How to choose and install hinges on interior doors. How to install hinges on a door - self-assembly of various canopies How to install hinges on interior doors

  • 23.06.2020

Inserting door hinges is one of the most important and crucial moments when installing doors. This process requires special attention and scrupulousness, since any wrong action will lead to irreversible consequences that will necessarily affect the work and appearance door structure. Even minor mistakes can lead to damage to the door leaf or frame, as well as to the fact that the door will stand unevenly in the opening. It will be very difficult or impossible to fix this at all. Therefore, it is very important that all points of the instructions are followed, and the installation process itself is carried out with the utmost care. Only in this way will the work on inserting loops with your own hands be done correctly.

Before inserting the loops, they must, of course, be selected. These elements differ not only in appearance, but also in technical characteristics. Due to this different types hinges are installed on different types door structures based on the characteristics of the latter.

Door hinges are divided into different subcategories according to several criteria.

Depending on the material that was used for the manufacture, the most common types are distinguished:

  • Hinges made of brass. The advantage of this material is that it is easy to process. It has high ductility, and therefore it is easy to polish or chrome.
  • Steel products. The advantages of this material cannot be disputed, since steel is a very strong metal. The service life of such door hinges is several times longer than the service life of brass products. Unlike the first material, steel does not “eat up” from friction over time and is able to withstand heavy loads.
  • The last category includes products made from other alloys. They are covered on top. various formulations imitating the color of brass, bronze, gold, etc.

According to the installation method door hinges are divided into the following groups:

  1. Overhead products. This type of hinge is good because they do not need to be embedded, which greatly simplifies the workflow when doing do-it-yourself installation. They are attached to the surface of the door leaf and the box. This reduces the risk of damage to the structure several times.
  2. Mortise loops. To install them, the master will have to work hard. Physically, the work on the tie-in is not difficult to perform. The main difficulty is that you need to work very carefully, since the tie-in is not always possible to do correctly the first time.
  3. Screwable. They are attached to the door leaf and the frame with the help of pins provided for by the design of the products.

From the direction of rotation are distinguished:

  • right-handed;
  • left-sided;
  • universal.

To choose the right hinges for installation on interior door, it is necessary to take into account all specifications first and second items. You need to imagine in advance the result that you want to see in the end. After all, each type of hinge has advantages and disadvantages and can, like no other, ideally fit one or another type of door.

Due to the fact that there are several types of door hinges, and the installation of each of them differs from the others, we will consider the most common one, namely the tie-in.

Insert hinges

To install the hinges with your own hands, you need to prepare in advance necessary tools. To work, you will need the following:

  1. Door hinges.
  2. Drill.
  3. Screwdriver.
  4. Screws.
  5. Drill
  6. Chisel.
  7. Hammer.
  8. Pencil.
  9. Ruler or square.
  10. Building level.
  11. Wooden wedges.

Operating procedure

First of all, you need to mark the attachment points of the hinges on the door leaf. As a rule, hinges are installed at a distance of 20 cm from the edges of the door, but there are exceptions. In the event that there are knots in the recommended places on the canvas, it is better to move the loop up or down. If you do not pay attention to this recommendation, there is a huge risk that you will have to buy a new interior door. The fact is that it is strictly forbidden to tighten the screws into a knot. In such a place, at best, he will go awry, at worst, the canvas will crack.

So, we apply the loop in the right place so that the axis protrudes slightly beyond the canvas. We circle the contours of the loop with a pencil, which should be well sharpened.

Further, it is recommended to take a ruler and a knife for cutting wallpaper and make small indentations along the designated lines. This will reduce the risk that the chisel will move off the line. It is desirable to do this, but not required. Now we take a chisel, a hammer and carefully beat off the edges of future grooves. The recesses should be equal to the thickness of the loop.

When the edges are beaten off, you can shoot upper layer coatings. It would be much easier if the farm had a milling machine. With it, you can cut grooves faster and more evenly. But if, as a rule, only professional builders have such a tool, then every conscientious owner has a chisel, and she will have to work.

After removing the coating, we put the loop in the groove and mark the places where the screws are attached with an awl. We remove the loop and use a drill with a thin drill to make holes in the marked places. If they are not done and the screws are tightened “on the live”, the door leaf may crack. When the loop is installed and screwed, we do the same procedure at the attachment point of the second loop.

