded to the best mother
"For many years of conscientious work for the benefit of the family, personal contribution to the preparation of highly moral and qualified members of society, that is, their children and husband, in connection with the 45th anniversary of their birth."

With the issuance of this letter, consider today, September 7, the day Russian Federation and a day off for all relatives, friends and relatives.
Grant a lifetime right to Elena Kiprushkina to celebrate her birthday in the morning in any place where her friends and relatives live and work.

All other citizens of the Russian Federation who are familiar with Elena Kiprushkina are allowed to raise at least three glasses of strong, fortified and other tonic drinks on this day for Elena's health at any time and regardless of their location.

I suggest that you immediately begin to implement this decree! But first, I want to warn the guests that we have a bottle of collectible champagne (a regular bottle decorated with a bow and an autograph) with a personal autograph of the hero of the day, which will be raffled at the auction at the end of our evening. . So, let's proceed to the implementation of the decree of the president himself, let's raise our glasses to the hero of the occasion!

Now I would like to give the floor to the husband of the hero of the day,. But first, I propose to find out one question: is it true that if you live with a person for a long time in a marriage and if this marriage is happy, then you can easily recognize your companion with your eyes closed? And not only to learn, but also to portray him with his eyes closed. Now we will arrange a creative contest for our birthday girl.

(A sheet of paper is hung in front of the hero of the day, her eyes are tied with a silk scarf, a simple pencil is given in her hands. They are seated so that the guests do not see what she is drawing. She is given a couple of minutes so that she can portray her husband from memory. The host reassures her, convincing, that artistic abilities are not so important in this competition. The main thing, as usual, is participation. While she is drawing, guests are invited to fill their glasses. Then, after a couple of minutes, the presenter quietly replaces the drawing of the hero of the day with a previously prepared portrait of her husband (a pencil drawing ordered from the artist, This the portrait is proudly shown to the husband and guests (and to the most surprised Anniversary), passing off as a drawing of the hero of the day).

- Mom, is it true that every child should have a father?
- It's true, son.
- Then why are there two children in our family, and only one dad?

The husband boasts to his wife:
- You know, yes, I can provide a few women like you!
- Very well, tomorrow I will bring my mother and sister.

The word is given to the spouse.

Beautiful words of a loved one and loving husband... and I want to give them a song, and of course they will dance for us.

(My song "Borrowed")

- Now, let the hero of the day have a little rest, and we will hold a competition for the title of the best gardener. I ask four - six people to come to the middle of the hall.

1. (They take two ordinary sticks from any tree so that there are two or three branches).

2-3 banknotes of 10 rubles are attached to one with paper clips, 2-3 sweets are attached to the other, put in pots with earth (can be in jars of any size). "Seedlings" are well packed in paper or in a bag so that they are not visible. Three participants from each team are invited to leave.

Near the participants (2-3 in each team) they put a glass of water (narrow or any container), give three tablespoons to each, at the expense of one-two-three they must transfer water from the glasses with these spoons to water the seedling. It would be nice to put some rhythmic music, but not very long. Or time it. After 2-3 minutes, the result is evaluated: how much water is left in the glass for each team. It is desirable that the water be tinted, so it will be better visible.

Then the presenter announces that everyone will now look at what the unfortunate gardeners have “grown” on their site. They unfold the first seedling and give it to the hero of the day with the words of the wish for a comfortable life. The second seedling is unfolded, they are also handed over to the hero of the day with the words of wishes for a sweet life. Participants and winners can be presented with some vegetable grown in the country by your mother or a bag of seeds.)

45 is a beautiful age.
The kids are grown up now.
A blush burns on the cheeks,
Youth sings in the soul.

Our mischievous, groovy Lena at 45.
And she can give any young head start.
We wish her good luck, youth without end,
And a cloudless sky, and a smile on his face.

The word is given to the son

While the child is preparing, a small digression ....

Joke. Child. Three years. He looks at his mother with adoration: “Mom knows everything. You have to listen to your mother."
Eight years. Looks at mom: “N-no, mom doesn’t know everything ...”
Eighteen years. He looks at his mother: “What does a mother understand in life!”
Thirty years. He looks at his mother with adoration: “And how does mother know everything? I should have listened to my mom...

I'm not a child anymore
But without regret
I say: favorite holiday -
Mom's birthday.
Like many years ago
I am happy to congratulate you.
Bring a bouquet
So as not to crawl through the door,
And, of course, on the sly
Slip your finger into the cake.

