Bed linen storage. Where and how to store blankets and pillows? Storing bed linen in a pillowcase

  • 29.08.2019

Bed linen storage is a necessity for every person. However, the question arises, how to do it correctly in order to extend the life of textiles and enjoy its freshness. Interesting ideas and helpful tips help with this. By reading the following recommendations, you will learn how to make bed linen and towels fragrant even after long storage.

Where to store bed linen?

Where to store bed linen? The simplest answer to this question is in a dresser or closet drawer. Some people store their laundry in the sofa. It's better not to. The exception is the constant use of vacuum bags and maintaining perfect purity in home. A better option is to use sofa armrests. From here it will be convenient to get textile products if necessary.

An alternative storage location is laundry baskets. Additionally, they can be covered with fabric or take care of other decor. As a result, such products become bright and interesting interior items. It is also worth getting a special cover so that bed linen or towels are not constantly in sight, especially if guests come. Baskets can be installed directly in the bedroom, if there is free space, or placed in a closet.

How long can textiles last?

How long can textiles last? This question may seem rather strange. It is important to understand that absolutely any thing has its own term. Textiles are no exception. It is best to follow these storage guidelines:

  • artificial silk "serves" up to 10 years;
  • flannel can please with quality up to 5 years;
  • calico with constant use will last up to 7 years;
  • the service life of flax reaches 9 years;
  • natural silk is considered the most durable - up to 10 years.

It should be remembered that worn linen has low hygienic properties. That is why it is not worth delaying the purchase of textile items. This will guarantee a normal rest on a clean and fresh bed.

Proper storage of bed linen

Proper storage of bed linen is the key to its safety for a long time. In particular, it is worth listening to 5 recommendations:

  1. Store only clean and dried laundry.
  2. Textiles should not lie for a long time in places where there are temperature fluctuations and high humidity. In other words, there is no need to place laundry in drawers near a bathtub, aquarium or heating equipment.
  3. The product must not be exposed to direct sunlight during storage. This will cause the fabric to burn out and reduce strength due to overdrying.
  4. Remember that bed linen should be used regularly. Products that simply lie for a long time lose their properties. At the same time, persistent folds appear on them, which will be problematic to get rid of by simple ironing.
  5. During storage, it is important to ensure reliable protection from dust. Best to buy special means. An alternative option is lavender bags.

How to make textiles have a pleasant aroma?

How to make textiles have a pleasant aroma? This question worries everyone who does not want to wash bedding immediately before use. Taking care of a pleasant aroma is easy:

  1. Purchase of flavored sachets. You can find them in almost any lingerie store.
  2. Opt for natural herb pouches or use essential oils. In this case, it is worth giving preference to persistent aromas, for example, the smell of lavender. In addition, it also has some positive properties: it relieves headaches, relaxes.
  3. Storing linen with a handkerchief that has been sprinkled with perfume or aromatic oil. You can also find special flowers in stores that are designed to be stored with textiles. They pour aromatic oil into them - and enjoy the result.
  4. Soap use. He is wrapped in bed linen. As a result, the absence of any odor is guaranteed.
  5. Arrangement of scented candles on shelves with linens.

Laundry Storage Ideas

Ideas for storing linen will allow you to achieve comfort in this matter. Experienced housewives argue that the best solution is to store bedding turned inside out. In addition, it should be placed in a fabric cover. Using plastic boxes with lids and plastic bags is, on the contrary, a bad choice. This is explained by the fact that under such conditions the material does not “breathe”.

If there is a shortage of free space, you can give preference to vacuum bags for storage. This is especially convenient if bed linen and towels are sorted by material or even color.

  1. By the look. Pillowcases, duvet covers and sheets are kept separate from each other.
  2. By sets. Bedding sets are stored together, wrapped, for example, in a pillowcase. This is a guarantee that the bed will always look attractive and no element of the set will definitely be lost.
  3. By color scheme. This method is suitable for those who have a wide variety of textiles that can be combined with each other. Also, the method is relevant for storing towels.

lovers perfect order a method using a satin ribbon is suitable. With its help, the linen is tied up. It is stored in an aesthetically pleasing way. Linen that is folded into rolls looks interesting. The storage method is suitable for people who have no shortage of free space. In this case, the whole set or its individual components can be rolled into a roll. It is worth considering that ironed things take up the least space.

