Portal "Izba-Reading Room" - your success in study and work! Pagan beliefs of the ancient Slavs.

  • 12.10.2019

Paganism is a religion based on belief in several gods at the same time, and not in one creator God, as, for example, in Christianity.

The concept of paganism

The term "paganism" itself is not entirely accurate, as it includes several concepts. Today, paganism is understood not so much as a religion, but as a set of religious and cultural beliefs, and belief in several gods is referred to as "totemism", "polytheism" or "ethnic religion".

The paganism of the ancient Slavs is a term that is used to refer to a complex of religious and cultural views on the life of the ancient Slavic tribes before they converted to Christianity and converted to a new faith. There is an opinion that the term itself in relation to the ancient religious and ritual culture of the Slavs did not originate from the concept of polytheism (many deities), but from the fact that the ancient tribes, although they lived separately, were based on one language. So, Nestor the chronicler in his notes speaks of these tribes as pagans, that is, having one language, common roots. Later, this term gradually began to be attributed to Slavic religious beliefs and used to refer to religion.

The emergence and development of paganism in Russia

Slavic paganism began to take shape around the 2nd-1st millennium BC. under the influence of Indo-European culture, when the Slavs began to stand out from it into independent tribes. Moving and occupying new territories, the Slavs got acquainted with the culture of their neighbors and adopted certain features from them. So, it was the Indo-European culture that brought into Slavic mythology the images of the god of thunder, the god of cattle and the image of mother earth. The Celts also had a considerable influence on the Slavic tribes, who also enriched the Slavic pantheon and, in addition, brought to the Slavs the very concept of "god", which had not been used before. Slavic paganism has a lot in common with the German-Scandinavian culture, from there the Slavs took the image of the world tree, dragons and many other deities, which later transformed depending on the living conditions and the characteristics of the Slavic culture.

After the Slavic tribes formed and began to actively populate new territories, move away from each other and separate, paganism was also transformed, each tribe had its own special rituals, its own names for the gods and the deities themselves. So, by the 6th-7th centuries. religion Eastern Slavs quite noticeably different from the religion of the Western Slavs.

It should be noted that often the beliefs of the top of society were very different from the beliefs of the lower strata, and what was believed in large cities and settlements did not always coincide with the beliefs of small villages.

From the moment the Slavic tribes began to unite, began to form, external relations of the Slavs with Byzantium began to develop, gradually paganism began to be persecuted, old beliefs began to be doubted, even teachings against paganism appeared. As a result, after the Baptism of Russia in 988, when Christianity became the official religion, the Slavs began to gradually move away from the old traditions, although the relationship between paganism and Christianity was not easy. According to some information, in many territories paganism is still preserved, and in Russia it existed for quite a long time, until the 12th century.

The essence of Slavic paganism

Although there are a sufficient number of sources by which one can judge the beliefs of the Slavs, it is difficult to form a unified picture of the world of the East Slavic pagans. It is generally accepted that the essence of Slavic paganism was faith in the forces of nature, which determined human life, controlled it and decided fate. From this flow the gods - the lords of the elements and natural phenomena, mother earth. In addition to the higher pantheon of gods, the Slavs also had smaller deities - brownies, mermaids, etc. Minor deities and demons did not have a serious impact on human life, but actively participated in it. The Slavs believed in the existence of a human soul, in the heavenly and underworld kingdoms, in life after death.

Slavic paganism has many rituals that are associated with the interaction of gods and people. They worshiped the gods, they asked for protection, patronage, they made sacrifices - most often it was cattle. There is no exact information about the presence of human sacrifices among the pagan Slavs.

List of Slavic gods

Common Slavic gods:

  • Mother - Cheese Earth - the main female image, the goddess of fertility, she was worshiped and asked for a good harvest, a good offspring;
  • Perun is the god of thunder, the main god of the pantheon.

Other gods of the Eastern Slavs (also called the pantheon of Vladimir):

  • Veles is the patron of storytellers and poetry;
  • Hair is the patron saint of cattle;
  • Dazhdbog - a solar deity, is considered the ancestor of all Russian people;
  • Mokosh is the patroness of spinning and weaving;
  • Rod and women in labor - deities personifying fate;
  • Svarog - the blacksmith god;
  • Svarozhich - the personification of fire;
  • Simargl - a messenger between heaven and earth;
  • Stribog - a deity associated with the winds;
  • Khors is the personification of the sun.

