Camel-thorn. Jam with lime and prickly pear fruit

  • 20.07.2020

“And many who had damaged insides inside, and rotten bodies, drinking a drink from these roots, recovered ...” - from the Peruvian chronicles.

What a pity that tourists come to Abkhazia only in summer.

And the medlar passes by them, and the unreal explosion of certis blossoms, without them the huge cherry-white tulips of Solange magnolia wither.

And the first "prickly" vitamins, so necessary in the spring for our bodies tired of winter, are also past.

True, in Russia there is a tradition of eating soups from young nettles.

I recently walked around the Gagrinsky market.
I found such catchy bouquets. Now is the time for commemoration of the dead.
Cheerful dried flowers are bought at cemeteries.

Immediately I saw the grass, which I had only heard about.

Thorn and a dish from it - apyrchpan .

Kind women helped me learn a new word in Abkhaz. They said that the thorn itself is not eaten, young, red shoots are used for food.

Thanks Wikipedia! “The length of woody shoots of sarsaparilla growing in the wild often reaches 30-50 meters, these shoots are very tear-resistant and suitable for making ropes.

Freshly picked shoots of the plant (tops) are very often eaten raw, they taste sour-bitter and juicy "

I know two recipes: the first - the shoots are boiled for 20 minutes, added, thrown into a frying pan and slaughtered with homemade eggs.

I made today, scrambled eggs turned green. Not bad, right? All. Even protein.

Even the ever-hungry Samsung dog did not go well.

And second - have you ever eaten pkhali?

Here's the same thing, but without cabbage ...

But seriously, we cook shoots sarsaparilla (smilaksa, i.e. spines) 20 minutes, rub with walnuts, then cilantro, finely chopped onion, then wine vinegar, you can lemon, or even sour unsweetened wine.

Don't forget adjika! It turns out again-100% natural product. One benefit and vitamins.

I was barely pulled away from the bowl. The body enthusiastically called out: “More! yet!"

I don't like to cook. Therefore, today I took homemade matsoni from my good friend,

poured Abkhazian sauce on a saucer, homemade cheese was found in the refrigerator and the freshest Armenian lavash from the tandoor.

These are pies with thorns. Bon Appetit!

Once upon a time in the desert there was a modest camel grass - one fairy tale says. She was loved not only by camels, but also by other animals, and when the poor plant became completely unbearable from such attention, the desert neighbors advised him to turn ... into a thorn. Having buried themselves once or twice in sharp spikes, the animals left to look for other food. And only a hungry camel, as if nothing had happened, continued to chew his favorite delicacy ...

Fairy tales are fairy tales, but centuries have passed, and already for people it has become indispensable assistant camel thorn: its medicinal properties and culinary virtues are worth their weight in gold. Tonic tea, fragrant honey, healing decoction and an unusual dessert - all this is one small but very useful thorn.

Desert symbol

Camel thorn (and also jantak, or yantak) is considered a real symbol of the desert. It looks impregnable, dry, barren, but inside there is a real pharmacy, a confectionery shop and a tea shop.

Even if you have never seen a camel thorn, a photo of it will surely seem familiar. Very often, images of the world's deserts show not only luxurious dunes with long caravans, but also a modest thorn. The ship of the desert is a camel, the main plant is a camel thorn. Why not a sweet couple?

Camel thorn has been stored for livestock feed since ancient times - like ordinary hay. But only camels can really chew a “live” thorn. It's all about a special organism - the digestive tract of the ships of the desert perfectly digests thorns and needles. And the mucous membrane of the mouth is arranged in such a way that animals do not feel pain from yantak at all.

What does it look like?

Jantak is a low lush shrub, very prickly and very beautiful. Graceful silver-green leaves are quite fleshy and juicy, and their tiny size allows them to actively store moisture and hardly evaporate it.

Charming pink-red inflorescences of yantak subtly resemble our meadow mouse peas (otherwise, the family is one - legumes).

