Campanula - flower "groom and bride" care at home. Campanula home care Campanula terry room

  • 13.06.2019

Campanula is a beautiful, gentle indoor plant with which you can decorate your window sill, balcony or garden plot without much hassle. This wonderful flower is credited with the ability to create an atmosphere of happiness in the house. How to grow a campanula without spending a lot of time and effort, our article on the topic will tell: campanula care at home.

Campanula (Latin Campanula) is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Bellflower family. The genus includes more than four hundred species. Translated from Latin, Campánula means bell, the shape of which resembles the flowers of representatives of this genus. On this basis, the plant received Russian name Bell, which is fixed not only among the people, but also in botanical nomenclature.

Know! Most of the species belonging to the Bellflower family are perennial. Annual and biennial species are much rarer.

Corollas of representatives of the genus are bell-shaped. The color of the flowers is varied - from white and blue to lilac and purple. Inflorescences are most often paniculate or racemose, single-flowered inflorescences are quite rare.

The leaves of the bells are entire and alternate. The fruit has the shape of a box, and opens with holes in the form of slits, which can be from four to six. Representatives of the Kolokolchikov genus can have a maximum height of up to one and a half meters.

Know! Shrub shoots have a light green color. Quite often they hang down to the ground due to their own weight. This feature makes the plant ideal option for ampel cultivation.


This plant has been known since ancient times, its homeland is the Mediterranean. Campanula is considered to be a symbol of family happiness.

The shrub can grow in countries that are characterized temperate climate. In the wild, it is found in European countries, Siberia, the Caucasus, in the countries of Western and Central Asia. In a small number you can find a bluebell in the north of America. In Russia and neighboring countries, there are approximately one hundred and fifty species belonging to this genus.

Representatives of the Kolokolchikov family can successfully grow in wooded and steppe areas, as well as in meadows. You can meet delicate shrubs in rocky or desert areas. Many species of Bellflowers grow in the alpine and subalpine belts of the mountains.

Popular types and varieties

Despite the abundance of varieties at home, only a few types of Campánula are cultivated: Carpathian, equal-leaved, terry, Blauranka, etc.

Campanula Carpathian

Know! The name is explained by the fact that the Carpathian Mountains are the birthplace of this species. It is here that you can find tender bushes growing wild. This is a perennial herb. The foliage is located at the bottom of the stems near the roots. The leaves are ovate-rounded. Flowering in specimens belonging to this species begins in the first days of summer, and lasts up to three months. Flowers can be painted in a variety of shades.

Terry Campanula

This is a hybrid species that was bred by crossing the spoon-leaved and Carpathian species. Small bushes of this hybrid species are abundantly strewn with terry bells. At the same time, flowers of different colors can grow on one bush. The stem of the shrub is thin and bending, the abundance of carved foliage makes it almost invisible.

Important! It should be noted that representatives of this species are very picky in their care. To admire their stunning flowering will have to spend a lot of time and effort.

Campanula Blauranka

A distinctive feature of this species is the large size of foliage and flowers. At the same time, the height of shrubs reaches no more than twenty centimeters. Blauranka is a species of Pozharsky's Campánula. This variety can be successfully grown both in open ground and indoors. During the flowering period, Blauranka will delight the "owners" with delicate flowers of pale blue color.

Campanula equalifolia

Plants of this species have thin stems that hang down, forming a kind of "fountain". In connection with this feature, they are mainly grown in hanging flowerpots. The height of the bushes does not exceed thirty centimeters. Carved foliage grows on long cuttings. Shrubs are abundantly showered with bells of two colors - white and blue. This species of Campánula has received the popular name "groom and bride".

crowded campanula

This variety is actively used as an ornamental. Bushes grow in height from twenty-five to sixty centimeters. The leaves have a bright green color, elliptical shape and smooth surface. Bells can be painted in various colors, from white to deep blue. Each bell has five petals. Bright flowers are collected in inflorescences.

