Free English language training at home. How to quickly learn English at home from scratch

  • 20.10.2019

"Each new language expands the consciousness of man and his world. It's like one more eye and one more ear," says Daniel Stein, the hero of Ludmila Ulitskaya's book. Would you like to expand your picture of the world and find mutual language with over a billion people? For those who answered yes, we will tell you how to start learning English. We hope that our guide will help beginners take their first steps and show the right path for those who continue to learn the language.

To get started, we invite you to watch a recording of a two-hour webinar with Victoria Kodak(a teacher and methodologist of our online school), in which she answers the question of how to start learning English in the most detailed way:

1. Introduction: When and how best to start learning English

Some adults believe that only children can start learning English from scratch. Someone thinks that it is a shame for an adult to start from the basics and learn elementary rules and words, someone believes that only children can successfully learn foreign languages, because they have an excellent memory and learning abilities. Both the first and second opinions are wrong. There is nothing shameful in the fact that you start learning a language as an adult, on the contrary: the desire for knowledge always commands respect. According to the statistics of our school, people begin to learn the language from the first stage and at 20, and at 50 and even at 80 (!) years old. Moreover, they do not just start, but successfully study and reach high levels of English proficiency. So no matter how old you are, what matters is your desire to learn and your willingness to improve your knowledge.

Many people ask themselves: “What is the best way to start learning English?”. First you need to choose the way of learning that suits you: in Group, individually with a teacher or on one's own. You can read about the pros and cons of each of them in the article "".

The best option for those who are going to learn the language "from scratch" is classes with a teacher. You need a mentor to explain how the language "works" and help you build a solid foundation for your knowledge. The teacher is your interlocutor who:

  • help you start speaking English;
  • explain grammar in simple words;
  • teach to read texts in English;
  • It will also help you develop your English listening comprehension skills.

For some reason, you do not have the desire or opportunity to study with a teacher? Then check out our step by step guide about self-study of English for beginners.

To begin with, we want to give you some tips on how to better organize your classes so that your efforts are not in vain. We recommend:

  • Exercise at least 2-3 times a week for 1 hour. Ideally, you need to practice English every day for at least 20-30 minutes. However, if you want to arrange a weekend for yourself, do it every other day, but in double volume - 40-60 minutes.
  • Work on speaking skills. Write short texts, read simple articles and news, listen to podcasts for beginners, and try to find someone to talk to to train your speaking skills.
  • Immediately put into practice what you have learned. use orally and writing learned words and grammatical structures. Simple cramming will not give the desired effect: knowledge will fly out of your head if you do not use it. Learned a dozen words - make up a short story using all these words, say it out loud. Studied past time Simple - write a short text in which all sentences will be in this tense.
  • Don't "Spray". The main mistake of beginners is trying to take as many materials as possible and work with them all at the same time. As a result, the study turns out to be unsystematic, you get confused in the abundance of information and do not see progress.
  • repeat the past. Don't forget to review what you've learned. Even if it seems to you that you know the words on the topic “Weather” by heart, return to them in a month and check yourself: do you remember everything, if there were any difficulties. Repetition of the past is never superfluous. In our blog, we already wrote about. Familiarize yourself with the techniques and try to put them into practice.

3. Guide: How to start learning English from scratch on your own

Since English is still terra incognita for you, we tried to choose for you only the most the right materials. It turned out to be a rather voluminous list, from which you will learn where to start learning English and how to do it correctly. Let's just say that the work ahead is not easy, but interesting. Let's get started.

1. Learn the rules of reading English

Theater begins with a hanger, and English begins with reading rules. This is a basic piece of knowledge, thanks to which you can learn to read English and pronounce sounds and words correctly. We recommend that you use a simple table from the Internet and learn the rules by heart, as well as get acquainted with the transcription of the English language. This can be done, for example, on the website.

2. Check how words are pronounced

Even if you know the rules of reading by heart, when learning new words, check how they are pronounced correctly. Tricky English words don't want to be read the way they are spelled. And some of them even refuse to obey any rules of reading. Therefore, we advise you to check the pronunciation of each new word in an online dictionary, for example, or on a special site Listen to the word a few times and try to pronounce it exactly the same way. At the same time, practice correct pronunciation.

3. Start building vocabulary

Take visual dictionaries into service, for example, use the website. Bright pictures voiced by native speakers and translation into Russian will make it easier for you to learn and memorize new vocabulary.

