Monkeys born in a leap year. Leap year: signs and superstitions

  • 30.09.2019

Every 4th year is a leap year with 366 days. It is customary to believe that this year is unsuccessful, it brings misfortunes, cataclysms ... Centuries have passed, people have analyzed, compared what is happening in bad years and came to the conclusion that it really brings trouble. And as a result, numerous signs appeared in leap year.

People believe in signs and believe that by following the warnings, many troubles can be avoided. Basically, all the signs came from the ancestors, only slightly adapted to our time.

In this difficult year, February 29 appears - Kasyanov's Day. What do we know about him? According to the information that has come down to us, Kasyan was an envious man, had a terrible character. Our great-grandfathers considered this day dangerous and did not even go outside, all undertakings were completed by this day, but new ones were not started.

Leap year bans

According to legend, if you follow the rules in a bad year, you can avoid problems and troubles. 2016 was a leap year and brought a lot of trouble.

What not to do:

  • Don't start new business, do not start new projects.
  • Large purchases should also be postponed, only the most necessary. And then you can’t avoid breakdowns of the purchase, or problems with registration.
  • Do not sell your property, cars or animals.
  • You can not drown newborn pets, their death can lead to the death of loved ones.
  • Moving is also not favorable. It can be a change of housing, and a place of work.
  • Marrying and filing for divorce this year is not recommended. It was believed that marriage in a leap year promises an unhappy marriage.

  • High risk of fires, take precautions.
  • Do not make major repairs in the house.
  • Lending or borrowing is prohibited. The debt will not be returned, the loans will be very difficult to repay.
  • You can not share your plans with people, they will not come true.
  • Try not to eat mushrooms at all this year, there is a danger of severe poisoning.
  • Anniversaries of joint life also do not need to be celebrated, there may be a divorce.
  • Christmas carols should be canceled dark forces can bring trouble.

Pregnancy, childbirth and children born on a leap year

Girls who are expecting a baby are always superstitious, and try to strictly comply with all prohibitions. But in the case of pregnancy in a leap year and even childbirth, there is nothing terrible. Neither the mother nor the baby is in danger.

The birth of a child is always joy and happiness. But there are still signs for this difficult year:

  • The main thing is to try not to give birth to a baby on February 29th. The fate of children born on this day is difficult .... Yes, and the birthday is only once every 4 years.

  • It is not advisable for pregnant women to cut their hair, otherwise the child will be born painful.
  • Children born this year are weak, sickly. This is due to the negative energy of the whole year. In the old days, they tried to baptize the babies of this year as soon as possible, on the fortieth day after birth. Godparents need to choose relatives of the child by blood.

But doctors, after conducting research, no differences between babies born in different years, did not notice.

Leap year wedding

It was mentioned above that you should not get married this year. But if it was already decided to marry, there are folk signs:

  • Put a coin in each bride's shoes,
  • The bride's dress must certainly be long, to the floor.

  • The groom's spoon, which he ate on wedding celebration, save. She will need to eat on the 3rd, 7th and 40th day after the wedding.
  • A wedding tablecloth is also worth taking home. On the wedding anniversary in the first three years, cover the table with it.
  • The bride should not wear a ring on her glove. Remove gloves first.

You can get married this year if people love each other. Love won't let bad things happen!

Leap year superstition

  • This year it is better not to go to the temple during the funeral of the deceased.
  • If you decide to collect medicinal herbs in the forest, then first stand facing the west and say: “Leap year, father, keep the bad for yourself, but let me take the expensive. Amen".
  • If a person goes to jail in a leap year, then native person goes to the temple and puts a candle to 3 saints, and comes out with the words: “The leap-leap will leave, And the servant of God (name) will come home. Amen".
  • At spring planting cultures in the garden, before the process itself, say: "In leap soot, die fine."
  • Try to get caught in the rain this year, it brings success in business and happiness to the family.
  • Eat an apricot primrose - protection from troubles.
  • Easter rain promises excellent harvest fruits and berries, but snow to poor grain collection.

  • Do not celebrate round dates of life together. Can affect the longevity of a marriage.

If a family wants to avoid the bad influence of a leap year, to attract happiness, "ancestors advise": on New Year's Eve, burn old slippers to all households, and purchase new ones.