Installing hinges on a door frame

To correctly make the markup on the box, you will need to work a little. Be prepared for the fact that it will be difficult to do the work with your own hands, so it is better to call an assistant.

So, put the canvas in the box. We align them relative to each other, set the necessary gaps, control the evenness building level. From below, we substitute wooden wedges under the canvas. In this way, you can set the required position of the doors, which you want to see after the installation is completed and the leaf is installed in its rightful place.

When you are sure that the door is perfectly level, mark the places where the hinges are attached to the box. To make the marking more accurate, it is advisable to remove the doors and attach the hinge to the box in the same way as when inserting into the canvas. That is, circle the contours with a pencil.

After finishing the preparation of the grooves and holes, we raise the doors again, match the hinges with the prepared attachment points and tighten the screws. Having finished fixing, we check the operation of the doors. If everything is done correctly, the result will please you.

If you decide to install interior doors with your own hands, it is worth noting that the easiest way is when the tie-in of door locks and hinges is not done with your own hands, but on the basis of the manufacturer's factory. As a rule, the manufacturer has carefully selected such accessories, is reliable and has excellent performance characteristics. Read more about choosing door locks. When buying doors with installed fittings, however, you may encounter some difficulties in choosing. The most common - the color or design does not fit. For example, you want a gold-colored lock and the manufacturer says chrome. Or you need Italian AGB magnetic locks, with silent closing like Morelli, with a plastic tongue, but they offer steel. Regarding the hinges, you can get by with little bloodshed - buy door hinges overhead without a tie-in. A universal hinge without a tie-in does not look so aesthetically pleasing, but still.

There is always a way out - just buy what you need, embed locks / hinges with your own hands and install. It is not worth saving on fittings, since a failed mechanism can significantly complicate the further operation of interior doors. Exactly the same lock or door hinges may no longer be released, and the analogue, as a rule, will not "sit" in an already formed groove. We recommend embedding and installing silent or magnetic locks AGB, Morelli (Italy). For more than 10 years now, the installation dimensions of these products are the same and you can easily replace them if necessary, although they simply do not break.

So locks, universal or hidden hinges are selected, bought and brought, you need a do-it-yourself tie-in. For example, for unfamiliar fittings, we first draw a diagram of the upcoming tie-in in the actual size of the AvtoCAD program for automated installation, but you can also markup according to the manufacturer's instructions, especially if the tie-in of the lock and hinges is done by hand. Markup is a crucial stage, it is necessary to pay attention to it increased attention. “Measure seven times, cut once” - it works! Otherwise, the product is damaged, the supplier will not exchange it for you, and this is a considerable financial loss. The markup directly depends on the type of lock, its features. It is important to dance from the hole under the handle. If this is not taken into account, then door handles can turn out at different distances from the bottom of the door leaf, and if the doors are installed in close proximity to each other, it will come out - oops or oops! In calculations and marking, use a square, tape measure, pencil, awl or construction knife.

Do-it-yourself tie-in door hinge locks - ways

1. Using a drill and chisels - the old-fashioned method

The most common, what is called the "household" option.

Marking and tie-in of the interior lock

We take a tape measure and measure from the bottom of the canvas, along the end where the 95 cm lock will cut (this is our standard, 100 cm is also possible), apply a square, draw a transverse line and transfer the markings on the plane of the canvas, for marking under door handle. Marking is done with a sharpened pencil or awl.

We take the lock and measure with a square the distance from the front bar to the middle of the square hole of the handle and apply the result obtained on the plane of the canvas on both sides. We apply the lock to the end of the canvas, so that the line drawn in advance under the handle turns out to be in the center of the hole of the square and mark the upper and lower edges of the lock. This size will be drilled. Next, mark the center of the canvas with a square and draw the center line of the tie-in.

After marking for the lock and along the drawn center line, reamings are made with a pen on the end of the web (usually 14-16 mm, depending on the thickness of the lock), as often as possible from each other. In order not to drill too much, a notch is made on the pen drill to the depth of the castle using an iso or masking tape.

The trick is not to hook the adjacent hole with a pen, since a drill rotating at high speed can sharply jam, get stuck and damage the door. Then the groove is formed with the help of several flat chisels, first choosing the excess wood along the canvas, and only then cleaning the side planes so as not to split the canvas. Then holes are drilled for the handle, and, if necessary, for the cylinder (key) or wrap. It is important to drill holes on both sides of the canvas, and not through! A lock is inserted into the formed groove, aligned with the drilled hole for the handle, its invoice, decorative strip is outlined with a sharply sharpened pencil and the final selection is made with a chisel.

