Professions associated with traveling around the world. World travel jobs

  • 11.10.2019

The first professions for travel lovers that come to mind are a conductor or. Higher education is most often not required, but you have to take special courses.

At the stops at the final points you can see the city and relax. The conductor was more fortunate in this regard - railway stations are located within the city, sometimes even in the center, but airports are outside the city, so there may not be enough free time for a walk. The work schedule is variable: 5-7 days on the road, then the same number of days off. And you can spend them in an interesting place, and not at home, almost like on a tourist trip.

Entrepreneur and TV presenter, owner science show"Point of Science", conductor passenger car JSC Russian Railways

Many people are perplexed when I say that my hobby is to work as a passenger car conductor on the railway. And knowing that I have successful business that I act on television - usually they generally fall into a stupor. But with the help of two to six-day breaks in the main activity (that's how much you need for one round-trip flight), you can feel the creative potential, a surge of strength, emotions that allow you to develop further.

When planning the next 1-2 months, I make myself a couple of “windows” for traveling around Russia. And for this period I plunge into another life, another world. When you travel as a guide, not as a passenger, you see a lot of interesting things. It is impossible to forget walks in the evening St. Petersburg, cats and dogs that come to the cars at different stations to “beg for alms”, the “forbidden” sea in Adler, where guides go anyway (we are officially forbidden to go to the sea for safety reasons). Even the news about the events in Ukraine, the guides learned first hand, when everything was just beginning (we were transporting a lot of refugees). Unfortunately, in the near future I will not be able to combine my activities with the traveling nature of work (I “grow out” of this), and therefore this hobby is most valuable to me.

Trucker and forwarder

Most often, the freight forwarder also moves within the country, but nothing prevents them from getting a job in an international company and traveling around the world. In this case, knowledge is required of English language at the conversational level. The usual list of requirements is not long: a driver's license category B or C (depending on the carrying capacity of the car) and basic knowledge of accounting (filling out income and expense documents). The work schedule is irregular and irregular, there is no clearly defined rest time.

The myth that a trucker has a family in every city is quite real, especially if the flights are on the same route. Sometimes the driver or freight forwarder who delivered the goods has to wait a long time until an order for a flight to reverse side. There is a lot of free time, it is enough not only for a walk around the iconic places of the city, but also for full life in it, getting to know its atmosphere and rhythm.

And although a trucker can really see the world, more often they go into the profession not for this. Logistics workers love the movement itself, it is the road that becomes a part of life for them.

Traveler and Sales Representative

In companies in the b2b sector, there are often cases when there are not so many customers and they are all scattered around different parts of the country (and sometimes the world). For example, industrial equipment is sold directly at plants and factories, therefore it travels around the country from client to client, offering goods or services. The skills required here are the same as those of an ordinary "salesman", with the exception of the willingness to spend most of the time on the road. The advantage of such work is that the "person-business trip" earns more employees in the field.

There is a lot of free time, because it takes 2-3 hours to meet with a client, and then do whatever you want. The problem is that not always in these cities there is something to see. Usually, industrialists travel to remote corners of the country, industrial zones, dull places. This profession is ideal for restless employees who are prone to changing jobs.

I founded a service for travelers to rent vehicles in any part of the world, I live and work on trips around the world - the USA, Europe. With a team of marketers, programmers, call-center operators working remotely, I contact once a week via Skype. Sometimes it can be inconvenient to work on the road, but since this is an online business, this does not affect efficiency. As soon as I manage to get to the Internet, I immediately perform all the new tasks that depend on me. This does not interfere with seeing the world at all, since during the day I can explore a new city, and then work until five in the morning.

Travel agency employee

One of the most exciting and interesting professions in terms of travel - a manager in a travel agency. Yes, most of the time, employees sit in a cramped and stuffy office, consult, help determine the choice of tour. But everything changes when a new direction opens, a new hotel, a new seasonal program. The tour operator is invited to evaluate and see everything with his own eyes, and then the company's employees go to rest at the expense of a partner in the best hotels in resort countries. Such trips completely copy the standard tour package so that the manager understands the pros and cons of various offers and can choose the best option based on personal experience.

