Are cilantro and coriander the same plant? Are coriander and cilantro the same thing or not? Coriander is a plant.

  • 15.06.2019

There are interesting legends about cilantro. People believe that grass can purify the air, bewitch a man, attract wealth. The healing properties of the plant allow you to forget about some diseases.

What does cilantro look like and where does it grow?

The homeland of grass growth is the Mediterranean continent. Latin America, Colombia, Venezuela are countries that do not represent most dishes without spices. Description of cilantro:

  • straight stem;
  • a large number of thin branches extending from the stem and side branches;
  • two types of sheet plates: solid, consisting of 3 lobes, dissected with jagged edges.

Seeds look like rounded burgundy berries with sharp tendrils at the base. Closer to the cutting, the seeds have the color of the stem.

Another name for cilantro

Coriander and cilantro are the names of the same plant, the difference is in the smell. It can be explained by the fact that both names give names to parts of the plant:

  • Seeds - coriander;
  • Leaves - cilantro.

Coriander in translation means a beetle or a bug, odorous insects gave an analogy to the perception of spices. The plant is called differently. Some are only used in specific areas. Dialect adverbs are associated with the features of speech:

  • kolyandra;
  • shlendra;
  • intestines;
  • chilantro.

Others by state where they occur:

  • Parsley of China, Mexico and Arab countries;
  • Hamem;
  • Kishnish.

The herb is a spice, fragrant spice, considered a relative of popular herbs often used in food: dill, parsley, anise. The bush is cultivated in all countries, it has an individual smell, special abilities and various uses.

Medicinal properties of cilantro (video)

The composition and medicinal properties of cilantro

The plant has special properties root, grass and ripe fruits. The composition of the seeds is rich essential oil, in which includes a large number of useful substances:

  • alcohols linalool, borneol and geraniol;
  • decityl in acid and aldehyde compound;
  • organic compounds: phellandrene, sucrose;
  • fatty acid compounds of glyceride;
  • tannin elements;
  • vitamins A, C;
  • fruit sugar;
  • grape sugar;
  • hydrocarbon: terpinene.

To get just a kilogram of oil, you need a centner of seeds. Essential oil is used not only in folk medicine and pharmaceuticals. It is taken as an ingredient in cosmetics, perfumes and aromatherapy.

The leaves contain a vitamin complex, microelements important for humans (sodium Na, calcium Ca, phosphorus P and iodine I). Groups of vitamins:

  • Rutin;
  • carotene.

A large amount of potassium in the plant, which has a healing role for the work of the heart. The healing properties of coriander are known from ancient manuscripts in China and Egypt. Descriptions of the 4th-5th centuries characterize the properties of the grass. Seeds were taken with them on military campaigns and placed in the tombs of the pharaohs. Grass abilities:

  • Increased taste sensations, appetite;
  • Acceleration of the process of digestion of food;
  • Sweating effect.

Part of the properties made it possible to use the plant as a treatment against common and rare diseases:

  • Gastritis: relieves pain syndromes;
  • Cystitis: relieves pain during urine output, reduces the number of bacteria.

Oil destroys more than 20 types of microbes. The most famous:

  • coli;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Salmonella.

Coriander improves the functioning of the muscle tissue of the heart, strengthens blood vessels. A tincture is made from coriander. It is included in the complex of therapeutic measures and has a healing effect:

  • Strengthens the gums, reducing and stopping bleeding;
  • Removes manifestations of stomatitis;
  • Regulates the content of glucose in the blood;
  • Activates the eye muscles;
  • Strengthens the optic nerves.

A solution in water gives an effect on heartburn attacks, relieves abdominal pain, helps to avoid belching, and heals the mucous surface of the mouth.

The seeds help mask the odor after drinking alcoholic and alcoholic beverages. They are put into vodka to reduce the rate of intoxication. It is noticed that the hangover syndrome after such a method is much smaller and disappears without signs of a severe hangover.

Cilantro improves the condition of the skin, removes the conditions for the appearance of acne. Other actions of the herb:

  • wound healing;
  • expulsion of bile;
  • virus protection;
  • antiseptic.

Coriander tea helps relieve allergic reactions. It removes toxic substances from the body, relieves itching.

How to collect and store cilantro seeds and fruits

Harvesting is carried out in August, during the period of full ripening of seeds.. For unripe seeds bad smell rot. Choose a dry warm day. Cut off the upper parts (umbrellas), lay out in a dry room where there is no sun. Raw materials are threshed, the remains of umbrellas are removed.

It is better to store medicinal material in cloth bags, cardboard or paper boxes (bags), ordinary glass jars. It is important that moisture does not get to the spices.

The use of cilantro in folk medicine

Recipes based on leaves and seeds can slow down, completely eliminate a number of pathological manifestations.

Influenza, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, gastrointestinal disorders.

  • Infusion: Seeds are ground into powder, insist on water, the proportions of the composition are 30 g / 1 liter.
  • Tincture: Healing infusion in the volume of one glass is mixed with 40 g of vodka.

Odor from the mouth.

  • Decoction: 3 g of dried raw materials are poured into 100 g of boiling water. Cook for 7-10 minutes. Rinse the mouth with the mixture, then swallow.