What words to start learning English? We recommend beginners to focus on the list of words on the site Start with simple words of a general theme, remember which words you use most often in your speech in Russian. In addition, we advise you to devote more time to studying English verbs. It is the verb that makes speech dynamic and natural.

4. Learn grammar

If you imagine speech as a beautiful necklace, then grammar is a thread on which you place word beads in order to end up with a beautiful decoration. Violation of the "rules of the game" English grammar punished by misunderstanding of the interlocutor. And learning these rules is not so difficult, it is enough to study with a good textbook. We recommend that you take the first book in the Grammarway series of manuals translated into Russian. We wrote about this book in detail in our review. In addition, we recommend that you read our article "", from it you will find out what books you will need for initial stage learning English.

Do you find textbooks boring? It doesn't matter, pay attention to our series of articles "". In it, we state the rules in simple words, give many examples and tests to test knowledge. In addition, our teachers have compiled a simple and high-quality online English grammar tutorial for you. We also recommend reading the article "", in it you will find 8 good reasons to take up manuals, and also find out when you can do without textbooks in learning a language.

5. Listen to podcasts at your level

As soon as you started taking the first steps, you immediately need to accustom yourself to the sound of a foreign speech. Start with simple podcasts ranging from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. You can find simple audio recordings with translation into Russian on the website. And to get maximum benefit from listening, check out our article "".

After you form the initial vocabulary on English language It's time to start watching the news. We recommend the resource. News texts for the first level are simple. There is an audio recording for each news, so be sure to listen to how new words sound for you, try to repeat them after the announcer.

7. Read simple texts

While reading, you activate visual memory: new words and phrases will be easy to remember. And if you want to not only read, but also learn new words, improve pronunciation, listen to texts voiced by native speakers, and then read them. Simple short texts you can find in textbooks at your level, such as New English File Elementary, or online at this site.

8. Install helpful apps

How to start learning English from scratch on your own if you have a smartphone or tablet at hand? English learning apps are mini tutorials that you will always have in your pocket. The well-known Lingualeo app is ideal for learning new words: thanks to the spaced repetition technique, new vocabulary will not disappear from your memory after a month. And to study the structure, the principle of "work" of the language, we recommend installing Duolingo. In addition to learning new words, this application will allow you to practice grammar and learn how to build sentences in English, as well as help you develop good pronunciation. Also, check out ours and choose from there the programs that interest you the most.

9. Study online

If you ask Google how to start learning English on your own, caring search system will immediately throw you a couple of hundred sites with various lessons, online exercises, articles about language learning. An inexperienced student is immediately tempted to bookmark 83 “well, very necessary sites on which I will study every day.” We want to warn you against this: in the abundance of bookmarks, you will quickly get confused, and you need to study systematically, without jumping from one topic to another. Bookmark 2-3 really good resources that you will study on. This is more than enough. We recommend performing online exercises on the website. Also check out our article "", you will find even more useful resources in it. And after you master the basics of English, check out the article "", where you can download a file with a list of useful materials and sites for learning the language.

4. Summing up

The list turned out to be rather big, and we tried to collect for you only the most necessary components. successful study in English. However, we failed to use the most important skill - speaking. It is almost impossible to train him alone with himself. The most you can do is try to find a friend who is learning English. However, a friend with more high level knowledge is unlikely to want to deal with a beginner, and a beginner like you cannot be an assistant. Moreover, when you work with a non-professional, there is a risk of "catching" his mistakes.

Self-study of the language has another fat minus - lack of control: you will not notice your mistakes and correct them. Therefore, we recommend that you think about classes with a teacher at least at the beginning of your journey. The teacher will give you the necessary push, help you choose the right direction of movement - exactly what a beginner needs.

Now you know how to learn English on your own from scratch. We admit that the path ahead is not easy, but if you have already set yourself a goal and are ready to work, positive results will not keep you waiting. We wish you patience and perseverance on the way to the intended goal!

And for those who want to achieve their goal faster, we offer with a teacher at our school.

English is not very difficult languages similar to Japanese. Therefore, it can be learned at any time without outside help. The main thing - right motivation . In this article, we will tell you how to learn English on your own from scratch. AND best helper in this case, it is a self-instruction manual of the English language.

