Why does a dead man dream of being alive. Why does a dead person dream of being alive

  • 21.10.2019

Why do dead relatives dream - is it a bad or a good indicator?

If at night in a dream you saw a person who is not alive, it always seems strange and mysterious. Well, if he was close and dear, you will probably wake up with a aching heart and the question of what the deceased relative dreamed of.

A dream involving a recently deceased relative is not uncommon - often this indicates longing for the deceased. If the actions of someone close to you seem strange, you should look for an explanation in the dream books.

There is no need to be afraid of such dreams - only a dream in which the deceased calls you with him has a uniquely negative connotation. Mostly dreaming relatives who are not alive warn of danger. It is necessary to correctly decipher the dream, taking into account the smallest details - and then adverse events in life can be prevented.

Why do dead relatives dream

Most often, a dead mother in a dream is a harbinger of ailments and diseases.

  • Sleep should be afraid if the deceased mother is talking to you.
  • The impending illness will be predicted by the deceased brother.

Dreams in which relatives who have left this world call you are considered especially bad. Under no circumstances should you follow them. If this happens, serious illness cannot be avoided.


The subconscious sometimes "fulfills orders" and represents in the form of a dream the thoughts that visited during the day. For example, remembering dead parents (it could even be a fleeting thought), you can expect a night dream about them.

  1. Sometimes people believe that this “visit” may not be accidental - close relatives who have left the dreamer are trying to convey something, warn of danger, report news.
  2. Or they want to "see you" in this way. But such dreams also have more veiled meanings, revealed in well-known dream books.

Each dream book reveals the essence of a dream with the dead in different ways. The most popular of the interpreters always attach special importance to this dream.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Miller's dream book

According to this interpreter of dreams, the dead, who appeared alive in a dream, come to warn of a dangerous situation. If they give advice to the sleeper, then these tips are of great power, they should be believed and followed.

As a rule, the deceased father always saves from trouble, and dead mother seeks to protect health.

After a conversation with her, you need to listen to the body, undergo an examination at the slightest ailment. But this is if the dead are dreamed of alive.

  • If in a dream they "revolt", then this promises a difficult situation, a problem.
  • When those who died in a dream die again, this indicates an imminent betrayal by loved ones, friends and impending conspiracies and intrigues on their part. After such a dream, it is better to be more attentive with relatives, to beware of betrayal.


Interpretation of Freud and Vanga

Why do dead relatives dream, Vanga explains this: in reality, you will meet with a prejudiced attitude towards yourself, but you will not be able to resist it. If you dream a large number of deceased - family members will become seriously ill, possibly get into a car accident. It is in your power to prevent a disaster or mitigate its consequences.

Hug a deceased friend or loved one in a dream promises change. They can be both positive and negative. But the seer urges not to lose self-control and not to despair. Trouble will be replaced by prosperity. And composure and faith in tomorrow will help to cope with a difficult period in life. The dream book advises to look for everything positive points and be optimistic about the situation.

Why dream of the death of a deceased relative in reality?

  1. Among the closest friends there is a dishonest person.
  2. He conceived evil and weaves intrigues against you.
  3. Do not take a word and control the information received.
  4. A good attitude towards others will come out sideways for you.
  5. This plot in a dream even admits that the meanness was conceived by relatives. Do not let yourself be deceived, and troubles will pass by.

Why dream of kissing a deceased relative?

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Nostradamus deciphers this: you can overcome your fears. Past doubts, fears will not be so convincing, and life will sparkle with new colors. If in a dream a long-dead person persuades you to go with him, you should not agree. Keeping a dead company, in reality, portends a serious illness or prolonged depression.

Why dream when relatives who have died in reality appear alive in a vision?

  • Their souls cannot find peace.
  • Go to the temple, light a candle for the repose; commemorate them by distributing treats to friends and acquaintances.
  • If they keep coming in their sleep, order a magpie at the church.
  • Hearing the voices of departed relatives in a dream can mean illness.

Deciphering what the deceased relatives dream of, Freud came to the conclusion that longevity awaits a person. His life will be filled with joy, success and recognition of merit. The psychoanalyst advises not to dismiss what the dead told you in a dream.

Try to recreate the meaning of the conversation as accurately as possible in memory, the words of the deceased often turn out to be prophetic.

Versions of Tsvetkov and Loff

Compiling a dream book, Loffa did not focus on what he was dreaming of native person gone over the edge.

  1. But if visions are frequent and burdensome, then in reality you are in constant tension. Do you have excessive anxiety? nervous system overloaded.
  2. Find a way to relax and let off steam. Otherwise, under the influence of stress, the body will be exhausted and endless diseases will begin.

What is the dream of a relative who died the day before? Tsvetkov interprets this image as a difficult test on your way. If in a dream the deceased has coins over his eyes, then the events are connected with the financial side of life. Most likely they will try to draw you into an adventure and use it in the dark. Do not trust anyone with your money, do not lend or take a loan. During this period, the risk of being deceived increases many times over.

Why dream of watching a funeral procession or the burial of a relative? Tsvetkov, compiling his dream book, predicted sharp changes in weather conditions. If you saw a dead man lying in a coffin, in reality expect guests who have come from afar.

  • Tsvetkov interprets the deceased father who appeared in a dream as having problems with your child.
  • In the coming days, find time to talk heart to heart with him, find out what worries him.
  • With a high probability, the dream book indicates that the son or daughter cannot cope with the difficulties that have arisen on their own due to lack of experience.
  • Do not scold him or accuse him of lack of independence.
  • Better help to sort out the troubles, and you will become closer.

Hasse version

Why do deceased relatives dream according to Hasse? Regular visions in which you meet previously deceased close relatives symbolize the approaching danger.

  1. In a dream, do not accept gifts from the dead; you should not give them gifts either. Indeed, by doing so, you literally lose vitality, strength, and confidence. Instead comes despair, despondency, depression.
  2. Why dream in funeral procession carry the coffin with the dead? Hasse explains it this way: serious trouble awaits at work. Perhaps the situation will develop in such a way that it will be easiest to quit.
  3. Kissing the dead in a dream portends a love interest that will bring many positive emotions. Lie next to the deceased - to good luck in all endeavors. Dressing - to the deterioration of health. But if you took off the clothes of the deceased, the dream book predicts the death of a loved one.

Having received such an omen, do not rush to lose heart. Higher power Having sent this story, they provide a chance to change their minds and prevent a tragedy.

A few more interpretations

What is the dream of a grandmother who died a long time ago?

  • In reality, there will be serious problems that you will have to deal with.
  • Remember, perhaps a relative in a dream gave advice on how best to proceed.
  • Most likely, this is the best way to solve problems.
  • And if she was happy and laughing, then you shouldn’t worry too much, things will end well.

Why dream of the repeated death of a relative who has died in reality?

  1. In communication with loved ones, mutual understanding will disappear. It is worth getting together and calmly discuss the current situation, clarify omissions. Perhaps, after a conversation, many problems will be resolved by themselves.
  2. This plot in a dream has another interpretation. Constant stress and tension led to the accumulation of aggression. Nervous, you lash out at those around you. To normalize your condition, sign up for a gym, visit a psychologist, or go for a walk in nature.

