What does the name lilith mean. The meaning of the word lilith

  • 26.09.2019
It is important for you to stand out from the crowd. However, you should not use flashy tones or catchy accessories for this. This should not be understood in the sense that bright, cheerful colors are not for you. Just general style clothing should be distinguished by correctness, good taste, solidity. Clothing should be of high quality and fit well on you. Appearance that meets these criteria inspires disposition and trust. These principles should be guided not only in the process of completing your wardrobe, but also when choosing the design and furnishings for your home, office.

Lilith name compatibility, manifestation in love

Lilita, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to show your feelings in such forms that they can’t but cause a reaction. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift to find beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades. But although you often endure the breakup easily, memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, because you like to sort through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. So quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It is good if you have enough prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards its achievement. It is bad if you are trying to "chase two birds with one stone", not wanting to give up even a small chance of success. In this case, you run the risk of wasting all your spiritual potential for nothing, “spraying” it, letting it go to the wind. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He does not care about external brilliance, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic natures. Therefore, it is it that at the right time will tell you the only thing the right decision. Try to "hear" it.

Meaning: Adam's first wife, nocturnal

The meaning of the name Lilith - interpretation

Lilith is one of the most interesting female names. According to legend, that was the name of Adam's first wife, who turned out to be rebellious and did not obey her husband. Then God had to create another pair for him - soft and obedient Eve. And Lilith remained a wayward demoness, to whom a variety of qualities were subsequently attributed. The name itself is derived from the word "layla", which translates as "night". Lilith literally means "night" woman.

Years later

Little Lilith is a very talented and bright child. She happily goes to art school, participates in home concerts, draws for a long time and does a lot of other interesting things. She enjoys attention and praise. In other words, parents encourage the girl's talents and from this she is even more motivated to achieve new heights.

The girl is endowed with an amazing charm, which allows her to always be in the spotlight, to charm literally every person. She quickly adapts to the new team. The girl is easy to find mutual language with peers.

It grows obedient, calm, although it sometimes likes to indulge, make noise. Parents are completely delighted with their child, especially if they are preparing him for an independent, self-sufficient life.

In school, the girl is easy. Lilith prefers the humanities, but can also succeed in the exact sciences with a little more effort.

In her youth, Lilith thinks for a long time about her life, about the purpose for which she was born. She comes to the conclusion that there must be useful to people. This manifests itself in a variety of things. The girl is attentive to friends, acquaintances, relatives. Can easily take care of an elderly person or younger brother, sister. He tries in every way to help his parents, but at the same time he leaves time for himself.

He is a good student and loves to learn new things. Lilith is responsible, harmonious, always one of the leaders of her company, group or the entire university. Teachers value her for her ability to quickly respond to tasks and prudence in decision-making.

Lilith is not deprived of attention from the opposite sex. However, she is in no hurry to take advantage of this. She is of the opinion in this matter that it is better to wait a bit, but to find a congenial person, her own person.

With age, Lilith literally blossoms. She becomes even more beautiful, sophisticated, stylish. He always knows his strengths and features of their presentation. In society, he always behaves with dignity.

It is very popular with men, but this woman cannot be called windy in any way. Lilith is wary of fleeting connections. She values ​​her reputation very much, which she builds from her youth. A woman has a wonderful sense of humor, becomes the soul of the company. Thanks to her kindness and honesty, Lilith is surrounded by true friends who, if necessary, will always come to the rescue.

This is an energetic person, full of plans for life. She almost never gets discouraged, she is always very positive and expects more from life. Rolling up her sleeves, she boldly takes on new challenges. Resolutely climbs the career ladder, but does not linger on duty in one post. She is goal-oriented and ambitious.

Character Lilith

Honest and open, the owner of this name will never play around or pretend to be someone else. She is well aware of strengths of his own character, so he does not look for imaginary talents.

He treats life with a share of irony, like a game. But all fateful decisions are made carefully, responsibly. It is quite easy for those around her, she always takes into account the interests of other people in her personal life, work and friendship.

This woman can change her mind quickly when other people don't like it. It may not intentionally offend someone, but it is quite easy to receive forgiveness.

Sometimes it becomes overly independent, trying to take control of the situation from the very beginning to the end. If she occupies a leadership position, she is too demanding of employees. But we should pay tribute to this woman: she makes much more demands on herself.

Fate Lilith

A woman with that name gets exactly what she wants. Since Lilith is not characterized by modest requests, all her bold dreams result in a rich, interesting, secure and happy life. And this is a natural state for her, because in her mind it cannot be otherwise.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

There must be some creativity in her work, she needs constant communication with people. She makes her career quickly and confidently, everyone around from this woman is simply delighted.

It can also take a swing at your business, but then you will need to become more assiduous, calm.

Lilith never needs money - she has financial opportunities to realize all her desires.

Marriage and family

Can marry several times, rarely chooses one couple for life. This is due to the fact that Lilith simply needs a new experience, fresh emotions. If it becomes boring in a couple and all life comes down to everyday life, this situation will not be tolerated for a long time.

He loves children very much, he can find a common language literally with anyone - be it his own or a completely alien child. Easily soothe, teach the child something new, cheer him up.

He has good relations with relatives, always tries to support them in difficult times.

Sex and love

In love, this is a passionate, seductive nature that likes to turn the heads of men. But if a woman chooses a partner, she will be faithful to him to the last. She only needs flirting with other men, which feeds energy and gives strength for new joys.

From the chosen one requires a lot, but it is always real requirements, so for Lilith there is necessarily perfect man. If a girl is deceived and betrayed, they will never be humiliated, forgive, take back, try to keep. Lets go easily, forever, without any chance of continuation, but often retains with former men friendly relations.

The name lilith, what does it mean? Does the name lilith affect the fate of the bearer, or does it all depend on parental upbringing? The answers to these questions vary, sometimes even contradictory. And yet, almost every one of us at least once in his life met a person whose name does not suit him: "Well, she pours pure water!".

Have you ever called people you barely know by the "wrong" name? And this is absolutely natural, since each of us subconsciously identifies the image of a person with the well-known and significant signs of a particular name.

And in order to understand who is who, we tried to collect the most full information about names - their origin, meaning, name days, talismans, platnets-patrons of the name and zodiac signs inherent in them.

About the name Lilith: Meaning, origin

  • The meaning of the name Lilith is Loving Night.
  • Origin of the name Lilith: Arabic Jewish Armenian English

Numerology Of The Name Lilith

  • Name number: 3
  • Heart number: 2
  • Personality number: 1
  • Happiness number: 3
  • Lucky numbers named after Lilith: 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75, 87, 93, 102, 111
  • Lucky days of the month: 3, 12, 21, 30

The meaning of the letters of the name Lilith

The letters of the name play an important role in shaping the character of a person. For example, the first letter of the name indicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a certain element.

In contrast to the first letter, there is the last letter of the name. The last letter of the name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles' heel, which must be covered and protected.

