How to extend the life of a Makita screwdriver. Makita screwdriver life

  • 03.03.2020

To maximize the life of your battery, as well as minimize capacity loss and get the most out of your battery, you need to understand how to properly store it when you are not using the tool for a long time.

It is not uncommon for a person to buy a power tool, use it a couple of times and put it in a box for a long time, after which the battery fails or holds a charge a short time. To buy a power source of a certain model, you will have to spend half or a third of the cost of a new tool and may have to long time wait for the order to arrive.

How to properly store screwdriver batteries

There are maintenance rules that apply to any type of battery:

  • Before storage, it is recommended to perform several full discharge and charge cycles.
  • Do not freeze the battery (the best temperature for storage is 10° C).
  • Charging and discharging at least once every six months can significantly extend battery life.
  • If you do not plan to use the tool, you must disconnect the power source from the power tool and clean it of any contamination.

How to store nickel-cadmium screwdriver batteries

Nickel-cadmium ni cd - energy savers - are best kept in a discharged state (when the tool is not working at full strength). This is due to the fact that these types of energy custodians have high level self-discharging, and if you fully charge them, they will discharge on their own quite quickly.

If you plan not to use the device for a long time, it is recommended to perform 3-4 full discharge and charge cycles. The best temperature regime is 10° C. After charging, these types of current savers almost completely restore their properties.

How to store lithium-ion screwdriver batteries

The main factors in the content of lithium-ion power sources are the temperature regime and the level of charge at the time of storage.

Table of recoverable power of lithium-ion batteries when kept in various temperature conditions over the course of one year

Temperature regime Recoverable power
°C At 40% charge When charged 100%
0 98% 94%
25 96% 80%
40 85% 65%
60 75% 60% (after 4 months)

Recoverable power is the level of charge available after storage.

When storing lithium-ion energy sources, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The energy source must not be allowed to freeze (you can keep it in the refrigerator, but in no case in the freezer).
  • The best mode for keeping is the temperature from +1 to +25 ° C.
  • Keep the battery in a charged state, it is best that the charge level is about 40%. If you store a discharged lithium-ion battery, it is very likely to fail.

Most household screwdrivers are equipped with Ni-Cd or Ni-MH rechargeable batteries. Unfortunately, their service life is short, and the cost of a new battery is comparable to the price of the screwdriver itself. You can increase the battery life by following two basic rules: fully discharge the battery before charging and do not exceed the charge time. V professional models screwdrivers perform these functions Charger, and in simple models it, at best, maintains the amount of charging current within acceptable limits, but does not control the charge time in any way and does not pre-discharge the battery.

Pre-discharging the battery is especially important, since usually working with a screwdriver when the charge drops to 20-30% becomes inconvenient due to a decrease in torque, and it is put on charge. In this case, the so-called "memory effect" reduces the capacity and after a few charge cycles the battery becomes unusable.

To completely discharge the battery, it is convenient to use the flashlight included in some sets of screwdrivers. If it is not there, then you can discharge using a suitable 12..26 V light bulb or even a conventional resistor with a resistance of 100 ... 200 Ohms. True, in the latter case, you will not be able to control the process by the glow of the light bulb, but if you leave the resistor connected for several hours, the battery will definitely be discharged. The option for the laziest is shown in Fig. 1:

Fig.1. Forced discharge of the screwdriver battery

Another, more beautiful option, requires a little time and minimal radio amateur skills, but will undoubtedly bring satisfaction from the results of your work. It consists in finalizing the charger, in which a discharge resistor, a "Charge / Discharge" switch and an indicator on the LED are added - fig.2.

Fig.2. The second option to discharge the battery of a screwdriver

The second condition for a long and fruitful battery life is the observance of the charge time, not allowing it to be exceeded. It also does not require special efforts and you can successfully use any suitable device, for example, an alarm clock or a timer in your phone. If you are a supporter of full automation, then a conventional electronic time relay, for example, shown in Fig. 3, is the ideal solution to the problem. The charge time is usually indicated in the passport for a screwdriver and is 5-8 hours.

Fig.3. Time relay for screwdriver battery charging

Using the described simple methods, you will significantly extend the life of the battery and be able to drill more holes and screw the screws to the delight of your household.

