Can I return a good quality bed to the store if it doesn't fit? Return of the bed, how to return the bed to the store and get the money paid Bed under the order can be returned.

  • 14.06.2019

Quite often in furniture stores there is an ad: "Furniture cannot be exchanged or returned". Store employees may also verbally declare such rules adopted in their establishment.

However, such statements, to put it mildly, craftiness. Furniture is an ordinary product, the sale, return and exchange of which is regulated by the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights".

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With regard to furniture, this law has several subtleties that should be understood.

Can it be exchanged or returned?

According to Russian law, the buyer given the right to return defective or other furniture, which has significant shortcomings not only during the warranty period, but also after its completion.

In addition, according to the same law, the buyer can also return furniture of good quality, however, such a return has significant restrictions.

which did not like

Be aware that the buyer has full right exchange furniture if it did not suit him for one reason or another, also the buyer is not obliged to explain and justify the reasons for the return or exchange.

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55, the exception is furniture sets or sets that belong to the category of complex technical products.

By law, the seller is not required to exchange such headsets or return the money paid by the buyer for them. Thus, in the case of purchasing a separate piece of furniture, such as a table or sofa, the buyer can return them to the store.

within 14 days

The main condition for the return of a piece of furniture of good quality is the period of its acquisition.

The consumer has the right to return high-quality furniture within a period not exceeding 14 days from the date of purchase.

When contacting later than the deadline, the seller has the right to refuse the buyer in the exchange or return.

If it doesn't fit

Return upholstered furniture, which does not suit the buyer with its size, is also regulated by the Consumer Protection Law, which states that the buyer can return or exchange furniture in a situation where it does not suit the consumer in terms of size, style, consumer qualities and other reasons.

Therefore, the buyer can return unsuitable furniture if the terms and conditions of return are met.

Made to order

Unlike factory-made and other furniture sold in stores (for example, in "Mnogo Mebel"), the design of custom-made furniture , agreed in advance with the buyer, the guarantee of which is the contract concluded between the customer and the manufacturer.

In this situation, the manufacturer provides services for the production of furniture, whereby Art. 28 and 29 apply. "Consumer Protection Law". According to them, the buyer is provided return of furniture in a situation where:

According to the law, a significant defect is an unrecoverable or reappearing defect, or a defect, the elimination of which is required large time or financial costs.

Thus, it will not be possible to return to the manufacturer furniture made to order and not suitable for any reason.

To return or exchange furniture of inadequate quality, you will need to prove the existence of a marriage or violation of consumer rights prescribed in the service agreement with the help.

Reimbursement procedure

How to return furniture back? Furniture return policies and refund conditions depends on the nature of the claim. buyer to the seller and committed violations.

For quality

In order to return quality furniture to the store, the following conditions must be met:

  1. It must be separate piece of furniture, which does not fall into the category of complex technical products (furniture sets and sets).
  2. The time limit for filing a claim is less than 14 days from the date of purchase, while keeping a receipt for the purchase of a piece of furniture.
  3. Furniture was not in use, the presentation and appropriate consumer qualities have been preserved, it is desirable to have the original packaging.

Subject to these conditions, the buyer has the right to contact the store, if necessary make a written statement for an exchange of a piece of furniture or a refund.

If the seller does not have the relevant item on sale on the day of the request, the buyer has the right to demand a full refund, which must be returned to him within 3 days.

We offer a sample claim for the return of furniture of good quality.

Incomplete or different color

In a situation where furniture of a different color is brought in, as well as when the necessary parts or parts of a piece of furniture or a furniture set are missing, the seller violates the contract concluded between him and the buyer.

In the event that the buyer discovers a shortage or incorrect color, size, design of furniture before signing the acceptance certificate, the defect should be displayed in this certificate.

Often the acceptance certificate contains a clause on the absence of claims from the buyer, therefore, in the case when there is no way to immediately check the completeness, you should write in the act: “The goods have been accepted, I will inform you about the presence or absence of defects after installation.”

If you find incompleteness or identified shortcomings, you should make a claim and proceed in the same way as when buying low-quality furniture.