  • l - logic, ingenuity, musicality, cannot stand discomfort, artistry, pettiness, logic
  • and - impressionability, realism, subtle spirituality, peacefulness
  • t - endless search, pursuit of the ideal, sensitive creative personality

Talismans named after Lilith

  • Lucky season: Spring
  • Lucky days of the week: Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday
  • Unlucky days of the week: Monday
  • Lucky Color: Yellow
  • Mascot Plant: Yarrow
  • Talisman stones named after Lilith: Agate, Mercury, Garnet, Beryl, Tourmaline, Eye quartz, Citrine, Alexandrite, Carnelian
  • Spirit Animal: Deer
  • Tree: Hawthorn

Astrology named after Lilith

According to astrology, a correspondence was revealed between the planet - the ruler of the name and a certain quality of character.

For the name Lilith, the ruler is the planet Mercury, which gives the name a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits from Mercury: Movement, moderation, thought, youth, ambivalence, synthesis

The disadvantages that Mercury gives the name: Duality, impermanence

  • Name astrological color: Red
  • Cardinal direction: East
  • Astrological stone: Hematite, Pyrite, Sapphire
  • Personifying animal: Falcon

In addition, each letter of your name also corresponds to a particular planet, which in turn have a direct impact on the fate of a person. Therefore, if the name has repeated letters, then the influence of the planet that corresponds to this letter is greatly enhanced. Such planets are called dominant and one should pay attention to its position (strong or weak, in which sign of the Zodiac it is located).

Dominant planet for Lilith: Pluto

And an important role belongs to the planet that controls the last letter of the name - the final one. The final planet in some cases affects the duration of life and the nature of death.

Last planet named: Neptune

Planetary number and meaning of the name Lilith

For the name Lilith, the planetary number is - 6 and governs this name Venus.

For the name Lilith Zodiac number - 3 Twins.

Gemini promote sociability, involve in numerous contacts with other people, in solving related problems, create a field for apprenticeship and information exchange.

Sacred number for the name Lilith - 6 , which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Virgo

Virgos involve in the mystery of selfless service and care for others, create a field of work, duty and rationalism.

Gender: Name in other languages: Location: References: Father: Mother: Spouse: Related concepts: Related events: This term has other meanings, see Lilith (disambiguation). John Collier Lilith

Lilith(Hebrew לילית‏‎) - the first wife of Adam in Kabbalistic theory. Mentioned in some of the early apocrypha of Christianity, not included in the biblical canon. In the Hebrew text of the book of Isaiah, which tells of the desolation of Idumea after the Divine Judgment (Is. 34:14), the appearance of a night ghost (lilith) is foretold. Mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Ben-Sira Alphabet, the Book of Zohars.

According to legend, after parting with Adam, Lilith became an evil demon that kills babies (this character is also present in Arabic myths). In the mythology of ancient Mesopotamia, a night demoness who kills children and mocks sleeping men bears a similar name (men are also mentioned "lilu").

The name Lilith is found in the Epic of Gilgamesh in the second millennium BC. e.


In Semitic languages, in particular in Hebrew, this word is a feminine adjective “night” (for example, Hebrew ‏דממה לילית‏‎ - “ dmama leylit"- night silence).

In addition, in Hebrew (and possibly in other Semitic languages), the word "lilith" refers to the owl bird, a kind of owl. This is most likely why Lilith is sometimes depicted with an owl.

There is also an opinion that this name comes from the Sumerian "lil" (air, wind; spirit, ghost).

Perhaps all points of view are true. V. V. Emelyanov, in the preface to Assyrian Magic by Charles Fosse, writes the following: different languages. In Sumerian, lil means “air, wind; spirit, ghost", in Akkadian lilu - "night". Hence the mixture of ideas: demons of this kind were considered night ghosts. Most likely, they can be compared with the Slavic mortgaged dead - that is, with people who died an unnatural death and ahead of schedule. In any case, they are always different from gadim- ordinary spirits of deceased ancestors (although the latter are also characterized by unusual deaths). It is possible that people who have turned into spirits lilu were celibate during their lifetime and left no offspring. This is how one can explain the propensity of male lilu to enter into relations with earthly women (and from these connections they are born either freaks or the same demons).”

Burney Relief (eng.) russian. ( "Queen of the Night"); according to one version - the image of Lilith. Beginning of II millennium BC e. British museum

Lilith in the Sumerian tradition

There are several Sumerian legends about Lilith. First of all, this is an unnamed legend given in an article by Charles Moffett. In it, Lilith is the patron goddess of her people. Nevertheless, its dark essence is also obvious. So, Lilith's tears give life, but her kisses bring death.

The legend explains the origin of the two lions in the traditional Sumerian iconography of Lilith.

It is also assumed that Lilith is mentioned under the name ki-sikil-lil-la-ke in the prologue of the Sumerian version of the Epic of Gilgamesh. In particular, independent translations of this prologue by Kramer and Folkenstein mention Lilith.

In the Old Testament

Lilith is not mentioned as a character in any biblical book. The Hebrew text of Isaiah 34:14 speaks of the desolation of Idumea after God's judgment:

Is.34:13-14: And her palaces will be overgrown thorny plants, nettles and burdock - her strongholds; and it will be the dwelling place of jackals, the dwelling place of ostriches. And the beasts of the desert will meet wild cats, and the goblin will call one to another; there will rest the night ghost ( lilith) and find peace.

When creating the Septuagint, the translation of the Old Testament into ancient Greek, rabbinic scholars in the Greek text, the word lilith did not leave (the proper name should have remained unchanged), but translated it as onokentavros(half man, half donkey). In the Slavic Bible, it is already given without translation: “the onocentauri who have found their rest will rest”.

The English text of the King James Bible speaks of "screech owl" (barn owl, but there is an obsolete meaning - "bad omen"). The New American Standard Bible speaks of "the night monster". Both versions also use the feminine gender.

In the Russian Bible lilith regarded as the adjective "night" from lail(night). Therefore, the translators put: a night ghost, meaning an animal that lives at night and inspires fear in a person.

Blair (2009) shows that it is a bird.

Lilith in Jewish tradition

Jewish sources speak of two Liliths:

  • The elder Lilith is the wife of Samael, the queen and mother of demons.
  • The younger Lilith is the wife of Asmodeus.

In this case, we are talking about two images of one she-devil.

Samael is often identified with Satan.

Legends about the origin of Lilith

According to the Alphabet of Ben-Sira, Lilith was Adam's first wife. She did not want to obey her husband, because she considered herself the same creation of the god Jehovah, like Adam.

Saying the secret name of the god Yahweh, Lilith rose into the air and flew away from Adam. Then Adam turned to Yahweh with a complaint about his runaway wife. Yahweh sent three angels in pursuit, known as Sena, Sansenoy and Samangelof (Snvi, Snsvi, and Smnglof).

Three angels overtook Lilith at the Red Sea, and she flatly refused to return to her husband.

After threatening to kill her, Lilith vowed that she had been sent by God and that although her "function" was to kill babies, she would spare any child protected by an amulet or plaque bearing her name (possibly the names of angels). The angels punished her. There are three versions of this punishment in literature: a hundred of her babies will die every night; she is doomed to give birth to children - demons; or God will make her barren.

In Jewish life, the hairy and winged Lilith is especially known as a pest of childbearing. It was believed that she not only causes damage to babies, but also kidnaps them, drinks the blood of newborns, sucks the marrow out of the bones and replaces them. She was also attributed to the spoilage of women in labor and the infertility of women.