See yourself at the grave of the deceased

Why dream if you came to visit the graves? In reality, be sure to visit the cemetery and commemorate the dead in the circle of friends and relatives. But if possible, go to church, light a candle or order a prayer for the repose.

Why dream of the tears of the deceased? A weeping deceased relative warns against quarrels with those closest to him. Control your emotions: they will provoke rudeness - do not pay attention. If you break loose in a dream, then this is a harbinger of a long enmity. Therefore, all grievances that arise should be clarified immediately, but in a calm tone and with respect for the interlocutor.

If the deceased hands over money

Why dream if the deceased holds out money? Cut down on your expenses. Careless handling of finances will provoke bankruptcy. Interpreters recommend that if you saw this event in a dream, do not look for easy money or high incomes. Invest what you have accumulated only in reliable, stable projects.

What is the dream of the deceased seriously ill person?

  • This omen can mean an imminent death.
  • Manenghetti portends that in a dream, kissing a dead man on the forehead is a sign of liberation from spiritual debts.
  • You will finally be forgiven for a serious offense committed earlier, or, conversely, forgive the person yourself and be able to breathe freely.

There is also such an original transcript, why a conversation with the deceased is dreamed of. Talking with a relative who has gone beyond means that in reality someone has been looking for you for a long time. Perhaps this is an old friend with whom fate divorced many years ago.


Dreaming of a dead mother

It is the mother who is able to love her child as he is, to forgive and understand him like no other. Now most people are sure that with death physical body the life of the soul does not end. It continues its existence in a subtle form - energy substance.

The dwelling place of the souls who left the earthly vale is called differently, but most often - afterlife. Esotericists, and, today, advanced scientists are sure that the passage of time is not uniform. And in the posthumous state, the soul of a person who has left earthly life is in its denser layers. There you can learn about what the future awaits living on Earth.

  • However, everywhere there are their own laws, and the direct transmission of information about what is destined for an earthling by fate is often prohibited. Therefore, the soul of the mother, who loves her child, in moments dangerous to his life, seeks to tell him about the impending threat so that he can avoid it.
  • Since there is often a ban on the transmission of textual information, a hint about the future is often contained in the appearance of the deceased parent, her actions, clothes, words and look.

If a dead mother dreams, this is a very important sign. Here you need to pay attention to absolutely all the details of a dream:

  1. setting and lighting in a dream,
  2. the appearance of the parent and her attitude towards the sleeping person,
  3. sounds and smells
  4. the presence of other characters where the plot develops.

Interpretation depending on the details of sleep

If the deceased parent asks to live with the sleeping person in the house, this is a sign that he makes many mistakes in reality that can lead to a sad result. To see that the deceased mother in the dreamer's dwelling washes the floor or paints (whitens) the walls, which means that soon he will have to move out of this place and start new life in another apartment or house.

If the deceased mother looks young and healthy, cheerful and sociable, this is a sign that favorable changes in fate will occur in the sleeping person in the near future. Seeing a deceased parent surrounded by numerous relatives means that soon one of them will leave earthly life. The updates that a dead mother offers in a dream symbolize success in business in real life.

  1. If the sleeper is lonely, then the frequent appearance of the deceased parent in his dreams indicates that he needs a warm relationship and care. And the deceased mother, with her appearance, supports him as best she can.
  2. If in a dream communication with a parent takes place in a gloomy, anxious environment, and the mother’s eyes are sad, this is a sign of upcoming serious troubles. To hear a thunderclap in such a dream is a cardinal change in fate.

What portends

If the mother died recently, and often dreams of her grieving child, such dreams are rarely endowed with predictive meaning. But if enough time has passed for the pain of loss to subside, the appearance of a deceased mother in a dream should be taken with all seriousness. It's just that a parent never dreams.

A very important sign is a dream in which the deceased holds an icon in her hands or shows the sleeping person to it.

This is a hint to a person that his delusions and wrong attitude to life have led to the fact that his soul began to turn black from the number of unseemly deeds. Therefore, the deceased mother, trying to save her lost child, draws his attention to the fact that in the future such a lifestyle will lead to a tragic outcome.

  • There is a belief that the beckoning dead man dreams of the great misfortune or death of the sleeping person. However, this is not always the case. There are many examples of how a deceased mother called the sleeping person after her, and if he followed her, then she brought him to the place from which he saw pictures of his future.
  • Often these are places of possible tragedies: accidents and murders. In this way, a person received knowledge of what or whom he should be afraid of.

There is a widespread belief among the people that the dead dream of a change in the weather. This is true if the dream left the sleeping person indifferent, and the deceased did not contact him in any way in a dream.

It is also known that the dreaming of the deceased should be remembered. Moreover, you should not limit yourself to cooking and serving people with it. You need to visit the church and put a candle to the deceased for the repose of the soul or order a prayer service.


What is the dream of the dead dad

If the deceased father very often dreams of you, then according to folk beliefs it needs to be remembered.

  1. Why is it necessary to put a candle in the church and distribute sweets or some other treat to acquaintances and friends. In addition, the father can ask for something.
  2. For example, to come in a dream with some object in hand. In this case, it is necessary to buy this thing and take it to the grave.

There is another interpretation of this dream. Perhaps the dreamer is tormented by conscience for his actions towards his father in the past. Only sincere and conscious repentance will help in this. In this case, it is best to confess, this will allow you to get out of the captivity of negative emotions that are directed both at your parent and other people around you.

  • The deceased father often dreams when the dreamer is subconsciously tormented by the desire to return to the past and correct his mistakes in relations with the parent. In addition, this dream denotes a time of change. That is, you must try to achieve new heights in real life, putting all your experience into practice.
  • What is the dream of a recently deceased father? This vision speaks of your longing for your loved one. You still have not come to terms with the loss, or you feel subconsciously guilty for your inattention or some past actions.

Many dream books say that if a dead father dreamed, then this is a favorable sign. Thus, the dreamer will expect positive changes in the near future, or circumstances will develop in such a way that a person can benefit for himself. But this will happen only if the interpretation of the dream is correct.


father and mother together

Seeing father and mother together, standing side by side - mutual understanding and harmony in the family, resolving old problems and conflicts.

  1. If parents hold hands, you will be lucky in matters of the heart; for unmarried (unmarried) - fast wedding, engagement.
  2. Parents are pale and dressed in black - serious disappointments.
  3. Kiss - long life.
  4. Living parents are happy news, a long-awaited letter.

Significance of deceased parents for pregnant women

Seeing a dead mother or father portends an unexpected gift, letter, visit for a pregnant woman.


Deceased grandparents

So, for example, a vision in which the deceased grandparents hug the dreamer, affectionately hold his shoulders, hand or press him to himself, not only does not portend death to him, but even, on the contrary, promise long years of life.

