How to insulate a concrete floor: choose materials. How to insulate a concrete floor in a private house Concrete floors how to insulate

  • 20.06.2020

For a comfortable and warm stay in the house, it is necessary to come close to the issue of its insulation. And this applies not only to the walls, but also to the floor. Today in the assortment there is a wide selection of products that are suitable for floor insulation under a concrete screed. It is necessary to choose a suitable insulation taking into account the type of surface (this is concrete) and operating conditions.

Overview of materials

To isolate the floor under a concrete screed, you can choose the most perfect option because the range of products is very diverse. It is most convenient to apply.

Mineral wool

This heat insulator is distinguished by its environmental friendliness, resistance to moisture. Mineral wool has a fibrous structure, so that it will not let heat and noise pass through it. But the material has a drawback, which is the absorption of moisture, as a result of which the cotton wool begins to rot.

In the photo - mineral wool

But mineral wool, even when high, is not very strong and rigid, so it will not be able to withstand high pressure. Insulation is used for thermal insulation of a concrete floor along logs or as an auxiliary layer for hydro and vapor barrier. But what are the properties and characteristics of mineral wool, is described in detail in this

glass wool

In the manufacture of this material, quartz sand, calcium borate and soda are used. Glass wool has long been actively used in the field of construction. She went to all environmental requirements, is not amenable to combustion, does not emit harmful components. In addition, glass wool is also an excellent insulation through which sounds and heat do not pass.

In the photo - glass wool for flooring on concrete

Its only disadvantage is its low mechanical strength. Glass wool is great for concrete floor insulation. And also she indispensable assistant for thermal insulation of vertical surfaces. But what are, the information from the article will help to understand.

gypsum fiber

On sale, the material is presented in the form of plates, which differ in size. They are equipped with folds, which simplifies the bonding process. The installation process of the material is notable for its simple.

In the photo - gypsum fiber for the floor on concrete

After the subfloor has been laid, you need to wait until it dries thoroughly, and only then proceed to the finish. The only negative material is the high price.

Styrofoam and extruded polystyrene foam

These two thermal insulators provide excellent protection for the home from cold, moisture and steam. They are characterized by high rigidity, so that they are not affected by deformation. The disadvantages include the fragility of the release of harmful substances into the surrounding air.

In the photo - extruded polystyrene foam

Expanded clay

This insulation is obtained by influencing high temperatures on special grades of clay. It is poured onto the required surface, and then a semi-dry or wet floor screed is performed. Expanded clay is a heat insulator, which is characterized by environmental friendliness, low heat conductivity and vapor permeability. But what are the characteristics of expanded clay concrete wall panels, detailed in this

In the photo - expanded clay for warming the concrete floor:

Its disadvantages include fragility and moisture absorption, so before installing it, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing. In addition, expanded clay is a heavy material, as a result of which an additional load is created on the foundation and the ceiling of the house.

Sprayed heaters

This group of materials includes ecowool, penoizol. They have a foam structure, and are applied to the concrete surface using special equipment.

In the photo - sprayed heaters

The advantages of such heaters are that they are quickly and easily laid, a monolithic surface is obtained. But the noise-absorbing and heat-preserving abilities are many times higher than other popular heaters. But how it is used is described in great detail in this article.

Which is better to choose

Today, when insulating the floor under a concrete screed, penoplex is most often used. This insulation has high strength, as well as a number of other characteristics due to which it is so popular:

  • does not absorb water, does not pass steam;
  • resists mechanical damage;
  • ease of installation and handling;
  • does not react to the influence of chemical components;
  • does not emit harmful components into the atmosphere, it is completely safe for human life.

The installation process with penoplex is quick and easy. It is necessary to lay out the insulation sheets on the floor surface, and then fix them with glue. At the same time, make sure that there is no gap between the plates of the material. All installation must be carried out butt-to-butt.

When the laying has been completed, it is mono to apply another layer of insulation. Using penoplex, it becomes possible to refuse to perform waterproofing, because the material has good indicators given parameter. After that, you can move on to finishing.

On the video, which insulation is better for the floor under the screed:

It is possible to carry out floor insulation under a concrete screed using roll materials. Read more about gender in our article.

The most common and affordable are the following types:

  • cork mats;
  • isolon or penofol.

The thermal insulation of the concrete floor is based on the use of cork mats and underlays. These materials serve as a kind of addition to the existing insulation. But they cannot act as an independent heat insulator. Cork mats are produced with a thickness of 3-10 mm, due to which installation can be carried out under any coating - laminate, parquet.

Manufacturers and prices

It is not difficult to insulate a concrete floor today, since the range of thermal insulation materials is very large. But you can trust in terms of choosing a quality one only from the following manufacturers:

  1. Ecomix(extruded polystyrene foam) - the price is 1300 rubles per package.
  2. Isolon(foil insulation) - the price is 1200 rubles per roll.
  3. Paroc(mineral wool) - the price is 800-850 rubles.
  4. rockwool(mineral wool) - the price is 1000 rubles.
  5. Neman(glass wool) - the price is 1200 rubles.

Insulation is one of the important processes in the field of construction, with which you can make any home warm and cozy. When choosing a material for thermal insulation of a concrete floor, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the material, its thermal conductivity, moisture permeability and service life.

Extruded polystyrene foam brand "Penoplex", due to its excellent characteristics, is becoming the most popular insulation for interfloor and attic floors as well as for walls and partitions. This material is suitable for almost any coating, as well as for mounting a “warm floor” system on top of it.

Do-it-yourself floor insulation with penoplex under the screed can be done by understanding the technology of work. And the device of such insulation is quite acceptable both for a private house and for an apartment located on any floor. Penoplex is a lightweight material, and in combination with a screed that will not be too thick, it will slightly weight the floor without causing any damage to the overall structure.

Experts have proven that up to 10% of heat escapes through the floors of a private house, and this figure is quite impressive, especially if you translate it into a monetary equivalent. To avoid annual extra costs for heating, it is better to invest in insulation material once, which will quickly pay off, since the amount of monthly payments for the use of energy carriers will be significantly reduced.

The technology of insulation of the concrete surface "Penoplex" differs from the thermal insulation of the floor on the ground and requires a different approach.

Penoplex can insulate both the floor on a concrete base and the floor on the ground. Technologies at the same time are quite different and require a different approach. But first, a few words about the thermal insulation material itself.