Guide and guidebook writer

Personal travel experience will be needed by the guide and guidebook writer. Usually these are people with a historical or education. Having independently lived in the city as a tourist, such a specialist gives detailed instructions future travelers.

The indisputable plus of the profession is that there is really a lot of time to learn the culture of a new country, and the author can choose the direction of the trip himself. The problem is that sometimes the customer pays for the trip, and sometimes the guide himself at his own peril and risk, hoping that it will pay off in the future. In addition, the search for clients or buyers of the guide falls on the shoulders of the traveler himself, so he also has to master marketing.

International journalist and travel blogger

Another specialist who often pays for his own trips is the author of a travel blog. However, you can find tour operators who organize press tours around the world in exchange for a post about the company.

Another option for a travel blogger to make money is to publish ads on their pages or use sponsored goods while traveling, which compensates for part of the cost of the trip.

Travel columnists and international journalists are the elite of journalism, a dream job for those who have long become professionals in their field. They write all the same articles, only they do it in different parts of the planet. At the same time, the publication pays for living abroad and travel expenses, and in addition, it also pays a salary that is higher than that of full-time employees in the field.


A rare and difficult opportunity to see the world "at work" - to become a professional. For work of this level, there is not enough specialized higher education and a certificate of passing an international exam. It would be nice to know several languages ​​in order to navigate in any situation that a client may find himself in. A simultaneous interpreter is not the most character flying abroad. As a rule, simultaneous interpreters are permanent everywhere, and only officials and officials of the largest companies fly with their own. Moreover, most of them prefer one permanent companion, providing him with a stable fixed income. Most of the interpreters on trips are consecutive interpreters.

Member of the Union of Translators of Russia, director of the bureau "B2B Translation"

They know the subject well or work directly in the company whose employees go on a business trip. As a rule, an interpreter accompanies the group "from and to" - in the business program, in restaurants, shops, transport. Therefore, there is not much free time for the development of the city itself. On the other hand, if a cultural program is prepared for the delegation, the interpreter also goes to exhibitions, museums and attractions.

Seasonal worker abroad

If a permanent job does not attract you, you have no experience, but you want to see the world, then there is nothing better. You can travel both within the country and abroad, however, it should be remembered that some countries will require a work visa or an invitation from the host, so it is better to look for work on specialized sites.

The bottom line is simple: work in the summer in nearby countries, for example, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, European countries, then go to the Southern Hemisphere or Asia for the winter, where the high season begins, and spend spring and autumn in countries with a neutral climate or return home.

Usually seasonal work does not require special skills - these are fruit pickers, maids and waiters, but if you own a profession, for example, a bartender or cook, you can apply for a higher paid position and better working conditions. You can often expect to pay for accommodation.

The only disadvantage of such work is that it is still work, albeit in another part of the world. Therefore, it will not be possible to really see the city, although the experience of living in another country, constant close communication with foreigners in itself has a beneficial effect on self-development and professional growth.

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Every person dreams of a future profession in childhood, and if his dream comes true, you can call such a person lucky, because most people have not been able to bring children's ideas to life and do what they love. As the statistics of numerous sociological surveys show, the happiest in the profession are those who associate their everyday life with travel, while nothing prevents them from enjoying their own realization and earning money. However, this kind of work, according to experts, requires hardening and good health from a person.

And yet, you should not not believe in your own strengths, but choose what you like, especially young and inexperienced students, who, perhaps, have been great adventurers since childhood.

Professions that make it possible to travel

There are many professions that can present a chance to connect the useful with the pleasant, including not only the younger generation, but also those who could not get what they wanted and did not see the world with their own eyes due to everyday and routine work, because it is never too late to change situation, you just have to make a choice.