Everything, the tie-in of the lock is made by hand!

Inset of the reciprocal part of the lock

The counterpart or "response" crashes after installing the door block. The markup is very simple. We close the door and mark the lower and upper edges of the latch through the feigned gap. We draw transverse lines on the box. Next, use a square to measure the distance to the edge of the tongue on the door and transfer it to the box. This will be the limiter for the upcoming drilling and installation of the answer.

We drill two holes with a pen, and select the central part with a chisel. We attach the reciprocal plate of the lock, drill holes for the screws and fasten it. We try - everything works. The answer should be deepened only if its thickness exceeds 1 mm. This is done with a chisel, having previously stroked the screwed mate.

Marking and inserting door hinges

The trick is that the marking and insertion of the hinges should begin with the door leaf. And so we have a door of 2000 mm, and a hinge of 200 mm, we measure 20 and 160 cm from the top of the canvas at the end, draw transverse lines, apply the loop parallel to the end of the canvas below the line and make edge marks with a sharpened pencil.

It is more correct to mark exactly the loop that will later be installed in this particular groove, since the factory stamping may differ. We take it with our own hands, and with the help of a chisel, but as shown in the video, we cut the lower and upper hinges into the door.

Another feature is the depth of the cut. It happens that the gap between the parallel folded parts of the hinge is less than 2 mm, and the requirements for the hinge gap of the door block are just 2 mm. In this case, the loop must be deepened a little less. There is a gap of more than 2 mm, then the loop still cuts flush with the end plane! Thus, you will have to put up with the loop gap of the assembled block, but take this moment into account when calculating, marking and sawing the upper element of the box, since 6 mm, 4 mm from the front part and 2 mm from the loop are standardly released on it, respectively.

The next stage, inserting loops into the box element of the block. So the loops are embedded and installed in the canvas, we apply the box and mark the edges of the loops. Attach the loop to the marks in parallel door frame and outline with a pencil.

There is one right nuance. It should be taken into account in advance that the thickness of the door leaf and the width of a quarter of the box from the seal to the edge can be different, but we really need a good vestibule, that is, a tight (but not too!) fit of the seal to the canvas in the closed state installed door! To do this, before inserting the loops, we measure these values.

Let's say a canvas is 40 mm and a quarter is 42 mm, what to do? Everything is very simple, you need to cut the loop into the box 2 mm deeper to the seal than into the canvas. But this is initially incorrect, since in this case, a deeply planted loop will expose part of the tie-in, and when opening / closing the door, it will begin to wipe against the box or casing, making an unpleasant creak. Therefore, it is more correct not to drown the loops in the box, but to push them out on the canvas and by the same 2 mm.


  • there is a high risk of damage to the coating of the door leaf as a result of a slip of the pen drill or chisel, especially if the tool is not sharpened to the level of a razor before starting work! Sharpen cutting tools, use new drills,
  • there is a great risk of simply splitting the canvas with inept actions or, say, over pricking, which then will significantly affect the strength and durability of door blocks and structures,
  • you may not like the aesthetics of the tie-in, especially if there is no experience in "woodcarving",
  • it will be long, but "long" is not at all something that should frighten a novice master who is eager to cut locks and hinges with his own hands,
  • the list can be continued, but the insertion of the lock into the interior door with your own hands has already been completed, and this is the main thing!


  • in skillful, diligent and diligent hands, there may not be all the shortcomings, do not be afraid,
  • the cheapness of the tool used, especially if you practice "household". Do not buy frankly cheap chisels and drill bits!

2. Inserting hinges and locks in the door with a manual milling cutter.

The technology depends on the type of equipment used. There is a technology of template milling, when all manipulations are performed according to a pre-prepared template or using a "ruler", using cutters of different diameters and lengths. There is, of course, professional equipment, where everything is thought out and adapted for the work. In any case, the basic principle is rotating at a speed close to 25 thousand rpm. a cutter with the help of which the correct insertion of hinges, locks into the interior door takes place with your own hands. For example, in our work we use more than three types of routers manufactured by Makita and Virutex, various templates and a Spanish holder template, helical and spiral cutters of different diameters from "CMT" Germany.

The marking for insertion with a milling cutter does not differ from household one, and the milling itself has a number of chips, which will be discussed below.