What is Penoplex

"Penoplex" - insulation material from the category of extruded polystyrene foam. It is made in several versions, each of which is designed for thermal insulation. various surfaces and elements of the building, that is, the choice of material must be done correctly.

"Penoplex" - one of the best modern heaters

This insulation has a special marking indicating its most important technical characteristics, on which the scope of the material depends. Penoplex are marked 31, 31C, 35, 45 and 45C, but not all varieties are suitable for floor insulation, but only those that have a sufficiently high density - 35 and 45.

"Penoplex - 35" in fact, it is universal and is used for thermal insulation of foundations, external walls and floors. This type of insulation has the following characteristics:

  • sufficiently high density - 28 ÷ 38 kg / m³;
  • low thermal conductivity: the coefficient is only 0.030 W/m×° WITH;
  • low hygroscopicity - 0.4% of the total volume in 24 hours, and moisture absorption during the test it was noted only during the first 10 hours;
  • combustibility is designated as G1. This is a very high indicator of resistance to fire, and since a heat-resistant concrete screed will be laid on top of the insulation, the material will be completely fireproof ;
  • the noise absorption of this material reaches 41 dB;
  • the tensile strength of "Penoplex - 35" is 0.4 ÷ 0.7 MPa;
  • operating temperature range from -50 to +75 degrees .

Prices for Penoplex


This type of expanded polystyrene is well suited for insulating a concrete floor under a screed. If desired, the "warm floor" system can be laid on the insulation.

"Penoplex - 45" has the highest density of all varieties of this material and is perfect for warming the floor of a private house on the ground. By the way, it is even used as a heat insulator for runways and road surfaces.

Penoplex 45 has the following technical characteristics:

  • density 40.1 ÷ 47 kg/m³;
  • its hygroscopicity is even lower - only 0.2% of the total volume per day, and all moisture absorption also limited to only the first 10 hours of the test;
  • fire resistance is designated as G4, but if the insulation is arranged under a heat-resistant coating, then this no longer matters much;
  • the tensile strength of "Penoplex - 45" is 0.4-0.7 MPa;

Otherwise, the technical characteristics are the same as those indicated above.

There is another gradation of types of insulation - according to the field of application. This marking is usually indicated on the packaging:

From this line for floor insulation come T Three types of heat insulator:

  • "Penoplex Foundation", which has a density of 29 ÷ 33 kg / m³ and is excellent not only for insulating foundations, but also for floors in residential and basement premises. The heat insulator has high moisture resistance, has good heat and sound insulation qualities, therefore it is suitable for installation on a concrete and soil prepared surface . Quite accessible.
  • "Penoplex 45", which was already mentioned in the article, allows you to insulate floors in residential premises, garages, as well as the surface of flat roofs .
  • "Penoplex Comfort", the density of which is 25 ÷ 35 kg / m³, is widely used for warming any surfaces in interior spaces residential buildings and apartments, and even rooms with high humidity. It is quite possible to insulate them with floors in a private house, if a rigid base is arranged under it .

Ordinary polystyrene foam can also be used for floor insulation. Some homeowners choose it, since the price is significantly lower than Penoplex. However, one should not forget about the serious difference in the technical characteristics of these materials. To clearly see that extruded polystyrene foam is much more suitable for floor insulation, it is worth comparing the parameters of both materials:

Material parametersExtruded polystyrene foam (EPS)Styrofoam
Thermal conductivity (W/m oC)0.028 ÷ 0.0340.036 ÷ 0.050
Vapor permeability (mg/m×h×Pa)0.018 -
Water absorption in 24 hours in % of volume0.2 0.4
Static bending strength MPa (kg/cm²)0.4÷10.07 ÷ 0.20
Compressive strength 10% linear deformation, not less than MPa (kgf/cm²)0.25 ÷ 0.50.05 ÷ 0.2
Density (kg/m³)28 ÷ 4515 ÷ 35
Operating temperatures-50 to +75

It should be noted - despite the fact that the characteristics of these materials differ from each other, the process of warming them is exactly the same.

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The technology of floor insulation "penoplex" under the screed

As mentioned above, the insulation technology will directly depend on the base surface on which the entire floor structure with a screed will be laid. Therefore, it is worth considering various options.

Insulated concrete floor

If we talk about the insulation of the concrete floor in apartments, then there is a difference in the technologies for thermal insulation of the floors of the first floor and all subsequent ones.

In apartments located above the basement, the floors are always colder. In addition, there is a risk of dampness and mold, so do work for thermal insulation is recommended even before moving into a new home. These rooms use more layersvarious materials that prevent cooling of the room, as well as protect it from moisture penetration.

The first thing to do before moving on to the main work is to thoroughly prepare the surface. It is carried out in the same way for the concrete floors of apartments, regardless of the floor.

Surface preparation

This stage of work, although not considered the main one, is extremely important, and the process must be taken seriously.

  • The first step is to clean the surface of the old flooring, the remnants of the glue on which it was laid, or the “blobs” of concrete mortar that have hardened on separate sections of the floor.

It is very important to thoroughly clean the entire surface, otherwise the concrete growths will interfere with the laying of the insulation material.

  • Then, all debris from the floor is removed, and the dust from the surface is swept to clean concrete.

  • Next, all holes and recesses are sealed - this work can be done using special repair putties. Deep flaws will be more profitable to repair with mounting foam.

After the foam has hardened, the protruding excess is cut off flush with the floor surface.

  • Next, the entire surface of the floor must be carefully primed. special composition deep penetration.

The primer on the surface should dry well. In the case of obvious rapid absorption of the soil, it is applied in several layers, each time - after the previous one has completely dried.

It is also necessary to prime the walls to a height of 150 ÷ ​​200 mm, since either a waterproofing material will be fixed on this part of their surface.

  • After the final drying of the surface, it must be leveled self leveling composition. In the event that the surface is mostly flat and only in some places there are recesses and drops, then the alignment is carried out precisely in these areas of the floor.

  • If the insulation will be carried out in the apartment on the first floor, then the floor and the lower part of the walls are recommended waterproof. To do this, it is best to use roofing material, which is laid on the mastic in a hot way or on a “cold” one. bituminous mastic(maklovitsa). The waterproofing material should go on the walls by 120 ÷ 150 mm.

On the ground floor, this process is mandatory, but waterproofing can also be carried out on the upper floors - it will reduce the likelihood of a possible flooding of the apartment below in the event of an accident on the water supply.

