In the closet, or News from the closet - Yana Anders. The interior of a small room What ceilings are suitable for a small room

  • 14.06.2019

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Arranging a small nursery is quite a standard and not such a difficult task. But if, in addition, it is also narrow or has an elongated rectangular shape, then parents need to break their heads. How to arrange the play area? Which layout to choose? What if the room needs to be equipped for two children? ? Our tips and a selection of 50 photos will help you deal with these and other questions about the repair and design of a narrow children's room.

Tip 1. The best finish for a narrow room is light-colored walls and floors.

Light decoration in a narrow and even more so long room is almost the only possible variant but very efficient. A nursery decorated in white, light gray, light beige, pastel colors will seem more spacious, lighter and neater.

  • If you want to decorate the walls with wallpaper, then let it be wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern. Bright coatings in a narrow nursery can only be finished on one wall.

Tip 2. Functional bed - 50% success

The bed is the most important and ... the most bulky part of the children's bedroom. Therefore, to her choice for narrow room you have to be doubly careful. It should be not only beautiful, but also as functional as possible, that is:

  • Have places to store things - pillows, bed linen, toys, etc.
  • Transform, for example, from a narrow couch or sofa into a full bed. For example, it can be a sofa bed from the "adult" Hamnes series as in the photo below, which is suitable for the bedroom of both a boy and a girl.

  • There is another effective idea - which will allow you to allocate additional space for games or study. Such a bed can be ordered according to an individual project, or you can find it in stores.

  • If the room needs to be equipped for two, then it is better to choose a bunk bed.

Tip 3. It is better to plan the layout of the furniture so that the table and / or bed stand by the window

Most good option layouts of a narrow children's room (and any other), when two zones that need good lighting - study and bedroom, are located at the window or as close as possible to it. Below are photo examples of such an arrangement of furniture in the interiors of the bedrooms of girls and boys (scroll to the right).

In general, in the matter of planning, long and narrow children's rooms provide little choice - most often it is only an L-shaped or even single-row scheme (for very narrow room).

An example of a single-row layout in the interior of a girl's narrow children's room:

An example of a two-row furniture layout

  • In a narrow or long nursery, it is not recommended to put furniture in one continuous row; it is better to separate it, for example, with a mirror or a play area.
  • If two children live in a room, and even more so a boy and a girl, then it is better to zone “their territories” with something (a rack, a partition, a curtain, a bedside table, etc.).

However, if the width of the room allows, then you can choose a U-shaped or two-row layout.

  • In this case, the distance between two rows of furniture should be at least 1 meter.

Double row layout

U-shaped layout

Tip 4. About the tricks of choosing a closet and additional storage places

  • Use the walls of the room for additional shelves and hanging cabinets that can be installed above front door, table, bed or window. Here are some examples of how this can be done.

Examples of additional storage locations

  • Corner wardrobes and bookcases, as well as open shelves, will help save space.

  • Also keep in mind that wardrobes appear smaller if they aren't intricately decorated, match the color of the wall, or are painted white or any neutral hue.

Tip 5. Soft and even lighting is the key to comfort

When planning the design of a narrow nursery, you should not limit yourself to just one central ceiling chandelier - it will create sharp shadows and thereby reduce the space. To visually expand it, you need to arrange the light sources as evenly as possible. For example, it can be inconspicuous around the entire perimeter of the ceiling and / or local lamps in different places - on a chest of drawers, above a closet, on a table, above a bed, etc. Then the lighting will turn out to be soft, diffused and cozy.

  • The lamps themselves should not be bulky and too elegant.

Tip 6. Cross stripes - the secret to "expanding" a narrow room

Wallpaper, curtains, floors laid with "boards" across, and not along the room, will create optical illusion expansion of space. Don't underestimate this old design trick, because it really affects the overall perception of the interior.

Striped carpets in the interior

The torch of truth often burns the hand of the one who bears it.
Pierre Buast

Time was falling into the night. A single ray of the blue moon penetrates into a small cozy room. On a wide sofa, the color of milk cappuccino, wrapped in a warm blanket, a young girl is sitting, golden curls falling on her shoulders, her head resting on a soft pillow, her eyelids are pubescent. She is sleeping. On the floor in front of her feet, with his hands around one knee, sits a handsome guy with hair the color of delicate sakura. His face was concentrated, a small wrinkle lay on his forehead, his eyebrows were frowned, but a slightly wrinkled nose added to the comicality. The light from a working TV fell on his face. He watched an interesting movie. In fact, both of them watched the film, but only Natsu "survived" to the end.

