Same as cilantro. Coriander seed or cilantro

  • 17.06.2019

Among annual spicy plants there is an amazing coriander (cilantro). Its leaves are shaped like parsley. Cilantro seeds, like other parts of the plant, are used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and folk medicine. Today, medical specialists are aware of the various positive properties of seeds, they are able to help during the treatment of a patient from various diseases. Coriander greens are an important ingredient in Caucasian cuisine, even a child knows what cilantro looks like here.

Cilantro seeds, like other parts of the plant, are used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, folk medicine.

plant description

Cilantro belongs to the plants of the umbrella family, the height of mature grass reaches 70 cm in height. Coriander root is fusiform, the stems are straight, rounded. Pinnately dissected cilantro leaves begin to branch from the very base of the trunk. Coriander flowering can be observed from May to June, small flowers are white or pink color, they are collected in umbrellas. From the end of July to August, fruits begin to ripen on the plant, the seeds have a brown tint, their length is 50 mm.

Grass seeds are very fragrant, this spicy smell has not only fans, but also opponents. In the wild, the culture is found in the Russian southern regions, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. Mass plantings can be seen in the southern regions of Russia, in the North Caucasus. The most desperate summer residents are trying to grow spicy greens in Central Yakutia.

Cilantro came to central Europe during the time of Roman rule, for example, dry coriander was brought to England in the 1st century. BC e., it has now become a wild-growing spice. During the period of geographical discoveries, farmers in Australia, America and New Zealand acquired coriander.

Grass seeds are very fragrant, this spicy smell has not only fans, but also opponents

Only in the first half of the nineteenth century cilantro was brought to Russia, while the taste of the plant in this state was recognized in the 18th century. Coriander and anise seeds were brought to the country by Count Apraksin, he invited the peasants to grow the overseas spice anise. Coriander was mixed with anise by accident, in the early years it was ordered to be removed from the fields, but the plant spread over the years. Gradually, its taste and aroma came to the taste of the Russian people.

Gallery: coriander (25 photos)

Cilantro and coriander (video)

The use of coriander for various purposes

The scope of coriander is large: seeds and herbs are added to various dishes, food. Spice expands the taste of products, herbs and fruits of the plant promote digestion, improve liver function. traditional healers suggest using the spice to heal wounds, they are sure that mountain cilantro relieves pain and effectively eliminates constipation. Medicinal spice has found application in veterinary medicine.

Fatty oil of coriander seeds is used in printing industry, it is obtained after distillation essential oil. The essential product is often used for the preparation of aromatic substances, they are part of cosmetic and perfumery products. A by-product isolated from seeds is widely used in animal husbandry; meal is used as feed for rabbits, poultry, etc.

Cilantro has several varieties, each of them contains a large number of vitamins, in addition, the plant product contains essential oil, sugar, starch and carotene. The most popular varieties are Coriander Debut, Amber, Stimulus, Venus, Taiga. It is quite difficult to list all the varieties, because every year, breeding specialists bring out new improved plants.

The chemical composition of cilantro

The fruits and greens of coriander are rich in dietary fiber, tannins, they contain vitamin A, which is necessary to maintain good vision. Nicotinic acid or vitamin PP plays a special role in redox processes, normalizes the work of the stomach. The product contains monosaccharides, choline, it protects the membranes of all cells in the body.

kudzu plant

It is worth noting that cilantro is rich in minerals, primarily manganese, potassium and sodium. It contains magnesium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus and iron. The plant is valued for its content of fatty oils, flavonoids, antioxidants, phytoncides and dodecena substance.

Proper and systematic use of fruits helps to normalize blood composition, improves the functioning of the digestive system, and activates brain activity. Cilantro is necessary for people with low hemoglobin, spice removes toxins and toxins, normalizes cholesterol levels in blood vessels.

Cilantro can help the female body during premenstrual syndrome (PMS), decoctions of herbs and fruits are used to treat cystitis, hemorrhoids, and conjunctivitis. Beauticians prepare effective products to eliminate skin flaking, whitening, rejuvenation and eliminate acne.

Collection of cilantro seeds (video)

Recipes for the preparation of medicines from cilantro

The name of the cilantro variety does not matter if the plant will be used to prepare a preparation for the healing of purulent wounds and ordinary cuts. To prepare the remedy, you will need dried cilantro, but ground coriander can be the best raw material for scarring skin lesions.