  • Further, along the entire perimeter of the room, at the junction of the floor and wall, a damper tape is glued. It can be bought ready-made or cut independently from foamed polyethylene with a thickness of 7 ÷ 80 mm. The glued tape should be 50 ÷ 70 mm higher than the future screed. The damper tape is necessary to compensate for the expansion of the screed during temperature changes and to prevent deformation of the coating.

floor insulation process

Since the installation of insulation on waterproofing material is different from installation on an open prepared concrete floor, some stages of work will differ.

This diagram clearly shows what sequence the layers of the concrete floor insulated with Penoplex should have.

1 - flooring - it can be linoleum, parquet, laminate or ceramic tiles.

2 - a layer of concrete screed.

3 - reinforcing mesh.

4 - waterproofing layer.

5 - insulating layer " Penoplex»

6 – concrete slab overlap.

A semi-dry base can be laid on a base insulated with foam or a regular, “wet” screed can be poured, so the sequence of layers can be slightly changed.

If a waterproofing material is applied or laid on the surface, then "foam" is laid on top of it. In the event that the installation will be carried out on a leveled concrete surface, the heat-insulating material is laid on a bed of cleaned sand.

For example, consider the process of creating an insulated floor with polystyrene foam using semi-dry screed technology:

IllustrationBrief description of the operation to be performed
In this case, the insulation will be laid on a concrete floor.
If any pipe or an insulating box with wires passes along its surface, then first a heater is laid on top, and a mark is made in width and depth at the place where the communication passes.
Then, a groove is drawn and cut out, in which the pipe will be placed during installation.
But before finally laying the insulation in place, the concrete surface is leveled with clean sand or a sand-cement mixture, the thickness of which should be 1.5 ÷ 2 mm.
It is necessary then to fill in the small irregularities of the floor.
Insulation sheets are laid on top of the cement-sand mixture.
They are slightly pressed forward and backward along the poured layer, thereby leveling the filling under them and creating adhesion between the surfaces over the entire area of ​​the panel.
Such backfilling is done sequentially, on the floor areas for two or three slabs. Next, heat-insulating plates are laid, and then the same backfilling is carried out on the next section.
Work continues in the same order until the entire surface of the floor is covered with styrofoam boards.
Having completed the installation of the insulation boards, reinforcing mesh cards with cells of 80 ÷ 100 mm are overlapped on top of them.
Reinforcing cards are interconnected by wire, the ends of which are removed under the metal bars of the grid.
Next, you need to make a semi-dry mixture for the screed.
It is convenient to mix the solution directly on the insulated floor, after laying sheets of plywood or thick cardboard on it.
A certain amount of dry composition is poured out of the bags onto an impromptu flooring, and then a recess is made in the center of the slide with a shovel.
Water is poured into the recess, according to the proportions indicated on the package.
After that, with the help of shovels, a solution is kneaded, which should not be too dry, but also not spread over the surface.
During kneading, the dry mixture is constantly sprayed around with water to reduce the amount of rising dust.
The mixed mass, when compressed in a fist, should not crumble, however, and not be so wet that water oozes out of it.
At the next stage, the finished solution is distributed over the reinforced surface with a shovel.
This layer should have a thickness of 10-15 mm.
After filling the entire floor area with it, the mixture is trampled down or rolled with a metal roller.
Further, the reinforcing mesh must be raised to the top of the poured mixture. To do this, the mesh is picked up with your fingers, slightly lifted and released.
Thus, the reinforcing cards on the entire surface of the floor are on top of the semi-dry cement mixture.
After that, the entire surface is again trampled down or rolled with a roller.
If it was planned to lay the underfloor heating cable under the main layer of the screed, then it's time to install it.
The cable must be solid.
It is carefully unwound and laid according to a pre-planned pattern with a calculated step between the loops.
The cable is neatly fixed to the reinforcing mesh using wire or plastic clamps. The ends of these garters are also hidden in the solution.
When installing and fixing electric cable, it is undesirable to step on it, it must not be bent, the turns of the wire should be smooth.
It is very important to remember that the "warm floor" does not fit in those places where heavy furniture will be permanently installed.
A corrugated tube with a temperature sensor is laid in the chosen location for the installation of the thermostat, strictly in the center of the cable loop.
Its second end should be located in the strobe on the wall leading to the thermostat installation socket.
After the installation of the cable is completed, the entire surface of the floor is covered with a semi-dry mixture to the specified thickness of the screed.
After backfilling, the surface must be trampled or rolled with a roller.
With the help of a laser or conventional level, the height of the future screed is marked on the walls.
According to these marks on the backfill, flat areas are stuffed with a grater, and then strips that will serve as beacons for aligning the rest of the screed along them.
The strips are aligned and compacted using a rule.
Instead of this procedure, you can install metal beacons, but in such a way as not to damage the “warm floor” cable, that is, until the last filling of the mixture.
You can fix the guides with a wire on a reinforcing mesh.
In this case, the master aligns the main screed with stuffed beacons.
The leveling process is carried out using the rule, which is carried out with a little pressure along the beacons, collecting excess mixture.
If defects are formed on the surface, then the required amount of the mixture is poured onto them, and they are overwritten.
After leveling with the rule, the master passes over the entire surface with a construction float, lightly moistening the surface as necessary.
And in order not to damage the screed, it is necessary to put on special linings for work shoes, resembling snowshoes, on your feet.
Next, a trowel is used, which brings the surface to perfect smoothness.
The building level checks the evenness of the screed.
It is considered ideal if there is not even a small gap between the floor surface and the level.
After grouting, the screed is left to dry for a day.
Then the excess damper tape is cut off.
After removing the protruding part of the damper tape, it is recommended to spray the entire floor surface well with water.
This procedure is carried out to strengthen the screed.

After that, the screed should be left to dry and gain strength for two weeks. If it was planned to lay on top of it ceramic tiles, then before laying it is necessary to wait at least 20 days. Coatings such as laminate, linoleum or parquet boards are installed only after additional film waterproofing has been laid and, of course, after complete drying of not only the screed, but the entire room.

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Insulated "foam" screed on the ground

The floors are also insulated with Penoplex in a private house built on strip foundation- this method is called warming on the ground.

Such insulation is possible under the following conditions:

- if serious loads do not fall on the floors of the room;

- the absence of a basement or basement under the house;

- if ground water lie at a depth of at least 4000 ÷ 5000 mm;

- the presence of heating in the house, otherwise freezing of the soil can lead to deformation of the screed.