How to grow cilantro all year round (video)

How to use cilantro seeds to treat women

For women's skin, grass is an excellent means of preserving youth and elasticity. Coriander and cilantro are included in the group of natural aphrodisiacs. Taking a few leaves will return the body to sexual activity and the desire for intimate relationships. Other healing abilities for women:

  • regulation of monthly cycles;
  • withdrawal nervous tension;
  • strengthening and restoring health to hair;
  • elimination of age spots;
  • tissue regeneration.

Women wear medallions with drops of oil to maintain a calm, balanced state and confidence.

Mountain cilantro in cooking

Taste preferences for dry grass are different depending on the nationality. In all countries, cilantro and coriander are a seasoning that is difficult to refuse. I mix them with other spices to get a new taste:

  • with pepper of different varieties (white, black);
  • with celery;
  • with cumin;
  • with fennel.

AT summer salads add green cilantro to change the taste of a familiar dish. In most cases, the grass is added to the finished dish, laid next to it. Taste makes it possible to increase appetite and get new taste sensations. Greenery decorates the first and second courses, sandwiches. Twigs change the taste of fish and meat dishes. In some nations, greens are wrapped in cakes, baked in bread flour. This is not to say that everyone will like the spice. Most of the time it's 50/50. But that is the uniqueness of the leaves of the plant.

Dried seeds become components of the following products:

  • Marinades for meat;
  • Sausages;
  • Cheeses;
  • Bakery products: muffins, buns, gingerbread, cookies. The most famous is Borodino bread, sprinkled with coriander seeds on top.

Seeds are part of vegetable and mushroom soups. It is used as a food additive for sourdough cabbage, in a marinade for preserving cucumbers and mushrooms.

Caucasian national dishes cannot be created without fragrant herbs:

  • adjika of Abkhazia;
  • satsebeli of Georgia;
  • Georgian tkemali sauce;
  • national soup kharcho;
  • kebab of the Caucasus, Central Asia and Turkey;
  • Georgian red bean lobio.

The use of cilantro (coriander) in cosmetology

In the cosmetic industry, oil and seed extract are used. They are included in skin care products:

  • tonic;
  • cream:
  • lotion.

Coriander components help to quickly remove blackheads and pimples on the face, cleanse from peeling, relieve puffiness, and remove bags under the eyes. Creams based on coriander whiten the skin. Grass is integral part anti-aging series of products that promise to preserve youth and beauty of appearance.

Cosmetologists choose herb to create hair care products. They strengthen hair follicles, slow down gray hair, improve the condition of oily hair type, remove dandruff. The plant actively nourishes the scalp and strengthens the hair structure.

An extract from dried seeds is added to create special smells of lotions, soaps, deodorants and aromatics.

Cilantro contraindications

The special composition and flavor can lead to side effects:

  • the quality of night rest worsens;
  • there is inconsistency of speech;
  • impaired ability to concentrate;
  • memory decreases.

A large amount of greens in food affects the regularity menstrual cycle, failures occur, there is an activation of diseases of the female reproductive system. Therefore, I advise you to use a limited amount, do not get carried away with spices.

Contraindications for intake and use in food:

  • The period of gestation: there is a provocation of premature birth.
  • Lactation;
  • After a heart attack, stroke;
  • thrombus formation;
  • Hypertensive crises;
  • Ischemia of the heart.

How to make tomato sauce with cilantro (video)

An amazing fragrant plant is used more often as a seasoning for food products but useful healing properties plants are just as important. Fresh leaves are low in calories, dried leaves increase an important property.

Coriander is a plant that is widely used not only in cooking, but also in alternative medicine, because it has a lot of useful qualities. You can use for treatment not only seeds, but also leaves and even rhizome. How to use coriander correctly, useful properties and contraindications, features of the use of this plant?

For people who are far from cooking, the question of what coriander is is quite common. There are no special secrets or mysteries here - this is a plant that is usually used to improve the taste and aroma of dishes. Interestingly, you can use different parts at the same time as a seasoning, because greens and seeds have a completely different flavor.

There are quite a lot of recipes on how to properly use coriander for medicinal purposes, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are described in such detail in folk medicine. The first mentions can be found even in ancient Indian books on medicine, because the spice in its composition has many vitamins and substances that can affect almost every human organ.

The spice is also popular among the Caucasian peoples, they not only add it to food, but also use it to improve health. It is here that it is grown everywhere, because the warm climate, mountainous terrain and clean air contribute to obtaining the most useful and fragrant herbs.

What does coriander look like, photo

Many people are interested in what coriander looks like, a photo will certainly help to identify this spice in a store, in the market or even in the garden without much difficulty. There is nothing special about the leaves, they are a bit like parsley. If there are doubts about which plant the greenery belongs to, you just need to rub one of the leaves with your finger. Parsley has a rather weak smell, but coriander will certainly amaze with a real bouquet of aromas.

If you carefully study the coriander, useful properties and contraindications, you can find out that most often plant seeds are used as spices, which have a pleasant spicy aroma. How do they look? It is quite easy to confuse them, because they practically do not differ from most seasonings - small grains Brown.

Of course, you can read dozens of descriptions that in practice may be completely useless. In order to perfectly navigate the purchase of spices, you definitely need to carefully study the photo - this will certainly protect you from mistakes when buying, because negligent sellers often take advantage of the gullibility of buyers and can easily slip a completely different spice, not so useful and fragrant.