Song "Sunshine"

At 45, life acquires an unusual smell. The smell of new life, which was born all previous years, gaining knowledge and feeding on experience. No wonder they say that life begins at 40. So let's drink to a new naive childhood, to the wonderful years of youth and the second growing up!

Let's warm up a little (competitions)

Test for Elena and Andrey

2. Merry competition at the birthday party "Sniffer"

Necessary: ​​a lot of different items are tied to strings and hidden in a bag.
Call a volunteer, blindfold him. When the eyes are blindfolded, the host takes out of the bag and brings one of the prepared items hanging on a rope to the volunteer's nose. It is necessary to determine without the help of hands, only through the sense of smell: what kind of contraption is this. Guess what, you'll get this as a gift... The very first person is given something simpler, like an apple. The rest, inspired by the example, will then stand in line. It's very funny when an unfortunate sniffer sticks his nose, for example, into a hanging can of beer, which dangles back and forth ... Finally, it comes to the fact that volunteers are allowed to sniff flavored condoms. The volunteer sucks in the air with all his might, and the people from laughter just crawl under the furniture. You can also give bills to sniff. And if he guesses right, then let him say what value the money was. Practice shows that there is always someone who is able to guess the dignity by smell ...

3. Competition “Earn”

You will need two cans, 20 coins.
Two couples are called - in a pair of a gentleman and a lady. Now the gentlemen are attached to the belt of the jar. Ladies are given 10 coins. Ladies move 2 meters away from gentlemen. At the signal of the leader, the lady must throw all the coins into the gentleman's jar. The gentleman helps her by rotating his waist (if any).
Competition Winner: The couple with the most coins in the jar.

4. Competition "Adam's apple"

Needed: 4 apples, 4 eye patches.
The host calls 2 couples, preferably a guy-girl. Blindfolds their eyes.
Need: stand opposite each other and, holding an apple in each hand, try to feed each other with them.
The winner is the pair whose apples were eaten faster and whose fingers were not bitten off.
During the game, it is advisable to ensure that the participants do not eat the apples that are in their hands.

Dance break (song "May you be lucky in love")

Comic Wishes

(firefighters toast):

I was instructed to say this toast by the firemen. They are closely watching your home: for many years a fire has been blazing here - a fire of love in your hearts! So let's drink to the fact that it never goes out!

(toast of meteorologists):

Dear friends! Listen to the weather forecast for the birthday girl for the next year. There will be short-term precipitation in the form of tea, compote, fruit drink and kvass. Sultry scorching kitchen sun will give delicious pies and fragrant roast. Lunar tides of beer will turn into a long summer flood. Vortex formations dancing couples will turn into dense fronts at numerous festivities. Cyclones and anticyclones with relatives will periodically bring downpours with thunderstorms, then winds that turn into a storm, then gentle sun and abundant harvests. The weather in the family will be changeable, but mostly warm.

And now let me join in the congratulations and wish your family warm relations, hot love and sultry desires!

(medics toast):

Dear hero of the day! We do not often meet you in our offices and would like to wish you to appear in our clinic as little as possible. We wish that your sclerosis manifests itself only in the fact that you forget the way to us.
So that pain in the abdomen occurs only after prolonged laughter.
So that the heart ached only with happiness.
So that your spouse's head hurts only in the morning, and then with a hangover, and the pressure arises only in a certain place, but every day.

We are happy to join these congratulations-wishes and immediately raise our glasses!!!

Congratulations to relatives...

let's play some more...

5. Competition "Fishing"

(We take an imaginary fishing rod, throw it into an imaginary sea and start fishing. But then the imaginary water began to arrive and wash our legs. We roll up our pants higher, higher and higher, to the limit. (as a result - who has the hairiest legs).


The number of participants in the number of letters in the name of the hero of the day (Elena 5). Everyone draws out a piece of paper with a letter and a number (“H” -1; “A” -2; “T” -3, etc.). Men line up in the order of their number. In turn, they should name one pleasant epithet characterizing the hero of the day (“n” - extraordinary, “o” - awesome, charming. Guests can tell, but it would be nice for the host to prepare himself to help if the compliments run out quickly). The one who, in turn, does not come up with anything, is eliminated from the competition. At the end, the most eloquent guest should remain, who, as a prize, gets the opportunity to dance with the hero of the day.

7. competition "Barrel of beer"

For the competition, you need to purchase a 5-liter barrel of beer (for example, "Baltika").
A judge is appointed and everyone is invited.
The goal of the competition is to wrap one hand around the barrel from above and hold it in the air for as long as possible. Whoever can hold the keg the longest, he receives it as a reward.
Believe me - not everyone will be able to hold it in their hands, although it seems very easy.