A cordless screwdriver is one of those tools without which it is now impossible to imagine not only a professional builder or finisher, but simply any, as they say, “man with hands”.

In this article, I would like to discuss two issues. The first one is how to choose a screwdriver? Well, the second, even more interesting - how to maximize its lifespan?

I don't want to get too hung up on the first question. Any reader can enter the phrase “how (or which) to choose a screwdriver” in a search engine and he will receive thousands of articles on this topic, and almost the same is written in all of them. The fact that there are household and professional screwdrivers, what torques, rotation speeds they have, what kind of batteries, etc.

By by and large in terms of functionality, all modern screwdrivers (with the exception of the cheapest Chinese ones) are very similar to each other. Almost all have a reverse, two speeds of rotation of the cartridge, a torque adjustment clutch; many have a backlight button and special devices for the convenience of carrying a screwdriver (hooks, holster).

The most important thing to decide when choosing a screwdriver is what do you need it for? Only on the basis of the answer to this question you need to make a choice.

I would single out two answers:

1 option) You buy a tool just to have it, as they say, in the house, to use it a couple of times a month, to hang a picture, to assemble new furniture, install an outlet, etc. It makes no sense to acquire an expensive powerful tool for these purposes. A 12-volt screwdriver from our domestic manufacturer will be quite enough.

Moreover, I advise you to think about whether you need two batteries. Now many models of screwdrivers are sold with two batteries at once. This significantly affects the price. So the cost, for example, of a screwdriver with 2 batteries is approximately 1/3 of the cost of the screwdriver itself and 2/3 of the cost of 2 batteries. Therefore, choosing a model with one battery, you save up to 30%.

I do not advise you to take cheap Chinese models. They certainly most likely have a prettier appearance, sometimes copying popular foreign brands and equipped with almost all the functions of professional instruments, but their quality is absolutely unpredictable. Pity your nerves. In addition, in the event of a breakdown, achieve quick execution warranty obligations from a domestic manufacturer is much easier.

Option 2) You buy a tool for work, you will use it quite often and intensively. Everyone has experienced builders usually already have their own preferences. The names of manufacturers of high-quality professional screw guns are well known to them. These are brands such as Makita, Bosch, Hitachi, DeWalt, AEG…

I want to give a couple of recommendations to novice builders and finishers who are just looking at a professional tool. First, before making a choice, find out how much new batteries for this model will be available to you. This is especially true of the inhabitants of the province. I say this because I live in small town. The battery is the first thing that fails with a screwdriver, unless of course they hammer nails. Previously, in order to find a replacement for a damaged battery, I had to travel 70 km to the regional center and look for it there in various radio markets and specialized stores. Luckily, online shopping is booming right now.

Secondly, in the future you can save a lot if you have the opportunity to buy a new engine for the model you have chosen. Such motors are often sold in the same radio markets or in the service centers of a certain manufacturer, if there are any nearby. It is very easy to change the engine with your own hands.

Here is a live example for you. We have three Hitachi screwdrivers in our team. We work with them all the time, almost to the point of wear and tear. But the most interesting thing is that we have had these screwdrivers for about 4 years. And here I am not trying to advertise someone. It’s just that at any time, as soon as the need arises, we can buy a new battery or electric motor for them. Our batteries cost about 1,500 rubles, and the engines are only about 500 rubles. And I know for sure that most people, when an engine breaks down (when its resource expires), throw away a screwdriver and buy a new one. Feel the difference - a new screwdriver for 4500 rubles. and a new engine for 500 rubles, which changes within five minutes.

Now a little about how to extend the life of a screwdriver.

The most basic thing to do is to read the instructions before using it. You can learn a lot from it useful advice. Here are some of them:

1) Almost every instruction says - “Recharge batteries before they are completely depleted. If you continue to use the tool until it is fully charged, the battery may be damaged and its life will be significantly reduced.” Moreover, this is written for nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd), and for nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH), and for lithium-ion (Li-Ion) batteries. I copied this text from the instructions for my Hitachi with a Ni-Cd battery. Almost the same thing I saw in the instructions for Makita. Didn't read the others.