In contact with

Self-learning algorithm

Where to start learning English? Here are some important points:

  1. To get started, you need select targets. Why do you need knowledge of English? The fact is that in the learning process you will have to constantly motivate yourself, every day devoting time to the language. Motivation plays a decisive role. Perhaps you need to know the language to travel, study abroad, communicate with English-speaking friends.
  2. Set yourself up for hard work. You should not trust the methods that are widely advertised and promise to turn a beginner into a professional fluent in English in a month. Miracles don't happen. Really learn a language in a few months so that you can understand what you read and communicate. According to professionals, in order to know English like a native, it will take decades.
  3. Need to learn the language from the ground up, that is, with . The letters in the transcription are not pronounced the way they are written. After memorizing the pronunciation of letters, you can proceed to remember words.
  4. Planning when learning words is extremely important. Set yourself a goal to learn a month, for example, five hundred words. Priority should be given to those words that are used in everyday life, that is, in everyday speech.
  5. Start your own dictionary by writing down the words you just learned . You need to write manually, because that's how it works best. motor memory. You can also use cards with Russian words written on one side and their translation on the other.
  6. In parallel with memorizing words, study basics to build phrases. Try to repeat aloud what you learn as much as possible.
  7. more often watch English videos With subtitles. Pause the screening periodically to memorize the passage.
  8. Listen to radio like the BBC to learn colloquial.
  9. Use audiobooks with a hard copy and on hand to be able to compare the original and the translation.
  10. Make language learning a priority by giving it at least 30 minutes daily time for each lesson. By taking breaks and distractions, you can learn a language easily and without stress.

Self-study English at home.

Technique for beginners

It is not worth counting on a quick result in training, because Everyone's memory speed is different.. Language skills are highly individual. It is realistic to expect some kind of breakthrough in the level of proficiency after three years from the beginning of the study - this is how practice shows. English words at the phrasebook level can be studied in a month. These are question-and-answer structures that will come in handy if you go abroad. English for beginners is usually limited to everyday vocabulary and simple phrases.

Important! Visualization is essential in learning English. Be sure to look through the topics included in the tutorials.

When studying, you can use material on DVD, which contain and images with English words, and translation to them. At the same time, the speaker pronounces the words correctly. Manuals on disks are varied: they contain everything you need for the language in a complex.

Remember that learning English is based on three areas: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar. And it is important to combine this without compromising your psychological comfort.

A beginner should first learn the simplest grammar ( verbs, and sentence construction), learn to read in English, and only then move on to watching movies. An advanced student who has mastered grammar should emphasize in speech practice. This is the only way to remove an accent from a speech.

Immersion in the English-speaking environment has importance . To do this, you need to communicate with people who speak English fluently, listen to music with such text. If, for example, you move to the country of the language being studied, then the learning process is reduced twice.

No need to be shy to ask those who are professionals. About which method to choose, which educational materials better, you can ask your foreign language teacher.

There is a lot of information about good benefits on the Internet. English teachers create their own websites, post manuals and share their work.

You can chat with a native speaker on Skype. There are also thematic chats, which are very easy to find using the Yahoo search engine. In addition, you can correspond by e-mail, write messages on Twitter and Facebook.

Attention! The method of learning English on its own involves learning the language a little, but daily.

Manuals and tutorials online

Using the tutorial online, you will learn in a month read, understand content of English movies on Youtube, original lyrics. But the most important thing is that you can Express your thoughts and understand interlocutors.

To evaluate your level of achievement, take the test. This is not difficult, as it contains approximately 20 questions. Tests are designed for different levels: from elementary (Elementary) to high (Advanced).

Better understand the language and build phrases will help online lessons. Here is the grammar step by step, starting with the verb "to be" (to be). This is used in the construction of temporary structures of the past, present and future. Additionally, having studied the turns of speech, you can already quite speak fluently.

It should be noted that online learning is best conducted in interactive form , that is, through a dialogue with a virtual interlocutor. This allows simulate communication like in real life.

Gadgets help turn learning English into an exciting activity. This special applications for Android and iPhone platforms. The advantage of apps is that they contain analogues of paper cards with English words. Training takes place in a couple of clicks.

English for children

Children open to everything new, and if the child has shown sincere interest, you need to at read english in a playful way. The easiest way to do this is by looking at tutorials on the Internet, typing "English for children from scratch" in the search engine.