As for the door lock, do-it-yourself insertion using a milling cutter is carried out according to the standard line that comes with the equipment, cutters of different diameters. In general, nothing complicated, the main thing is that the course of the collet with the cutter provides it with the necessary immersion depth, to the height of the castle, respectively. In the video, the tie-in of the lock with your own hands using a router is made with an offset to the left edge. This is another subtlety of installing AGB silent locks and more. The reciprocal part of the lock with a tongue has a rounding and should be installed along the edge of the box, so in order for the rebate to become beautiful, you need to take this into account when inserting, shifting the lock along the canvas if necessary.

Do-it-yourself insertion of loops with a milling cutter has a number of features. On the door leaf, everything is similar to a lock, we select the plane, depth and parallel edge along the ruler, then we form the end edge with a 30-40 mm chisel.

Chip - in order for the end edge to turn out beautiful and accurate, the chisel at the moment of hitting with a hammer must be held perpendicular to the plane, chipping and cleaning the wood in several stages, a little bit at a time, this is important.

It is more difficult to embed the hinges with your own hands into the door frame, since, unlike the leaf, which has one pressing plane, the box consists of two planes. In fact, you will have to mill the lower plane and press the equipment platform to the upper one. The task is not an easy one, and therefore, our routers have special modifications of the platform. Of course, there are all sorts of fixtures, carriages, templates and even a special loop router made by Virutex. We didn’t use carriages, templates for each loop, you get tired of doing it, but the looped Virutex is a thing, but it’s expensive, and we don’t need it. How do you cut the loops into the box with a simple milling cutter, but with your own hands - I don’t know, I’ve reached a dead end, ideas will appear, I’ll supplement the article.


  • high cost of equipment
  • all sorts of nuances associated with inept use.


  • accurate, high-quality, neat insertion of locks and hinges into interior doors made by hand!

Door hinges are a simple mechanism that provides opening / closing of the door leaf, its tight fit to the door frame. To install the hinges in the interior door yourself, you need to pay attention to their design, as there are a number of mechanisms that require the work of only a specialist.

The service life of the door directly depends on the quality of the installation of the hinges.

The quality of the installation of this product depends on how long the interior door will serve you.. The color range is not so wide, imitations of various metals are mainly used: gold, nickel, bronze or copper. Products can be glossy and matte.

External overhead mechanisms are attractive and simple in execution, they are most often used to decorate the door in vintage style. the product consists of 2 parts, the plates are connected by a hinge pin. 1 plate is attached to the wall, and the 2nd - to the door leaf.

The easiest to install are external overhead loops.

Installation is extremely simple:

  1. It is necessary to attach the hinges to the door leaf, the minimum distance from the bottom and top of the leaf is 15-20 cm. If the door is heavy, then it is best to use 3-4 hinges that will withstand the load perfectly.
  2. After that, you need to perform the most similar markings on the wall, marking the places for self-tapping screws.
  3. Holes for fasteners are drilled, after which it is necessary to fix the 1st part to the wall, the 2nd to the door leaf. No complicated steps are required.

The tools you need are the simplest

  • ruler;
  • simple pencil;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver

Internal mortise and screw

Overhead internal hinges are also called card hinges, they consist of 2 parts that are screwed to the door leaf and the door frame. How to embed loops of this type correctly? First you need to mark up, select the wood along the contour strictly to the depth that is equal to the thickness of one card. It is taken into account during the markup and how the cards will be attached to each other.

The construction is as follows:

  1. The rotary axis is the central element that provides the movement of the mechanism.
  2. 2 cards, i.e. swivel plates that are mounted to the leaf and to the door frame.
  3. Decorative cap and hinge.
  4. Self-tapping screws for mounting plates.

To embed the hinges into the interior door, while maintaining its most attractive appearance, you will have to work hard. You can install special screw-in products, they are no worse than other analogues. Outwardly, they are a compact cylinder. The design of the mechanism is extremely simple. It includes 2 parts in the form of cylinders for the door leaf and frame. The plates themselves are perfectly mounted, there is nothing complicated in the work. But it is important to choose the right mechanism depending on the weight and type of door. Products are made of plastic, aluminum, steel. They also differ in the number of pins: usually there are 2, but maybe 3-4 if the canvas is heavy.

Installation is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to mark the hinges on the surface of the canvas and the box.
  2. After that, drill holes with a drill, install the hinges in the intended places.
  3. The tightness of the adjacency of the door, the operability of the mechanism are checked.

