Athos: secret life. Athos monasticism in its past and present state

  • 29.09.2019

Greece is a country that has preserved the cultural wealth of the ancient world. Every corner in these parts is connected with the events of world history. A special halo of mystery surrounds the holy Mount Athos - a monastic abode for thousands of true believing Christians and a place of pilgrimage for millions of followers of religion. Prayed, miraculous and incredibly beautiful by nature, the land attracts tourists from all over the world.

The Thracians were the first to settle on the island of Athos in Greece. This happened 1000 years before the birth of Christ. Favorable natural conditions allowed them to lead a solitary lifestyle.

According to Thracian legend, the island got its name in honor of the mythical giant Athos. In a fight with Poseidon, the titan grabbed a rock and threw it at the enemy. However, Athos missed and the rock sank into the ground. This is how the future "Holy Greek Mountain" appeared.

Five centuries later, the first Greeks settled on the peninsula, bringing with them the beginnings of Greek culture. In the 7th century AD (691-692) this land was turned into an exclusively monastic monastery, and in 1144 it was officially awarded the title of "Holy Mount Athos".

These events were preceded by the appearance of a legend that tells about the journey of the Virgin Mary and the Apostle John the Theologian, which took place in 49. Their ship was nailed to the lands of the Greek island of Athos as a result of a powerful storm. Coming ashore, the Mother of God was so amazed by the beauty and atmosphere of the place that God gave this land under her protection. Since then, instead of the official name, the phrases “The Lot of the Virgin” or “The Garden of the Virgin” have often been heard from the lips of monks and pilgrims.

Geographical and political position of the island

Looking at the map, you will notice that the geographical contours of Athos also look special. He is integral part peninsula of Chalkidiki, very similar in outline to a hand with three fingers. The eastern “finger”, washed by the Aegean Sea and the Singitikos Gulf, is the Athos Peninsula.

It is noteworthy that the Orthodox Mount Athos in Greece served as a pretext for obtaining absolute sovereignty. Legally, this territory is independent of the Greek authorities and is in a self-governing position. Thus, Athos is a full-fledged monastic state, subordinate exclusively to church authorities, and specifically, to the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

Climate and nature in the vicinity of Mount Athos

Like the rest of the Mediterranean, Athos has a comfortable subtropical climate. The summer here is very long and the winter is not frosty. For pilgrims, autumn will be the best season: the summer heat will subside, and the cool rainy season of winter will not begin yet.

The island is surrounded by dense forests. Many have been preserved here rare species vegetation untouched by the influence of animals. The monks provide for their own needs, so extensive orchards, olive plantations and vineyards will please the eye. A drinking water is extracted from the purest high-mountainous sources.

Monasteries of Athos

The entire territory of the peninsula is divided into areas belonging to the monasteries. There are 20 monasteries on Athos, and according to the adopted charter, the formation of new settlements is strictly prohibited.

The monastic republic is self-governing, and every year the supreme representatives from 4 monasteries are elected (Holy epistasis). Thus, 5 monastic groups were formed:

  1. Great Lavra, Esfigmen, Xenophon, Dochiar.
  2. Caracallus, Vatopedi, Kutlumush, Stavronikita.
  3. Iversky, Simonopetra, Filofey, Pantokrator.
  4. St. Paul, Hilandar, Gregory, Xiropotam.
  5. Constamonite, St. Panteleimon, Dionysius, Zograf.

The status of the monastery not only ensures participation in power, but also gives the right to own the territory.

Among the Greek monasteries on Mount Athos, the Great Lavra, founded by Saint Athanasius in 963, is among the oldest. On its territory there is a monastery with ancient frescoes and many Christian relics. Among them are the miraculous icons "Economissa" and "Kukuzelissa", the cross and rod of St. Athanasius, the relics of saints and parts of the tree of the Cross of the Lord.

In addition to monasteries, there are 12 sketes on Mount Athos. These monastic settlements do not have any rights and depend on the monastery that owns the territory. In total, 1,500 monks live on the island.

Saints of Athos

Has the Holy Mountain of Greece and its heroes. There are many names in the list of revered saints who worthily passed the hardships of earthly life. The monks enthusiastically carried their faith and were ready to accept any torment. A vivid example of such an act is the story of the Monk Agapius.

He was a novice of an elder from the cell of the Holy Trinity. Once Agapius went down to the sea, but at that moment pirates landed on the shore. They seized the monk and took him to Magnesia, where they sold him into slavery to a Muslim. For 12 years, Agapius lived in hard work and constant prayers for salvation.

The Mother of God heard his requests and appeared. She loosened the chains, opened the doors and ordered the monk to flee to Athos. Agapius fulfilled the command and returned to the elder. However, he did not accept it. " You deceived the master, but you will not deceive God. At the hour of judgment, you will have to answer for those pieces of silver that he spent on your purchase. Return to the owner and serve him, and as the Lord blesses him, he will let you go. That's how you find your salvation"- these were the words of the wise old man.

Agapius obeyed the order. The Muslim was surprised at the return of the fugitive. Virtue and frantic faith of the monk struck the owner, so much so that taking his sons, he went with them and the former slave to the island of Athos. They accepted Orthodox faith and lived in humility and virtue until the end of their days.