One of the most exciting ways to develop a career is tourism. You can learn the profession of a guide (guide) and conduct excursions to mother tongue in many overseas countries. This profession is in great demand, as Russian tourists are almost everywhere. There are many options for implementation: a guide in museums or parks, a bus tour guide, an employee of the national representative office in the field of tourism and other vacancies.

Today, almost every state has regional tourist offices and national representative offices around the world, where PR and country promotion employees, specialists from the travel agency product testing department, event managers for organizing all kinds of corporate events and team building are constantly required.

volunteer movement

There are many vacancies for this type of activity. To travel, it is easy to find a job by contacting special international humanitarian organization firms and try yourself as a specialist in an international humanitarian organization or work abroad in your current specialty: doctor, teacher, agronomist, engineer, etc.

A person who has been in love with books about dangerous excavations and research since childhood has a direct path to do archeology. As the representatives of this profession assure, it is worth finding at least a few shards of ancient dishes - the thirst for historical research will never leave.

However, in order to get a job in this area, you need to get a higher academic education, which will allow you to build a career in the future and be not just a seeker of medieval objects, but also manage excavations. In addition, you need to have good health, good physical fitness and endurance, since this work is not easy, and takes place in different climatic conditions.

Also, travelers can develop in the profession of a geologist, ufologist or biologist, and the work itself will lead to interesting and exciting events, thanks to which you can learn the new and the unknown and touch the secrets of the life of the whole world.


The most demanded profession in almost all countries of the world is the teacher.. If you have the knowledge and have received a diploma in teaching English, German or Russian, you have a chance to work in your specialty. At the same time, skilled workers will be paid much higher; therefore, there is an opportunity not only to be a traveler, but also to earn good money, especially in English-speaking countries, where English has long accepted the status of an international language.

But for people who are fluent in the languages ​​of other countries, you can easily become a translator and find a job by contacting various international private firms and organizations (this vacancy is most in demand in cultural studies).

Tourism PRs and PR professionals will find jobs easily, especially in the travel industry. The only downside to traveling is the inability to choose where to go, as you will often have to travel exactly to the countries that the customer will send to. The work includes meeting with partners, accompanying journalists on study tours and constant reporting on the work done with the authorities. Almost the same applies to the position of a press secretary, representatives of large companies constantly sit on their suitcases and accompany their superiors on business trips.

Video operators and creators of commercials in terms of travel get the most pleasure, as they not only travel, but also shoot the most mysterious moments in the corners of the whole world, getting their happiness boost not only from this, but also from a high salary, since professions are very valued in the labor market.

Correspondents and journalists are one of the most popular professions in the international media field, so it will not be difficult for an active traveler in this direction to find a job, it is enough to have knowledge in the field of journalism, experience and a product that they can present to the customer (editor, publisher, video channel etc.), while not necessarily of a tourist theme. Journalists can cover all the events that take place in the world, create articles and reviews on completely different topics. The goods of a journalist are, as a rule, texts and video materials.

Entertainment industry

As you know, show business is famous for such creative professions as:

Therefore, there is a huge opportunity to earn with your talent or popularity and travel. A person who can sing, dance or entertain the audience will never be left without work abroad. All countries of the world are open to him, you just need to believe in yourself and work continuously, boldly go into the world of colorful life and make people happy. Of course, a lot depends on the popularity and promotion of talent to the masses, but this will come if you work hard and bring your ideas to life.


Work related to international transport requires great experience and good health, since professions such as pilots, pilots, stewardesses, sailors, flight engineers, sea captains, truck drivers and conductors on long-distance trains are considered the most responsible and in this case education and rights are not enough. Therefore, those who like to travel and at the same time engage in this kind of profession should think about their future life in advance: go to university, quickly make a career and take care of their own health.

For example, a pilot will have to constantly undergo all kinds of medical examinations and have a healthy heart, lungs, blood vessels, normal blood pressure and vestibular apparatus without any violations, because any health problem of the pilot is always a risk for those for whom he is responsible during the flight , and hence the opportunity to part with their profession.