For poor quality

In order to return the funds paid for low-quality furniture, complaint must be made in writing, in the claim, you must justify the reason for the return and indicate the requirements of the buyer (exchange, return, correction of defects, etc.). Then follows:

  • contact the store with an oral application for the return or exchange of furniture;
  • in case of refusal to hand over to the representatives of the seller a pre-made claim;
  • provide a piece of furniture for an independent examination, the services of which are paid by the seller.

The maximum period during which a piece of furniture is under independent review, is 5 days.

If the buyer's claims are found to be justified, the seller obligated to replace a piece of furniture, correct the identified deficiencies or within 10 days.

If the seller refuses, the only remedy for the buyer remains to go to court. It should also be remembered that if a piece of furniture is large-sized (weight exceeds 5 kg), then its transportation is carried out by the seller.

To return defective furniture.

Penalty for non-delivery on time

If the ordered furniture is not delivered within the time specified in the contract, the buyer has the right to set a new term, demand termination of the contract and a refund of money or demand payment of a penalty.

If the amount of the penalty is not established by the contract of sale or agreement for the provision of services, then its amount is 3% of the cost of work for each day of delay, but not more than the total amount of the order. The buyer's requirements must be fulfilled by the seller within 10 days.

Sample claim for violation of the terms of delivery of furniture.

How can I get my money back if I didn't receive it?

If the seller does not bring furniture, then the buyer should make a written claim, which indicates breach of contract by the seller between him and the buyer.

The seller is obliged to return the funds within 10 days after the presentation of a written claim.

In the event that the seller refuses to fulfill the requirements of the customer, then the only remaining way to return the funds is filing a claim with the court to the seller.

Thus, furniture is practically no different from other consumer goods, the conditions for its return are regulated by Russian law.

The buyer has the right to return or exchange furniture if the terms of the contract are violated, whether it be the terms of its implementation, conditions or subject matter.

Exchange or return of low-quality furniture is possible in, and incomplete or not in accordance with the contract - if such a fact is indicated in the acceptance certificate.

Return of high-quality, but not suitable furniture, limited to 14 days and product category(does not apply to furniture sets). In case of violation of these conditions by the seller, the buyer has the right to apply to the judicial authorities.

A statement of claim to the court for the return of funds for furniture.

You can learn about the consumer's rights to return furniture to the store from the video:

The law on the protection of consumer rights of the Russian Federation states that the manufacturer independently sets the warranty period for furniture (products, services). The period of time during which the furniture can be replaced or repaired at the expense of the manufacturer, if not mechanical damage during operation by the consumer, as well as in case of malfunctions caused by flooding and other natural disasters. The warranty period is determined by the factory and can vary from 6 months to 5 years, individually.

The obligations of the manufacturer to the buyer are determined by the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Here is a detailed description of the rules for buying and selling. The period during which the furniture is used and operated with a warranty period for the repair and elimination of factory defects (defects) at the expense of the manufacturer is called a warranty. Confirmation is the presence of a payment receipt or the warranty card itself. Its term starts from the date of purchase of the product or factory production, if the sale of the product is not recorded in the passport.

Furniture products cannot be returned or exchanged, as they are included in the list of non-food products. The buyer has the right to refuse to purchase before the transfer of the goods (products) to the consumer, paying part of the cost specified in the agreement or contract concluded earlier. However, there is no question of a return or a full exchange. When choosing furniture, care and caution should be exercised. Measure, double-check and reflect on the color, dimensions and model in advance, since the manufacturer is responsible for the quality of the furniture, and the consumer is responsible for the choice.

The warranty period for the furniture is indicated in the passport or coupon, and is issued along with the purchase receipt.

This document provides for the repair and repair of the product at the expense of the manufacturer, but has some subtleties that the buyer may encounter.

Legal advice is required when reviewing the terms of the warranty. Be careful, specify in detail everything that is indicated and spelled out, especially in small print, as it was said above that furniture is not returnable.

The period during which free repairs are possible furniture products, usually ranges from 12 to 18 months, but is fixed individually by the manufacturer. The warranty may be amended during promotions or holiday discounts, so use caution and check with your consultant or facility manager for details.