The fate of coriander in cooking is far from unambiguous. Sometimes they even say that one coriander combines two spices and two different tastes. We usually call the green of this plant cilantro, and the number of supporters of its use in food is approximately equal to the number of opponents, since it has a very peculiar smell and sharp taste. But its seeds - with a more subtle spicy aroma and sweet taste - have a more successful fate and a much smaller number of "ill-wishers". Coriander seeds are widely used in cooking different countries both whole and ground.

The cuisines of many peoples of the world are simply impossible to imagine without this component - in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, among the peoples of the Caucasus, favorite dishes without cilantro or coriander are unthinkable. In one form or another, it is added to vegetable, meat, chicken dishes, in milk and sour-milk soups, as well as in pickles and marinades. Such national dishes with this plant as the Abkhazian seasoning - adjika, and Georgian sauces - satsibeli, tkemali or dogwood have gained world fame.

Coriander is also extremely popular in India, where cilantro is served as a cold appetizer or as a seasoning for second courses, and coriander seeds are part of the most famous spice mixes - curry and masala. This culture has received almost "unanimous recognition" in Greece and Cyprus, where coriander is part of most dishes. Yes, and the world-favorite canned Greek olives in their recipe necessarily contain coriander. It is no coincidence that in France, where there are very few supporters of coriander, dishes with it are called "Greek".

Candied coriander is a traditional delicacy of the oriental bazaars of Turkey, Iran and many Arab countries. This culture is also used in cooking in China, the Mediterranean countries, Eastern Europe and some African countries.

Coriander has an excellent "sociality" - it is very successfully combined with other spices, not drowning out their own originality, but enriching it with its taste and aroma. That is why so many culinary spice blends have been created based on coriander.

Coriander is also included in some spirits, for example, many eminent varieties of gin necessarily contain coriander oil.

In order for the taste of coriander to be revealed in the dish in its entire range, it is better to grind the seeds immediately before adding them to the dish. It is best to use only fresh cilantro, as its flavor is destroyed when dried, as with almost all umbrella plants. If you still want to have it on hand in the kitchen at any time of the year, you can dry it in a shady place and store it in a hermetically sealed container. For long-term storage, frozen or dried coriander roots are often used.

In the article we tell what coriander is and how it looks. We will consider the medicinal properties and contraindications for the use of plant-based products. You will learn the difference between cilantro and coriander. Following our tips, you will learn how to choose high-quality spices and herbs.

For a detailed acquaintance with the plant, we will analyze what coriander is. Sowing coriander is an annual plant of the Umbelliferae family (lat. Apiaceae). The Latin name is Coriandrum sativum. The genus Coriander of the Umbelliferae family combines 2 species of herbaceous plants: Coriandrum tordylium and Coriandrum sativum.

The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of the plant. Coriander is grown throughout cultivated plant in Europe, America, Australia and New Zealand. In Russia, coriander grows in the southeast and in the central regions.

What does coriander look like

Coriander is similar in appearance to parsley. Let's take a closer look at what coriander looks like, so as not to confuse it with other plants.

Appearance (photo) Coriander.

Coriander has a spindle-shaped rhizome. The length of the root reaches 30-40 cm. Upright bare shoots branch out in the upper part of the plant. Coriander stalks reach a height of 70 cm.

Basal leaves are wide, located on long petioles, the edge of the plate is incised-serrate. The lower stem leaves are twice pinnately divided, growing on short petioles. The upper stem leaves are sessile, pinnately dissected.

Coriander leaves are similar in shape to parsley leaves. Read more in the article Coriander and parsley. small white or pink flowers form umbrella inflorescences. Coriander blooms in June - July.

The fruit is a hard ribbed spherical seed. Ripens from July to September, depending on the region.

How is it different from cilantro

Many people wonder - what is the difference between cilantro and coriander? In fact, cilantro and coriander are one and the same. Cilantro is the herb and coriander is the fruit. Therefore, the question of what is the difference between coriander and cilantro will be answered by this: coriander is cilantro seeds.

Coriander is the seed of cilantro.

Chemical composition

Coriander contains:

  • fatty acid;
  • essential oil;
  • Sahara;
  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • starch;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • organic acids;
  • pectin;
  • protein substances;
  • sterols;
  • routine.

