The most interesting facts from the life of Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan - "Mongol" with a Slavic appearance

  • 07.07.2020

In 21 years of his reign, Genghis Khan conquered a territory exceeding 30 million square kilometers - more than any other ruler in the history of mankind. He paved the way from Asia to Europe and littered it with millions of dead, but, in addition, the first Mongolian khan united his native country, carried out massive reforms, and created active trade routes between east and west. Here are 10 interesting facts about the great ruler, who can be tantamount to being perceived as a military genius, an outstanding statesman and a cruel, bloodthirsty conqueror.

Genghis is not the real name of Khan

The future Great Khan of the Mongol state was born in 1162 on the banks of the Onon River. His real name is Temujin, which means "iron", or "blacksmith". For the first time, the ruler received the name Chingiz in 1206, when he was recognized as the "Great Khan" at a general clan meeting. While "khan" denotes status and is equivalent to the title "king", scholars find it difficult to give an exact meaning of the name Genghis. The term may have meant "ocean", but in today's context it is most commonly translated as "supreme or universal ruler".

Genghis Khan had a difficult childhood

From an early age, Genghis Khan got used to the hard life in the Mongolian steppe. When he was 9 years old, his father was poisoned by Tatar tribes at war with the Mongols, and the future great conqueror was forced to earn food for himself and his family. As a teenager, Genghis Khan was captured and forced into slavery until he decided to flee. Despite all these difficulties, by the age of 20, Genghis Khan managed to establish himself as a dangerous opponent, a skilled warrior and an enterprising leader. He gathered an army of associates and made alliances with all the heads of the Mongol clans. By 1206, he had unified Mongolia under his own flag and was thinking about territorial expansion.

An exact description of his appearance has not been preserved.

Despite the historical significance, Genghis Khan managed to keep secret from history not only his personal life but also appearance. All existing information about a possible portrait of the great khan is too contradictory and frankly unreliable. Genghis Khan is described in historical chronicles as tall, strong man with thick hair and a long beard, some sources state that the khan had red hair and green eyes.

Some of his trusted generals were former enemies of Genghis Khan

The Great Khan has always valued talent and merit above status and heritage. An ardent supporter of meritocracy, he often took worthy representatives of hostile tribes as officers. Once, a shooter from a hostile Tayichiut tribe almost killed Genghis Khan by knocking a horse out from under him with an arrow. The responsible shooter bravely confessed his guilt, but instead of death he received an officer rank and the nickname Jebe, which means an arrowhead. Jebe became one of the greatest Mongol commanders, along with General Subedei.

Genghis Khan always settled scores

Often Genghis Khan allowed the kingdoms to peacefully recognize Mongolian yoke, avoiding massacres. But in case of refusal and resistance, the bloodthirsty warrior did not stop until he conquered everything, leaving behind him hunger and devastation. After Khorezm violated a trade agreement in 1218 by killing Mongol ambassadors, an enraged Genghis Khan did not stop the attack of his horde until he razed the capital of the empire to the ground. On the way home, he also got even with the neighboring state of Tangut, who decided to support the uprising of Khorezm.

He was responsible for the deaths of 40 million people

Despite the fact that it is not possible to determine the exact number of deaths due to the conquest of Genghis Khan, scientists agree on an approximate figure of 40 million. According to information from medieval chronicles, the population of China decreased by several tens of millions during the reign of Genghis Khan. He was also responsible for three-quarters of the population of modern Iran, which he destroyed during the war with Khorezm. The total number of human losses in the Mongol wars reduced the population of the Earth by 11%.

Genghis Khan practiced religious tolerance

Unlike other conquerors, Genghis Khan did not seek to nullify cultural differences in the new territories. He passed a law on freedom of religion and did not take taxes from churches and temples. In addition to being a political move, this also meant that the Mongols were liberal about religious practices other than their own. According to the chronicles, the great khan was very spiritual and often spent several days in prayer. He was also interested in the philosophical and spiritual side of various beliefs and cults.

He created one of the first mail systems

The strongest weapon Mongol horde there was a well-established system of communication between different points of the empire. One of the first reforms of Genghis Khan was the decree on the creation of a postal and courier service called "Yam", with many taverns and stables along the roads, which allowed couriers to cover 320 kilometers a day.