The thorn always has enough water for its flowers and leaves. Thanks to a powerful root system, it is able to draw moisture from underground ground sources, even at a depth of 17-20 meters. And this is not a record yet - during the construction of the Suez Canal, "camel" roots 33 meters long were dug out of the ground!

Where does it grow?

Due to its incredible hardiness, jantak turned into a real nightmare for gardeners and farmers of the New World at one time. In American gardens, such a weed behaves worse than ours and. This begs the question: if camel thorn is so ubiquitous, where does this miracle grow? Isn't it just deserts?

Heat, dry air and potential ground water- this is what a yantak needs for complete happiness (well, a camel will not hurt nearby). Her native home- these are the expanses of North Africa, Iraq and Iran, Afghanistan, the Kyzylkum and Karakum deserts, the sunny steppes and foothills of the Caucasus, Asia Minor and Central Asia, the Urals and Western Siberia.

Since ancient times, the inhabitants of Iran and neighboring states have been delighted with the healing Persian variety of yantak: tea from camel thorn was taken with them on a campaign even by ancient nomads. As an excellent energy drink and a powerful antibiotic medicine: what if they get poisoned on the road? And in Kazakhstan, like the apple of their eye, they cherish the Kyrgyz thorn. She is registered medicines Republic, and honey from it is traditionally brought from Asia as a rare souvenir.

In official medicine

What a camel thorn looks like and where it lives, we figured it out. Why is she so useful? Kazakh scientists did not just achieve the official recognition of jantak - this was preceded by years of hard research.

The main wealth of the thorn is its antibacterial properties. Juicy desert grass successfully fights against staphylococci and streptococci, has an anti-inflammatory effect, is an excellent hepatoprotector and antioxidant.

Thanks to a powerful vitamin complex (A, K, C and P), jantaka-based products can be used to strengthen capillaries. In their action, they are not inferior to the classic routine.

In official oriental medicine and pharmacology, the biological complex alchidin is actively used, the source of which is precisely that, camel thorn. Treatment based on alchidin will be offered by many pharmacies in Central Asia. These are Zhaltak syrup for the treatment of poisoning, Alchidin effervescent tablets for liver health, alchidin ointment against skin diseases and other drugs.

In folk medicine

But what about "grandmother's recipes"? How do they use camel thorn? Application in folk medicine Yantaka is also largely based on its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Any infections (both viral and bacterial), inflammatory processes, skin diseases and even hemorrhoids recede under the powerful action of desert vitamins and.

Informal medicine uses camel thorn herb to treat:

  • gastrointestinal disorders (including dysentery);
  • purulent otitis;
  • any colds;
  • ordinary and purulent tonsillitis;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • wet cough (as expectorant);
  • bloody hemorrhoids;
  • edema (as a diuretic);
  • gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • eczema and purulent wounds;
  • burns and cuts;
  • rheumatism and arthritis, joint pain.


The unusual composition and strong medicinal properties at one time made jantak the object of close attention of world chemists and biologists. After a thorough study of all the "prickly" alkaloids, the researchers decided: to include camel weed in the group of non-toxic drugs of IV toxicity class. That is, it is not hazardous to human health.

Because of this, many online directories still write that yantak has no contraindications, everyone can be treated without restrictions. But this is not so at all.

Even if the plant is absolutely harmless, it will always have one contraindication - this is an individual intolerance to the components of the medicinal herb. Camel thorn, in addition to the notorious intolerance, has other prohibitions on treatment:

  • sweating disorders (hidrosis);
  • inflammation of the urinary system;
  • kidney stones and gallbladder;
  • strong tendency to constipation.

desert manna

ABOUT healing properties ah camel thorn was known not only by the ancient eastern nomads and modern Kazakh physicians. The discoverer of the good half medicinal herbs(including garden and) Avicenna on his Persian land simply could not ignore the yantak. But he wrote not only about him, but also about the mysterious Yantykov manna. What is it?

The composition of the desert thorn contains not only vitamins and antioxidants, but also many sugars. Evaporating, the sugars appear on the leaves as a yellowish-white powder, rolling into small lumps. Collect them very original way: spread a large piece of cloth on the ground and beat the bush with a stick. Lumps fall on the bedding - and the healing dessert is ready!

