Female ideal: sociable, interesting, changeable in images. Favorite look: Flirty, cute, varied

  • 26.09.2019
Tatiana Kulinich

A woman has many faces, like nature itself. She is a wife, and a mother, and a muse, and a creator. And although each has the potential to embody all roles, there is still a certain type, the female role that she succeeds best. According to astrologers, the position of Venus in the horoscope of a lady can tell about this. Analyzing the sign of Venus, one can understand strengths a particular woman and those shortcomings that it would be useful to work on.

Venus in Aries: a real Amazon, ready to compete on equal terms with men in all fields. She is passionate and unshakable, her stubbornness is able to move mountains. Venus in Aries lacks feminine softness, which is why many consider her a conflicted personality. This sign of Venus gives a woman uncompromisingness and some love for shocking. Such a bird cannot be locked up in a golden cage. A successful career and freedom are often more important to her than family and comfort. But Venus in Aries is not a hermit, thanks to her active life position she makes many acquaintances. Such a woman can be conquered by a man who respects her independence and is ready to periodically endure her emotional outbursts. Venus in Aries likes to look catchy, especially she likes elements of a sporty or military style.

Venus in Taurus: reveals everything best qualities this planet. Such a woman is a living Aphrodite, charming those around her with her charm and beauty. Even if her appearance is far from the standards of modern beauty, she knows how to teach herself in such a way that she will be compared to a goddess. Venus in Taurus loves to decorate and ennoble the world. Comfort and order always reign in her house, her body is well-groomed, and her loved ones are surrounded by care. She knows how to enjoy life, Venus in Taurus appreciates any sensual pleasures: good food, sex. Such a woman is not deprived of creative abilities. Even without an art education, she surprises many with her excellent taste. Among her negative traits can be called greed, a tendency to laziness and possessiveness.

Venus in Gemini: a pretty air coquette who knows everything about everyone. Venus in Gemini cannot live without communication, she constantly needs to be aware of all events. Such a woman knows how to be a friend to her man. She is not particularly interested in his social status, income level or his talent as a lover. If she is interested in the chosen one, she will stay with him. True, Venus in Gemini can be very windy, so her sympathies change often, and it is not easy for her to figure out her desires herself. But it is precisely in the inconsistency that the highlight of this position of Venus is. She manages to combine opposites, to find mutual language with the most different people and get out of serious trouble. She has good taste, she is influenced by fashion and is well versed in fashion trends.

Venus in Cancer: this is an unusually sensitive and emotional woman. Venus in Cancer is able to catch the slightest change in the mood of a partner, wrap him in an atmosphere of home warmth and comfort. These women prefer romantic or classic style, they especially suit dresses and skirts that emphasize their femininity. To some, Venus in Cancer may seem shy, but this is not entirely true. Rather, she is overly impressionable and this can become her advantage, for example, if such a woman is engaged in creativity. She has a special love for children and nature in her heart, it is vital for her to take care of someone. Venus in Cancer is imaginative. She lives with emotions, sometimes she lacks judgment and rationality, so she constantly needs support from loved ones. This woman wants to take care of.

Venus in Leo: a self-confident queen and a born actress, eager to shine in public. Like Venus in Cancer, the feelings of Venus in a fiery sign are very strong, she is used to living with her heart, not her mind. But unlike the first, Leo Venus is in dire need of demonstrating her feelings, sometimes even artificially inflating them. Such a woman wants the admiration of others and will do everything to get it. Someone will consider her a brawler, but Venus in Leo will never stoop to unworthy behavior, although she is prone to conflicts. She prefers bright colors, expressive makeup. It is important for her to surround herself with high-quality and prestigious things in order to emphasize her status. Venus in Leo loves to flirt, but with all her outward passion, it can be hard for her to surrender to emotions. She is too busy thinking about how she looks during sex, whether her partner in a relationship appreciates her enough.