Coriander, benefits and harms - what more

For many admirers of the spice, the question remains - how does coriander affect the body, the benefits and harms of this spice, how to apply it correctly? The plant has many advantages, because you can use its wonderful qualities against such problems or ailments:

You can also use the plant to combat puffiness - it perfectly removes fluids from the body, while leaving useful substances.

How dangerous is the spice for the body? According to doctors, it is completely harmless and you can use it without fear. The only thing to be afraid of is a negative reaction of the body. You can get allergic manifestations in the form of dermatitis, nausea and irritation on the skin.

Coriander seasoning, use in cooking

Almost every country has its own tricks and secrets of using spices. How exactly is coriander seasoning used, the use in cooking of this fragrant spice?

It should be remembered that it goes well with different spices. You can mix it with pepper (red or black), dill, cumin. Greens are usually added to salads or soups. It is important to know that prolonged cooking will certainly affect the flavor of the dish, so it is better to send coriander leaves to the sauce or soup before removing from heat.

You can stock up on greens for the future, for this, chop the leaves and dry. Always store in a tightly closed container. If it was not possible to prepare the spice, it does not matter, you can use the seeds, which in their own way will decorate the dish with new flavors. Usually crushed just before adding to food - this will achieve a persistent spicy aroma. Pre-ground spices must certainly be stored in airtight packaging. If this is not done, the delicious smell quickly disappears.

It is not necessary to use the seeds to cook fish or meat, as most cooks do. You can use them in baking, and not only sprinkle bread or loaves, but also bake buns, fragrant rolls and gingerbread.

One more interesting application spices - add it to marinades. Cucumbers and tomatoes prepared for the winter will certainly please you with an amazing aroma that will certainly spread throughout the room.

Tea with coriander, useful properties

Especially popular among admirers of this spice is tea with coriander, the beneficial properties of which are quite difficult to list. Aromatic drink has such positive qualities:

  1. relieves pain;
  2. improves immunity;
  3. acts as a laxative;
  4. fights hemorrhoids;
  5. prevents the development of peptic ulcer;
  6. beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  7. reduces the intensity of colds.

It is quite simple to prepare a healing drink that can affect many systems and organs. For this 20 gr. plant seeds pour boiling water (260 ml). Be sure to insist under the lid, you can even briefly wrap it with a towel.

You can only drink tea twice a day. It is recommended to do this after a meal - the drink will help normalize metabolism and assimilate food. Be sure to monitor the state of the body after the first intake of tea - if you notice incomprehensible or alarming signs, be sure to refuse further treatment.

Coriander and cilantro, are they the same thing?

A question often arises, especially for those who are just taking their first steps in the culinary field - are coriander and cilantro the same thing? These concepts should not be confused, because this is one plant, although some features you need to know in order not to be mistaken with the use of spices.

Coriander is a plant that supplies greens, seeds and rhizome to the table, which has wonderful properties. The seeds have the same name as the grass itself, so there are no particular difficulties.

What is cilantro? There is nothing special here either - it's just the greens of the plant, which is used in the preparation of soup or sauce. It is noteworthy that by the aromas it is hardly possible to determine that these are parts of the same herb, because the smells are very different and can mislead even an experienced housewife.

It often happens that the recipe requires the addition of cilantro, and the housewives begin to decide what exactly to replace the spice with. There is nothing complicated here - you can just put a clove that has a similar aroma. If necessary, you can replace cilantro with black pepper, basil or even thyme - this is a good substitute for fragrant spices with a peculiar smell.

What are the advantages and interesting characteristics of coriander, whose beneficial properties and contraindications are quite remarkable, how to use it correctly in treatment and cooking? There are not so few questions that are associated with this wonderful spice, and only by understanding these features of the plant, you can use it to influence diseases or improve the aroma and taste of your favorite dishes. If you do not make mistakes in the application, the spice will certainly thank you for its effect on various ailments.

This fresh green condiment is loved by many. This is due not only to the special taste of the plant, but also to its beneficial properties, frequent use in traditional medicine.

What is cilantro? Its beneficial properties and contraindications

Cilantro is an annual herbaceous plant of the Coriander family, which is used as a spice. Interestingly, the seeds of this plant are called coriander, and its greens are called cilantro or even Chinese parsley.

In appearance, cilantro resembles ordinary parsley, but it is worth rubbing its leaf on your fingertips, then the difference between the two plants immediately becomes apparent.

The smell and taste of cilantro is specific, for an amateur. Another common name for the plant is bedbug.

Cilantro is successfully used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology.

For use in cooking, choose fresh cilantro with rich green leaves. It is recommended to store it like flowers in a glass of water, which must be placed in the refrigerator. Just remember to change the water daily and trim the roots. You can still dry, wrap in a little wet wipe and put in a plastic container. Shelf life - 3 days. Dried and frozen cilantro in terms of its beneficial properties is a useless product. It is better to eat cilantro fresh, you can also add it to salads, ready meals. This seasoning is added at the end of cooking.

Peerless sauces with the addition of cilantro. For example, Satsibeli. To prepare it, you need to grind cilantro in a special mortar, add garlic crushed on a garlic crusher, fresh tomato paste, a little adjika, hop-suneli seasonings, ground coriander seeds, pepper, salt and a drop of vinegar.

It goes well with almost all products. As a seasoning, it is used for salads, first courses, as well as meat and fish.