Life hack! To make things look neat in a closet or chest of drawers, they need to be folded in the same way.

Stylish and extremely simple storage space can be hard cases or pouffes. These boxes are easy to find in any store, and their huge range guarantees an easy choice for any interior. Improvised pyramids look spectacular, the elements of which are puffs. Alternative storage methods: plastic and wooden boxes, spacious plywood boxes.

KonMari method

The KonMari method is a unique way of storing things. It was designed by Mary Kondo. Its uniqueness lies in the following:

  • perfect overview, that is, things are always in sight;
  • minimum occupied space;
  • the ability to get a thing without disturbing the order.

At first glance, it all sounds fantastic, because stacking things is much more common. But it is worth trying a unique technology to make sure of its effectiveness.

The first step is to divide textiles into categories. No need to store pillowcases and towels together. Allocate a place for each category. The second step is the correct folding of the products into rectangles. With bed linen and towels, this is extremely simple. The third step is laying out the rectangles in rows. Textiles will be stored as files in a vertical position. Now, when you open the box, you can immediately see all the items. Getting something is extremely simple, and the order will not be violated.

Attention! An alternative option is to twist objects into tubes. They are also installed vertically in the cabinet. Most of all it is suitable for storing towels.

Useful tips will help you achieve freshness and cleanliness of bed linen. If there is enough free space in an apartment or house, you can organize a dressing room. This room will be used not only for storing clothes and shoes, but also for textile items. As a result, there will be much more space in the bedroom, for example, to install a dressing table or a floor lamp.

Before you start organizing the storage of textiles, review it. Pay attention to the bath and kitchen towels, old sets of bed linen. Perhaps they have long since lost their appearance. If so, they should be sent to rags without regret.

Immediately think about where exactly the textile will “live”. It can be a wardrobe, chest of drawers, bedside table, sofa drawers or even a separate compartment in the dressing room. Now you need to prepare this space: wipe the dust, wash the drawer, put moth remedies and flavors. Now it remains only to organize storage on any basis: textile category, color or personal preferences. Proper storage will allow you to always use fresh and beautiful items in everyday life.

The bed linen is quite bulky, primarily because of the duvet covers. Folding it so that it is convenient to get it, but it does not take up much space is one of the small but necessary tricks that will make life easier for the hostess. Another important aspect is how to store the laundry so that there is no smell, yellow spots or wrinkling. There are two main principles: order and periodicity.

Three methods of folding clothes

To make it more convenient to get the linen, it must be folded in order, however, each housewife decides which sequence to maintain. Offers three of the most effective approaches to stacking laundry.

First- the most categorical, it was developed by the Japanese Marie Kondo and requires you to systematize the items in the set and periodically remove the worn ones. Linen will not take up much space if only two or three sets remain in the closet or drawer, which are constantly changing. A freshly removed bedding is immediately sent to the wash, then to the ironing. In its place is a new set.

If the bed is made in parts (for example, if washing machine does not hold a full set), the same principle applies, but the pillowcases, sheets and duvet cover are stacked in different piles or compartments of the drawer. Another option is to fold and roll into tight rolls, peeling off the fresh piece of bedding like a leaf from a cabbage. Three rolls in a row less space than three piles, and they will never get mixed up with each other.

Second way- less rigid, but also practical. It is focused on ensuring that the kit is never separated. If the family is small and there are not many sets, it makes no sense to lay the bed in separate categories.

Accessories will be stored in one place, but this will require several operations:

  1. We fold the corners of the duvet cover along the short side and bring the size to the level of the dimensions of your pillow or a little less. We place it in a clean, ironed pillowcase from the same set.
  2. If there is, according to a similar scheme, we lay the second duvet cover and sheet.
  3. We straighten the inner valve on the second pillowcase and carefully put it in her partner, to the rest of the set.
  4. We tuck the ends of our envelope and place it in a closet or chest of drawers.

Advice! Instead of a pillowcase, you can use a clean canvas bag or vacuum bag. The latter will shrink the stack and make it more compact.

Third way- the fastest, but less ergonomic. Its essence is to separate only pillowcases from a common stack of linen. They are placed in a separate stack or in a smaller chest of drawers. This method is suitable if the bed is not completely changed. To distinguish a sheet from a duvet cover is easy to touch: the sheet has one layer, the duvet cover consists of two panels.