The official name for camel manna is tarangjubin. In ancient times, it was not just a delicacy, but a universal medicine. Taranjubin perfectly quenched thirst, relieved coughs, constipation, and even helped reduce sugar in diabetes.

The use of camel thorn

The main recipes with camel thorn are decoctions, infusions, baths and the very famous tonic tea. Preparing it is very simple: just buy camel grass in a pharmacy or an online store, brew it like a regular black gull, and drink it calmly.

In other recipes, camel thorn is prepared differently - its use depends on what disease you are going to treat.

Decoction for colds and sore throats

Pour 3 large spoons of desert grass with a glass of boiling water and put on the stove. We wait 4 minutes after it boils, and insist until it cools to room temperature. Then we filter and drink half a cup three times a day. And with angina - gargle.

Infusion for skin diseases and hemorrhoids

Pour 4 tablespoons of dry thorns and leaves with boiling water (2 cups). Infuse strictly for 2 hours, then strain, squeeze and pour into the bath. The duration of the treatment procedure is 30 minutes, it is necessary to take a bath every other day for a week.

Properties of camel thorn honey

Camel thorn honey is a real pride of beekeepers from Asia Minor and Central Asia. Yantak is a rare plant, honey is harvested only in a few regions (Kyrgyzstan and neighboring republics), so a real desert dessert is quite expensive.

Already by appearance jantaka honey, you can understand all its unusualness. The color is from ash-white to rich cream, there is practically no smell, and the taste is the most delicate, delicate and very soft. Such honey crystallizes very quickly, acquiring an interesting granular texture.

Still an amazing combination: honey, camel thorn ... The beneficial properties of this dessert combine the healing qualities of all varieties of honey: antibacterial effect, the ability to remove toxins and toxins, treat a sick stomach and intestines, benefit for diseased joints.

And janta honey is a real natural antidepressant and energy drink. A cup of tea with such an oriental honey in a bite will instantly fill you with energy, relieve fatigue and cheer you up. Especially if you are a real gourmet sweet tooth.

Characteristics of prickly pear

Cacti are green succulent plants of the Cactacae family of the same name that easily tolerate drought. As a rule, cacti are plants without leaves, but with many sharp spines.

Prickly pear is a genus of cacti that unites about three hundred species of plants. Their external features are not similar. There are creeping prickly pear, shrub and even tree prickly pear. The height of such plants can reach six meters. It is characteristic that these plants do not have leaves. Basically they take flat oval shoots, which may well pass for prickly pear leaves.

Prickly pear blooms with yellow or bright pink flowers, but this feature cannot be called the most characteristic of this plant. This is because there are varieties of cacti that do not bloom at all. But the spines that grow in bunches, or glochidia, are perhaps the only similarity among all varieties of prickly pear.

At first glance, prickly pear needles seem like harmless hairs, but if you touch the almost imperceptible tips of the hook-shaped spines, you will not be in trouble. Hooked hairs break off and dig into skin or clothing without much difficulty.

Distribution area of ​​prickly pear, from Canada to South America, and there is a second reason why this plant is recognized as the leader of all cacti.

The most pleasant thing about prickly pear is its fruits. For example, in Mexico, in the homeland of the cactus, local natives use prickly pear for medicinal purposes, to melt foci, as well as eat and quench their thirst.

There are a number of countries where prickly pear is specially cultivated. So, in Italy, cacti are cultivated in Sicily. There, industrial plantations occupy more than 10 thousand hectares of land, and the annual harvest is about 100 thousand tons of prickly pear fruits. Opuntia blooms in May - June. The flowers are large, different color and special brilliance. The main type of cacti that is bred in Sicily is Opuntia megacantha. It is characterized by yellow inflorescences.

From August to September, as a rule, the fruits ripen. However, due to dry summer weather, the fruits are quite small, no more than 100 grams, so they are significantly inferior to those fruits that are obtained during the autumn harvest.