Medicinal properties

Having figured out what kind of coriander plant, consider the medicinal properties of the spice. Means based on the plant increase appetite, normalize digestion and have a choleretic effect. They are used to treat diseases of the liver, gallbladder and intestines.

Coriander effectively copes with cough due to its expectorant action. Plant-based products are used to treat influenza and SARS.

One of the most significant properties of coriander is the ability to stop the development of cancer cells. The plant is used to prevent cancer.

More about medicinal properties coriander, see the following video:

Application of coriander

A pleasant spicy aroma has found its application in perfumery. Coriander essential oil is used in cosmetology and soap making. It pairs with citrus, sandalwood, sage, bergamot and cinnamon.

Coriander fruits are used in folk medicine. They can be found in the composition of pharmaceutical gastric and choleretic fees. Coriander infusion is drunk in case of indigestion.


  1. Coriander seeds - 1 teaspoon.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over coriander seeds, cover and let steep for 2 hours.

How to use: Take 50-70 ml of drink 3 times a day.

Result: The infusion normalizes digestion, eliminates stomach cramps and regulates the production of bile.

In combination with cumin, coriander is used to eliminate flatulence and treat hemorrhoids. Read more in the article Coriander and cumin.

Coriander seed tincture is used as a sedative. The drink effectively eliminates nervousness and anxiety.


  1. Coriander seeds - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Vodka - 100 ml.

How to cook: Pour coriander seeds with vodka, insist for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place. Strain the finished product.

How to use: Take 20 drops 2-3 times a day.

Result: The remedy quickly calms and eliminates nervous excitability. It is used as a powerful antidepressant.

How to choose and buy

Coriander is sold in any grocery store.

Coriander is sold in any supermarket and market. When choosing cilantro, pay attention to the external state of the greens. The bunches should be strong, the leaves should be fresh, without yellow or black spots.

Greens are stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. To save taste properties herbs for a long time, it can be frozen. Before this, the cilantro is washed, dried and finely chopped.

If you buy coriander seeds by weight, you can evaluate their quality by appearance. They should be light brown or Brown. The surface of the seeds is clean, without extraneous stains and traces of mold.

Dried herbs or coriander seeds are stored in a dark place in a tightly closed container. You can use a glass jar for this. The shelf life of seeds is more than 6 months.


Contraindications to the use of coriander:

  • high blood pressure;;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney failure;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • individual intolerance.

Excessive consumption of coriander leads to disruption of sleep and the menstrual cycle in women. The daily norm is no more than 35 gr. greens or 4 gr. seeds.

What is another name for coriander?

What is another name for coriander?

  • Chinese parsley;
  • sowing intestine;
  • hamem;
  • calender;
  • shlendra;
  • chilantro.

Coriander is called sancho in Korea, dhaniya in India, and kuzbara in Arab countries.

What to remember

  1. Coriander has been widely used in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology.
  2. Plant-based products are used to treat gastric and intestinal diseases, disorders of the biliary tract and the nervous system.
  3. Coriander and cilantro are the same plant. Cilantro - greens, coriander - plant seeds.

Known to many, often used seasoning coriander is considered a universal spice. Since ancient times, it has been used not only by culinary specialists, but also by physicians. This plant is also called cilantro, and all parts of it are used. You just need to understand in which case which one is needed.

What is coriander

Coriander seasoning is an annual planting crop, which is a long grassy shoots of the umbrella family. When growing, it is used completely, including the root, seeds and green shoots. Aboveground part starting to grow in early spring, more familiar under the name cilantro. Greens have a specific spicy smell, they add it when preparing salads, serve with meat. Coriander seeds are rounded up to 3-4 mm in diameter, color from light brown to greenish (as in the photo).

Coriander - useful properties

Why is coriander useful, what has gained and maintains such popularity? Regardless of what part of the plant will be eaten, a person will receive a balanced combination of trace elements, vitamins, organic acids, without having any calorie content. Calcium, potassium, zinc, iodine, iron, magnesium, selenium, vitamins PP, C, A, B1, B2 are well perceived and absorbed by the body.