The circumstances of death and the place of burial of Genghis Khan are unknown

Of all the secrets surrounding the personality of this great commander, perhaps the most famous is connected with his death. It is generally accepted that Genghis Khan died at the age of 54 from wounds received in a fall from a horse. Many other sources indicate malaria, a shot in the knee, poisoning and other versions as the cause of the death of the great khan. Whatever the reason for the death of Genghis Khan, he and his associates did everything possible to keep the place of his burial a secret.

During the early Soviet period, the Bolsheviks tried to erase the memory of Genghis Khan from the national identity.

Today, Genghis Khan is the greatest national hero of Mongolia, but during Soviet times, the citizens of this country were forbidden to even pronounce his name. Trying to destroy the sprouts of Mongolian nationalism, the authorities of the Union sought to get rid of the memory of him from the self-consciousness of the Mongols. It was forbidden to print about his reign in textbooks and make pilgrimages to the place of his birth. For a while, Mongolian history was left without its brightest episode. After the collapse of the USSR, Genghis Khan again became the national pride of the Mongols.

worldwide famous name Genghis Khan, in fact, is not a name - it's a title. After all, khans in Russia were called military princes. The real name of Genghis Khan is Timur, or Timur Chin (in a distorted pronunciation of Temujin or Temujin). The prefix Genghis denotes rank, position, rank, in other words - rank and title.

Temujin received the high title of a major military leader thanks to his military merits, his desire to support and protect a strong united united Slavic state with a large and reliable army.

The discrepancy between the name Temujin - Temujin is now explained by transcription problems of translations from different foreign languages. Hence the discrepancy in the title: Genghis Khan or Genghis Khan, or Genghis Khan. However, the Russian version of the sound of the name Timur, which for some reason is least of all used by historians and scientists, does not fit into this system of explanations, as if they do not notice his name. Historians in general have problems with the spelling and pronunciation of the famous names of figures whose life belongs to that period, can be easily explained with the help of false statements that there was no written language in all countries of the world at that time.

And the intentional distortion of the name of the people "Moguls" and its transformation into "Mongols" cannot be explained by anything other than a large-scale organized system of distortion of the facts of the past.

Genghis Khan. Strong personality in world history

The main source by which historians study the life and personality of Temujin was compiled after his death - "The Secret History". But the reliability of the data is not obvious, although it was from him that classical information about the appearance and character of the ruler of the Mongol tribes was obtained. Genghis Khan had a great gift as a commander, had good organizational skills and self-control; his will was unyielding, his character strong. At the same time, the chroniclers note his generosity and friendliness, which kept his subordinates attached to him. He did not deny himself the joys of life, but was alien to excesses, incompatible with the dignity of a ruler and commander. He lived a long life, retaining his mental abilities and strength of character until his advanced years.

Let historians argue today what letter to write in this or that name, something else is important - Temujin lived a bright, charismatic life, rose to the level of a ruler, played his role in world history. Now he can be condemned or praised - perhaps his actions are worthy of both, a moot point, but to change something in historical development no longer possible. But to find the truth among the imposed sea of ​​distortions real facts- very important, as well as to convict the lie itself.

Disputes about the appearance of Genghis Khan - the field of historians

The only portrait of Genghis Khan (Emperor Taizu) recognized and permitted by historians is kept in Taiwan in the National Taipei Palace Museum.

An interesting portrait of the Mongol ruler has been preserved, which historians obsessively insist on considering the only authentic one. It is kept in the National Museum of Taiwan, in the Taipei Palace. It is prescribed to consider that the portrait (590*470 mm) has survived from the time of the Yuan rulers. but modern research the quality of fabrics and threads showed that the woven image dates back to 1748. But it was in the 18th century that the global stage of falsification of the history of the whole world, including Russia and China, passed. So this is another falsification of historians.

The exculpatory version says that such images are copyrighted works, and the author has the right to his own vision of the face and character. But the portrait was clearly woven by the hands of a skilled craftswoman, fine lines of wrinkles and folds on the face, hair in a beard and braid are so detailed on it that there is no doubt that a real person is depicted. That's just who? After all, Genghis Khan died in 1227, that is, five centuries before the start of the process of massive falsifications.

Miniature of Marco Polo "The Crowning of Genghis Khan". Great commander topped with a crown with trefoils - an attribute of European rulers.

Undoubtedly, historical and cultural heritage has come down to our days since the reign of the Manchus. From the Middle State, they were handed over to the next conquerors and transported to Beijing. The collection contains more than 500 portraits of rulers, their wives, sages and great people of the era. Portraits of eight khans of the Mongol dynasties, seven wives of khans have been identified here. However, again, skeptical scientists have a question of authenticity and reliability - are they the khans, and whose wives?