The second autumn harvest occurs in October-November. At this time, the fruits ripen in larger sizes, the weight of which can reach 250-300 grams. It is characteristic that the autumn harvest of prickly pear has more juicy pulp and fewer seeds.

When does the harvest start? Harvesting begins early in the morning, until the dew has dried on the plants. Another name that one of the varieties of cactus bears is fiki d'India. So, the fruits of fika are first sorted, laid out on flat surface, swept with special brooms and only then placed in 20 kg boxes lined with straw and sent for storage or sale.

The fruit of fika d'India has its own characteristics. The diameter of this species reaches 7-10 cm. The shape of the fruit is somewhat reminiscent of a barrel, only covered with bunches of small and short spines. The pulp has a very pleasant sweet taste, similar to a pear or strawberry. The only thing that can spoil this unusual taste is small seeds.

Italians eat Fiki d'India both fresh and after heat treatment. Some housewives bake cactus fruits in the oven without removing the skin. Such a delicacy will certainly be served with cutlery, with the help of which everyone independently removes the prickly “packaging”.

Very often, sweet prickly pear fruits are used to make creams and fruit salads. Moreover, you can make jams, jams, jellies, marmalade from them.

Like many plants, prickly pear has a number of medicinal properties. The composition of the green mass of the cactus includes starch, protein, vitamin C, sugar. The stems and fruits of the cactus are very effective in diarrhea and other stomach disorders. In some villages, prickly pear shoots, boiled and cut lengthwise, are still used as poultices and compresses.

Surprisingly, but unique properties prickly pear have found application in industry. Since cactus seeds contain up to about 20% edible fat, which is very similar in taste and properties to pork fat, it has been used for flavoring. vegetable oils. And the plants themselves are excellent raw materials for the production of pectins, glue, anti-corrosion agents and natural dyes for food.

How to clean a cactus

To clean the cactus there are several ways. For example, you can walk along the thorns with a small branch with leaves, or put on thick gloves (leather is best) and roll the torn off segment on the ground, or break off the thorns with a wet thick towel.

The next thing to do is to cut off a piece from above and below, then make a longitudinal incision and remove the skin. You can also cut the stems into halves and eat the juicy pulp with a spoon, it will give a special taste if you sprinkle the pulp of the cactus with lemon or lime juice.

How did you get rid of thorns before? For example, the Indians roasted fruits on coals, thus destroying the needles. In addition, they used this plant as a source of moisture, peeled the stems and chewed the pulp. Young "leaves" were peeled, cut into small pieces and boiled or fried like beans with vegetables. So in Mexico and the southwestern United States, prickly pear shoots are cooked with vegetables, onions, chili peppers, cheese, eggs, spices, from which they get an excellent filling for tacos.

*Tacos are a traditional Mexican dish consisting of a corn or wheat tortilla filled with various fillings e.g. beef, pork, chicken meat, seafood, chorizo, beans, vegetables or cactus leaves.

What to do with seeds? Do not rush to throw away prickly pear seeds, they can come in handy. It is known that cactus seeds can be fried and eaten, as well as dried well in the sun and ground into flour, which turns out to be very delicious bread. Oil is also obtained from prickly pear seeds. And from the fleshy dried stems, delicious marmalade and sweets are obtained. At home, you can prepare an amazing low-alcohol drink.

Cactus juice, jelly, syrup and wine

Take advantage with tongs, use them to collect ripe fruits and put them in a bucket. Wash fruits thoroughly. Then transfer them to a large cauldron and pour 2 liters of water into it. Put the cauldron on the fire, bring the water to a boil. As soon as the fruits soften a little, pierce them with a fork. Juice will flow through these punctures.

When the cactus fruits become soft, they need to be crushed and thrown into a colander so that the water is glass. The juice, in turn, must be filtered, preferably through three layers of gauze.

Now you can start cooking, for example, jelly. To do this, mix 1 liter of cactus juice with 4 cups of sugar. Put the juice that you have strained on the fire and bring to a boil. Add two bags of pectin. Don't forget to stir. Simmer for a little while over low heat and remove the pan from the stove. Let the liquid cool down. Next, pour the liquid into containers and put in the freezer. A little later, you can enjoy the pleasant taste of jelly.