At the same time, pilots are in great demand and there is an opportunity to prove themselves in this field without a university education. There are various flying clubs that provide pilot training courses. After their completion, a certificate is issued confirming that an amateur pilot has been taught flying skills and can fly, but you won’t get a job with this document, so it’s advisable to take additional second-stage courses and get another one. important document, which will say that you are a pilot of a commercial nature, which will make it possible to get a job in private airlines for flights over short distances.

As for land transport, in this case the situation is much simpler. It is enough to have the rights of the required category, a medical certificate, knowledge, as well as work experience regarding international travel. Having all this, there is a huge opportunity to go on various trips and travel around the world, earning good money.

Fine arts and design

These activities include:

Today there are many organizations that are engaged in precisely these areas. With talent, you can create and develop while traveling, presenting your work at various exhibitions and similar events. The only difficulty may be not knowing a foreign language, so it is best to take preparatory courses; this will help, for example, in organizing presentations and will let you feel the whole atmosphere of achieving your goals, and this is experience and getting the desired results, which is important for creative people.

Remote professions

One of the ways to work for yourself and not depend on anyone today is remote work, which is in great demand on the Internet. These are bloggers, Internet trainers (sometimes they are called Internet producers), psychologists, Internet marketers, copywriters, info businessmen, administrators of groups in in social networks, Internet advertising specialists, programmers, webmasters, web editing specialists and others.

There is nothing easier for people whose needs have receded into the background due to the wrong circumstances of life, as it seems to many, to try themselves in these professions. And in the future, this will certainly bear fruit in the opportunity to make good money and feel like a real traveler not only in virtual, but also in real life.

The 10 most in-demand professions for travelers

This list of listed professions, thanks to which you can not infringe on the need for travel and explore all corners of the vast planet, is based on information collected by specialists and statistical findings. If you are a born traveler, don't waste your life not wanting to work in an office or factory. Dare, the world is waiting for creative and courageous people, learn new things, develop yourself and, perhaps, you will bring something new and exciting for those who still know nothing about travel!

It is worth noting that most people often dream of various adventures and travel to distant countries. Fortunately, the legislation provides for one or two months of vacation per year for each officially working person. But often a traditional beach holiday quickly gets boring, and for trips to really interesting places abroad, you need not only money, but also a sufficient amount of free time. But you should not part with your dreams because of this, so further you will learn about the best travel-related professions that will allow you to see the world without harming yourself.


In fact, the auditor is an expert accountant who checks, revises and, in fact, audits various documents, books and reports at different enterprises. Also, such specialists are often engaged in consulting activities related to the correct adjustment and organization of accounting.

The professional activity of auditors is associated with constant trips to various cities and monitoring the work of various organizations and enterprises. True, if you start working as an auditor in a small state-owned company, you are unlikely to travel abroad too often, but you are guaranteed constant movement within your country. The same specialists who work in large international organizations have to carry out business trips to different cities and countries of the world. Moreover, all expenses associated with the trip itself and the rental of hotel rooms, as a rule, are paid by the company itself.

English teacher

If you are fluent in English, have the appropriate diplomas or certificates, and also want to become a teacher, then the profession of a foreign language teacher will be an excellent option for you. With regard to travel, the special demand for such specialists is high in many Asian countries. And especially in China, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam and South Korea. There you can get a much higher paying job than with similar employment in the CIS countries. Fortunately, there are a considerable number of relevant companies that are looking for such specialists and help them fly to a new place, prepare all documents and find employment.

But there is another version of this profession related to travel. Instead of looking for official work abroad, you can volunteer and teach English for free in various shelters and low-income schools. For this you will be provided with housing and food. This option is especially relevant for the so-called poor countries - India, Laos and Cambodia.

Wedding photographer

Agree that the prospect of traveling to various exotic places and photographing happy married couples looks very tempting. But this is exactly the lifestyle that a wedding photographer leads. True, with regard to earnings, the payment options can be very different. Some newlyweds consider it sufficient to provide only a round trip without additional payment for the services of the photographer, believing that he is already on vacation. But there are also people who will pay generously for the pictures taken, including also covering the cost of flights and accommodation. In general, the salary in this profession is highly dependent on your fame in the business and the accumulated client base.