Venus in Virgo: responsible hostess and sophisticated intellectual. It is difficult for Venus in this position to accept her femininity, since this is not the most favorable sign for her. Such a woman has a brilliant intellect, she is erudite and interesting companion, you can rely on her as a true friend. But at the same time, it is difficult for her to trust her body and emotions, she considers feelings to be something low, and sometimes dirty compared to the mind. Venus in Virgo is obsessed with the idea of ​​cleanliness and neatness, for her these concepts are beauty. She cannot be called ambitious, but it is extremely important for her to be useful, to be busy, so such a woman is rarely able to leave her career for the sake of her family. She is uncomfortable in clothes of catchy colors, her style is the rigor and modest charm of the classics. Venus in Virgo has access to the true elegance of the aristocracy.

Venus in Libra: aesthetics and soul of the company. This sign is the second abode of Venus, so here this planet has a special power. A woman with this position has amazing taste, but, unlike Venus in Taurus, it is easier for her to express it through non-material forms. This woman will not always be a good housewife, but she can keep up the conversation on any topic, she often has a literary talent. Her special gift is to smooth out contradictions and reconcile the warring. Often she becomes an intermediary between conflicting parties in the family or at work. Venus is also not alien to the desire for fame. She is sociable, likes to receive guests. She especially appreciates people of art. Her house often becomes a place of bohemian gatherings.

Venus in Scorpio: a passionate woman, a fatal beauty looking for extreme sports. Everything forbidden and mysterious excites her. She rarely falls in love, because her requirements for a partner are very high, she is disgusted by banality and boredom. This woman is able to enjoy sex to the point of exhaustion, she is a skilled lover, not indifferent to the subject of violence. She is outrageous and loves to shock the audience with her appearance. Venus in Scorpio is capable of maniacal devotion to what she loves: be it her own business or close person. She is partial to art, where she is attracted by dark romance and decadence. People around her are often afraid of her, first of all, for her “sharp tongue”. It will be useful for such Venus to learn to control her emotions and avoid self-destructive behavior (various addictions, dangerous undertakings, etc.).

Venus in Sagittarius: social activist, avid traveler, idealist. She is a leader by nature, but is capable of true altruism. She loves children, she likes to patronize and protect. But at the same time, unlike Venus in Cancer with similar properties, she will never be able to fully devote herself to the house. She needs a vigorous activity that will benefit others. This is an addictive nature who does not like to sit in one place. She has a huge number of hobbies and interests that quickly replace each other. Communication with like-minded people is an important need for any Venus in Sagittarius. Her concept of beauty is closely connected with spirituality, it seems beautiful to her that can inspire people to change, rally them around a common ideal.

Venus in Capricorn: purposeful careerist, responsible and serious lady. She is ambitious, like Venus in Leo, but much more critical of herself and hardworking, which often allows her to build a dizzying career. Venus in Capricorn only knows how to live from goal to goal, she loves to challenge herself and constantly surpass herself. It cannot be said that such a Venus is doing this in order to gain recognition from others, it is important, first of all, to comply with her strict internal ideals. She is practical, and this practicality does not turn into a primitive earthiness. She has the ability to touch spirituality through everyday realities. Venus in Capricorn loves stability, continuity, even in art she is attracted only by strict classics, verified over the centuries.

Venus in Aquarius: revolutionary, fighter for justice, original, inquisitive and freedom-loving. In a certain sense, it is the complete opposite of the previous sign. Venus in Aquarius is unbearably oppressed by everything connected with stability, frames, traditions, belonging to which gives Venus in Capricorn such pleasure. Many people accuse this woman of carelessness and even immorality, but often these accusations are groundless. Venus in Aquarius just has its own values ​​that are different from most. She does not understand the desire of many women to find the meaning of life in marriage and children. Love for her is based on friendship and common values. Her friends are like family to her. She loves everything unusual, prefers extravagant or androgynous style of clothing.