Those who are already familiar with this topic will say - how so? But what about the memory effect of Ni-Cd and Ni-MH batteries, which everyone is talking about?

For those who haven't heard of this, let me explain. The memory effect is the property of a battery to reduce its capacity with each charge, if it has not been completely discharged before it (nickel-ion ones do not suffer from the memory effect).

To be honest, I myself do not fully understand this contradiction. Maybe someone can clarify in the comments.

Over the years of working with various screwdrivers, I made the following conclusion for myself: of course, you need to discharge Ni-Cd and Ni-MH batteries to the end, but not to such an end that when you press the trigger, the engine does not rotate at all. If at a slow speed the screwdriver no longer twists the 25th screw, then that's it, it's good, you don't need to torment it anymore.

2) Also, in any instruction, the temperature range at which charging can be performed is indicated. This range is slightly different for different models, but on average from about 0 to 40°C. At too low temperatures, the battery is overcharged, which leads to its deterioration.

It is better not to violate this requirement. I had such an experience. A few years ago, we worked at the facility in late autumn and there was not a single warm room there. A few days before the start, we bought a completely new Sparki screwdriver (also not the cheapest model). It was necessary to charge the batteries even in frosts down to -5 ° C, maybe even lower. In general, after a couple of weeks, both batteries died. Of course, it was a shame, but, as you know, a Russian person does not like to read instructions.

3) Do not charge the battery immediately after removing it from the screwdriver. As you know, during operation, it heats up. Let it lie down and cool down for 10-15 minutes. Even though many modern chargers simply do not turn on when the battery is overheated, this measure will still not be superfluous. By the way, some manufacturers also write about this.

4) Do not charge the battery repeatedly. This sometimes happens at work simply by negligence (I put it on charge and forgot that I had already charged it a few hours ago).

5) Do not put the torque adjusting collar (ratchet) in the position of the drill when turning the screws. Set the tightening torque sufficient for these self-tapping screws so that when they are tightened, a ratchet is triggered. This will also allow you to extend the life of both the battery and the motor.

6) Very often, with prolonged use, dirt is packed under the speed switch button of the screwdriver. For interskol, for example, this is generally a disaster. Dirt won't turn on desired speed to end. At the same time, a characteristic crackling of gears is heard. As soon as this happens to you, immediately either take the tool to a service center (if it is still under warranty), or open it yourself and clean the switch. It takes about 5 minutes at most and will save the gearbox from damage.

Perhaps on this topic I have everything. In conclusion, I would like to show you two interesting videos. One tells how you can fix the battery of a screwdriver yourself, and the other tells you how to convert a cordless screwdriver into a corded one.

Screwdriver battery repair

Converting a screwdriver to a network one.

Modern screwdrivers use different types batteries: nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride or lithium-ion. Each type of battery has its own rules of use, following them will ensure a long and efficient work tool.

Overview and recommendations for the operation of various types of screwdriver batteries

Nickel-cadmium Ni-Cd. In a nickel-cadmium battery, the positive electrode is made of nickel and the negative electrode is made of cadmium. Such batteries, at a relatively low cost, provide a long tool life and are not afraid of low temperatures.

A significant drawback of the battery is the so-called memory effect. If you start charging the battery before it is completely discharged, its life will decrease. This is due to the fact that the charged substance, during the subsequent additional charging, condenses and subsequently ceases to interact with the electrolyte.

The owner of a screwdriver with a nickel-cadmium battery should follow a simple rule: be sure to fully discharge the battery before charging. Otherwise, the operating time of the tool after each charge will be shorter and shorter. There is special equipment that can restore the capacity of a nickel-cadmium battery, but the recovery effect is not guaranteed.

Nickel-cadmium batteries, when properly maintained, can be charged about 1500 times. Over time, irreversible damage to the electrolyte and working substance occurs in the battery, this damage is not associated with the memory effect, but also reduces its operating time. The more intensively the tool is used, the faster the battery ages. To reduce the rate of wear and increase the life of the battery, you should:

  • protect the battery from overheating;
  • follow the recommendations of the operating instructions on the time of charging and discharging the tool;
  • use branded chargers;
  • store the battery fully discharged.