Such specialists are widely in demand in those countries and cities where Russian tourists most often have a rest. If you are fluent in spoken English, then the list of potential employers who are ready to hire you expands significantly. As a rule, in order to find the appropriate ones, you need to contact excursion and travel agencies and offer them your candidacy. Key moment in this profession, it is the ability to communicate with people, as well as to convey the necessary information to them in an interesting and understandable way. One has only to take into account that not in every country it is possible to legally get a job as a guide, since in some states legal grounds only the citizens of this power can find a job. But this is where the travel professions are just getting started.


Of course, one of the most popular professions for traveling is working as a sailor. It is worth noting here that the word "sailor" does not necessarily mean only the captain of the ship, navigator, cabin boy or sailor. Today, in addition to ordinary cargo ships, cruise ships constantly sail across the seas and oceans, where specialists of completely different profiles are always needed. These can be cooks, waiters, maids, instructors in gym entertainment organizers, etc. main feature is that you can work on such a ship, as if in an ordinary hotel on land, and at the same time enjoy walking around different cities of the world during the ship's stops. Usually, vacancies for such jobs are searched through the Internet.


In fact, an animator is a versatile artist and entertainer who organizes various entertainment events and actively participates in them as a host. Such employees are constantly in demand in almost every hotel located near popular resorts, famous beaches and more. Here you will need artistry, creativity, good feeling humor, innate optimism and, ideally, knowledge of a foreign language. Thus, you get a profession related to travel, you can actually live in a luxury hotel, entertaining the visitors of the institution.

Member of an archaeological or geological expedition

Many people must be attracted by the prospect of working as an archaeologist, since this profession is not only associated with travel to different countries, but also with the study of ancient civilizations, as well as the history of mankind in general. No less attractive is the position of a geologist, who usually goes to the sparsely populated and most remote regions of the country in order to search for minerals such as coal, oil, gas, etc.

It is worth noting that to participate in such an expedition it is not necessary to be a wise archaeologist or an experienced geologist. In such trips, various handymen are always in price. For example, diggers or loaders who perform relatively simple, but no less responsible work.

Pilots and stewardesses

Naturally, speaking of professions related to travel, we should also mention airline employees. As you know, aircraft pilots, together with the crew, constantly fly between the most diverse and remote countries of the planet. This is a very responsible, dangerous and highly paid job. However, you should not be afraid of any plane crash, since according to statistics, the probability of such an accident is only 0.00001% or 1/8,000,000. For example, the probability that a bystander will fall under the wheels of a car is much higher.

However, if you are terribly afraid of heavenly heights, then employment in the field of railways can be a good alternative for you. Just like pilots with stewardesses, machinists and conductors travel between different cities and countries. But, as you understand, instead of air transport, ground, that is, locomotive trains are used.


Perhaps, the job of a nanny has been one of the most sought-after professions in the world for more than a century. This specialty is also popular in the CIS countries, but, as a rule, for tangible earnings, educators have to go abroad. Typically, work contracts are concluded for a period of several weeks to a year or more. That is, having worked in one city, you can freely move to another. Also, some families specifically hire nannies to take them on vacation to look after their children.

Today, there are many relevant agencies for educators who are engaged not only in employment, but also in the training of their employees. So, if you have a great love for children, patience and perseverance to endure children's whims, finding an appropriate position in the country you are interested in is more than realistic.

Journalist, reporter

Surely you have noticed more than once how during the news broadcast on television, reporters appear on the screen, reporting from a wide variety of points on the globe. Such specialists travel to different countries or constantly monitor the situation in one particular region, and also prepare comprehensive reports for their employers and television viewers.

True, everything here depends on your specific specialization, since a political scientist and a simple staff writer or newspaper editor have completely different tasks. As you can see, the professions associated with travel are very diverse.