How to install a hidden mechanism?

In some cases, door fasteners do not fit into the overall interior and appearance of the door leaf at all, so they are used special arrangements hidden type. How to embed loops of this kind? The design of the hinges differs from the rest, after closing they are completely invisible from the outside, as they are mounted directly into the end of the web. The design is complex, there are 3 rotary axes:

  • rotary central axis;
  • a rotary fixed axis, which is not visible on the surface even when open;
  • moving axles are used to open or close doors.

The benefits are as follows:

  1. They are suitable for any interior door, often ready-made canvases and door frames are sold that have embedded hinges.
  2. The appearance of the hinges in the open state allows you to see the structure only upon close examination (you need to come close to the door leaf), in the closed state the mechanism is invisible.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Do-it-yourself installation is problematic;
  • the cost is high.

Installation of butterfly door hinges

Overhead door hinges (butterfly) are simple in execution and have an attractive appearance.

Hinges on the interior door can be mounted in different ways. It all depends on the design of the hinges, the door itself, the possibilities of installation on the door frame. There are fasteners that require cutting into the canvas, and this is already more difficult. You will have to choose a piece of wood, and do it clearly along the contour of the loop. There is a kind of hidden mechanisms that only the master can correctly install, without the necessary experience, the door can only be spoiled.

Special "butterfly" mechanisms are produced. This is an overhead type of loop, one plate resembles a butterfly wing in shape and appearance. This type of mechanisms is also called card.

The 1st plate looks like a butterfly wing, it is inserted into the cavity of the 2nd plate, i.e., the card.

Outwardly, after installation, the mechanisms look neat and attractive, no special experience is required, the work itself is carried out quickly. In this case, it is not necessary to embed the loops, they are simply superimposed and screwed to the surface.

The installation process of the mechanism is as follows:

Scheme of mounting door hinges "butterfly".

  1. First you need to mark the surface of the door leaf, retreating 20 cm from the bottom and top. After that, a map in the form of a wing is applied to the end of the door, a contour is drawn with a pencil, holes are marked where the fasteners will be located.
  2. The card is firmly screwed to the surface with self-tapping screws, you can pre-drill holes for mounting.
  3. Next, you need to install the 2nd part on the door frame. To do this, it is enough to apply the markup, taking into account the position of the already finished parts, so that after installation the door leaf does not warp. The second part is attached with screws.
  4. When the individual parts are fixed on the surface, the interior door must literally be put on the hinges of the door frame.

Usually "butterflies" do not require adjustment, they are simple and easy to perform. They also have features. For example, after cutting, the outer plate does not fit snugly against the end of the door. This problem can be easily solved by placing a thin strip of cardboard under the card so that it is at a slight angle.

Overhead "butterflies" are great for light doors, but for heavy ones, which weigh 40-50 kg, they are no longer suitable. For ordinary veneered and laminated doors, this option is optimal. "Butterflies" are inexpensive, easy to install and look great.

To work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • “butterflies” (usually only 2 pieces are required);
  • self-tapping screws (may come with mechanisms);
  • screwdriver or screwdriver, drill;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil.

To embed hinges, you must first select the type of mechanism, and then determine how suitable it is for a particular door leaf. The installation itself is usually simple, although there are a number of loops that only specialists can install. Most often, simple overhead mechanisms are used for home interior doors, where you only need to screw 2 parts, mount them together. Installation does not take much time, it is enough to spend no more than an hour for all the work.

An integral part of the installation of the door unit in the opening is the installation of hinges on the interior door. This process is simple on the one hand, and complex on the other - it should be understood that the appearance of the doors largely depends on the quality of this work. In this article, together with the site site, we will analyze two technologies, according to which door canopies can be inserted. In addition, we will consider alternative solutions to this problem.

Installing hinges on an interior door photo

Installing hinges on an interior door: how professionals do it

If we talk about which way to solve the issue, how to install the hinges on the door, is better, faster and better, then, of course, it will be professional approach to the point. There is no other way here - in an effort to earn as much as possible more money the master must perform his work both quickly and efficiently, so that later there are no problems with customers. It is for this reason that professional tools and devices are used to perform the work.