This is a very comfortable and practical bedding. It does not wrinkle or straighten out during sleep, and does not require you to lift the mattress to tuck the corners under it. However, it shows a downright diabolical character when you start to put it in storage.

In order not to spoil the geometry of the stack and not to wrinkle, I recommend folding it in several stages:

  • straighten the corners and stretch the canvas along the long side;
  • the corners of the sheet on one side are laid inside the corners from the opposite edge;
  • we got a rectangle - we lay it on flat surface and straighten all the folds;
  • we lay further in the usual way.

We note right away that not everyone will be able to fold the bed linen right away, but each time the rectangle will turn out smoother.

Choose a place

Buying a separate linen closet- the best option if you have a separate bedroom that does not function as a living room, and you have space. Keeping home textiles separate from clothing is not only smart, but also hygienically correct.

If you do not want to buy a wardrobe, you can come up with something more original, for example, box! Our ancestors used this item for storage, and now with the fashion for vintage furniture, it is returning to the interiors again.

If you have few blankets and pillows, you can store them in banquet boxes which can serve as an additional seating area.

So not everyone has a separate place for bedding, try to organize space in the closet or chest of drawers so that all clean linen, towels and pillows are in one place and do not come into contact with everyday clothes.

Place under the sofa or bed allows you to save space in the closet. But remember that before you put your bedding there, be sure to pack them, because a lot of dust accumulates in sofa drawers and it will be unhygienic to store blankets open.

The good old mezzanine, disappearing from apartments with new repairs, is also an option for those who still have it. In this case, you also need to think about how to protect bedding from dust.

Now let's look at storage methods!

Vacuum bags- a real salvation for those who have a lot of blankets and little space for them. Thanks to them, you can save up to 80% of space!

The use of these wonderful guardians of clothes and textiles is based on the removal of air contained in the bag and things with a vacuum cleaner or a specialized pump. With vacuum bags, huge duvets and pillows turn into thin pancakes!

Storage cases or soft cases- a universal option for storing home textiles on a closet shelf or dressing room. Inexpensive and practical, they provide excellent protection of products from dust, exposure to sunlight, moisture.

Having a rigid construction of walls and covers, modern storage cases allow you to fold an impromptu stable pyramid, a kind of chest of drawers or a rack - this is very original and simple.

A huge selection of models will allow you to pick up several boxes of the same or different size, in a single or multi-colored style, harmoniously combined with each other, so that the integrity of the interior of the room is not violated.

The ideal option would be to define each storage unit in its own "house" - this will avoid caking and unauthorized breeding of insects. It is better to purchase wardrobe trunks only from "breathable" material and put scented pads with lavender in them. In this case, the products will not get an unpleasant musty smell and even after long-term storage they will be fragrant.

Whichever storage option you choose, remember that proper organization free space and used things - it is always order, accuracy and a significant reduction in time to search for the right items!

Today we will talk about the important thing - bed linen. A blanket with a duvet cover, a pillow with a pillowcase, a sheet - our skin comes into contact with them every day for several hours of sleep. What bedding is better to choose? How many kits do you really need? Where and how to store bed linen? How to quickly and accurately roll a sheet with an elastic band? Read on.

How many kits do you need?

The number of bedding sets in our homes can be in the tens. Yes Yes! My grandmother has an entire closet compartment filled with half-length duvet covers, sheets, and square pillowcases. Bought them back in times of scarcity. Most of them have never been used. When I was little, my grandmother rubbed her hands with pleasure - that's how much a dowry her granddaughter has! As a result, I got married, my husband and I bought ourselves a euro-blanket, several pillows 50 * 70 - and grandmother's stocks remained "out of work". And there are also relatives who love to give bed linen for the holidays. Do you have any? Let's go five! As a result, bed linen accumulates, and no one has the idea that the number of sets in their house is excessive.

Meanwhile, there is the concept of necessary and sufficient. How many bedding sets does your family need? Have you thought about it? Can be easily calculated! When I was training in Fly Lady skills, my trainer suggested this formula:

n*2 + 2
where n is the number of beds.

I started counting the beds. We have a double bed, but my husband and I sleep under different blankets (under one is impossible - otherwise someone will be without a blanket at all, most likely me :), I have one pillow, he has two. So we need:
- sheets: 1*2+2 = 4;
- duvet covers: 2*2+2 = 6;
- pillowcases: 3*2+2 = 8.