Venus in Pisces: a mysterious nymph, a creative muse and a born mystic. Venus in Pisces is exalted, that is, it manifests its qualities especially brightly, and sometimes even excessively. A woman with such Venus is often called Mother Teresa behind her eyes, as far as her eyes are filled with love, tenderness and forgiveness. She is very romantic and sensitive, sometimes a little shy. Nature endowed her with great creative potential. She is attracted by everything related to mysticism, religious canons and rules are not important to her, but the feeling of a deity in her heart is something that Venus in Pisces cannot live without. She knows how to be alone, but relationships, especially romantic ones, are very important to her. It is useful for her to learn to take the initiative in her own hands, and learn to value earthly happiness as much as spiritual values.

Tatyana Kulinich for https://junona.pro

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Venus is complex, stubborn and unpredictable. The meaning of the name Venus speaks of a solid person who knows how to feel. The owner of the name since childhood is impressionable and proud. She is confident in her exclusivity, does not want to listen to criticism, does not admit mistakes. These qualities make her strong, Venya does not hurt much. The woman is mostly calm, not always driven by emotions. But the pent-up feelings break out at some point, and then Nera becomes aggressive and irritable. Most of the time this happens for absolutely no reason. She constantly struggles with internal tension, always ready to start a quarrel. Because of this, she does not notice how she provokes conflicts.

The nature of Venus and her fate, the origin of the name

The fate of Nera is complicated. With age, she does not learn to control herself, continues to scandalize and does not reveal her soul to anyone. Such a girl can get married on the second day of dating, and on the third day regret her decision. Nera is looking for his place in life for a long time, tries himself in different areas but she gets bored quickly. Diplomacy and a sharp mind will help her make a successful career if she settles down. Vienna, with her abilities in the exact sciences, fit job engineer, accountant, architect. A woman should take care of her health.

Many people think that the name Venus is Tatar, but this is not true. The origin and etymology of the name have not been unequivocally established. According to one version, it comes from the name of the Roman goddess of love and beauty, who also patronized the fruitful forces. In ancient Rome, the name meant "by the grace of the gods." If we take the literal translation, the Latin name Venus, from "venero", means "to decorate."

Another version says that it has Spanish and translates as "shell of a clam". It was in the shell that Sandro Botticelli depicted the goddess Venus in the painting "The Birth of Venus". Another version says that the name comes from the Latin word "veneror" and means "honor", "revere", "begging".

The nature and meaning of the name Venus for a girl, a girl and a woman

Little Venera is very restless. She is wary of everything, so she tries to appear self-confident. Such a child has a very weak nervous system. However, the girl knows how to defend her opinion and be stubborn. Even constructive criticism is perceived by little Nera painfully. Studying is given to the child well, but there may be disputes with teachers. Venya has impeccable taste since childhood. She always has a hobby. The girl's health is poor, she often gets colds.

Young Nera is a very extraordinary girl. Firmness of character and deep sensuality - this is what the name Venus means for a young lady. She tends to worry about trifles. At this age, the complexity of her character is exacerbated. The girl is independent in everything, so she moves away from her parents early and never disturbs them with her experiences. Young Venya is a very good friend, and even her temper does not interfere with this. The girl is selfless and always comes to the rescue. She always wants to change internal conflict she is oppressed, but the girl cannot hold her tongue, not argue and conflict.

Adult Venus is a very complex person. She seems extravagant, but despondency reigns in her soul. New people are not interesting to her, and acquaintances do not inspire confidence. A woman does not admit her mistakes and does not change her opinion, even if the facts are obvious. Appearance women are attracted to men. She knows how to flirt and loves to use it. Venya is not a hard worker, but not a homebody either. She needs interesting work to feel confident and money doesn't matter. Such a woman manifests herself as an executive and positive employee.

Nera's family life is very dreary at first. She quickly marries and also quickly discovers that the man disgusts her. The second or third marriage, as a rule, brings happiness to Vienna.

Forms of the name and its declension

Full: Venus.

Abbreviated: Venya.

