Chinchilla breeding business all year round. Chinchilla business video

  • 23.09.2019

The chinchilla has recently become a very popular pet, often the owners of exotic rodents want to get offspring from a wonderful rodent. Breeding chinchillas at home for beginner chinchilla breeders is an interesting, but quite serious task that requires patience and increased care of the owner. If the rules for breeding animals are not followed, an attempt to mate can end in a fight and even death of pets. Therefore, before meeting animals, it is necessary to study physiological features and the subtleties of the behavior of furry animals.

Under natural habitat conditions, the mating season for exotic rodents begins in the spring and can last until autumn, so chinchilla breeders also try to breed chinchillas from March to November.

Reproduction of chinchillas at home should be carried out with enhanced balanced feeding and a microclimate comfortable for the animals, an increase in the air temperature in the room above +20 degrees and dry air, malnutrition or rodent diseases have an extremely negative effect on the cultivation of chinchillas.

Puberty in chinchillas

Puberty of chinchillas occurs at 6-8 months for females and at 7-9 months for males.

Sexual maturity in females can occur at 3-4 months, and males can cover the female by the age of 5 months. Early mating of a chinchilla causes a weakening of the body of the female, the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, healthy animals with a body weight of at least 500 g are selected for mating at the age of 7-9 months for females and from 6 months for males. Although chinchillas are ready to breed at 6-8 months of age, veterinarians do not recommend covering females until they are one year old. Pregnancy up to 12 months causes a halt in the growth of the skeleton and muscle mass of the female, this negatively affects the general condition of the fluffy animal and its offspring.

Without harm to their own health, females can bring 2 broods annually. A week before giving birth, it is recommended to transplant the male for six months so that the chinchilla can recover from a long pregnancy and feeding babies. The male is able to fertilize the female a day after giving birth, which can result in the death of newborns and abnormal pregnancy female individual.

Mating chinchillas in the wild

For successful breeding of chinchillas at home, beginners need to know how chinchillas breed in nature. Chinchillas live in numerous flocks in which matriarchy reigns. It is females who behave aggressively towards males, hissing, biting and shooting urine. Unusual rodents zealously guard their territory; the appearance of any stranger on their possessions is perceived by fluffy animals quite belligerently. Therefore, mating chinchillas at home sometimes ends in fights or the death of pets.

Chinchillas can be aggressive when sitting down.

Sometimes chinchillas do not breed because the animals do not develop relationships when changing a partner and following the processes of acquaintance and planting in animals.

If a couple is picked up, then chinchillas breed 2-3 times a year, live a peaceful family all their lives, kiss, play and sleep together. In natural habitat, a flock of unusual rodents consists of married couples, males and females help each other gently grow chinchillas and actively protect their homes from strangers. In nature, a male chinchilla can live with one female and simultaneously fertilize other females. This feature of American rodents is used in polygamous breeding, when one male fertilizes 4 females.

If a couple gets close, then they live together all their lives

Mating relatives of chinchillas is highly discouraged in order to avoid getting a weak litter, aggravated by congenital developmental anomalies.

How to select and prepare chinchillas for mating

Breeding and keeping chinchillas is based on the competent selection of a pair, the correct observance of the processes of acquaintance and planting, the creation of optimal conditions for a pregnant and lactating female, as well as newborn offspring.

To obtain healthy viable chinchillas, healthy, active, well-fed individuals obtained from dairy females are allowed, with a body weight of at least 500 g, a calm, friendly character, with thick and uniform fur, and the absence of acute and chronic diseases.

Breed chinchillas with hereditary diseases, addictions, quarrelsome character and anatomical abnormalities highly not recommended.

Partner Acquisition

Breeding at home begins with the purchase of a partner and a monthly quarantine of a new tenant. An animal can be contagious or get sick due to stress after a change of scenery, so quarantine measures are essential.

After a month of quarantine, the acquaintance stage begins, in order to successfully bring the female and male together, it is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior of animals in this period. Depending on the establishment of relations, chinchillas can get acquainted from a week to a month. The owners of fluffy animals are highly discouraged from rushing and starting to sit down until the unusual rodents get used to each other. At this stage, it is necessary to accustom an exotic rodent to someone else's smell of a partner. Otherwise, at the first meeting there will be a bloody battle for their rightful territory.

Acquaintance of partners

For acquaintance, you can place two small cages with chinchillas next to each other so that they can see and smell someone else's without harming each other. The disadvantage of this method may be the wetting of the male's hair from the shots with the urine of the female. The cages must be placed at such a distance that the animals can see and smell, but not have the opportunity to bite off the fingers, mustache or nose of the partner through the gaps between the bars.

Chinchillas need time to get to know each other

It has a good effect, to which the powdered feces of a female are added and vice versa. You can take turns bathing the animals in the same sand bath immediately before placing a row of cages with emotional animals.

Swimming together helps the animals to make friends

Sometimes chinchillas change cages, when they are in a foreign territory, rodents get used to the smell of a neighbor without causing damage to each other. An aggressive hungry partner can be placed directly in an aviary with a calm individual, someone else's smell, hunger and confined space make the fighter calm down and get used to the smell of a neighbor.

Joint walks

When fluffy rodents begin to react calmly to each other, it is recommended to arrange a joint walk for a couple in an unfamiliar territory for animals under the careful supervision of the owner. In order to breed chinchillas at home, it is necessary to study and apply all methods of acquaintance, carefully controlling the situation.

Most often, chinchillas have tender true love for life, if the acquaintance stage is maintained correctly, you can proceed to planting animals. Successfully breed chinchillas with a calm temperament over the age of a year, provided that the female is slightly older than the male.

Video: breeding chinchillas at home

Planting chinchillas

The owner must always be near initial stage seating. Friendly and gentle to each other, rodents, when placed in one cage, can arrange a serious fight. In such battles, the male most often suffers, the female beats and bites the scruff and lower back of the male, the consequences of aggression turn into large purulent wounds.