Holy Mount Athos and Russian pilgrims

The first records of the Russian journey to Athos date back to the time of the Baptism of Russia, when the island was visited by St. Anthony of the Caves. He lived here for a long time, and then went to Kiev for missionary purposes, where he founded the first center of monasticism - the Pechersky Monastery.

As early as 1016, a Russian monastery was founded on the lands of Athos, but exact data about it have not been preserved. In the 12th century Russian monasticism received on Mount Athos the Russik monastery, which developed throughout the Middle Ages. Although sometimes it was quite difficult for the monks, and the monastery fell into complete decline.

Today, the center of Russian Orthodoxy on Mount Athos is the monastery of St. Panteleimon. Sometimes it is called: "Rossikon" or "New Russik". The skete of the Prophet Elijah and the skete of St. Andrew are also inhabited by Russians.

Women on Mount Athos

Women and children under 12 years of age are strictly forbidden to visit the Athos monastery of monks. The taboo was broken as a last resort: when the lives of women and children were in danger, they could take refuge in the church. Today, for penetrating Mount Athos, women face up to a year in prison.

Ladies can admire the views of the island from a distance of 500 meters. For this, special sea cruises are organized. From a comfortable steamer, slowly plying along the coast, you can see picturesque landscapes, ancient monasteries and the Sacred Mountain.

Visa to Athos

Men can get to the Orthodox mountain in Greece after obtaining a special permit called Diamonitirion.

An application for entry must be submitted one month before the visit. To do this, inform the Pilgrimage Bureau of the date of arrival and send a copy of the first page of the passport. The request is submitted free of charge, but the issued permit will need to be paid directly upon receipt in the city of Ouranoupolis (cost 25 euros).

The visa gives the right to stay on the territory of the peninsula for 4 days and spend the night in any of the monasteries. If desired, in Kary you can extend the validity of the permit. Accommodation in the monastery is free, but it is better to thank the monks for their hospitality by buying their souvenirs.

The application procedure can be simplified, because. many travel agencies offer the design of diamonitirion. True, such a service costs more than 100 euros.

How to get there?

The sacred Mount Athos in Greece is located on a part of the peninsula that is closed to the laity, so the path to it is not easy.

First you need to arrive on the Halkidiki peninsula. You can fly to Thessaloniki airport or get here from another city in Greece by bus, train or taxi. True, such a trip will not do without numerous transfers.

You can get from Halkidiki to Athos only through the seaport of Daphni. The path to this bay lies through the town of Ouranoupolis. Regular buses run from the bus station in Thessaloniki to Ouranoupolis. The price of a one-way ticket will be 12.5 euros. The trip will take from 2.5 to 3 hours. Deciding to order a taxi, you will reduce the time spent by 2 times, but pay 120-140 euros for the trip.

Arrive at Ouranoupolis early in the morning. In this city, you have to get permission to visit Athos, and have time to take a ferry or boat to Daphne. Therefore, it is better to leave by morning buses departing from Thessaloniki at 5.30 and 6.15. The issuance of permits starts at 7.30 am and the ferry departs at 9.45 am. Keep in mind that no one will let you on board without permission.

The ferry crossing will cost 8 euros and take 2 hours. Along with it, to Athos, where the holy mountain is located, boats of private cabs ply. They will take you to the place in just 20-30 minutes and charge 10-12 euros for it. But the speedboat ticket must be booked in advance.

Detailed map of the Athos Peninsula

The first idea of ​​what Athos looks like is given by a map of Greece and the Halkidiki peninsula. Let's now consider detailed diagram, which shows all the roads and monasteries on the territory of Athos.

First of all, we arrive at the port of Daphne - the sea gate of Athos on the map of Greece. They are marked with a red dot on the diagram. Pay attention to another large red circle. This is Carey - the administrative center of the monastic state. There are shops, a post office, cafes and other benefits of a new civilization. This is the only place that can be referred to as the city where the holy Mount Athos is located. All the rest that you will see are monasteries, sketes and cells where you can take a break from a long walk.

If you want to climb to the top of the mountain, then pay attention to the southern outskirts of the island. The place where the holy mountain is located is marked with a red triangle, and next to it we see an indicator of the height of Athos and the designation of the cell of Panagia.

Actually, the entire peninsula is a neighborhood of large monasteries and small sketes. You can get to some of them directly from the ferry mooring at their piers. Others can only be reached on foot. But what is the Athos of Greece? That's what it is constant search way.

Mystical places on the Holy Mountain

Like any territory, the Orthodox Mount Athos in Greece has its own secrets and mysteries.

So, in the highlands is the rock of Idolio. At the dawn of the settlement of the island, a large pagan temple was located here. The passage to this peak is strictly prohibited, although a trodden path leads to it. Numerous crosses are installed along it, protecting the Orthodox land from the penetration of evil spirits.

The locals also try to avoid the Mogul Skete, which was once located just above the Great Lavra. Today there is a rocky slab leaning into the sea at an angle.

According to legend, earlier there was a skete under it, consecrated in honor of Basil the Great. Strong strife began among his monks, and suddenly they heard the strongest roar of a rockfall. At that moment, a huge rock, towering 500 meters above their monastery, collapsed with a roar and swept away all traces of the skete, mired in strife. Only a deserted slab remained, where the roar of rockfalls is still heard.