Growing cilantro from seed outdoors Caring for coriander Diseases and pests of cilantro

Coriander seeds are added to baked goods. Cilantro lovers really like its aroma in sauerkraut, pickled mushrooms, stewed meat. By the way, if you sprinkle raw meat with coriander seeds and douse with vinegar, then it will be stored longer and acquire a spicy taste. Cilantro is suitable for decorating dishes.

Useful properties of cilantro

This plant is not in vain considered medicinal, as it is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals:

Vitamin K (310 mcg) - contributes to the normalization of blood clotting in the body, with its help, wounds and cuts heal very quickly.

Vitamin P (1.114 mg) - nicotinic acid perfectly expands the vessels of the brain.

It is used to prevent strokes and diseases of the heart system. Also, if this substance is not enough in the body, then dermatitis, diarrhea and dementia (dementia) develop.

Vitamin E (2.5 mg) is prescribed for couples who are planning offspring.

B vitamins (B1 - 0.067 mg, B2 - 0.162 mg, B4 (choline) - 12.8 mg, B5 - 0.57 mg, B6 - 0.149 mg, B9 (folic acid) - 62 mcg). Vitamins B4 and B9 have the largest amount, which are among the most important in their group. Choline ensures normal functioning nervous system, takes part in fat metabolism, cleanses the liver of fats, contributes to the normalization of cholesterol. Folic acid is rightfully the basis of the human body. Impossible without it normal growth and development of the body, as well as the activity of the circulatory and immune systems.

Vitamin A (337 mcg) is an excellent antioxidant, which also has fat-soluble properties. And every student knows about the benefits of beta carotene (3.93 mg) for vision.

Medicinal beneficial properties of cilantro and indications for use in traditional medicine

The combination of all of the above elements in general has a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism. In particular:

Contributes to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

Removes toxins, toxins, and other harmful substances from the body;

Favorably affects the process of assimilation of heavy food by the body;

Protects against bowel cancer, thanks to the content of fiber and pectin;

Soothes indigestion, prevents nausea and reduces vomiting;

Lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood;

It is a powerful appetite stimulant;

It is one of the most effective means in the fight against excess weight;

Eliminates bad breath, as well as the smell of tobacco and alcohol;

Relieves toothache for a certain period of time;

It is an excellent tool in the fight against bleeding gums, as well as other diseases of the oral cavity;

Restores the normal performance of the cardiovascular system;

Suitable for hypertensive patients, as it significantly lowers blood pressure;

It helps to lower blood sugar levels, which makes it possible to reduce the daily use of insulin.

Saturates the body with energy and at the same time relieves insomnia.

Cilantro is an essential oil crop that has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Useful recipes for using cilantro in traditional medicine

1) In case of disruption of the digestive system, it is recommended to use the following composition: grind 10-30 grams of cilantro seeds in a special marble or other mortar, pour one liter of hot boiled purified water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Drink a cup after every meal.

2) Elimination bad smell from the mouth, including alcohol and tobacco. 1 tsp dried cilantro herb pour two cups of boiling water and cook for 7-10 minutes. Rinse your mouth if necessary.

3) Removal of increased nervous breakdown. 1 tbsp coriander seeds pour 100 grams of vodka and leave to infuse in a dark bottle for 14 days. After the tincture, strain and take 40-50 drops throughout the day for 10 days until the general condition of the body normalizes. This tincture is a very effective antidepressant with a sedative and anticonvulsant effect.

Contraindications when using cilantro

Despite the huge number of positive properties of cilantro, sometimes its use can harm the body. Consider the main points:

1) individual intolerance to this seasoning.

2) Essential oils that are part of this plant can cause allergic reaction. Therefore, acquaintance with this seasoning, start with a small dose. It is believed that the optimal amount of this product that can be consumed at one time is 35 grams.

3) Eliminate it from the diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

4) Excessive use of this seasoning can lead to memory impairment and insomnia.

5) Some women have experienced a failure of the hormonal system, which can lead to a change in the monthly menstrual cycle.

6) If a person has had a stroke or heart attack, and also suffers from thrombophlebitis, then he also does not want the effects of this herb on the body.

Incorporate cilantro into your diet. In addition to the fact that it has a unique range of useful properties, it will add a rich taste and incomparable aroma to your dishes.

home Spices and spices What is coriander, photo

What is coriander, photo

What is coriander? Coriander is a spicy plant with a specific smell that has been recognized over 3000 years ago. AT Ancient Egypt it was considered an effective remedy. The Greeks, because of the peculiar aroma, called it "bugbear".

AT Western Europe Coriander was brought by the Romans.

After the colonization of America, coriander seed spread to both American continents.

This is one of the few plants that came from Europe to Asia. In India, for example, coriander came along with the British colonizers.

Other names: CORIANDRUM SATIVUM L., DHANIA, cilantro, intestine, bedbug.

Places of growth

motherland seed coriander are the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean. Currently, it is found in the wild in the south of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea.

Coriander is widely cultivated in Hungary, Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, Russia, India, Morocco, North and South America.


Coriander is an annual, and sometimes biennial, herbaceous plant belonging to the Umbelliferae or Celery family. The height of the erect stem is from 30 to 50 cm.

The plant has three types of leaves: the upper ones are sessile, twice or thrice pinnate, the lower stem ones are short-leaved, the basal leaves are long-leaved, tripartite. It blooms in June - July with small, white or pink, 5-petal flowers, which are collected in inflorescences-umbrellas.

Coriander, useful properties and contraindications

Coriander bears fruit in August - September with spherical brown odorous achenes. Each fruit contains two seeds.