Chinese hieroglyphic writing was radically "modernized" by several rulers in a row. And who needed such labor costs? All the same figures from the Torah, putting things in order in the annals and destroying the "extra" traces.

During the change of the alphabet, manuscripts were brought from all over the Chinese empire and completely rewritten. And the "outdated" originals were stored in the archive? No, they were simply destroyed as they did not comply with the new rules!
That's where the scope for distortion ...

Is this the Khan, and is it the Khan

Until recently, the drawing was considered "medieval" now - a confirmed fake, one of many claiming that Chigis Khan is a Mongoloid.

There are many similar reproductions of Genghis Khan from different eras and authors. A drawing by an unknown Chinese master, made with ink on silk fabric, is quite common. Here Temujin is depicted in full height, on his head - a Mongolian hat, in right hand- Mongolian bow, behind - a quiver with arrows, left hand lies on the hilt of a saber in a painted scabbard. This is the same typical image of a representative of the Mongolian race.

What did Genghis Khan look like? Other sources

A Chinese drawing from the 13th-15th centuries depicts Genghis Khan falconry. As you can see, Genghis Khan is not a Mongoloid at all! A typical Slav, with a chic beard.

In a Chinese drawing of the 13th-14th centuries, Temujin is depicted hunting with falcons, here the master depicted him as a typical Slav with a thick beard.

No Mongoloid!

M. Polo in the miniature "The Crowning of Genghis Khan" depicts Temujin as a pure Slav. The traveler dressed the entire retinue of the ruler in European clothes, crowning the commander with a crown with trefoils - a clear attribute of European rulers. The sword in the hands of Genghis Khan is truly Russian, heroic.

The ethnic group of the Borjigins has not survived to this day.

The well-known Persian scientist-encyclopedist Rashid ad-Din in the "Collection of Chronicles" presents several images of Genghis Khan with truly Mongolian features. However, a number of historians have proven that the Borjigin tribe, from which Genghis Khan came, have other facial features that are fundamentally different from the Mongoloid group of peoples.

"Borjigin" in translation into Russian means "blue-eyed". The eyes of the ancient Mughal family are "dark blue" or "blue green", the pupil is edged with a brown rim. In this case, all descendants of the genus should look different, which is not visible in the available common use archival images of Temujin's alleged family.

Genghis Khan.

Russian researcher L.N. Gumilyov in the book " Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe” describes the disappeared ethnic group as follows: “The ancient Mongols were ... a tall, bearded, fair-haired and blue-eyed people ...”. Temujin stood out for his tall stature, majestic posture, had a wide forehead, wore a long beard. L.N. Gumilyov brought out the concept of passionarity, and it is she who is credited with the complete disappearance of small ethnic nationalities, many of which have not survived to this day in their pure form, including the Borjigins B8%D0%BC%D0%B0%D0%B5%D0%BC-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8 %D1%8F-%D1%81-%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE-%D1%82%D0%B0%D1% 82%D0%B0%D1%80/

Death of Genghis Khan

Death of Genghis Khan.

Several “plausible” versions were invented, each has its own adherents.

1. From falling from a horse when hunting for wild horses - the official option.
2. From a lightning strike - according to Plano Carpini.
3. From an arrow wound in the knee - according to the story of Marco Polo.
4. From the wound inflicted by the Mongolian beauty Kyurbeldishin-khatun, the Tangut khansha - a Mongolian legend.
One thing is clear - he did not die a natural death, but they tried to hide the true cause of death by launching false versions.

The place of burial is classified. According to legend, the body rests on Mount Burkhan-Khaldun. There are also buried: the youngest son Tului, with children Kublai Khan, Mongke Khan, Arig-Buga and other children. There are no tombstones in the cemetery, so as not to be plundered. The secret place is overgrown with dense forest and is protected from European travelers by the Uryankhai tribes.


It turns out that the Mongol Genghis Khan was a tall, fair-haired Slav with blue eyes !!! These are the Mughals!

In addition to the "official" false evidence recognized by science, there are others that are not noticed by the "luminaries", according to which Timur - Genghis Khan does not look like a Mongoloid at all. Mongoloids have dark eyes, black hair and short stature. No similarity with the Slavic-Aryans. However, it is not customary to talk about such a discrepancy.