Plates " Penoplex"For this method of thermal insulation, it is better to choose with butt grooves, since there will be no hard and dense surface under them. And lock joints (lamellas) will not allow cold bridges to arise and will reliably hold the plates together in a single plane.

For these works, in addition to insulation, it is necessary to prepare additional building materials, the amount of which will depend on the volume of the space being filled. This clean sand, gravel-sand mixture, crushed stone, waterproofing material (roofing material and mastic), cement, self leveling mixtures, damper tape and reinforcing mesh in cards or rolls.

Insulation schemes

There are several schemes according to which the process of erecting a floor insulated with polystyrene foam on the ground can be carried out. To begin with, it is worth understanding them:

  • In this embodiment, the insulation is placed on a layer of compacted sand, under which a reliable gravel and crushed stone pillow was made.

  • The second version of the insulation consists of two screeds, one of which is placed inside the "pie", between the sand and the insulation, and the second covers the heat-insulating material. The "warm floor" system can be laid in the upper concrete layer.

  • In the third option, for backfilling directly on the ground, medium fraction crushed stone, which is covered on top with a “cushion” of sand, on which Penoplex is then laid. Then the insulation is closed with waterproofing and reinforced screed.

Laying insulated floor on the ground

The most used scheme for laying an insulated floor on the ground is as follows:

  • The soil is selected from the space where the backfill will be arranged, 550 ÷ 600 mm deep.
  • Further, the soil surface is well compacted so that it does not subsequently shrink, which can lead to deformation and cracking of the screed.
  • Then, a layer of crushed stone or gravel is poured. Sometimes a mixture of these materials is used, which is also maximally compacted. The height of this layer should be at least 250 ÷ 300 mm when packed.
  • To increase the overall efficiency of thermal insulation, crushed stone is sometimes backfilled with expanded clay of the middle fraction. For the layer to be effective, its thickness must be at least 100 mm, and if the height of the space allows, then all 150 mm.

  • On top of crushed stone or expanded clay, a pillow of medium-grained sand or granite screenings is arranged. The layer is well soaked with water and rolled with a roller or compacted with a manual rammer. When compacted, the thickness of the sand layer should be at least 100 ÷ 120 mm. Its surface must be very well leveled and measured according to the building level.
  • The next step is to attach foamed polyethylene to the walls of the foundation tape along the entire perimeter, which will act as a damper tape. The material must have a width that will be 120 ÷ 150 mm higher than the intended screed. It should be noted that instead of foamed polyethylene, thin, about 15 mm thick, foam can be used.
  • Further, on top of the sand pillow, Penoplex is laid, which should fit snugly against the leveled surface. To do this, each of the plates is moved forward and backward along the sand until it takes the desired position. Insulation mats are connected with the help of thorn-grooves or lamellas on them. The thickness of the insulation should be 100 mm - this makes the coating more dense and stable.

  • The joints of the plates are sometimes glued with waterproof foil tape - it completely eliminates the appearance of cold bridges.
  • Some masters prefer to lay on top insulation dense polyethylene, which serves as a waterproofing for the screed. In any case, this layer will never be redundant.
  • Further, a reinforcing metal mesh is laid on top of Penoplex or polyethylene. If several cards are stacked, then they are interconnected with wire.

  • On the grid are exposed to the level of metal guides - beacons, which are aligned and fixed with slides mortar. At the same time, it is possible to install the underfloor heating cable, if it is planned to be laid. After the beacon system has solidified, you can proceed to pouring the screed itself.

  • A screed is arranged on top - for this, a mixed solution is laid out on the surface. It is aligned with the rule according to the installed beacons.

As in the previous case, semi-dry or "classic" concrete mix can be used.

Screed is given established by technology time to fully mature. It is advisable to regularly, starting from the second day, moisten the surface gaining strength.

  • After the screed has hardened and gained brand strength, if necessary, the floor is poured self leveling mixture. This process is desirable to carry out if linoleum or laminate is laid on top.

You can bring the surface to the “ideal” with a self-leveling compound

  • When the leveling layer also hardens, the excess damper tape is cut off. Its upper edge should be flush with the surface of the screed.

Now, on the surface of the floor insulated with polystyrene foam, you can mount the selected decorative coating.

In the course of the presentation, not in vain several times emphasized attention to the damper tape. The design of the floor, insulated with "Penoplex" or other plate heat insulators, using such a tape is "floating" not connected to the walls, so it does not depend on their shrinkage in any way. The main thing is to have a reliable and stable foundation, and this is especially important when installing an insulated floor on the ground.

And in conclusion - a video tutorial by a specialist on the correct installation of insulated floors on the ground.

In a home's heat exchange system, floors are one of the places where heat is lost the most. This is especially true for concrete floors, which, despite all their excellent performance, have one serious drawback - concrete is a very cold material. And for a comfortable stay in a house with concrete floors, high-quality, multilayer thermal insulation is required. Insulation of the concrete floor in the house, especially if it is the floor of the first floor, is a strict necessity, but the implementation of all the work is not particularly difficult. The main thing is the observance of the insulation technology and the availability of skills in handling the tool.

Concrete floor insulation

Reliable and high-quality thermal insulation of a concrete floor directly depends on the thermal insulation materials used, which differ in performance characteristics, as well as in the place and operating conditions. The choice of the right material should be dealt with first of all when looking for an answer to the question of how to properly insulate a concrete floor.

When choosing thermal insulation, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • density responsible for the total weight of the material. The lower this indicator, the more porous the material and the more heat it can keep indoors;
  • strength material, can be both in bending and in compression. To insulate a concrete floor, materials with high rate strength due to large loads on the floor surface;
  • coefficient of thermal conductivity indicates the ability of a material to transmit heat through itself. The lower this figure, the better;
  • moisture resistance the material must be very high, otherwise the material located between the concrete screed and the ground will quickly lose its properties;
  • moisture permeability, unlike moisture resistance, should be minimal. Otherwise, the material will quickly gain excess moisture and lose its thermal insulation qualities;
  • durability. With this indicator, everything is simple: the larger it is, the better;
  • environmental friendliness. This characteristic will be useful to those who seek to build an environmentally friendly house using natural materials.