Freshly crushed coriander leaves smell like bed bugs.

The seeds have a lemony, peppery taste and a strong peculiar aroma.

Applied Part

Both herbs and coriander fruits are used as spices.

Chemical composition

The fruits of coriander seed contain essential coriander oil, alkaloids, vitamins A and C, fatty oil. Its greens are rich in carotene, rutin, vitamins B1 and B2. Coriander seeds also contain nitrogenous and tannins, starch, and sugar. Waste seeds (cake) and greens, after extracting fat and essential oil from them, serve as a wonderful food for animals.

Collection and storage

Coriander greens can be harvested and dried throughout the summer. Seeds are harvested in the second half of August, after the fruits turn brown.

The greatest value of coriander is the fruit.

During drying, the plant changes a rather sharp "buggy" smell to a spicy, anise-like aroma. Store spicy greens and fruits (cilantro) should be in a sealed glass container.


Be healthy!

Acquaintance of a person with the majority of spicy-flavoring herbs took place back in ancient times. Coriandrum sativum is one of these, but cilantro growers in modern Europe, Asia, and America may refer to a variety of plants. And Russians don't always know that cilantro and coriander are different names referring to the same culture.

The cilantro shown in the photo is a herb that has a straight and branched stem, as well as whole three-lobed leaves of the basal rosette and pinnately dissected on the stem, that is, cilantro has two types of leaves: lower basal with serrated edges and upper ones, which are divided into lobules with different segments.

The name adopted in international classification, goes back to the Greek word koriannon or, according to other sources, koros, which means a beetle, a bug.

Such a version has a right to exist, since cilantro grass, in the photo, is famous for its bright aroma, reminiscent of the smell of these odorous insects.

It is interesting that decanal and decylic acid, which determine the specific aroma, which make up up to 80% of the essential oil, practically disappear when it is time to collect mature seeds. Loses these aromatics and dried cilantro.


One plant and two names: cilantro greens, coriander seeds

Not surprisingly, in cooking, coriander leaves, cilantro, and the seeds of the plant are used in completely different ways and exhibit dissimilar properties.

And yet cilantro or coriander?

And in national cuisines leaves and grains are not equally popular:

  • The greens, which have a refreshing, sharp aroma and a bitter aftertaste, are good in salads, meat dishes and sauces. Fresh cilantro leaves, as in the photo of the plant, are mainly used in the cuisine of the southern peoples, which is probably due to the ability of the plant to secrete substances that prevent decay and the development of harmful bacteria.
  • Called coriander, cilantro seeds have a sweeter, milder, and more buttery flavor. Therefore, they are used to flavor sausages and vegetable dishes, drinks, soups and baked goods.

The use and cultivation of cilantro in countries around the world

AT different countries and corners of the world, the plant is called not only cilantro and coriander, but also kashnich, chilantro and kishnishi, chatra, kushtumburu, kolandra and hamem. Externally, plants from the umbrella family have many common features. What cilantro looks like can be clearly seen in the photo. Because of their resemblance to parsley leaves, cilantro is called Chinese, Arabic, Chinese, and Mexican parsley.

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The glory of the most common seasoning in the world is firmly held by coriander. In addition, it is one of the oldest spices, the age of which has exceeded three millennia.

Origin and cultivation of coriander

Coriander, the botanical name is coriander (Coriandrum sativum), belongs to the umbrella family (Apiaceae) or celery (Coriandrum sativum). It is a low herbaceous plant with a characteristic recognizable smell.

It is impossible to follow the course of the spread of coriander seasoning today. Its description is found in ancient Sanskrit manuscripts, the seeds were found in the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs, and ancient Greece and Rome used coriander as a means of protecting food from spoilage. The ritual use of this plant is also known.

Southern Europe and the Mediterranean are considered its homeland, and today it is produced on an industrial scale in both Americas, Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Morocco, and India. Fans grow it everywhere, including the window sills of megacities. In many European countries coriander is so common that it is considered a weed.

In cooking, coriander is used as a young plant, better known as cilantro or cilantro. Among other green spices, it stands out for its pleasant bitter taste and sharp specific aroma. Serves as a component for salads, soups, sauces. Often used as an addition to kebabs, sandwiches and grilled dishes.

Coriander (cilantro)

True, we have to admit that not everyone likes the pronounced unusual taste of this plant, which requires caution when using it.

Much more often, coriander seeds are used in cooking, and they are consumed both as a whole and in ground form.

They are added to sauces, soups, minced meats, sausages, marinades, pasta, canned food, vegetable dishes, fish, meat, pastries, bread, alcoholic beverages.

In a word, it is impossible to name the area of ​​​​culinary, wherever there is a place for coriander grains.

The use of coriander in other areas

As a fragrance that gives a spicy woody-herbal accent to perfumes, coriander is used in perfumery. He was not spared by such famous houses as Dior, Gucci Rush, Guerlain and Chane. It is especially actively used in aromatic soap making. Coriander-scented candles are famous for their relaxing effect.

In medicine, coriander is used as an antiseptic and pain reliever. Included in the preparations for the treatment of gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, prevents excessive gas formation. Gives good results in the treatment of many eye pathologies, such as chronic conjunctivitis, glaucoma, keratitis.

Coriander essential oil promotes healing of wounds, especially cracked nipples in nursing mothers.