Be happy, love each other, and joy will not leave your home!!!

A leap year is a year with 366 days. This year there are changes in the calendar, in February the 29th appears. Leap year has long been considered difficult and unlucky, filled with troubles. For many centuries, people have analyzed and compared what is happening. On the basis of which numerous signs appeared.

Today, there are also quite a few people who believe in all these signs that have come to us from the distant past. Many treat them with ordinary curiosity, but there are also people who take all signs and warnings seriously.

February 29 is popularly called Kasyanov Day. Kasyan was a very envious person with a disgusting character. The ancient Slavs considered this day black and tried not to go out and not start new business, and they tried to complete old work by the end of the month. Later, all superstitions became widespread, the whole year began to be considered unsuccessful and dangerous.

What is forbidden in a leap year?

2020 is also a leap year, in this regard, it will be quite relevant to find out what you can’t do during this year:

  1. You should not start new projects and start a business.
  2. Do not make large and significant purchases. Since this will bring a lot of trouble, and purchases will be of poor quality.
  3. The sale of property is also prohibited. Vehicle and animals.
  4. In no case do not drown kittens and puppies, as folk beliefs they say that this death will entail the death of people close to you.
  5. Changing jobs and places of residence this year is fraught with disappointment and failure.
  6. If you want happiness in personal life then don't get married or divorced.
  7. Due to the high risk of fire, popular superstition, you can not take on wooden buildings.
  8. Postpone repairs in the apartment.
  9. Do not lend or borrow money. They will either not return to you, or you will not be able to pay off your debt.
  10. Disclosing your plans will lead to the fact that they will not come true.
  11. Mushrooms in a leap year are very easy to get poisoned, do not pick even edible ones in the forest.
  12. So that the family does not break up, do not celebrate wedding anniversaries.
  13. There are also recommendations for pregnant women: they should not cut their hair, otherwise the child will not be born completely healthy.
  14. Caroling at Christmas is strictly prohibited, as you can attract dark forces to yourself and lose your happiness.

Pregnancy and childbirth in a leap year

Around pregnancy and childbirth, there are always a lot of signs and superstitions, especially many of them are associated with a leap year. For some women, when they find out about their pregnancy in this unlucky year, the question arises: is it possible to give birth to a child at all and is something bad threatening him?

In fact, everything is not so bad, and if the pregnancy has come and you want to have a child, then, of course, you can and should leave it. Nothing terrible will happen to the child or his mother.

Signs in a leap year for the birth of a child

The birth of a child is undoubtedly a joyful event, and it should not be overshadowed by not always justified superstitions. But if you believe in all signs, then we will list them:

  1. The most unlucky day for the birth of a child is February 29th. A difficult fate is predicted for a child, and a birthday can be celebrated only in one year out of four. Moreover, this sign has recently become a priority for many mothers for unknown reasons, so requests to enroll a child on a different date (February 28 or March 1) are not uncommon.
  2. Children born in a leap year have poor health, they are haunted by frequent illnesses - this is what people who endow this year with negative energy think. But there are those who consider these children lucky, to whom good luck will be attracted.
  3. Children born this year should be baptized as early as possible. A God-parents must be blood relatives of the child.
  4. You should not call anyone “on the tooth”, as the child’s teeth will be unhealthy, and when they erupt, he will suffer greatly.

Although there is no confirmation of all these signs today. Doctors did not notice any particular difference in the health status of children born in ordinary and leap years.

Signs in a leap year for a wedding

As noted above, in a leap year, it is advised to refrain from marriage. But still, if it is impossible to postpone such a joyful event, then you need to pay attention to some signs:

  1. If you want a happy family life, then don't wear a dress with a short skirt.
  2. Never put the ring on the glove.
  3. Put one coin into the shoes.
  4. Save the groom's spoon, which he ate on the wedding day, give it to him on the third, seventh and fortieth day after the wedding day.
  5. For the first three anniversaries, cover the table with a wedding tablecloth.
  6. Nobody can try on the bride's dress.

In fact, there is no evidence that all leap year marriages are doomed to misfortune. The most important thing is that young people love each other.