Do I need to say that there were much more bed linen? Following the recommendations of the trainer, I left in use two sets of pillowcase + duvet cover for myself and two sets of 2 pillowcases + duvet cover for my husband, as well as two sheets. I put another sheet, one duvet cover and 2 pillowcases in storage - in case of an emergency. Got rid of the rest. Now there are two sets and a sheet in work, the same set is in the closet for a shift.

I did the same with bed linen for children. I counted separately from my underwear, because. they have "one and a half".

It is also necessary to say about the "guest" linen. Do you have guests overnight? Then they also need a bed, pillows, blankets and bedding. If this is an established practice, then add one more to your kits.

I recommend linen “just in case” and keep the guest linen in a closed case , , or a plastic container - to prevent dust from entering the house. These devices will also protect linen from dust, moisture, and fading. Between the layers of fabric, you can put sachets of herbs (for example, mint and thyme) so that the laundry smells good when you take it. Buy at the store or - it's easy and fast. And our grandmothers and mothers put a piece of toilet soap in linen instead of herbs. Remember? And the moth was afraid of this smell.

Change of bed linen - how often?

During sleep we toss and turn, we sweat; and on a Saturday morning it's so nice to lie in bed with a yummy and a movie (and the crumbs flew :) ... And even the crumbs are not as scary as the dust mites that love to settle in our beds. They feed on dead skin particles, which are left in excess on bedding, pillows, blankets and mattresses.

Bed linen needs to be changed, and as it turned out - not so rare. According to the recommendations of epidemiologists, pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers should be changed every 10 days, and preferably once a week. Wash - at 60 degrees. Dry in well ventilated areas.

How often you need to change bed linen is up to each hostess. I change it according to the laundry cycle schedule, which I talked about in the organization of the washing, drying and ironing process. This is the Fly Lady technique: if you do not have a periodicity in this matter, I advise you to create your own schedule in which you can set aside a certain day of the week for changing bed linen. Planning even such prosaic affairs disciplines; it will be easier for you to organize this process if you know exactly what day you have to change and wash the bed.

The photo is mine. As you can see, I do this job on Fridays, but I plan to switch days because I try to wash my laundry as soon as I get out of bed, which means sheets and duvet covers will be hung throughout the house on Friday and Saturday. On the same days, guests usually come to us. In general, the apartment is not the most festive view.

How often do you change bed linens? I invite you to discuss this!

Do bed sheets need to be ironed?

Ironing bed linen. O! This is the most useless, in my opinion, work - that's why I don't do it. I know that there are housewives who stroke him and they will condemn me for such an attitude. I admire such women! I don't have the patience myself. When my colleagues and I discussed the issue of storing bed linen, most admitted that they did not iron it. Almost all of these women are working mothers. Therefore, if you feel guilty that your family is sleeping on unironed sheets - join our company, we have no remorse :)

One of my colleagues suggested ironing only the seams and corners of the bed linen - then it is easier to fold and it will look neater in storage.

However, you may need to iron if you live in a high humidity area or struggle with dust mites. In damp rooms, bedding does not dry well and then during storage it may develop an unpleasant odor.

Another colleague sent a photo of her grandmother's linen closet. Attention - envy! Crisp white linen, perfectly ironed and neatly folded. A colleague complained that the grandmother was already old and the stack did not look as perfect as before.

What bedding is better to choose?

bed linen, if any. good quality, we usually use for a long time. Therefore, buying high-quality linen is a good investment in a pleasant dream for several years to come. Poor-quality bed linen is electrified, does not remove moisture well, is unpleasant to the touch, and can be dyed with an unstable or toxic dye.

Now you can buy bedding, which will include natural fibers (cotton, linen, bamboo, silk) or synthetic (viscose, microfiber, polyester). The method of weaving the threads in the fabric determines the properties of bed linen: what it looks like and feels like, how it will remove moisture from the body, wrinkle. There are a lot of fabrics for bed linen, but the most popular are coarse calico, poplin, chintz, satin, percale.

If you have ever stayed in a good hotel - on vacation or for work, you probably paid attention to the bedding in the room. Usually in hotels they lay boiling white or plain bed linen, dense and pleasant to the skin.