Beaches and resorts in Athos

If you are planning a beach holiday, it will only be available in Ouranoupolis or Nea Roda. In the Orthodox part of the island it is strictly forbidden:

  • wear bright clothes;
  • bare legs and shoulders;
  • swim and have a sunbath;
  • swear;
  • filming video.

In addition, the daily routine established by the monks should be observed.

In the resorts, you will find both comfortable beaches and attractive wild areas, to which you will be delivered by a taxi.


On the territory of the sacred mountain, apart from monasteries, you will not find any other housing. But in the resort part, in Ouranoupoli or Nea Dora, you can easily find an inexpensive and comfortable hotel on Athos. The list of the best is usually noted:

  • Eaglespalace;
  • XeniaOuranopolis;
  • Alexandros Palace Hotel;
  • Hotel AKTI Ouranopoli Beach Resort.

A trip to Athos will delight not only with the amazing beauty of nature, but also with the peaceful atmosphere of the Orthodox land, which leaves in the soul of everyone its own unique and indescribable impressions.

In contact with


The place in the hierarchical ladder of Athos is determined not by the wealth and size of the monastery, but by its influence and time of foundation. Of the 20 monasteries, 17 are Greek, one Russian (St. Panteleimon), one Serbian (Khilandar) and one Bulgarian (Zograph).

Similar to the size and number of the monastic brotherhood of monasteries, the entire territory of the Holy Mountain is divided into 20 districts. The monasteries also own all the buildings of Athos, except for the village of Karyes - the control center of the Holy Mountain.

Athos monasteries have the status of "patriarchal stavropegial". This means that they are self-governing and are not subject to any other church authority, except for the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Stauropegial monasteries are obliged to cite the name of the Patriarch at divine services, to recognize for him the right to approve the abbot and other monastic authorities, the judicial and disciplinary authority; pay the Patriarchate annually certain contributions and give an account in economic affairs.


The monastic town of Kareia, the meeting place of the Holy Kinot, is located in the center of Athos and is its capital. Compounds (konaki) of nineteen monasteries were built here, in which antiprosops and epistates live, sitting in Kinot. Only one monastery - Kutlumush, due to its close proximity to Karei, does not have its own courtyard.

In addition to farmsteads, there are cells in Karey that depend on monasteries and are inhabited by monks-owners. The monks are engaged in crafts and make various items for sale.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of cells in Karey reached 120, and the population - 700 people. The Turkish kaymakam (manager) is also located here, with the police subordinate to him. At present, there are 82 cells in Karey, in which Greeks, Russians, Bulgarians, Serbs and Romanians live.

The cathedral church of Karei - the Assumption of the Mother of God - was painted in the 14th century by the famous icon painter of the Macedonian school of painting Manuil Panselin. It is also decorated with stunning icons of the 16th century, made by representatives of the Cretan school of icon painting.


In the picturesque area in the region of Karei, where the Skete of St. Andrew rises today, monastic cloisters appeared already in the first years of the existence of Svyatogorsk monasticism.

So, in a cell located a little higher than the Skete, the spiritual ancestor of all the Athonites, the Monk Athanasius, laid the foundation for his Athos monastic life, and in its place there was a monastery (monidria) “Xistry” or “Ksestu” mentioned from the 10th century.

The well-known history of this place begins with the arrival at the end of the 17th century of the ktitor, St. Athanasios Patelarius.

Saint Athanasius III, Patriarch of Constantinople, retired from the patriarchal throne early because of the unrest and disasters of that period. Being in the rank of Metropolitan of Thessalonica and frequently visiting the Holy Mountain, he acquired an ancient monidry here and built in its place a cell with a church in honor of St. Anthony, hoping to spend the rest of his life there. However, he was destined to end his earthly journey in Russia. He died in the Lubensky Transfiguration Monastery in 1654. He was buried in a sitting position, and his holy relics were found unchanged. Since then, glorified in the face of the Saints, he is known in Russia as Saint Athanasius of Lubensky Sedentary, Patriarch of Constantinople. At present, his relics are in the city of Kharkov.

Since that time, the cell, and subsequently erected Skete, solemnly celebrates the memory of St. Anthony the Great (January 17, old style). The patronal feast in honor of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called (November 30, old style) was added later.

In 1768, another former Ecumenical Patriarch Seraphim II destroyed the cell and built a new one in its place in honor of St. Anthony and St. Andrew. This cell was nicknamed "Seray", which means "palace" in Turkish, as at that time it was the largest and most beautiful in Karey. This name was then preserved for the Skete. From the cell, only the temple, located opposite St. Andrew's Cathedral, remains today.

In 1841, this cell was acquired by two Russian monks - elders Vissarion and Varsanofy - from the Vatopeda monastery, to which it belonged (and is still subordinate to Skit). In 1849, at their request, according to the charter of Patriarch Anfim VI of Constantinople, the cell was transformed into a cenobitic Skete, the first dikei (priest) of which was Hieromonk Vissarion.

From that moment began a rapid increase in the number of brethren and the construction of new buildings. In the center of the newly created Skete, a majestic Cathedral Church in honor of St. Andrew was erected (founded in 1867 and consecrated in 1900), where the frontal bone of the Apostle is kept.