As far as repair is concerned, warranty obligations does not apply to defects caused by:

  • flooding, fire and other emergencies or natural Disasters(reasons beyond the control of the parties);
  • if traces of chemical, thermal or mechanical damage are found on the product;
  • malfunctions due to normal wear and tear of the product;
  • in case of improper transportation performed independently, assembly of the product or change in design;
  • violation of the rules of operation, intentionally caused damage.

The warranty also does not cover:

  • expiration of the warranty period;
  • no manufacturer's warranty;
  • lack of a guarantee from the buyer;
  • unilateral amendments to the text of the warranty card.

In case of violation and non-observance of the operating rules, the manufacturer is not responsible. The cost of damage in this case is determined by the factory in full or in part.

At the expiration of the warranty period, at the discretion of the manufacturer, an agreement on additional obligations may be adopted ( the federal law dated December 21, 2004, art. 171).

For more details, the buyer should read or, in order to avoid subsequent problems when buying furniture.

Exchange or refund?

As stated above, the exchange of furniture is not possible if it is a headset or furniture sets. However, if there is a flaw or defect in the furniture, the consumer has the right to demand its replacement, in accordance with Article 18 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights of the Russian Federation.

You can return furniture in a single configuration if it:

  • not damaged;
  • has not been used and has retained its presentation, factory labels, instructions, packaging and more.

14 days are allocated from the date of purchase, a purchase receipt is presented and there is an opportunity to return the money.

If the goods are not available on the day of payment and the conclusion of the contract, the buyer has the right to refuse the purchase services and demand a refund. This request can be considered within 3 days.

If payment is made in advance or if it is a partial advance payment, it is necessary to conclude an appropriate agreement signed by both parties. Any document is legally binding, so carefully study the seller's company name and legal address (they often differ).

The contract should include items such as:

  • surname, name and patronymic of the consumer, address of delivery of goods;
  • full factory name of furniture, supplier's article;
  • the number of items in the paid order (if it is a headset or a set);
  • additional services such as delivery, assembly and others, service duration and price;
  • list of obligations between the buyer and the manufacturer;
  • Estimated delivery time.

The buyer has the right to cancel his purchase before the specified delivery time of the goods, paying only the amount of the penalty, at the request of the manufacturer. If the seller refuses to transfer the goods to the buyer, the contract of sale is terminated.

In case of non-compliance with the established deadline for the delivery of goods on advance payment, the buyer has the right to demand a refund of the amount paid earlier.

Delivery of goods in a new period specified by the consumer and a penalty, in the amount of 0.5 percent of the prepayment for each day of delay of the goods, is prescribed by law.

If defects or defects are found in the goods, which was not discussed in advance, the buyer has the right to demand:

  • eliminate defects or reimburse in full the cost of correction;
  • request a reduced price of the product in accordance with the quality of workmanship;
  • replace the product with another brand, color, model, collection or manufacturer with recalculation;
  • termination of the contract of sale.

Return of furniture in such cases is made at the expense of the factory. The buyer can indicate these requirements in writing or orally by contacting the store where the purchase was made.

During the warranty period, the manufacturer is obliged to accept the goods, conduct a quality check of non-conformity and an examination, if necessary. The buyer, in turn, has the right to take part in the examination, observe the process and appeal against the conclusion in court.

If the warranty period has not been established by the manufacturer, or has expired, but the product has defects due to the fault of the manufacturers, the buyer may demand an extension of the warranty period to two years if he can prove the non-conformity of the quality of the goods due to factory fault. Thus, the examination of the goods is carried out at the expense of the consumer.

Furniture is most often delivered unassembled, so it is advisable to check the availability of assembly instructions, a scheme for installation and dismantling, as well as instructions for caring for furniture. Count the availability of all necessary materials, their appearance, since furniture is often deformed during transportation. If it is impossible to inspect the goods, then upon receipt, write down “accepted without inspection” on the invoice. Such a mark can protect when proving the non-conformity of the goods. If the terms of the contract are violated, for example, they brought a different color of the goods, there are not enough details, the size does not correspond to the requested one, then the buyer's complaint is made in writing no later than twenty days from the date of receipt of the goods.