How to plant chinchillas

When planting the owner of exotic rodents, it is recommended to follow some rules:

  • immediately before planting, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the cage where chinchillas will be mated, the cage must be at least 1 m in height and 0.75 m in width;
  • the cage should be freed as much as possible from shelves, ladders and accessories in order to avoid injury during a possible fight, it is advisable to install a labyrinth - a box with several exits through which the male can escape with the aggressive behavior of the female;
  • before planting, the female must be bathed for a long time in the sand with male feces, the male is placed in an uncleaned female enclosure to soak in the smell of the female's urine;
  • it is desirable to launch the male first into your cage, at the end they send the female;
  • within 3-4 hours from the moment of planting, the owner must always be nearby. In the event of a fierce battle, it is necessary to immediately seat the animals and provide urgent veterinary care to the victim;
  • it is recommended to put a sufficient amount of coarse hay on the floor of the cage. Both chinchillas will be interested in eating and sorting out grass, which will distract partners from a showdown;

Eating hay distracts from fights
  • until the end of the day, it is necessary to control relations in the enclosure, an imaginary truce can instantly turn into a bloody fight. Males try to care for the female even in the absence of estrus, which can provoke even a calm female to a violent display of aggression;
  • it is advisable to install a large bathing bath in the aviary, joint sand procedures soothe and bring partners very close;
  • even in a pair for a long time, fights may arise at any time, which should not be left without the attention of the owner;
  • a successfully placed couple begins to bathe, eat and sleep together, kiss and play, causing tenderness of the owners;
  • a pair of heavily planted with the addition of vitamin supplements, fresh fruits and berries, dried hay and herbs;
  • the owner needs to be patient, sometimes planting lasts for months, even with peaceful coexistence, chinchillas do not want to have offspring;
  • in rare cases, it is not possible to transplant the selected individuals, then it is necessary to replace one partner with another individual in compliance with all the terms and rules of quarantine, acquaintance and introduction.

Chinchillas in heat

You can mate exotic rodents only during estrus in a female chinchilla, which is repeated every 30 to 45 days. The frequency of this phase of the sexual process depends on the individual characteristics of the female, the minimum cycles consist of 20 days, with the maximum cycle, estrus is repeated after 60 days. The sexual cycle of a female chinchilla consists of three stages, which can be determined by the behavior of partners towards each other.

The stage of excitation of the sexual cycle

Duration 1-3 days, consists of sexual arousal, estrus, estrus and ovulation. The female's loop opens, the male is actively interested in the female, the female accepts courtship, and the animals mate. Ovulation occurs 12-24 hours after estrus, the outcome of this stage will be conception with successful mating or the inhibition stage.

Deceleration stage

The female's loop closes, the female shows indifference to the male, in this period it is necessary to diagnose the female's pregnancy by weighing and detecting vaginal plugs in the form of white paraffin flagella 2-3 cm in size. In the absence of conception, the balancing stage begins.

Balancing stage

Lasts until the next stage of excitation of the sexual cycle, the female's loop is closed, both partners are in a balanced relationship with each other.

Chinchillas are in heat at the age of 4-8 months. With early maturation, the first estrus can be observed in a 3-month-old female, with late maturation - after 12 months. It is highly not recommended to plant furry animals at the first estrus in a female. The body of the female needs to get stronger and prepare for the reproduction of offspring, so it is better to wait out the first estrus.

Chinchillas are in heat for 2-3 days. During this period, ovulation occurs in the body of the female, accompanied by the production of thick mucus to improve the advancement of spermatozoa and the final attachment of fertilized eggs to the uterine wall. The loop of the female opens only during estrus and childbirth, it is during these periods that the female can be covered by the male. The rest of the time, the female's genitals are closed to prevent external infections. The owner of a chinchilla needs to be able to determine the onset of the next estrus in a female in order to successfully plan the introduction of furry animals.

Signs of estrus in a female

Male behavior

The characteristic behavior of the male can suggest that the female is in heat: the animal is actively interested in and cares for the female, makes loud mating sounds, twitches its fluffy tail, bites the female's fur and often makes attempts to jump on the female for mating.

Inspection of the loop of the female

They swell and open, acquire a pink color, white discharge from the loop is observed, the female's nipples become long and red.

How chinchillas mate

Courtships to males can be observed during the day and at night, and mating acts occur most often at night. Evidence of the mating that has occurred will be tufts of wool on the floor of the cage and the dried seminal fluid of the male in the form of a tourniquet. white color. The sexual intercourse lasts for several seconds, the male jumps on the female, bites the fur on his back with his teeth and the process of intercourse takes place. When conception occurs, a vaginal plug is formed in the body of the female, which protects the body of the pregnant female from the penetration of infection from the outside and prevents repeated mating.

Breeding chinchillas at home: how rodents mate and breed

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Chinchillas are such beautiful animals that have valuable fur and have a rather docile disposition. Chinchilla breeding is one of the branches of animal husbandry, for which its technologies have been developed.

General information about the animal

Chinchillas can often be compared to a rabbit or a squirrel, but such an opinion is far from reality. This type of animal is completely different, since it is peculiar and does not look like slow, thoughtful rabbits, or temperamental, restless squirrels. The species of long-tailed or coastal chinchilla is common in Chile, Argentina and Bolivia. The animal feels great in the highlands of the Andes. Under natural conditions, it is a rather rare animal and is listed in the Red Book. This is a nocturnal animal. She prefers to sleep in the afternoon, at that time. When it's night, it's a great time for foraging, traveling, and mating games. Therefore, the main part of the food is eaten at night.

Contained at home, or on a fur farm. The wonderful disposition of the animal allows you to keep it in a cage without any problems, let it go for a walk, play with the owner with a wonderful animal. For this reason, it has become quite widespread as a pet among many fanciers.