The heyday did not last long. First World War and the revolution in Russia led to dire consequences. Skit's communication with Russia was interrupted; from Soviet Union the arrival of new novices was impossible. The number of brethren quickly decreased. In 1958, a fire destroyed the western part of the Skete buildings. In 1971, the last monk of the old brethren, Father Sampson, died.

In 1992, Greek-speaking brethren settled in Skete, and in 2001 new monks were added.

At present, the dikei of the Skete is the pro-abbot Ephraim.


Any Orthodox Christian who has reached the age of majority can be tonsured a monk. Whoever wants to be tonsured as a monk undergoes a more or less lengthy test (from one to three years), during which he is called a dokimos (novice). After tonsure, he is handed over to the elder for moral guidance in the ascetic life and completely submits to the will of his mentor and leader. According to the degree of moral perfection, the monks are divided into cassocks, manaites and schemniks.


As a rule, one of the Saturdays of Great Lent is chosen for tonsure. The tonsure ceremony takes place before dawn, immediately after the end of the service. At this time, the choir begins to sing the psalm preceding the tonsure, and the typikar accompanies the novice from the neighboring chapel to the cathedral church of the monastery.

The novice during the ceremony is dressed in flannel, long pants and socks, and all clothes are made of white wool. His head is not covered. In this form, he approaches the altar in order to declare that his only desire is to "put on Christ." Before this, the tipikar leads the novice to the center of the temple to kneel.

Then he brings him to the large icons of the lectern and the iconostasis, which he must kiss. At the end, the novice is handed over to the abbot, to whom he must bow and kiss his hand. The abbot holds a candle in his hands and leads him to Royal Doors where the ceremony is to take place. There, in absolute silence, the novice is asked numerous questions, the answers to which should convince all those present of the degree of his readiness to enter a new life. The questions asked concern a triptych of monastic life: renunciation of landed property, obedience and virginity.

At the end of this peculiar dialogue, they begin to read the Catechism, in in general terms tells about the unearthly life of a monk. The novice is reminded that he will have to give up personal freedom, from loved ones, from things and habits. “As a monk, you will remain hungry and thirsty, naked and outcast; many will scold and mock you. However, having endured all these hardships and difficulties, rejoice, great glory awaits you in heaven.

The reading of the Catechism ends with a question to the novice about whether he is aware of the full responsibility of the step being taken. After a positive answer, the reading of the three blessings begins.

In the first blessing, the clergyman wishes that God would become for the novice "an impregnable wall, a stone of patience, a reason for prayer, a source of determination and a companion in courage."

After the first blessing, the second is read. It is addressed to the Holy Trinity: "... Lord Almighty, do not disregard your humble servant (... such and such)." At this moment, the beneficiary gives the novice a new name, a monastic one.

The last blessing is pronounced when the tonsure is at the apogee of its holiness. It is addressed to the receptive Father with a request to provide protection to the newly tonsured. At the end of the blessing, shocked by the triumph of the rite, the monk listens: “Christ Himself is invisibly present here. Do you see that no one is forcing you to accept this schema? Do you see that you voluntarily want to be betrothed to the great angelic schema?

In conclusion, the rite of tonsure itself is carried out directly. The clergyman hands the monk scissors lying on the Holy Gospel. The scissors must pass three times from the hands of the monk to the hands of the recipient, and from him to the clergyman. The unhurried rhythm of this action emphasizes the free will of the monk, and also controls the stability of his feelings in front of the monastic schema. Taking scissors in his hands for the third time, the clergyman cuts the monk's hair in a cruciform manner, symbolically cutting off several hairs from his head.

At this moment, the choir sings “Lord have mercy” and the monk is dressed in a completely new robe, sewn for this ceremony. Then two more blessings are said, reminding the monk of his great calling.

The rite ends with the handing over to the newly tonsured lampada, cross and rosary, as well as blessings and hugs from the monastic brotherhood. The novice enters a new life, monastic life.


The signal for the beginning of the service, from the point of view of a layman, is served in a very curious way. A skillful ecclesiarch (head of the monastery church), first knocks out a trill on a hand beater, usually called “current”, while going around cathedral church. Then, on the bell tower, it alternately strikes the “heavy tree”, the “iron beater” and the “riveting”; ends it all with the ringing of the bells. All monks must come to church at this call.

The abbot and typikar observe the course of the service. Services in monasteries are long, especially on Sundays and holidays. "Vigils", as they are called, last about 12-14 hours. Each of the monks in the temple occupies a stasidia, a kind of standing chair, and, leaning his elbows on the armrests, listens to the service.

The most difficult thing during all-night vigils is the fight against sleep and fatigue. According to the rules of many monasteries, the ecclesiarch is supposed to go around the monks during night services and wake those who doze off by touching their shoulders.


The life of the monks on Mount Athos is entirely dedicated to Orthodox Church and passes mainly in prayer and service to God.

Time on Athos is determined by Byzantine clocks, which work differently at certain times of the year. The countdown begins at sunset, at which time the tower arrow is set at midnight. In the future, the whole system changes, adapting to the sunset. In May, the difference with European time is about 5 hours. Only in Iver the life of the monastery is built according to the Chaldean time reference system - from sunrise.