The Slavic pagans also had various images that personified certain natural phenomena, but were not deities. These include Maslenitsa, Kolyada, Kupala, etc. Effigies of these images were burned during holidays and rituals.

The persecution of the pagans and the end of paganism

The more Russia united, the more it increased its political power and expanded contacts with other, more developed states, the more pagans were persecuted by the adherents of Christianity. After the Baptism of Russia took place, Christianity became not just a new religion, but a new way of thinking, began to play a huge political and social role. Pagans who did not want to accept a new religion (and there were a lot of them) entered into open confrontation with Christians, but the latter did everything to reason with the "barbarians". Paganism persisted until the 12th century, but then it gradually began to fade away.

This article aims to tell modern man the true truth, without any distortions and false interpretations, about the Ancient Faith of the Slavic and Aryan peoples - Ynglism.
For our contemporaries in the Russian State and beyond its borders, the very name of the Ancient Faith of the Slavic and Aryan peoples - Ynglism is forgotten and seems to be something alien, alien. In the modern world, there is an "indisputable, scientifically proven opinion" about the so-called traditional Russian religions, which have made their "immeasurable contribution" to the creation of the entire Russian history and the Russian state. These religions today include Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism.
But if we carefully consider this “indisputable, scientifically proven opinion” about traditional Russian religions, then we can’t talk about traditionalism. Christianity only 2000 years ago was brought to the Russian land from the Byzantine Empire; a little later Islam - from Arabia Saud; Judaism - from Israel; Buddhism is from China. And what did the Russian people have initially, in “What” or in “Who” did they believe before the appearance of “traditional Russian religions”?