Instead of a conclusion, it is worth mentioning AU pair and WWOOFer. As for the AU pair, it means working abroad with a specific family. In this case, your duties are to help around the house, at home or in gardening. Often, the term AU pair also refers to the upbringing of children. As a reward, you get the opportunity to live and study the culture of a certain country, get housing, food and pocket money.

As for WWOOFer (Willing Workers on Organic Farms) or agritourism, this type of activity is also very similar to volunteering. In fact, you are offered to become a volunteer worker on organic farms, and in return you get free housing, food and the very experience of growing certain plants and harvesting a wide variety of crops, from coffee beans in Ethiopia to peaches in Australia.

As you can see, travel professions are really accessible to everyone. Or maybe you know better options for combining work and trips around the world?



You do not like to stay at home, but adore travel and distant countries? Choose a profession that allows you to regularly travel the world.

Do you love to travel the world? Why not turn your hobby into a job?! Moreover, for this it is not at all necessary to become a truck driver or a steward, you may well remain an office worker. Here are just ten professions that allow you to travel regularly on business trips.

Event manager

Representatives of this specialty constantly work for large corporations or work in agencies that conclude one-time contracts. These people help to plan and competently conduct all kinds of corporate events. They know how to properly organize team building or premium holidays for employees, what entertainment to choose, how to get discounts at hotels, buy cheaper air tickets and save the company money. And, of course, they themselves must travel with the organization to the "scene" and control whether everything is going as it should. This work also has disadvantages: you will always be at the customer’s hand, and, therefore, the whole stream of discontent will immediately be poured on you in case of any trouble. In addition, you will have to be present at all receptions, which cannot but affect the waist.

National Tourism Officer

Wealthy countries open their national representative offices or regional tourist offices around the world, and employees are constantly required there. These organizations promote the country among local tour operators and journalists, organize seminars and conferences for them, and accompany them on study tours. To work there, you will need an excellent knowledge of the language of the country you will be advertising, it is also desirable to understand its geography and have some understanding of marketing.

Travel Agency Product Testing Specialist

Large reputable travel agencies have special departments that monitor the quality of the product. Their employees travel the world to all destinations, countries and cities sold by this company, live in the best and not very good hotels, and then report on whether the service meets the declared level. You will have to travel a lot, not staying in each place for a long time, so it is not surprising that no matter how attractive this profession may seem to you at first, you will quickly get tired and ask for another job.

Public Relations Specialist

If you decide to do tourism PR, or you get commissions from companies related to the tourism industry, you will have to travel quite often to the places your clients want to promote: you will need to meet with partners, accompany groups of journalists on study tours. However, be prepared for the fact that you will be issued the cheapest ticket and settled in the most budgetary room (sometimes you even have to share it with an interpreter or a driver), while your guests will be provided with all the best services. In addition, you will experience constant stress dealing with fastidious or overly demanding authors, and you need to ensure that your company or promoted brand is only positively spoken about.

press secretary

Press secretaries of the largest companies travel a lot. Often they accompany the boss on all significant business trips in order to keep abreast of events and be able to respond quickly to them. However, this position is not a sinecure at all: you will have to constantly live like on a volcano, expecting trouble every second, find a way out of any situation and be able to quickly invent a strategy that will cover any unseemly actions of the boss and the most illegal actions of the company.

If you participate in the creation of commercials for large wealthy customers, you are waiting for location shooting in different corners peace. As a rule, directors and actors are recruited from the outside, but from the company involved in the creation of commercials (this can be either a separate special organization or a division advertising agency), a representative always goes to the fields to coordinate the work of the team and make sure that everything is done on time and without exceeding quotas. Please note: this work is very nervous, you will have very little time left for sightseeing!

auditor or accountant

As a rule, auditors have to travel to clients to research, analyze and prepare corporate financial statements on site, find out if taxes have been paid, and detect fraud or mismanagement in a timely manner. Moreover, competent specialists are given excellent salaries, they are paid a business class on an airplane, deluxe rooms in hotels. However, to get this position, you must have a solid economic education. Don't be under the illusion that you will be able to see the world. Arriving at some interesting place, you will have to while away long hours with papers in the office: you will not see the city and return to the hotel so tired that you simply will not have time to use the super services of your super hotel.