Irina Surdu specially for the site Encyclopedia of spices

Reading this entry:

In cooking, young coriander leaves (cilantro) and its seeds are used - whole or ground, and these are two completely different spices with different taste, smell and their application is different. Whole coriander seeds are added to marinades. Coriander seeds improve the taste of beans, lentils and cabbage, and are also an essential ingredient in the Thuringian sausages and Turkish shish kebabs that are common around the world.

Quality - All spices in our store are fresh and have undergone strict quality control. Complied with all the rules of hygiene and storage of spices. Coriander leaves are an excellent component for salads, sauces, soups, a fragrant addition to meat and fish dishes, kebabs and kebabs, sandwiches. Bought some coriander here. Coriander is a spice-healer, used since ancient times in cooking and helping with many diseases.

Coriander improves the taste of peas and beans, lentils and cabbage. It is very good in combination with garlic and chili, as is often done in the Caribbean. Coriander is used to make beer in England and Germany; in the perfume industry - in France.

Coriander oil is added to ointments and used for rheumatic pains. The main effect of coriander is on the digestive and urinary systems.

Coriander enhances the work of the liver with lethargy and congestion in it, and improves appetite. To this end, it can be used not only as a seasoning, but also as a tea to drink before or after meals. Along with turmeric, coriander can be used to treat acute hepatitis. Coriander is also used for prophylactic cleansing of the kidneys. Cilantro and coriander, due to their mild diuretic action, can be used in the treatment of edema.

The use of coriander in cooking

Coriander seed tincture, combined with cardamom seeds, is useful for gas accumulation in the intestines, indigestion or indigestion and nausea. In Ethiopia and India, coriander is often used for stomach pain. To do this, the seeds are boiled in water or ground coriander is brewed with boiling water and this tea is drunk on an empty stomach. In India, coriander tea is the cheapest and most common remedy for excess or spillage of bile. Coriander as a spice in food as well as in drink has a cooling effect on the body.

Once coriander was considered an aphrodisiac and was part of the love potions. Coriander essential oil has an antibacterial effect. And ripe fruits, especially when mixed with other spices, have a pleasant taste and change their aroma. Coriander was familiar to the Chinese and became widely popular in India. The Romans made this spice popular in Western Europe, England.

In the old days, coriander was used as a sexual enhancer. Also noticed the analgesic properties of coriander (cilantro) for problems with the stomach and intestines. Fresh coriander (cilantro) greens contain proteins and carbohydrates, as well as a whole arsenal of vitamins. The taste and aroma of fresh and dried herbs and coriander seeds (cilantro) is different, so they are used in cooking in different ways.

Coriander seed or cilantro

Coriander seeds (cilantro) enrich dishes with a woody aroma, give them a sweet taste and smell. They are used in the form of seeds and ground into powder. Fans add cilantro seeds to soups, pasta, and kebabs. Coriander seeds are infused with alcohol and a fragrant coriander tincture is obtained.

Omelet with rice and coriander

The mention of coriander seeds (Mata) is found in ancient Sanskrit manuscripts, and the seeds themselves were discovered during excavations of Egyptian tombs. Coriander was one of those bitter herbs that Jews were supposed to eat at Passover in memory of the suffering of the people of Israel in the land of Egypt. Marina04-06-2013 13:22:59Very good spice shop.

It was fresh and flavorful. 195303-01-2012 23:59:48 I agree, the flavor of cilantro is not easy. Julia18-11-2011 20:00:33 I put ground seeds in meat dishes, wonderful fragrance. Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is an annual herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family. But dried seeds have the widest application, primarily for flavoring bakery products (Borodino bread), in the manufacture of sausages, canned fish, cheeses, sauces.

Medicinal UsesSpices Coriander Coriander seeds are rich in essential oil, contain vitamins A and C, fatty oils, tannins, nitrogenous substances, starch, sugar and much more..

Coriander is an essential ingredient in Indian masala spice blends, and is used in the Ethiopian Berbera and Tunisian offak blends. It is also said about coriander in the Bible when describing the manna from heaven: “And the house of Israel called the name of that bread: manna; she was like a coriander seed, white ... ". In the East, in the Mediterranean, all parts of the coriander (cilantro) plant are used, including grass and seeds, they are used as a seasoning for various dishes.

Today we will talk with you about a fragrant seasoning that has several names - coriander. The spice is called differently - cilantro, hamem, kashnich, shlendra.

In eastern countries, the plant is known as kyukhbara. The Russians are closer to the second name - coriander or colandra, since the words are consonant with the Latin "coriandrum". Grass coriander in English in translation means - "coriander", which is close to the previous name in terms of sound vibration. It is also known as Chinese parsley.

The green mass with a specific smell was dubbed cilantro, the seeds - coriander.

What is it - coriander spice and what are its benefits for humans, we outlined below.

Distribution in Russia

The plant was brought to Russia in 1835 from Spain, although according to historical information in the Middle East it has been grown for centuries. The cold-resistant culture has become widespread and feels at ease in the central part of the country, in the Caucasus and even Yakutia. Greens grow in all gardeners who prefer spicy food. It is grown not only as a spice, but also for use in perfumery and pharmacology.

Types of coriander

Every year there are new hybrids with improved aromatic properties. Regardless of the variety, the leaves and seeds are healthy. "Amber", "Caribe F1", "Luch" are oil varieties. They differ:

  • a large amount of green mass;
  • high content of essential oils;
  • late shooting;
  • stem resistance.