The official historical science answers this question unequivocally - the Russian people were pagans and professed paganism, a barbaric cult of ignorant, semi-savage people.
But let's look at the word "Gentile" from the other side. In Old Church Slavonic - pagans are
1) strangers, foreigners, foreigners, representatives of a foreign people, with beliefs, traditions and culture alien to the Slavs (Staroslavyansky Dictionary. Moscow, 1894) or
2) “tribes hostile to the Slavs, who spoke other languages ​​and believed in other gods” (Russian Vedas. Supplement. Moscow, 1992). That is, from the point of view of the Slavs, the pagans were Christians, Buddhists, Jews and other followers of foreign religious teachings that flooded the Russian State.
If you ask representatives of official historical science about what beliefs other peoples of the Earth had before the emergence of traditional world religions, the answer will be the same - paganism. Involuntarily, one gets the impression that all the peoples on Earth, without exception, before the emergence of traditional world religions professed only one religion - paganism. People worshiped the same Gods, the same forces of Nature, and as a result, all of them were ignorant barbarians and had no history. Or did each nation on Earth create its own history, culture, tradition, and have their own folk Faith, which had its original basis and its own unique name?
The history of the peoples of the Earth throughout their existence has been inextricably linked with the various beliefs of these peoples, with their ancient tradition and original culture. Therefore, one should never consider the history of any people separately from their faith, tradition and culture, or from the point of view of the beliefs, traditions and culture of another people, as is done in modern times, in order to humiliate another people by labeling “pagan”.
According to the modern view of the history of mankind, and it covers about 5-6 thousand years, from ancient Egypt to the present day, almost all peoples of the world, except for the people of Israel, history begins with some sacred legend, a unique epic or myth, headed by whom great hero, the ancestor who gave the people his name.
Our Russian history, unfortunately, is beginning to be considered from the time when the Great Russian State already represented a huge social system with a strong people. Moreover, the Great Russian State, rich in trade, crafts and industry, is for some reason divided into two large independent states: Kievan Rus and Novgorod Rus, as well as several Lesser Russian Principalities. Although in size, any small Principality was several times larger than any Western European state. Now, few people know, even among scientists, how the Great Russian Principalities were originally called, and that they were part of a single Slavic-Aryan Power, covering the vast expanses of Europe and Asia, called Rasseniya.
At the same time, it is hushed up that the division of the Great Russian State into independent, and sometimes opposing Principalities, began as a result of intervention in the 8th - 10th centuries. in the internal affairs of Russia of foreign states, from the Volga Bulgaria and the Khazar Kaganate to the Byzantine and Roman Empires. The supreme authorities of these states used various methods of inciting discord and enmity between the Great Russian princes: from flattery, deceit, forgery, slander, bribery to armed raids on Slavic cities and villages; and when these methods failed, due to a worthy rebuff from the Slavic armies, then the Great Russian princes and their squads under the guise of "civilized enlightenment" began to impose new religions alien to the Slavs and Aryans: Judaism and Christianity of the Byzantine persuasion, Arianism and Roman Catholicism, Assyrian Zoroastrianism, Arabic Islam and Chayne Buddhism.
Slavs and Aryans have always been religiously tolerant people, because they knew that God the Creator is one for all living things. They possessed information about Christ and Jehovah, about Mitra and Osiris, about Allah and Shiva, about Gautam Buddha and about the creator of a new ritual of worshiping Fire - Zoroaster, and calmly treated these and other religious trends. In those ancient times, in cities on the Great Russian lands, temples of various religions stood for centuries, in which foreign merchants who came to the markets celebrated their religious and religious rites. It was these temples that later became centers for the destruction of the Slavic and Aryan Ancient Faith, History, Culture and Tradition.
It is necessary to immediately clarify that the persecution of those who profess the Ancient Faith and its Priests-Priests was arranged not by the true followers of one or another religious Teaching, who realized the deep, hidden meaning of God's Word in a new form, but by the newly appeared adepts who used the new religious Teaching in their personal and selfish purposes. As a rule, the newly-minted adherents, in order to achieve their goals, including for the usurpation of power, used the fanaticism and complete ignorance of the newly converted followers who do not know the Spiritual essence of the Teaching, setting them against the followers of the ancient Beliefs with a call to destroy the latter, because they are supposedly enemies of the "True Faith".
We will not talk much about those who made it their duty to humiliate and denigrate everything that relates to the history of the Slavs and Aryans. Such "specialists" are still falsifying history. They attempted in the past and are now trying to take away from the Slavs and Aryans not only their History, Glory, Greatness, Power, wealth, industry, trade, as well as all the good qualities of the Soul and heart, but even seek to eradicate their Ancient Faith, Tradition and original Culture .
One of the paths such "specialists" have chosen is to impose plausible lies. For example, the myth that supposedly the Ancient Faith of the Slavic and Aryan peoples disappeared more than a thousand years ago, during the Christianization of Russia, and in the modern world there are no traces of the Ancient Faith and there are no followers of it.
This is a lie that has been foisted on people for a long time. As if there was no period of Dual Faith in Russia, destroyed by Patriarch Nikon and Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov in the 17th century, when representatives of the pre-Christian Ancient Faith coexisted peacefully on Russian lands - Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings and orthodox, in other words, righteous Christians. But the period of dual faith is well described in the works of Academician Rybakov.
Patriarch Nikon in the 17th century headed the Christian church in Muscovy. He carried out a church reform, which led to a split among Christians. Christians who did not accept Nikon's reforms began to be called the Old Believers or schismatics by the official church. Patriarch Nikon, with his reform, not only replaced the two-fingered with three-fingered and directed the procession around the temples towards the Sun, he did everything to erase the memory of the pre-Christian Orthodox Ancient Faith among the people inhabiting Muscovy. By burning Old Believers and Old Believers in sketes, Nikon tried to achieve what he wanted.
