Linoleum soft or hard. How to choose linoleum - the nuances and selection criteria

  • 23.06.2020
June 1, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

Linoleum has been one of the most common flooring materials for many years, due to its practicality and good performance. True, in fairness it should be noted that the latter largely depend on the model of the product and its quality. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people are interested in how the quality of linoleum is determined in a store before purchase?

Below I will tell you what to look for and how to test the coating in order to purchase a quality product. Test methods that require special equipment or laboratory conditions, of course, we will not consider.

We determine the quality of the coating

First of all, it should be said that there is no linoleum that is completely unsuitable for use as a floor covering. Only the scope of the models differs.

So, some types of coverage are designed for use in residential premises, while others - in offices and all kinds of public institutions. Therefore, further I will tell you how to choose linoleum for an apartment or house, i.e. for residential premises.

So, when choosing, you need to pay attention to the following points:

Below we will take a closer look at all these nuances.

Parameter 1: smell

One of the main requirements for finishing materials, including floor coverings, is environmental friendliness. In the case of linoleum, environmental friendliness is evidenced by the absence of a sharp chemical odor.

If you smell a strong smell, then poisonous substances were used in the manufacture of the material. As a rule, industrial coatings smell unpleasant, the main requirement for which is high strength and resistance to abrasion. In residential areas, of course, you should not use such material.

When buying, you should sniff the roll, not the sample.
The fact is that samples are often processed special formulations resulting in no odour.

Also, the proof of the safety of the coating is the presence of international environmental labeling. True, not all household models have it. Therefore, its absence does not mean that you have a toxic product in front of you.

Option 2: drawing and coloring

If you want to purchase high quality linoleum, you can not help but pay attention to its pattern. It must be expressive and clear. If the drawing does not contain clear contours, this indicates a low quality of the product, respectively, the performance characteristics may also leave much to be desired.

In addition, considering the surface of the coating, you need to pay attention to some other points:

  • corrugation- if it is absent, the floor can turn out to be quite slippery and, accordingly, traumatic;

  • colors- it is better to use a coating of calm natural tones. In this case, the material will not burn out in the sun for a short time, and also the eyes will not get tired of it. For example, wood-like linoleum is an excellent option;
  • the presence of loose areas- if the transparent film began to peel off in some places, it is necessary to refuse to purchase such a product, since the canvas will quickly become unusable.

The presence of the brand name of the manufacturer often indicates the good quality of the product.

Parameter 3: Thickness

When choosing a coating, be sure to pay attention to the cut.

As a rule, the canvas consists of three main layers:

  • protective - is a protective transparent coating that provides the material with resistance to abrasion and other mechanical stress;
  • front - is the main layer, the thickness of which also depends on the strength of the canvas;
  • underlayment provides thermal insulation. The backing may be foam or felt. It should be noted that the foam base is more practical and durable.

As you might guess, good quality linoleum should have a fairly thick first and second layer, on which the performance of the canvas depends. On sale, sometimes there are models that are quite thick to the touch due to the substrate, while their protective layer is very thin. It is better to refuse to purchase such a product, since such a coating may simply begin to tear during operation.

When choosing a canvas, you should wrinkle its edge with your own hands or press on the surface with your fingernail.
If the surface is not deformed, then the product is of good quality.

I must say that there is also a single-layer linoleum (homogeneous), which does not contain a substrate. A feature of this material is increased thermal conductivity. Therefore, he is excellent.

Parameter 4: strength and abrasion class

The quality of the coating is often indicated by the class of wear resistance and abrasion resistance. The wear resistance class is marked with two numbers:

Location of the digit Designation
First Talks about the purpose of the material:
  • 2 - the material is intended for residential premises;
  • 3 - the coating can be used in offices, hospitals, kindergartens, etc.;
  • 4 - the canvas of this brand is industrial and can be used in production shops, concert halls, airports, etc.
Second It characterizes the level of permissible load intensity.

According to this parameter, the coverage is divided into four types:

  • 1 - only low intensity of exploitation is acceptable;
  • 2 - average intensity;
  • 3 - high intensity;
  • 4 - extremely high intensity.

