Clear chrome. How to clean chrome car parts

  • 03.03.2020

Chrome-plated items are considered the main attributes of the bathroom. But over time, a smooth, shiny surface is scratched, rust appears on it.

You can return a sink, bathtub or faucets to their previous appearance in a variety of ways.. All it takes is a little time and patience!

Causes of rust formation

A coating of a thin layer of chromium increases the aesthetic qualities and resistance of a metal object to the destruction of internal stresses.

On such surfaces, rust appears due to minor mechanical damage.

Through them, ordinary metal under the influence of oxygen in the process of oxidation is covered with rust.

How to remove rust from chrome surfaces?

Most often, chrome items are found in the bathroom, where they are constantly exposed to soap, and which lead to a darkening of the color. To restore them to their former appearance, you need to know how to properly clean chrome from corrosion.

Folk recipes will help you quickly and effectively remove rust from chrome parts. For example, small items can be placed in a container filled with table vinegar. After a couple of hours, the rust dissolves, and the parts are rinsed under running water.

You can remove rust stains with table salt and lemon juice or a piece of foil soaked in Coca-Cola. Liquids containing gases, fish oil or metal wool are excellent products for dealing with traces of rust.

What funds will be needed?

To remove corrosion, special cleaning agents are used, which in large assortment sold in stores.

Before use, it is necessary to study the instruction manual well.

But it is not necessary to buy a variety of cleaning products. You can get rid of corrosion with improvised materials that you can always find at home:

  • liquid dish detergent;
  • warm water;
  • sponge or microfiber cloth;
  • aluminum foil;
  • baby oil.

Purification process

Removing rust from chrome surfaces and small parts will not take much time and effort. The purification process consists of several stages.

It begins with the removal of dirty and greasy spots from the surface. To do this, ten drops of liquid detergent are added to warm water . In the resulting solution, impregnate a sponge and carefully wipe the surface.

Cleaned items are rinsed thoroughly under running water. warm water and wipe dry with a microfiber cloth. If stains still remain, they are removed with wine vinegar: equal amounts mixed with warm water and wipe the stubborn dirt.

To remove traces of rust, you need ordinary foil, which is cut into small pieces. After that, they are moistened in warm water and, without applying much force, they overwrite the rusty spot.

If necessary, in hard-to-reach places to remove corrosion, pieces of foil are crushed into a ball. When the surface is cleaned, it must be thoroughly rinsed with water.

The final step in rust removal is polishing. To do this, you need a dry microfiber cloth: you need to gently, slightly pressing, bring objects to a shine with it.

- read here.

Shining appearance of objects can be returned to children's liquid oils. A few drops are applied to the surface and rubbed in a circular motion with a cloth.

Corrosion Prevention

Preventing corrosion and keeping chrome parts clean is the key to regular cleaning. This reduces their damage and subsequent oxidation process. Cleaning of taps, sinks should be done very carefully to avoid any mechanical damage.

There are plenty of cleaners out there that do a great job of cleaning chrome items without harming them either. After using them, the surface must be wiped with a dry cloth.

You can get rid of soap stains with cooking spray, which is applied to the surface and wiped dry. Antiseptic wipes have a similar effect.

It is very important to ensure that cleaning products do not contain abrasive particles: they increase the risk of mechanical damage coatings.

To give shine and novelty, use only gentle products and metal wool.

Even small scratches on chrome surfaces cause rust to form.. It can be easily removed, but it is best to prevent corrosion. Special funds and improvised materials will help bring comfort and cleanliness in the bathroom in a short time!

Chrome-plated steel parts are considered to be one of the most reliable and practical. With proper care, such a surface is able to maintain a beautiful appearance for many years. appearance and protect the underlying metal from corrosion and destruction. This method is very popular in the automotive industry. Chrome coating of parts began to be practiced in the middle of the last century, but by now this solution has not become outdated at all and is still relevant. However, for all its merits, chromium is still unable to provide 100% protection against exposure. environment and over time, the quality of the coating deteriorates. Therefore, the question of how and with what to clean the chrome parts of a car is no less relevant.

Why does chrome finish deteriorate?

There are several main reasons:

  • exposure to salt or special anti-icing agents;
  • the use of low-quality aggressive chemicals for washing the car;
  • prolonged and regular presence of the car under open sky;
  • mechanical damage.

It must be remembered that chromium is not inert with respect to various chemicals. Being exposed to them, it begins to lose its properties over time, and indelible stains, a “dirty” film, rusty spots and other defects appear on the surface of the coating.

How and how to clean chrome car parts

There are many ways. Conventionally, they can be divided into "garage" and professional. The former will help only if the defects have not grown beyond a slight clouding of the surface or the appearance of a coating on it that cannot be washed off with a rag and not washed off with alcohol or ordinary soapy water.