After such unexpected results, I want to check how other figures of the Mughal nationality looked like in the era of the three-hundred-year-old Mongol-Tatar yoke.

A British journalist in his article titled "Genghis Khan - the father of globalization" reflects on the question why in world history the "shaker of the Universe" remained the most bloodthirsty barbarian? The translated version is published on ARD.

There is one person in Mongolia that you will meet at every turn. He - national symbol, and his name - Genghis Khan, aka Genghis Khan - is used in almost all names. In the country's capital, Ulaanbaatar, there are international Airport Genghis Khan, Genghis Khaan Bank is located on Genghis Avenue, which leads to Genghis Khan Square. Even the local bar is called Veliky Khaan. In this Irish pub you can order the famous Chingiz vodka.

Locals speak of the khan with pride, and 30 km from the city stands a shining steel 130-meter statue of the famous commander on horseback, dominating over the desert steppe. Tourists can climb to the very top, stand on the observation deck located in the horse's head and feel like standing on the horse's head to experience a sense of historical dominance and feel like a khan of Eurasia.

Mongolian horseman in front of the 130-meter steel statue of Genghis Khan. Photo:

History has already formed its opinion about the Great Khan, thanks to the records of European, Persian and Chinese scholars. So why are the actions of such a revered conqueror of the West considered the most cruel, barbaric and even equated with genocide? It's not just about nationalism.

Modern Mongolia is very different from the one we studied at school. Diplomatic genius allowed Genghis Khan to unite the eternally warring tribes under a single national banner.

He created an empire that respected religious freedom and diplomatic immunity, used primitive passports and credit cards, which facilitated international trade. Genghis Khan banned torture, created public schools, and even launched a cross-continental mail service.

Khan “was the greatest conqueror in the history of the world,” writes historian and biographer Frank McLynn, “under his leadership the Mongols conquered more land and people in 25 years than the Romans in four centuries. After the death of the Khan, the Mongols controlled a large empire whose territory covered almost the entire inhabited Asian continent and the Middle East, and extended to Central Europe in the West and Indonesia in the East.

The Europeans had never had contact with the Mongols before. Therefore, when an unknown enemy speaking in an unfamiliar language destroyed Russian, Ukrainian and Hungarian cities in the middle of the 13th century, the news of this spread like wildfire. The English chronicler Matthew Pais described the Mongol army in 1240 as "an enormous Horde, that vile race of Satan".

“They are more like blood-drinking monsters than men,” Jack Weatherford quotes him in his book Genghis Khan and the Birth of the Modern World.

Khan forbade writing anything about himself while he was alive. But after his death, “The Secret History of the Mongols” (“The Secret History of the Mongols”, Note ed.) was written in Mongolian.

Statue of Genghis Khan in the Parliament building in Ulaanbaatar. But no one really knows how Genghis Khan looked like, since the Great Khan forbade sculptors and artists to create his sculptures and paint his portraits during his lifetime. Photo:

Subsequently, it was lost many centuries ago, and only in the 20th century was it deciphered and translated, explains Weatherford, one of the leading historians of the Mongol Empire. But by that time, history had already made up its mind about Khan thanks to the writings of European, Persian and Chinese scholars, representatives of peoples who were “not only defeated, but humiliated” by the Mongols, who were considered “inferior barbarians,” says Weatherford.

The history of the khan, in other words, was written by the vanquished, not the victorious. And it is no coincidence that a few hundred years later, fear and hatred of the Mongols are so ingrained that the “scientific” classification of races belittles this people, considering the Mongoloids almost the descendants of orangutans. And the word "Mongol" later began to be called mentally retarded children.

We can't know exactly what happened during the Mongol conquests, in part because they purposefully propagated myths of their extreme cruelty “to intimidate their enemies,” writes Jeffrey Garten, dean and professor at the Yale School of Management, author of From Silk to silicon”, which depicts Genghis Khan as the possible father of globalization. Some of these myths told how the Mongols boiled their enemies alive and then drank from their skulls.

According to researchers, the number of civilians who died during the Mongol conquest is often overestimated, sometimes dozens of times. In addition, “every city was given the opportunity to surrender,” says Jack Weatherford, adding that the pogroms were in retaliation for the murder or torture of Mongolian ambassadors and merchants, who, according to Mongolian custom, are inviolable. In addition, violence and barbarism flourished in the 13th century.