If you met class 21 linoleum, then keep in mind that it is the least wear-resistant and is only suitable for use in rooms with low traffic, for example,. But linoleum of the 23rd or 24th class can be laid even in the hallway.

Also an important indicator of durability is the abrasion group. According to this parameter, the product is divided into the following types:

It must be said that the abrasion group, in contrast to the strength class, does not depend on the thickness of the material. Of course, the above figures are conditional and obtained during testing of the coating in laboratory conditions. But, in any case, this parameter indicates the durability and strength of the product.

Parameter 5: Cost

Often the indicator of quality is the cost of the material. Of course, if the coating is expensive, this does not guarantee its quality. However, the highest quality linoleum cannot be cheap.

Therefore, below I will give the cost of some well-proven models, which will allow you to navigate the price:

In the photo - industrial homogeneous HORIZON linoleum

Here, in fact, is the entire instruction for determining the quality of linoleum, with which I wanted to acquaint you. Of course, it should also be taken into account that the performance of the coating largely depends on the material from which it is made. On our portal you can find detailed information about the types of linoleum and their features, which will also help you make the right choice.


It is not at all difficult to independently determine the quality of linoleum. The main thing is to approach this issue responsibly, and pay attention to each parameter of those described above.

For more information, see the video in this article. If some points of choice are not completely clear to you or you have doubts when buying, ask questions in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

Linoleum, which is one of the most popular materials for arranging floors in a residential area, is very widely represented in many trade enterprises, which allows you to decorate the interior in strict accordance with the tastes of each homeowner. Knowing how to choose the right linoleum, you can choose a variant of this versatile flooring that would simultaneously meet personal preferences and have excellent performance.

So, what points should be decided when choosing linoleum. We tell.

First question: where do we put it?

Since the linoleum options offered for sale differ significantly in their qualities, depending on the place of installation, they can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • for flooring in - here it is best to use polyvinyl chloride linoleum: the high resistance of such a material, the possibility of processing it with chemicals - which is especially important when fats get on it - allows you to keep the cleanliness and beauty of the flooring. The presence of a protective top layer increases the degree of resistance to mechanical stress and aggressive substances;

  • flooring in living rooms is best done with multilayer linoleum on a foam base: the presence of increased noise and heat insulating properties ensures that the required temperature is maintained in the room and the absence of extraneous sounds.

A discreet pattern is preferable for the kitchen, but in the rooms it is already possible to select a pattern on linoleum to your taste: in a flower, “under the parquet” - any options in the living room will look great, emphasizing the individuality of the room, its style and the owner’s taste.

Question two: what is the optimal roll width and what are its other dimensional characteristics?

When deciding which linoleum to choose for an apartment, you should pay close attention to the width of the roll. Standard sizes are in the range of 1.5-4.0 m at a step of 0.5 m. The material consumption when laying on the floor, as well as the degree of complexity of cutting and the number (they still have to be repaired) largely depend on the width!

Usually, the length of one sheet of linoleum in a roll is 3 m or more, which allows you to cut a piece of the required length and thereby minimize material consumption during installation.

The thickness of the coating can also vary significantly: from 1.6 to 5.0 mm. The average thickness of linoleum intended for laying in a living room can be considered 2.5 mm.

Binder material - question three

When choosing linoleum, which will be laid in rooms with high traffic (corridors, rooms without carpets), you should focus on options that are as resistant to abrasion as possible. All types of alkyd linoleum with high rates of heat and sound insulation perfectly retain their original qualities and appearance. However, their low resistance to moisture makes this option not very suitable for the kitchen.

Linoleum made of PVC is considered the most resistant to moisture. On the shelves of trade enterprises, it is represented quite widely. As practice shows, the somewhat higher cost of this type of flooring is a direct consequence of its improved qualities.

Color solution

The variety of colors of linoleum is pleasing to the eye, but it also makes the choice difficult. Linoleum with a simple ornament (“under the parquet”, in squares) is the easiest to cut. In this regard, the options for imported production differ from domestic brands in a positive way. The convenience of their installation lies in the fact that the pattern on imported linoleums is often applied in such a way that the opposite edges of the roll have a pattern that is a continuation of itself.