Diminutives: Venerka, Venerochka, Venuska, Venus, Venus, Neria, Nera, Vera.

I. Venus

R. Venus

D. Venus

V. Venus

T. Venus, Venus

P. about Venus

The name Venus in Islam and Christianity

The name is not in Orthodox saints. It is more popular with Muslims, especially Tatars. However, as with baptism, and when converting to Islam, the name Venus is recommended to be changed. In this case, both beliefs allow you to have several names.

Name compatibility with men

Nera will be quite happy in marriage with Alexander, Vladimir, Boris, Viktor, Semyon, Ivan, Ruslan and Yuri. A woman has less understanding with Andrei, Roman, Artem, Vitaly, Anatoly, Nikolai, Evgeny and Arseny.

Spelling and translation

B - inexhaustible optimism. The person is sociable and honest by nature. There is scrupulousness in character. External attractiveness is complemented by internal passion. Fate prepares such a person one love for life.

E - independence and loneliness. The desire to have an opinion, isolation. At the same time, the person is quite sociable and even obsessive. Persistence and deep knowledge of the world.

H is critical. Picky about yourself and others, but at the same time honesty. A person takes care of his spiritual and physical condition.

E - doubling the value.

R - the ability to see the essence. Dogmatic character of judgments. A person is patient and compliant until his dignity is offended.

And the desire to create. Activity, initiative and purposefulness. The desire to create and do something new. The character of a leader.

English: Venus, Venere.

For international passport: VENERA.

Ukrainian: Venus.

Italian: Venera, Venere.

Spanish: Venera.

Greek: Αφροδίτη.

Chinese: 金星.

Japanese: ヴィーナス.

Armenian: Վեներա.

Hindi: शुक्र.

Famous Venus

  1. Roman goddess of love and beauty Venus.
  2. Actresses Venera Nigmatulina, Venera Khasanova-Mukhametova, Nera Ganeeva.
  3. Opera singer Venera Rakhmatullina.
  4. Athletes Venera Chernyshova, Venera Zaripova.

The position of the planet Venus in a woman's horoscope is very important. It shows how a woman will show her love for others (not only for men, but for people in general), as well as her aesthetic tastes and perception of beauty.

Venus in Aries woman - Passionate Venus

A woman with Venus in Aries is always a bit of an Amazon, passionate, independent, sharp. In a sign ruled by the planet Mars, the typical qualities of Venus - softness and tenderness - are absent. This woman is very energetic in love and prefers an active position in relationships, so she can be the first to invite a man to meet and make an appointment herself.

Venus in Taurus woman - Charming Venus

A woman with Venus in Taurus is charm and charm itself. Here Venus is in its own sign, where its best qualities are expressed most clearly. Usually such women are outwardly attractive and like to please. They will expect beautiful courtship, gifts and flowers from a man. But Venus in Taurus has a flaw - she is very jealous.

Venus in Gemini woman - Talkative Venus

To conquer such a woman, you need to talk with her as much as possible, preferably on topics of interest to her, and it would be nice if you showed off your intellect. Women with Venus in Gemini really appreciate smart and sociable men, their love must be expressed in many ways. beautiful phrases. In addition, it is very difficult for women with Venus in Gemini to love one man for a long time, one of the distinguishing qualities of Gemini is a quick kaleidoscope of sensations and feelings, which makes such Venus prone to windiness and inconstancy.

Venus in Cancer Woman - Home Venus

A woman with Venus in Cancer is very sensitive and sentimental. She loves mysterious dates under the moon and romantic flair. Her feelings are deep and fluid like the waters of a river, and it is easy to drown in these waters. Such women love very emotionally, beautiful words able to touch something in their sensitive soul and cause sincere tears of gratitude. The family is very important for them, Venus in Cancer, as a rule, are faithful wives and good housewives.