The following materials are often used to insulate a concrete floor:

  • mineral and basalt wool. These thermal insulation materials are always popular. They have low thermal conductivity and density (although there are slab positions with high density), as well as excellent sound insulation. Unfortunately, cotton wool is not environmentally friendly, perfectly absorbs moisture, and does not tolerate a humid environment. The use of cotton wool as a heater for a concrete floor is justified only in the case when the raised floor is insulated;
  • Styrofoam. The second name is polystyrene foam. Today, the insulation of a concrete floor with foam plastic is a common thing. This material has excellent thermal conductivity, moisture resistance and moisture permeability. It has the following disadvantages: non-environmentally friendly and rather fragile;
  • extruded polystyrene foam. This material is a derivative of conventional foam and has a number of significant differences. First, extruded polystyrene foam is much stronger. Secondly, the durability of XPS is greater than that of conventional foam. Thirdly, thermal conductivity, water absorption and water resistance are an order of magnitude higher for XPS.

  • polyurethane foam. This material has excellent thermal conductivity, is resistant to moisture and temperature extremes. Perfectly transfers mechanical loadings without loss of heat-insulating properties, is durable. The only drawback is that it is not environmentally friendly;
  • expanded clay. This material is often used as a substitute for crushed stone in concrete and for the insulation of the latter. The thermal insulation properties of expanded clay allow several times to reduce the thermal conductivity of concrete. Despite the low coefficient of thermal conductivity and environmental friendliness, expanded clay has a number of significant drawbacks. Firstly, the total weight of the expanded clay insulating layer is quite large. Secondly, expanded clay perfectly absorbs and retains moisture;
  • foam glass. As a heat insulator, foam glass has a number of undeniable advantages. These include low thermal conductivity and specific gravity, the ability not to absorb moisture, the environmental friendliness of the material, resistance to moisture, and very long durability. The only serious drawback is a certain fragility of the material, which is poorly tolerated by mechanical loads;
  • Cork. Absolutely natural insulation with excellent thermal insulation characteristics. The only thing to note is that it is better to use cork for warming raised floors and as a heat-insulating layer under the finishing floor covering;
  • perlite. This heat-insulating material is similar in the way it is used with expanded clay. The difference lies in the characteristics of perlite, which are an order of magnitude better than those of expanded clay.

The table below shows the main characteristics of thermal insulation materials that you will have to focus on when choosing them. Of particular note is the thermal conductivity various kinds concrete with various aggregates. This little secret will help answer the question, what is the best way to insulate a concrete floor.

Table 1.

Features of concrete floor insulation

Before proceeding directly to work on the insulation of the concrete floor, it is necessary to understand the technology of insulation, as well as choose the most suitable option insulation from existing ones.

The concrete floor insulation technology consists in the creation of multilayer thermal insulation and consists of several stages of work. The first stage of concrete floor insulation is performed before pouring the rough screed. The second stage of insulation occurs during the creation and pouring concrete mix. At the third stage, the insulation of the concrete floor is performed during the creation of the floor covering. It should be noted right away that it is best to insulate a concrete floor when it is created from scratch. This is the only way to ensure a high-quality level of insulation.

There are only a few ways to insulate a concrete floor. Each of them is performed in due time as the floor is created. Each of these methods is discussed in more detail below.

  • Laying insulation under a concrete screed. Such insulation is performed during the creation of a concrete floor from scratch. Therefore, if there is a desire to insulate the floor in an already built house, you will first have to completely destroy the old concrete screed to the ground. With this method of insulation, materials with high strength, resistance to mechanical stress, moisture resistant and durable are used.
  • Today it is very popular underfloor heating system, which allows you to create active heating of the concrete floor over its entire area. Such a system is placed on top of a layer of insulation and poured with a concrete screed. Underfloor heating can be water or electric. In any case, floor heating using such a system will require the use of third party source energy. Concrete warm water floors or electric warm floors are more related to the active heating system. But in general, they are great for warming.
  • Another option for insulating a concrete field is addition of such fillers to the mixture, like expanded clay or perlite instead of the usual crushed stone. Due to their thermal insulation characteristics, these materials can reduce the thermal conductivity of concrete by several times. Concrete with expanded clay or perlite can be used both to create a base on the ground and for a screed.
  • One of the common options for insulating concrete floors on upper floors is creation of a "raised floor". This method of insulation involves the arrangement of wooden logs and filling the space between them with insulation. This approach is useful in that it reduces the overall load on the foundation of the house, and is useful for those who do not want to bother with pouring concrete screed.

  • You can also insulate a ready-made concrete floor with a floor covering. To do this, it is enough to use insulated floor materials. For example, warm linoleum or carpet. In addition, when creating a finishing floor covering, you can lay a layer of cork, polyethylene foam or other thin-layer insulation under it.

All of the above methods of insulation, depending on the situation, can be used both in combination and separately. So, for example, if it is impossible to lay insulation under the screed, you can limit yourself to using expanded clay and creating a multi-layer topcoat. Or, when creating a “warm floor” system, do not equip a multi-layer warm topcoat.

How to insulate a concrete floor

There is nothing complicated in how to make a warm concrete floor. The first thing to do is to complete the series preparatory work. And depending on whether the floor insulation will be on the ground or on the interfloor overlap, choose the methods of insulation and materials.

As previously noted, there are several ways to insulate a concrete floor on the ground. Below we consider in more detail the two most commonly used. This is the creation of multilayer thermal insulation and the “warm floor” system.

Concrete floor insulation - layered cake

Regardless of the method of insulation, you must first do the following:

  • if you have to repair and insulate the concrete floor in an already built house, you will have to remove the old screed to the ground. Re-fill the sand-gravel mixture, then carefully compact it;
  • a layer of “lean” concrete is poured on top of the resulting pillow, which is the basis for waterproofing and insulation;
  • after the concrete base hardens and gains strength, we lay a layer of waterproofing on top. At the same time, we strive to make it as reliable as possible. Errors or shortcomings at this stage can lead to the penetration of moisture into the insulation, which will reduce its performance, and over time, moisture will reach the finish screed. As a result, high humidity indoors and constantly cold floors. To prevent this from happening, we overlap the waterproofing, and glue the joints with adhesive tape;
  • Now that the waterproofing is ready, we lay a layer of thermal insulation. For these purposes, you can use expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam, foam glass, polyurethane foam. Materials in the form of mats or plates are laid on the adhesive composition. We place the materials themselves in a run-up, thereby reducing the likelihood of cold bridges and increasing the strength of the heat-insulating layer. Along the perimeter of the heat-insulating layer between the wall and the edge of the material, we lay a damper tape;

Important! A layer of thermal insulation made of polyurethane foam can be equipped with plates, or by spraying. In the second case, you get a seamless coating. Another important point is an optional arrangement of vapor and waterproofing when using polyurethane foam.