Period of warranty repair of furniture according to the law

By law, the warranty period is suspended while the furniture is being repaired, or extended until the furniture is returned to the consumer. If there are litigations, the warranty period is also extended for the duration of the meetings, if the decision was made in favor of the consumer.

If, during the repair of furniture, a separate component part is replaced, for which another guarantee was allocated, then its period begins from the day the furniture was delivered to the consumer, the same period as before the replacement.

There are also non-warranty cases when a breakdown occurs due to the fault of the buyer, for example:

  • misuse;
  • improper storage;
  • other intentionally caused defects.

The manufacturer has the right to refuse, or to request a price for repairs.

When purchasing a product, it is useful for the buyer to know that there are primary and secondary repairs. The difference is that with such repairs, consumer rights increase.

In the primary, the buyer has the right to demand the elimination of defects and compensation for the costs of self-repair.

If the guarantee is used a second time, then it is possible to demand:

  • replacement of goods with a similar one;
  • to another model with recalculation;
  • full refund of the cost of the goods;
  • reduction and return of the price;
  • repair compensation.

In case of repeated repairs and the discovery of significant defects, the buyer has the right to demand a full replacement for the same product without defects, or a refund.
There are two options for repairs in terms of which should not exceed 45 days, with the written agreement of the parties and the appointment of a date and the immediate correction of defects. It is considered valid from the moment the furniture is handed over until it is returned to the buyer with elimination and correction.

If the deadlines are delayed, do not leave it unpunished - demand a replacement for a similar product in a different color. For example, to reimburse money for furniture, a penalty or a penalty for each day of delay (calculated at 1 percent of the purchase price for 1 day of delay).

The seller must be notified in writing of the need to pay for the delay, otherwise the buyer's right to compensate for the penalty is considered unused.

At the request of the seller and at his expense, the consumer must return the goods with defects.

  • demand full compensation for losses caused to him as a result of the sale of goods of inadequate quality. The loss must be compensated within 10 days from the receipt of the consumer's claim.

3. Terms of delivery and installation. Delivery and collection of furniture is not included in the price of the goods and is carried out for a fee ("Rules of trade", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.02.2002 No. 81, Chapter 15 of the section "Peculiarities of the sale of furniture"). To do this, a contract for the provision of services is drawn up, where the deadlines for fulfilling obligations should be fixed. Most of the complaints of buyers come precisely to the delay in the delivery and assembly of furniture. Here is one of the many stories published in the "Reviews" section: Olga: I ordered a bed in the "H *" salon.

bed broke

If the seller takes the furniture to eliminate the defect, the buyer is not entitled to demand replacement for the period of repair. If the defect is not eliminated in due time, the seller is obliged to pay the consumer for each day of delay a penalty in the amount of 1% of the price of the goods (Article 23 of the Federal Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”). If the defect has not been eliminated, the buyer has the right to present other requirements.

  • replacement for the same brand;
  • replacement for the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price;
  • proportional reduction of the purchase price (the seller is obliged to transfer the money within 10 days);
  • refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods.

Subject: Bought a bed (less than 2 weeks old) it broke (refusal)

They refuse to take the bed and return the money. What can I do?read answers (1) Subject: Return of goods Please tell me, we have bought a bed with a mattress. The buyer came, everything arranged for him, the bed was used. Now he asks for a refund, allegedly from the mattress smells. read answers (1) Subject: Bought a bed headboard made of wood, the rest of the skin. deputy tree unevenly painted Bought a bed, suppliers quickly unloaded it, didn’t even let them inspect it, when they unfolded it turned out that the head of the bed is made of wood in some read answers (1) , what should have been carried out an examination, what should I do? read the answers (2) We bought a bed for a disabled grandmother of the 2nd group, during the warranty period it broke.

Rights and obligations of the buyer of furniture.


Home / Articles / Consumer protection Is it possible to return a defective bed? We bought a bed. But it quickly broke down, although we used it very carefully. Mostly our granddaughter slept in it, and he is a very calm child.