Last episode. A man in a black formal suit smiles at a pretty woman, tears streaming down her face, and disappears into a thick fog. Titles rolled across the screen. Natsu yawned widely, so much so that a salty tear flowed from his eye. Rising to his feet, he walked over to the TV and pressed a button. The screen went blank, making a slight crackling sound. Turning around, Dragneel saw Lucy. She sat there with her hands on her feet, wrapped in a blanket. Her head fell on the soft pillows, curls lay on her face, black eyelashes cast long shadows on her cheeks, which made her face seem even more aristocratic. The guy caught himself admiring her. "How can this be? I met her for the first time today!" - Natsu shook his head and went to the kitchen, leaving the girl to sleep on the couch alone.

It was a small room, even two people could hardly fit in it. Two kitchen cabinets gently Brown, refrigerator, black marble colors and a small stove on one side and opposite them a bar counter. Its base matched the color of the cabinets, and the top was made of black obsidian. This relic came to him by chance. For the purchase of such Money definitely not enough. Most likely, he would have some ordinary table, at which the owner of the apartment would eat every morning. He walked over to a cabinet hanging over the sink and pulled out a can of instant coffee. Why did he need coffee at night, he himself did not know. But when Natsu drank it, there were ways out of the most confusing situations, thoughts aligned their course, the heart came into harmony with the soul and mind. Now, he needed to think.

The boiling kettle squealed. With a habitual movement, he poured coffee with one hand, with the other
At the same time, I added two tablespoons of sugar and poured boiling water over everything. It didn't even take two minutes. Chatting, for order, in a mug, he took a sip of a tart drink.

Tonight he met a girl. She was not a dancer or a singer. She was lying on a bench near his house. One. Without a copper in your pocket. It looks like she worked at the Heartfelian house, but she was kicked out.

Question: For what?

Having sheltered her, he was not afraid to leave her alone in the room, but, nevertheless, so far she has not stolen anything. But she drew attention to the cup he won two years ago. Along the way, it turned out that she knows the name of Igneel Dragneel, but she herself does not know how to dance. Everything would be so, but his father's name has been for seven years now, as it has not been mentioned anywhere, therefore, she was somehow connected with dancing, well, or at worst with the secular elite. Although, if you remember that she lived and worked in the Heartfelian house, then Lucy could hear this name. But not seven years ago! Therefore, he, Natsu Dragneel, can draw several conclusions from this. The first is that she actually heard about him seven years ago. But that means she has a phenomenal memory! The second is that she recently heard this name. And this, in turn, means that his father was recently remembered. It begs the question...

Again, no answer. Crap! All this is strange.

He glanced at the piece of sofa that was visible from around the corner. The girl was not visible from here, but part of the blanket covering her legs was visible. She's still sleeping, he thought. Looks like she's had a tough day. Suddenly, Lucy's phrase popped up in my head: "You're the only one I know in town." My heart sank a little. She is an orphan. Without relatives and friends, and it seems, even without friends. In his head, however, some annoying thought was beating, which Natsu could not catch in any way. Resurfaced in memory Beautiful face his new friend. Soft golden curls, a neat nose, plump lips, deep eyes, the color of melted chocolate, a chiseled chin ... And she is beautiful, if you think about it. Such aristocratic facial features, hands... And her manner of speaking... Everything spoke of her upbringing. During the conversation, she was a little haughty, but this look... He said otherwise. It was the first time he had seen such trust in his eyes. His girlfriends Erza, Jubia, were both haughty. But gullibility... No! No one else had such childish gullibility! Perhaps this is what bribed Natsu. This trust, this innocence.

The coffee in the mug is over. But Natsu didn't even notice. He stood over the sleeping girl and peered into her face. Her bangs were thrown back, a few unruly curls hid her lips and one eye. Putting the mug on the floor, the boy leaned towards it. As much as he doesn't want to, he needs to wake her up. Let him sleep in his bed, and he will turn over on this sofa. His fingers almost touched her shoulder, but suddenly, she muttered something in her sleep. Natsu leaned closer. Lucienne's lips moved again. The boy's eyes widened to an indecent size. What did she just say? Did he hear it? Or is it still not?

Smiling at his thoughts, he leaned over and took the girl in his arms...

Lucy stirred, in a fruitless attempt to hide her eyes from the sunlight. It seemed that he was penetrating into her soul, deep, deep, where all people on this planet were forbidden to enter, and he so shamelessly walked there, discovering more and more secrets of the girl.

What the hell? Lucy twitched and sat up. The eyes widened in fear. Where is she? What is this room?!