Near death is predicted only by that night vision in which deceased relatives (or someone else who is no longer in this world) call the dreamer with them, stretch out their hands to take him somewhere or go with him into the unknown. A closed face of a dead man or his obscure appearance (a darkened, blurry face) is considered a particularly bad sign.

  • But to see your dead relatives in a state of serene sleep or rest is truly good sign, which signals to the dreamer that the souls of his loved ones have finally found complete peace and refuge in another world.
  • Also a very good symbol is any gift or present received as a gift from the deceased grandparents, because it predicts the dreamer quite impressive wealth and success in all endeavors.
  • Do not forget about the most common interpretation of such a night vision, which boils down to the fact that the dead man seen in a dream does not portend anything serious to the dreamer and only simply indicates imminent changes in the weather.

If in a dream a person suddenly realizes for no reason that his deceased relatives suddenly come to life, then in reality things are bad, since most likely their souls wander in reality in search of long-awaited peace. In such cases, it is advisable to show due respect for the deceased and visit their graves in the cemetery (take care of order there, erect a monument, if necessary, etc.). Also, you should definitely go to church and put a candle for each person who appeared in a dream for their repose.

The image of his relatives who had recently died, which appeared to the dreamer's attention, in an absolutely naked form, as well as in the case of a dream about their rest, indicates that in reality they found peace in the next world, absolutely everything suits them, absolutely nothing disturbs and not sad.

But the loud, or, on the contrary, too quiet voice of the deceased, heard in a dream, on the contrary, is a very bad sign, which, in turn, can portend the dreamer some kind of trouble or a serious long-term illness.

What portends

In general, many authors of various popular publications intended for detailed interpretation dreams, quite often agree that a dream about deceased relatives and friends should not always be taken to heart, especially if in reality the dreamer misses those who have gone to another world very much or even blames himself for this, considering himself indirectly guilty of their death .

Such a night vision can promise a person future remorse for what he did earlier and a full awareness of his own mistakes.

  1. Seen in sleeping dead the bodies of their relatives also do not promise the dreamer any mortal dangers or huge upheavals, but rather indicate the anguish, fears and serious self-doubt that torment him in reality.
  2. Sometimes such night visions indicate a person’s mental imbalance, his obsessions and phobias, which urgently need effective correction or qualified therapy.

It should also be borne in mind that a dream about deceased grandparents, provided that they are in good health in reality, can only reflect the real fears of the dreamer, who understands that sooner or later his relatives will die and hope that this moment come as late as possible.


Dreamed of a dead husband

Seeing a dead husband in a dream is a minor trouble and problem.

  • Talking to your husband - friends want to drag you into a dubious adventure.
  • Hug your husband material costs related to the health of loved ones.
  • Kissing a husband is a serious illness for one of the family members.
  • The husband wears in his arms - treason, betrayal.
  • Follow your husband - soon they will need your help, do not refuse it.
  • Saying goodbye to your husband - new acquaintances.
  • Take something from his hands - sudden cash receipts.
  • Give any thing to the deceased husband - remember the soul of the deceased, put a candle in the church, help those in need.

Deceased brother or sister

  1. If the dreamer meets his deceased brother, this dream means that it is necessary to help someone from his environment. You need to carefully look around and see the one who needs help, who is in trouble or hardship. If you help a person in need, then good will return a hundredfold.
  2. A dream about a dead sister is interpreted in different ways. It can mean success in the business you have begun. Also, this dream can warn of an unfair situation awaiting the dreamer.

It is also important to remember the words and actions of the deceased brother or sister in a dream. From this, the interpretation of sleep may change. It is believed that in no case should you give money to the deceased or take from them. Also, you can not follow them if they call for them. Such symbols are unequivocally interpreted as a possible death or danger to life.

Dreaming of dead relatives of her husband

A dream in which a woman dreams of her husband's relatives can be a warning.

  • The mother-in-law warns of possible difficulties that the spouse hides, as well as dangers to his health.
  • If the mother-in-law dreams in the apartment where the dreamer and her husband now live, this is a sign that an accident may occur in the house.
  • Satisfied mother-in-law - to the birth of a child or a major purchase.
  • A disgruntled mother-in-law looking at an apartment in a dream is a sign of her dissatisfaction with changes in housing.

Father-in-law can warn of problems financial plan- Care should be taken when planning large expenses. If the father-in-law is sitting in the kitchen in a dream - to possible difficulties spouse at work, change of place of employment.



If an aunt dreamed - new acquaintances, friendly relations.

  • Aunt smiles, holds out her hands - soon friends will support you.
  • An angry aunt, crying, swearing - betrayal, betrayal of a loved one.


If your uncle dreamed, expect bad news.

  1. Uncle is angry, screaming - a divorce or a serious quarrel is possible in your life.
  2. For an unmarried (not married) - health problems are possible.
  3. Uncle dying or dead - you have enemies.

It is also important what feelings you experienced in a dream:

  • a feeling of joy, happiness - good luck, luck in business;
  • a feeling of sadness, despondency, sorrow - sad events, unimportant prospects;
  • feeling of fear - health problems;
  • anger and resentment - betrayal of a loved one.


Interpretation according to the details of sleep

What is the dream of the grave of a deceased relative

Usually a dream about a relative's grave is a reminder that you should visit the burial place. Remember the deceased, put a candle for the repose of the soul. There is nothing terrible or disturbing in this dream.

  1. But if the sleeper walks around the cemetery in search of the right grave and does not find it, this is a bad omen. Unpleasant events, loss of friendships, deception await ahead.
  2. See own grave- means a new life stage. If in a dream a widow stands at the grave of her deceased husband, then such a dream promises a new marriage.

The grave is a symbol of guilt, repentance. To tear it apart on your own - to an imminent death in the family. Why dream of the grave of a deceased relative? Fresh - trouble from ill-wishers. Old, unkempt - long longing. A grave with a cross - a quick resolution of cases, the end of difficulties, good luck.

Deceased relatives in a coffin in a dream

A dream has a negative meaning in which you put something in a coffin for a deceased relative. It will be followed by depression, loss of strength and energy.

  • The impetus for the development of diseases will be a dream in which the deceased is dressed.
  • The symbol of troubles and failures is a dear person whom you see dead in a coffin. Soon family quarrels and scandals will begin. Perhaps they will end with a break in attitude, suspicion of treason and betrayal.
  • The deceased father, looking at you, dreams of problems at work, worsening financial condition. There may be trouble with colleagues.


Wake, funeral

The above describes the possible reasons why deceased relatives appear in dreams. The dream interpretation also considers other subjects, for example, a funeral.

If in night dreams a person buried one of his relatives, he needs to remember what the weather was like during the burial ceremony. If it was raining, it is worth mentally preparing for difficult times. If the sun was shining, you can safely count on changes for the better.

  1. A dream in which the same relative is constantly buried hints at the mistakes made by the dreamer in the past. It is possible that the time has come to think about the possibility of correcting them.
  2. The commemoration seen in a dream warns that in reality a person will face a difficult test. Having withstood it, you can safely count on a reward from fate.
  3. The coffins in which the dead relatives lie are mostly dreamed of in trouble. In real life, the dreamer should be as careful as possible, avoid risky transactions and contacts.
  4. If a person who is alive in reality is buried in a dream, this character will have great luck.