Broadleaf Campanula

Attention! This species is tall. The maximum height of shrubs can reach one meter thirty centimeters. The leaves are long and wide, their size gradually decreases from the bottom of the stem to the top.
The flowers are white or purple in color, and have a rather large size - about five centimeters in diameter.

Campanula mix

The prefix "mix" next to the name of a particular variety means that thanks to these seeds or cuttings, you can grow the same type of shrubs with bells of various colors.

Campanula at home

Care at home will be mastered even by a novice florist. Despite its vulnerability, Campánula is a hardy plant.

Location and lighting

The "flower of family happiness" loves the sun very much, so for its growth it is necessary to choose a well-lit place. However, the scorching sun can hurt. For those hours when the heavenly body is most aggressive, flower pots must be hidden in a dark place, and street landings it is desirable to shade.

Know! The best place to grow an indoor flower would be window sills, balconies facing east or west.

on the south or northern balconies Campanula will feel uncomfortable, which will harm her normal growth. If it is not possible to provide comfortable conditions for growth or you want the flowerpot to be located on the south or north side, then take care of artificial additional lighting.

In summer, shrubs grow well in outdoor conditions. Flowerpots with bright bells can decorate a balcony or garden. At the same time, be sure to take care of proper lighting. It is advisable to transfer flowerpots to the street when a warm spring comes, and return them to room conditions in the last days of September.

Feeding and watering

The winning feature of Campánula is that it remains viable even when not watered for a long time. So, an unpretentious bush will not disappear if you do not water it for several weeks. This advantage makes the flower convenient for people with limited time or travelers.

Important! During the hot summer, the shrub needs watering, and it should not be left unattended. Drying out of the land in which the bush grows can lead to its illness or death.

Water for irrigation should be pre-settled and have a warm temperature. Do not use hard and untreated water for irrigation. Using tap water can lead to the death of a tender shrub. Therefore, without fail, before watering, pass the water through the filter.

During the period when the shrub is actively growing, as well as during flowering, it needs additional feeding. It is advisable to fertilize Campánula several times a month. More specific recommendations depend on the variety chosen and the fertilizer used. You can use fertilizers of complex type, having previously studied the instructions for their use.

Attention! When the bush is in dormant mode, it does not require top dressing. At the same time, you should not feed him unnecessarily "just in case", so as not to harm the proper development.


Timely pruning will help you form a beautiful lush bush. Pruning is necessary during the fall, when the shrub is at rest. The period from the end of October to the beginning of December is ideal.

Experienced gardeners advise pruning as follows. Gently shorten the stems by about ten centimeters. Do not be surprised if, after pruning, the shrub begins to bloom again. Repeat flowering can please you if the bell is in a well-lit area.

When spring comes, the bush must be carefully examined. Dried leaves and shoots must be removed. And then carry out another pruning of the stems, approximately five centimeters. In the root part of the stems there are many hidden buds, and when spring comes, young shoots begin to develop from them.

Air humidity and temperature

This indicator is not of particular importance when growing bells. The shrub can develop normally even in a room where dry air prevails. However, attention should be paid to moisturizing the space in which the “flower of family happiness” grows. Periodic hydration will be the key to good growth.

The shrub tolerates temperature fluctuations quite calmly, but for its normal growth it is desirable to provide the most favorable temperature conditions.

AT winter period comfortable temperature will be fifteen degrees Celsius. If the pot with bells "lives" on the windowsill, next to which there is a battery, then for a period heating season it needs to be relocated.
During the summer, the optimal temperature for growing Campánula is between twenty-two and twenty-five degrees.

The soil

The substrate in which the "flower" grows family well-being", should be loose. Because for normal development The root system needs constant saturation of the soil with oxygen. A suitable soil for bluebells will be a mixture of leaf and peat soil. If you are limited in time, you can purchase suitable soil at any specialized store or kiosk. In this case, you need a soil designed for flowering plants. If you wish, you can prepare a wonderful soil mixture yourself by combining the following components in equal amounts:

  • sod land;
  • humus or leaf earth;
  • sand with large particles.

Campanula breeding methods

The optimal propagation option depends on the Campánula variety. In general, there are three of them:

  • propagation by seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • division of the bush.