Such properties have bed linen made of satin and percale. I advise you to pay attention to such sets when choosing new underwear. They are durable, hygienic, well-tailored, the cotton fabric is qualitatively dyed, and they look great. By the way, as a compromise between plain bed linen and multi-colored linen - satin jacquard linen. Thanks to the jacquard weave of the threads, it seems that the linen has a multi-colored pattern. Although in fact the fabric is woven from threads of the same color

You can choose cotton satin and percale bed linen in the section of our online store. But first, read the article, then there is a lot of interesting things :)

Storage of bed linen - where and how?

Stacks on shelves

The vast majority store linens in stacks on shelves.

The advantages of such storage are that clean linen can be quickly returned to its place, just put it on top.

Cons - to get the laundry from the bottom or from the middle, you have to disturb the entire pile. Often, along with one object, another begins to “crawl out”.

A simple solution to this problem - immediately make a bedding set. Fold a folded duvet cover and a sheet into a pillowcase, tuck the ends of the pillowcase and get a neat envelope. Such envelopes, folded in a pile, will not disturb the neighbors when you take them out. Bonus - no need to rummage through the stack in search of all the items from the set.

Hanging shelves

In the storage of bed linen, it has proven itself perfectly. When we did not yet have a large spacious closet, we kept the bed linen in an old small closet in such a device. It is convenient to store by type (separate duvet covers, sheets, pillowcases), or in sets for each family member.

Dressers and drawers

Chests of drawers, drawers and baskets are also convenient for storing bed linen. Storage in a chest of drawers is similar to storage on shelves: laundry is in piles. Only there is no side view - the items in the stack must be lifted to view everything that is in it.

My linens are stored in a pull out basket and I am 100% satisfied with that. Due to the fact that there is not much laundry, it is easy and convenient to handle it. Duvet cover + pillowcase sets are formed, sheets lie separately outside the sets. I also cherish the hope that the laundry is ventilated in the wire basket.

If you approach the storage of bed linen from the point of view of KonMari (i.e. in a vertical way), then chests of drawers and drawers are suitable for this. Or containers, boxes and organizers - on ordinary shelves. I tried to organize vertical storage in my closet, but in the end I refused - the size of the basket did not allow.


Look at original way, with which my colleague Natalya folds bed linen. She rolls it up! I imagined how quickly I pull out desired item from such a pile, it seemed convenient.


Another colleague of mine, Ekaterina, keeps bedding in a plastic container with a lid. The container is on a shelf in the storage room. As an allergic person mentally approved this method - so there is less dust in the house.

Cases, boxes and organizers can be used in the same way.

Stretch sheets

If you are the proud owner of a stretch sheet, then you probably read skeptically about the ways to store and fold bed linen. Specially brought this topic to a separate section!

A stretch sheet on one side is an incredibly comfortable thing. I adore her! You pull it on the mattress and no worries: it does not crawl away, does not crumple, the ends do not knock out from under the mattress, the bed looks neat.

On the other hand, it is not at all clear how to dry it, iron it and then fold it so that it does not look like a loose, shapeless lump. I will say one thing about drying - I dry stretch sheets on the door or on the children's gymnastic complex. Yes, it hangs with creases, dries not smoothed, but this is not necessary. When she ends up on the mattress, not a single wrinkle remains. Accordingly, I also solve the issue of ironing - I just don’t iron :)

But folding - I had to suffer with this. I tried different ways folding stretch sheets, but eventually settled on one. The bundle has a neat appearance and you can’t distinguish a sheet from a regular one.

This method is suitable for large and small stretch sheets.

I conclude the article and invite you to discuss the topic in our groups in social networks: VKontakte, Facebook and Instagram - choose the communication method that suits you!

The methods and places for storing table and bed linen, blankets and towels are very similar, so let's try to combine the issues of their organization and storage. Both bed linen, blankets, and table linen (tablecloths, etc.), as well as towels, are most often large and often stacked for convenience. Therefore, the way they are stored and organized is very similar.

And besides, I think it’s logical to divide all these items by type, depending on which room (room) in the house is best to store them (again, based on the basic principle of organization - we store things as close as possible to the places they are used).

So, depending on the premises, let's conditionally define the proposed storage locations as such, for example:

  • Bathroom;
  • Bedroom(s);
  • Cabinets in the kitchen (dining room, if there is a separate table or room, if the place of eating is not in the kitchen);
  • Pantry / dressing room.

We will return to the places a little later, and now let's proceed step by step to solving the organizational problem.