In general, keeping animals is not difficult. The main condition is the goal pursued by the breeder. The most important requirement is to ensure right conditions for the content on which the achievement of the goal depends. It requires special care when it is kept in order to increase livestock and produce offspring. Here, some attention is needed, ensuring the conditions under which the animal will successfully breed.

Industrial breeding

When a rat is kept on a farm, it should be remembered that a family is necessary for the offspring. It usually consists of four females. The male should be alone, he is the head of the family. Only maintenance, therefore, will create optimal conditions for the birth of new individuals. Sexual maturity, on average, in females is observed at the age of seven months. It is desirable that females are allowed to form a family at least eight months old, when the body is fully formed and will make it possible to bring healthy and strong offspring. The male for the family is selected a little older. He must be older than the females by several months. In this case, he can properly organize the life of the family and the behavior of females.

In a chinchilla family, life is intertwined with pickiness and complex relationships. Here, every adult female certainly considers the male only her own, and defiantly defends her own right to be the first. This is the way it is in every harem, so quarrels between females can lead to unforeseen consequences. Fights can lead to the death of the entire litter, respectively, losses. To prevent this from happening, each "mother" must have her own cage, in which a cozy house is installed. Four cages with females are placed in such a way that the fifth cage of the male is connected to each cage of the female by a separate move. Then he will be able to visit all the females in turn, and they will not enter the territory of the male. This can be done with separate sleeves or arranging the cage so that the male's cage is in the center with openings for passage into the females' cages. The cell of each female turns into a fortress, and any violations are not allowed.

The duration of the gestation period for females is 110 calendar days. The error is possible, the deviation can be quite small. The brood contains from one large to seven tiny babies. And already one day after the birth of the offspring, the female is again ready for the next mating, thus increasing the return and profitability of animals. The brood stays with the mother until the age of two months, then they must be separated and the female should be given the opportunity to properly prepare for the next litter.

In feeding, chinchillas are unpretentious. Animals love hay and fresh grass, but fresh grass should be rough, too juicy leads to indigestion in animals. They also give various vegetables and fruits, sunflower seeds. Rats need to be given young shoots fruit trees. Fresh water must always be present. The content is not just exciting, but also quite profitable, it makes it possible, in addition to passion, to receive significant financial support from the sale of young animals.

Introduction to making money on skins

Contrary to all rumors, they are very clean and smart. Recently, there has been a trend of buying a chinchilla as a pet. And this the right decision, because this fluffy animal is able to bring joy to the house, easily cause a smile in a child and an adult, make any person without exception be touched. It is simply impossible not to fall in love with him!

Doing Business

In addition, these incredibly cute creatures, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, can also bring a considerable income.

Silver-pearl, with dark shades and silky tints in the light, chinchilla fur is the most valuable and expensive in the world. The cost of products made from the skins of these animals is very high, in addition, they are very popular.

It never sheds and gives offspring from one to six animals three times a year. One animal lives for about 16–18 years. In addition, maintenance does not require a lot of space or large, specially equipped rooms. They can be kept in an apartment, barn, basement, attic, etc. Standard size cells for maintenance - 50x50x50. Cells can be placed close to each other, on several floors or in a row.

It is very simple, and a person of any age and gender can cope with this activity. The animals are completely unpretentious and hypoallergenic, almost do not smell and have strong immunity. And they won’t require much money for feeding: herbivores, they eat about 35 grams per day.

Do you want to receive a stable decent income? This little animal can bring it. One adult costs 2-20 thousand rubles.

For those who breed a large number of animals, the wholesale of chinchillas is very important. Therefore, our nursery farm is ready to conclude an agreement with you, as a result of which you can always be guaranteed to sell us an unlimited number of skins and animals.

It does not matter whether you just want to buy a pet, breed your own nursery, organize an agricultural industrial production or a chinchilla farm, in any case, it is profitable, and it is practically not subject to crises.

Business scheme

The business idea is quite simple - you need a breeding stock. We have all breeding pairs already formed and accustomed. For the conclusion of the contract, the color of the animals does not matter.

Description of the technology state of the art and potential, in our opinion, is not limited to one look at the care and maintenance in animal husbandry, but in the conquest of all directions that open up in this area. Breeding technology is based on creating optimal conditions for obtaining breeding stock, its selection and breeding work. This book is intended for people of all ages and professions. As for experienced fur breeders who have been raising fur animals for more than one year and are interested in this business on professional level, and for people who have never done anything like this.

Farm, photo

How to start? Business ideas from scratch - TOP 20. In this article, we will consider the possibility of starting your own business from scratch. We will find answers to questions: how to generate an idea, how to start. Let's talk about pros and cons, common mistakes ★★★★★

How to build a business at home

Breeding chinchillas as a business is an unoccupied niche in modern realities. Here you can start quite successfully with a small investment and successfully develop in an environment of low competition. How to organize this business at home, read the material of our author.

Earnings on selection and sale

Chinchilla is a furry rodent that is bred for valuable fur. In addition, the animal is popular as a pet. Usually the family consists of one male and three or four females, who can bring pets up to three times a year. There are usually 3-4 babies in each lambing.

The business of breeding them is interesting because a novice entrepreneur will practically not meet competition. You can start at home, both with your own funds, even with a small amount of them, and with funds raised through investments or bank lending.

Farm to increase livestock

To organize a growing farm, you need a room with good sound and heat insulation. For 20 families, two square meters will be enough, because cages for animals can be built in several tiers. Rodents live in specially equipped cages, which will need to be purchased separately.

In addition to food, which will require about 20 kilograms per individual per year, you will also need to take care of bedding made of hay or sawdust. It will need to be changed once a week, and the houses will be disinfected once a month to prevent the spread of diseases. It is more profitable to buy feed in bulk and harvest it.

Also, to start work, you will need to obtain a conclusion from the veterinary services that will confirm the health of the animals.

Yield and Profit Calculations

The fur production business, like any other business, begins with calculations and a plan. To evaluate a business, it is worth starting with a small number of individuals. Suppose you have own premises in the form of a garage or barn, where you placed 20 families or 80 animals. You will not use hired labor, since one person can handle so many animals.