Reproduction by seeds

If you decide to grow a tender shrub from seeds, then you should start with the onset of spring. The Campanula seed is very small. For sowing, you can use small cups. At the bottom of the planting containers we place a little dry earth and moist soil.

Important! To avoid washing out the seeds, do not water the seedlings, but carefully spray them. After the appearance of at least three true leaves, we transplant the seedlings into separate containers.

Reproduction by cuttings

The optimal period for cuttings is autumn. To successfully propagate the bush with cuttings, you must follow the recommendations below:

  1. We choose an escape that has several leaves and is located in the basal part.
  2. Carefully cut off the selected shoot.
  3. For ten hours, we place the cut shoot in a weak manganese solution.
  4. Move escape to clean water cool temperature, and we expect the roots to appear.
  5. We prepare the soil mixture by combining sand with peat.
  6. We plant the shoots, deepening into the soil by three centimeters.
  7. We make a greenhouse from a film.
  8. Once a week we spray the "kids" with clean water at room temperature.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

The division of the bush is most advisable to carry out when it is transplanted. To do this, carefully use a knife to divide the root system into parts. Then we plant the resulting parts in separate flowerpots. After planting, the bush must be watered. After a couple of days, the young shrub needs to be fed.

Conditions required for flowering

If you provide the campanula with the necessary growth conditions described above, it will delight the eye with its delicate flowering throughout the summer. In addition to the previously described rules for caring for a plant, during the flowering period, observance of its “hygiene” is a prerequisite. This procedure consists in the regular removal of wilted leaves and inflorescences. Thus, you will significantly extend the flowering period.

If your copy does not bloom, then you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The lack of flowering can be caused by the "venerable age" of the bush, that is, its life cycle is already coming to an end. In such a situation, wait until spring, and rejuvenate your bush by cuttings.
  2. The reason that the shrub does not bloom or blooms very poorly may be insufficient lighting. To correct the situation, it is necessary to relocate it to a more lit place.
  3. The lack of flowering can also be caused by a lack of trace elements. To achieve abundant flowering shrubs, it is desirable to feed two or three times during the month. For this purpose, complex-type fertilizers intended for flowering plants are suitable. But in no case do not overdo it with top dressing, so as not to cause harm.

Campanula transplant

Know! The Campánula varieties used in indoor floriculture are mostly annuals. In this regard, the need for a transplant rarely arises. However, if the selected flowerpot does not match the size of the growing bush, it may be necessary to transplant it.

Under such circumstances, transplantation is advisable. But remember that it can be carried out only in the spring or autumn season. A competent Campánula transplant comes down to the following steps:

  1. In the prepared flowerpot we place a layer of drainage, and then a layer of fresh soil mixture.
  2. We carefully transfer the shrub into a new flowerpot, without disturbing the earthen clod.
  3. Align the bush in the flowerpot.
  4. With the help of fingers, carefully level the soil in the flowerpot.
  5. We water the transplanted specimen.

Common Growing Problems

Growers often face the following problems when growing Campánula:

  1. Faded or yellowing foliage. Such a nuisance arises due to the choice of an unsuccessful place of growth, on which the bush is exposed to the aggressive sun. For recovery, it should be "relocated" or provide a small shadow.
  2. Too tall and thin stems. The reason for the excessive stretching of the shoots is an insufficient amount of light. In order for the bush to develop normally, it should provide optimal illumination.
  3. Sluggish leaves. The reason for the withering of the green part of the bush, as a rule, is excessive watering. In order not to harm the bell, it is necessary to provide it with normal watering in accordance with the above recommendations.

Campanula diseases and pests (treatment)

Attention! With improper watering or not comfortable conditions growing bell quite often suffers from fungal diseases, in particular from a disease called "gray rot". Treatment should take the following steps:

  • reduce watering;
  • make sure that the water in the pan does not stagnate;
  • reduce the humidity in the room or “relocate” the specimen to another place with lower humidity.