The main rule for choosing an ornament when choosing linoleum is that a large pattern looks most impressive in large rooms, and a small pattern will “play” in small rooms.

Wallpaper matching and colors flooring creates a harmonious impression of the room. Therefore, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account the prevailing color in the room.

When deciding which linoleum is better to choose, you should adhere to following tips from professionals:

  1. You should buy linoleum a little more than is required according to the measurements of the room being made out.
  2. The presence of a quality certificate can protect the buyer from low-quality fakes that have low hygienic and operational properties.
  3. You can check the quality of the selected type of linoleum as follows: wrinkle a small sample of it in your hand. In the absence of creases, pronounced cracks and loss of color brightness, we can safely talk about the high quality of the product.
  4. The choice of coating samples based on foamed PVC will provide a longer service life of linoleum due to the absence of its contact with concrete slab gender.
  5. The clarity of the applied pattern, the absence of its blurring also speaks of the high quality of the material.

The rating of the main brands of this flooring, compiled by experts, will undoubtedly help guide you in the selection of linoleum.

The following video will certainly help you navigate the world of linoleums:

Updated: 09/18/2019 22:30:15

Judge: Vladimir Golitsyn

*Overview of the best in the opinion of the editors of the site. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Linoleum is considered to be a public floor covering today in Russia. It does not yield its position in the market to laminate, tile, solid and parquet boards. The material is appreciated by consumers for an affordable price, ease of installation, a large selection of colors and designs. In addition, linoleum allows you to save fallen dishes, insulate the floor, and additionally provide soundproofing to the room. Over the years, the floor covering does not crack, and dirt is easily removed. To choose linoleum, experts advise considering the following criteria.

How to choose the right linoleum

The vending collection should be suitable for the conditions of a particular room. What is good for the hallway is not always suitable for the children's room.

  1. Wear class. Seriously different series of linoleum in terms of wear resistance. If one person lives in the apartment, then you can choose the softest models. But if office employees walk on the floor every day in shoes, then you should give preference to the most durable coating. To make it easier to navigate the world of flooring, invented international classification. For residential premises, material of classes 21-23 is suitable, and coatings of classes 31-34 are used in offices.
  2. Additional properties. When buying linoleum, some users want to get a number of additional benefits at the same time. For example, noise absorption, environmental friendliness, water resistance, dirt repellency.
  3. Design. In a wide range of textures, patterns and colors, it is important to choose a floor covering for the design of your room. to someone better fit imitation of stone or wood, and somewhere a plain canvas will look better.
  4. Thickness. Significantly different in different types linoleum thickness. If the base of the floor is perfectly flat, then you can buy the thinnest material. And to save on leveling the surface, it's easier to buy flooring with a decent thickness.
  5. Material. For the manufacture of linoleum, different raw materials are used. Recently, the leading position is occupied by their PVC products. There are more and more fans of natural flooring material.

What is better laminate or linoleum

Rating of the best linoleum manufacturers

The best PVC linoleum for home and office

Leading position in the market of floor coverings for home and office is occupied by PVC linoleum. It perfectly combines qualities such as the richness of collections, wear resistance, ease of care. Experts identified several manufacturers of modern material.

The famous company Tarkett specializes in the production of floor materials. The range also includes high-quality linoleum. The company boasts a 130-year history, a large number of branches in different countries, including Russia. In stores, you can buy flooring under several brands.

The most expensive is trademark Tarkett. The products are of high quality, the catalog contains 20 different series.

The budget segment is represented by the Sinteros brand. The advantages of the lineup experts include versatility, durability and practicality.

The combination of reasonable price and good quality is observed in the Polystyl brand. You can choose linoleum for any design of the room.

The manufacturer becomes the winner of our rating.


  • huge assortment;
  • durability;
  • easy care;
  • environmental friendliness.



The Hungarian linoleum manufacturer Grabo also has a rich tradition. More than 100 years ago, a small company was organized that made oilcloth and tarpaulin. Today, 4 factories operate under one brand; a wide range of floor coverings is produced in their workshops. In the production chain, such natural materials like rubber, beeswax, linseed oil. Thanks to synthetic additives, it is possible to achieve an affordable price and high performance flooring.