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As you know, 2016 is the year Fire Monkey. The very symbol of this year personifies shyness, caution and legibility. That is, we can assume that children born in 2016 will be laconic, but infinitely curious. Already in the womb, they are active and mobile. Children born in a leap year, which will be 2016, will develop intuition and a tendency to long solitary reflections.

The nature of children born in 2016

Despite the tendency to solitude, children born in the year of the Monkey are unusually mobile and prone to petty pranks, and if they are not stopped in time, they can do something bigger. They are extremely energetic and if you want your child to have no problems, try to direct his energy in a constructive direction.

As a rule, these children already in early childhood know what they want and what they expect from life, so work more actively to develop your child's talent in the area that interests him.

Memory, logic and intuition are the main trump cards of those born in the year of the Monkey. They are more often than others capable of creativity and creative professions.

Order is above all for them, and family and friends are the most valuable thing they have in life.

They know how to combine materialism and romanticism, nothing human is alien to them. Their horizons are quite wide, while they are unshakable in their desire to reach certain heights.

Children born under different zodiac signs in 2016

According to the eastern horoscope, each sign of the Zodiac has certain patterns of behavior. What does he hide in himself in children born in 2016?

Aries are characterized by low emotionality, secrecy and perseverance in striving for a goal. They are responsible and even at a tender age can be great helpers for you. Aries born in the year of the Monkey have a well-developed musical taste, they themselves are able to show interest in music and learn to play instruments. If in early childhood Aries-Monkeys are noisy and noisy, then at an older age they become more restrained and calm.

But children born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Monkey have one very serious flaw - their own laziness. Therefore, they tend to quit what they started halfway. If you seek to develop any ability in a child, do not forget to periodically remind him of this so that he does not lose interest in his work.

  • Taurus

Taurus are born leaders and strive to be the first in everything. They are attentive to details, pedantic and economic. They value a good attitude and tend to trust those who back up their promises with real deeds.

At the same time, children born under the sign of Taurus are very stubborn and do not like a subordinate position. You will have to make a lot of effort to catch the thread of control. Such children tend to bargain, they will definitely ask for something in return for their deeds. But bribery can easily force such children to learn their lessons. They need an incentive to study well, so make sure to give your child a goal in later life, and then they are almost guaranteed to become excellent students. Do not use the method of will suppression in any case, otherwise you simply will not cope with the child in the future.

Taurus-Monkeys think soberly, realists. They often fall into pessimism, but like no one else they understand the environment.

  • Twins

The nature of the twins is double-minded, like the sign of the zodiac itself. They combine opposite qualities. They are often quick-tempered, but quick-tempered.

With all the tendency to aggression, they are good-natured and responsive. They can flare up, but quickly calm the person whom they offended with their harsh statements or actions. V stressful situations they become unpredictable.

At the same time, children born in 2016 under the sign of Gemini will definitely draw something all the time, they can often be seen with a brush or pencil over a piece of paper. Try to develop the qualities of an artist in them, in an art school they will definitely become their own. With the right approach to teaching children to draw, they can achieve great success in the arts. Learning is given to them easily, they are not inclined to shirk their studies, despite the fact that they go to school and lessons without much enthusiasm.

Children born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Monkey are extremely mobile and active. They constantly run back and forth, as a result of which they often walk with bruises and bruises. Such children also have a refined taste, in many respects they are picky. They have a high ability for obedience, they try to be as accurate as possible when performing an important assignment. Cancer Monkeys are picky in people, so the likelihood that your child will contact bad company is minimal. They have good friends, they appreciate order in everything. As they mature, they become more independent and diligent. We can say that in the future such children will bring only positive emotions to their parents.

They are restrained, rarely raise their voice, and if they flare up, then not for long. Crayfish-Monkeys are quite conceited and for an incentive they must not be forgotten to be praised. At the same time, such a child will not become a know-it-all from constant praise on your part. Appreciate the efforts of your child, because everything that he does for you, he tries to do out of exceptionally good intentions.

The character of Lviv is complex, it is not always easy to get along with them. Children born under the sign of Leo will cause a lot of problems for you and those around you. It is difficult to call them good-natured, because in any company they strive to be leaders in all respects. They are capricious, demand attention and are offended if their voice remains unheard. Lions are conceited, they can clean up in front of a mirror for a long time. They try to look as presentable as possible so that they are recognized in a strange company. At school, they become good students, but in terms of discipline, they often annoy teachers and classmates.