  • having equipped the main layer of thermal insulation, we lay another layer of waterproofing on top of it, after which we install a reinforcing mesh and fill in a rough concrete screed. At this stage, you can also additionally insulate the concrete floor. To do this, instead of crushed stone, expanded clay or perlite is used as a concrete filler.

Important! Due to specific performance characteristics expanded clay and perlite are best used in a semi-dry mortar screed. Another feature is the use of a filler of various fractions, which will ensure a denser filling of the screed and its strength.

  • after allowing the screed to dry completely and gain strength, you can proceed to the arrangement of the finishing floor covering. At this stage, you can also insulate the concrete floor. For this, a special insulating substrate and floor materials with good thermal conductivity are used. Cork or polyethylene foam can be used as a substrate. It is worth noting that under a certain type of flooring, you must use your own type of substrate. So, foamed polyethylene does not fit under linoleum; cork should be used instead. Therefore, before laying the insulating underlay, it is necessary to make sure that it is compatible with the floor covering.

Arrangement of the "warm floor" system

To make a concrete floor on the ground really warm, so much so that it will be pleasant to walk on it barefoot, you will have to equip a system of water or electric underfloor heating. It should be noted that a concrete water-heated floor is somewhat more difficult to arrange, since in addition to pipes with water placed under the screed, it will be necessary to install equipment for heating and forced circulation, which will affect the volume and complexity of the work.

Such a system is laid directly on the thermal insulation layer. But there is one important feature - the heat-insulating material must have a foil coating in order to reflect most of the heat into the room. Of course, any suitable thermal insulation material can be used, but a reflective foil barrier must be laid on top of it.

After laying and checking the performance of the system, we lay the reinforcing mesh and pour the concrete screed. To equip the system with a warm floor, a concrete solution can be made without crushed stone or expanded clay.

Insulation of the concrete floor in a house with several floors is carried out using one of the methods described above, as well as by creating a raised floor. Such a floor can be easily arranged in any room of the upper floors.

Important! It should be noted that if the floor on the ground can still be relatively painlessly deepened in order to maintain the height of the room, then when insulating the upper floors, it is necessary to carefully monitor the thickness of the floor with insulation.

You can insulate a concrete floor with a raised floor as follows:

  • clean the surface of the ceiling from dirt and, if necessary, level it;
  • using wooden beam 50x100 mm, we equip logs over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. We take a step between the lags 50 - 60 cm;
  • laying a layer of waterproofing on top. We overlap the edges and glue with adhesive tape;
  • put insulation inside. It can be cotton wool, polystyrene foam, EPS, expanded clay, perlite or other insulation;
  • on top of the lag we lay moisture-resistant plywood or chipboard, after which you can equip the finishing floor covering.

Important! A raised floor can significantly reduce the height of a room. Therefore, before insulating a concrete floor with a raised floor, you need to make sure that this method of insulation is appropriate.

When insulating concrete floors, the main thing is to choose the right method and materials that will be used to perform the work. And compliance with the technology will create a really reliable insulation that prevents heat loss. It should also be remembered that the insulation of concrete floors is only part of the overall thermal insulation of the house. Of course, a lot of heat is lost through the floors, but by insulating only them, you may not get the desired effect. Therefore, it is so important to insulate the entire house in the complex.

Insulation is placed under the floor screed in two cases - on floor slabs or floors on the ground. Depending on the operating conditions (basement, attic or interfloor overlap), flooring and the maximum allowable level of the finished floor, the construction pie and the arrangement of individual layers in it will change.

The floor is insulated under the screed in several cases:

In addition, insulation is laid under the contours of a warm floor on any floor, if a decision is made not to use a massive ceiling as a heat accumulator. Therefore, all options will be considered in detail.

There are three types of screeds, which also affects the choice of insulation. For example, expanded clay sand is used, which has both heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties. For wet and the same heaters and principles of hydro-, sound- and vapor barrier are used.

Floor slab

When laying factory-made slabs or pouring them in place, it is impossible to provide a vapor barrier for this structure from moist air from below. Therefore, a vapor barrier layer is applied over the ceiling, taking into account the following nuances:

The insulation is laid under the screed, taking into account the following scheme of the mutual arrangement of the layers:

Important! The concrete and the acoustic material underneath make up single system soundproofing. The sound wave coming from below is partially dissipated in the acoustic material, then reflected by the massive concrete.

In the basement

In this particular case, under the floor slabs there is either a basement or a technical underground. To ensure natural ventilation in the underground, products are used:

  • the total size of all windows must be at least 1/400 of the underground area;
  • the recommended height of the windows from the blind area is 0.5 m, so that in winter they are not covered with snow;
  • it is forbidden to close the vents for the winter.

Pie screed on the basement.

These conditions are not always met, so there may be excess moisture in the underground. Therefore, thermal insulation should have minimal moisture saturation, be laid on top of the vapor barrier.

between floors

Unlike the basement and attic levels, there are no heat losses in the interfloor ceilings. There are heating devices on all floors. However, to save energy, the insulation is still incorporated into the design:

  • without this layer, part of the heat will be spent on heating the floor slab, which will reduce the efficiency of the warm floor;
  • thermal insulation will reflect the heat flow, and completely leave it indoors.

Therefore, instead of extruded polystyrene foam and foam glass, foamed polyethylene is enough here.

Important! The most effective in screeds with underfloor heating contours along interfloor floor slabs is reflective insulation coated with aluminum foil. The reflective layer should be on top, that is, the foamed polyethylene is laid with the foil up.


When installing thermal insulation of the upper floor in a building with an unheated attic space, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • a dew point appears in this design, since the attic freezes completely;
  • the dew point must be moved outward so that condensed moisture can be removed from the surface by natural ventilation;
  • dormer windows are used to provide ventilation in an unheated attic, which must be open all year round by analogy with the products in the underground.

According to the requirements of the construction standards of the joint venture, the vapor barrier of individual layers in the floor pie must increase from the inside to the outside. When laying insulation on top reinforced concrete slabs The overlapping condition is fully preserved:

  • steam penetrates from the ground floor room through the slab into the thermal insulation;
  • then the moisture freely evaporates from it and is removed by the flow of natural ventilation to the street.