Resurrection from the dead

Why else dream of relatives who have left this world? The dream interpretation also describes such an unusual plot as the resurrection of the dead. To understand its meaning, it is necessary to remember what mood the revived person was in.

  • If it was good, in real life a streak of luck will soon come.
  • The bad mood of the resurrected relative promises serious problems in reality.

Some guides to the world of dreams suggest that such a dream indicates that its owner is receiving the blessing of the deceased. In the near future there will be changes that are most likely to be positive.

Dead relatives appeared alive in a dream

In some cases, deceased relatives in a dream should not be afraid. There will be no trouble if you have not interacted with the dead.

  1. A dead mother dreams of longevity. She wants to say that you should pay attention to your family. After all, it is a great happiness to take care of those you love. The financial situation will improve if distant deceased relatives appeared alive in a dream. A stable future is guaranteed to those who take things from the hands of the deceased.
  2. By kissing a deceased relative, you will find happiness, but it will quickly elude you. Quite often, deceased relatives dream of emotional shock, illness. This is a signal that you should pull yourself together, improve your life.

Sometimes deceased relatives warn of problems with children. In this case, you need to carefully consider everything that happens, not to let them make mistakes. The dream in which the deceased brother came is associated with life's trials. Emotional experiences are coming, but they will not affect health.

Seeing dead sister, will soon experience a feeling of anger. The ghost of the late grandmother always tries to help, support. After her visit, it will be possible to solve all hopeless problems by making every effort. The deceased grandfather appears to change. Also, this dream portends painstaking work.


Why dream of a conversation with a deceased relative

If in a dream you are talking with a dead mother, this is a warning about possible diseases soon.

Conversations with the dead are mainly a warning or important information that your body is working for wear and tear, and it's time to stop a little and slow down the pace of life. The dream interpretation recommends visiting the grave of a relative and thanking him for his guardianship and tips from the other world.


Why do you dream of dead relatives from whom you run away

In this case, this may mean that you do not want to repeat their fate and mistakes. It can also be the reason why you feel remorse for not spending enough time with them in life.


Take something from deceased relatives in a dream

This is considered a good sign, which portends a significant improvement in financial situation and success in new projects.

Giving something to a deceased relative

If a deceased relative asks you to give something away, then this dream portends losses and the imminent onset of a black streak in your life. There comes a difficult period of disagreements in the family, parting with loved ones and problems at work.


Argument with a deceased relative

  • Why do relatives dream if the dreamer sees himself quarreling with them? The guidebook written by Freud assures that this is a reflection of the problems that appeared back in childhood. It is possible that the owner of the dream cannot part with some children's complexes, forgive the insults inflicted on him many years ago by his relatives.
  • Loff's dream book claims that a person who dreams of conflicts with relatives is a self-sufficient person. He is able to cope with all problems on his own, does not tolerate any restrictions on his own freedom. A fight with relatives in a dream can warn that in real life a person is tired of their misunderstanding, unwillingness to compromise. The blood of someone close is a promise of news that can turn out to be both good and bad.

A crying relative may also appear in night dreams. Noble dream book claims that such a plot speaks of the problems that exist in relations with this person in reality. It is very likely that he is offended by the dreamer's behavior. It is also possible that the owner of the dream is about to commit an act that will cause suffering to someone close to him.

Intimate connections

People are traditionally frightened by dreams in which they have sexual intercourse with someone from their family. The interpretation of dreams will help get rid of such fears.

Relatives with whom a person has sex in night dreams are just the closest people to him. He completely trusts them, completely relies on them.


Relatives who call for themselves

  • The husband is calling for him - you should listen to the words of a person significant to you in life.
  • Grandmother calls with her - serious health problems.

Deceased relatives at the table

Most likely you have unfinished business, unfulfilled promises, urgent action is expected of you.

  1. Relatives at the table are talking - a letter, breaking news.
  2. Relatives argue at the table, swear - old and forgotten grievances will soon make themselves felt.
  3. Relatives eat, drink - your undertakings will bear the first fruits and good results.

See sleeping

You need rest, vacation, spend more time with your family.

  • sleeping in home- appearance devoted friend in life.
  • Sleeping in a strange unfamiliar place - deceit, betrayal by a person close to you.
  • Next to you, in the same bed - big trouble.

Death of a deceased relative in a dream

If in a dream you see the death of a deceased relative, then this is a bad omen.

Such a gloomy plot warns of possible problems with living relatives in real life. In order not to bring the situation to extremes, you need to find time to meet with them as soon as possible and resolve all the problems that most likely arose against the backdrop of omissions and misunderstandings.

In addition, dying relatives in a dream symbolize that aggression has accumulated in your soul, which can cause a stressful state.


Congratulate a deceased relative

When you dream that you are congratulating your deceased relative on some event, this indicates that in real life you will do a noble deed.

Believe me, your kindness will make life around you brighter and happier.


Dreaming of long dead relatives

Did you dream of long-dead relatives? A solemn, family event should take place in your life. You will definitely receive an invitation to it, you will be able to see loved ones, which will positively affect your morale.

Relatives in dreams can report that all troubles will pass by, you have nothing to worry about. You will be able to successfully cope with the designated tasks, achieve dizzying success.

You will have a chance to take a break from everyday work, spend time with your family. Try not to refuse such an event. Otherwise, moral fatigue, a feeling of emptiness will overtake you.


Seeing a recently deceased relative in a dream

According to the Orakul dream book, recently deceased relatives who appeared in dreams are an omen of problems that appear in the lives of loved ones. They are unable to deal with them on their own.

Provide help and support close person, do not deny him this. Remember that at any time you yourself can find yourself in a similar situation.

Often dreams of dead relatives

Do dead relatives often come in a dream? You may not be doing what they want you to do. There is a possibility that in this way you are reminded of an oath or promise that you made to them when they were alive, but did not fulfill.

  1. Close people in a vision often visit for warning purposes. There may be danger ahead that can negatively affect all spheres of life. Perhaps relatives are trying to tell you how to avoid it.
  2. Someone close to you is constantly dreaming - there is a high probability of approaching trouble. You will have to face it if you do not start acting in time. What measures to take can be suggested by deceased relatives in dreams. The mother reports health problems, the father reports troubles that can adversely affect the financial situation.

It is important to remember the details of the vision, words or actions of loved ones. It is necessary to exercise caution and attentiveness in all matters in order to notice the danger in time, to avoid it.

Do not forget about your health, at the first signs of the disease, consult a doctor, undergo a full examination.

A nightmare with a dead relative

Sometimes a person has terrible nightmares associated with the dead. Most often - this is a manifestation of internal fears, complexes. Or the influence of external stimuli - horror films, scary books or pictures.