The Russian writer Boris Zaitsev, who visited Mount Athos in the late 1920s, described the weekday of the Panteleimon Monastery as follows: “... Matins in the Panteleimon Monastery begins at six in the morning - at one in the morning in our time. It lasts 4-4.5 hours. After it (hereinafter I think in European terms) there is a liturgy - until 6 o'clock, therefore, almost the whole night is spent on worship - characteristic Athos. Rest until seven. From seven to nine - “obedience”, for almost everyone, even very old people go to work if they are more or less healthy (to the forest, to vineyards, vegetable gardens ...). At nine in the morning - a meal. Then until one o'clock - again obedience. At one o'clock - tea and rest until three. Obedience - until six in the evening. Vespers are served in the churches from half past five to half past six. There are few monks at these services (daytime) - most are at work ... At six in the evening - the second meal, if it is not a fast day ... Following the second meal, they call for Compline, it lasts from seven to eight. Next comes the “cell rule,” that is, prayer with prostrations in the cell. After each short prayer the monk moves the rosary one ball and makes a bow from the waist. On the eleventh, large ball, he bows to the ground. Thus, a cassock monk (the lowest level of tonsure) makes six hundred belt bows daily, a manatee about a thousand, and a schemnik up to one and a half thousand (not counting the corresponding earthly ones). In the monastic language, this is called “pulling the canon”. The ryasofor pulls him for an hour and a half, the schemnik - up to three, three and a half. This means that the cassock is released around ten, the rest - around eleven. Until one o'clock, when Matins begins, and there is the monk's main sleep (two to three hours). Often one more is added to this morning hour and perhaps an hour in the middle of the day after tea. Since each monk also has his own time-consuming tasks, we must assume that the monks sleep no more than four hours, or even less ... "

The testimony of a Russian writer of the early 20th century reflects real life monastic community today. Throughout its thousand-year history, it has undergone minor changes.


The food of the monks of Athos is extremely poor and does not differ in great variety. Usually this is bread, vegetable oil, wine (not prohibited by the charter), olives, beans and vegetables. Fish appears on monastic tables only on holidays, and meat is forbidden by the monastic charter.

The monks eat in a large refectory, usually in Athos monasteries, narrow and long, decorated with paintings. The meal is the last act of the liturgy and an integral part of it. In the depths of the refectory there is a place for the abbot. Near long table there is a pulpit, which is occupied by a reader appointed in turn. All dishes are served at the same time, everything that is on the tables is consecrated, since no one eats the unconsecrated. The monks begin to eat after the corresponding sign of the abbot and finish at his gesture. It is characteristic that the table of the abbot is exactly the same as the table of the last cassock - all monks are equal in food.

The abbot is the first to leave the table, followed by all the rest in silence. At the door are a reader, a cook and a trapezar. They, bowing low, ask for forgiveness if something was wrong.

Finally, we note that on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday the monks eat twice: in the morning, after the liturgy, and in the evening. On other days (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) once, but not at the end of the morning liturgy, but at lunchtime.

Athos makes an indelible impression, and the first thing is that you find yourself in a different world, living without fuss, in a different dimension of time and space, but also closely connected with modernity. This is a part of Byzantium, which came down from antiquity with all the traditions and its main wealth - people.

Athos makes an indelible impression, and the first thing is that you find yourself in a different world, living without fuss, in a different dimension of time and space, but also closely connected with modernity. This is a part of Byzantium, which came down from antiquity with all the traditions and its main wealth - people.


“Where are you going to publish it? On the net? Then don’t take pictures of the monks! Only if from afar, so that the faces are not visible. They don’t want publicity,” monk Arseniy responds to a request to be allowed to write a report about the Vatopedi Monastery. He replaces the hegumen of the monastery, Archimandrite Ephraim, during his departure.

The Vatopedi Monastery is one of the most famous in Russia thanks to the Christian shrine, the belt of the Virgin, the bringing of which to Russia in 2011 was organized by Archimandrite Ephraim. Dozens of pilgrims come to the monastery to bow to the belt, and the monks can take out the belt to individual pilgrims if they entered Vatopedi on the way to another monastery.

The day of the monk is fully scheduled, no one spends time in idleness. Time is allotted for rest. With the ascetic nature of life, the monks are well aware of the events taking place outside the gates of the monastery and outside Athos, they have and do not hide their opinion about "actual events of our time."

Although the Greek clergy say that their business is only to pray and pray, they have a huge influence on politics. All politicians got it from the priests if their actions were at odds with religious traditions.

Visits of distinguished guests do not bring fuss to the monastic life, although, of course, preparations are underway for the arrival of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill. In Vatopeda, the visit of the political and spiritual leaders of the largest Orthodox country to the center of Orthodox monasticism they are interested: "When will they arrive? What is the program? When will they arrive on Athos?"

New technologies

For hundreds of years, Vatopeda, like other monasteries, has developed its own measured way of life, but at the same time, the influence of modernity is also visible. It has its own fire department and police - "you never know what will happen." The monks, if necessary, talk on the walkie talkie. Many have modern facilities communications - mobile phones, smartphones, Internet, e-mail.

“The main thing is how to use them. The main thing is not to harm. We have restrictions - you can’t use mobile phones in church, at a meal,” said one of the monks. So there are hours when the monk will not answer the call.


Modern means of communication coexist with millennial marble tables in the refectory. According to legend, the marble tables were removed from the Studion Monastery in Constantinople after the fall of the capital of the Byzantine Empire and its capture by the Turks. The shape of the tables resemble icons - semicircular on one side and flat on the other.