However, for normal walking on the insulation, ladders or a full-fledged boardwalk are often laid on it. In this case, the condition ceases to be fulfilled, condensation forms at the boundary of the thermal insulation and the boardwalk. The insulation loses its properties, and the boards rot, the development of fungus and pathogenic bacteria is possible.

Ground floor

The location of the layers of the floor cake on the ground must correspond to the operating conditions:

  • capillary suction of soil moisture and wet evaporation are possible from the soil;
  • soundproofing is not needed here, since there are no sources of noise inside the soil
  • in the presence of thermal insulation on the outer faces of the foundation and under the blind area, the soil under the floor on the ground will never freeze;
  • on screeds, you can use any floor coverings, including a tongue-and-groove board along the logs;

When choosing a heater, you should consider:

  • absolutely tight vapor barrier layers do not exist;
  • moisture that has got inside the insulation will not be able to evaporate from it through a layer of concrete;
  • when wet, mineral wool and Ecowool sharply lose their thermal insulation properties;
  • foamed glass and polystyrene retain their characteristics even when immersed in water;
  • from these materials, it is necessary to exclude foam, the density of which is too low and does not give 100% guarantees against shrinkage of the screed.

Ground floor.

Thus, from the whole variety of heaters, extruded high-density polystyrene foam XPS or XPS and foam glass remain the best option for flooring on the ground.

In the absence of underfloor heating circuits, high heat losses remain. The soil under the floor on the ground has a stable temperature of +5 - + 8 degrees, which is much lower than the same parameter in a residential area (+ 25 degrees). Therefore, it is necessary to qualitatively insulate the foundation, the basement and the blind area from the outside at a depth of 0.4 m in order to prevent freezing of the supporting structures in winter. Soundproofing in this case is not required.

with underfloor heating

The situation for these operating conditions is similar to interfloor slabs. Thermal insulation is laid under the pipes of a water or electric underfloor heating. Under it is a film, a membrane or a deposited roll material of a vapor barrier. As a heater, it is better to use foam glass or extruded polystyrene foam here, since the possibility of moisture penetration remains.

Thus, when designing thermal insulation of a screed on a concrete base, different schemes of the construction pie are used, taking into account specific operating conditions.

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In case of improper arrangement or even a complete lack of thermal insulation of the concrete floor, enough a large number of heat, which will lead to a significant increase in the cost of heating the room. To make life in a house with concrete floors as comfortable as possible, the owner needs, first of all, to choose a heater with suitable characteristics, and then perform the necessary measures for its installation, adhering to the provisions of the relevant technology.

Next, you are invited to familiarize yourself with the key characteristics of insulation that are most important to the end user, as well as step by step instructions for the arrangement of the most common types of heat-insulating materials: fibrous, foamed and sprayed.

When choosing a concrete floor insulation, first of all pay attention to the evaluation criteria given in the following table.

Table. Properties of heaters

Evaluation criterionExplanations
DensityIt is directly related to such an indicator as the mass of thermal insulation material. Along with this, the lower the density of the insulation, the more porous it is and the less heat such material can retain in the room.
StrengthDetermined for compression and bending. It is important that the insulation for the concrete floor has high strength characteristics, because. the level of loads on the base is unlikely to be low.
Coefficient of thermal conductivityIndicates the amount of heat that a particular thermal insulation material can pass through. Give preference to heaters with the lowest possible thermal conductivity.
Moisture resistanceChoose a material with the highest possible moisture resistance. Otherwise, the insulation will quickly lose its original operational and technical characteristics and will not be of much use.
moisture permeabilityThe lower this figure, the better. Materials with high moisture permeability get wet quite quickly, as a result of which their thermal insulation characteristics deteriorate significantly.
DurabilityThe longer the material lasts, the less often you will have to repair and replace the thermal insulation layer, and the less money you will spend on maintaining the premises.
Environmental friendlinessThe higher this indicator, the safer the material for human health and the environment.

Important information about concrete floor insulation technology

Before you begin, familiarize yourself with the basic information about the technology for performing upcoming events and study the properties of the most popular and preferred thermal insulation materials.

Insulation of a concrete floor involves the creation of a multi-layer structure. The work is carried out in several stages: the first is carried out before pouring the rough screed, the second - in the process of arranging the main part of the concrete structure, the third - before laying the material selected as the finishing floor covering.

Practice shows that it is better to adhere to just such a technology, and not to try to reduce heat loss after the arrangement of the concrete structure. The second option, of course, is also quite actively used, but its effectiveness is significantly inferior to the first method.

Floor insulation materials

There are several main groups of materials used for insulation. concrete structures. You are invited to familiarize yourself with the key properties of each option in the following table.

Table. Properties of thermal insulation materials

Material groupProperties
Fibrous insulationMainly made on the basis of mineral wool. They are characterized by high sound and heat insulation properties. They do not burn, but they do not tolerate contact with water. If wet, the material increases in volume and loses its original thermal insulation characteristics.
The use of fibrous insulation is strictly contraindicated for rooms in which leakage is likely. In other rooms, such thermal insulation is subject to mandatory moisture protection on both sides.
Foam insulationA typical representative is polystyrene. The material burns, has a relatively low strength and is sold at a relatively affordable cost.
If the cost of insulation is a decisive factor, foam plastic can be preferred, but in this case it will be necessary to lay gypsum boards, chipboard or plywood sheets on top of the insulation in order to ensure effective distribution of point loads and maintain the integrity of the thermal insulation.
An improved analogue of polystyrene is extruded polystyrene foam. This material does not burn. In addition, extruded polystyrene foam has a higher strength, which allows you to pour a concrete screed over it.
Sprayed heatersSuch materials are not particularly demanding on the cleanliness and evenness of the base. The main thing is that there are no greasy and other similar spots and large differences in height, otherwise the consumption of the sprayed insulator will increase.
After applying such a heat-insulating material, a seamless, seamless coating with very high heat-insulating performance is formed on the surface.
The only drawback is that when arranging many sprayed heaters, it becomes necessary to use special expensive equipment for application. In addition, the performer must have the skills to work with this kind of installations. Otherwise, it is not necessary to count on high quality thermal insulation.