  • If a deceased relative is seen in the role of a terrible dead person, this means that the tragic events of the past cannot let go of the sleeping person. It is necessary to get rid of the guilt complex, try to understand and forgive the deceased.
  • If the dead person eats, illness is approaching. If a deceased relative comes to life, news or a letter awaits ahead. If he is not in a coffin, a guest will soon appear on the threshold. The sleeper gives the deceased something - at a loss. The deceased gives - to prosperity.

Kissing a dead man - for longevity, a love affair with a famous person. If relative dead- bad news, troubles. Lies on the table in the apartment - to a successful career. Dressing a dead person is a disease. Step on it - to death in the family.


So that the dead do not come

Many people are afraid of dreams with deceased relatives. Such dreams are interpreted in different ways. Their clue is more in the internal state of the sleeper.

During the funeral, if there is no desire to see the deceased in a dream, you must touch his leg. This should be done before the body is lowered into the grave. It is necessary during parting to touch the feet of the deceased, to say: "Do not come to me." Be sure to throw a handful of earth into the grave.

After such a simple ritual, the deceased will not disturb in a dream with his appearance.

That, perhaps, is all about why dead relatives often dream.

The dead dream so that their relatives do not forget about them

Night visions in which the dead appear can make you think about life or even scare. However, no matter what the deceased relative dreams about, if he visited you in dreams, you need to pray for him, commemorate him in the circle of family or friends.

It is even better to visit the grave of the deceased and go to the church to put a candle for repose, so that his soul finds refuge, and you are no longer embarrassed by the thoughts that the dream you see can mean and what events it prophesies.

Often there is such a case when a dead person comes to a sleeping person. Usually, these are recently deceased relatives or the image of a person close to you. A rather unpleasant case, but what does it portend?

It is necessary to understand: why do dead people dream?

All this speaks of the high experiences of a person, which are devoted to a recent loss. This is also displayed in our dreams, therefore, often, the dead are in a dream.

But, in some cases, dreams of a similar nature with elements of the so-called supernatural world portend us about future problems and difficulties in life.

Moreover, the meaning of a dream in which a deceased person comes, as if in a living guise, dream books denote in a variety of ways. It is important to remember some interpretations of dreams from dream books.

Interpretation options

So, for example, in Aesop's dream book, if a deceased person talks to a dreamer, points you to certain words or a letter, then this is the meaning of the fact that soon a person may suddenly fall ill. And if the deceased comes in a dream with a neutral mood, then this indicates that a change in the weather will occur.

But not only bad news brings this kind of dreams. If the deceased neighbor cries, and his tears instantly disappear in the air, then such a dream announces good news.

Most likely, human well-being will improve. And if the deceased suddenly comes to life in a dream, then you need to wait for the arrival of good news.

Also, a person who has lost his father can also notice him in his dreams. What will this mean? Dream Interpretations say that such a meeting of such images speaks of events related to gossip and intrigues that will happen to the sleeping person soon.

Some may see a living mother in a dream, such a sign says that you need to beware of diseases. So, there are some habits or shortcomings that can lead you to illness or to an early death.

A sibling is dreaming because of the need of relatives and relatives for you. Help them, learn about well-being and everything will work out.

Why do dead people dream of being alive?

Usually, this portends very unfavorable news.

The dream of the deceased husband also brings sad news, which are aimed at complicating already difficult problems, at grief and stress.

The deceased, who comes to sleep in a healthy form, only testifies that there are very important incidents in life that you do not notice, but they remain on the surface and continue to spoil your life.

We should work on this, reconsider our views, properly organize our everyday life think carefully about your actions before they should be committed.

You should benefit from this not only for yourself, but also for those around you. A dead man who asks for something in a dream is a messenger of depression or inner oppression.

Miller's dream book

Another dream book, namely Miller, tells us the following. The dreaming of the deceased, who with all his appearance gives a signal that he is happy, is a very bad omen.

In fact, having seen such a dream, you need to pay attention to your surroundings. Most likely, one of them has a negative impact on you, which also applies to your lifestyle, even if it is latent. This may lead to further problems and certain donations.

If a dead man dreams of taking any promise or oath from the dreamer, then this indicates a black streak in life. We advise you to listen to the advice of your closest friends and relatives. Perhaps only this can save you from future misfortunes.

Family dream book

For what reason a person dreams of a living dead man is described in a family dream book. A dream in which the image of a revived relative comes to you portends doom in the situation that has happened.

If a deceased person, coming to sleep, behaves badly, is in a state of rage and hooligans, then some kind of danger awaits you in real life, relatively soon.

Get yourself support that will protect you from future events. Failure in your immediate plans or unexpected, gaining momentum, difficult cases of life are foreshadowed by a dead man who dreams of embracing a person.

According to another dream book, which was written in the 20th century, you can find out that a dead person dreaming alive only says that a new period in reality will soon begin in the dreamer's life. The usual situation of your life will turn upside down and you will see new combinations of events. You can count on new acquaintances, new job, new hobbies and more.

If you dream of the deceased whom you are trying to avoid, then this only speaks of the past that worries you. Let go of these events and start life with clean slate. Live for today and you will immediately feel lightness in your soul, as much is released that no longer matters to you.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

The interpretation of dreams according to the dream books of Zhou-gun speaks of the following.

  • When a person sleeps and, unexpectedly, he has a dream in which he sees himself as a dead man, then this is interpreted as happy life and permanent well-being in it.
  • An interesting and long life awaits you if you have a dream in which a person who is quite familiar to you acts as a corpse, directly revived.
  • The dead man, who dreams of you getting up from the coffin, speaks of the arrival of guests from distant outskirts.
  • A good material profit is associated with a dead person who simply lies in a coffin. Also, such a dream characterizes good luck. This may also mean that you will soon win a prize in the lottery.

The dream interpretation also indicates that if the deceased is dreaming, who is crying bitterly, then this may mean the coming into life of the sleeping person is not unimportant conflict situation. Therefore, communication with other people will noticeably worsen.

To warn of imminent trouble, as the dream book tells us, the deceased comes to sleep calm, with a tired state and, stopping, stops his movement. He stands for a long time and tries to communicate by this that troubles will soon come into life.

Dream Interpretation of David Loff

Dreams are interpreted in their own way in David Loff's dream book. If you see a living dead in a dream, then such a meeting prepares you for the main and important issues of life.

When in a dream you accept the deceased as a guest, then such a sign leads to approaching longing. Moreover, this longing will be precisely for a person who has gone to the other world, it does not particularly carry a semantic load.

If you see the deceased alive and kiss him in your dream, then this indicates your personal attitude towards this person. Most likely, you feel guilty for him.

This happens when a person, without having time to ask for forgiveness, loses a loved one, and a tormenting conscience and a sense of guilt make themselves felt. Go to the grave of a person and ask for forgiveness there, you should feel better.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

In Vanga's dream book there are cardinal interpretations of dreams. If a person dreams of the deceased, then the legendary soothsayer tells us that this is a very bad sign.

This dream is a sign that soon they will come to you various diseases, epidemics, catastrophic situations.

A friend who died, coming to you in a dream, is trying to foreshadow you about something. Often, in this case, you can recognize the words. This is what will be the warning that should be understood and thought about.