The animals themselves will cost you at the rate of $ 50 apiece in 4 thousand. Maintenance equipment - cages - will cost about the same, but you can save a lot and assemble the structures yourself by purchasing only materials. We add another 2 thousand dollars. Food can hardly be included in the amount of expenses. It will cost about $250 a year for the entire farm. Total expenses for starting a business will be about 6-7 thousand dollars.

Business idea: in the worst case scenario, one female will give birth twice a year with three babies, which is 6 from one female or 360 from all 60 females in the tribe (the remaining 20 from the entire farm are males). At the end of the year, the kids are rented for $50 (although the price of furs can have seasonal jumps and drawdowns), which brings 18 thousand a year in net profit. That is, the profitability of such a business is about 300% per year.

Chinchilla breeding is industrialized abroad. Growing the beast on an industrial scale, as a branch of the economy, is developing in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, the USA and European countries. farm approach industrial production suitable for countryside and the city. Volume and payback are interrelated.

Small business on chinchillas - when opening a project, it must answer the question: why do you need a beast? A home farm with its own premises is also planned for the purpose of raising animals for sale as pet supplies. Partners should preferably be in advance. Large commodity - chinchilla individuals for the purpose of manufacturing fur on an industrial scale. The color of the skins is selected by technology. It is necessary to breed strictly according to the livestock technology. Having an idea makes it easier to decide on an investment.

Fur production business plan

Breeding is a rather promising type of business that allows you not only to get valuable skins for sale, but also to sell these animals as pets. But before you open a business in this direction, you need to develop a business plan for breeding chinchillas.

Surely you have seen these small and all the time rustling lumps. On the one hand, such cute creatures are destined for an easy life as a pet, if not for the fact that fur is considered the most expensive in the fashion world.

Project Description

This type of business is available to people of any age and profession. Chinchillas do not require special care, their fur is always in perfect condition, so this type of activity does not apply to the seasonal business. The diet of animals includes affordable and very inexpensive grain feed and hay.

Investments are needed to create production and a farm. The minimum investment in this business is not enough. But to start a chinchilla business with minimum investment can. True, and the profit will be less. This applies to breeding chinchillas for the purpose of selling offspring. The cost of the animal ranges from 2 to 20 thousand rubles and depends on the region, the social status of potential buyers.

And it is not at all difficult to create comfortable conditions for keeping animals. Sawdust is poured into the cells, which should be changed at least once a week. In addition, animals need sand in which they clean their fur, this makes their fur much more attractive. An important advantage is the fact that from these animals there are practically no bad smell. Large industrial production facilities for the maintenance of divorced families need to be ventilated. It is necessary to place waste tanks, ventilation must be designed.

Production plan

The production business plan must take into account all the factors that affect the quality of the animals. Production room for keeping animals it should be dry and warm, well ventilated and exclude the occurrence of drafts.

For breeding, you will need a family consisting of four females and one male. Each female can bring three offspring per year, from four to nine cubs. It should be borne in mind that not all cubs survive, but you will get two or three animals per year from each female and this will be an excellent result.

Description of services

The business involves raising animals for the subsequent sale of their skins, for sale of breeding animals to other professional breeders, or as pets.

On the market, the cost of one individual can reach 5-8 thousand rubles, and a chinchilla coat is estimated at 5 thousand dollars. What indicates the high profitability of the chinchilla farm.

Market and competitor analysis

This type of commercial activity is characterized by the almost complete absence of competition. No matter how many farms there are in your area, demand will always exceed supply, since the breeding rate of these animals cannot be called high.

Farm organization

To start activities, it is necessary to purchase and install spacious cages in the room, equip them with drinkers, feeders and sand containers. In addition, rodents require special toys to provide them with physical activity. Once every six months, the cells and the room must be disinfected.

To feed one rat, you will need approximately 12 kilograms of feed and 6 kilograms of hay per year. Also, fresh grass, vegetables and vitamin supplements are necessary for baiting animals.

The business plan proposes to hire a small number of staff to work on the farm, since one worker will be able to serve up to 500 individuals. Of course, you will need a veterinarian, but this may be a visiting specialist.

Product promotion

To organize the sale of valuable skins, it is necessary to find several enterprises engaged in tailoring outerwear. And the animals themselves can be sold through specialized stores, using the Internet or the media.

Costs and profits

To open a farm with an initial livestock of one hundred individuals, the following items of expenditure (thousand rubles) are required:

  • Purchase of animals - 500;
  • Acquisition of arrangement of cages and equipment;
  • Premises for rent - 10;
  • Purchase of feed and other expenses for the maintenance of animals - 5;
  • Salary for staff and veterinarian - 20;
  • Other expenses - 15;

Since it takes time to increase the livestock, you can expect the first profit not earlier than after 1.5 years. The amount of income depends on factors such as the formation of stable families, the quality of keeping animals, and so on. A stable working farm will, on average, bring about two hundred thousand rubles a month. Investments in business will pay off in about three years.

Video: bathing chinchillas in the sand

Problems with increasing offspring

The main problems in breeding fur-bearing animals are diseases. To avoid such problems, you need to regularly carry out prevention.

Preventive measures for care and maintenance

The main focus on the farm should be to prevent the occurrence of dangerous diseases. In no case should dogs or cats be allowed into the room where you keep rats and breed, and unwanted rodents and insects must be regularly fought on the farm, all equipment and all premises that are directly involved in the production of fur, from time to time need disinfect.

In the daily care of animals, the chinchilla breeder must wash his hands thoroughly before feeding, and have separate shoes and clothes for work. Before entering the room where the main breeding herd is kept, it is advisable to put a damp rug treated with disinfectant. Also, once every six months, walls are disinfected with lime, which in turn kills all unwanted microbes. On the farm every six months, in autumn and spring, we carry out preventive procedures, oral administration of iodine and anthelmintic agents.