By by and large in order to cut landing holes for at the end of the door leaf, you only need a couple of things - this is a manual milling machine that performs a clean cut and a device for inserting hinges. Many of you are already familiar with the first, but the second will need to be dealt with in a little more detail. In fact, this is a kind of overlay that protects the door leaf or frame from damage in the process of moving along them. manual router. There are also devices that completely set the dimensions of the cut hole - in this case, the work is facilitated several times. It should also be noted that there are also such devices for inserting hinges that, in one installation, allow you to cut a groove both on the canvas and on the door frame. Such a device connects together two parts of the door block, which in itself removes the issue of aligning the grooves on these two parts of the door. To date, such devices are considered the best and can significantly increase the pace and quality of work on.

Installing hinges on the door photo

In principle, you can do without a device - one milling machine will be enough to perform one-time work. The disadvantage of the lack of adaptation is the longer insertion of the hinges into the interior door and the not too high quality, which can be expressed in the mismatch of the grooves on the canvas and. In addition, the machine itself can scratch the protective and decorative coating of the door - you need to take care of this nuance separately and equip the heel of the manual router with a soft material (for example, felt).

How to insert loops with your own hands, see the video.

Handicraft way of installing hinges: sequence of work

Yes, now this technology belongs specifically to handicraft production, but a few decades ago, all professionals used this method to make inserts. Sometimes it is used at the present time, but one should not expect high quality from it. You probably already guessed what will be discussed - this is a chisel and a hammer, which can be found in the arsenal of almost any master's person. The biggest drawback this method solving the question of how to insert hinges into the door, these are frayed edges of the groove, which is completely unacceptable for modern and covered ones. And if we talk about the advantages, then this, of course, is the availability of this technology for independent implementation.

Insert hinges in the interior door photo

In general, this method of inserting door canopies can be represented as the following technological sequence.

  1. Groove marking. As a rule, it is made by applying an installed canopy to the end of the canvas or box and tracing it with a pencil. There are no difficulties here, the main thing is to correctly position the loops.
  2. At the second stage of the work, the groove is edging - this is done with a hammer and a chisel. The latter is installed clearly along the marking line and driven into the body of the door to a maximum depth of 3 mm. Such edging should be made around the entire perimeter of the groove.
  3. Selecting a groove with a chisel. Here you will have to tinker a little - setting the chisel at an angle, the groove is simply cut down with hammer blows. You need to work carefully so as not to damage the front surfaces.

To be frank, in my opinion, this technology is only suitable for doors that will subsequently be exposed. Only in this case it will be possible to eliminate the chips formed from the chisel. And yet, the most difficult and crucial moment in the process of such insertion of loops with your own hands is not the arrangement of the groove, but their combination - the selection on the canvas and the box must clearly match. Here it is very difficult to do without accurate measurements and it should be understood that every millimeter is important.

Alternative options: the easiest way to install hinges on the door

By and large, for a person without experience in carrying out such work, all the two methods of installing door canopies described above will cause a lot of problems - here we can safely say that nothing good will come of such an undertaking. It is better for such people to look for an alternative. It is available, and quite good - there are such canopies that completely allow you to abandon the tie-in process when installing hinges on the door. You can even say more - there are as many as two such options.

There is a third option for resolving the issue of installing door hinges on interior doors - these are the so-called trunnion hinges. They cut into the canvas, but thanks to a very interesting design, the insertion points are not visible - this type of canopy is classified as a hidden type of these products. In fact, these are two plates that rotate around one center located on the side - they are mounted in the lower and upper ends of the door leaf. On the door frame, they are also installed below and above one of the racks. The main problems often arise with a top canopy of this design - as a rule, it remains visible in the open position. Therefore, for people who do not know how to embed hinges, this option will not be very suitable.

Basically, that's all. As you can see, there are not many options - either you will have to learn how to tie in door canopies, or hire specialists, or use alternatives, with which, by and large, things are not so rosy. But you should not despair, as you have already noticed, installing hinges on an interior door is a simple matter, and if you practice well on a regular board, then everything will work out in the best way!

Fastening on the canvas of individual elements of fittings (handles, peephole) only affects the usability and its appearance. If the tie-in of the door hinges is made illiterately, then the consequences of errors and shortcomings will be the most negative. Loose fit of the sash to the frame, difficulties with opening / closing it, squeaks, mismatches between the lock tongue and the bar on the block - and this is not all the troubles that will be the consequences of improper installation of canopies.