The Greatness, Wisdom and Glory of pre-Christian Orthodoxy were the main obstacle to the spread of Christian teaching among the common people, whose culture and traditions the Christian missionaries did not understand and, therefore, considered wild. In order to excommunicate people from everything native, to replace words and origins, by order of Nikon in the liturgical Christian books, the phrase "orthodox Christian faith" was replaced by the phrase " Orthodox faith Christian”, which led to the attribution to Christianity of the Spiritual achievements of pre-Christian Orthodoxy.
Another lie periodically appearing in books, newspapers and on television is that supposedly "pagans" were and are engaged in bloody sacrifices. From the standpoint of the Ancient Faith of the Slavs and Aryans, this is an absolutely untrue and completely unproven statement, but which, nevertheless, resonates in the souls of ignorant people. Lies are spread specifically to denigrate our Ancient Faith. A bloody ritual with the sacrificial killing of animals and people, including children, exists in Judaism. There is written evidence for this. For people with black skin, the bloody rite of sacrifice has existed since ancient times, although the Aryans at one time, long before the birth of Christ, made two trips to India to punish the local Negroid tribes of the Dravidians and Nagas for the bloody rite. But what does the pagan, in the Slavic sense of the word, rituals of Judaism and Negroid peoples have to do with the Ancient Faith of the White people - Slavs and Aryans? To any sane person, the answer is clear: they have nothing to do with it.
It must be immediately stated that Ynglism - the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors - in its original basis does not carry anything anti-Christian, anti-Semitic and anti-Islamic, as the "experts" of the pre-Christian Faith and Culture of the Slavs and Aryans like to assert. For Ynglism existed long before the advent of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and other religious teachings on earth. The original origins of Ynglism must be sought in the depths of Antiquity, in the fertile and legendary country of Daaria, which was located on the sunken Northern continent.
Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings have always been, are and will be religiously tolerant people who respect the right of any person to profess any religion or faith and worship the God that is dear to them and closer in Soul. But the religious tolerance of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings does not mean that they will allow everyone who is not lazy to throw mud at their Ancient Faith, distort it in every possible way or make an object for ridicule out of the Ancient Faith of our First Ancestors.
The name of the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors - Ynglism, came from the Da'Aryan symbolic word - the image of "Inglia". The meaning put by our Wise Ancestors into the original Image of Inglia always meant the Divine Primary Fire of Creation, in which various forms of Life appeared in Infinite Infinities, generated in the New Reality, i.e. numerous universes. The Primordial Life-Giving Light of Inglia, departed from the One Supreme Creator-Creator, whom we Old Believers call the Great Ra-M-Ha, formed Life on our blessed Earth as well. But it does not follow from this statement that Ynglism is, as it is now customary to say, a monotheistic system.
Ynglism is also not a polytheistic system, although each Slavic or Aryan clan of the Great Race honors its own Circle of Gods. Circle of Gods - i.e. Circle of 16 ancient Gods of the Great Race. In each ancient Family of the Old Believers-Ynglings, the Single Creator-Creator Ra-M-Ha, 12 Light Ancestral Gods, and also the Great Triglav were originally revered. To honor the Circle of Native Gods, Kummirnya was placed next to the dwelling of the Old Believers, which included a fiery altar - Dunya - and 16 Kummirs most revered in each particular Clan of the Ancient Gods placed around it. The altar was intended for bloodless sacrifices and needs (the fruits of the labor of the Slavs, honey, gifts from the forests, etc.). Ynglism can be designated as Rodoteism, because the Slavs and Aryans are born from the Family, live to continue the Family, serve the Family and leave the Explicit World for the Family.
In modern times, it is necessary for every representative of the Slavic or Aryan Family to know that the Spiritual System, called Ynglism, is the Ancient Religion of our Ancestors, and not a religion or a Neo-Pagan teaching, as some of our “learned men” are trying to interpret today. The word "religion" means the artificial restoration of the destroyed or interrupted Great Spiritual connection between people and the Gods on the basis of some religious teaching. The modern term "Neopaganism" was coined specifically to lead people away from searching for their foundations of the Ancient Faith, Ancient History, Tradition and Culture.
US, Orthodox Old Believers- Ynglings, there is no need to restore the Great Spiritual connection between us and our Gods, because this Spiritual connection has never been destroyed or interrupted, for our Gods are our Ancestors, and we are their children. Moreover, Conscience, as a property of character, is genetically inherent only to the Slavic-Aryan peoples. The concept of "Conscience" has an easily revealed meaning: the Joint Message of the Gods and Man in his Soul.
The Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings is the United Ancient Community of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan, which unites all the White people of our planet on the basis of the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors. Moreover, all people with White skin color, living on planets in different star systems, are the One Universal Family, the descendants of the Heavenly Family and the Ancient Race, from which the White humanity of the planet Earth originates.
It is necessary to immediately reassure those political, public and "religious" figures who shout at every corner about the threat of racism and racial discrimination allegedly taking place in Ynglism. Ynglism teaches that every Nation (Clan, Tribe), regardless of skin color, must preserve its own Ancient Primordial (Clan) Faith, original Culture, unique Tradition and live where the Ancestors' graves are located. Only under these conditions will the People be preserved in Eternity, and will not be dissolved in the mass of faceless citizens of one or another democratic state.
In our Everyday life we call ourselves Old Believers-Ynglings or Orthodox Slavs, for:
We are Old Believers, as we profess the Ancient Faith of the Great Race, sent down by the Heavenly Family.
We are Ynglings (Old Slovenian - Inglyane), as we keep Ynglia - the Sacred Divine Fire of our First Ancestors, and we kindle It before the Images and Kummirs of the Light Gods and our Many Wise Ancestors.
We are Orthodox, for we glorify RIGHT and GLORY. We truly know that RIGHT is the World of our Light Gods, and GLORY is the Light World where our Great and Wise Ancestors live.
We are Slavs, for we glorify from our pure hearts all the Light Ancient Gods and our Many Wise Ancestors.