First, as regards the final product and the conditions for its production.

Quality raw materials are the foundation of your business. It is necessary to adhere to the technology of its production as correctly as possible. An approach to the creation of high-quality final raw materials must be sought at the beginning: in compliance with all conditions, we maintain the quality of natural material, and therefore the price of this raw material.

Let us give an example of keeping animals on one of the farms: all the basic requirements regarding selection, selection work, general rules content. However, hygiene conditions could be better. Comparing the fur obtained from this farm, a change in the color of the chinchilla standard was clearly visible. The reason was ammonia, which was heavily in the air, which gave a yellowish tint to the belly, thus reducing the final cost of production. This is one example of a misplaced foundation in the conditioning phase.

Here is one more of the mistakes, but already our own. In the early years of stocking, I tried to perfect every stage. Then I took into account local decreases in fertility and milk production. I introduced active substances into the diet that improve lactation, and I did it spontaneously. The results were not at all what was expected.

Of course, such measures are allowed, but all actions must be adjusted according to needs. The reason lies in the deviation from technology, and not at all in the animal, which is often blamed for the consequences.

Farm to increase families

A chinchilla farm is not just a place where fur animals live and breed. The farm is a complex with its own special technology for increasing livestock.

Activities on the farm

The main and important task of every fur entrepreneur is to ensure comfort for the animals, and the ability to perform all the necessary work on the farm, and adhere to the basic technology for raising fur animals, in turn, as experience shows, dramatically increases the production of fur, facilitates maintenance and raises the level of zootechnical work. and mechanization of production processes.

Naturally, the cleanliness of the farm must be impeccable. Equipment, cages and chip trays must be clean and fresh, and drinkers always full clean water. All animals should be subjected to a general visual inspection each day at feeding time, paying attention to the amount of feed left in the trough and to the appearance of the animals.

If the animal eats normally and is in normal physical activity, and there are no external signs that would indicate disorders and injuries, the animal should not be disturbed. A thorough inspection is carried out once a week, while causing them as little inconvenience as possible, because failure to do this can lead to stress of the animal or the loss of certain sections of the fur, which of course is undesirable for the business as a whole. Depending on the season, cages and equipment are cleaned with disinfectants. After the procedure is completed, a new litter is poured into the cage.

Litter is used from breeds coniferous trees without using hardwoods, for example, oak. The bedding is changed every 7-10 days. For purity and improvement of the quality characteristics of the fur, dust baths are used, which help to eliminate dirt and secretions of the sebaceous glands from the skin, as well as hair that has fallen out. In nature, animals use volcanic dust; in industry, it has been replaced by zeolite. Bathing suits are mounted in a cage and open for bathing 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes. Healthy animals react vividly to the possibility of bathing, quickly seize and enjoy floundering in the water. Regular bathing cannot be replaced. If waste or other impurities appear in the sand, the smell of ammonia, it must be sieved through a sieve or completely replaced with a new one.

The main additive is a disinfectant that contains talc, it is hygroscopic, cleans fat well from the skin, does not change its color and gives elasticity, and also contains substances that prevent the occurrence of mycoses, that is, fungal diseases. They repeatedly ask about the water that should be contained in the drinkers, of what nature and origin. Water for use on a chinchilla farm must be purified, we will give an analogue with human needs, that is, water used for cooking. As a rule, this is water from purified sources or boiled. As experience shows, the branched watering system is effective, but it has its drawbacks: first of all, it is the invisible passage of water, and the impossibility of controlling the watering of each individual and the breeding stock as a whole. Also, there is a stoppage of the passage of water. Another disadvantage of such a system is the general danger of water, that is, the water is supplied from a single container. Drinkers are cleaned every 10 days.

farm video

Video from the chinchilla farm on our channel

The video is a report from a home farm for 300 individuals. The farm specializes in breeding chinchillas.

Technology of maintenance and specificity of reproduction

Issues related to breeding work in the process of breeding chinchillas are especially interesting at the stage of introducing a breeding economy, at first glance they seem not entirely clear and a little confusing, in fact it is not.


  • - The female has up to 3 lambing per year;
  • - Pregnancy period - 110-117 days
  • - In one lambing - from 1 to 6 babies;
  • - On average, one female - 6-8 babies per year - a wonderful result;
  • - Standard family 4 females and 1 male.

Breeding selection work - work, the purpose of which is to obtain and consolidate in the offspring the necessary characteristics and properties of chinchillas, as well as to increase productivity. This section is of particular importance for the animal fur business, because increasing productivity gives the farm an absolute advantage in all areas of activity: from increasing lactation capacity to maintaining the desired characteristics of fur raw materials.

Issues related to breeding work are especially interesting at the stage of introduction of the breeding economy, at first glance they seem not entirely clear and a little confusing, but in fact they are not. Compliance with simple axioms will develop selection skills every day, especially in our time, when Information Technology do everything for the person and for the person. They also took advantage of these opportunities when they approached the simplification and improvement of the breeding system.

Together with specialists in veterinary medicine, as well as professionals in the field of animal husbandry, a system for the care and selection of animals has been developed. RFS is a unique accounting system for chinchillas and farms, containing all the information, as well as the breeding fund of the farm (nursery) performs all the necessary functions for their maintenance, storage and data exchange. It performs to the smallest detail all the functions from the selection of animals to keeping records of vaccination, relocation, feeding, etc.

Polygamous breeding consists in keeping chinchillas according to technology, which includes: cell - cell, intended for five individuals - for 4 females, which have their own individual cage and a male, who has only a conditional passage between the cells, that is, in fact, he settles with these females, where he feeds and breeds. The cage is folded in such a way that only the corridor connects. In this corridor, the male moves without interference, while the females do not have such an opportunity. This is due to the fact that females have a special ring, which is larger in diameter than the conventional corridor.

Chinchilla Baby Care

The main and no less important advantage of chinchillas is that they are born fully developed: with open eyes and teeth, they are also covered with hair, and oddly enough, on the very first day they move around the cage on their own, usually not typical of other rodent species.