Freud's dream book

What news does a dead person portend, who dreams like a living person? Let's read this in Sigmund Freud's dream book.

The interpretation of such a dream is interpreted in such a way that, most likely, the deceased person wants to warn you of an approaching danger. Well, if living people come to you in a dream, as dead people, then this is a sign that you need to think about and understand your relationship with them.

But all this happens usually on a single occasion. What does it mean when a dead person comes to a person in a dream all the time?

In the old days, such a repeated occurrence was considered a good sign. When a dead person comes into a dream all the time, such dreams keep noble energy in themselves. The deceased person plays the role of a guardian angel.

He tries to portend various ailments, helps a person with advice. Such dreams also represent protection from misfortune and various problems. So, the deceased help people live and avoid terribly bad situations.

But let's look at the most common causes of such dreams:

  • the desire to quickly let go of the past;
  • longing and sadness for their loss;
  • the subconscious, at the level of your emotions and experiences, can translate your thoughts into a dream.

Dream Interpretation of Kratov

It will be very interesting to analyze dreams, namely, their meanings according to Kratov. This dream book also interprets a dream that says that if a person met in his dream a deceased relative or a person on whom the dreamer could greatly depend, this means that the person needs help.

When a person dies, especially if the loss occurred quite recently, the person’s feelings go off scale, he can suffer, be sad, yearn for the loss. So if someone shares with you like a dream support this man, he really needs it.

These visions can last up to 40 days. A dream in which the dead man dreams in a nightmarish way can speak of a manifesting feeling of guilt. Ask for forgiveness from the deceased, you should certainly feel better if it is sincere.

Despite the fact that death is essentially a tragic, sad event, in a dream it is often associated with the beginning of a new life, liberation from the shackles of boring stereotypes and an outdated lifestyle in favor of a new outlook on life, a changed attitude towards others, the evolution of a person as a person . Why does a dead person dream of a dying person?

Seeing a dying person in a dream, especially if this person has been dead for a long time, it is important to correctly interpret such a dream and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Seeing a dead person dying in a dream is a harbinger of change, turning points, which in a certain way will affect the character and worldview of the dreamer.

Such a dream should first of all be interpreted as a warning: do not overly resist what is happening, it is best to just go with the flow for a while, bending under circumstances and changing as events unfold.
  • To see your dying or sick in a dream - bad sign . Such a dream promises family discord, numerous conflicts and quarrels that arise from scratch, but negatively affect relationships between loved ones and their overall family happiness.
  • Having seen such a dream, you should moderate your ardor and think about whether everyday little things are worth such scandals, and whether it is reasonable to spoil relations with your loved ones because of trifles. Having drawn the necessary conclusions, the dreamer or dreamer will most likely be able to avoid irreparable consequences and a final break in relations.

  • Seeing a dying person in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, disappointment. Most likely, the dreamer himself will not be to blame, but the circumstances that he cannot influence in any way. Trouble can come, as they say, “from where they didn’t expect”, take them by surprise and unsettle, but do not despair and give up. Having shown patience and firmness of character, the dreamer or dreamer will be able to overcome these difficulties and return to their usual life.
  • Death torment in a dream - bad sign . Such a dream portends problems, serious difficulties and minor troubles, and sometimes a whole streak of failures in the life of a dreamer or dreamer. Such a dream prepares for a difficult life stage, to overcome which you will have to make a lot of efforts, show determination and willpower.
  • Witnessing an easy death in a dream, the dreamer or dreamer can breathe a sigh of relief: difficult times have passed, and joyful events await him or her soon. Perhaps a new inspiring goal or hope will soon appear on the horizon, personal life will become brighter, and things at work will go smoothly.

Alternative interpretations from the modern dream book

Seeing a dying relative in a dream can also mean that recently the dreamer's or dreamer's personal life has faded into the background giving way to a career and everyday household chores.

After such a dream, you should reconsider your priorities and think about your attitude towards others: perhaps it makes sense to establish contacts with relatives, remember old friends from whom there has not been any news for a long time, or let someone new into your life.

  • Seeing a dead animal dying in a dream- good sign. Such a dream promises a quick enrichment, financial stability and good health. For a person who is desperate to find his happiness in life and who has fallen into depression, such a dream can mean a ray of hope, opening a second wind and inspiring to realize long-forgotten ideas and plans.
Seeing in a dream the death of someone who has already died a long time ago, one should first of all pay attention to what has recently taken the most important place in the dreamer's life. The dream is interpreted as a call to rethink your actions, think about decisions, abandon outdated ideas and turn to a new, only true path in life.

The importance of sleep in human life is enormous. When we sleep, the body rests after labor day. However, the brain does not sleep, it analyzes the events that have occurred in life and the emotions that the dreamer happened to experience. During rest, each person sees dreams. Some are forgotten with the first rays of the sun, while others are remembered for a long time. Dreams are different: bright and joyful or gray and sad. Sometimes in the kingdom of Morpheus, you can see a deceased relative or acquaintance as alive. Dream books will tell about what the dead dream about.

According to dream books, what does it mean to see a dead person alive in a dream?

Some believe that seeing a dead person alive in a dream is in danger, others - to a change in the weather. Here is the interpretation proposed in the dream books:

  1. XXI century. A new period will come in life.
  2. Azara. To a job change.
  3. American. You are disturbed by events from the past.
  4. English. Illness or collapse of plans.
  5. Antonio Meneghetti. Unfortunately.
  6. Vanga. Trouble awaits, be careful.
  7. Oriental. Health problems will arise.
  8. Denise Lynn. For changes in life.
  9. Winters. A dream promises a long life.
  10. Idiomatic. The difficult stage is over, tune in to a calm and measured life.
  11. Imperial. The events of the past do not give rest.
  12. Italian. To argue with a friend. You will vigorously defend your point of view.
  13. Small Velesov. You feel guilty about the deceased, seen in a dream.
  14. Martin Zadeki. There will be disappointment and loss.
  15. Medieval. To conflicts with relatives.

Should know. By dream book XXI century, to see a weeping dead man in the kingdom of Morpheus - to a major quarrel.

If in your dream the “revived” dead man felt bad, then they will treat you unfairly

Why see a revived deceased in a coffin

Sometimes in a dream you can see a dead person who suddenly comes to life. Such a night vision is interpreted by dream books in different ways:

  1. Loff. You will have to sort things out with a person with whom you have quarreled for a long time.
  2. Russian folk. Feeling guilty about the deceased. The conflict that arose between you on the eve of his death does not give rest.
  3. Modern. For weather changes.
  4. Tsvetkov. To unexpected life changes.
  5. Zhou Gong. Get news from the "past" that will indescribably please.

It is interesting. Kissing a dead man in a dream - to a long and happy life.

What does it mean if you see a living relative in a dream, but in reality he has already died?