"Garage" cleaning methods

We can immediately say that such “smart” tips such as using Coca-Cola, chalk, soda, vinegar, lemon peels and other exotics should be discarded immediately. They will at least be ineffective, and in some places even harmful (tear off a thin chrome coating baking soda much easier than many people think). It is best to give preference to ordinary kitchen or soft plumbing chemicals, which are presented in the form of various sprays, pastes, gels, milk, etc. You can find it in any large store or supermarket in the section with detergents and cleaners. If there is nothing at hand at all, then you can try a regular solution for cleaning. citric acid, which is used to remove scale from kettles.

Professional cleaning

How to clean chrome parts of a car if the damage is serious? First you need to go through the review of manufacturers of auto chemicals and auto cosmetics and choose the right polish for cleaning chrome surfaces. There are many such funds today, so the search is unlikely to be difficult. We can only say that at the moment the best "chemistry" for these purposes is produced by manufacturers such as Turtle Wax and LIQUI MOLY. But in general, cheaper products like Runway, Sonax or Doctor Wax do not do much worse. You will also need a polishing paste based on chromium oxide with a grain size of not more than 0.3-0.1 microns.

The process itself is time consuming and requires a special tool. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate ingrained plaque and microcracks by polishing the surface. For this, an angle grinder and special nozzles with felt wheels are used, on which polishing paste is applied. When the part becomes clean and smooth again, it must be “finished” manually. This is where the pre-purchased polish comes in handy. You should prepare for the fact that this lesson will be long and labor-intensive, so if you have doubts about your abilities, it’s better not to even start and immediately go to a car service.

The online store site will provide you with everything you need to clean and polish chrome parts. The range includes abrasive pastes for primary processing, cleaning polishes for finishing, as well as special polishing cloths. They gently envelop the surface during operation, allowing you to achieve the highest quality result. Here you can also buy various protective compounds which will allow you to save the results of your labors for a long time.

About forty years ago, chrome parts were an indispensable attribute of the car, giving it the proper charm. Then the cars faded a bit. Gradually, metal, where possible, was replaced by plastic, and chrome gave way different kind sputtering and films. However, the terminology turned out to be tenacious, and therefore a shiny molding or lock cylinder is commonly referred to as chrome. And if there is a desire to return such a detail to its original appearance, then you need to look for a tool on the shelves, sharpened just for chrome. It is not difficult - in half an hour we found eight such drugs.

The ninth in the company decided to take something not at all automobile - just for fun. What, say, clean the cloudy water faucet or a reinforced shower hose? So among the "pros" was a household station wagon - the Russian Cillit. The task was the same for everyone: to remove traces of oxides from the experimental parts and, if possible, to polish. Evaluation - visual, also took into account the time and effort spent.

Not a single remedy caused stormy enthusiasm: in television advertising, dirt disappears much faster. However, there is no failure: fresh plaque is removed quite easily. But the battle with the ancient oxides took a long time, hard and, frankly, it ended not very successfully. As usual, the “non-professional” pleased: he dealt with oxides no worse than the others, he is merciless to old stains.

Not the last argument when choosing a tool will be its price, reduced to volume. Our brief comments- in the photo gallery. Good luck to you... and sunbeams!

9 Sonax

paste for chrome and aluminum


75 ml, 150 rubles

Removes old plaque and oxide film, but not completely. Rubbed for a long time and with great effort. Waiting for the paste to dry is optional. Very small print on the label. The shape of the packaging is optimal, it is convenient to apply the composition. But the price of 1 ml is the maximum in the test.

8 Metal Polish

multifunctional metal cleaner-polish

Meguiar's, USA

236 ml, 420 rubles

Removes a fresh thin film, does not cope with the old one. After rubbing, it shines well, a pleasant smell. Not cheap.

7 Nanofoam

body polish and chrome parts care product

Nanolux Technology LLC, Russia

250 ml, 380 rub.

The spray removes light plaque well, the old one does not remove. We note the beautiful brilliance and smooth surface after processing. But pleasure is expensive!

6 Chrome Trim Polish

chrome cleaner decorative elements

Car Plan UK

375 ml, 390 rubles

The “Englishman”, after much suffering, dealt with all the raids, including the ancient ones. True, the use is made difficult by the too wide neck of the bottle. And a little expensive.

5 Chrome Polish

polish cleaner for chrome parts

Mothers, USA

236 ml, 240 rub.

A weak plaque removes easily, before an old one it passes. Doesn't come cheap.