For example, you can show your child a colorful site Such sites are created specifically for young students and taking into account their characteristics.

In addition, the network posted a lot of videos shot specifically for children. professional educators. Lessons for beginners are presented in simple and visual form.

Attention! Learning videos help you learn a language faster and more effectively.

The basic principle in language learning in children is progress. This means you have to move from simple concepts to more complex. The child is able to learn those words in English that he already knows in Russian. Reading a dictionary will do nothing: it is necessary learn words from pictures. A simple example. Doing exercises in the morning, you can learn the names of body parts, and in the process of breakfast, learn the pronunciation of the names of menus and products in English.

How to learn English with a child at home

It is important to present the process of language learning as a game, but motivating by the fact that by playing it, the child will receive a prize. Knowledge will give the key to the treasure. And the child will be interested to learn and comprehend new things. Of course, it is impossible to deceive a child. In the form of a treasure, you can purchase a disc for it with cartoons in english or a book of English fairy tales in the original.

Motivation for language learning

After a while, the child may get bored with the language and may find new entertainment. It `s naturally. To stay motivated, do the following:

  • regularly buy bright and colorful manuals (discs, books, games);
  • give a child a chance take part in the competition with knowledge of the language, participate in the Olympiad, where diplomas and awards are awarded;
  • sign up for an English class, acquaint with the same enthusiastic children;
  • learn a language with a child who often takes an example from an adult.

Teaching children English in a playful way is much easier and faster.

Online tutorials for children

If the child is really interested, you can use the popular English tutorial.

A site about a funny tiger cub who speaks English:

Other tutorials:


If you still have difficulties, the site will always help. On it is laid out lot useful information and benefits interesting for both children and adults.

When starting such an interesting activity, how to quickly learn English at home, many people use effective method: stick stickers on household items with their English names. Constantly looking at the familiar environment, a person automatically remembers the words. On the way to school or work read e-books, listen to recordings, watch videos. So the trip will be boring and will be useful.

A method is also used, such as compiling lists of synonyms and antonyms. A very effective technique that helps you learn English on your own from scratch. Dialogue is also effective. Think and speak, ask questions and answer. Do not be afraid to seem ridiculous: those around you will understand. After all, you are learning to speak English!

The peculiarity of English is that in it, as in any language, there are sustainable structures. These are the so-called turns of speech. Need them memorize, memorize. In addition, there is colloquial slang, that is, the language of narrow groups of English-speaking people. For example, youth slang. There is slang and professional. Of course, this is already the level of an advanced student who wants to communicate in English as a native.

How to learn English on your own

How to memorize words


The advantage of an independent approach is that you can choose methods, study for as many hours as your mood allows, choose the level of the language for learning. If you study English in courses, then the student will always limited in choice because the teacher decides for him. Take advantage of this opportunity, because now you know how to learn English on your own at home.

This article will help everyone who wants or has long been trying to learn English and not only. I have compiled a selection of various applications, courses and programs for learning English which he used himself. They can be used both on the road and at home. mobile phone or netbook. If you can not decide on the course you need, then leave comments with questions below, I will definitely answer and help with the choice. So let's get started.

Duolingo: Learn Languages ​​for Free

"Undoubtedly the best free app for learning languages." -The Wall Street Journal


Rosetta Stone Course and Totale Copanion (mobile versions from Rosetta Stone on Android OS)

Now you can practice language learning with Rosetta Stone on Android devices. If you need an analogue of the PC version, which is described above, then your choice is Rosetta Stone Course. It is enough to register and you will be able to access free lessons. Don't confuse with Totale Companion as it is a dedicated application that will also help you learn a new language when you are on the road or away from your computer. The application is free, but use it, which is a huge minus of the application, only subscribers of the Totale course can use it for the entire period of their subscription. Full version Rosetta Stone Course is paid, but there are also free lessons for several languages. If you are interested in this program, then look for it in the Play Market.

English according to the method of Dr. Pimsler for Russian speakers (90 lessons, full course). Audio-lingual course by Paul Pimsleur

Year of issue: 2005
Dr. Paul Pimsleur
Course type: audiolingual
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Format: mp3

Course Description:
You don't need any textbooks! No need to cram anything! The basis of the course is the perception of English speech and pronunciation of phrases aloud. Dr. Pimsleur's language programs are the only form of language learning that includes an original, patented memory training technique that ensures you remember what you're learning. The course was created specifically for Russian speakers learning English. It consists of 90 lessons recorded in mp3 format. Explanations and comments of the student in the course you hear in Russian, and speech in American English.