Memory helpfully threw up answers to her questions. She's at the house of a guy she met yesterday, Natsu Dragneel. There was only one thing Lucy couldn't understand. How did she end up in BED? A terrible thought crossed her mind. Lowering her eyes in fear, she saw the old, tattered maid's dress they wore in their house. A relieved breath. She is not naked. This is good. But this does not dismiss the question. As far as she remembered, she and Natsu were sitting on the couch watching TV. The film was at first boring, then incomprehensible, and in the end, even scary. And Lucy was tired yesterday, so she fell asleep. All the stress she'd been through had told.

Finally getting out of bed, she walked over to closed door. Quietly opening it, she stuck her head out. To the left of the door was a window, and to the right narrow corridor with another door and entrance to the stairs. The door was slightly ajar. Gathering her courage and inhaling more air into her lungs, Lucy opened it. There was a small room with a small window under the ceiling. Bathroom. To the right was a white bathroom, to the left a sink in the shape of an inverted shell, and a little to the left a toilet. Two terry towels hung between the sink and tub. On a hook hung a wide robe the color of the night sky. Approaching the "shell", she opened the taps. After washing herself, she realized that this was definitely not enough for her. Letting hot water she went to the door. Closing it with a latch, she pulled off her already tired dress. Water has already managed to fill the inside of the tub. Steam came from her. He pulled and beckoned, attracted her to him and called. Having got rid of the last element of the wardrobe, she climbed into the water. Sinking down to her chin, she moaned loudly. This feeling of warmth, enveloping you from all sides, could not be compared with anything in the world. She threw her head back and wet her dirty hair. Looking at the iron shelf screwed to the wall, she smiled. Quickly finding the right vial with her eyes, Lucy opened it. He smelled like mint. Without thinking twice, the girl lathered her head with shampoo. A wonderful aroma spread throughout the room. After sitting for about three minutes, she rinsed her golden curls in the shower. The water dripped from her hair and dissolved into the already foamy water. Feeling embarrassed to take Natsu's washcloth, she simply ran her hands over her body, smearing the shower gel. Feeling completely clean, Lucy climbed out of the bathroom. Wrapped up in one of terry towels, went to the mirror hanging over the sink. Smiling at her reflection, she rinsed her teeth with toothpaste, lamenting that without a toothbrush she would have a hard time. Now the girl's eyes bored into an innocent dressing gown. They were the only clean clothes in the room. Sighing sadly, Lucy wrapped herself in him. It was wide for her. Both in the hips and in the chest. Smelling even more, she was able to somehow hide her dignity. Looking at her reflection one last time, Heartfilia left the bathroom.

There was an impenetrable silence in the house. Going down the stairs, Lucy saw an interesting picture. Dragneel slept on the couch with one leg propped up on the pillows. The blanket covered his legs, but his torso was perfectly visible. Lucy was embarrassed. Natsu slept without his shirt on. Overcoming embarrassment, the girl went up to the guy and straightened the blanket that had fallen to the floor. Natsu fidgeted in his sleep, hugging the pillow with his hands, he whispered something incomprehensible about "dancing balance". Smiling, Lucy walked into the kitchen. She walked over to the refrigerator and opened the door. The content did not please her. A small leftover sausage, three tomatoes, a tiny bunch of dill and seven eggs. Also there lay something purple, in appearance, it itself could already walk, so the girl did not even dare to touch "it". Taking out everything she needed, she began to rummage through the cabinets. In the process, there was a frying pan, salt, a saucepan, a dimensionless pipe, inexplicably tucked into the kitchen, a board for cutting vegetables, and three knives of different lengths. With the thought - "Scrambled eggs - the food of the gods!", Lucy began to cook this dish. After breaking five eggs, salting, and frying the sausage and tomato slices already cut in advance by her, the girl turned off the stove. After cutting the finished dish into two large pieces, she garnished it all with finely chopped dill. The dish ala Heartfelia in Good Health was ready. Laying it out on two plates, Lucy put them on a small tray and carried them to the sofa that could be seen from around the corner. The aroma of fried eggs with sausage spread throughout the apartment. Crouching in front of Dragneel, she lightly pushed him on the shoulder. He immediately woke up. Pink swirls lightly touched the girl's cheek.

A? What? Tearing his face away from the pillow, Natsu looked around in confusion, trying in vain to understand what had happened and who was standing in front of him.

Good morning!

Yeah... - Wiping his sore cheek, Natsu smiled.

I'm sorry I woke you up. But I'm here ... - Lucy hesitated.

Wow! What smells so delicious? Natsu's eyes lit up with a maniacal gleam. He tilted his head down to see the plates of scrambled eggs. - When are you?

Yes now, what?

Been up a long time, right? - Apologizing, said the boy.

Well... An hour ago, I guess.