Such a child will undoubtedly be difficult for you, but over time, having gone through a period of growing up, he becomes calmer. In order to direct the seething energy of the Monkey-Lion in a constructive direction, try to have a conversation with your child more often about his hobbies. Treat his hobbies properly, do not interfere with the development of his hobby in the child, especially if his hobby is useful for society and for himself. Teaching Leo to discipline is difficult, but with the right approach, he will appreciate order and tranquility.

Lion children fully correspond to the type of behavior of their symbol - the king of beasts. They are quite conservative and do not change their habits for many years, especially in terms of appearance and style of clothing.

  • Virgo

Virgos are not prone to rash risks. Most often, children born under this sign are calm and absolutely homely. They unquestioningly obey their parents and spend most of their time at home knitting, weaving or drawing. They love activities that calm their nerves. Try to instill in your children a love of creativity from an early age.

These children, unlike representatives of other signs of the Zodiac, are not very happy if they are left alone, therefore, in order for them to endure loneliness and the absence of parents more easily, they must be busy with something.

They have a hard time in the company, because the Virgo-Monkeys are very shy and therefore closed. They prefer solitude and tranquility to noisy companies. At the same time, they themselves need constant praise so that they have an incentive for self-development. Try to maintain their self-confidence from time to time.

Particular attention should be paid to little Virgos born in the year of the Monkey at the age of 5-7 years and at the beginning of the teenage period of transitional age.

Such children are real inventors and constantly come up with different stories. If the child tells you some of them, spur interest in the development of creativity in him. Pay attention to them more often and talk about abstract topics, and then their potential will be revealed quickly and brightly.

  • scales

Little Monkeys born under the sign of Libra are completely consistent with their sign - they tend to weigh everything and try not to do or shake up too much. If your child was born under the sign of Libra, then he is a born careerist. From an early age, such children try to decide on their future occupation.

During the period of growing up, Libra-Monkeys are quite active, while they prefer to spend their forces on useful things. They study well at school, but if at some point they decide that this or that subject is not useful to them in life, then they gradually lose interest in it. It can be difficult to convince them otherwise.

They often rush from one extreme to the other, thinking in terms of "all or nothing." In relation to their parents, Libra-Monkeys are suspicious and distrustful, which can lead to a serious quarrel.

  • Scorpion

Scorpios often become difficult and problematic children for their parents, they do not like to be advised something. Each hobby for them is serious and for a long time.

They prefer to decide for themselves what is important to them in life. At the same time, they perfectly understand others and can become good psychologists for their parents; it is difficult to find more sensitive children. The main thing is to pay more and more attention to them, spend time with them in the evenings. At the same time, you should not impose a conversation on the child if he is not in the spirit.

  • Sagittarius

Sagittarius Monkeys are cunning and prudent. They know how to manipulate people to get exactly what they want. At the same time, they are quite generous and wasteful, and nothing can be done with their carefree extravagance. They are easy to use, which is often done by unscrupulous people in their environment.

This is a very inquisitive sign, they will be eager to travel and discover something new, so hide away anything that can quickly break in their hands.

Sagittarius children are still imaginative, and at the same time very charming. They will be the favorites of teachers and educators. They are often chosen as headmen for their ability to lead. They can often be found among the winners of olympiads and various competitions.

They themselves know what they want to achieve in the future, so do not even try to impose your vision of their profession on them, rather help them with advice and share your experience.

  • Capricorn

Monkeys-Capricorns are capricious and persistent. Very often they can make a scandal if something is not to their liking.

They are inquisitive and industrious, learning brings them great pleasure, and the best leisure for such children is to sit with a book. But Capricorns love to walk. They walk often and for a long time.

They can choose almost any direction of activity. You will have no choice but to support the child in his ambitions.

  • Aquarius

These children tend to listen rather than talk. Think soberly, try not to go to extremes. They can be good advisers, although they themselves do not like to be taught.

These children are not afraid of obstacles in their path, and the more obstacles they have, the more passionately they continue the work they have begun. They try not to change their line of behavior, which makes it difficult for them to find friends.