Cooking with this spice and its other use should be careful, as there are contraindications. Here are the main beneficial features, thanks to which you can understand: coriander - what it is, and why the seasoning is popular:

  • essential oils contained in large quantities in the seeds have healing, bactericidal properties;
  • the entire digestive system is stimulated;
  • the green part helps burn subcutaneous fat;
  • due to diuretic properties, swelling is quickly removed;
  • is a good detoxifier;
  • metabolism speeds up, blood sugar normalizes.

Coriander in cooking

The use of the plant in cooking is considered waste-free. Dividing it into main parts, you can use any of them for their intended purpose:

  • Young green leaves and stems are used in cooking when cooking meat, soups, salads. The spice is especially popular among men of the Caucasus and in Asian countries: cilantro is added to barbecue, khinkali, kebab (as in the photo).
  • Among other spices, coriander seeds are used in cooking by cuisines around the world. The ground composition is used in the production of cheeses, sausages, bread, confectionery, sauces. Aromatic grains give a special smell to alcoholic liqueurs and tinctures.
  • The seeds, ground to a powder, are the basis for curry seasoning. Especially delicious are savory dishes from Beijing, red cabbage, if you add a little fragrant spice. Pickled vegetables will have an exquisite taste if seeds are added there.
  • The dried root has an odor similar to the leaves, but less harsh. Ground rhizomes as a seasoning are widely and tasty used in Thai cuisine.

Coriander seasoning - application

In addition to cooking, the cilantro plant is widely used in other cases. Coriander seasoning - the use of which is reflected in industrial medicine, is a valuable component in the production of medicines to improve the taste of tablets. By stimulating the work of the intestines and stomach, essential oils envelop the mucous surface, creating antiseptic protection against bacteria. How to prepare decoctions so as not to harm? It is not recommended to use in large quantities, because it can cause intoxication or strain on the kidneys.

In this regard, one of the contraindications is its use during pregnancy. Women who have problems with menstrual cycle, gynecologists advise drinking a decoction of cilantro seed. With bleeding gums, weak vascular tone, inflammatory processes on the skin - recipes will help traditional medicine based on spices. Because the grains have a spicy aroma, the plant is used in perfumery to create perfumes or before making toilet soap.

What is coriander? Coriander is a spicy plant with a specific smell that has been recognized over 3000 years ago. In ancient Egypt, it was considered an effective remedy. The Greeks, because of the peculiar aroma, called it "bugbear".

V Western Europe Coriander was brought by the Romans.

After the colonization of America, coriander seed spread to both American continents.

This is one of the few plants that came from Europe to Asia. In India, for example, coriander came along with the British colonizers.

Other names: CORIANDRUM SATIVUM L., DHANIA, cilantro, intestine, bedbug.

Places of growth

The homeland of sowing coriander is the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean. Currently, it is found in the wild in the south of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea.

Coriander is widely cultivated in Hungary, Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, Russia, India, Morocco, North and South America.


Coriander is an annual, and sometimes biennial, herbaceous plant belonging to the umbrella or celery family. The height of the erect stem is from 30 to 50 cm.

The plant has three types of leaves: upper - sessile, twice or thrice pinnate, lower stem - short-leaved, basal leaves - long-leaved, tripartite. It blooms in June - July with small, white or pink, 5-petal flowers, which are collected in inflorescences-umbrellas. Coriander bears fruit in August - September with spherical brown odorous achenes. Each fruit contains two seeds.

Freshly crushed coriander leaves smell like bed bugs.

The seeds have a lemony, peppery taste and a strong peculiar aroma.

Applied Part

Both herbs and coriander fruits are used as spices.

Chemical composition

The fruits of coriander seed contain essential coriander oil, alkaloids, vitamins A and C, fatty oil. Its greens are rich in carotene, rutin, vitamins B1 and B2. Coriander seeds also contain nitrogenous and tannins, starch, and sugar. Waste seeds (cake) and greens, after extracting fat and essential oil from them, serve as a wonderful food for animals.

Collection and storage

Coriander greens can be harvested and dried throughout the summer. Seeds are harvested in the second half of August, after the fruits turn brown.

The greatest value of coriander is the fruit.

During drying, the plant changes from a rather sharp "bedbug" smell to a spicy, anise-like aroma. In order not to volatilize the smell and to prevent damage by aphids, bugs, umbrella moths, powdery mildew, store spicy herbs and fruits (cilantro) in an airtight closed glass container.