Writing of the Slavs.

The generally accepted date for the beginning of writing among the Slavs in the form of the so-called “Cyrillic alphabet” is 863 AD. It is believed that two Greek monks Cyril and Methodius gave the Slavs the alphabet, taught to read and write "illiterate" Slavs before that. But who said (and proved!) That the Slavs before the arrival of Cyril and Methodius, until 863, were illiterate?
There is no such evidence in nature. Moreover, Cyril himself in the XIII chapter of the Pannonian Life wrote that he acquired the Gospel and the Psalter in Chersonese, written in Russian letters.
Ancient written monuments, mentions in the annals, materials of archaeological excavations, inscriptions on the monuments allow, contrary to the popular opinion about the illiteracy of the Slavs before the arrival of Cyril and Methodius, to prove how, for example, V.A. Istrin in the book "1100 years of the Slavic alphabet", the presence of pre-Cyrillic letters among the Slavs. But as before, the majority of authors of books about the Slavs, especially in scientific circles, do not even think about the "priority" of the Slavs in all areas of world culture, about the presence of Slavic writing from ancient times.
Let us give some evidence of the literacy of the Slavs before the arrival of Cyril and Methodius from them. Here is a historical fact. Peter I introduces by decree from January 1, 1700 a new chronology - from the Nativity of Christ - in digital designation. At the same time, he canceled the Slavic Calendar that existed in Russia since ancient times, according to which at the time of the decree there was Lto 7208 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple. Moreover, the Russian people wrote the number of years not in numbers, but in letters, which proves the existence of writing among the Slavs for at least 7208 years. Another historical evidence is given by Catherine II in her book “Notes on Russian History”, which wrote that “the Slavs had many letters before the birth of Christ.”
Through the efforts of many scientists, including F. Volansky, E.I. Klassen, P.P. Oreshkina, S.G. Grinevich, with the help of the Russian language, the language of the Aryans was studied, ancient Egyptian "hieroglyphs" were read on papyri, clay and stone, Etruscan letters and inscriptions on the Phaistos disc were deciphered, proto-Indian inscriptions on clay seals from Horappa and Mohenjo-Daro were deciphered. As P.P. Oreshkin in his book "The Babylonian Phenomenon": "The signs are different - the language is one."
To determine what kind of "letters" the Slavs had, we will once again give a definition of the word "Slavs". The Slavs are a spiritual and cultural community of white peoples who profess the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors, glorify their Gods and Ancestors. From the moment the Earth was settled, the people of the white Race recorded, stored and passed down from generation to generation the Wisdom of the First Ancestors, the Vedic Knowledge. The source of this knowledge in modern times are 4 books "Slavic-Aryan Vedas", published by the Old Russian Ynglistic Church of Orthodox Old Believers - Ynglings.
Vedic knowledge is recorded by the Slavs in various scripts, because a single Slavic language as such does not exist. But there is a common charter among the Slavic and Aryan Clans, consisting of four types of writing:
1) da’Aryan Trags are Figurative Symbols that combine signs of a hieroglyphic type that convey multidimensional quantities and diverse Runes. Part of the crypto-hieroglyphic Symbols formed the basis of the cryptograms of the Cretan-Mycenaean culture, hieroglyphic writing ancient egypt and Mesopotamia, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and other types of hieroglyphic writing.
2) h'Aryan Karuna (Union of 256 Runes), colloquially called priestly writing. Karuna formed the basis of ancient Sanskrit (samskryt), ordinary Sanskrit, Devanagaria, which were used by the priests of India and Tibet. Interesting note. "Sanskrit" is read correctly as "samskryt", which means "self-hidden".
IN simplified version, i.e. with a smaller number of Runes, Karuna was used by the Western Slavs who inhabited Scandinavia, Iceland (48 Runes), the territory of present-day Germany (19), France, Scotland (33), Denmark, Ireland (38) and others in antiquity.
In ancient times, the Kh'Aryan Runes were used more often among the peoples of the Great Race because of the simplicity of their inscription, and the da'Aryan Trags were very difficult to write, and therefore they were mainly used only by the da'Aryan Priests-Keepers of Ancient Wisdom.