The advantages of Hungarian linoleum experts include high quality, wear resistance, ease of installation and operation. The manufacturer also has disadvantages, for example, a small assortment is presented in Russia. Therefore, the company is in the second position of the rating.


  • high quality;
  • affordable price;
  • wear resistance;
  • ease of installation and care.


  • modest assortment;
  • laying on a warm floor is not allowed.

The French company Gerflor has been creating floor coverings for about 70 years. hallmark linoleum of this European manufacturer is the sophistication and originality of colors. Many collections make even seasoned designers admire. A variety of textures allows you to choose linoleum for the interior of any room. The company focuses on the requirements of European buyers, so there are no complaints about the quality of products from domestic users.

For the manufacture of materials with deep processing are used, so that the floor coverings do not carry the danger in the form of toxic chemical compounds. Experts pay attention to the antistatic properties of linoleum, which is important for rooms with sterile cleanliness.


  • wear resistance and durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to mechanical deformations;
  • originality of colors and textures.


  • high price.

The largest manufacturer of vinyl-based flooring is the South Korean company Alpine Floor. Until recently, the company had to defend its position in the Asian market, and today the products are in demand among Americans, Europeans and Russians. Quartz-vinyl floors, which have been produced since 2010, have become a feature of the manufacturer. There are different color and texture solutions in the assortment. Products are sold on the domestic market at an affordable price, which is an attractive factor.

User ratings are mostly positive. Among the benefits often mentioned Beautiful design moisture resistance, ease of installation and operation. Of the minuses, there is a lack of a guarantee and quality certificates, which does not allow the company to borrow more high place in the ranking.


  • warm and soft flooring;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • noiselessness.


  • come across poor quality products.

The Slovenian factory Juteks started its production activity in 1939 with the production of jute fabric. Today the company is one of the world leaders in flooring. To meet the needs of the Russian consumer, a branch was built in the Vladimir region, where the production of competitive products began in 2009. To expand the range, as well as to improve the quality of manufacturing, the Russian plant was modernized.

Experts consider polyurethane coating to be the main feature of Juteks soft coating, which increases the service life of linoleum, reliably protects the material from many external factors. Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting the need to order certain types of linoleum.


  • wide range of;
  • modern design;
  • reliable protective coating;
  • long warranty period (5-10 l).


  • not all models are on sale;
  • linoleum emits an unpleasant odor.

The best natural linoleum

More and more adherents of environmentally friendly home decoration are becoming in Russia. When choosing flooring, they prefer natural linoleum. Here are a few companies that are famous for their safe products.


Dutch flooring manufacturer Forbo has focused on making natural linoleum. To achieve the goals set, all factories of the concern were modernized, new formulations of linoleum were developed. One of the most popular types of flooring material has become a development called Marmoleum. Since 2012, they began to produce it in the Kaluga region. Among the constituent components are only natural materials (wood flour, pine resin, linseed oil, limestone). The catalog contains collections for home use, for finishing offices, retail outlets, industrial facilities.

Users speak flatteringly about environmental friendliness, naturalness and color fastness. The company becomes the winner of our rating.


  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • rich the lineup;
  • dimensional accuracy;
  • long service life.


  • high price.

The assortment of the international concern Armstrong includes both synthetic and natural types of linoleum. In the manufacture of environmentally friendly flooring, the manufacturer uses only natural raw materials. Finished products are sold in rolls of various widths. To create an even and smooth coating, it is required to weld the joints. The collection contains various color solutions, starting with plain and ending with original patterns. The German manufacturer pays a lot of attention to quality control, so cases of buying defective products are extremely rare.

Budget types of linoleum are produced by the domestic manufacturer Komiteks LIN. The enterprise has been mass-producing products since 2002 in Syktyvkar. The base is made on its own line, and the factory buys the laminated film in China. The products of the Russian company have quality certificates and comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. The buyer is offered a standard set consisting of household, semi-commercial and industrial collections. The manufacturer deservedly becomes the winner of our rating.

Experts and users primarily note the affordable price of linoleum, the resistance of its top layer to moisture and household detergents, ease of maintenance. Weak side The product is considered to have a short lifespan and a persistent odor.