The extent of barbarism in the Mongol Empire remains a mystery, but we know it certainly isn't. unique case. The international duty-free network, pioneered by Genghis Khan and developed by his successors, has changed the world. In addition, printing, gunpowder and the compass were brought to Europe thanks to the Mongol trade routes.

Western intellectualism seems to be far from perfect when it comes to "historical truth", so maybe it's time for Genghis Khan to become the hero of revisionist history?

To have something to compare, the second World War claimed only 3% of the world's population, which is 60-80 million. By destroying so many of the world's population, Genghis Khan deprived the Earth of more than 700 million tons of carbon dioxide, which affected climate change and cooling in the 13th century.

At the age of 10 he killed his stepbrother

A difficult childhood and the loss of his father at the age of 9 had a negative impact on the formation of the character of Genghis Khan. His mother was expelled from the tribe along with her seven children and raised them alone, which was very difficult at that time. And Genghis Khan killed his brother Bekter because he did not want to share food with him.

Genghis Khan is a fictitious name

The real name of the ruler sounds like Tmujin, which means “iron” or “blacksmith”. But, apparently, the future ruler did not like his real name, and in 1206 he called himself Genghis Khan. “Khan” is a ruler, and scientists still argue about the meaning of the word “Genghis”, but the most common opinion is that this is a distorted Chinese word “zheng”, which means “fair”.

brutal torture

The Mongols under the reign of Genghis Khan were famous for their cruel torture, the most favorite was to pour molten silver into the throat and ears of the victim. This method was also often used: the enemy was bent back until his spine broke.

When the army of Genghis Khan defeated the Russians, they threw the surviving soldiers into one heap, heaping huge gates on top of them, on which his army feasted for several days, until all the soldiers under them suffocated.

beauty contests

When capturing new lands, Genghis Khan killed all the men, and gave the women to his warriors, before that arranging a beauty contest to choose the best one for himself.

Genghis Khan defeated overwhelming armies

Historical facts they say that Genghis Khan was a truly great commander. With his army he won victories over huge armies several times their number.

For example, he defeated a million soldiers from the Jin Dynasty with a force of only 90,000 Mongols.

Turned enemies into allies

Genghis Khan was an incredibly cunning and perspicacious person. In 1201, Genghis Khan was wounded in battle by an enemy archer. After the battle won, Genghis Khan ordered to find the very archer who shot at him.

So that the archer would not be afraid to confess, he said that the arrow hit his horse, and not himself. When the archer was found, Genghis Khan invited him to join the Mongol army instead of killing him.

Nobody knows what Genghis Khan looked like

The ruler forbade himself to be depicted, so today we do not know how exactly he looked. Unfortunately, no written description of his appearance has been preserved, the only thing, some claim that his hair was red.

Huge offspring

Genghis Khan was famous for his huge harem and never denied himself the pleasure of enjoying more and more new women. He planned to populate as many lands as possible with his descendants, this could guarantee the stability of the empire. Historians say that today about 8% of all Asians are descendants of Genghis Khan!

folk hero

At home in Mongolia, he is revered to this day, the image of Genghis Khan adorns the Mongolian currency, and the people consider him a hero and creator of the empire, and it is not customary to talk about his cruelty.

Iranian Genocide

The Khorezm Empire was at that time a powerful power, but Genghis Khan with his army massacred 3/4 of the entire population! After that, the Iranians regained their numbers only after 700 years.

Genghis Khan was religiously tolerant

Despite the bad character of the ruler and his cruelty, he nevertheless treated all religions with great respect. He studied Islam, Buddhism, Taoism and Christianity. His dream was to create an empire where there would never be religious strife.

Once he invited representatives of different religions to listen to arguments in defense of his religion, why it was the best. But the winner was not so established, as the participants got very drunk during the argument.

Didn't forgive offenders

Genghis Khan did not tolerate either his offenders or the offenders of his people and always brutally dealt with them.

For example, one ruler of a Khorezm city attacked one of the Mongol trade caravans and killed everyone. Upon learning of this, Genghis Khan was furious and sent 100,000 soldiers to deal with this city, and ordered the ruler himself to fill his eyes and mouth with molten silver.

Mystery of death

Genghis Khan died in 1227 at the age of 65. Scientists around the world are still arguing over the cause of death. One of the legends says that he was killed by a Chinese princess captured by him, and another that he fell from his horse because an enemy arrow hit him. Unfortunately, we do not know the burial place of Genghis Khan, which could reveal all the secrets.