Download Paul Pimsleur course

ABBYY Lingvo Dictionaries

  • Year of issue: 2012
  • Genre: Dictionaries
  • Developer: ABBYY® Lingvo®
  • Interface language: Multilingual
  • Platform: Android 2.2+
  • Interface: Russian
  • Additionally: The program supports installation on SD (OS 2.2 and higher)
  • Installer type: apk

Description. Perhaps the most popular dictionary for mobile devices based on operating system Android and beyond. The application provides fast and accurate translation of words and phrases without an internet connection. It is worth noting the ability of the application to search for translations of words and phrases in several dictionaries at once, as well as high-quality content from the world's leading publishers. Using this dictionary, you will open access to more than 250 translation, explanatory and thematic dictionaries for 30 languages, from which the user can easily form a vocabulary set to solve their problems. The most necessary for us is a translation from Russian and vice versa: Russian - English, plus Spanish, Italian, Latin, German and French. Thanks to the functionality of ABBYY Lingvo for Android, indispensable assistant while traveling, studying or business meeting. Thematic dictionaries are available for purchase from the application. These dictionaries will allow you to find a more accurate translation of words and phrases, as well as get Additional information: other translations, transcriptions, synonyms, usage examples and correct pronunciation from native speakers.

Key features:

  • Detailed vocabulary material with many meanings, examples of word usage and tables with word forms
  • Pronunciation of words voiced by native speakers (in terms of dictionaries)
  • A single dictionary card with entries from several dictionaries
  • Suggestions when searching for a word or phrase
  • Search for words in any grammatical form
  • Quick translation of words from the clipboard


Move the "Lingvo" folder from the archive to the ABBYY folder on internal memory phone (sdcard0) and install the *apk file through your device's file managers.

Learning a language on your own is both easy and difficult at the same time. Organize your classes correctly, choose the right methodology, find good textbooks and dictionaries - and learning can even turn into a hobby.

The habit of studying regularly will allow you, over time, to raise the level of knowledge above the level of many university graduates who do not study the language after graduation. When communicating with foreigners, expand your social circle. And when you achieve your goals, you can rightfully be proud of yourself.

Problems in self-study of English

Learning English on your own is an idea that has been visited by many. But not everyone manages to implement it. Why?

The first problem is the lack of control. Sometimes, in order not to miss a class, you even need willpower. Anything can distract, from an interesting movie on TV to an invitation to take a walk with friends. Set yourself a clear schedule and strictly follow it.

The next problem is errors. When learning a language on your own, you need to be very careful, sometimes even pedantic. If you make a mistake (however small) while studying with a teacher, he will correct you. When you study on your own, there is no one to correct you, and a construction that was memorized incorrectly will “take root” in speech and writing. Relearning is harder than learning.

We make a schedule of classes

Make a schedule that is easy for you to follow. It is advisable to practice daily, for an hour - one and a half with a break of 5-10 minutes. Your schedule will most likely be different, but follow the principle of "it's better to do a little bit often than a long one infrequently." Daily classes of 20 minutes for two weeks will bring more sense than one five-hour "storm". Post the schedule in a visible place at home.

Define the goal

Set a goal - and direct all efforts towards achieving it. Why do you need English? Correspondence with business partners? Want to read your favorite books in the original? Communicate via the Internet? Or maybe go abroad to work?

In the classroom, combine reading, writing, grammar exercises and develop the ability to express your thoughts. And focus on what you need and what you like. If you want to learn how to speak, speak more, etc. Then the fruits of your labors - skills and knowledge will inspire you to conquer new heights.

Choosing an approach

In order to create an optimal training program for yourself, you will have to briefly become teachers and get acquainted with the methodology.

There are two main approaches to language learning: "traditional" and "communicative".

The traditional approach is a combination of audio-lingual and grammar-translation methods.

If you studied a foreign language at school, then you “know by sight” grammar-translation method. Grammar exercises, retelling of texts (and sometimes even memorization), expanding vocabulary with word lists, and translations, translations, translations. Of course, talented teachers expanded the list of activities in the classroom, could interest students. But these are units. In most cases, the method did not justify the effort spent.