  • affordability;
  • simple installation;
  • easy care;
  • availability of certificates.


  • low density;
  • short service life.

Another Russian manufacturer Bazis Astoria was included in the rating of inexpensive linoleums. The main purpose of the floor material is the living quarters of apartments and private houses, where there is no serious mechanical load on the coating. Linoleum has such useful properties, as heat and noise insulation, unpretentiousness in operation. Due to the elastic foam, a shock-absorbing base layer is formed, which makes linoleum pleasant for walking. The company implements different designs, from solid colors to imitation wood.

Users rate the flooring highly for its affordable price, beautiful design and softness. But in terms of resistance to deformation, linoleum is inferior to competitors. In addition, the surface becomes slippery when wet.


  • affordable price;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • heat and sound insulation.


  • dents from chairs are formed;
  • moisture must be removed quickly.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Modern linoleum coatings are wear-resistant, versatile and durable products that are quite safe for health and are approved for use in any facility: from residential premises to industrial buildings. The range is not just wide - huge!

The history of linoleum has more than 270 years. Initially, it was an all-natural product made from jute, cotton or linen cloth, on which a hot mixture of oils, resin-resin, wood flour and pigments was applied. Actually, the name of the elastic flooring received from its main component: linum - flax, oleum - oil.

For natural finishing material, a synthetic alternative to PVC appeared about 60 years ago. The reason is trivially simple - the shortage of initial components and a sharp rise in prices for them.

Today they produce many various kinds linoleum products. All elastic coatings are classified according to several criteria:

Product composition

According to this criterion, two types of roll materials are produced for the domestic sphere:

Marmoleum or natural linoleum

Strong, durable and safe flooring made from natural ingredients. Composed of:

  • Base - jute or linen woven fabric;
  • Heat Pressed Linoleum Granules - Resin Blend coniferous trees, modified linseed oil, wood flour, fillers and pigments;
  • Wax or varnish that protects the surface from abrasion and other loads (used for individual series).

The finished coating is produced in the form of rolls up to 4 m wide and no more than 30 m long, linoleum strips or tiles, as well as in combination with a HDF-board base. All varieties are characterized by:

Product disadvantages:

  • High requirements for installation;
  • Characteristic oily smell;
  • High price.

Natural flooring can be installed in any room, from a children's room to a trading floor, but marmoleum must be selected taking into account the load class.

Synthetic linoleum

In Europe, this type of elastic material is called PVC coating. Developed in our country in the late 50s. as an affordable alternative to natural products. Consisting of calender plastic thermopolymer or combined with:

  • Bases (foamed PVC, PE felt, combined);
  • Front layer (a thin layer of dense PVC with a decorative pattern);
  • Fiberglass (a reinforcing element used by well-known manufacturers to make the material resistant to tensile and deformation loads);
  • Transparency (wear-resistant surface coating of polyurethane and other tread elastic materials).

Advantages of synthetic linoleum:

  • Moisture and wear resistance;
  • Unlimited choice of designs and colors;
  • Easy to install and maintain;
  • Partial maintainability;
  • Acceptable cost;
  • Durability.

The disadvantages of the material include unpleasant chemical smell(weathered within 1-3 weeks), toxicity in case of fire and slippery surface of budget series.

Product structure

What if some consultants insist on buying a baseless coating, while others recommend purchasing a product based on? The fact is that natural and synthetic products are produced in two varieties:

  • Heterogeneous - multilayer floor materials, structurally consisting of a base, decor and protection;
  • Homogeneous - homogeneous or single-layer coatings, characterized by extremely high wear resistance and the presence of one pattern throughout the entire depth of the product.

The former can be used in any environment, from a private home to a hotel lobby. But the latter, due to their characteristics and high cost, are used only in commercial, industrial and other similar facilities.


Coatings are divided into:

  • Household - heterogeneous materials for residential premises and offices with small pedestrian loads. The width of roll coatings is from 1.5 to 6 m, the length reaches 35 m, the thickness is up to 5 mm. On average, a quality product can last 7-10 years or more.
  • Semi-commercial - multi-layered, more durable, dense and durable analogue of household series. Recommended for use in residential, office and commercial premises with an average load level.
  • Commercial - finishing single- and multi-layer materials for premises with intensive traffic (trade, public, industrial and other facilities). The operating period is considerable - at least 15 years, subject to proper selection and installation.
  • Special - floor coverings for rooms with special requirements: sports, dance halls, transport, hospitals, etc. The thickness of linoleum can reach 10 mm, and the service life is 40 years.