It is the legends that speak of Lilith as a killer of newborns that explain the tradition of hanging an amulet with the names of angels near the cradle of a Jewish child. Amulets and conspiracies for a woman in labor against Lilith should contain not only the names of the three angels who tried to return her, but also some of the names of Lilith herself: Batna (womb), Odem (redness) or Amorpho (without form). Also associated with this legend is the tradition of tying a red thread on a hand (usually a baby) - it is believed that Lilith is afraid of red. The night before the circumcision of an infant is especially dangerous - in order to protect the child from Lilith, his father must read passages from The Zohar and other books of Kabbalah all night long.

Lilith in the Kabbalistic tradition

In Kabbalah, Lilith is a devil who appears in a dream to unmarried young men and seduces them.

According to the Treatise on the Left Emanation, a blind Dragon was born from the connection between Lilith and Samael. The dragon is castrated "so that viper (echidna) eggs do not hatch into the world." Those who hatch from such eggs are called Lilin. They are completely covered with hair, with the exception of only the head.

In the Middle Ages, the legend changed somewhat: Lilith was no longer a snake, but the spirit of the night. Sometimes she appears as an angel in charge of the birth of people, sometimes as a demon, annoying those who sleep alone or wander alone along the road. In the popular imagination, she appears as a tall, silent woman with long black flowing hair.

According to the Kabbalistic book Zohar, Lilith became the wife of Samael and the mother of demons.

Lilith in Modern Satanism

Lilith in modern demonology is no longer only a goddess devouring children. Being a friend of Satan (or Samael), she corresponds to one degree or another to all devils, all Black Goddesses. In this case, she is identified with Kali, Uma, Hekate, Hel and Ereshkigal, although some traditions clearly separate the Dark Goddesses. Often it is also about the older and younger Lilith, for example, in "Luciferian Witchcraft" by Michael Ford (Luciferian Witchcraft, Michael Ford).

In this sense, the meaning is hidden in the name Lilith - Dark Mother, Black Femininity. In any case, the original meaning is also preserved - the Black Goddess, the destroyer of the embryos of Light.

The exception is the LaVey tradition. Lilith is hardly mentioned in it. In other cases, she is mentioned among the higher devils:

  • Mother of Life and Death according to the materials of Templium Lilithi (Temple of Lilith).

.... From the bottomless depths of the primordial Darkness, You rose into reality, O Mother of Life and Death, the Mother of all witchcraft spells, the Devilish Arts and the secret craftsmanship of the creatures of the ancient Night, the Giver of the destructive secret of fiery existence.

You gave birth to small and great Unclean Tribe and dragged them along to storm the heavenly city ....

  • Mother of Demons according to the Book of Ten Invocations (Codex Decium) by Valentinus Scaurus.

Oh Mother Lilith, Mother of Demons,
I call on you, I invite you...
Queen of Darkness and impure spells,
Your faces are Night and Horror,
Your Heart is the center of Evil. Book of Ten Invocations (Codex Decium)

  • One of the 11 higher devils and consort of Satan in Liber Azerate published by Temple of the Black Light (TOTBL).

From Adramelek, the ruler of all beauty, blinding the weak, the poison of the Wrathful Chaos flowed further and created the tenth anti-cosmic goddess, Lilith, and the eighth tip of the Opened Pentagram.

From Lilith, the queen of dark dimensions and the princess of Wrathful Chaos, the cold seed of the death dragon flowed further and created the eleventh anti-cosmic demon, Princess Naama, and the tenth tip of the Opened Pentagram.

  • Cain's mother and Satan's consort in Michael Ford's Luciferian Witchcraft (Michael Ford)

The methodology for committing this great sin is as follows - the Zoroastrian and Jewish priests wrote that Ahriman-Samael does not have the ability to foresee, so that only through union with Lilith, the Bride, who is also fire and Darkness, like her twin, can become an integral Adversary and gain the ability to foresee and also control their passions. This is the very essence of the processes of Magic, the path of Yezer Ha-Ra, the embodiment of the passions of the Magician. (M. Ford, Liber HVHI.)

  • One of the nine higher devils in The Complete Book of Demonolatry.

Lilith. In Jewish myth, Adam's first wife. Later wife of Satan. According to many Demonologists, Lilith rules over succubi. Lilith is said to seek to destroy newborn babies. For these reasons, the Jews introduced the practice of writing formulas on doors designed to force Lilith to leave.

Lilith is the princess (princess) of Hell.

  • The mother of the demon tribe in Inferion.

I am the mother of the Demon Tribe.
Like the night, I display the attributes of my power.
My unmerciful presence
Bleeds the universe.

It should be noted that the listed works belong to different traditions with different views on the subject.

Name use

The name Lilith is a popular female name among Armenians. Unlike the stereotype that has developed in world history and culture, in Armenia this name is considered to give its owner such properties and character traits as femininity, thriftiness, fertility.


  • Liber Azerate, TOTBL Order of the Black Flame, off. translation by E.T.
  • A.M.S.G. by V.Scavr, The Black Press, 2009.
  • The Complete Book of Demonolatry, S. Connoly, ISBN 978-0-9669788-6-5
  • Liber HVHI, Ford M, Succubus Publishing, 2005
  • Luciferian Witchcraft, Ford M, Succubus Publishing, MMV
  • The Satanic Bible, Anton Szandor LaVey
  • Charles Fosse. Assyrian magic (with a preface by V. V. Emelyanov)
  • Borges H. L.. Bestiary: The Book of Fictional Creatures. M., 2000.
  • Woman in myths and legends: Encyclopedic reference book. Tashkent, 1992.
  • Encyclopedia of symbols, signs, emblems. M., 1999.
  • Ruslan Khazarzar. Lilith and others
  • Rybalka A. "Encyclopedia of Jewish Demonology"

What is the meaning of the name Lilith?

What does the name Lilith mean? What characteristic is inherent in the female name Lilith?

Lilith - the first wife of Adam, her name is derived from the word "layla" - night,

the ending "it" denotes a singular feminine adjective:

thus, by all the rules of Hebrew grammar,

Lilith - "night".

It is believed that she was a wayward demoness, disobedient to Adam, so God created another version of his girlfriend for him, less ambitious and more suitable.

This legend gives rise to feminists for various fabrications about the true female nature, allegedly embodied precisely in Lilith, and about the wrong position of a woman and in modern society and in antiquity.

There are female Hebrew names formed in the same way: Judith (Eudit),

Shulamith (Shulamit).

According to some sources, the name Lilith is associated with a group of Mesopotamian demons called "lilu", and female demons were called "lilitu". These demons were associated with the wasteland and storms.

According to other occultists, Lilith belongs to a class of spirits called Khaybit-ab, which were known before the Neolithic period. The name "khaybit-ab" comes from the ancient Greek words that meant "heart" and "shadow".

According to another theory, the name Lilith was the name of Adam's first wife.

Lilith is a popular Armenian name. story.

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Lilith - Adam's first wife

“Lights of the moon on a seductive, naked body. Reflection of distant mystical stars in motionless eyes. The promise of unearthly bliss in the arms, and on the lips - the bitter taste of death. Legend or horror that came from the depths of time? A woman is the embodiment of desire for men who have lost their heads, who will never say her name aloud.

The legend of Adam and Lilith.
This is a love story. Strange as it may sound, but this is exactly the case, despite such mythical and replicated characters as the Queen of Hell Lilith and our progenitor Adam. Many people know the legend of Adam and Eve, some can boast of knowing the legend of Lilith, Adam's first wife.