Audiolingual method much more efficient than the previous one. It was fully implemented in language laboratories - and today you can buy CDs with recordings of exercises. Learning consists in listening and reproducing dialogues - on their basis, grammar is studied, pronunciation is “set”. If you want to learn how to speak as quickly as possible - look for good English courses on CD.

Communicative approach combines methods that use exercises that are unusual for graduates of Soviet schools: games, debates, tasks for finding errors, for comparisons, and analysis of situations. This approach is one of the most effective today. He doesn't just teach the language - he teaches how to use the language. Choose a textbook developed on the basis of the communicative method.

Textbooks, dictionaries and your other tools

If you have studied English before, the first thing you need to do now is to assess your level with tests. Do not overestimate it - it is better to repeat the well-known once again than to get stuck on the third page of an incorrectly selected tutorial.

Choose a textbook that has not only standard exercises, but also creative, unusual tasks that implement a communicative approach to learning. The more interesting the textbook is, the less likely you are to face the first problem of self-study: “I will study, but not today, but tomorrow.” "Tomorrow" rarely comes the next day.

Feel free to walk past books, CDs and cassettes with titles like "English in a Month!". If it were that simple, everyone would have known the language by now.

Whatever goals you pursue when learning English, you will need a very good dictionary. The Internet will not help here - the vocabulary of online resources will not be enough for you.

It is convenient to work with a thick dictionary of a small format, which cannot be said about publications with a format larger than a landscape one. We advise you to buy a dictionary of general vocabulary for fifty thousand words, no less (more is better). Please note: a good publication always has examples of the use of words.

Try to choose the most recent edition as possible so as not to waste time and effort on memorizing obsolete, obsolete words. Another argument for a "fresh dictionary": in the editions compiled in the first half of the last century, you will not find many words that have long become part of our speech. It is convenient to use a dictionary with small print - do not let this moment confuse you when choosing. The dictionary is your permanent assistant in learning the language, do not spare money for it.

Be sure to use audio materials, courses on CD: as we have already said, they will help you improve pronunciation, expand your vocabulary and learn how to speak English. Even if these are not primary tasks, listening to dialogue diversifies the learning process. And the more interesting the classes, the better the results.

One option for self-learning a language is to use materials from an online course program. During distance learning, assignments will be sent to you by email. mailbox, you will fulfill them, send them to the teacher, after checking, he will point out errors. Passing such courses will help you to be disciplined and learn not to miss classes. This is a good option for beginners.

Large bookstores now have books in English, adapted for readers of different levels. The required level of knowledge is often indicated right on the cover. By reading books, you will expand your vocabulary, learn how to build sentences, develop literacy and a sense of language.

Watching movies in the original is a real pleasure. Buy movies that have an English audio track and subtitles. If your level does not yet allow you to understand complex dialogues, start with cartoons. They usually use simple vocabulary. Watch first several times with subtitles, pause if you meet an unfamiliar word. For each movie, make a small dictionary, writing down unfamiliar words as you watch the movie. Please note: there are films where the characters speak quite clearly (for example, "The Hot Chick", "Chick") and those where it is difficult to make out the speech ("Back to the Future", "Back to the Future").

Use the Internet while learning a language - it provides simply amazing opportunities. Using Skype, you can talk with native speakers, service you can start a blog in English or just read the online diaries of Americans and Englishmen. Social networks, forums, chats - use and get the most out of it. Love to cook? Look for recipes in English, try to cook according to them. The language should be useful to you - otherwise, why learn it?

Techniques and exercises for independent language learning

We offer several methods of learning English that can help you.

  • Find the lyrics of your favorite songs in English, translate, learn and sing along with the performer.
  • Spend your holidays in a country where English is spoken: combine useful language practice with a pleasant stay.
  • Try to start thinking in English, commenting to yourself on actions, events, daily incidents.
  • Study the culture: This will be helpful if you want to travel to a country where English is spoken. Find out what is valuable to the people with whom you will communicate. For example, find the most detailed biography of Winston Churchill - it looks like the plot of an exciting book. Read about it (ideally - in English, but it all depends on your level of language proficiency). Not interested in politics? Read, watch movies key points history, outstanding figures of art, science, the development of fashion, the automotive industry, social phenomena and customs of countries.

Learning a language is interesting. Didn't you know?