  • The optimal indent of the loops from the cuts of the fabric is 200 mm. Lines are drawn at such distances from the bottom and top.
  • Canopies are applied so that their edges coincide with them. But the installation of door hinges is carried out taking into account the direction of plowing the canvas (left or right).
  • The outline of the canopy is indicated with a pencil.
  • With the help of a chisel, wood is sampled to a depth equal to the thickness of the loop cut into the interior (or entrance) door; the surface is levelled.

  • The canopy is installed in the prepared "window", its position is checked and, if necessary, adjusted.
  • After that, marks are indicated and holes for fasteners are drilled.

This concludes the first stage of the tie-in. But there are a number of nuances that should not be overlooked.

  • The canopy rod should not touch the door tightly, otherwise the mobility of the fittings will be limited; there will be difficulties with closing / opening the door. But it is also not worth pushing the loop far beyond the perimeter of the canvas. The load will increase on it, the fasteners will gradually weaken, and as a result - a skew.

  • The frame is made from timber. If the model is from the “budget” category, then wood for it is taken from 1 or 2 grades. It is possible that when marking at the point of drilling a hole, there will be a knot. And therefore, inserting loops exactly in this place is impractical, since one of the fastener elements simply will not fulfill its function. The logical solution is to slightly shift the canopy from the problem area to either side, but not more than 25 mm.
  • All canvases differ in both size and weight (depending on the material of manufacture). For massive models, at least three hinges should be inserted into the door. This eliminates the load on the canopies and extends the life of the structure without repairs. The marking is carried out in the same way, but it is advisable to place an additional loop not strictly in the center of the cut of the canvas, but with an upward shift. This will increase the reliability of all fasteners.


It is more convenient to install door hinges on the jamb when it is not yet fixed in the opening. After its installation, it is more difficult to make an accurate markup, since the canvas will have to be rigidly fixed, and this is quite difficult. But the technique is completely identical.

Hinge attachment

Only one remark - always with self-tapping screws, on wood. During operation, you will have to adjust the canopies or replace one of them. Therefore, when deciding how to embed hinges in a door, one should not forget about the problem of maintainability of fittings. In addition, nails often split wood, which means there is a risk of damage to the frame. Yes, and directing such fasteners will definitely not work, and when skewed, the tip of the nail will certainly appear on the surface of the canvas.

All that remains is to hang the door and check the smoothness of its movement, tight fit and the absence of gaps between it and the jamb.

Installing hinges on interior doors is a rather specific issue. The fact is that the canopies are different, and not all of them are fastened using the tie-in method. For each of their modifications, there are certain features in the installation.

card loops

They are found in two versions, and it is these hinges that are easiest to install.


Their halves differ in size and configuration. When the door is closed, they simply sink into one another. When installing them, no wood sampling is done; fastening of parts is carried out directly on the end part of the canvas and jamb. The gap between them is quite enough so that the hinges of this group do not interfere with the door in any of its positions.

The recommendations found in separate articles for installing hinges on a door, which say that canopies of this type are attached without drilling, should be treated with skepticism. The length of the leg of the hardware is quite large (otherwise strength is not ensured), and even if the canvas is made of soft material(plastic, MDF, wood), it is rather difficult to screw it exactly in a given direction.


This kind of card loops must be "recessed", by analogy with mortise canopies. And the technology is the same - wood sampling and fixing.


The difference from overhead loops is only in the form of "petals". And the method of their fastening is absolutely the same.


These do-it-yourself door hinges are more difficult to install than others. It's not about the features of the technology, but about the extreme accuracy of the markup and the selection of the base material. In addition, you will need an e / tool, if you think about the quality of fastening.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Marking areas for installation constituent parts canopy.
  • Arrangement of "windows" for the elements of the mechanism, but only by milling; no other tool will provide accuracy.
  • With the help of a chisel, a sample is made for a small "sinking" of the details of the canopy.
  • Drilling holes for fasteners.
  • Dismantling the loop (the manufacturer's instructions indicate how this is done in relation to a specific product).
  • Fixing halves in place. The larger part is installed on the jamb, the smaller one - on the sash.
  • Hanging the canvas, connecting the details of the loop and fastening them with a tightening screw.

There are other types of canopies on sale, but the term “tie-in” does not apply to them - they are attached a little differently.

The technology of inserting loops is no different increased complexity. But taking into account the cost of the doors, it is advisable to practice on some workpiece (board, beam) before starting to work with them. And if you are not confident in your abilities, then you should contact a specialist. Payment for his services will be much cheaper than restoring a door or purchasing a new one to replace a damaged one.