In medieval legends, most often written by inquisitors, in those very prophecies where it was discussed how many angels could fit on the point of a needle, she was represented as a graceful black cat coming from disturbing erotic dreams.

“When God created the sky, the earth, all animals and all plants, he took the clay lying under the feet of animals and with his word created man from it. He created it so that he would marvel at the majestic deeds of the Lord and glorify the name of God. And he settled him in Eden. And the newly created Adam marveled at the wonders of God. He surveyed all the animals, all the birds, all the plants, was amazed and glorified the name of the great master. And, feeling lonely, he fell into melancholy, into great melancholy. And God, seeing the loneliness of Adam, said to himself: “It is necessary to create a tender girlfriend for Adam, so that a person does not taste the joys of paradise in solitude.” And he caught the flame directed upwards and from its unsteady, fluttering tongues he created the first woman - Lilith.

And, looking at his creation, he admiringly said: - Good, because it is beautiful. And he called Adam to him. He put Lilith's small hand into the palm of the great man and said: - Adam, here's a friend for you, beautiful Lilith. Be reflected in each other's eyes, but love each other with your hearts. Be fruitful and multiply. Adam, follow Lilith all the days of your life, and you, Lilith, be obedient to Adam. Lilith looked closely at Adam and smelled the smell of clay. And she felt that Adam's gaze fell like the weight of the earth on her shoulders. And hastily she snatched her hand from Adam's hand.

It so happened that she avoided seeing Adam, talking to him, loving him.

When once again he tried to please her, he brought her a gift gems. Lilith was very happy, sorted them out, and happy Adam lay at her feet.

Wise are you, Lilith, incomparable Lilith - tell me what kind of feeling has nestled in my soul from the moment when I first saw you? I long to scatter at your luminous feet, I long to kiss the earth that you trample on, I long to turn the sun into a crown for your head and pave your path with stars. Lilith listened to Adam, and a quiet smile flickered on her lips.

Tell me, my wonderful Lilith, what is this feeling, from which, when I am near you, paradise becomes even more delightful and life even sweeter, when I am away from you, paradise becomes deserted and ugly, and life becomes hard and bitter! In a dream, in reality - only my dreams are full of you. You live in my heart and in my eyes. And Lilith answered - with a laugh, but coldly: - Love! Adam, this is called love. - From where? How do you know? - I've known that for a long time, Adam.

Once he called for a long time and looked for her, tormented by longing and resentment. And when he saw her again, he did not get caresses from her. She slipped away.

Adam lost his patience and went to God to complain. - My Lord, what kind of friend did you give me? - said Adam, restraining his anger - She never obeyed your order, did not obey me. She seduces me, inflames me and, leaving unsatisfied, hides. I burn when I am away from her, I burn and next to her. She is an evil fire, the tongue of scorching fire, I am tormented, I am melting ...

And the Lord called Lilith. And lowering her gaze, she stood before the Lord. And the creator threatened her, saying: - I created Adam from the earth and you - from the fire, so that you complement each other. You must love him, and even more so be submissive to him, your spouse, for for him I created you. When you do not submit to him, know that my punishment will be severe. Now go to Adam. This is my wish...

Adam was waiting for her return. He came up and sat next to her, took her hand with fear and, very tender, barely audible whispered: - Lilith, soul of my soul, why are you sad, why are you so sad? Why don't you smile, my tenderly beautiful? Ah, Lilith sparkling like the sun, why are you silent? Or do you not know that I live only by your love? Squeeze my heart - and squeeze out of it only my love for you, only my love for you and nothing more. My love for you encompasses the entire universe, the entire universe... And with boundless lust he kissed the edges of Lilith's curls. But Lilith was silent and indifferent, and the gaze of her motionless eyes was directed into the distance.

Adam hugged her thin figure, lifted her in his arms and carried her to the hut. Lilith was tired from the unrest of her heart. The displeased gaze of the Lord frightened her. And resignedly Lilith lay down on the flower bed. Adam put her head on his knees and enthusiastically, fascinated looked at the crystal nakedness of Lilith, stretched out on the leaves of roses glowing with purple. Lilith closed her eyes, and she was meek and submissive like gazelles. And she was as pale as a pearl. Adam caressed Lilith's body and whispered to himself:

Madly, madly I love your body, for your body is wonderfully created. The vessel of all perfect gifts is your body, the incomparable garden is your body, the garden of all shudders and fiery desires. Your body is more fragrant than the musk of the roes of Eden, more fragrant than jasmine and lavender, narcissus and hyacinth, all their sweet incense, paths of paradise in the dreams of those immersing ...

And with fiery lips Adam kissed the body of Lilith and inhaled its fragrant freshness, and it was fresher than dew on the bushes and grass in the first days of creation. And Adam kissed Lilith with his fiery fingers and, pouring out his soul, said: - Madly, madly I love your breasts, Lilith, O you that are more perfect than angels. Your perches are two luminous sheaves of tender carnations, crowned with two virgin roses, two sheaves that lead to madness, drive me crazy, and they intoxicate my soul and separate my soul from my body ... And Adam kissed Percy Lilith and kissed the seals of Perseus with trembling lips her.

Lilith closed her eyes, she was indifferent and did not listen to Adam. And Adam forgot himself, and nothing else existed for him. And there were only the lips of Lilith that Adam kissed without saturation and cessation; drinking all the sweetness of Lilith, all her essence, Adam was not satisfied - and Adam's soul melted away, wasted in the infinity of kisses ...

And suddenly Lilith bent over, freed herself from the exhausting, insane, passionate to the blood kisses of Adam, darted away from the hut and disappeared into the labyrinths of the night paradise. Adam fainted and lay like that until dawn. When he came to himself, he remembered that Lilith had hid in the darkness of the night. And Adam rose with a broken heart. He tried again to find Lilith, once again to beg her so that she would not leave him.

And in his visions, Lilith appeared to him desirable, even more desirable, inaccessibly desirable. And from these visions, Adam woke up with pain in his heart and, like a madman, rushed about, rushed about ... And he reached the border of paradise, on the other side of it the land stretched, deserted, uninhabited. Adam is very tired. Sat down to rest.

And suddenly, as if in a dream, he heard joyful, bright laughter, like the call of spring, and from this laughter his heart began to beat faster. With hope, he fixed his gaze to where the laughter came from ... And he saw something terrible, something that, like a black lightning, darkening and burning, pierced his soul to the very bottom.

And he saw his Lilith in the arms of Satan.

Adam was mad with jealousy. Adam went mad, wandered, not knowing peace, through the secluded corners of Eden. Eden was empty for him, and the singing of the birds weighed him down.

And God plunged Adam into sleep and from his rib created for him a new girlfriend - Eve - so that by her origin she would be submissive to Adam, could love only him and be able to console him. And Adam opened his eyes and saw next to him a new friend, not as perfect and fiery-beautiful as Lilith, but also beautiful.

And Eve came up to Adam and laid her head on his shoulder and smiled tenderly at him, fixing her devoted gaze in response to Adam's sad, dreamy gaze. But Adam, sitting next to Eve and listening to the rustle rose bushes heard Lilith breathing in it. In the fragrance of roses, the fragrance of Lilith appeared to him, in the songs of the nightingales - the voice of Lilith.