You can make cactus syrup, which is perfect for pancakes, ice cream, waffles. The syrup is prepared in the same way as jelly, only one bag of pectin is added per liter of juice.

Cactus wine can be made from 4.5 liters of juice, 8 cups of sugar. This also needs to add a package of yeast. Pour the contents into a sufficiently large container and place in a cool, dark place. After a month, you can taste the wine. Only the container should not be closed too tightly, as it may burst.

Prickly pear sorbet

First, peel the prickly pear, then place the fruit in a blender and blend well. Strain everything through a fine sieve. For 300 ml of cactus juice you will need 125 gr. sugar, which must be dissolved in 250 ml. water.

Let the mixture boil and cook for 5 minutes. Cool and add juice. Freeze the mixture in a container, stirring every 30 minutes to break the ice crystals. Then send everything to the ice cream machine. Let it thaw a little before serving. Can be served with syrup, chocolate, etc. That's it amazing plant Fica d'India or prickly pear, which you can enjoy deliciously!

A plant such as camel thorn is a low bush with prickly stems of a grayish hue. The tree has a large and powerful root, the length of which can be up to 40 meters, and sometimes more. To prepare a decoction of camel thorn, you must use the herb of the plant. Rhizome and fruits are used less often. The grass is harvested during the flowering period, and the root in summer time of the year.

A useful bush is grown in sunny and warm areas, not subject to strong winds.

In order to properly dry the stems of the shrub, they must be crushed and laid out under a canopy on fresh air. You can store dried grass for no more than 1 year. After this period, the medicinal material loses its useful properties. It can start midges and worms. When fresh, the root is stored in a cool, dark place for no more than 6 months.

Useful properties and features

The prickly plant contains a large amount of vitamins of groups A, C, B. The stems also contain such substances:

  • coloring components;
  • essential oils;
  • acids, organic origin;
  • natural resin;
  • coumarins;
  • rubber.

The thorny bush secretes a sticky sweet substance similar to thick sugar syrup. He is a large number of such useful properties, as an antipyretic component that has a laxative and diuretic effect. The syrup of the plant is often used for fever, severe cough, tuberculosis.

A decoction of camel thorn has a good antimicrobial effect. For home treatment folk remedies such drinks are used to destroy pathogens such as staphylococcus, fungi.

Herbal infusion will be useful for people suffering from hemorrhoids, eczema, acute tonsillitis, cervical erosion or acne. Camel thorn will help to quickly heal wounds and sores. To do this, prepare special decoctions and use them for baths or compresses.

Infusions from the plant have excellent diuretic effects, so they are often prescribed by doctors to their patients for the treatment of kidneys.

To combat nail fungus, it is useful to take baths with infusion of camel thorn. A week of treatment is enough to completely cure the disease.

Fresh thorn juice is prescribed to patients suffering from various pathologies of the digestive system, and also suffer from constant heartburn.

In the markets and shops you can find bush honey, which has unique properties. medicinal properties. It not only fights microorganisms, but also acts as an antioxidant that removes toxins. The sweet product has no smell, but the taste of honey is simply divine. It can be put in tea, used to make desserts, or simply eaten with a spoon. It is worth remembering that the use of honey in in large numbers can cause allergies. Therefore, 1-2 tbsp. l. treats a day will suffice.

How to brew camel thorn for treatment

Now it has become clear what a camel thorn is, how to brew this plant correctly?

It is necessary to decide which parts of the plant will be used - stems, roots, fruits. It is on this that the principle of steaming the medicine depends.

A decoction of the roots of the plant gives a good laxative effect.


  • dried tree roots - 2 tsp;
  • boiled water - 200 ml.


  1. Put the roots of the plant in a saucepan and pour a glass of boiled water.
  2. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and leave for half an hour.
  4. All the liquid must be drunk at one time - in the morning on an empty stomach.

The following recipe is about how to brew camel thorn for baths.


  • grass plants - 4 tbsp. l;
  • boiled water - 50 ml.