It is not uncommon to have a dream in which we see a living relative who has died a long time ago. Such night dreams are special. Upon awakening, a person experiences a variety of emotions. Joy from the fact that there was an opportunity to once again see a loved one who left this world, and disappointment that this is just a dream, and the deceased cannot be returned. According to Miller's dream book, a dream promises to receive news that will affect your life.. Esoteric Tsvetkov claims that fate will bring a pleasant surprise.

The interpretation depends on who exactly you saw in a dream.


Mom is the closest and dearest person. Her death is especially hard to bear. A dream in which it was possible to see a dead mother alive has a great emotional load. Dream books will help decipher it:

  1. Denise Lynn reports that night vision does not bode well.
  2. David Loff interprets a dream depending on the emotions that you experienced. If you were happy, then expect good news, upset - beware of danger.
  3. Gustave Miller portends the pleasure of shopping.
  4. Modern warns of danger.
  5. Freud believes that the dreamer lacks the attention and support of the deceased.

Do you know that if a deceased mother in a dream helps with the housework, then family life is in jeopardy? To save a marriage, you have to make some efforts.

If in a dream you learned about the death of a loved one, then in reality this person is in great danger


The late father dreams for a reason. Often a dream warns of the danger threatening family members. Having seen such a dream, it is advisable to go to church and put a candle for the repose of the deceased.

The following is written in the dream books on this subject:

  1. Vanga. You won't keep your promises or you'll be in debt.
  2. Oriental. The business you start will be a success. This will make you rich.
  3. Winters. There are hypocrites and traitors in the inner circle.
  4. Miller. Big changes are coming in your life.
  5. Gypsy. Something amazing will happen to you.

It's important to know. If in a dream the deceased dad was sleeping, then do not achieve what you want, despite all efforts.

Interpretation if you dreamed of a husband or wife

Most often, you can see a deceased spouse or spouse in the kingdom of Morpheus in the first year after his or her death. The bitterness of loss is great, so you should not give special attention to dreams. Night visions indicate that you missed a loved one and he is greatly missed in life.

If the deceased wife dreamed, then the dream books interpret the dream as follows:

  1. Azara. To a scandal with one of the family members.
  2. Vanga. Even during their lifetime, they promised something to their wife and did not fulfill it. Think about what it could be, and keep your promise to the deceased.
  3. Miller. Sleep reminds of unfinished or unfinished business.
  4. Nostradamus. It's time to think about the future, not live in the past.
  5. Freud. Meet a woman you can open up to.

Interesting fact. In a dream, did the deceased wife pass by you without saying a word? It means that the past is irretrievably gone. Stop mourning for him and move on with your life.

If you constantly dream that the deceased husband hugs and kisses you, this means that it's time to take care of your own health - you expend a lot of energy, and the body thus signals an impending depression, as if asking for recharge from the outside

Here is how the interpreters of dreams explain the night vision in which the deceased husband appeared:

  1. English. This is a good sign. Expect long life and prosperity.
  2. Muslim. Exhausting chores and fuss are coming.
  3. Russian folk. To improvements in life.
  4. Modern. Get ready for the tests. The main thing is not to panic and think soberly.
  5. Tsvetkov. Life will bring you a pleasant surprise.

Note. If in a dream the deceased spouse warned of something, be sure to listen to his words.

Brother or sister

If a dead brother dreamed, then soon one of the relatives would ask for help. The interpretation of a dream depends on what kind of relationship developed between you. If you were close, then the dead person from a dream can warn of trouble or provide moral support. If the relationship did not go well, then do not expect good. You are in danger, so be careful. To see a small deceased brother in a dream - to worries and troubles.

Night dreams, in which the deceased sister appeared, often signify the receipt of important news. According to Miller's dream book, joyful events await you. If in a dream instead of a sister they saw her portrait or photograph, an influential person will help.

Important to remember. If in a dream a deceased relative called for him, then you are in danger of a serious illness.

If you dreamed of a sister who died at a very young age, this may mean problems with conceiving a child in your family. Don't dismiss the warning and see a doctor

Grandma or grandpa

The dream in which they saw the deceased grandmother alive indicates a feeling of guilt that you feel in front of the deceased. Relations with relatives are not smooth. Conflicts and misunderstandings arise, especially between the younger and older generations. During a quarrel, you can say too much to a loved one, and after his death, regret it. Remember that the past cannot be brought back. And it is pointless to reproach yourself for past mistakes. According to Freud, a dream speaks of previously missed opportunities..

Seeing a late grandfather in a dream is a nuisance. You yourself will be responsible for their occurrence. And all because you do not want to complete the work you have started on time and keep promises. Consider your behavior and life positions. If you do not change your life in time, you will greatly regret it.

It is interesting. To see the deceased grandfather in a coffin - to uninvited guests. Their arrival will disturb your peace and unsettle.

The dead man wanted to give you something, but you refused? This is a good sign - you will avoid a serious illness.

Other relatives

Night dreams, in which the deceased uncle was present, indicate that one of the relatives will need your help. By French dream book, good prospects in business are expected, and according to the Russian folk, the plans will come true.

To see a dead aunt alive in the kingdom of Morpheus is a bad omen. You make mistakes that enemies will use against you, so be careful, especially at work. According to the esoteric Tsvetkov, night vision indicates that you have begun to pay less attention to relatives. This behavior offends them.

If you dreamed of cousins ​​\u200b\u200bwho passed away, then wait for news from afar. Leading will be good or bad, you can understand by the emotions that you experienced in night vision.

Interesting fact. If a deceased relative treated a delicious treat in a dream, then the onset of a favorable period is not far off. You will have many ideas. By bringing them to life, you can get rich.

Dreaming of a dead friend

Seeing a dead friend in a night vision is a change. The dream also portends news. If in the kingdom of Morpheus a friend told you about something, then this can happen in real life. If the “revived” dead person takes away someone he knows, then this person may die. Here is how dream books interpret night vision:

  • according to the Modern, to see a deceased friend in the kingdom of Morpheus - to the fulfillment of desires;
  • in English - to a change in the weather or the arrival of relatives;
  • according to Nostradamus - to illness;
  • Yu. Longo interprets the dream as obstacles that will arise in your path;
  • Vanga reports that people whom you consider your friends are deceiving and intriguing behind your back.

Should know. If in night dreams a deceased friend gave something, then be sure to read what a present can mean. Then you will decipher the dream in more detail and find answers to exciting questions.

If in a dream the deceased is trying to get out of a closed coffin, then expect to receive unexpected news that will shock you.

The mood and behavior of a dead person in a dream

From what actions took place in a dream, its decoding also depends.

  1. If the deceased in the kingdom of Morpheus behaved calmly and peacefully, then in the near future nothing will threaten peace. According to Miller - guests will come to you.
  2. If the dead man cursed with you, then expect trouble. According to Aesop's dream book, disagreements in the family are coming.
  3. A cheerful and laughing dead man in a dream portends an invitation to a celebration. In no case do not refuse, you will have a great time there.
  4. A crying deceased in night dreams is a bad sign. Your health or well-being is at risk.
  5. If in a dream the dead asked for a loan, then running around and turmoil awaits you. If, on the contrary, he lent money, then there will be a chance to get rich, the main thing is not to miss it.
  6. If in night dreams the deceased put things in order in the house or hosted in the kitchen, you will experience unprecedented success. Cooking or courting unusual guest in a dream is a good sign. Achieve your goal.