Venus in Leo woman - Spectacular Venus

A woman with Venus in Leo really appreciates everything bright, catchy, shimmering with all colors, and most importantly, expensive. She will not be satisfied with a small modest ring on her finger, she will require a more expensive one and preferably with a diamond. As a last resort, she agrees to a fake diamond, but it should look very natural. Her love must be beautifully arranged and spectacularly staged. She must be queen in any setting. Self-esteem and unwillingness to be sprayed into petty intrigues are often characteristic of such women.

Venus in Virgo in a woman - Reasonable Venus

For a woman with Venus in Virgo, feelings must be balanced, and emotions clearly laid out on the shelves. The love story itself, in the view of such a woman, should be clearly described by roles. The man she loves must be aesthetically attractive and impeccable in everything. His shirt is ironed to perfection and his underwear is fresh. It seems strange, but a woman with such Venus is easily repelled by carelessness in a man’s clothes or stale socks, however, this is not an exaggeration. To please such a woman, a man must meet high standards, usually invented by herself.

Venus in Libra woman - Brilliant Venus

In Libra, Venus is in her abode and gives a woman external attractiveness and love for everything that looks beautiful. Such a woman can fall in love with a man only because he is handsome or, in extreme cases, beautifully caring and insanely charming. She appreciates comfort and convenience, aesthetically pleasing furnishings, decorated with paintings and cute trinkets. Such a woman is not indifferent to art, loves to go to concerts and exhibitions. Among the representatives of Venus in Libra, there are a lot of secular lionesses.

Venus in Scorpio Woman - Jealous Venus

In Scorpio, Venus is in exile and this is expressed in a constant lack of love. A woman with Venus in Scorpio needs love like air. She has a need for strong love experiences and emotions. She is very jealous and possessive. The object of love should belong only to her and no one else. Few men can withstand such pressure of feelings. Some prefer to retire, away from violent emotions and a volcano of passion.

Venus in Sagittarius woman - Adventurous Venus

Such women look at love as an exciting adventure. They need a constant change of impressions, feelings, they love and appreciate men with whom it will be interesting for them to go on a trip or conquer some peak. In general, this is very funny women, incorrigible idealists and optimists.

Venus in Capricorn in a woman - Strict Venus

Women with Venus in Capricorn take love and relationships very seriously, but still they are not as picky as women with Venus in Virgo. Often such women fall in love seriously and for a long time and remain faithful to their loved ones. They like men who have a high social status, a leadership position or a solid bank account. They value reliability in a partner.

Venus in Aquarius Woman - Friendly Venus

In women with such Venus, friendship often turns into love and vice versa. Sometimes they themselves cannot determine where is love and where is friendship. To please such a woman, a man must first of all become a friend and like-minded person for her. Then she will confidentially open her heart.

Venus in Pisces woman - Affectionate Venus

In the sign of Neptune, Venus is very comfortable, here she may well show her feminine essence. She knows how to surround with care and love those she cherishes. To conquer a woman with such Venus, a man must be a little sentimental and sensual, and most importantly, be able to dream. Women with Venus in Pisces are usually very affectionate and feminine, which attracts many admirers.

Full name:

Church name: -

Meaning: mercy of the gods, love, beauty

The meaning of the name Venus - interpretation

Venus - beautiful female name originally from ancient Rome. The goddess with this name was the daughter of the supreme god Jupiter, personified the blooming spring and fertility. From Latin, the word venus is translated as “love”, “beauty”, and veneror means “reverently revere”, “beg”. From Spanish, venera is translated as "shell" (mollusk). In Russia is very rare name, is most widespread among the Tatar people.

Venus name in other languages

Venus Astrology

Years later

Venus grows up as a fragile, sickly child. Due to constantly quarreling parents, he early realizes the complexity of human relationships. This affects the weak nervous system and forms a complex contradictory character.

Dad loves and pampers his daughter, considering her the most beautiful in the world. The girl reacts sharply to any criticism addressed to her.