  • Fishes

Pisces are temperamental, but at the same time cold and callous. It all depends on the situation in which your child, born under the sign of Pisces, got into. They love to spend, but it is difficult to call them wasteful. Monkeys born under the sign of Pisces think soberly enough and try to keep their heads cold, so they know where to stop in time.

Pisces value honesty and kindness, they hate hypocrisy, falsehood and lies. Resentment is not expressed out loud, preferring to keep their emotions to themselves. They are quite patient and are not inclined to express dissatisfaction directly and out loud.

Pisces are well adapted to creative work. They can develop their potential in any direction. If you have a child born under the sign of Pisces in the year of the Monkey, be prepared to work with his creative ambitions. The main thing is to notice in time what is interesting to your child.

It is interesting for all parents to learn about what their children born in 2016 will be like monkeys. Excites not only health, gender, but also the character, characteristics, fate of the unborn child.

What are the planets talking about?

As you know, the planets that rule this year are Pluto, which slowly passes through Capricorn, as well as Neptune, which is in the sign of Pisces throughout the year. What will be the impact of this arrangement of the planets on the kids who will see the white light in 2016?

It can be said for sure that newborn children, according to the slow movement of Pluto, will have almost the same characteristics. Their features are a rational, practical approach to life situations. They will be ambitious, focused, extremely hardworking and enterprising.

Baby Monkeys are balanced, healthy babies having amazing ability listen to other people. They like to talk themselves, do not create problem situations for parents. Quite friendly and generous creatures, often the soul of the company.

In such babies there is a high sense of responsibility and duty. They will be able to control their emotions, as they will be distinguished by patience and restraint. Children born in the leap year of 2016 will be very prudent. Thanks to this quality, they will be able to achieve their goals.

From the outside it may seem that the guys born in the year of the Monkey are very serious. In fact, this is not entirely correct, since it is necessary to take into account the influence of other planets located in the natal horoscope. Negative Traits character: coldness, even a certain rigidity, since these people require impeccable obedience to themselves, resorting to various power solutions.

Children born in 2016, what will they be like monthly?

Quite stubborn, secretive and persistent. Not distinguished by emotionality. They clearly know what they want from an early age and take small steps towards their goal. Aries babies are characterized by early maturation. Aries are responsible, quick-witted, thanks to which they can find a way out of any situation. They will become the best helpers for seniors. Under their responsibility, you can safely leave younger children. In addition, these children are very musical. Laziness should be attributed to the minuses in character.

Children born under this zodiac sign will be wise, reasonable beyond their years. They will attract attention with their thriftiness and even the enterprise inherent in the old people. And yet they will turn out to be very sweet and good-natured babies, quickly coming into contact with strangers. These guys easily make real friends, while striving for leadership. In games or draws, there are leaders, initiators. Friends become good and very reliable.
Babies-Taurus overcome difficulties in order to achieve their goals. As an adult, they evaluate any life situation. Real realists who are ready to make the right decision in time and soberly evaluate it.

Obedient, kind, positive kids born under the sign of Gemini will study perfectly at school, receive admiration and praise from teachers. They have great drawing abilities, so parents should send their children to art school. Drawings of Gemini are original and unusual. Teachers will talk about it. In addition, kids will adore representatives of the animal world. Mom and dad should think in advance about a puppy or kitten for their child.

Babies will be caring, good-natured creatures. They will observe cleanliness and hygiene, use healthy food. These kids are very responsible, ready to listen to any person. They will dutifully carry out the various tasks of their parents. These guys have good true friends. They are very amorous and value their first feeling. Parents should be supportive and understanding towards their child. In this case, the child will become their most reliable and best friend.

Babies born under the sign of Leo are distinguished by the manners of the king of beasts. They are smart enough, completely fearless, self-confident. Lion cubs accept the support of their parents, but strive to solve their problems themselves. Always have their own opinion and express it out loud. They are offended if their word does not inspire confidence. Very arrogant and proud. They will study well at school, but diligent behavior is out of the question. Therefore, parents should conduct more instructive conversations. But this must be done very gently, in a lowered tone, so as not to offend the child's pride.