As for pests, the campanula may be subject to attacks or spider mite. The reason for this trouble may be the lack of necessary moisture. At first glance, these pests are not noticeable. Therefore, periodically you should carefully inspect the shrubs. If pests are found, the shrub must be isolated from neighbors in the garden or window sill to prevent the spread of misfortune. There are two ways to get rid of unpleasant pests:

  • washing the bushes with warm water;
  • treatment of damaged specimens with insecticidal preparations.

Common Growing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Inexperienced flower growers who do not have the necessary knowledge often make annoying mistakes, which in the end can lead to a significant deterioration appearance shrub. The most common mistakes beginner growers make when growing Campánula are:

  1. The choice of a place of growth unprotected from the effects of the scorching sun. This error leads to sunburn on the foliage. The leaves begin to fade, become faded, fuzzy spots appear on them.
  2. Lack of lighting. The lack of necessary illumination leads to the fact that the stalks of the bush become thin, begin to strenuously stretch upwards.
  3. Overmoistening of the soil. The foliage becomes drooping and loses its tone.
  4. Over watering + low temperature. The combination of these two factors leads to the appearance of unpleasant rot, which is expressed in the blackening of the stems at the base.
  5. Sparse feeding, use of unsuitable fertilizers, lack of pruning, inappropriate flowerpot size. Such errors lead to the fact that the flowering process does not occur or flowering is very poor.
  6. Lack of watering, dry air, drafts. These factors lead to the fact that the leaves begin to dry out and gradually crumble.
  7. Growing a bush like a creeper. The natural position of the bell stems is hanging down. Attempting to grow bushes by pulling them up may cause them to wilt or fail to bloom.

Campanula omens

There is an opinion that the campanula brings family happiness to the house. The presence of this flower creates an atmosphere of serenity and a feeling of warmth.

Equifoliate Campanula, blooming at the same time with white and blue flowers, was popularly called "bride and groom". Twigs with white flowers (Alba variety) are the bride, and, accordingly, shoots with soft blue bells (Maya variety) are the groom. A wonderful sign is the gift of such a flower on the wedding day, as a wish to the newlyweds for family happiness and prosperity.

Know! "Bride and Groom" brings happiness to family life not only to newlyweds, the flower will be a wonderful gift for families with experience.

At the same time, it is not necessary to wait for such a present, you can independently purchase a flower amulet for your home. Colorful bells will give you not only warmth, but will delight you every day with their delicate beauty.


Campanula is wonderful plant able to decorate any room, balcony or garden plot. A significant advantage of its cultivation is unpretentious care. The gentle beauty of bells will give you not only the joy of contemplation, but also an atmosphere of harmonious happiness. No wonder the flower is considered a symbol mutual love and family prosperity.

Observe minimum requirements care, and bright flowers will give positive emotions to your eyes and your soul. And our article on the topic: campanula care at home will help you avoid annoying mistakes and enjoy flower beauty without much hassle. For you, a useful video from an expert in growing Campanula.

Campanula is very popular ornamental plant, which is often used for growing indoors. Many people know her under the name "Bride and Groom". Visually, Campanula flowers resemble bells. Consider the features of caring for a flower at home.

Campanula is an unpretentious culture in care. Cope with the cultivation of culture can even not the most experienced florist. However, in order for the campanula to please with its bells, and the plant itself to be healthy, it is necessary to follow some rules for caring for it.

Campanula is characterized by tenderness of shades

The color of the flowers is delicate. Possible shades: white, blue, purple.

Campanula is called the "flower of family happiness." This is due to the fact that there is a sign that claims that if it (with blue and snow-white flowers) is presented to newlyweds for marriage, then peace and love will always reign in their family.

Location in the apartment

It is recommended to choose west or east windows. If you keep the culture on the south window, then you will need to shade it from direct rays of the scorching sun. On the north window, the light will not be enough.

AT summer time it is advisable to take out a pot of culture on a loggia, balcony or veranda. You can take out the campanula on open air in the yard, where it will grow faster and bloom profusely.