When kind Eve caressed Adam and covered his face with her black curls, Adam saw only the golden-fiery curls of Lilith, covering the entire sky. When he closed his eyes, an infinitely beautiful image of Lilith appeared to him: when he looked at the stars, he saw the eyes of Lilith in the stars, in the bottomless sun - all of Lilith ...

“Eve” sounded on his lips, but his soul responded: “Lilith”. And when he tried to forget about Lilith and hugged the faithful Eve, pressed her to his chest and kissed - in those same moments in his arms he saw Lilith, kissed Lilith, felt Lilith, only Lilith ... And Adam lived, expecting and lusting only Lilith And Adam died, groaning and dreaming only of Lilith.

So let's sum it up. Lilith was the first woman on earth. Lilith considered herself equal to a man, a woman who can do everything the same as her husband. Lilith considered herself as smart as a man. She was not going to unquestioningly obey her husband and obey him in everything. She was sure that she could make decisions on a par with her husband. According to legend, it was Lilith who made the sexual discovery - the “woman on top” pose. She preferred to have sex while being on top, and not in the “worker-peasant” position (by the way, the only sexual position approved by the church). When the conflict with Adam became too strong, Lilith made the decision to leave him.

Why is Lilith so dangerous? Why is her name called a curse? According to legend, Lilith only seduces married men, torturing them to death with her passion. There is a mention in the Talmud that a married man should not spend the night at home alone. Lilith assumes the form of a lady from erotic dreams, and offers only sex so that the victim gets into her network. The second evil of Lilith is called the murder of babies. Legends claim that she can drink blood, suffocate, take the brain, or tickle her to death in her sleep. But Lilith comes only to those babies who have not yet been baptized. Like all demons, she is terribly afraid of the cross. There is a belief that if a baby laughs in a dream, then Lilith is playing with him. The baby must be awakened immediately, otherwise she may torture him to death.

But how much truth is in these legends? There is another opinion about Lilith. She is called the first fighter for the rights of women, the force that most men fear. There is a lot of tragedy in the legends about Lilith. Or maybe this is revenge on men for choosing not her? Maybe the demonic influence of Lilith is just revenge for the fact that men see in a woman, first of all, the body? And the deadly embrace of Lilith was revenge for the eternal male thirst for sex, for the infidelity and deceit of men.
How much truth is there in the legends about a woman who for centuries has been denigrated by all means for the right to be not “under her husband”, but next to him? For the right to decide your own destiny and be a person? Now there is no way to know about it.

Lilith is an outstanding, bold personality, while Eve is a soft female, ordinary, housewife, in everything submissive to her husband. The question arises: did the church need an outstanding personality with a sharp, inquisitive mind, who claims that a man is not a god, but just a man? The church that has always been dominated by men?

And yet - a demon or a symbol of a woman's freedom? Condemnation or consent? It is not necessary to look for an unambiguous meaning in everything. There is no good without evil, and vice versa. The most valuable harmony is duality, the combination of two opposites in one. The shadow gliding in the light of the moon is just a story about a rejected woman who chose loneliness and always suffered from a lack of love, about a woman who always says “no” because she would like to say “yes” so much ...

What does the name Lilith mean?

Dasha Veryutina

Lilith (Hebrew לילית‏‎‎‎) is the first wife of Adam in Kabbalistic theory. Mentioned in some of the early apocrypha of Christianity, not included in the biblical canon. In the Hebrew text of the book of Isaiah, which tells of the desolation of Idumea after the Divine Judgment (Is. 34:14), the appearance of a night ghost (lilith) is foretold. Mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Ben-Sira Alphabet, the Book of Zohars.
According to legend, after parting with Adam, Lilith became an evil demon that kills babies (this character is also present in Arabic myths). In the mythology of ancient Mesopotamia, a night demoness who kills children and mocks sleeping men bears a similar name (men are also mentioned "lilu").

Jewish sources speak of two Liliths:
The elder Lilith is the wife of Samael, the queen and mother of demons.
The younger Lilith is the wife of Asmodeus.
In this case, we are talking about two images of one devil
Legends of Lilith's origins[edit]
According to the Alphabet of Ben-Sira, Lilith was Adam's first wife. She did not want to obey her husband, because she considered herself the same creation of the god Jehovah, like Adam.
Saying the secret name of the god Yahweh, Lilith rose into the air and flew away from Adam. Then Adam turned to Yahweh with a complaint about his runaway wife. Yahweh sent three angels in pursuit, known as Sena, Sansenoy and Samangelof (Snvi, Snsvi, and Smnglof).
Three angels overtook Lilith at the Red Sea, and she flatly refused to return to her husband.
After threatening to kill her, Lilith vowed that she had been sent by God and that although her "function" was to kill babies, she would spare any child protected by an amulet or plate bearing her name (possibly the names of angels). The angels punished her. There are three versions of this punishment in literature: a hundred of her babies will die every night; she is doomed to give birth to children - demons; or God will make her barren.
In Jewish life, the hairy and winged Lilith is especially known as a pest of childbearing. It was believed that she not only causes damage to babies, but also kidnaps them, drinks the blood of newborns, sucks the marrow out of the bones and replaces them. She was also attributed to the spoilage of women in labor and the infertility of women.
It is the legends that speak of Lilith as a killer of newborns that explain the tradition of hanging an amulet with the names of angels near the cradle of a Jewish child. Amulets and conspiracies for a woman in labor against Lilith should contain not only the names of the three angels who tried to return her, but also some of the names of Lilith herself: Batna (womb), Odem (redness) or Amorpho (without form). Also associated with this legend is the tradition of tying a red thread on a hand (usually a baby) - it is believed that Lilith is afraid of red. The night before the circumcision of an infant is especially dangerous - in order to protect the child from Lilith, his father must read passages from The Zohar and other books of Kabbalah all night long.
Lilith in the Kabbalistic tradition[edit]
In Kabbalah, Lilith is a devil who appears in a dream to unmarried young men and seduces them.
According to Bacharach, "Emeq haMelekh, between Lilith and Samael there is a blind Dragon. The dragon is castrated "so that viper (echidna) eggs do not hatch into the world." Those who hatch from such eggs are called Lilin. heads.
In the Middle Ages, the legend changed somewhat: Lilith was no longer a snake, but the spirit of the night. Sometimes she appears as an angel in charge of the birth of people, sometimes as a demon, annoying those who sleep alone or wander alone along the road. In the popular imagination, she appears as a tall, silent woman with long black flowing hair.
According to the Kabbalistic book Zohar, Lilith became the wife of Samael and the mother of demons.

The meaning of the name Lilith


Lilith (Hebrew לילית‎) is the first wife of Adam in Jewish mythology. It is in this sense that most scholars view the word in Isaiah (Isaiah 34:14). Mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Ben-Sira Alphabet, the Book of Zohars.
According to legend, after parting with Adam, Lilith became an evil demon that kills babies (this character is also present in Arabic myths). In Mesopotamia, a similar name is given to a night demoness who kills children and mocks sleeping men (men are also mentioned "lilu").
The name Lilith is found in the Epic of Gilgamesh in the second millennium BC. e.
In Semitic languages, in particular in Hebrew, this word is a feminine adjective “night” (for example, Hebrew דממה לילית‎ - “dmama leylit” - night silence).