In the first days after birth, the main food of newborns is mother's milk. It is milk that contains a large amount of nutrients necessary for the good development of babies. Milk also contains antibodies, which in turn perform the function of protection and protect children from various diseases. Milk contains 14% fat and 1.7% carbohydrates.

The amount of milk produced also depends on the quality of the food, so you need to feed the female during this period as best as possible, give high-quality feed, after giving birth for 14 days, give the males a small piece of fresh or dried apple once a day. After a certain period of time, and this is about 15-20 days, the children begin to eat solid food (granulator) for the first time, which the female eats, but still milk remains an integral and main food for up to two months, namely, until the baby is transplanted from the female into another cage.

Polygamous type of content of chinchillas

In this section of the article, we will talk about the technology of polygamous maintenance of chinchillas.

The cells are arranged separately, in such a way that they form the so-called "Closet". Breeding work starts from the moment the animal is born - this is the registration of the pregnancy of the female who gave birth to this animal. Further, at the stage of growth and puberty, it faces breeding certification and determining belonging to the Prof or Pet class.

This chinchilla grading is a review of 2 and 6 month old rats.

At the age of 2 months, it is characterized by the following features:

  • - General constitution of the body (general proportion, proportion of the head and limbs)
  • - Weight
  • - The condition of the hairline

The female is given a personal number, a cage, a description of all the characteristics occurs.

  • A. Density
  • B. texture
  • V. border coloring
  • D. cleanliness of the abdomen

At the age of 6 months, the final certification takes place, which is to determine its belonging to the class and its distribution by analogy with the signs at the age of 2 months. After that, the individual belongs to the breeding series (Prof)

At the age of 6 months, already in the status of a breeding animal, it is part of a breeding family.

By the selection method, which excludes the formation of related individuals among themselves, 4 females and 1 male are determined. Also, when forming pairs, it is taken into account

Thus, a separate family is formed, it is assigned a number, and a separate row in the “closet” for the most comfortable speed of identification and location, again, all of the listed functions are developed in the RFS system (Real Farm System)

Now 12 mutations of the standard color are known, 9 recessive and 3 dominant, as well as about 10 combinative (including various mutations) forms. In connection with the intensive activity of breeding work in chinchilla breeding, the numbers are constantly growing. Coloring Standard (standart) is the main color of the chinchilla, all other colors are obtained artificially by man and do not exist in nature. The standard is considered the most stable of all, since it has not undergone changes in genetic information. The standard is characterized by a gray back, or dark gray (called the Dark Standard) and with a white belly. The sides have a clear contrast from gray to light gray to white.

Video: feeding a baby chinchilla

We breed at home, reviews

If you have any idea about home business, please share your feedback or leave a comment. Write comments. We and our readers value your opinion. How accessible is the chinchilla business for beginners?

Even a person far from animal husbandry can start breeding chinchillas for commercial purposes. These animals do not require special care, they do not need specific food or special housing conditions. They are quite unpretentious and prolific. This allows you not to worry about the lack of start-up capital and the impressive costs that can be incurred during the breeding process.

Most often, chinchillas are bred to sell their fur. This business option is the most profitable. He is able to quickly recoup the costs and lead the businessman to a sustainable profit.

But there are other ways to build a "chinchilla" empire. The most humane would be breeding animals for the purpose of selling them. Chinchillas produce offspring and can be sold to pet stores and individuals. This income will not be as big as selling fur, but you will not have to kill animals.

The meat of these animals is also very famous. It is dietary and should be on the menu of people with tuberculosis and sclerosis. To understand whether it is profitable or not to breed chinchillas, you need to highlight the features of this business, calculate the approximate costs and demand.

Features of running a "chinchilla" business

This type of business gets a positive color due to the fact that animals live for about 20 years, if properly cared for. During this period, they are able to give an impressive offspring. After birth, small individuals feed on mother's milk and only after 7 - 10 days they can be fed with food. Additional power is not required.

The features of the "chinchilla" business include:

  1. Animals do not have seasonal molting, their fur is always in excellent condition. It will not interrupt trading.
  2. Nutrition does not require large investments: dry food can be diluted with grass according to the season.
  3. Breeding does not require special knowledge, the main thing is to feed the animal during the time, clean the cages, etc.
  4. The animal lives only in a room in which there should be comfortable conditions: warm, dry, it is also important to clean it on time. If there are drafts in the room, then you need to quickly eliminate them.
  5. The presence of a separate cage for each animal whose age has reached 3 months;
  6. For breeding cultivation, only the best animal is left, the rest at 7 - 8 months are considered as a potential commodity.
  7. Mating must occur between individuals that are not related by kinship.
  8. The chinchilla family, which will be as prolific as possible, looks like: 4 females and 1 male.
  9. Usually, males that do not take part in "family" mating are killed first.
  10. Every year, a female chinchilla can become pregnant 3 times. On average, one offspring brings 5 ​​animals. The pregnancy itself lasts approximately 110 days.
  11. An adult individual eats about 6 kg of grass and 12 kg of feed per year.
  12. New types of food are introduced into the diet gradually, because. Animals may develop allergies.

Particular attention is paid to disinfection. In order for the chinchilla fur to have a decent appearance, it needs to be regularly looked after:

  • daily cleaning after feeding;
  • shavings are changed once a week. If there are too many waste products of the animal, then you can change it earlier;
  • sand is changed once a month;
  • once every six months, a complete disinfection of the premises and the cells themselves takes place. Animals should not be around at this time.

If you stick to these simple rules, a business built on growing chinchillas will be successful.

It is noteworthy that you need to catch an animal only by the ear or tail.

Then you need to take care of the cells and their arrangement. Sawdust is purchased in advance so that it can be changed in time. Food also needs to be purchased with a margin, especially if a large number of chinchillas are expected. After that, you should decide who will serve the animals. This may be the business owner himself, or maybe a hired worker. Statistics show that on average one person can serve 500 individuals per week.