Many flower growers recommend placing the flower not on the windowsill, but on a special flower stand near the window, since the campanula grows very quickly and luxuriantly. Some are grown in hanging baskets, because with this cultivation the Campanula shoots fall down very gracefully, and the plant looks like an ampelous one.

It is not necessary to grow a flower in a suspension - it is the choice of the grower himself

Humidity and watering conditions

Campanula needs regular and abundant watering. This is especially important in hot summer time, and also if the plant is located next to heating appliances.

Water should not stagnate in the ground.

Culture needs a sufficiently high humidity. For this purpose, it is recommended to regularly spray the crop, especially in hot weather. In winter, it is also necessary to periodically spray the plant if it stands near radiators and heaters.

Water drops should not fall on flowers, therefore, during the flowering period, humidity must be raised in other ways.

Temperature and lighting

In summer, the air temperature should be within 23 degrees. It is normal for temperature fluctuations. At the dormant stage, it is recommended to lower the temperature to 15 degrees.

The plant does not tolerate heat well.

Campanula prefers bright diffused light. The direct rays of the sun are not desirable for her. Therefore, it is better to place culture on the western and eastern windows.

flowers able to turn on their own towards sunlight. However, turning the crop towards the sun is not recommended, as this will adversely affect flowering.

Soil and fertilizer

It is required to select loose, permeable soil. The substrate can be prepared independently by combining the following components:

  • Peat land;
  • Leaf land;
  • Sand with large granules.

All components are taken in equal parts.

Can be purchased ready soil for indoor plants, adding peat and sand with large granules to it in equal parts.

A drainage layer is required at the bottom of the pot. For these purposes, you can use small pebbles, expanded clay or broken bricks.

The classic version of drainage is expanded clay. It is sold in many places and is inexpensive.

At the stage of active growth, the culture needs top dressing. As a top dressing, you can use complex mineral fertilizers for indoor plants, preferably in liquid form. You need to feed once every 10 days.

Trimming the room "bride"

Pruning is done for the purpose stimulate flowering and growth new shoots. Also pruning will help to give a decorative look. At the end of flowering, it is required to remove dried flowers and leaves.

In the spring, the upper leaves and side shoots are also removed.

How a flower reproduces

Culture propagation is possible in the following ways:

  1. The division of the bush;
  2. cuttings;
  3. seed method.

By dividing the bush

Do not forget about the sterility of the tool with which you cut the flower

Dividing a bush is not the rarest way to propagate plants. Fits not all indoor plants . So, we have already described.


  • Cut off the lower shoots with a few leaves;
  • For 10 hours, place the cutting in a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • When the roots appear, transfer the stalk to a container with cool water;
  • Plant the cuttings in a substrate of sand and peat to a depth of no more than 3 cm;
  • Cover containers glass or plastic film;
  • Air and spray seedlings regularly.

Reproduction by seeds

  • Sowing seeds is done in early spring;
  • Place a layer of moistened soil at the bottom of a small glass, and cover with a layer of dry soil on top;
  • Sow the seeds in cups and moisten a little;
  • Periodically, crops need to be sprayed with water;
  • Seedlings need to be transplanted into the pot when at least three leaves appear.

How to transplant

Transfer required only when when the culture becomes cramped in the pot. Transplantation should be done in spring or autumn.

How to transplant?

  1. Prepare a new pot for transplanting. Its diameter should be several centimeters wider than the previous one;
  2. Lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, and lay fresh soil on top;
  3. Remove the plant from the old pot along with a clod of earth;
  4. Put the plant in a new container, align the roots on the surface of the soil;
  5. Compact the soil with your hands and pour abundantly.

Diseases and pests

The most common flower diseases:

  1. Root rot;
  2. Gray rot.

root rot manifests itself in the form of brown spots on the leaves, blackening of the stems and the formation of mold on the ground. You will need to remove all damaged leaves, shoots and roots.

Finish cuts with crushed coal. Soak the root system in a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide for 30 minutes. Then transplant the plant into a new pot and fresh soil.

Gray rot manifests itself in the form of spots on the leaves of gray color with villi and black dots. In this case, all the affected parts of the flower must be removed, and the cut points should be treated with crushed coal.