What does the name Lilith mean?

Tatyana *

Astrology and magic named after Lilith.
The heavenly patron named after Lilith is Mars.
Stone - hematite, flint.
The color of the name is red, scarlet, the color of blood.

home plants,
auspicious for the name Lilith:
Aechmea sparkling
Euphorbia brilliant
Datura white
Azalea Indian
Oleander common
Stapelia motley
Faucaria tiger
Begonia royal
dwarf pomegranate
Haworthia striata
Perfume for the name Lilith.
Scents - amber, rose, sandalwood, jasmine, poppy, patchouli, lavender.
Perfume brands: Allure, Coco, Opium, Chanel 5, Magic Noire, Odeur 71, Lumiere, Miracle, Contradiction, Extravagance, D "Amarige, Vanessa, Truth, Eau d`lvoire.

The vulnerability of the health of a woman named Lilith - diseases of the skin, joints, stomach, ears, nose and eyes, heart, blood vessels, throat, back and legs, high blood pressure.

Good luck and bad luck for a woman named Lilith:
Lucky days are Tuesday and Sunday, bad days are Monday, Friday and Saturday.

Magic ornament named after Lilith.
The first kindred house is Armenia.
The second related house is Bosnia.
Foundation - Taiwan.
Walls - USA.
Roof - Rwanda.

Magical harmony named after Lilith.

The most suitable suburban property for a woman named Lilith.
Land plot rectangular shape small size.
Forest ahead, river behind. Wide entrance.
Double storey with basement wooden house located in the northern part of the land.
Concrete garage.

City apartment for a woman named Lilith.
A house built more than five years ago, in the northwestern part of the city.
The number of rooms is two.
Windows face east.
Eighth floor.

Real estate investment peculiar to a woman named Lilith.

Car, harmonious with the name of Lilith, MINI.
Color - red-brown, red.
Car type - coupe.

Nadezhda kononova

In Semitic languages, in particular in Hebrew, this word is a feminine adjective “night” (for example, Hebrew דממה לילית‎ - “dmama leylit” - night silence).
In addition, in Hebrew (and possibly in other Semitic languages), the word "lilith" refers to the owl bird, a kind of owl. This is probably why Lilith is sometimes depicted with an owl.
There is also an opinion that this name comes from the Sumerian "lil" (air, wind; spirit, ghost).
Perhaps all points of view are correct. V. V. Emelyanov, in the preface to Assyrian Magic by Charles Fosse, writes the following: “The young man and the girl-lilitu are demons, in whose name there is a play on words from different languages. In Sumerian, lil means “air, wind; spirit, ghost", in Akkadian lilu - "night". Hence the mixture of ideas: demons of this kind were considered night ghosts. Probably, they can be compared with the Slavic mortgaged dead - that is, with people who died an unnatural death and ahead of schedule. In any case, they always differ from gadim - the usual spirits of deceased ancestors (although the latter are also characterized by unusual deaths). It is quite possible that people who turned into lilu spirits were celibate during their lifetime and did not leave offspring. This is how one can explain the tendency of lilu men to enter into relations with earthly women (and from these connections they give birth to either freaks or the same demons) ” .