Nickel Metal Hydride Ni-MN . The operating rules for a nickel-metal hydride battery differ significantly from the above recommendations for a nickel-cadmium battery, this is due to its properties.

First, it does not have a memory effect, so you can start additional charging at any time, regardless of the charge level. Secondly, such a battery does not need to be discharged before storage, on the contrary, it must be stored in a charged state, recharging from time to time. Thirdly, battery chemicals do not like heat, discharging the battery at high temperatures will shorten its life.

In order for the battery to serve for a long time, it is important to properly charge it: overheating or overcharging is unacceptable. For charging, you must use branded accessories, and after charging, disconnect the batteries from the charger in a timely manner.

Li-Ion Li-Ion . The main advantage of a lithium-ion battery is its high capacity at small size. Over-discharging, overcharging and overheating can significantly reduce the life of this type of battery. The deep discharge is especially saved: a screwdriver with a lithium-ion battery must not be left completely discharged for long-term storage.

Lithium-ion batteries are especially effective in tools that work almost on an industrial scale, and not on occasional jobs. Regular use of the battery, with its subsequent charging, significantly slows down the aging of the battery.

After purchasing a new battery, it must be fully charged and discharged by repeating this process up to three times. In other cases, charging a lithium-ion battery is best done when about 20% of the charge is left. It is worth remembering that overcharging is harmful, so it is better to finish the charge at 95%. One more important rule charging: you can not charge such a battery in the cold.

The optimum temperature for a screwdriver with a lithium-ion battery is from -18 to +25. Overheating leads to rapid aging, so you should not leave the tool in the sun, and in the heat it is better to work in the shade.

Written on 01.09.2012, 18:14 h

Lithium-ion batteries are currently the most advanced (and expensive) battery type for high volume commercial power tools. Structurally, a lithium-ion battery does not differ from the batteries discussed above. The difference is in the chemical process. The battery anode is made of lithium oxide with cobalt or manganese, the cathode is made of graphite. An organic solvent is used as an electrolyte. During battery charging, lithium ions move and are bound by the material of the negative carbon electrode, and during operation, the reverse process occurs.

Invented back in 1912, lithium-ion batteries have not been found for a long time. practical application due to technological problems. One of the main ones was the problem of dendrites - crystalline formations, similar to a tree, developing on the surface of a positive electrode. The dendrite grew after each charge-discharge cycle, eventually reaching the surface of the negative electrode, followed immediately by a short circuit and explosion of the battery. This and some other problems were eliminated in 1991 by Sony Corporation, which supplied the battery with a control electronics unit, which supplies Li-Ion batteries to this day.

In most respects, lithium-ion batteries are significantly superior to nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride. So, for example, the nominal voltage of one cell is 3.6 V, the energy density can reach 200 W * h / kg, the self-discharge is lower than that of other types of batteries (does not exceed 5% per month), fast (and even ultra-fast) charging is possible and There is absolutely no memory effect.

The “fly in the ointment” is the rather short life of a lithium-ion battery (it used to be about three years, now it is from seven to ten), and it doesn’t matter if it worked or not. However, the topic of a short life is also a kind of myth - someone claims that Li-Ion batteries live no more than three years, practice shows that five or seven years for sure, and Mitsubishi says about its i-MiEV electric car that it Batteries will lose no more than 10% capacity in ten years. Also theoretically, the number of possible charge-discharge cycles is less than with other types of batteries. To the minuses, you can also add the limitation of the operating temperature range and, of course, the high cost.

It is also worth noting the electronics mentioned above, which are necessarily built into any Li-Ion battery to prevent all sorts of emergencies (otherwise it simply will not pass certification). In fact, this is a simple chip that controls temperature and voltage, but it constantly consumes energy - as you might guess, it receives it from the battery itself. Although this consumption is negligible, a fully discharged Li-Ion battery left on the shelf for a year will most likely become unusable: the chip will eat up the remaining energy, and the charger will no longer be able to revive it due to the chemical characteristics of the battery. So Li-Ion batteries are better not to be discharged to the end, and when sent for storage, be sure to charge them.