A more detailed interpretation can be found in this.

Dreams in which deceased relatives and friends “come to life” do not always bode well. If the deceased often comes in dreams and this fact bothers you, then you should go to the temple and put candles for the repose of the night guest and yourself for your health, as well as buy sweets with cookies and ask your friends to remember.

Very often, people see dead people in their nightly dreams, which resemble a recent loss, enter into print and a state of anxiety, both in a dream and in life. Often driven into panic and fear. But basically the dead man who appears does not bode well if he behaves non-aggressively towards you. Especially if in a dream everything happens without any interaction.

There are many interpretations of such dreams. The deceased may indicate some problems in your life, warn against trouble in reality. It is especially necessary to listen to deceased relatives, basically, they try to warn of danger, or show the way to a new page in your life.

The dead always mean some kind of change in life, albeit not significant. If the deceased behaves violently and aggressively, then you should be afraid of trouble or expect trouble. If the deceased came to your house, then wait for the weather to change for the worse, it may rain.

To better decipher a dream, you need to remember how you can more details that accompanied the dream. Emotions, actions, place - all this will help to more accurately interpret the vision of the deceased.

What does it mean if relatives or loved ones dreamed

Deceased relatives or loved ones - you need to carefully think about what they said. Usually, the words of deceased relatives are prophetic.

Parents. To meet in a dream with a dead mother - to success and good luck. Also, pay attention to your health, do not be too lazy to go to the doctor. deceased mother worries about your well-being even from the next world.

Meeting with the late father and talking with him portends gossip and intrigue, that are built around you. Some dream books interpret the vision of a father in dreams as a harbinger of success at the beginning of an important project, success in a career.

Grandmother - her appearance in a dream means that it would not hurt to finish unfinished business.

Grandfather - a dream with him portends a good start to the day, good luck.

late husband - the appearance of the deceased spouse may portend an imminent disaster, misfortune, tragic event. Be careful.

Brother, sister - to see a dead brother in a dream means that your loved one needs help and support. The deceased sister who came to your dream does not promise anything bad and tragic for your life, be calm.

Aunt, uncle - it is impossible to clearly decipher the vision of these relatives in a dream. Most likely, it's just a change in the weather.

Girlfriend, friend - when a dead friend is present in your dream, then expect trouble or some kind of failure. But there is no need to worry about problems of a large scale - they are not expected.

Others - the appearance of an unfamiliar dead man in a dream may portend that your income will soon increase and no further problems with the budget are expected. Another such dream means that you will cope with all the difficulties that have fallen to your lot.

Seeing a dead person as alive and well

When a dead person bursts into your dream, and you see him as alive, then you can expect an invitation to a holiday and good intentions of fate.

Talk to the dead

A conversation with your deceased relative means that you have a white streak in your life, and success will follow for a long time.

Also, the deceased who came to you promises good when he just looks, but is silent. If the dead man is pacified, calm, then it is possible that a pleasant event or news of receiving an inheritance awaits you.

See how the deceased dies

Such an event in your dream can predict the imminent end of long-unfinished business, as well as reconciliation with those with whom you quarreled for a long time, but never improved relations.

In a coffin

To dream of a dead man in a coffin in his house - to serious contention in the family circle. It is possible that this is on the basis of drunkenness and betrayal. If the face of the deceased lying in the coffin blossomed into a slight smile, then you should let go of past grievances against your friends and start life anew. Some dream books interpret the vision of a dead man in a coffin as a harbinger of profit.


The funeral of an already deceased person in a dream is not interpreted as something gloomy. On the contrary, you will soon be filled with spiritual energy and peace, which will help your undertakings go uphill.

Dead people, corpses of strangers

dead woman - the vision of a dead woman promises you family troubles, illness, bad news and disappointment in life. It is possible that an accident could occur.

Dead man - does not bring anything bad into your life. You can not revive some troubles or bad weather.

If a dead man dreams of an unmarried girl, then soon you can expect the appearance of a secret admirer. It is possible that soon you will meet your soulmate and build a strong relationship.

A lot of corpses - if you saw a lot of corpses in a dream, but this did not lead to fear or panic, then you will encounter a new business entrusted to you, which will be profitable.

The coffin with the dead is a messenger of failures in your life. If you are lying in a coffin next to a dead man, then such a dream means that your current relationship is at an impasse, frozen and there is no future for them. You should not torture yourself with vague hopes for further rosy relations with the current second half.

Even such a dream can portend a serious illness. If you open the coffin and enter into a dialogue with the deceased, then this is interpreted as imminent misfortunes and tragedies.

The revived dead man - if in a night vision you saw such a development of events, then this promises you news and happy news. Perhaps you will receive a long-awaited letter or cope with a difficult task that you were unable to do before.

If the deceased got up from the coffin, then this may be a harbinger of imminent trouble. Religious people should put a candle in the church for the repose of the soul, because the deceased in the next world is not calm.

Interaction with a dead person in a dream

Shake hands, hug kiss - any interaction with the deceased speaks of danger in real life.

For a sick person, hugging a dead person can promise his quick death. Especially if the deceased calls him with him.

If you kissed a dead person, then you will encounter difficulties in business, something will interfere and disturb you. Kissing a dead person on the forehead means letting him go, saying goodbye or meeting your long-awaited love in real life.

In some dream books, a close relationship with the deceased may mean an early parting with a person dear to you, troubles in the family, problems with finances.

To accept something from him - such an action of the deceased predicts imminent events that will entail joy, happiness, unexpected gifts. In general, your state can be described as peaceful.

Giving something to the dead - a dream in which you gave something to the deceased, portends losses, unexpected expenses, troubles in your real life. If you gave money or your clothes to the deceased, then dream books interpret this action as an impetus to a serious illness in real life, family troubles, and possible separation from people close and dear to you.

Seeing people leaving means saying goodbye to some burdensome business in real life. A dead man who has gone into the distance means that he will no longer disturb you. and left this world in peace.

Seeing people coming towards you often means that you will achieve your goal, come to success, and your undertakings will bring you income.

Follow him - a dream in which the deceased called you after him and you went does not bode well. It is possible that you will get sick in the same way as the person who visited you in your dreams. It also happens that such dreams portend a quick death to a person whom the dead man took with him. If at night the dead man took your friend behind him, then warn him of the danger in real life.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, such dreams are interpreted depending on the situation. A person splashes out his hidden emotions in a dream, and this may indicate what needs to be corrected in his life in order to avoid mistakes.

Often, dreams with such a plot indicate that soon one page of your being will be replaced by another. It is possible that you will have to face serious trials that will radically change your life. Do not be afraid of such changes, they are usually good.

Do not become discouraged if some bad event is predicted for you in the dream book. Your life is in your hands, and dreams are only your inner experiences that can give you the right direction in life, pointing out mistakes and the possibility of correcting them.