She is developing well physically and mentally. Plastic, has good hearing. Parents will not be mistaken if they send her to the gymnastics section, dance studio or music school. Has an excellent memory. All subjects are easily given to her, but often conflicts with teachers.

Already in kindergarten the girl tries to be a leader, but she does not always succeed. This is a person with a complex character, very stubborn. Already at an early age, she can stand up for herself.

This is a fighting girl, she never sits in one place. Modest and not boastful, does not like to stand out.
A maturing Venus is very attractive in appearance, confident in her irresistibility. Does not recognize modern fashion, chooses an extravagant style of dress.

enjoys reading fiction preferring historical novels. Be wary of everything new. He loves live music, attends theaters.

A complex, domineering character that she rarely shows. Always boldly expresses his opinion and never refuses it. Venus is stubborn and independent. She does not trust women, so she has almost no friends. Prefers male company. Very loving.

Has a difficult relationship with his mother.

Adult Venus becomes more balanced, knows how to manage her emotions, but her character remains complex. A woman behaves confidently and relaxedly in any society. Passion and amorousness bring the most problems, because of which errors are guaranteed when choosing a partner for marriage.

Independent and independent, firm and at the same time extremely sensitive. Has an extremely subjective view of all things and situations. Despite their severity, the owners of this name are at heart very kind and vulnerable personalities.

Enters into a confrontation with those who do not share her opinion. An erudite intellectual with whom it is interesting to talk on any topic. She is fond of magic and divination, her predictions often come true.

Character of Venus

Kind, sympathetic and attentive in relation to close and surrounding people. Outwardly calm, but very emotional and passionate nature. Shows firmness and inflexibility in decisions. Has an attractive appearance.

Outwardly calm, not rarely goes on about his feelings. She is characterized by emotional sensitivity, firmness of character on the way to achieving the goal. Venus is self-confident, determined.

Negative emotions result in irritability and aggression. Constantly there is an internal tension, periodically turning into a depressive state. Touchy and quick-tempered, which leads to constant quarrels and conflicts. It is not easy for a woman with this name to focus on one thing, she can start many things at the same time, then quit them without completing them.

Usually, since childhood, Venus has been distinguished by impressionability and significant pride, which is difficult to hurt, because the girl is confident in her uniqueness.

Fate of Venus

Difficulties of character and problems with the nervous system will affect fate. He tries many activities until he finds his calling.

As an easily addicted nature, she may marry early or have several novels, each of which will end strong feelings, tears, prolonged depression. She will find her happiness in her second marriage. She will become a good wife and caring mother for her children.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Attitude towards money can lead to financial instability, so family decisions financial matters husband is doing.

The work of Venus should be related to the exact sciences or technical direction. She can become a good accountant, engineer, designer, architect or programmer. Will not tolerate pressure against himself, painfully reacts to the successes of colleagues. The very same is not always possible to move up the career ladder.

Leaders meet among Venuses. It is not easy for subordinates to please such a boss, he often demands the impossible. These women are endowed with an analytical mindset, never stop before difficulties and move forward confidently.

Marriage and family

The first time Venus marries at a very early age, almost immediately after school, so it does not last long and ends in complete disappointment in family life due to constant conflicts and outbursts of jealousy.

The second time, she approaches marriage much more responsibly, becomes a caring wife and a wonderful hostess. She often gives birth to girls, whom she surrounds with care, showing moderate severity in education. The house is always cozy, and the husband is well-groomed and surrounded by female care.

Sex and love

Venus is a very addicting, passionate and temperamental nature. A man with her in bed will not be bored, but you will have to use all your skills to create a trusting atmosphere in which feelings will be revealed, and not manifested in a stormy stream.

Venus jealousy often creates problems in relationships. Men cannot stand her changeable capricious mood, so relationships can be broken at the peak of passion, and this will be a blow to the fragile nervous system women. But she learns from her mistakes and shows more patience over time.

From childhood, one can note the creative talent of Venus. She has an artistic sense of taste. The girl reads a lot, prefers historical novels and poetry. Visits the theatre. The girl also shows interest in music.