The most important aspect in the entire algorithm is the legislative design of activities. If you neglect the law, you can get an impressive fine, and the animals can be confiscated. Price for Consumables and the food does not rise sharply. But chinchilla furs are getting more expensive from year to year. This has a positive effect on the profitability of the venture.

This business has no seasonality. Chinchilla fur and meat are always in excellent condition.

One of the basic conditions for keeping healthy individuals is to maintain cleanliness and order in the room where the chinchillas will be located. The air temperature should be between 18 - 20 degrees Celsius. If it rises to 30 degrees, then the condition of the animals can deteriorate sharply and they will have a stroke.

Humidity should be no more than 60%. The cage should be metal and not too small. It should contain a house made of plywood or wood. Also in the cage should be bathing sand in a separate container, bedding and drinking bowls. It is not necessary to purchase expensive products for disinfection. You can simply wash the "housing" of the chinchilla with water and laundry soap.

How to make a menu and take proper care

Chinchillas can be attributed to the "green" gourmets. They love green branches and leaves. But they will not give up on hay, fruits and vegetables. Most often, the animal is fed with special food. The vitamins contained there contribute to maintaining their health and attractive appearance.

To avoid problems with your teeth, you need to periodically grind them. For this, a salt stone will do. You need to carefully select food for feeding chinchillas. It must be natural. It is good when a large percentage of the content in it will be hay, oats and wheat.

You can also prepare food yourself. To do this, you need to prepare the following ingredients: dry grass, oats, wheat, barley, milk powder and bone meal. Self-preparation will eliminate the ingress of nitrates and harmful additives into the feed. Feed should be introduced gradually, in small portions. So you can identify allergies in an animal and replace the components in food.

Chinchillas don't eat much, so it's best to choose a quality product. After feeding, food should always be removed so that the animal does not overeat and is not poisoned by a product spoiled due to the time factor.

Approximate costs

To outline the expected financial result, you need to calculate the costs. The main item can be attributed to the cost of buying animals. It is necessary to acquire individuals of reproductive age, healthy and complete in everything. The cost can go up to $100 per pair. To get a good profit, it is recommended to purchase about 20 families. This is the main source of expenses, in the future it will not be necessary to spend money like this.

The next item of expenditure will be the purchase of cages. You should choose durable models that should stand stably. In third place is food. It will be even cheaper if you make your own hay and prepare the mixture. It happens that the animal can get sick. Then the costs increase by the amount of treatment and the call to the veterinarian. Usually chinchillas are not painful, so this situation is most likely force majeure, rather than a permanent expense item.

All expenses together will not result in a huge amount, but they will not be too small either. When compared with the possible profit, then such costs seem minimal.

And what is the profit?

The profitability of a business largely depends on the livestock. If you buy from 10 to 20 families, then you can get an income in the range of 10 - 15 thousand dollars. Every year, the female guarantees 2 - 3 offspring, in which there can be 2 - 6 cubs. These results can be used to calculate the final result.

Chinchilla fur is many times more expensive than, for example, a rabbit. If you breed enough animals, you can sell skins for a whole coat or fur coat. The profit from this will be approximately 50 - 100 thousand dollars. Those individuals that become superfluous can be sold in the form of a meat carcass. If a "defective" offspring appears, then it can be sold as a pet. The profit from this will be negligible, but it is still better than nothing.

If you take into account these factors, then in a year you can earn an impressive profit, which will allow you to expand the chinchilla farm. Due to the fact that costs are practically stable and do not grow too fast, one can hope for a stable profit. A feature of the business, which speaks of its prospects, is that furs are only getting more expensive. This trend is observed even in times of crisis.

Secrets of a successful business and sales conditions

The main secret of a successful business for a novice owner of a chinchilla farm is a responsible approach to raising pets. It is necessary to feed and clean the cages in a timely manner, monitor their health and maintain the breeding pattern.

One of the nuances is that chinchillas are closed animals. They do not like society and loud noises can be intimidating. That is why you should try to avoid their excessive contact with people. Animals react fearfully even to their own kind. They should contact within their family. Chinchillas do not tolerate separation well. If you separate the "family" individuals, they can get bored, get sick and even die.

You also need to exclude the presence of ammonia in the air. It is destructive to these animals. On large chinchilla farms oh it's very hard to do. Inhaling ammonia, pets can reproduce poorly, their appetite and spatial orientation decrease.

If we are talking about a large accumulation of chinchillas, then you need to be prepared for their frequent diseases. Epidemics within large groups spread very quickly, which can significantly increase the cost of keeping animals. If the number is limited to 10-15 families, then we can hope for a favorable environment within the chinchilla "collective".

It is very difficult to make a chinchilla skin. This is done only by hand, industrial methods are not subject to here. It is absolutely impossible for inexperienced beginners to take on this, because there is a high probability that it will break. This duty is assigned to professionals who have extensive experience in dressing skins. It follows from this that part of the funds will have to be given to the intermediary, which will affect the final financial result.

Distribution channels may vary. In an era of innovative computer technology trade has long moved to the Internet - platforms. This business will be no exception. Meat, skins or live chinchillas can be sold in your own online store or displayed on well-known trading sites.

If the business is gaining global momentum, then it would be useful to order advertising. The following options can be used:

  • leaflets;
  • information in the press or on the radio;
  • Internet advertising.

Often the owners of chinchilla farms take part in fairs and exhibitions. This is one of the key points in business development. At these events, you can find useful connections, negotiate the purchase of new individuals or sell your product. You can also join a chinchilla breeding club. This will give status and prestige, make the seller a professional in the eyes of the buyer.

It also happens that businessmen work closely with fur factories. They sell their product directly, which benefits two parties:

  • the owner does not waste time looking for distribution channels;
  • fur factory receives high-quality fur at the best price.