The largest empire in history

His huge empire is considered the largest in history, its area was 24 million square kilometers and occupied 11% of all land.

Genghis Khan is the founder and first great khan of the Mongol Empire. The conqueror was incredibly cruel and merciless, so that even Hitler seems like an amateur compared to him. At the beginning of the XIII century. The Mongol Empire subjugated all of Asia, and no enemy could resist Genghis Khan and his bloodthirsty army.

15. 40 million people killed

According to historians, Genghis Khan is guilty of the death of 40 million people, at that time he exterminated 11% of the world's population! Khan's rule even affected the climate in the 13th century: it cooled the planet, preventing the release of 700 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

14. 10-year-old Genghis Khan killed his stepbrother

The future conqueror had a difficult childhood: his father was poisoned by enemy times when the boy was only 9 years old, so his mother raised seven children alone. The family was starving. One day, half-brother Bekter did not share food with Genghis Khan, for which he was killed by him.

13. Genghis Khan is not the real name of the Khan

The real name of Genghis Khan is Temujin. Yesugei, the boy's father, named his son in honor of his captive Tatar leader Temujin-Uge. And "Genghis Khan" is not a name, but a title. "Khan" is the ruler, and "Genghis" once meant "ocean", but in today's context is translated as "supreme".

12. Brutal methods of torture

The Great Khan poured molten silver into the eyes and ears of his enemies. He also liked to bend a person like a bow until the spine broke. And he celebrated his victories literally on the bodies of opponents. So, the Mongols put boards on the Russian nobility, set up a table and chairs and began to feast until their victims were crushed to death.

11. Beauty contests among captives

Genghis Khan loved women and after each conquest he selected the most beautiful captives for himself and his army. The ruler even arranged beauty contests among the concubines. There were several thousand women in his harem, many of whom bore him children.

10. The Great Khan won victories over the strongest armies

Khan's army numbered 90 thousand Mongols, and the Jin dynasty - 1 million. Nevertheless, Genghis Khan won. The conqueror defeated 500,000 Chinese soldiers before gaining control of Northern China and Beijing.

9. Turned Enemies into Followers

In 1201, during the battle, the archer Zurgadai killed Genghis Khan's favorite horse. The ruler was quite surprised and instead of execution he appointed the archer as a commander. And Zurgadai became his most faithful general.

8. There is no exact data on the appearance of the khan

Despite the variety of images of Genghis Khan in school textbooks and other literature, no one knows exactly what he really looked like. Some historians believe that the conqueror had red hair.

7. Father of many children

Genghis Khan believed that the more offspring a person has, the more significant he is, so he did not sit idle. According to experts, today about 8% of Asians are his descendants.

6. National Hero of Mongolia

The highest state award of Mongolia is the Order of Genghis Khan. His portrait is placed on the paper money of Mongolia, replicated on souvenir products, hotels, restaurants, airliners are named after him.

5 Iranian Genocide

In the XIII century, the Khorezm Empire fell from the Mongols of Genghis Khan, almost disappearing from the onslaught of the enemy. Then the Khan's soldiers exterminated 3/4 of the Iranians. Only after 700 years the population was able to reach the pre-Mongolian level.

4 Genghis Khan Was Tolerant Of Different Religions

The ruler studied Islam, Buddhism, Taoism and Christianity in his spare time. He wanted people with different religious knowledge to be able to live peacefully in the Mongol Empire.

3. Punished offenders

The Great Khan allowed people to live happily as long as they followed his laws. Any violator of the order was waiting for a sad fate. For example, when the ruler of one of the cities of the Khorezm Empire captured the trade caravan of Genghis Khan and killed all the merchants, the Khan sent 100 thousand soldiers to the city. Thousands of inhabitants were killed, and their ruler was poured with molten silver in the eyes and mouth.

2. Mysterious death

Genghis Khan died in 1227, he was 65 years old. The place of burial of the great conqueror remains a mystery, and the causes of death are still rumored. Sources call different causes of death - a sudden illness, a consequence of a fall from a horse. There is a version that the ruler was stabbed to death by a young Tangut princess.

1. The largest continental empire in human history

Genghis Khan founded the largest continental empire in human history. The Mongol Empire covered 16.11% of the Earth's total land area, which is 9.266 million square miles. The state included territories from the Danube to the Sea of ​​Japan and from Novgorod to Cambodia.