A number of companies prefer to hire translators on the spot, however, those who seriously care about confidentiality will never trust an unknown person to be present at the negotiations - they will bring their own specialist, reliable and experienced, who knows the intricacies thoroughly professional vocabulary. Therefore, interpreters working for large companies are constantly on the road. They sometimes manage to see the country where they are brought, but only by accompanying the helpless, non-speaking boss, of course.

Foreign language teacher

Do not be surprised: such a calm profession as a foreign language teacher also allows you to travel a lot. The fact is that various long-term and short-term courses are constantly recruiting teachers to work in different parts of the world. In addition, large companies often organize field courses for their employees, combined with recreation. Such work leaves a lot of free time that you can spend as you please. But in order to be among the lucky ones, you need to stock up on certificates confirming your qualifications and establish yourself well in the market.

Regional sales representative

The larger the company you are going to work for, the greater the coverage of the territory in which you will have to travel. That is, if among your clients there are only a few firms in the Novosibirsk region, of course, you are unlikely to leave its borders: most of your time will be spent in small towns and cheap hotels. But a sales representative of a large firm will have a much larger coverage area, for example, the whole of Europe. You will be able to constantly move around the countries, accompany customers to expensive restaurants, entertaining and treating them in a big way.

What professions are associated with travel is not an idle question. Many people are interested in a job that involves travel, and hundreds of people dream of traveling the world in their professional activities. At the same time, they do not want to visit the neighboring region, but so that the seas and foreign countries are under the wing of the aircraft.

If you are curious about which place is captured in the photograph, then I will inform you that our plane flies over the Mediterranean Sea, heading to. And part of the land belongs to France, where Marseille is quite clearly visible.

Of course, there are professions related to long-distance travel. And it would be good for inquisitive young people and girls, who are easy-going, to choose a specialty after graduation, which, at least in the future, opens up chances for traveling.

However, there is a paradox here. You can become an attaché and, with a diplomatic specialization, settle down somewhere in the office of the State Archives, instead of working abroad, and even with a ban on traveling anywhere. And you can get a bartending specialty in an ordinary college, work in bars and restaurants in your city, learn a foreign language and get a job in a European country. Everything is relative in this matter.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider places of work that offer various opportunities to include travel and abroad in their activities. It could be:

  • Work involving long-distance travel;
  • Professions related to tourism and travel;
  • Employment in another country in a sought-after specialty.

Although there are always exceptions. For example, my very informative and exciting foreign business trip took place when I worked as a manager in a non-travel company. Where this business trip took place, see. Therefore, single business trips can happen in various fields activities. But now we will try to compile a list of professions where regular travel is highly likely.

Work related to travel

1. "Heavenly" professions: pilot, stewardess/steward

Interesting professions that provide the fastest transportation of passengers are far from accessible to everyone, since they impose strict requirements on the health and physical fitness of specialists. In addition, they require a high level of basic knowledge and practical skills. But a clear plus is the real opportunity to visit many cities and countries in the process of work.

2.Specialties of railway communication: locomotive driver, conductor

These professions of the railway industry are designed to deliver passengers over long distances, therefore, both machinists and conductors have access to the cities of terminal stations. The crew of a long-distance train must have a day off, or even several, before setting off on the return journey. It's time to spend a few hours exploring the local attractions. By the way, trains from Moscow run regularly to central Europe.


The profession of an archaeologist is aimed at a person who is ready to travel far and wide to excavate supposed artifacts for months. No doubt, these are specific trips. And they do not take place in a comfortable environment within city blocks, but in the field. But the activity of an archaeologist without trips to historical places is unthinkable.