Lilith - the first woman on earth

Something I get a diary of a feminist, but what to do, entertaining stories come across. And here is one of them. I just found out that Eve is not Adam's first wife. On the sixth day, God created in his own image two people - a man and a woman: Adam and Lilith. And after Adam rebelled, God decided to correct his oversight and made the woman Eve out of Adam's rib. But really, because the Bible says that on the sixth day God created two, and on the seventh it is already specified that he put Adam to sleep and created the woman Eve from his rib. Many clergy argue that the Bible was written different people. Although this is not the first error of man, for the apple was undeservedly slandered, and in fact the Bible does not say what kind of sinful fruit Eve ate.
And so, in medieval legends, most often written by inquisitors, in those very prophecies where it was discussed how many angels could fit on the point of a needle, she was represented as a graceful black cat coming from disturbing erotic dreams. A cat with human eyes, which is endlessly looking for its prey. A cat whose name will never be spoken.
In Christianity, this name has become an analogue of the devil's curse. Anathemaized an infinite number of times, it still seduced people's minds with the secret contained in it.
It's no secret that the Old and New Testaments were copied. The final version was adopted at the Tenth Council (this cathedral went down in history under the name of Rome). In Rome, when Christianity became the official religion, all the Christian high priests were gathered to finally establish the official text of Holy Scripture. The fact remains that some parts of the sacred texts were not included in the Bible. Most of these blacked-out texts related to the stories of scrolls found in caves near Dead Sea more ancient than Christianity. Scientists around the world are still scratching their heads over what could be in them. There is controversy about many of the gospels. Recently, an interesting version has even appeared that the original text included the Gospel of Judas - a surprisingly rare document. But besides the controversial texts, there was another story that simply could not enter the Bible. The story of Lilith, crossed out completely and irrevocably, the story of Adam's first wife, a proud, unsubdued woman. The story of an outcast, the mention of which, from the point of view of the official church, is tantamount to a terrible sin.
Lilith was the first woman on earth. God created her from the same material as Adam (clay, not a man's rib). Lilith had amazing beauty and intelligence. And after a while she considered herself equal to a man, a woman who can do everything the same as her husband. Lilith considered herself as smart as a man. She was not going to unquestioningly obey her husband and obey him in everything. She was sure that she could make decisions on a par with her husband. According to legend, it was Lilith who made the sexual discovery - the “woman on top” pose. She preferred to have sex while being on top, and not in the “worker-peasant” position (by the way, the only sexual position approved by the church). When the conflict with Adam became too strong, Lilith made the decision to leave him.
In order to force Lilith to change her mind, repent, obey and return to her husband with humility, three strong angels were sent after her, who caught up with the rebel. The angels delivered an ultimatum: either Lilith returns submissive and humble, or she will be forever expelled from paradise and excommunicated from God. Lilith categorically refused to submit, declared that she would go into exile voluntarily, but that God would not take her side, she would take revenge on him. After this, the legends about Lilith bifurcate, but for the most part they boil down to the fact that Lilith became a demon-devil, dangerous to men. Rebellious protest and a thirst for revenge - such character traits are really capable of opening the way for evil. She was rejected - that means she became an enemy. An accomplice of the devil, a bloody demon.
The first part of the legend ends precisely at the part when Lilith refused to return to paradise. The second part of the legend (about the demon) is more common, and it was she who was secretly approved by the ministers of the church. Officially, the status of Lilith as a demon was approved during the time of the Inquisition, when women were divided into two categories: kind, obedient - the children of Eve, and all the rest (that is, the rebellious victims of the Inquisition) - the children of Lilith.
So, Lilith allegedly turned into a demon who concluded a certain agreement with the angels: she would never enter the house if their names were written there.
Researchers of the demonic nature of Lilith often refer to the so-called "Book of the Beast" - part of the Bible, which deals with the Antichrist. According to them, Lilith was created by Satan. Satan created it to punish men, turn them away from the path of light. Lilith became a sex demon, a temptress of married men. She gave birth to children: demons, vampires, werewolves, terrible creatures and monsters. Criminals, tyrants, cruel, vicious, evil people are also called the children of Lilith. In one of the apocryphal texts, there is an interesting version that Adam and Lilith had a son - Cain. And that Cain, the son of Lilith, killed Abel, the son of Eve, his half-brother, inheriting the character of his mother, Lilith.
If Adam was mortal, then Lilith became immortal, devoting herself to evil. It is known that demons are reborn from century to century, having the ability to resurrect. Some scholars of Kabbalah believe that Lilith is alive in one of her offspring even today.
The "Book of the Beast" is part of the revelation of John the Theologian - a prediction of the appearance of the Antichrist. This book contains numbers, symbols and dates that terrify people to this day. John the Theologian describes the bride of the Antichrist under the name of the Whore of Babylon. It is believed that this is a reference to Lilith. It is in books on Kabbalah that the words “Lilith” and “harlot” are equivalent, and in the ancient Arab religions there is a symbol of the bride of the devil, who killed babies and men. One of the esoteric writers Daniil Andreev wrote a novel about Lilith, calling her the bride of the Antichrist, who will reign with him in the world of evil.
Why is Lilith so dangerous? Why is her name called a curse? According to legend, Lilith only seduces married men, torturing them to death with her passion. There is a mention in the Talmud that a married man should not spend the night at home alone. Lilith assumes the form of a lady from erotic dreams, and offers only sex so that the victim gets into her network. The second evil of Lilith is called the murder of babies. Legends claim that she can drink blood, suffocate, take the brain, or tickle her to death in her sleep. But Lilith comes only to those babies who have not yet been baptized. Like all demons, she is terribly afraid of the cross. There is a belief that if a baby laughs in a dream, then Lilith is playing with him. The baby must be awakened immediately, otherwise she may torture him to death.
The first mention of Lilith refers to the Dead Sea Scrolls. It also occurs in non-canonical church texts. Even in the Bible - the primary source in Aramaic, you can find a mention of an insidious demonic creation in the form of a woman or a bird that appears only at night, named Lilith. Since the text old testament was rewritten, the story of Lilith was removed from these pages. According to the official version of the Old Testament, the first people were Adam and Eve. Eve became Adam's wife, they ate the forbidden fruit and were expelled from paradise. But from the texts forbidden by the church - the Hebrew texts, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Talmud, and even some of the modified Gospels, you can find a different version. Eve was Adam's second wife, and before her he had already "tasted the forbidden fruit." With his first wife Lilith.
There is a way to protect against every demon. So, in order to drive her away, you should say “Get down, Lilith” three times. Or read the psalm "The watchman of Israel does not sleep and does not sleep." And even better - to have the names of three angels written in the house: Sannoy, Sansanoy and Samnaglof. It is these angels that Lilith fears the most.
But how much truth is in these legends? There is another opinion about Lilith. She is called the first feminist on earth, the first fighter for the rights of women, the force that most men fear. There is a lot of tragedy in the legends about Lilith. So, a woman who reaches for a child's cradle, but who cannot become a mother, looks tragic. In relation to men - the eternal search for a home, his hearth. Or maybe this is revenge on men for choosing not her? Maybe a demonic influence
Lilith - just revenge for what men see in a woman, first of all, the body? And the deadly embrace of Lilith was revenge for the eternal male thirst for sex, for the infidelity and deceit of men.
How much truth is there in the legends about a woman who for centuries has been denigrated by all means for the right to be not “under her husband”, but next to him? For the right to decide your own destiny and be a person? Now there is no way to know about it. In his novel, Dan Brown wrote about Mary Magdalene as an outcast, while her name and holiness have always been revered in Christian history by the church. But they always tried to forget about Lilith, never mentioning her. Everyone knows the truth: a femme fatale is, first of all, an unhappy woman, if she sleeps with everyone, then no one really needs her. And a woman who is not like everyone else, smart, independent, strong, is very often doomed to loneliness.
Modern feminists love to contrast Lilith with Eve. Lilith is an outstanding, courageous personality, while Eve is a soft female, an ordinary housewife, submissive to her husband in everything. The question arises: did the church need an outstanding personality with a sharp, inquisitive mind, who claims that a man is not a god, but just a man? The church that has always been dominated by men? Answer: no. In all ages, men have been afraid of the strength of a woman, her invincible mind, her courage and lust for life, her beauty and her ability to influence them, men, who have always sought to find those responsible for their sins. What sweetness - to shift the blame to another! This was used by medieval men: it is not he who is to blame, but ... Lilith. Like, he could not resist once, but in general, he is white and fluffy. Eva would gladly believe. Lilith is not.
Lilith has always been thought about. And famous personalities in the past, and modern entertainment industries now. John MacDonald and Marina Tsvetaeva, Daniil Andreev and Anatole France wrote about Lilith. Feminists call her their symbol. Films are made about her, and one of the most famous is "The Lair of the Serpent", where the seductress is played by actress Lisa Bee. The film is very educational. In it, a man who dreams about sex all the time and admires his mistress, as a result, almost dies from him, tortured almost to death. Lilith seems to be mocking: “Did you want to? So get it! This is a punishment for duplicity, deceit ("the main thing is my pleasure, and everything else - later"). And the demon that punishes in this film looks ... very fair. Dual, like the very idea of ​​Lilith.
And yet - a demon or a symbol of a woman's freedom? Condemnation or consent? It is not necessary to look for an unambiguous meaning in everything. There is no good without evil, and vice versa. The most valuable harmony is duality, the combination of two opposites in one. The shadow gliding in the light of the moon is just a story about a rejected woman who chose loneliness and always suffered from a lack of love, about a woman who always says "no" because she would like to say "yes" so much.
Lilith is the first wife of Adam in Judaism. It is in this sense that most scholars view the word in Isaiah 34:14. Mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Ben-Sira Alphabet, the Book of Zohar.
According to Jewish Tradition, after parting with Adam, Lilith became an evil demon that kills babies (this character is also in Arabic myths). In Mesopotamia, this name is given to a night demoness who kills children and mocks sleeping men (men are also mentioned “lilu”).
The name Lilith is found in the Epic of Gilgamesh in the second millennium BC. e.
In Semitic languages, in particular in Hebrew, this word is a feminine adjective "night" (for example, "demama leylit" - night silence). Sometimes these adjectives are used as female names. According to another view, this name comes from the Sumerian "lil" (air, wind; spirit, ghost). Perhaps both points of view are correct. V.V. Emelyanov, in the preface to Assyrian Magic by Charles Fosse, writes the following: “The young man and the girl-lilitu are demons, in whose name there is a play on words from different languages. In Sumerian, lil means “air, wind; spirit, ghost", in Akkadian lilu - "night". Hence the mixture of ideas: demons of this kind were considered night ghosts. Probably, they can be compared with the Slavic mortgaged dead - that is, with people who died an unnatural death and ahead of schedule. In any case, they always differ from the gadim - the usual spirits of deceased ancestors (although the latter are also characterized by unusual deaths). It is quite possible that people who turned into lilu spirits were celibate during their lifetime and did not leave offspring. This is how one can explain the propensity of male lilu to enter into relations with earthly women (and from these connections they are born either freaks or the same demons).”
Babylonian goddess Queen of the night.
Lilith in Jewish Tradition
One of the most popular characters in Jewish folklore stories. The Torah indicates that at first God created "a man and a woman", and only then it speaks of the creation of Chava (Eve). According to the Alphabet of Ben-Sira, Lilith was Adam's first wife. She did not want to obey her husband, because she considered herself the same creation of God, like Adam. Having uttered the secret name of the Almighty, Lilith rose into the air and flew away from Adam. Then Adam turned to God with a complaint about his runaway wife. The Almighty sent in pursuit of three angels, known as Snuy, Sansanui and Sanglaf. They caught Lilith at the Red Sea, and she flatly refused to return to her husband. Then they took away Lilith's body, leaving her spirit, and took an oath from her that she would not enter the house in which she would see them or their names. Lilith became the wife of Satan, and from their marriage many demons of the night, called "lilin", were born, but she took upon herself the punishment, which consisted in the fact that one hundred of her children had to die daily.
God made a new wife for Adam.
Lilith is the most dangerous demon who preys on babies. Therefore, an amulet with the names of angels is always hung near the cradle of a Jewish child - when Lilith sees these names, she is forced to leave. Also associated with this legend is the tradition of tying a red thread on a hand (usually a baby) - it is believed that Lilith is afraid of red. The night before the circumcision of an infant is especially dangerous - in order to protect the child from Lilith, his father must read passages from The Zohar and other books of Kabbalah all night long (such a night is called "vakhtnacht" by Ashkenazi Jews).
Another occupation of this demoness is to appear in a dream to unmarried young men and seduce them.
Lilith in fiction
The image of Lilith, realizing "alternative mythology" and opposed to the usual image of Eve, gained great popularity among romantics.
In the "Rose of the World" by Daniil Andreev, Lilith is one of the Great Elementals, a sculptor of the flesh of people, daimons, rarrugs and igvas, the "People's Aphrodite" of all mankind. Also, the image of the demoness Voglea is associated with the image of Lilith in Andreev.
Another legend said that Adam entered into a relationship with Lilith only after being expelled from paradise, as a result of which the world was flooded with demons. In Jewish life, the hairy and winged Lilith is especially known as a pest of childbearing. It was believed that she not only causes damage to babies, but also kidnaps them, drinks the blood of newborns, sucks the marrow out of the bones and replaces them. She was also attributed to the spoilage of women in labor and the infertility of women. Amulets and conspiracies for a woman in labor against Lilith should contain not only the names of the three angels who tried to return her, but also some of the names of Lilith herself: Batna (womb), Odem (redness) or Amorpho (without form).
In the Middle Ages, the legend changed somewhat: Lilith was no longer a snake, but the spirit of the night. Sometimes she appears as an angel in charge of the birth of people, sometimes as a demon besieging those sleeping alone or wandering alone along the road. In the popular imagination, she appears as a tall, silent woman with long black flowing hair.
According to the Kabbalistic book "Zohar", Lilith became the wife of Samael (Satan) and the mother of demons. In the Looking Glass, where Satan plays the role of God, Lilith becomes a reflection of the feminine aspect of God, the Shekinah, so the inhabitants of the Sodom Valley, supposedly the surviving children of Adam and Lilith, worshiped Lilith as the Great Mother, endowing them with earthly fire.
Thanks to the great interest in Kabbalah, in Renaissance Europe, the legend of Lilith as the first wife of Adam became known to literature, where she took on the appearance of a beautiful, seductive woman. A similar idea of ​​Lilith appears in medieval Jewish literature, although in Jewish tradition Lilith's beautiful appearance is associated with her ability to change her appearance. The legend about her inspired the English poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882) to write the poem "Paradise Abode", in which Lilith the snake became the first wife of Adam, and God created Eve later. To take revenge on Eve, Lilith persuaded her to taste the forbidden fruit and conceive Cain, brother and murderer of Abel. This is the original form of myth that Rossetti developed.
The image of Lilith is repeatedly and differently beaten in world literature. So, in Goethe, Faust sees a beauty and receives a warning that this is Adam's first wife and that touching her hair means leaving forever. Anatole France's "Daughter of Lilith" is a ghost with green eyes and black hair. Whom she touched with them, oblivion awaited. In the Russian symbolist writer Fyodor Sologub, in the collection The Flaming Circle, this is not a gloomy image, but a piece of moonlight. Lilith also received a romantic coloring in A. Isahakyan's poem "Lilith", where the beautiful, unearthly, made of fire Lilith is opposed to the ordinary Eve. The same opposition of Lilith to Eve is found in Marina Tsvetaeva's poem "Attempt at Jealousy".
A somewhat unexpected solution for the image of Lilith is offered by a writer known on the net under the pseudonym Ashkhan in her novel “Herald of Lucifer”. The action of the novel takes place in a reality parallel to ours, and Lilith appears there as the protector of humanity and the embodiment of the power that prevents God from committing Armageddon. As the story progresses, Ashkhan lays out a very complex concept of the interaction of feminine and masculine, where the patriarchal God is presented as a tyrant obsessed with a thirst for power and fear of the more ancient force of femininity in comparison with him.
Lilith is also mentioned in Howard Lovecraft's short story "A Nightmare at Red Hook".
In the world's first gothic opera Tineoidea by Alexander Kashte, Samuel and Lilith are represented by anti-Mary and Joseph of the 21st century.
Lilith in astrology
In the astrological tradition, the perigee point of the Moon is usually called Lilith or the Black Moon. It is depicted as an oval with a crossbar in the middle. It has an initial meaning in every destiny, marking the point of the Zodiac where the destined is accomplished. Lilith in conjunction with the sun and moon brings glory, which is associated with ultimate qualities - either a genius or a criminal. Complementing Saturn, the Black Moon emphasizes the love of immense risk inherent in players who are unable to pay for the loss. Therefore, the black secret of the loser is hidden in this sign.
John Collier - "Lilith"