Concrete floor insulation instructions

We use fibrous materials

When choosing the thickness of the heat-insulating layer, it is necessary to focus mainly on the manufacturer's recommendations given in the accompanying instructions. In practice, a 50-100-mm layer of insulation is usually sufficient. In regions with a cold climate, this figure can be increased.

First step. Foundation preparation is in progress. It is necessary to repair all detected cracks (it will help cement mortar or other suitable composition), traces of fat and other substances (removed with solvents or special detergents). The surface is thoroughly cleaned of debris and dust.

Second step. The base is covered with a layer of waterproofing film, and even better - modern material, combining the properties of vapor and waterproofing, for example, isospan. When laying sheets of film, a traditional 10-15 cm overlap is maintained. In the future, the joints are glued with metallized adhesive tape.

Third step. Lags are installed. The height of these elements must correspond to the thickness of the heat-insulating layer to be installed. Also choose the installation step in accordance with the dimensions of the insulation - it should fit into the openings tightly and without gaps. To fix the lag, dowels, self-tapping screws or other suitable fasteners are used.

Fourth step. The insulation is placed in the space between the lags and covered with a special waterproofing membrane film with vapor-permeable properties. Such material has a rough and smooth side. The rough side of the film should be laid to the thermal insulation, the smooth side away from it. Thanks to this material, steam will be removed from the heat-insulating layer, which will eliminate the risk of dampness of the mineral wool and additionally ensure its protection from water.

Fifth step. On top of the resulting structure, perpendicular to the lags, sheet plywood or a tongue-and-groove board is laid. The flooring elements are attached to the joists with self-tapping screws. After that, from above, you can equip the selected finishing by performing the necessary previous steps, if required by the installation technology of a particular material.

We use foam materials

Most often, polystyrene / polystyrene irol is laid with the subsequent pouring of a concrete screed. The mentioned materials are characterized by good waterproof properties, which makes them suitable for use in kitchens, bathrooms and other rooms with high level humidity.

IndicatorPolyspenPolispen StandardPolyspen 45Control method
Density, kg/m330-38 30-38 38,1-45 by 5.6
Bending strength, MPa, not less than0,4 0,4 0,4 by 5.8
Water absorption in 24 hours, % by volume, no more0,4 0,4 0,4 by 5.9
Thermal conductivity at 25+-5 degrees Celsius, W/m * °C, no more0,028 0,028 0,030 by 5.10
Toxicity, Hcl 50, g/m3T2 moderately hazardousT2 moderately hazardousT2 moderately hazardousby 5.11
Flammability groupG-3 normal combustibleG-4 highly flammableG-4 highly flammableby 5.12
Flammability groupB-2 moderately flammableB-3 flammableB-3 flammableby 5.13
Smoke generation coefficientHigh smoke generating capacityHigh smoke generating capacityby 5.14
Compressive strength at 10% linear deformation, MPa, not less than0,2 0,2 0,3 by 5.7

The preparatory stage is similar to the previous instruction. After the necessary preliminary activities have been completed, the main stage of work begins, which is carried out in the following sequence:

  • plates of heat-insulating material are laid on the surface. If you bought polystyrene foam / polystyrene, designed specifically for thermal insulation work, the elements will most likely be equipped with special grooves. Thanks to these devices, the work will be carried out easier and better, without the appearance of gaps;
  • the lower part of the walls around the entire perimeter of the room is covered with a damper tape made on the basis of foam material. Thanks to this tape, temperature deformations of the screed will be compensated, which will preserve the integrity and operational properties designs. If there is a layer of adhesive at the bottom of the tape, fixation is performed with it. In the absence of such, the material is fastened with dowel-nails;
  • insulation is covered tightly plastic wrap. The strips are traditionally laid with a 10-15 cm overlap, followed by gluing the joints with adhesive tape. The film will eliminate the failure of the poured screed between the plates, which will prevent the formation of voids and cracks;
  • a reinforcing frame made of steel or PVC is laid, a screed solution is poured, leveled over the base and left to gain strength. Traditional concrete screeds dry for about a month. During the hardening period, it is recommended to cover the concrete with a layer of polyethylene, and regularly moisten the screed with water to prevent cracking. In conclusion, it remains only to lay the selected finish on top of the dried screed.

The considered thermal insulation system can be used in combination with a water floor heating system. The heating circuit in this case will be laid on top of the reinforcing mesh.

We use spray materials

As noted, the application of sprayed thermal insulation materials requires appropriate skills, and, in the case of most used heaters in this category, special equipment.

The surface is covered with a heat-insulating material, in most cases in the form of foam. In the process of drying, the material expands, resulting in a seamless insulating layer. For applying foam, a special apparatus is used, designed to mix carbon dioxide and polymer liquid under conditions of high pressure.

Direct work on the arrangement of the sprayed thermal insulation of the concrete floor is carried out in the following sequence.

First step. Remove dust and debris from the surface. The floor is cleaned of all kinds of stains, traces of bitumen and other similar things - because of them, the structure of the foam will be broken. Preliminary leveling of the base, if there are no large bulges and depressions, is not necessary.

Second step. Wooden logs are attached to the base. For their manufacture, you can use a 4-centimeter board or timber. The elements are fixed in a standard way, using self-tapping screws, dowels and corners. Logs are set according to the level. They will allow you to control the level of arrangement of the heat-insulating layer and facilitate the process of further installation of the finishing floor covering.

Third step. concrete base moisturized. This will improve the adhesion of the foam to the base.

Fourth step. With the help of a special installation, polyurethane foam is sprayed onto the surface. The task of the performer is reduced to uniform filling of the space between the previously installed lags. It is important to remember that in the process of solidification, the foam increases in size.

Standardly sprayed heat-insulating materials dry for about a day. After the polyurethane foam has dried, drywall sheets are laid on top of the log, wooden plank or sheet plywood, and then the selected finish is arranged.

Important! Polyurethane foam does not tolerate direct contact with sunlight. The material is categorically not recommended to be left uncoated for a long time.

You have familiarized yourself with the procedure for insulating a concrete floor in accordance with the most popular and preferred methods. Of course, there are other technologies, for example, dry filling with expanded clay, but the effectiveness of such methods is in many ways inferior to those studied above. Otherwise, the choice of a specific thermal insulation option is up to you. Focus on the features of the location and operation of the building, the affordable budget and your personal preferences. You have already familiarized yourself with all the necessary information for the successful implementation of thermal insulation measures.

Successful work!

Video - Concrete floor insulation