Your anniversary is wonderful
You are 45 today
And the fire sparkles clear,
And the eyes sparkle again!
You don't look at the years
And let them fly
Have fun, have fun
Surprise everyone!

dance break
(song "Somewhere Beyond the Sea")

Grandmothers-old women came to our anniversary and certainly want to congratulate our beautiful Elena. Shall we let them?
Granny please...

Ditties of butterflies-hedgehogs.

All: Stretch furs, harmonica
Oh, play, play!
Elena has a birthday
Drink, do not talk-wa-ri-wai!

First: Walked along the forest side,
Anniversary followed me.
Spit on his baldness
And sent to the devil!

Second: The drunkest of the guests
It's somebody's anniversary
Even though I don't believe myself
These superstitions!

Third: And Elena is cheerful
both beautiful and slim.
Invite people here
To celebrate an anniversary!

All: Stretch furs, harmonica
Oh, play, play!
Elena has a birthday
Drink, do not talk-wa-ri-wai!

First: How old was she
It's not a secret at all.
She will always be 20 years old
Even at 80 years old!

Second: Let's drink let's drink for love
So that vodka would warm the blood,
For the health of Lenoshka
Lenoshki - refrains!

Third: I was going back home,
Anniversary followed me.
Thought it was a man
What the hell is this!

All: Stretch furs, harmonica
Oh, play, play!
Elena has a birthday
Drink, do not talk-wa-ri-wai!

I am sure that every guest has something to say to our beautiful Elena.
In order for the birthday girl to know all the good things with which you came to her, I propose to make a collective toast. I start a toast, but at the most interesting moment I suggest that my table neighbor continue it. Thus, you get a long toast with a large, and most importantly interesting meaning. The main thing is that the last person ends the toast logically.

I want to take the floor now
Then give it to someone else.
I won't just talk
I will make a toast.

Happy Birthday,
Happy good mood day
Everybody pour some red wine
So that life is red.

Let's have some more fun. Contests.

8. Competition "Zoo" (for 8 or more people)
The players stand in a circle. The facilitator whispers to each role: "behemoth" or "eagle". Everyone hugs each other by the shoulders. When the host says loudly to everyone "eagle!", Then the "eagles" tighten both legs. When "behemoth!", then they tighten their legs. There will be even more fun if suddenly in big company there will be a clear minority of certain "animals".

9. Competition "Dress each other"
This is a team competition. Participants are divided into pairs. Each couple chooses a pre-prepared bag containing a set of clothes (it is necessary that the number and complexity of items be the same). All participants in the game are blindfolded. On command, one of the couple must feel the clothes on the other from the bag he got in one minute. The winner is the pair that "dresses" faster and more correctly than the others. It's fun when two men are in a couple and they get a bag with purely women's clothing!

10. What do we have in our pants?
Wedding game "What's in our pants?". For this game, you will need one pair of children's tights from the previous competition, the "legs" must be tied in a knot to make an impromptu bag. Notes are prepared in advance with different funny phrases, which fall into pantyhose, and the guests take them out, starting the phrase with the words “And in my pants. ..” and ends with what is in the note. Usually guests die of laughter during this game.

Examples of phrases: Happiness rolled!; Dry and comfortable; There are also balls in bloomers; Sanitization required; Not porn, but provocatively; Conscience did not spend the night; Only for currency; I will give it to safe hands; The level of well-being is growing; care required; The expiration date has expired; Love and pigeons; Something is lost; Get in line, you sons of bitches, get in line!; Do not touch!; Danger! Keep out!; Gold diamonds; sad time; The contact person; Do not offer intimacy, leisure; An example to follow; Today only Oblomov; I want something, but I don’t know who; Light hobby; Two big differences; Requires bed rest; Population explosion

11. Competition with a pot and a ladle

Win-win lottery

Happy anniversary
Don't rush while reading
45 is not just a date
Guests dance from the heart!
We wish you well
Lots of gold and silver
Prosperity, love -
Always live in joy!
If anything, call your friends
They will sing like nightingales!

Elena, dear Elena!
Your birthday has arrived.
Today you are like a queen!
Heavenly beauty crystal.

Beloved, be and be beautiful!
Not only on this wonderful day.
To have endless happiness.
And followed you like a shadow.

In conclusion, the song "You must believe in love"