4 metal polish

metallic polish Turtle Wax, UK

300 ml, 220 rubles

Removes old deposits and oxides, but not completely. You need to grind for a long time. There is almost no difference in efficiency between dried and wet paste, and less time is spent. The font on the label is small. It is convenient to apply the composition.

polishing paste for chrome

300 ml, 190 rubles

Removes fresh plaque. It also copes with the old ones (although not with all), but only from the third - fifth time.

2 Chrome Polish Silverline

polish to protect chrome

Agat-Avto Yug LLC, Russia

520 ml, 160 rubles

The aerosol agent quite easily coped with fresh oxides, but the old ones succumbed only partially. Very inexpensive in terms of 1 ml.

There are a lot of chrome-plated products in a modern dwelling. These are faucets, heated towel rails, shower heads, hooks and bars for hanging things, and even cases of some household appliances. All these items look great and can be used even in a very humid environment for many years without corrosion. Of course, over time, chrome loses its luster and beauty, and no longer looks so impressive. Spots on the surface appear very easily, but if you regularly clean the chrome product, then there will be no problems. But it also happens that hands do not reach the maintenance of a shiny thing and the idea to clean it comes already when it starts to look untidy. What needs to be done to restore shine to a chrome object?

Main pollution factors

Before you start cleaning a chrome object, you should understand what are the main factors of pollution. Everyone is well aware of the poor quality of tap water. It is the substances contained in it that are the main enemies of chrome shine. Water can contain more than 1000 different components, many of which are capable of creating a persistent coating on objects. The most unpleasant of all is limescale - it appears quickly enough and, unfortunately, it will not work to get rid of it with ordinary detergents.

They also affect chrome products and other substances. In the kitchen, most often, on chrome surfaces, you can find a touch of fat. Despite the fact that it is not comparable in durability to lime, in advanced cases cleaning will be tricky even if you have a good grease-fighting detergent at your disposal.

Water and soap

As trite as it sounds, but the most effective tool to return chrome objects to their original shine, ordinary soap is used. The grade and type of this detergent is not at all important, although more concentrated formulations make cleaning faster. In this regard, we can advise the use of laundry soap, which is ground on a fine grater and dissolved in warm water. Liquid soap for hands and face is also suitable, and in extreme cases - shampoo or shower gel. Exact Proportions detergent composition are not important, but it is better that the concentration of soap is as high as possible.

Soap solution is applied to the chrome object with a soft cloth. After the entire surface to be cleaned has been covered with the composition, you need to wait a few minutes and only then begin to wipe off the dirt. Often you have to deal with chrome-plated products of complex shape, such as faucets. It is not easy to clean these objects qualitatively due to their complex shape. To make it easier for yourself, use an old toothbrush for cleaning, which will allow you to get into the most secluded nooks and crannies.


If fat can be defeated with soap, then in order to fight limescale, you will have to use more "heavy artillery". It is known that lime breaks down in an acidic environment, so the ideal remedy for dealing with it is the usual table vinegar. When working with this liquid, certain precautions must be observed - avoid contact with eyes and, preferably, on open areas skin. Vinegar, like a soap solution, is applied to chrome surfaces with a soft cloth or household spray. This substance begins to act immediately after application - the plaque literally dissolves before our eyes and it remains only to wash it off the object to be cleaned with warm water.

Polishes for chrome

Cleaned of impurities, chrome shines and pleases the eye. But there are ways to give the surface a real mirror shine. To do this, you will have to purchase special polishes for chrome products, which are now widely represented on the home care market and in auto chemical goods stores. Each of these compositions has its own technology of use, which is described in detail in the instructions or on the label, but they all give a great effect that you and your loved ones will surely appreciate.

What should never be done

Despite the fact that chrome is a metal, it is quite easy to damage it. This is due to the fact that, firstly, chromium is a rather soft metal, and secondly, the coating applied by manufacturers to products is designed only for corrosion protection and an aesthetic effect, so its thickness is fractions of a millimeter. A chrome-plated product can be scratched even with a hard washcloth, therefore, despite the temptation to do the job faster and better, in no case should you use abrasive products and substances for cleaning. Also chromium can be destroyed by some chemicals. In this regard, if you are going to use commercial detergents, make sure that they can be used to clean chrome, otherwise there is a risk of permanently ruining the shiny surface.

Technologies are developing, the automotive industry is moving forward by leaps and bounds, but one detail is present on the equipment of any generation. Restoring chrome car parts is a problem so old that at first it seems surprising why it has not yet been invented for it. Like half a century ago, drivers face the same task.

Today, the driver is not at all necessary, a simple restoration can be carried out in the garage. Nevertheless, it is more logical to prevent the problem, so first we will consider how to care for the chrome surface.