"Lilith, Adam and Eve" circa 1210 Fragment of Notre Dame Cathedral.

Series of messages "Women in history":
Part 1 - Women Knights in the Middle Ages
Part 2 - Popess Joan
Part 3 - Lilith - the first woman on earth
Part 4 - Nannerl Mozart - the sister of a genius
Part 5 - "Darkness" by Helena Keller
Part 7 - Movie" The Iron Lady(The Iron Lady)
Part 8 - Vera Polozkova (poetry)
Part 9 - Beatrix Potter and her magical world of animals

Name number: 3

The number 3 is sacred. It carries a message about the mutually complementary connection of opposites.
In numerology, this number is ruled by Mars - a very strong planet, whose wards have a sharp, lively and dynamic character. These are creative people with rich imagination, intuition, high intellectual potential.
The number three is introverted. Its motto is "The Giver of Joy". Three people have a rich inner world, a chic sense of humor and fine taste. They are sociable, optimistic, cheerful, charismatic.

The meaning of the letters in the name Lilith

L- artistic and inventive personalities. In actions they prefer to be guided logical thinking. They know how to position themselves. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and treat other people with disdain. Parting with loved ones is extremely difficult. They are overly capricious and demanding heightened attention to your person.

AND- fine spiritual organization, romanticism, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. The fair sex pays a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and work with people. Very economic and prudent.

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative nature. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition, adapt well to different conditions of the world around them. Capable of being generous.

Name as a phrase

  • L- People
  • AND- And (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
  • T- Firmly

Name Lilith in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters, and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Lilith in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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