Under this sign, children are the most domestic, therefore they rejoice when they are left alone in their home. Virgo girls are drawn to dads, and Virgo boys are close to moms. Children of this zodiac sign are shy. They are reserved and expect others to praise and reward them for their accomplishments. They lack courage and self-confidence. Adults must find an approach to their children in order to instill confidence in them, to help them be successful in life. At the age of 5-7 years, as well as 12-15 years old, Virgo children are capable of inventing different stories. Such abilities can be developed, as a result of which the child will become a writer. Frequent conversations with kids will lead to the rapid disclosure of their literary talent.

Babies under the sign of Libra will be restrained in their emotions and actions. These are reasonable guys who can be called real careerists. They know exactly what they want and strive to fulfill their dreams with all their might. They will spend precious time and energy only if they are confident in the usefulness of the case. Libra monkeys are distinguished by a heightened sense of justice. For them, there are only two extremes: black or white, good or bad, beautiful or ugly.

Nature endowed these little men with a special love of love, charm. First love will arise in kindergarten, so parents should be ready for the love adventures of their children. It is necessary to carry out explanatory work with your children, to give them good advice. Otherwise, early love can interfere with learning. But these children are very attentive and caring to their fathers and mothers. They will make good psychologists, biologists, historians. Scorpio Monkeys are calm and restrained people who know how to control themselves, regardless of life situations.

Babies born under the sign of Sagittarius are distinguished by cunning, prudence and ingenuity. They are leaders in any company, get along well with peers. At school, most often they are chosen by the headmen or put at the head of teams, festive events. These kids will not miss the moment not to take advantage of their charm. They are loved by all relatives, coaches and teachers. Sagittarius-Monkeys can prove themselves in sports, as well as Latin American dances, due to which, big chance become famous. Parents should not convince their children in the chosen profession, on the contrary, they can really help in achieving the goal.

A feature of Capricorn kids is their huge craving for learning. They devote themselves entirely to the sciences, for which they are generously rewarded. On the other hand, these creatures are big lovers of partying. Capricorn Monkeys do everything 100%. They are completely devoted to love, creativity. Therefore, fathers and mothers will often worry and worry about their children. Capricorns will consider themselves too independent in resolving difficult life issues. However, parents should be more attentive to the child so that he does not make mistakes.

Aquarius babies are distinguished by calmness and intelligence. They don't really care about the opinions of the people around them. They are able to achieve their goals and treat it calmly. There is no arrogance or megalomania in them. In the future, such children will become good advisers, it is interesting to communicate with them. They are ready to listen to each person, so they are patient. Aquarians will fight to the last with difficulties, bringing themselves real pleasure. Aquarius progress through life slowly but surely. They always think before making any decision.

Children born under the sign of Pisces will be the most sensual, tender. They are smart and cold-blooded. They conduct business successfully, they are distinguished by generosity, intuition. In addition, some Pisces will be able to foresee the future. Very attentive and understanding. There are many dreamers among such kids, which will be a stumbling block in order to achieve certain goals. At decisive moments in life situations, they are able to instantly find the right decision. Monkey-Pisces cannot stand deception, they are quickly offended. This creative nature which manifest themselves in different areas art.

If you are waiting or planning have a baby in 2016- this is cool! And don't be scared that next year is a leap year. Know that your baby will be born under the sign of the Monkey, and such children are considered the most talented, smart and kind. Little Monkeys from birth are endowed with extraordinary wisdom, dexterity and excellent ingenuity.

Such a baby develops rapidly, often delighting adults with its eccentricity, sharp mind, interesting thoughts and statements. Children, have prudence, resourcefulness, almost always optimistic. Their foresight helps them make plans for the future, and such a quality as intuition is their forte.

Why should you have time to give birth in 2016?

Having given birth in 2016, you will show the world a literate, strategist, cunning, lucky, good-natured person, protector and merry fellow. It is extremely difficult to fool such people, because the Monkey sees a person through and through, because he has the makings of a psychologist. The Monkeys get, as it were, to read between the lines. You should not even try to deceive them - you will make an enemy for yourself! These children are able to capture information on the fly, and this is no joke: literally from birth, you will be able to observe and enjoy the first success of your children.