Scratches and dullness

Chrome parts give the car a special look. In the sun they shine, in cloudy weather they reflect like a mirror. It is the reflectivity of chromium that requires constant maintenance. It is not enough to treat the machine well, as such a surface is easily covered with small scratches and fades over time.
Contrary to popular belief, chrome rusts no worse than ordinary metal. Therefore, caring for chrome parts is extremely important. Pay attention to cars. It is advisable to use soapy warm water. Wipe clean with a soft cloth or soft sponge. From rough material, smooth metal begins to fade over time due to a network of microscopic scratches. Before cleaning the chrome bumper with a cloth, soak it in water.

Use low water pressure. Avoid temperature differences in both summer and winter. In warm weather, after washing, it is enough to put the car in the shade, and in winter it is better to use protective sprays with an oil base and not leave the garage if there is moisture on the chrome surface.

From time to time, you can wipe the part with kerosene and gently rinse it off with warm water. In no case should substances such as kerosene, gasoline or white spirit be left on the surface, and the ingress of soda or mineral oil should be avoided altogether. However, before polishing the part, you need to degrease it, and here kerosene is the best fit.


A little mechanical protection would not hurt a chrome bumper, because it is not for nothing that manufacturers are increasingly using steel thrust bars that increase the strength and protection of bumpers. However, the main danger for chromium is corrosion. This is especially true on Russian roads, where the car cannot avoid meeting aggressive road chemicals.

Sometimes the situation allows the application of varnish over a chrome surface. He is missing for a long time, and he does not look in the best way, but copes with the task of protection.

It is best to protect the part in advance by covering it with a special compound. Salt water can stain even quality products. Repair of chrome parts in this case begins with the localization of the source of corrosion - the removal of the rusted area by mechanical means and treatment with oil varnish. If the chrome layer has not been touched, it is enough to polish the damage with WD-40.

At home, you can find something to polish chrome without going to the store. Soda is used, but it may be too hard. Inconspicuous traces are removed with a soft powder or chalk, crushed and applied to a flannel cloth.

Do-it-yourself polishing is possible, but not hands are better here, but special formulations for polishing chrome. You can buy them at any auto shop. If there is severe corrosion, you will have to use WD-40, although this is an extreme case. Depending on the severity of the damage, you will have to do some of the operations described below.

  1. Before cleaning, remove the part and transfer to a place protected from temperature extremes.
  2. When rust eats through the chrome finish, mechanical cleaning is required. Everything determines the depth of damage. In some cases, it is necessary to apply coarse grinding with a coarse-grained abrasive.
  3. If a significant area of ​​metal is removed, care must be taken to protect it, apply a primer to welds, and so on. If cleaning is planned not for restoration, but for painting, then two types of soil will be required - acidic and basic.
  4. Chrome plating at home is not possible. About how to restore such a part, you will be told in a car service, and as an alternative, you can consider covering the part with a metallized film, painting the part and electroplating silver. For metachromization, you will need to carry out the reaction of reducing silver from an inorganic salt at home. This is quite possible, but silver wears out easily and is poorly suited as a coating for external parts.
  5. Use a cleaner to remove traces of grease and stains. Substances containing acids can be used, but the solution must be removed from the part immediately. Anhydrous ammonia and acids are not allowed in the polish.
  6. For shallow damage, either a polish or ordinary chalk (tooth powder) will be required. The polish can be replaced with GOI paste, diluted with a couple of drops of engine oil. Coarse-grained pasta - be careful! Folk remedy- foil soaked in Coca-Cola.
  7. For strong polishing, you can take felt. Otherwise, it is better to stop the choice on a soft cloth.

On the video - removing rust from a chrome bumper:

Paint over chrome

Chrome - extremely solid metal, and careful surface treatment will be required before painting the chrome part. It is necessary to bring it to a matte state - small scratches will improve the adhesion of the material. Then dust should be removed from the surface, degreased and successively applied several layers of soil:

  • acidic soil, which provides rigid adhesion to the surface, since it eats into the metal by tenths of a micron;
  • primary (main) primer to protect the part from corrosion and adhesion to paint;
  • primer-filler - is necessary if you need to level the surface.

Phosphating primer is sold especially for metal surfaces. The substance is a mixture of acidic and basic primers. It can be used instead of oxidation and phosphating, the main goal is to protect the metal for a long time. On the last layer soil after preliminary degreasing paint is applied.


If the question is relevant to you, how to restore a chrome part, then probably the corrosion process has already gone too far. In order for the part not to lose its attractiveness over time, you need to handle it carefully. Attentiveness and caring attitude to chrome are the main ways to fight for its appearance.

A part that has not been protected in a timely manner is difficult to restore. However, you should not give up. A little patience, good theoretical preparation, and your bumper will shine like new.