Rot is a dangerous disease, infected areas must be removed

Plant transplant into a new container and fresh soil. The number of waterings must be reduced, it is required to water the plant with a solution of potassium permanganate once a week.

The most common pests:

  1. Spider mite;
  2. Shchitovka.

It is required to pay attention to the leaves, their changes. The spread of pests leads to the fact that the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off.

When pests appear, use soapy water and insecticidal preparations.

Growing problems

Often, owners have to deal with the following problems:

  • Yellowing and dropping of leaves- this is a sign of excess sunlight and dry air;
  • If a stems are thinning and are strongly drawn out, which means that the flower does not have enough light;
  • If a the leaves wither, then the reason is excessive watering.

Campanula, which is sometimes referred to as "Campanella", has its own group in social network VK. There people discuss issues related to growing a flower.


The plant includes several varieties.

Campanula pleases flower growers with its diversity Variety Equal-leaved Variety Terry Real bell Variety Campanella


This is another name for Campanula. Shoots have a length of no more than 25 cm. They creep or fall. The light green leaves are heart-shaped. The leaves are up to 7 cm long.

The flowers have a diameter of no more than 4 cm. Colors: snow-white, blue, lilac and pale pink. They form inflorescences-panicles on the tops of the shoots.

Flowering lasts for throughout the summer season if you create a plant right conditions content.

Home bell

Campanula is also called home bell, as the flowers look very similar to bell flowers.


This is a hybrid look. Represents a small bush strewn with small double flowers of various colors: white, blue and lilac. This is a much more capricious type of plant. Blooms throughout the summer with proper care.


This is most popular type in indoor floriculture. The height of the bush does not exceed 30 cm. The plant is grown as an ampelous plant, so it is planted in hanging baskets. Thin stems of culture fall down.

White and blue flowers-bells plentifully cover the culture. It is this variety that I usually refer to as "bride and groom." Blooms all summer.


This is perennial species campanula. The leaves are located in the root zone and have a rounded shape. The colors of numerous flowers are varied: white, lilac, blue and pale pink. Flowering lasts throughout the summer period.


Plant height - no more than 20 cm. The species is distinguished by the large size of flowers and leaves. Flowers have a blue tint.

species can be grown not only indoors, but also on garden plot. Blooms all summer.

Homemade bell will perfectly decorate any place where you put it

Thus, campanula is very gentle, beautiful plant. The plant is quite unpretentious, but requires removal throughout the year. There are many different varieties of plants that differ in size and color of flowers.

A unique plant whose flower is shaped like a bell - campanula - belongs to the largest group of profusely flowering perennials. Also, the culture is known to domestic flower growers under the name "bell". In catalogs landscape designers this plant can be found in many projects. But not all photos can convey the beauty and versatility of Campanula.

The genus takes its name from the Latin word Campana (bell), which means bell. In Scotland, the plant is called "witch's thimble". The characteristics of this perennial plant, depending on the habitat, can vary significantly. The field of application of campanula is extensive and varied.

Among other common species, southern bluebell, with huge broad leaves and small white or pale lavender flowers, are characteristic crops for damp, grassy meadows.

A more familiar type of bell ( rapunculoides), common in gardens, parks and local areas, has flowers of white, pink, blue or lilac. Peduncles are usually placed on one side of the stem, and have lanceolate or heart-shaped leaves.

In 1753 Carl Linnaeus described 41 species. For centuries, research selection work has been carried out. European nurseries have been able to achieve impressive results. Now there are 350 species in the genus Campanula. Most of it is distributed in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere.

The plant is different beauty and durability, hundreds of species are used as ornamental crops. In some European countries, certain species of this plant are wild crops and are under state protection.

Campanula can be grown as an annual, biennial or perennial plant. This determines the way of cultivation and care.

Most species have bell-shaped flowers with shades of blue, purple, pink, or white.

Plants can range in size from low growing miniature species to vines used in vertical gardening. Each species requires its own care.

plant species

round leaf bellflower, also called Campanula of Scotland.