Wear class

If you are not familiar with the basic characteristics of the material, it is enough to find out which load class the manufacturer refers to. Each collection is usually assigned a set of pictograms, including durability. See the table below to determine the most suitable option.

So, when choosing an elastic coating for an apartment, keep in mind: you need natural or synthetic linoleum with a heterogeneous structure from a household or semi-commercial series belonging to 21-23 or 31 classes. Next, focus on your taste and budget.

Manufacturers overview

High-quality linoleum, chosen in an apartment, must meet several criteria:

  1. Distinguished by good wear, water and chemical resistance, bacteriostatic, odorless;
  2. Serve at least 7 years without signs of abrasion;
  3. Be easy to care for;
  4. Comply with Russian safety standards.

Major manufacturers always send each new collection for research and, as a result, receive a whole package of various certificates: sanitary and hygienic, fire safety, compliance, voluntary testing for product environmental friendliness, etc.

The best linoleum for an apartment can only be provided by well-known manufacturers. We present you an overview of the most common brands:


The concern is known as one of the world's largest manufacturers of natural and synthetic floor and wall coverings. Its history is more than 130 years of ups and downs, phenomenal breakthroughs and high-risk projects. The company has opened its factories almost all over the world, and products are supplied to 140 countries.

The product line includes:

  • Natural and PVC linoleum for walls and floors of all series: domestic, semi-commercial, commercial and special;
  • Parquet board;
  • Laminated parquet;
  • Cork coverings;
  • Various related products and accessories.

In 1995, a plant for the production of PVC linoleum was opened in the Samara region, Otradny. Its products complement the range of Tarket, imported from factories in Eastern Europe. In total, the company owns 4 brands:

  • Tarkett (EU, Russia) - more than 20 collections of rolled and tile products of premium series made of PVC and natural raw materials. Available in all wear resistance classes: from 21 to 43. The range includes all varieties, from household to special. The main plus of the brand is the widest choice of designs on a smooth or textured canvas;
  • Sinteros (Russia) - an economy series of PVC coatings of all types in classes from 21 to 34. Buyers are attracted by the availability and practicality of products.
  • Vinisin (Ukraine) - an analogue of the previous line of universal and durable coatings for homes and public buildings;
  • Polystyl (Russia) - 6 collections from the mid-price category. Quite a modest selection of designs compared to other brands in grades 23, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 41.


  1. High level of density and wear resistance of products due to the use of transparency with additional protective coatings (Extreme Protection, Titan, etc.);
  2. The presence of reinforcing fiberglass in the composition of linoleum, which ensures the deformation resistance of the material;
  3. The most extensive choice of designs and shades in comparison with competitors.
  4. Three types of base for the choice of the buyer: foamed PVC, polyester felt, duplicated;
  5. Allowed for use in children's and medical institutions;
  6. Proven by numerous certificates, the safety of products to the health of users. Including voluntary testing for environmental friendliness "Leaf of Life";
  7. Excellent information support, including media materials and various recommendation brochures;
  8. Easy installation and maintenance;
  9. Prices for any wallet;
  10. Long operational period - from 7 to 50 years.


  1. The high price of Tarket brand collections;
  2. Cheap series may emit an unpleasant odor for the first few days.


The Forbo group of companies is a huge number of enterprises of different directions. One of the largest divisions is considered to be an association of 7 European factories that produce floor and wall coverings - Forbo Flooring Systems.

For more than 20 years, the concern has been producing natural linoleum under the Marmoleum brand in various formats and in all classes (21-43). In Russia, a similar plant was opened not so long ago - in 2012 (Kaluga region).