And you got up for me?

No…” Lucy trailed off. But for this too! I just wanted to thank you somehow, but I didn’t think of how ... Well, and now ... - She nodded her head at the plates. "Sorry, it's just an omelette."

Omelet is the food of kings! I'm so hungry right now that if it weren't for you, I would definitely have eaten a three-week yogurt. So you saved my body!

Chatterbox! Heartfelia laughed.

Silence lasted for half an hour, interrupted by uncomplicated dialogues and funny jokes. All that could be heard was the clatter of forks on plates and the low moans of Dragneel.

Crap! You cook so well! You probably worked there as a cook?

Not? Well, it's still a miracle.

Thank you, but I'm afraid the only reason it tastes so good to you is that you're starving.

This is thanks to you! And do not ask for a compliment - Natsu threatened his neighbor with a fork and set aside the plate. Lucy got up and, taking both in her hands, went to the kitchen. Dragneel froze. Only now did he bother to look at the girl. She was wearing his robe. She walked barefoot on the floor. Her hair fell in golden cascades from her shoulders. Sometimes water dripped from them, it looked like she was washing her hair. Eyes, the color of melted chocolate, shone with fun and joy. Not like yesterday.

Natsu remembered how at night, Lucy said one phrase...

The boy's cheeks turned a soft beet color.

The phrase that the girl said. She said in a dream, not obeying anyone, it is possible that she would not have said this even during the day with her greatest desire, but she agitated his whole being and shook him out of reality yesterday ...

"Thank you, Natsu..."

The very best in our new apartment- it's a closet! It is a small room with a small window and many lockers and shelves for storing all kinds of supplies.

This little room reminds me of the pantry in my grandmother's Moscow communal apartment, where I lived as a child. But that grandmother's pantry was much larger, and all the neighbors kept their meager belongings in it, of which there were six people in that communal apartment (not counting children). In that large pantry with a small stained-glass window under the ceiling, which my grandmother called the “back door” (because there was a boarded-up door through which you could go to the next entrance), there was a huge amount of kitchen utensils, food supplies and other useful things: below , on the floor, there were cans, pots, buckets, on the lower shelf - cast-iron irons, a box of nails, a drill, a vise, a soldering iron and other tools, on the middle shelves - canned food, on the top - cereals in large glass jars.

The pantry in my American apartment is much smaller than in Moscow and you can only squeeze through it sideways. It connects to the kitchen, and our landlord, Signor Colardi (you can read about him), calls her “ kitchen closet” (“kitchen cabinet”).

I fell in love with this pantry as soon as I saw it! "Shouldn't I make my own out of her Personal Area!? - a crazy thought came into my head. - And then I, finally, in the literal sense of the word, will have "my own corner"!

Mr. Colardi, could you please remove all the shelves from the kitchen cabinet? I asked the owner.

What?! Señor Colardi frowned, as if in disbelief. - Do you want to remove all the shelves from the closet? But why? What would a closet be without shelves?

You see, the thing is, I want to make my personal office in the closet.

Office?! In the closet?! Kolardi looked at me incredulously.

Well, yes, you see, I want to put a computer and a chair there. I need this for work. And the shelves get in the way.

Are you going to work on a computer in a closet?! But there are enough other places in the apartment where you can put a computer!

Yes, but, you see, I need my own corner, - I tried to explain.

your corner???

Mr. Colardi's face showed the utmost astonishment. Obviously, he decided that I was a quiet, life-phrenic, and my favorite thing to do was to sit in the closet.

Sighing, he took out his tools and, muttering something under his breath, began to rip the shelves off the closet wall.

And now - about a miracle! I have my personal office in the kitchen cabinet!

Now, when entering our apartment - to knock on the pipes (what would it be for?), turn on the tap in the kitchen or check if I have gone from the stage of quiet madness to the stage of violent insanity - Mr. Colardi carefully looks into my closet and quietly asks, Is it comfortable for me there and is everything okay with me. To which I joyfully answer him from the closet: “Thank you, Mr. Colardi! I'm completely happy!"

Design makes our life more comfortable. How wonderful that with the right design of the room, you can solve many problems related to the size of the room and its functionality. You are offered options the best design rooms small size. It's not only flawless color matching, but also a harmonious connection of lines and the correct combination of details.

Get inspired by these small room design examples - you might want to arrange a similar beauty in your home. Remember that your mood and state largely depend on the environment in which you constantly find yourself.

small room design

  1. Decorating a room in purple tones a good option for those who combine an office and a bedroom. Red stimulates brain activity.
  2. The most delicate color and many shelves make the room very feminine.