  • Grown as a perennial.
  • Has blue, purple and pink flowers. In some cases, the flowers may be white.
  • Light-loving plant, long daylight hours.
  • It develops well and blooms in slightly shaded areas.
  • Flowers suffer from direct sunlight.
  • Campanula of this species is able to tolerate short-term drought, but requires periodic watering.
  • Blooms from June to September.

It is a low growing perennial plant. It has blue or white flowers.

Prefabricated bell grows vertically, has light green fuzzy spear-shaped leaves.

  • Reaches a height of up to two meters.
  • Constant care is required - removal of faded peduncles along with a dried stem.
  • It tolerates a short drought, but, nevertheless, requires constant plentiful watering.
  • Light-loving plant, but can be cultivated in slightly shaded areas.

Soil and growing areas

Campanula can be grown in different climatic zones. Healthy, mature plants successfully tolerate cold snap and drought. Individual specimens are grown in the northern regions, in conditions with severe winters.

Well-drained soils are required for the development of a quality root system. different composition. Plants perfectly tolerate the soil of any acidity. Some species, mainly intended for cultivation in the southern regions, require abundant watering and grow successfully on moist soils and in lightly shaded conditions. Campanula - care does not require much time.

Campanula plant varieties


Bluebell can be grown seeds, seedlings or rhizomes. Small seeds remain viable only in the light, which is why it does not require incorporation into the soil.

Seeds can be sown in open ground, flowering occurs with this method for next year. Sowing can be started when the soil is warm, and the air temperature should be consistently warm.

When growing seedlings, seeds must be sown in a greenhouse in late February, early March.

For propagation by rhizome, it is necessary split the mother material into parts. Each part must be treated with a special disinfectant composition. This method is less productive and more costly, but allows you to get a powerful and abundant flowering plant- campanula.


Most types of bluebells do not require special care. Campanula, like many other perennials, are hardy and they are able to endure adverse weather conditions, including short-term drought.

For some types care is to remove wilted flowers. Some varieties require flower stalks to be removed prior to seed formation to produce profuse flowering. To rejuvenate the bush, it is necessary to cut off the entire aerial part in the fall. In the spring, new, young shoots will appear.

Campanula or garden bell is a perennial culture that makes it possible to diversify the composition of the flower garden. This plant has many varieties suitable for outdoor cultivation. They have their own characteristics of planting and care.

Description: varieties and varieties of bell

Campanula is a herbaceous perennial plant. It has the following characteristics:

  • stem - erect or creeping, 0.4-1 m long;
  • leaves - carved, heart-shaped, up to 7 cm in length, long cuttings;
  • inflorescences - pyramidal;
  • color - from pale to saturated lilac, pink, white, blue, etc .;
  • flower size - 2-4 cm in diameter;
  • flowering occurs from June to September.

Campanula is undemanding to care and grows in many places: forest thickets, dry steppes and wastelands, even in rocky areas. The plant has about 300 varieties. Photos and descriptions of popular species will help you choose the best one:

  1. Campanula lactiferous. The plant is approximately 90 cm high and has a branched stem. The flowers are small, up to 3 cm in diameter, milky white or purple. Grows well in good light.

    Campanula lactiflora

  2. Campanula Carpathian. A group of low-growing varieties with a stem no higher than 40 cm. It will grow into a bush in the form of a sphere 30 cm wide. Flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, blue, white or purple. Used to decorate balcony compositions or.

    Campanula Carpathian

  3. Campanula peach. The bush reaches 90 cm. The leaves are similar to peach. Flowers - about 3 cm in diameter, white or blue. Varieties are in the Red Book.

    Campanula peach-leaved

  4. Campanula nettle leaf. Tall view with a meter stem. Flowers are collected in groups of 2-3 pieces. Color - white or blue (including shades). Some varieties have terry inflorescences. May thrive in the shade.

    campanula nettle leaf

  5. Bellflower broadleaf. The stem is over a meter high. White or blue flowers in the form of large funnels are arranged in the form of an ear. Suitable for growing in the shade.

    broadleaf bellflower

Campanula garden: planting a plant

Most varieties of bluebell grow well only in intense light or partial shade. Campanula loves light, slightly alkaline or neutral loamy soil.