The paintings on the walls were made at the end of the 18th century - "December 24, 1786," ​​as one of the inscriptions says.

In the monastery during Great Lent there is only one meal a day, at other times there are usually two - after the morning and after the evening prayer. It is forbidden to talk and make noise at the table, food is taken under prayer, and after it is completed, food is no longer touched.

There is no meat on the monastery menu, but fish, if these are not days of fasting, is not prohibited. Water, apple cider vinegar and monastery wine are always on the table - it is not forbidden to drink it in moderation. Food is served with bread, potatoes, rice, onions, feta cheese, seasonal vegetables and fruits - cucumbers, oranges, kiwi, medlar, on holidays - pies and dessert. Although everything is no frills, the monks and pilgrims who eat with the monks do not remain hungry.

The pilgrims help the monks both set the tables and clean up after the meal.


Dozens of pilgrims visit the monastery every day. Many come to Athos more than once - it makes too much impression. Those who arrive are led to the refectory so that they do not remain hungry from the road.

The monks show the monastery to the pilgrims and tell its history. There are many Greeks, Romanians, Moldavians and Russians among the pilgrims. Although the monastery is Greek, it has both Russian and Romanian monks.

Pilgrims are settled in cells, which are not much different from an ordinary inexpensive hotel.


More than one and a half thousand manuscripts, several thousand old books are stored in the monastery. Among the most famous manuscripts is "Geography" by Claudius Ptolemy of the XI century. Visitors are shown its facsimile edition, as well as the books of Emperor John VI Kantakouzenos.

Not all monks can work in the library - special permission from the monastery leadership is required in order to be allowed access to books and manuscripts. Many books of the 11th-13th centuries are difficult to read. “There were problems with calligraphy then, but then they began to pay attention to it and write better. You have to learn to read these manuscripts,” says the monk in charge of the library and museum of the monastery.

The archive of the monastery is also stored here - records of the life of the monastery from the beginning of its foundation. Possibly to be published big story Vatopedi monastery, says a monk from the publishing department. According to him, at the beginning of the 20th century, the story was prepared by one of the monks for publication, but then it was not possible to fulfill the plan.

The publishing department is now publishing the collected works of Maxim Grek. His manuscripts, kept in Russian archives, are being translated from Old Church Slavonic into Greek. "Not all of Maxim Grek's works have been published in Russia. We have found some unknown works. They will be translated from Old Church Slavonic into Russian and will be published in Russian for the first time," the source said.

Much has been written about the Vatopedi Monastery. “But sometimes you read stuff like that and you don’t know where it came from,” he says.


There is also a school on Athos - Afoniada. It was founded on the initiative of the Vatopedi Monastery, and is located in St. Andrew's Skete.

Its official name is the Athos Theological Academy, but boys study there after the 6th grade. Now about 50 children study at the school, not only from Greece and Cyprus, but also from other countries. There are also a few guys from Russia. Now their holidays have already begun, and most of the schoolchildren have gone home.

All classes are in Greek. In addition to the "ordinary" school subjects, theology, Byzantine music, and iconography are taught here; there are also sports activities - the guys play volleyball, basketball, one of the students said.

“Half of our schoolchildren dream of becoming monks,” he added.

One Faith

I returned to Thessaloniki with the Italian Michalis. He came to Athos to be baptized into Orthodoxy, and stayed in the monastery for a week. At baptism he was given the name Michalis.

"Now there is only one religion left - Orthodoxy," Michalis said. According to him, he will definitely return to Athos.

The day on the Holy Mountain is determined by the Byzantine clock, which changes depending on the time of year, so that zero hours falls on sunset. Only the Iberian Monastery adheres to a somewhat different system, counting the hours from sunrise (the Chaldean system).

A full day is divided in monasteries into three eight hours, each of which is devoted to prayer, work and rest.


"... where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them"

Monastic prayer is both general and personal. The monks offer a common prayer all together during various services in the main temple and chapels. The most famous common prayers are Vespers, Compline, Midnight, Matins and divine liturgy, the duration of which increases during various holidays and especially vigils. Almost all services take place at night, when the laity are resting or entertaining.

Athos monks especially revere the Mother of God, who, as mentioned above, is considered the only mistress of the Holy Mountain. The basis of personal prayer is a short (monologic) prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ. have mercy on me". The rosary is also repeatedly used.


In the monasteries, the monks, who currently number about 1,700, are engaged in different kind works that place prostamens on them. These are the care of worship and the preservation of regalia, the service of brothers and pilgrims, etc. It should be noted that the rather limited number of monks in most of the Athogorsk monasteries is disproportionate to the significant number of jobs, and often one monk is forced to perform two or even more of them. Therefore, many monasteries are forced to recruit, mainly outside the monastery, lay people.

Here are some of the monastic services:

Gatekeeper lives in a special room inside the large monastery gates. He carefully checks the permission to stay in the monastery for various visitors and takes them to the archontarik (guest quarters).

Archontar provides pilgrims with food and takes care of their lodging for the night. Sometimes another monk helps him - paraarchontar.

The bell ringer strikes the beater or rings the bell, announcing church services and holidays.

Churchman (clerk) responsible for preparing the temple for service.