Can this item be returned to the manufacturer for a refund? Need to contact a store or a factory? I'm afraid we're going to get in trouble for missing the box. Although the receipt and warranty card is. If you have used the bed carefully, then you have every right to defend your interests, and the law gives you many trump cards for this. You can file a claim even with the manufacturer, even with the seller, whichever is more convenient for you. You can demand to repair the bed or a broken part for free, replace the broken bed with a new one, or return the money.

Bought a bed

The quality of inexpensive furniture sometimes leaves much to be desired. Judging by the complaints of customers, sometimes furniture breaks down six months to a year after purchase. Ivan Olegovich: In 2009, we bought a sofa bed from manufacturer B* in the N* shopping center.

The manufacturer provides a 1-year warranty on furniture, and a 5-year service life. During operation, the sofa in the middle, when unfolded, began to deform. A year later, it is impossible to lie on the couch - you fall in the middle.


Under the guarantee, they applied late, overstayed 1 week, so in warranty repair was denied by the manufacturer. You can find the full text of the review in the corresponding section. Some sellers are preparing for such a turn of events in advance - they warn that there is no guarantee for furniture.

In general, sellers have the right to independently determine the warranty period for the goods. It could be a week or a month.


The assembly of the bed was carried out on its own strictly according to the attached instructions. However, the product turned out to be defective, namely: the next day, during operation, the bed broke - a longitudinal beam made of MDF broke in half, on which a heavy structure made of wooden beams and a mattress were located. On July 25, 2012, a consumer claim was sent to the Defendant in the store in accordance with Art.

18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" on the refusal to execute the contract of sale, the return of the amount paid for the goods and compensation for losses upon delivery of the goods within the statutory period (10 days). On July 30, 2012, an expert was sent to my home by the Defendant to establish the fact of the defect, who recorded it on camera mobile phone. The conclusion was not given to me.
Grandmother was left without a bedread answers (2) Subject: Warranty period We bought a bed for a disabled grandmother of the 2nd group, during the warranty period it broke. Grandmother was left without a bedread answers (1) Subject: Consumer rightsHello, we bought a bed in a store a lot of furniture but in the bed one item must be exchanged we wrote applications for an exchange we called hotline read replies (2) Subject: The price does not match the price tagI need furniture and went to the store at Galkina st. : Consumer Protection I bought a bed unassembled on December 15, the bed creaks, should I legally change the bed or return the money. read answers (1) Help me figure it out. Bought a bunk bed.
Phoned the shop-seller, they said that in tech. 7 days should consider our problem. And then 14 days will pass, and what will we be left with? (of course we will write a claim, but the store said that let's calmly resolve the conflict, they will probably play for time and then they will send us (What do you think? Take their word for now? Reply with quote 14.02.2010 13:50 #11 Posted by alinad26 the roof of the car bed.
Well, her roof on the one hand failed from the weight of 11 months. child .. what to say then if a 3 year old lies there ... In this case, you need to file a claim with the seller on the basis of Articles 10 and 12. According to Art. 10 the seller should have provided you with information (clause 2 "terms and conditions for the efficient and safe use of goods").
In this case, the transferred furniture must be returned to the seller;
  • reimbursement of expenses incurred to eliminate deficiencies in the work performed on their own or by third parties.

If the defect is not eliminated within the terms specified by the contract, then the contractor must pay a penalty. Penalty is charged for each day (or hour, if the term is defined in hours) in the amount of 3% of the price of the work. If the price for the performance of work is not determined by the contract for the provision of services - the total price of the order (clause 5, article 28; article 30 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights"). In addition, the buyer has the right to refuse to perform the service agreement and demand full compensation for losses (Article 29). Note that the disadvantages arising from the incorrect self assembly are not covered under warranty. 5. Warranty period and service life.
He demanded either to return the money or to make a closet in a week, they agreed to these terms. Surprisingly, the entrance hall was brought exactly a week later. BUT it was not a closet, but sawn different size boards, without any dimensions, and the "assemblers" claimed that they had never assembled cabinet furniture before. The whole show lasted 2 days. Drank, replacing parts, trips to the factory, bringing in the missing fragments, etc. You can find the full text of the review in the appropriate section.