The origin of the name Venus is not exactly known, here are three popular ones:

  1. Latin, originally from ancient myths (daughter of Jupiter, goddess of beauty and love);
  2. Spanish ("shell");
  3. Tatar, widely used by these people.

Zodiac sign: Scorpio. Ruler Planet: Venus.

Lucky color named after Venus: scarlet, pale pink. Plant that gives energy: laurel, roses, wild rose.

Animal: peacock. Talisman named after Venus: diamond, diamond.


The variety of meanings of the name Venus foresees their fickle nature, in which good and bad are intricately intertwined.

Positive features. The name Venus is very sensitive to the mood and pain of the people around her. Such a girl is compassionate and from childhood brings puppies and kittens to her house from the street, wanting to feed them. At the same time, the girl shows firmness in matters of principle for her and always achieves her goals.

  • She loves herself very much, she is confident in her own beauty and irresistibility (her father, who admired the baby from early childhood, is partly “to blame” for this).
  • At a conscious age, she becomes a very passionate woman, which sometimes frightens the opposite sex.

Negative Traits. A girl named Venus tends to hush up problems, annoyance and negative thoughts accumulate in it sometimes for weeks before it gives them an outlet. Such "explosions" are often not liked by the chosen one, the man is trying to re-educate the girl, but to no avail.

Venus are aggressive towards other women, even if they do not see them as competitors.


In infancy, the girl named Venus is very sickly, gains weight poorly, suffers from jaundice and allergies. Having crossed the six-month milestone, the baby begins to develop in leaps and bounds, often surpassing peers in many ways.

  • The girl starts talking, walking and reading early.
  • Prone to tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Dermatosis, diathesis and other skin ailments will also bother a baby named Venus and her parents regularly, but closer to adolescence, the child will safely “outgrow” all diseases.

If the girl’s mother has some kind of “female” ailments (breast cancer, uterine fibroids), oncology, then the probability that the child will inherit all these diseases is very high.


Venera Zinurovna Zaripova (Soviet athlete, represented rhythmic gymnastics in individual exercises)

The restlessness and distraction of attention bearing the name Venus will prevent her from working for a long time in one place or position. She yearns for change, always looking for a better life, and moving from place to place in search of an ever-higher-paying, non-dusty position.

  • Temporary failures at work do not upset this woman (there is no tendency to depressive states), but only spur her to new heights and achievements.
  • She is smart and able to negotiate, she can persuade business colleagues into a deal that is unprofitable for them thanks to her own charm and feminine charm. It is for these qualities that she is valued.
  • Nera is able to make a career in the following areas: show business, politics, diplomacy, construction and trade.

Love and family

In her youth, a girl named Venus has many gentlemen and admirers who flood her with flowers, jewelry and expensive clothes. It is from among them that at a more conscious age the “same one” will be chosen to create a marriage.

The girl chooses her future husband with her head, looks first of all at his attitude towards her and his financial situation.

A woman maintains a warm relationship with her parents at a distance, closer to old age she is ready to accept them in her home and take care of them to the very end.


"Autumn" girl has a predisposition to music and drawing. She studies well, loves to read books from early childhood, loves animals and plants. The room of such a child is full of pets and indoor flowers.

Growing up, the girl transfers her craving for animals to the scope of work: she can open a dog shelter or become a veterinarian. A woman loves her children more life. He devotes all his time and energy to them;

"Winter" Nera has a rare beauty that young men notice from childhood. Thanks to this, the girl gets married very early, often immediately after receiving a school certificate, which she later regrets very much. Her husband forbids her to meet friends, is jealous of her work colleagues and even of her own children;

"Spring" Venus has a business acumen, she is in no hurry to get married early, preferring to build a career. May not have children for strange reasons, which often upsets her mother;

Young woman, born in the summer months loves to travel. She has a strong character and high efficiency, earns her own food and never asks her parents for anything.