4.International journalist

Owners of creative and literary abilities with a pronounced craving for travel should try their hand at journalism. Not every journalist has business trips to attractive places. But our correspondents work in almost all countries of the world. What if you immediately aim and gradually win a place under the sun for yourself? Maybe your highest professionalism will be able to bypass the intricacies of connections, and you are sent to a permanent job in another country ...

5.Exhibition agency manager

Exhibitions have already firmly entered the modern industry. Events are held both locally and internationally. And in foreign events, the country is most often represented not by individual companies, but by the relevant agencies that equip special stands and prepare various presentations of many enterprises. Professional managers in this business are very necessary.

Travel Jobs

1.Tourism manager

A travel manager develops travel itineraries and performs travel arrangements. He chooses countries and cities, selects hotels, makes excursion programs. And in order to create interesting and popular routes, an employee of a travel company needs to visit the corresponding country himself, take a closer look at the place. Therefore, advertising tours are provided in this area - a business trip of a manager to study and analyze the conditions of the proposed route.

The main work then will be to sell the formed tourist product to customers, but why is a promotional tour not a trip?

2.Tourist travel specialist

Or tourism manager No. 2)) Within the framework of one large travel company, various managerial positions are precisely separated, but purely theoretically there is no strict division, as well as a specific name of the specialty. What is for sure is the employees who meet the group at the place of arrival, organize transfers to hotels, and assist in organizing the rest. Their duties are direct escort of tourist groups. What is attractive from the point of view of professional activity, these employees are on a long business trip in a resort place or a popular city. And under such conditions, the tourism manager will definitely find time for personal travel around the country.

3.Tour guide/guide

In the era independent travel and audio guides, the profession of a guide is less and less in demand. However, it still exists today. There are definitely guides in major domestic museums. And many foreign objects cannot be reached without them. For example, in Czech, an excursion with a visit to chapels is possible only with a guide. However, in others they are in no hurry to introduce audio text, preferring live communication.

Here is our list of ten real professions, in which there is a high probability of not just trips, but even travel to other countries. And this is at a time when the specialist is engaged in his direct duties, receives a salary. You just have to try in relation to a foreign language. If you want to go abroad, please learn and keep active spoken English (less often another foreign language).

Employment abroad

There is another opportunity to connect your professional activity with travel - to go abroad, get a job there that matches your skills and desires, and then work on weekdays and travel on weekends.

How to work in a foreign country? Employment depends on many factors. From your ambitions and from your willingness to engage in activities that are far from your ideal. From the desire to learn a lot and from the tireless overcoming of various trials.

Our IT specialists are quite competitive. Experienced professionals who speak a foreign language consider vacancies in different countries, are interviewed and often receive a coveted offer.

Many of our erudite compatriots are trying to get a job as a guide to serve Russian-speaking tourists. But this is not an easy idea to implement. I won’t speak for all countries, but I can shed some light on the situation in this case in the Czech Republic. Czechs do not trust anyone they meet to talk about their country. To get a job in a decent agency, you need to complete special paid courses in Prague and pass an exam. The result of successful delivery will be the acquisition of a tour guide license, which opens the way to normal employment. There are also small private offices offering excursions to tourists, where it is easier to get there. But with them you should not count on stability and reliability.

More chances to get a job abroad in the service sector. The hotel business or cruise ship companies often post vacancies for maids, waiters, cooks, animators, etc. You will have to work a lot in such specialties, but there will be time to get to know foreign country, and for recreation.

AT last years more and more people are talking about travel bloggers. Some people even think it is perfect option: travel, blog and talk about your trips, make money on it and go to the country of your dreams again ... Eh, guys, don't believe these fairy tales. If you want to make money with the help of sites, then start not a travel blog, but opt ​​for another topic. You can also create a travel blog if you wish (I even for beginners), but be prepared that you will have this project for your soul.

So, what are the conclusions? There are travel related jobs. Maybe not such a big choice, but there are chances to combine your professional activities with travel. Foreign trips will also require knowledge of the English language. Dare and your best job will appear on your life horizon.

Your euro guide Tatiana