Meanwhile, even such workers can be controlled. While the warranty period has not expired, the customer has the right to make claims about the quality of the work performed and demand:

  • free elimination of deficiencies;
  • reducing the cost of the work performed;
  • free production of another thing from a homogeneous material of the same quality or re-performing the work.

The bed is one of the most important items in the apartment. A person spends a third of his life in sleep, and therefore good bed, providing a good sleep, everyone needs. And therefore, everyone who buys a new bed for himself wants his purchase to be of high quality and fulfill its role as it should. Therefore, quite often the question arises: is it possible to return a bed or other similar piece of furniture to the seller?

How to return a good quality bed?

To return the bed good quality, just go to the store and write a statement. The seller will have to accept the application and provide a replacement. At the same time, you still have a chance to return the money spent - if within ten days they cannot provide you with a replacement, then the seller will be obliged to return the money to you. The bed must correspond to the wishes of its owner. Therefore, often after a purchase from a citizen who has checked the bed "in action", there is a desire to return the purchase back to the store. However, this is not at all easy to do. You can't just hand over furniture of good quality and demand your money back. The “Consumer Protection Act” will only allow you to exchange a bed for a similar model. This is convenient if the bed does not fit a little in size.

To make a return, you only need two things - you must have everything on hand Required documents, and the bed must retain its presentation. If you have lost the receipt or damaged the bed, then you will not be able to return it. Also, under no circumstances will you be able to return a bed made to order.

Returning a bed purchased online

Online stores allow you to buy any furniture with delivery. They are very convenient in that you can even choose furniture that you cannot buy in stores in your city. However, this method of purchase has a significant drawback - when ordering, you will see your future purchase only in the photo. Therefore, upon receipt of the goods, you may be disappointed in something.

However, do not be upset. Returning the bed is very easy. Within seven days of receipt, you may special efforts send the purchase back to the seller. In this case, you do not even need to explain the reason. Please note that if the date of receipt is not indicated in any documents, then you have three whole months to return. The only condition for the return of the bed is the preservation of its presentation.

Return of bad quality goods

The most common reason for the return of furniture, and, in particular, beds - marriage. It can be very different - from damage that is not noticeable at first glance, to poor quality materials. If you find a marriage, then it is not necessary to immediately write a claim - just contact the seller. You can ask:

  • Replacing a bed with an analogue;
  • money back;
  • discount;
  • Repair at the expense of the seller or manufacturer.

Sometimes you will still need, which will document the return of the goods. In this case, the seller has every right to conduct an examination in order to identify the marriage and the reasons for its occurrence.

The seller refused to return the money. How to proceed?

Remember - the seller's refusal to return infringes on your rights granted to you by the “consumer protection law” and “distance selling rules”. If you have everything legal grounds to return, feel free to . In this case, you will need the help of a lawyer. He will assist in filing an application, collecting documents, protecting your interests in court.

It is also worth noting the fact that sometimes it is enough just to mention the fact that you are well aware of the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and are ready to defend your interests in higher instances - most refusals in the store are made in the expectation that the buyer simply does not know their rights or is not ready to defend them.

Furniture is a serious purchase, which should be approached quite responsibly, given the fact that the goods are purchased for more than one year. When purchasing furniture, we expect that it will serve us for a long time.

Unfortunately, sometimes there are cases when the joy of buying is overshadowed and we are faced with the need to return the purchased furniture.

Is it possible to do this and what does the law say about this? To protect the interests of buyers in Russian Federation There is a special law - "On consumer protection".

When can furniture be returned?

The buyer can return the furniture to the trading organization where the purchase was made if:

    • at the time of acceptance of the product or in the process of use, a manufacturing defect was revealed;
  • the furniture did not suit the buyer in terms of color, size, dimensions or shape (this paragraph applies only to individual pieces of furniture.

Note: in accordance with the legislation governing the return of products by the client, namely - clause 8 of the List of non-food products of good quality that are not subject to return - furniture of proper quality purchased in sets (consisting of several items) is not subject to exchange and return).

What is the buyer entitled to demand?

A consumer who decides to refuse the purchased goods, say, has the right to demand from the seller:

    • replacement of the purchased product with a similar, higher quality one;
    • a proportional reduction in the purchase price of the purchase;
    • full refund;
    • repair at the expense of the seller;
  • repair cost reimbursement.