  1. Pour dried grass into a bowl, pour boiling water over it.
  2. It is necessary to insist the broth for at least two hours under the lid.
  3. This infusion is poured into the bath.

The tool gives a therapeutic effect in diseases such as erosion in women, hemorrhoids, rashes and pustules on the body. Infusion can be wiped on the face to treat acne.

For gargling and washing wounds


  • plant roots - 25 g;
  • water - 1 glass.


  1. Pour boiling water over the roots and put on the stove.
  2. Simmer the broth over low heat for 30 minutes.
  3. Then remove the bowl from the fire and leave to infuse.
  4. Strain the liquid through cheesecloth.

You can cure with camel thorn and dropsy. The recipe for cooking is no different from the previous remedy. It is necessary to take liquid 50 grams 30 minutes before meals.

The same decoction will be useful for people with purulent sore throat or the presence of sand in the urine. It is recommended to take a decoction of 1 tbsp. l. three times per day. The course of treatment is no more than 8 weeks. If necessary, it can be repeated after 2 weeks.

It is possible to brew a thorn for the treatment of abscesses and tumors. In this case, shrub grass must be used. Compresses with infusion and warm baths give a good effect.

Many people suffering from rheumatism and joint pain take baths for 30-40 minutes. This remedy perfectly relieves fatigue, relieves pain and relaxes.


Camel thorn has no particular contraindications, but still, they are. It may be an individual intolerance that causes an allergy.

Decoctions of this plant should not be taken by people suffering from urolithiasis.

You can not prescribe and take medicinal infusions on your own. It is imperative that you consult with your doctor.

Camel thorn is a shrub that lives in wastelands. It is very difficult to find it here, but you can grow it yourself. You can buy ready-made preparations of grass and roots in pharmacies.

Yesterday I was visiting my second cousin Varyag. The treat was plentiful in the Hamshen style, and among it "zimbilak turshi". It’s a pity that I couldn’t take a picture of this original pickle, which is traditionally included in the line of pickles beloved by the Hamshens. Zimbilak - young stems thorny plant, common in the subtropical zones of the Black and Mediterranean Seas, as well as in other parts of the world with a mild climate. In science, it is better known as Smilax ( Smilax), or Sassaparilla. The spiny young shoots and berries of Zimbilak are eaten raw. The original jam is prepared from the berries. And the shoots go to pickles and pies. Zimbilak is also cooked with cheese and egg. They make a delicious, healthy pate out of it, which many people know thanks to the Georgian cuisine called "phali". Various soups, meat and vegetable dishes are also prepared from zimbilak. No less important is medical significance zimbilak. In 1553, Cieza de Leon in the book "Chronicle of Peru" gave the first description of the plant and reported on importance it for the treatment of certain diseases, in particular syphilis:

The roots of this plant are useful for many diseases, as well as for purulent disease and pain caused to people by that contagious disease. And therefore, those who wish to be cured, settle down in a hot place, hiding themselves so that cold or air does not harm the disease, taking only a laxative and eating selected fruits, and abstaining from food, and drinking a drink from these roots, mixed for this in the required proportions. : and the extracted liquid, which comes out very clean and without an unpleasant taste and smell, is given to the patient to drink for several days in a row, without affecting him by other methods, which is why the illness leaves the body, because he quickly recovers and becomes healthier than he was, and the body, as rinsed, without marks and traces, which usually appear from other drugs, rather it becomes so perfect, as if there had never been an ailment in it. And therefore, indeed, great cures took place in that village of Guayaquil at various times. And many who had damaged insides inside, and rotten bodies, drinking a drink from these roots, recovered, and gained best color skin than during illness. And others, who came with neglected abscesses located on the body, and also had a bad breath, drinking this liquid, recovered completely in a few days. Finally, many who bloated, who became covered with ulcers, they all returned home healthy. And I believe that it is one of the best roots or plants in the world, and the most useful, as evidence, are many who have recovered from it [taking].

Cieza de Leon P. Chronicle of Peru. Part one. - Ch. LIV