High soil moisture with poor drainage is undesirable for plants. Therefore, if in your area ground water lie close to the surface, for planting and growing a bell, find some kind of hill or make it artificially.

Advice. Wood ash will help reduce the acidity of the soil. In combination with humus, add it to the sandy soil. clay soil it is better to dilute with sand or peat.

The landing site should be dug up in the fall. Get rid of the roots of weeds that greatly depress the bluebell. Then add organic. Plant seedlings, as a rule, require growing. Therefore, in May, determine a temporary place for them in the open field.

At the end of summer, carefully transplant the seedlings to a permanent place. To do this, make holes about 10 cm deep. Pour the soil with a large portion of water and wait until it is absorbed. Leave at least 30 cm between the bushes when planting. Carefully sprinkle the seedling in the hole with soil and trample down the ground.

Campanula Care

At first, the plant needs shading in bright sunlight. The rest of the campanula care is to maintain the minimum conditions for normal growing:

It is very important to regularly loosen the soil around the plant.

  1. The soil should be constantly moist, especially in spring and summer. Gardeners recommend making small amounts of water, but do it 1-2 times a day. Cut back on watering in the fall. Use water at room temperature.
  2. Loosen the soil constantly. Access to oxygen to the roots is a key factor in successful flowering.
  3. Periodically carry out weeding.
  4. Plants that are too tall should be tied up.
  5. Pruning crops in October. Then cover the root zone with dry foliage or peat to protect perennial roots from frost.
  6. Remove wilted blooms to maintain the abundance and vibrancy of blooms.

Fertilizer and top dressing of the bell

It is better to feed the culture 1 time in 2 weeks. Fertilizer application technology:

  • in spring, after the activation of vegetative processes, nitrogen-containing mixtures will help the leaves grow large;
  • during budding, add a mineral complex to the soil once;
  • at the beginning of flowering, add phosphate or potash fertilizers.

Attention! Fresh manure has a very bad effect on the bell. Because of it, the roots begin to rot.

Bluebell: plant propagation

Campanula propagation can be done by seedlings, dividing the bush or cuttings. Terry or semi-double varieties are obtained only by vegetative methods, if the task is to preserve the properties of the mother plant. The beginning of summer is the optimal time for propagation by cuttings. It will take them about 1 month to settle down in a new place. and minimal maintenance

  • cut off an annual flowering shoot from an adult healthy plant;
  • plant in loose soil;
  • shade the cutting.

Even a novice florist will cope with the propagation of campanula

Reproduction by division is planned for the end of spring or summer. The plant is removed, several parts are formed from it. Each should have aboveground and underground parts, as well as several growth buds. After that, the divisions are immediately planted in open ground.

Attention! For annual species of bluebell, only seed propagation is possible.

To properly collect the seeds, wait until the box is ripe to a dark brown color. Then proceed like this:

  • dry the seeds;
  • in October, plant them in open ground and sprinkle with a thin layer of soil;
  • water if the soil is dry.

At proper care in April-May you will see seedlings. They are planted in a permanent place in June or July. Seedlings can also be obtained at home:

  • find a wide container, because the root of the plant is quite large;
  • plant seeds after watering the earth in a pot;
  • don't deepen planting material, and evenly scatter over the surface;
  • build a mini greenhouse;
  • once a day, open it for 15 minutes, ventilate and spray the greens with a spray bottle;
  • for open ground seedlings will get stronger in about 20 days.

Diseases and pests of Campanula

Ailments affect the adult specimen of Campanula little. Factors that undermine the health of the plant are often improper care, lack of fertilizers. For example, excessive moisture and insufficient light increase the risk of developing fungal diseases: powdery mildew, rust, etc. If you have identified these infections from the photo, immediately spray the soil with foundationazole or products containing copper, potassium permanganate.

Of the pests, campanula was chosen by ants, aphids and. In this case, use special insecticides.

Campanula in the flowerbed