Furniture return policy

If you decide to return the furniture to the store, you have to take a number of specific actions. Depending on the seller's response, the return process may take several days, or it may take a long time.

So, if you decide to return the furniture, you need to take the following steps:

    1. First, you need to contact the store where you made the purchase and declare your intention to return. In the event that the seller immediately refuses to return or replace, we write a written claim.
    1. The claim must be made in writing, in 2 copies. The 1st copy is handed over to the seller, on the second copy the seller is obliged to put a mark of receipt - a signature and, of course, the date. This document remains with you. The seller must provide a response to your claim within ten days.
  1. If you do not receive a response from the seller within the specified period, your next step will depend on the reason for which you want to return the furniture:
      • if you do not have significant claims to the quality of the furniture and plan to return it due to the fact that you were not satisfied with the shape, size, color or completeness, then you can apply to the local judicial authorities with a request to consider your claim for return, which was not satisfied;
    • if there are complaints about the quality of the furniture associated with a manufacturing defect, and not caused by the fault of the user during use, your next step will be to conduct an examination. Moreover, if the expert decides positively, the seller will be obliged not only to return the money or replace low-quality furniture with a similar one, but also to compensate for your costs for the examination.

    In what cases is it possible to return furniture of proper quality?

    If it is less and less clear with furniture of inadequate quality, then certain questions may arise when returning upholstered or cabinet furniture that does not have significant defects. In what cases is the buyer entitled to return or exchange furniture of proper quality? In accordance with the law (, Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights"), the client has the right to decide on the return of furniture of proper quality, if it did not suit him in shape, color, dimensions or configuration.

    However, quite often, sellers, not wanting to return or exchange, refer to the legally approved list of goods that are not subject to return and exchange, according to which household furniture belongs to the group of goods that are not subject to return.

    It is worth noting that it is furniture sets and sets that are not subject to return (for example, if you bought a sofa complete with armchairs or a bedroom set). Single items (wardrobe, bed, bedside table) can be returned (clause 8 of the "List of non-food products that are not subject to return and exchange")

    A separate aspect is furniture made to individual sizes and purchased according to samples - that is, furniture that was made individually, directly for the buyer, according to his size.

    Can custom furniture be returned?

    Making furniture to order is a fairly common way today to purchase a suitable piece of furniture for any, even non-standard room. As a rule, when ordering such furniture, the buyer is guided by a sample displayed on the trading floor. However, when ordering individual furniture according to samples, situations may also arise in which the consumer will face the need to return this furniture.

    In this case, you should definitely keep in mind that, in accordance with the law (Article 28 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”), custom-made furniture that does not have any manufacturing defects cannot be returned or exchanged. Such furniture has individual, only inherent properties, and cannot be sold by the seller in a short time.

    Who pays for shipping when returning furniture?

    Even if you have agreed with the seller on the issue of return, there may be situations related to the payment of transportation. As a rule, the seller does not want to incur additional costs, because the very fact of the return is unprofitable for him. Despite this, you should know that the seller is obliged to transport the furniture to be returned (Article 18 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights") on their own, regardless of the reason for the return. Therefore, you have the right to require the trade company to transport the furniture at its expense.

    Editorial tip: if you do not have the opportunity to study the sample and you are purchasing furniture from a catalog, ask the seller to describe everything to you functional characteristics products - what the furniture is made of, who is the manufacturer of materials and accessories.

    When does the warranty not apply?

    The warranty period for furniture does not apply if:

      • there are traces of mechanical or chemical damage on the furniture (if it is proved that they occurred through the fault of the buyer, and this is not a manufacturing or transport defect);
      • the assembly of products was carried out directly by the customer and the damage was caused as a result of improper installation;
    • it is possible to fix obvious violations in the operation of furniture items - that is, if it is proved that the marriage arose as a result of obvious violations of the rules for the operation of furniture.

    What documentation is required to return furniture?

    In order to return the purchased furniture to the store, you need to provide the seller with the following set of documents:

      • well-formed claim;
      • cash or sales receipt (you can attach a copy);