But not everyone is lucky to establish such contacts and it takes years to establish links between the farm and the market.

When selling goods, you should always focus on price fluctuations in the fur market.

Benefits of breeding chinchillas

The main advantages of breeding these animals include:

  1. No unpleasant odor. These are very clean animals, they keep themselves clean.
  2. The fur is always flawless due to the lack of shedding. In the room, particles of chinchilla hair will also not soar, which is also a big plus when cleaning.
  3. The impressive value of the skin.
  4. Ease of animal care.
  5. Intolerance to food.

This business has no seasonality, it is relevant all year round. Also an advantage is moderate competition in this segment.

Is there a benefit?

It is definitely difficult to answer this question. It all depends on the skills of the owner and the chinchillas themselves, which should initially be marketable. If you follow the breeding rules, then this idea has every chance of turning into a gold mine. Due to the fact that chinchilla fur is very valuable and has a significant value, its sale will pay off all expenses and make a profit.

Animal meat also brings additional income. Belonging to the dietary menu makes it exceptional. The costs can hardly be called a penny, but comparing them with the final income, they do not seem so significant. The main item of expenditure will be the purchase of the chinchillas themselves. When it comes to purchasing rare species, you will need to pay extra.

Such a business does not take much time and can be used as an additional source of income. Often people of retirement age do it, because it brings not only a stable income, but also pleasure.

Many people think about starting their own business without having a lot of money. A very interesting, promising and low-cost option is to breed chinchillas as a business at home. This business will not only improve the state of your finances, but will also positively affect your mood. Daily communication with these cheerful and unpretentious animals will give you only positive emotions.

Chinchillas are raised in captivity for breeding and selling the animals themselves, for the sale of their fur and meat. Why you will breed your little animals - you choose.

Appearance of a chinchilla

Breeding animals of this rodent can cost up to $100. But even ordinary chinchillas cost from $50.

The fur of this rodent is highly valued and is one of the most expensive furs in the world. The value of this boundary is associated with a unique structure hair bulb chinchillas. In this animal, 70-80 very thin hairs grow from one hair follicle, due to this, a high density of fur is achieved.

In addition, the meat of these animals is valued as a dietary product. It is non-greasy, and its nutritional value is high. The meat of this rodent is considered curative for tuberculosis and sclerosis.

A little about chinchillas

This amazing rodent is native to the South American Andes. It is the difficult climate of the highlands that is to be thanked for the fact that these animals have such a unique and magnificent fur. Adapting to the difficult conditions of life in the mountains, these amazing animals managed not only to survive, but also to successfully reproduce.

But this fur not only allowed them to live in a difficult climate, but also led to the almost complete destruction of the population by the end of the 19th century. Jewelry and products made from chinchilla fur were valued so highly that only the most powerful and wealthy people could wear them.

But then they successfully learned to breed animals in captivity, and since then nothing threatens their population. The price of products made from their fur, although it remains quite high, has nevertheless become affordable for ordinary people.


If you keep several pairs of animals for breeding at home, then you do not need any documents. If you are going to organize a chinchilla breeding farm, then you will need the following documents:

  • registered ownership;
  • registration with the local veterinary service.

To register your ownership, you only need to register as individual entrepreneur, while you need to specify the following code of the all-Russian classification of species economic activity— 01.25.2 Breeding of fur-bearing animals on a farm.

Registration with the veterinary service is necessary to ensure that your animals have all the necessary veterinary documents upon sale.

Cages for chinchillas

A feature of chinchillas is the absence of sebaceous and sweat glands, so they are completely devoid of an unpleasant odor. These animals never scratch - they gnaw their claws. Therefore, the maintenance of 4-5 pairs does not present any difficulties at all, this can be done even in an ordinary apartment. In order to contain 25 pairs, you will need a separate room. Not very large, 4-5 square meters, this will be enough when placing the cages vertically.

The actual location of the premises for keeping chinchillas does not play a special role. The only important thing is the ability to maintain a stable temperature and lighting conditions. If animals are kept at your home, then you need to take care of good soundproofing of their premises. The fact is that the animals are nocturnal and, accordingly, need rest during the daytime and can disturb you at night.

Each pair needs a separate cage measuring at least 50x60x40 centimeters. It is important that the room can maintain the same temperature in both summer and winter - about 20 degrees. There should also be no drafts.

The room where the animals are kept must be ventilated 1-2 times a day and cleaned at least once every 2 days. Once a month, it is necessary to carry out a complete disinfection of the premises and cages where chinchillas are kept.

You can breed chinchillas both in private households and at home, on the balcony. For 20 individuals, it is necessary to allocate about 3 square meters of area. With all this, from two dozen females you can get up to a hundred cubs.

You can grow chinchillas both for the production of expensive fur and for breeding breeding individuals. The fur is valued for its density and pleasant appearance. Chinchilla coat weighs about 2 kg. The lightness of the skins is another advantage of breeding these animals.

It won't take much time or effort. Chinchillas do not exude odor, as there are no sweat and sebaceous glands. Fur sheds once a season. Animals do not bite, do not scratch, and gnaw their nails on their own.

Breeding chinchillas is quite simple, but certain conditions must be observed.

Room for chinchillas

The room with chinchillas should be well heated. The temperature must be maintained in the region of 16-24 degrees. Normally, there should be dryness and humidity.

There should be no drafts- the animals are very afraid of this. Nevertheless, do not forget to ventilate the room from time to time, and disinfect it every 2-3 months. In the summer, a cage with chinchillas should not be placed in the sun.

In the cage where the chinchillas are located, it is necessary to pour sawdust. The bedding is changed once a week.

The more often you change the water in the drinkers, the better. Otherwise, the animals may be poisoned. As for food, then, as mentioned earlier, we need feed and hay. Hay should be dry, without the smell of prettiness.

Feed animals preferably in the evening, since they sleep during the day, stay awake all evening and even night. Once a day is enough.

In vivo average duration Chinchilla life reaches 35 years. At