"Debut" grows in the form of a rosette on a leafy stem, ripens 1.5 months after planting. In order to always have young greens on the table, new seeds are scattered into the soil every 15 days.

The mid-season look "Stimulus" throws out rosettes weighing 45 g and many leaves with a glossy sheen. Lush greenery decorates "Borodinsky", "Taiga", "Venus", "Vanguard.

What does fresh coriander look like?

Coriander belongs to the umbrella family. The annual is distinguished by a cylindrical elongated or curved stem 70 cm high. It has a spindle-shaped straight root. The dissected shape of the leaves outwardly resembles parsley. The green mass is located in 3 floors.

  • basal rosettes with long lobed petioles grow below, which quickly fade;
  • in the middle - pinnate with short petioles;
  • above - young sessile stemless shoots.

The plant blooms in mid-summer, and the petals open all over the umbrella at once. During the vegetative period, the tops are decorated with small light flowers, over which bees swarm. The outer petals are enlarged. In the middle is a pistil with a double stigma and a two-nested ovary. Instead, spherical two-seeded coriander fruits weighing 3 g are formed.

Kolyandra is considered a good honey plant, giving 350-500 kg of honey from 1 ha

Smell and taste of coriander

If you rub a green plate of an adult plant in your hand, you immediately feel a pungent smell. The aroma resembles a mixed composition of anise and citrus with a hint of lemon. An unripe annual exudes an unpleasant odor, for which the Greeks called the grass "koris" - a bug. Paradoxically, the plant is valued precisely for this specific fragrance and is used in perfumery and the alcoholic beverage industry. Judging by the smell of elite cognacs, cilantro could not have done without.

However, during the drying of the seeds, metamorphoses occur - they acquire a delicious spicy smell.

  1. Sprinkle grains on bread.
  2. Together with cumin peas, whole coriander is added to meat products.
  3. Flavor marinades and sauces, salads.

You can learn more after reading the additional information.

Chemical composition and calorie content of coriander

  1. Shoots and leaves of cilantro abound in vitamins - A, K, PP, B 1, B 2.
  2. Among the minerals noted - potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iodine, selenium, iron.

Useful substances are contained in balanced volumes, therefore they are well absorbed and cover the daily requirement of nutrients.

The nutritional value coriander seeds on 100 grams - 298 kcal.

The nutritional value of greens is 23 kcal.

In cake up to 15% proteins, 8% oil, 35% extractives.

What is dried coriander used for?

The main components of the seeds are linalool and geraniol. Based on them, drugs are produced for the treatment of gastric diseases, intestinal atony, and febrile conditions. The spice is part of antiseptics and diuretics, analgesics, antihistamines. Ground coriander seeds are effective:

  • from worms;
  • to cleanse the liver;
  • increased metabolism;
  • improvement of vision;
  • with bleeding gums, stomatitis.

Decoctions from dry grains are indicated for colds, anemia, pregnancy, high sugar. The benefits for the body are described in detail here.

Rules for storing and harvesting coriander for the winter

The leaves must first be washed. Raw materials are first laid out on paper towel, after the evaporation of water, they are taken out to a darkened balcony.

  • The grass is dried in the oven. Young shoots and leaf plates are cut, laid out on a baking sheet, put in an oven heated above 50 ° C.
  • Freeze in the chamber. Cilantro is laid out in packages, flat briquettes are formed and stacked.

  • Finely chopped with parsley and dill, pour vegetable oil, laid out in a container and sent to the refrigerator. The blank is stored for 6 months.

  • Salted - 250 g of herbs are poured into 900 g of salt, packaged in jars and kept in the refrigerator under a nylon lid.
  • Pour in the marinade. A spoonful of 9% vinegar is diluted in 300 ml of water, mixed with salt. The mass is hermetically sealed with a lid.

The fruits ripen in different time. In order not to lose part of the crop, umbrellas are torn off as soon as the grains turn brown and dried under a canopy. The inflorescences are ground by hand, the seeds are separated and put into paper bags or glass jars. Stored on a kitchen shelf. Sometimes they are immediately mixed with other spices - cumin, anise, cardamom. Information about that can be obtained in the article on this spice. Drying and refrigeration help preserve the seasoning for the next season.

Among annual spicy plants there is an amazing coriander (cilantro). Its leaves are shaped like parsley. Cilantro seeds, like other parts of the plant, are used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and folk medicine. Today, medical specialists are aware of the various positive properties of seeds, they are able to help during the treatment of a patient from various diseases. Coriander greens are an important ingredient in Caucasian cuisine, even a child knows what cilantro looks like here.

Cilantro seeds, like other parts of the plant, are used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, folk medicine.

plant description

Cilantro belongs to the plants of the umbrella family, the height of mature grass reaches 70 cm in height. Coriander root is fusiform, the stems are straight, rounded. Pinnately dissected cilantro leaves begin to branch from the very base of the trunk. Coriander flowering can be observed from May to June, small flowers are white or pink color, they are collected in umbrellas. From the end of July to August, fruits begin to ripen on the plant, the seeds have a brown tint, their length is 50 mm.

Grass seeds are very fragrant, this spicy smell has not only fans, but also opponents. In the wild, the culture is found in the Russian southern regions, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. Mass plantings can be seen in the southern regions of Russia, in the North Caucasus. The most desperate summer residents are trying to grow spicy greens in Central Yakutia.