Vimatar stores the holy relics in the Holy Altar and retrieves them for pilgrims who wish to venerate them.

tipikar serves at the rites in the temple and indicates to the chanters troparia and passages from Holy Scripture.

Reader reads passages from Holy Scripture in the temple and at a common meal.

trapeznik is responsible for the meal and preparation for it.

Cook prepares food in the monastery kitchen. Baker bakes bread in the oven.

Dohiar manages the bins.

Brother of Mercy takes care of sick monks in the hospital.


Gyrocom cares for the elderly, who can no longer work and move around without assistance. The hospital and nursing home are in the same building.

Librarian holds the keys to the library for which he is responsible.

Sacristan elected for the sacristy, in which they are mainly kept

monastery treasures. Usually there are several sacristans in the monasteries, each of whom has his own special key.

Synodikar is responsible for the synodikon, in which prostamens of monasteries gather for meetings.

Prosmonar takes care of miraculous icon Virgin Mary and her chapel, sings prayers and accepts offerings from pilgrims.

Vordanar takes care of the stables and barnyard.

Arsanar permanently resides at the pier (arsan) or comes there in case of a particular need and receiving orders for the monastery.


Monastery meal

The diet of Athos monks is generally very modest and is limited mainly to bread, vegetable oil, wine, olives, legumes and vegetables. For hermits living in the Desert, food is brought or left by passers-by, usually dry bread and olives.

In the monasteries of Athos, an old custom has been preserved to show hospitality to everyone who comes here. Many pilgrims and workers, especially during the summer months, receive shelter and food on Athos for free.

In this article we will talk about one of the most amazing and beautiful places on the globe. Do you know what country Mount Athos is in? What is she famous for? Who inhabits it? We will try to answer these and many other questions now.


Now let's see where Mount Athos is located on the map. On the northern coast of the Aegean Sea, in Greece, there is an unusually shaped peninsula resembling a hand with three fingers. This is Halkidiki. Its easternmost "finger", which stretches for more than sixty kilometers, is Athos. From the east, it is washed by the waters of the deep-water bay of Ierisu. In the west, the dark blue waters of the Singitikos Bay carry their dark blue waters. To the north is the isthmus of Xerxes, and nearby is the famous town of Ouranoupolis. Pilgrims who are interested in Mount Athos (Greece) pass through it. Its height is 2033 meters.

How to get there?

It is located in such a way that it can only be reached by sea, having bought a ticket for a ship going to Daphnia Bay, where the port is located. From here, along the highway, you should get to Karei (this is the administrative center of the monastic republic). Since storms occur here quite often, pilgrims who know where Athos (mountain) is located often take a shorter route here - through Ouranoupolis. And now let's move on to the most interesting - the history of this place.

History of Mount Athos

Since ancient times, the Athos peninsula was inhabited by Greek tribes. All the main sea routes that connected Greece with the East passed through it.

Documentary evidence of the existence of small towns on the peninsula (which appeared 1000 years before the birth of Christ) has been preserved. The works of the great historians of antiquity (Thucydides and Herodotus) mention the names of some of them, such as Olofixos, Fyssos, Kleone, Dion, Apollonia, Acroathos. The exact location of these settlements has not yet been established.

When the first ascetics arrived on Athos, the cities that had previously been in their prime (the population was 10,000 people) were deserted.

Athos - holy mountain

Since the birth of monasticism, the brothers quite often settled in the mountains and, thanks to their ascetic activity, called these places holy. They were in Egypt, Palestine, Asia Minor, Syria. Most of them left either a few monasteries, in which a few monks live, or the ruins of buildings that testify to the former greatness of these places.

Monasticism on Mount Athos

An ancient church tradition says that the Mother of God herself began to preach Christianity on Athos, who took this place under her protection.

Now it is difficult to say when the first monks appeared on Mount Athos. Researchers believe that the first Christians took refuge from persecution in the forests of the peninsula. Barbaric enemy raids, constant persecution destroyed almost all documents that could shed light on First stage life of the monastic republic. Numerous legends partly fill this vacuum. Naturally, they cannot serve as serious evidence for scientists. Nevertheless, many researchers believe that the first monks of the holy mountain (Athos was just such a place) appeared during the time of Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine.

According to legend, Constantine the Great planned to build a new capital of the Roman Empire on the Athos Peninsula. The work on drawing up urban plans was already in full swing when Mark, the bishop of this area, came to the emperor. He told Konstantin that the Mother of God herself had chosen this place. The pious emperor abandoned his idea, in addition, he built on Athos three magnificent temples in honor of the Mother of God near the settlements, on the site of which today the Vatopedi and Iberian monasteries, Kareya are located. Later they were destroyed by Julian the Apostate.

Constantine sent the inhabitants of Athos to the Peloponnese peninsula. There is another version that the resettlement was carried out later by Emperor Pogonat.

"Women are not allowed to enter!"

This is the main ban that has been in force in the monastic republic since 422. It was at this time that the daughter of Emperor Theodosius wanted to enter, but she was stopped by a voice coming from the icon. Mother of God. From that moment on, not a single woman was on the mountain.

In the 7th century, after the conquest of Palestine, Syria and Egypt by Muslim Arabs, the monks had to leave these lands. Most of them moved to Athos. The monks, who were persecuted by the iconoclast emperors, also found shelter there.