  1. Completely natural and safe for health product;
  2. The range includes both rolled coatings and cut tiles, strips and even combined ones based on HDF-plates;
  3. A good choice of shades and designs for a board, stone, flock, etc.;
  4. High resistance to various abrasive and other abiogenic factors (household chemicals, deformations), etc.;
  5. Bacteriostatic with low thermal conductivity;
  6. In production resistant mineral pigments are used;
  7. Approved for use in sanatorium, medical and children's institutions;
  8. A good information support that makes it easier to choose linoleum for an apartment, house or commercial and commercial facility.
  9. Proven high level quality and environmental friendliness (full package of EN certificates);
  10. Easy installation and maintenance at no extra cost;
  11. Long service life - from 10 to 30 years.


  1. Excessively high price for all collections;
  2. Most decors must be ordered from the factory, and the waiting period is from a month or more.


The Hungarian enterprise Grabo has a century-long history. It all started with a workshop for the production of tarpaulin and oilcloth products. Today the company consists of 4 factories, which produce a variety of floor and wall coverings made of wood, polyvinyl chloride.

Synthetic linoleum products are produced in all grades: 21-23, 31-34, 41-43. The household series is presented in a good range of decors and shades, but much more modest than that of competitors.

The company is especially proud of its special PVC linoleum, including transport, sports, bacteriostatic, soundproof, anti-slip and others.


  1. Wear-resistant coatings with a good level of deformation elasticity (due to the presence of fiberglass);
  2. Wide range of designs. There are always even children's and avant-garde series in stock.
  3. Compliance of products with European standards for certification of safety and health protection according to the CE code.
  4. Styling and care without much effort.
  5. Acceptable cost for all collections and classes.
  6. The service life is 10-25 years.


  1. A modest selection of designs in domestic stores.
  2. Most series are not recommended for use in combination with floor heating systems.
  3. Over time, dirt can literally eat into the transparency, so special care is needed


The Utex concern dates back to 1938. From a small plant producing packaging products, one of the largest European industrial enterprises has gradually formed. The main specialization is the production of floor and wall PVC linoleum of 21-34 wear resistance classes. In 2009, a plant was opened on the territory of the Russian Federation, in the Vladimir region (Kameshkovo).

At the enterprises belonging to the concern, linoleum is produced under several brands

  • Juteks - premium products with a smooth and textured surface, manufactured at the facilities of factories in Belgium, Slovenia and the Russian Federation;
  • Beauflor is a business series in the most popular designs. Manufactured in Slovenia and Russia;
  • Ideal - economy category rolled linoleum for Russian buyers.


  1. Good level of wear and water resistance of the transparency due to the use of additional protective layers (Protective Coating, Wear Resistant, etc.).
  2. Application as part of a reinforcing fiberglass, which prevents stretching and tearing of the fabric.
  3. More than 40 annually updated collections with a variety of decors based on PVC and polyester.
  4. Mandatory certification of products according to Russian and European standards. Luxury collections have the conclusion of ecological expertise.
  5. Easy installation and maintenance.
  6. Moderate price.
  7. The service life is 7-30 years.


  1. Budget series are distinguished by a low density of the base layer, a slippery surface, and they exude an unpleasant chemical odor for a long time.
  2. Textured embossed coatings are difficult to wash from dirt. Wanted special means care.
  3. Inexpensive series are not recommended to be laid on bases with a built-in "warm floor" system.

Comitex LIN

In 2002, in Syktyvkar (Komi Republic) a plant for the production of floor PVC linoleum on a foam and polyester basis was launched. For the manufacture of the latter, there is a workshop for the production of synthetic felt.

Rolled floor coverings from OAO Komiteks are produced in 5 wear resistance classes (21-23 and 31-32) and 9 collections. There are household, semi-commercial and one commercial series. The number of designs is limited to traditional wood decors, as well as tiles or marble chips. The surface is a calendered laminating film, which is purchased in China. Finished products are certified in accordance with Russian sanitary quality and safety standards.


  1. The surface is waterproof, inert to household chemicals, withstands frequent foot traffic.
  2. Availability of the necessary package of certificates.
  3. Easy installation.
  4. Low cost.
  5. The operating period averages about 5-7 years.


  1. The canvas is loose, dents quickly appear.
  2. Exudes an unpleasant chemical smell for a long time.
  3. It is forbidden to lay on heated floors.
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