Step #1: De-clutter Your Bedding, Table Linens, Blankets, and Towels

The first step in solving any organizational problem, as you have already noticed, is always littering. This time focus on:

1. Bath towels, hand towels and other towels you have;

2. Sheets and bedding sets;
3. Summer and winter blankets;
4. Blankets;
5. Tablecloths, napkins and cutlery holders.

Get rid of everything that you no longer use or simply do not like, as well as all redundant items. Inspect the old kits, maybe they are already worn out or damaged and it can no longer be fixed. Figure out if it's worth giving away or if it's time to just throw it away. For example, I have several sets of bedding that won't fit the new duvets and current bed size. And some of the linen I just don’t like to use as bed linen based on its color. I am planning to use this fabric for some other decorative sewing, for which this color will work much better than for my or the children's bed. Still, preferences over time (and even in choosing the colors of bed linen) change with us.

Decide how many bed linen and towels you need.

For example, perhaps some of the bed linen and towels should simply be kept separate for guests to use if you have them. Especially if you have situations that are not directly invited guests, but quite likely those for which you simply will not have time to quickly prepare.

Consider how many sets of bedding you really need just for you? It might even be worth staying for 2 sets for each family member (and maybe an extra 2 sets for guests to use?). You delete one and use the other. Similarly, take a look at the question of the number of towels you need.

As for table linen, there are no special rules, it all depends on your habits: do you need daily tablecloths or do you prefer just a clean table for your daily dinner. How often and on what holidays do you, your family and your guests gather at home (for festive tablecloths), and for what reasons.

But remember that if you have bedding or tablecloths, as well as blankets and towels that you have not used at least once in the past year, you should seriously consider whether you really need them. Perhaps they do not deserve a place in your house at all?

If you have a lot of items in good condition, consider giving them as a gift or listing excess new sets for sale.

Or maybe it’s worth, on the contrary, getting rid of those that you use daily, replacing them with redundant new ones? But turn the old ones into rags for washing a car or for drying animals after a bath or for something else useful.

Move such old linen so as not to return to this issue again to another place, closer to their further place of use. Having decided that you decided to get rid of them, put them in a separate place, do not leave them in the closet with the linen that you use. Otherwise, they may get mixed up again and you will have to repeat the mission of littering again.

Step #2: Determine storage locations

Decide where you will store bed and table linens, blankets and towels.

If you will be storing them all together in a large linen closet or other place, it may be convenient to put them in that designated place immediately after washing. This can be especially convenient if you have such a separate wardrobe that is spacious enough and is located, for example, in the bedroom. Of course, it is convenient to store everything together in it separately from clothes: sheets, bedspreads, blankets, and extra pillows for the bed.

Again, the location of such a cabinet, if any, is of no small importance. Still, as I said above, it is better to store things closer to the place of their use. That is, towels - in the bathroom, and bed linen in the room where there is a corresponding bed for which they are used. In addition, the bath is usually quite humid, so if you store well-dried towels there, it’s still quite possible, then here’s the bed linen, perhaps not the best. perfect option. I don't think anyone likes to sleep on damp sheets.

Don't forget your table linen. Decide on a place in the kitchen or in a closet in a separate dining room for storage. As you prefer? Drawers, shelves? Think and determine the necessary storage space.

Step #3: Prepare your storage space

Once you have decided where you will store your linens, blankets, towels, blankets, pillows, the next step in solving an organizational problem is to organize and prepare this storage space before placing all these things there.

As such necessary organizational preparatory activities maybe you need:

  • free up storage space by removing everything unnecessary from it. You need enough space to store all the necessary things so that they all fit.
  • organize storage space. For example, if you do decide to store your table linen and bed linen together, it's best to separate the storage of one from the other by dedicating the appropriate shelf for each type of item to make it easier to find and use them. But even if you're only going to store bedding, you'll also need to decide how you're going to store it. For example, you have high shelves, and there are very few sheets. Of course, it would not be logical to put a couple of sheets on one such large shelf. But it makes no sense to pile up the bedspreads and pillowcases along with the sheets. So think about using dividers or coasters to divide the space and separate pillowcases and duvet covers from sheets, duvets and bedspreads. Yet again. It all depends on what kind of bedding you use. If you have complete sets bed linen, which also includes sheets, then the best option, of course, will fold the whole set into a pillowcase, so you won't lose it. But if you use sets that include only pillowcases and duvet covers, and you have sheets separately, then it is logical to store them separately as well, sets separately, and sheets separately. Or immediately collect in the required kit (in a pillowcase).