Since the 9th century, this place has become one of the main monastic centers of the East. The monks of Mount Athos took an active part in the work of XVII. At that time, Athos monasticism already had three forms of existence - skete, coenobitic (coenobitic), and hermit.

At first, the monks lived next to the laity, but by the 9th century, the last farmers and shepherds had left the peninsula. In 883, Emperor Basil I issued a decree in which he approved the peninsula as a place of residence only for monks. It should be noted that Athos (the holy mountain) lives by the rules that have never changed, right up to our time.

Reverend Athanasius

This man laid the foundations of monasticism on Mount Athos. Saint Athanasius was distinguished not only by his piety, but also by numerous virtues, but also by his outstanding abilities as an organizer. The Great Lavra under his leadership became an exemplary monastery; dozens of monasteries were later organized in his likeness.

Young men from all over the world, learning where Athos (mountain) was, went to the Monk Athanasius, wanting to receive spiritual guidance. Both commoners and representatives of noble families traveled here. 2,500 monks from Athos came to the funeral of St. Athanasius.

Golden Age of Athos

This period belongs to the XIV century. The holy mountain began to bear spiritual fruit, its fame spread throughout Christianity throughout the world.

Athos became the center of the hesychast revival. This current developed in two directions: in hermitage and cenobitic monasticism.

At this time, the sketes of John the Baptist and St. Anna appear.

Holy Mountain in the 20th century

From 1910 to 1971, the number of inhabitants on Athos significantly decreased - from ten thousand to one thousand two hundred people, and their average age reached 55 years. Many researchers believed that the end of Athos was approaching, and projects were put forward to turn this holy place into a huge tourist center with a museum complex. The elders and ascetics could not find young followers, there was a threat of stopping the thousand-year tradition, which was passed down from generation to generation. Huge sketes and monasteries were depopulated and began to collapse.

But unexpectedly, even for optimists, the unforeseen happened - Mount Athos began to revive. Today the number of monks exceeds 1800 people.

The life of the monastic republic

Along the peninsula where Athos (mountain) is located, twenty ancient monasteries are built on the cliffs, which are very reminiscent of medieval castles. Every pilgrim is amazed by their beauty and grandeur. In addition, there are twelve sketes on the territory of Athos, a large number of cells, huts and kalivs of hermits.

The statute of a monastic republic forbids the establishment of its territory divided into regions. Each of them belongs to one of the monasteries.

This division is determined not only by property privileges, but also by legal obligations. Every year, representatives of the four monasteries draw up the law of the executive power of Athos. Every year they elect a representative who is part of the supreme body of self-government (Holy Kinot) of the monastic republic.

On the holy mountain, the statutes of cohabitation and hermitage have been preserved in their original form. Pilgrimage to hermitages and monasteries can fill the heart with light and joy.

Monasteries of Athos

Today there are twenty monasteries on this land. Although the charter does not provide for an increase in their number, if necessary, it is allowed to create new sketes and cells.

The monasteries on Athos are distinguished by a hierarchical system, determined not by the size of the temple or its wealth, but by the degree of influence and the time of foundation.

Monastery of the Great Lavra

This is the oldest building on Mount Athos. It is also called the Lavra of St. Athanasius. The foundation of the monastery dates back to 963. It was organized by Saint Athanasius. The most valuable relic of the monastery is an ancient manuscript, which contains the names of the first monks, as well as a handwritten, in a gold frame, Gospel, the personal cross of St. Athanasius.

Monastery Vatopedi

This home is by the sea. Of her treasures, one should note a belt with icons of the Virgin, miraculous among which are the Uncle, Ktitorskaya, Sacrifice. The library of the monastery contains about two thousand manuscripts and more than 35 thousand documents.

Zograf Monastery

Another ancient monastery Athos. According to legend, it was founded by three Bulgarian brothers, descendants of the royal family. In 1873, a monument was erected in the courtyard of the monastery at the place where they met painful death 26 monks burned alive by the Latins in 1276.

Monastery of St. Paul

It is impossible not to say a few words about the monastery of St. Paul, which is located in the southeast of Athos. After the Turkish repressions in early XIX centuries, the inhabitants left the monastery and returned to it thanks to the help of the Russian tsars. The monastery was built in the X century. It was badly damaged in a fire in 1902.

Monastery of St. Panteleimon

The monastery has another name - "Russik". It appeared on Mount Athos at the beginning of the 11th century, when the first Russian monks came here. In the 19th century it had over 1,000 inhabitants. The relics of St. Panteleimon. Two thousand manuscripts and more than 20,000 Greek, Russian and Slavic books have been preserved in the richest library of the monastery.

All are amazing treasures of Byzantine iconography. The inhabitants protect rare frescoes and wall paintings, priceless icons and holy relics. They not only protect, but also increase the spiritual wealth of Orthodoxy.

The most revered icons on Mount Athos with the image of the Mother of God are Portaitissa (Goalkeeper) and Gerontissa (Staritsa). They can be worshiped in the monasteries of Iviron and Pantokrator. Mount Athos lives as if out of time. It does not seduce the laity with the temptations of the sinful life of the laity.

Now you know where Athos is located - a mysterious and beautiful mountain. If you get the chance, be sure to visit this amazing place.