  3. Option for decoration teen rooms. Special emphasis on a compact sofa.

  4. Minimalism- style for all time.
  5. Light green color creates a cheerful atmosphere.
  6. Great room for twins!
  7. The bunk room performs two functions at once. Above is a bedroom, below is an office.
  8. The secret room is exactly what it should look like.
  9. A very smart decision...

  10. Freshness, cleanliness, nothing more. Ideal for both work and leisure.

  11. Would you like to have such a room?

  12. Yellow color ennobles the space.

  13. Hi-tech design.
  14. A room where nothing gets in the way of concentration.

  15. Incredibly cute ... I want such a chair!

  16. Purple room.

  17. Both the table and the sofa by the window are a dream!

  18. The best option for travel lovers.

  19. A real girl's room.

  20. That's how much you can fit in a very small space.

  21. Natural colors and materials are very soothing.

  22. Improvised room under the ceiling.

  23. Business style room

  24. Pink can also be elegant.

  25. This is what a child needs! Great functional bed.

  26. Amazing design. A closet and bed connected together saves a huge amount of space.

  27. Reading corner. In a place like this you need teach children to read!
  28. Incredibly beautifully executed project. This room is characterized by absolute harmony.

  29. On the second floor - additional.
  30. Virtuoso decoration of the room for the athlete.

  31. Room-study of business partners.
  32. The perfect division of space for roommates.
  33. A room in an ascetic style, for a student.
  34. Creative person's room. Artistic approach to architectural problems.
  35. An athlete is a way of life...
  36. The bedroom you've always dreamed of.
  37. A room with a bright mood. Light is very important in the design of the room.
  38. House on wheels.

Designers have done their best, having developed such interesting interiors. Which design option for a small room did you like the most? So you can’t choose right away - they are all extremely successful. May order, comfort and beauty always reign in your home. Tell me about these design examples small rooms to your friends, it deserves their attention.

This is a real creative lab! A team of true like-minded people, each of which is an expert in his field, united by a common goal: to help people. We create materials that are really worth sharing, and our beloved readers serve as a source of inexhaustible inspiration for us!

If you do not have a spacious apartment, then you are probably wondering how to equip a small room so that everything is compact, functional and in its place. Today we will show a photo interesting ideas for small rooms. Of course, all of them cannot be applied in one interior, but you can borrow some of them when drawing up a design for future repairs.

Use full-length wardrobes with mirrored doors: they are roomy and take up relatively little space. The sliding wardrobe will allow you to put all the necessary and unnecessary things. The main thing is to competently approach its filling: all shelves and hangers should be well thought out so that you place things as compactly as possible. Recommendations for (see others):

The layout of the shelves in the closet

More mirrors are another way to visually enlarge a room. But do not overdo it with glossy surfaces, they must be used very carefully in small space.

Use free space under the bed, sofa, above the door and on the walls. There can fit a lot of things that just roll around the room. Can be used wall shelves without visible fasteners to place some of the things from the floor cabinets in them. Do not overload the space, this is the main rule: as few unnecessary things in sight as possible.

Furniture for small bedrooms

Often a large bed takes up all the free space in the room. This problem is solved by French hanging beds under the ceiling and beds in the closet, which are completely removed during the day and free up space. Examples of such bedrooms in the photo below:

Many people ditch beds altogether and use sofas for a small room as a sleeping place.

If you have a small room - how to equip it for a few people? Can be used bunk beds and loft beds, they allow you to correctly distribute free space.


Perhaps one of essential elements any interior - harmoniously selected lighting. Forget about old shades and chandeliers - create multi-level lighting for different zones. It will allow you to adjust the light in the room as you wish: when you need it bright, and when you decide to watch a movie in the evening, a soft glow against the wall will be enough.

Most often, for embedding directional lamps, one and both are used. stretch ceiling. In addition, think about the option, it can be glued anywhere without any problems and allows your designs to “float in the air”.

The photo shows examples of well-chosen lighting in small rooms:

Zoning can be done with lighting, wall, floor or ceiling decoration. The role of the "border" can be played by a closet or a transparent curtain separating workplace from the recreation area.

Usually in one room there is a bedroom, an office, a living room, and sometimes a kitchen.


An excellent solution for saving space and zoning a room is a multifunctional podium. Upstairs can be a sleeping place, a relaxation area or a work area, and below there are spacious shelves or a pull-out bed.
Look at the photo of the finished frame podiums - all the necessary things are collected in one corner, isn't it functional?

In this article, we touched on many tricks for increasing the space and functionality of a room. When you start a renovation in a small room, remember our recommendations. Adapt turnkey solutions to suit your needs, refine ideas to get an unusual and practical design of a small room.