Everything is different for everyone: both bed linen and habits :) Someone prefers to change sheets more often, while someone changes the entire set of bed linen at once. It also matters whether it is worth collecting everything in sets or storing separately. You see how many questions arise (in addition to determining the storage location), it is worth solving all of them before putting things in the closet.

Now towels. Think about whether you will give them a separate shelf, whether you need any additional devices to accommodate them, or whether you will simply stack them one on top of the other. Will you divide them into sets (and do you have them).

Finally blankets, pillows and blankets. Most often they are quite large and you need a high enough space between the shelves to fold them neatly for storage.

Consider also a space for storing table linen. Where will you place your daily tablecloths or runners, coasters and/or plates (if you use them, of course), and also where you will put your festive table linen sets. So, for example, cleaning up after new year holidays decorations, I also store table linen. My red and green festive New Year's tablecloths are mostly only suitable for the New Year's Eve. But that's me, how about you?

Step #4 Organize your linen closet and/or dining room closet

Before you start placing items directly in your closet or cabinets, sort your laundry into sets, depending on how you chose to store these items in Step #3 (by item type, storage location, and/or set).

Here are some more ideas, how to organize bed linen:

Group linens in a set for each bedroom(s) where they will be used. Then combine for each of the rooms all the bedding items in one set (with sheets or separately - as you like, see above), because it can be annoying to find parts of the set on the shelves, right? The easiest way to separate one set of bed linen from another is to put all the items in the set into one of the pillowcases, where it will lie like in a bag.

How to organize towels

Group together towels that you will use in a particular bath (especially if there are several baths). Then organize your towels by type. It is clear that you will still change hand towels much more often than bath towels. Consider the placement of towels in such a way that each member of the family can find a bath towel as easily as soap and a washcloth (etc.) when needed.

Do you have separate bath towels for each family member or separate children's and adults' towels? Everyone has everything individually. Think through all the points.

How to organize blankets, bedspreads and throws

Quite often, blankets, pillows and bedspreads occupy the most large space. Therefore, it is best to place them on the lower shelves of your linen closet, most often it is between them that the spaces are left the most. Also, group pillows, blankets, and throws according to the bedroom, putting heavy items at the base and lighter items on top.

If you rarely use some items, perhaps you should consider, on the contrary, putting them on the top shelf of the closet or placing them in some kind of bag (case, container) for storage? And those that are used more often should be stored lower, so that it is easier to get and look for?

I am not a supporter of using vacuum bags for blankets and pillows, because. they compress the blanket and make it less fluffy, or something, and besides, it is important for blankets to breathe and smell like new.

How to organize table linen

Take a look at your table linens. First, sort it by type: tablecloths, table runners, placemats, napkins, etc. You can also sort by other criteria if they are relevant to your collection (by each of the holidays, if it is festive underwear, for example, or depending on the season, or on the occasions for which you usually use it).

If you roll your table linen, try to make as few folds as possible so that you can avoid additional ironing before use, or at least somehow make this task easier for yourself. Consider also using hangers (such as to store your pants), perhaps hanging up will help solve the problem of having to iron it. A little earlier, when we considered, we already talked a little about this.

First, develop a system that will allow you to return each item to its place after it has been used. If you do not use one set of bed linen, the other will wear out faster than if you use two sets evenly and change them with a certain regularity.

Step #5: Think about storage and organization solutions

Do not forget that space can and should be used to the maximum. To do this, there are many options and without outweighing the shelves. Look online for ideas for organizing bed and table linen and think about what organizers, shelves, dividers and coasters will help you not only fill the space with stacks of linen, but also organize this space inside the storage place.

To keep stacks from falling apart, maybe consider using open bins or shelf dividers, additional shelf inserts or drawers?

Get creative with the process. I always say that you should not limit yourself and your imagination in organizing only the organization department to that department in the store that bears the name of the space you organize. Take a look at alternative ways and storage devices that seem to be completely unrelated to the storage of bed linen, but which may well suit you. Boxes, containers, drawers and shelf dividers. I keep looking, for example, at containers for storing tools as an alternative to open containers. Yes, yes, why not? The main thing is that you feel comfortable, and what the manufacturers thought when they came up with this or that storage system is not important.