Excellent mental abilities, good memory, a tendency to analyze the situation and accept right decisions, to find the essence, among various little things - these are the main qualities that will accompany Monkey children all their lives, and intensify as they grow up.

baby monkey

Children born in 2016 will be guarded everywhere by their patroness Monkey. Such a child is a very strong personality who perfectly understands what he wants from life. Already at a young age, they have an idea of ​​what they would like to do when they grow up, so the guys decide on their future profession, almost in kindergarten.

They are very careful in matters related to marriage, they choose a companion or companion for a long time, because they believe that marriage can only be once in a lifetime.

For the Monkey, friendship and family are the two most important and dear things! Despite this, Monkey children from an early age begin to show the makings of materialists. They love to arrange surprises, give cute gifts, and in general, they are known as romantics.

As for the financial side, the Monkeys are completely sure that the monetary condition is a gain. They believe that after a few years they will be able to achieve all their goals, thereby improving their financial situation. Parents in no way should convince them otherwise, since such a position is extremely successful - nothing can be achieved quickly, everything comes thanks to long and hard work.

The nature of children born in the year of the Monkey

- enough good time to have a baby. All Monkey babies practically do not cause problems for their parents, they have good immunity, which means that they do not get sick so often. These children are calm, athletic and always in good mood. But, the most important thing that parents need to know is that they are very demanding of attention and always like to be in the center.

Try to talk to them as often as possible, praise and encourage - in general, spend all your free time with them. Children born in the year of the Monkey are extremely greedy for praise, like to talk for a long time, and also listen.

However, such a child does not take criticism well, tries in every possible way to please people, and when his activities are evaluated negatively, he is very upset, although he may not show it. Every Monkey child wants to give people joy!

Life for such children, as a rule, is easy. They achieve a lot - sometimes, some even envy them. Try to develop your kids, rejoice with them in their achievements and do not prevent them from realizing themselves.

Children's horoscope for 2016

Aries Monkeys

These are persistent, stubborn, often secretive individuals who, from an early age, are already stubbornly moving towards their goal. Most parents can entrust them with even a smaller brother or sister. Perhaps this year they Aries will face some problems, but they will cope with them.


Such children are wise and reasonable. You will never yell at them because of an untidy room or scattered things, because such children love cleanliness and order. Quite quickly they get used to a new place, make friends and become the soul of the company. These are born leaders.

Twin Monkeys

Little twins are very reasonable from a very young age. But in combination with the Monkey symbol, very often children acquire such important traits in life as assertiveness, the ability to achieve goals and curiosity. Perhaps this is one of the most successful combinations astrological signs in the coming year 2016.

Crayfish Monkeys

Caring, sweet and good-natured kids. Scrupulous in different areas, they like everything to be as they intended. Prefer a healthy lifestyle and healthy food since childhood. They will fulfill all your orders instantly, and most importantly, with high quality.

Monkey Lions

Such children are wise, self-confident, reasonable and fearless. They are born leaders and love to be the center of attention. Lion cubs prefer not to be lisped with, but perceive them as adults.

Monkey Virgo

Family, kind, affectionate children who respect and love their parents very much. They can be talented individuals, but feel shy to speak in public.

They really need praise for any of their achievements, even minor ones. Find an approach to them - get a successful and self-sufficient child.

Monkey Libra

Discretion and restraint are the main qualities of these children. They are all born careerists, because they always know what they want.

Always for justice and defend their point of view.

Scorpio Monkeys

Amorous, charming personality. Parents very often have to accept their passions and put up with another friend or girlfriend. First love can happen already in kindergarten. Understanding and kind children, although sometimes they can be overly emotional.

Sagittarius Monkeys

Such a child is an excellent manipulator. He is cunning and resourceful.

He has many friends and henchmen. Favorites of grandparents, as well as teachers and coaches.

Capricorn Monkeys

They love to study very much. Studying them brings pleasure and well-deserved fruits.

Such children prefer to bring everything to the end and give all the best to 100%. Independence is their main trump card!

Monkey Aquarius

These children are extremely smart and quick-witted. Criticism from those around them does not bother them at all. They stubbornly move towards their goal, not paying attention to anyone! Adequate, patient personalities, who, moreover, can be good interlocutors.


These are the most gentle and sensitive of all Monkeys. But at the same time they have composure, enterprise and the makings of a successful personality. There is generosity in them, but it cannot be called extravagance. They have developed intuition, some can predict the future.