Cilantro came to central Europe during the time of Roman rule, for example, dry coriander was brought to England in the 1st century. BC e., it has now become a wild-growing spice. During the period of geographical discoveries, farmers in Australia, America and New Zealand acquired coriander.

Grass seeds are very fragrant, this spicy smell has not only fans, but also opponents

Only in the first half of the nineteenth century cilantro was brought to Russia, while the taste of the plant in this state was recognized in the 18th century. Coriander and anise seeds were brought to the country by Count Apraksin, he invited the peasants to grow the overseas spice anise. Coriander was mixed with anise by accident, in the early years it was ordered to be removed from the fields, but the plant spread over the years. Gradually, its taste and aroma came to the taste of the Russian people.

Gallery: coriander (25 photos)

Cilantro and coriander (video)

The use of coriander for various purposes

The scope of coriander is large: seeds and herbs are added to various dishes, food. Spice expands the taste of products, herbs and fruits of the plant promote digestion, improve liver function. traditional healers suggest using the spice to heal wounds, they are sure that mountain cilantro relieves pain and effectively eliminates constipation. Medicinal spice has found application in veterinary medicine.

Fatty oil of coriander seeds is used in printing, it is obtained after distillation of the essential oil. The essential product is often used for the preparation of aromatic substances, they are part of cosmetic and perfumery products. A by-product isolated from seeds is widely used in animal husbandry; meal is used as feed for rabbits, poultry, etc.

Cilantro has several varieties, each of them contains a large amount of vitamins, in addition, the vegetable product contains essential oil, sugar, starch and carotene. The most popular varieties are Coriander Debut, Amber, Stimulus, Venus, Taiga. It is quite difficult to list all the varieties, because every year, breeding specialists bring out new improved plants.

The chemical composition of cilantro

The fruits and greens of coriander are rich in dietary fiber, tannins, they contain vitamin A, which is necessary to maintain good vision. Nicotinic acid or vitamin PP plays a special role in redox processes, normalizes the work of the stomach. The product contains monosaccharides, choline, it protects the membranes of all cells in the body.

kudzu plant

It is worth noting that cilantro is rich in minerals, primarily manganese, potassium and sodium. It contains magnesium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus and iron. The plant is valued for its content of fatty oils, flavonoids, antioxidants, phytoncides and dodecena substance.

Proper and systematic use of fruits helps to normalize blood composition, improves the functioning of the digestive system, and activates brain activity. Cilantro is necessary for people with low hemoglobin, spice removes toxins and toxins, normalizes cholesterol levels in blood vessels.

Cilantro can help the female body during premenstrual syndrome (PMS), decoctions of herbs and fruits are used to treat cystitis, hemorrhoids, and conjunctivitis. Beauticians prepare effective products to eliminate skin flaking, whitening, rejuvenation and eliminate acne.

Collection of cilantro seeds (video)

Recipes for the preparation of medicines from cilantro

The name of the cilantro variety does not matter if the plant will be used to prepare a preparation for the healing of purulent wounds and ordinary cuts. To prepare the remedy, you will need dried cilantro, but ground coriander can be the best raw material for scarring skin lesions.

What is coriander? Coriander is a spicy plant with a specific smell that has been recognized over 3000 years ago. In ancient Egypt, it was considered an effective remedy. The Greeks, because of the peculiar aroma, called it "bugbear".

The Romans brought coriander to Western Europe.

After the colonization of America, coriander seed spread to both American continents.

This is one of the few plants that came from Europe to Asia. In India, for example, coriander came along with the British colonizers.

Other names: CORIANDRUM SATIVUM L., DHANIA, cilantro, intestine, bedbug.

Places of growth

The homeland of sowing coriander is the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean. Currently, it is found in the wild in the south of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea.

Coriander is widely cultivated in Hungary, Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, Russia, India, Morocco, North and South America.


Coriander is an annual, and sometimes biennial, herbaceous plant belonging to the umbrella or celery family. The height of the erect stem is from 30 to 50 cm.

The plant has three types of leaves: upper - sessile, twice or thrice pinnate, lower stem - short-leaved, basal leaves - long-leaved, tripartite. It blooms in June - July with small, white or pink, 5-petal flowers, which are collected in inflorescences-umbrellas. Coriander bears fruit in August - September with spherical brown odorous achenes. Each fruit contains two seeds.

Freshly crushed coriander leaves smell like bed bugs.

The seeds have a lemony, peppery taste and a strong peculiar aroma.

Applied Part

Both herbs and coriander fruits are used as spices.

Chemical composition

The fruits of coriander seed contain essential coriander oil, alkaloids, vitamins A and C, fatty oil. Its greens are rich in carotene, rutin, vitamins B1 and B2. Coriander seeds also contain nitrogenous and tannins, starch, and sugar. Waste seeds (cake) and greens, after extracting fat and essential oil from them, serve as a wonderful food for animals.

Collection and storage

Coriander greens can be harvested and dried throughout the summer. Seeds are harvested in the second half of August, after the fruits turn brown.

The greatest value of coriander is the fruit.

During drying, the plant changes from a rather sharp "bedbug" smell to a spicy, anise-like aroma. In order not to volatilize the smell and to prevent damage by aphids, bugs, umbrella moths, powdery mildew, store spicy herbs and fruits (cilantro) in an airtight closed glass container.