3) Rasenskie Molvitsy (Image-mirror writing). This writing is called the Etruscan script, since they were written by Rasen or Etruscan, i.e. Slavs who inhabited Italy in ancient times and founded Rome.
Etruscan writing formed the basis of the ancient Phoenician alphabet. Subsequently, the ancient Greeks took the Phoenician script as a basis, simplified it and made the ancient Greek script, on the basis of which "Latin" later appeared.
4) Holy Russian Images are the most common letter among all Slavic Clans in antiquity. It is also called the Old Slovenian script. Short name - Letter. The letter is used for inter-clan and interstate treaties. Various variants of the abbreviated Initial Letter are known: the Byzantine unival, the Church Slavonic alphabet or the Cyrillic alphabet. This can also include Velesovitsa or the font of the Veles book and the Holy Russian Magi, i.e. texts written on boards made of oak, birch, cedar or ash.
Each Slavic script has differences in writing the same signs, depending on the material on which they were written. The most convenient for manufacturing and storage are Haratyas (texts written on parchment by Tragami or other signs). For example, the narrative "Avesta" or "The First Message" was written on 12,000 bull skins.
Another common form of knowledge preservation is Santi (texts written on plates of gold, platinum and other metals). Runes are squeezed out on the plates and filled with paint. The sheets are framed in an oak frame, which is sheathed with red cloth.
There are texts on parchment, written in the semi-runic Slovenian charter, the so-called Glagolic Harati or Slovenian Harati.
Among the Russians, another pre-Cyrillic spelling of the Glagolitic or trade letter was common, which was used to maintain registers, calculations, formalize transactions and trade agreements. Subsequently, the Glagolitic alphabet began to be used along with other languages ​​for recording epics, fairy tales, historical facts, keeping sacred books.
The simplest is the Slovene folk script, which was used to convey short messages. Later it became known as "birch-bark letter" or "Features and Cuts". This is a permanent letter. Any Rusich owned this letter and could write a message to his relative on a piece of birch bark.
The Old Slovenian language formed the basis of many European languages, for example, English, the letters of the words of which are written in “Latin”, and the words are Slavic in content and sound.
Then what did Cyril and Methodius really create? In fact, these monks have nothing to do with the writing of the Slavs in our understanding of the word. They created Church Slavonic writing for Christian Church in the Slavic lands, taking as a basis the Old Slovenian “Letter”, consisting of 49 letters, 5 (or 6?) letters were removed, and 4 (?) letters were given Greek names (what?). With the help of the Cyrillic alphabet, Christian liturgical books were translated from Greek.
The main difference between the initial letter and any Slavic letter from all other alphabets is that each letter has not only a form and sound, but also a figurative meaning. Words made up of a drop cap are not a set of letters, roots, prefixes, endings, etc., but a certain complex image.
In turn, the prototype of each letter of the “letter cap” is certain Runic signs. For example, the prototype of the letter called "az" are two Runes - "God" and "Earth". Hence the figurative meaning of the first letter of the “Glagolitic” is obtained - “az” is “God living on earth”. This is the name of our First Ancestors, the first white people on Earth.
In addition to the alphabetic signs, “letters” and “Cyrillic” have images in a numerical value. The Slavs wrote numbers of any order only in letters.
Subsequently, "Cyrillic" was called " Old Russian language", which also underwent significant changes during historical development Russia. The modern Russian language is not figurative, and its letters do not carry any information for the Spiritual development of a person.
It should be noted that the Images of numerals and initial letters are connected to each other and the Universe by energy-informational links. The flow of energy emanating from us, positive or negative, depends on how we speak, read, write. Each spoken word carries a certain Image, which is projected onto the subtle plane. This information is waiting to be used (spoken, written, thought) and converted into energy. Bad thoughts, words, Images excite destructive elements, and good thoughts, words and Images harmonize Nature and calm the elements. From here the meaning of sayings is clear: the word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you will not catch it; What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.
Russia and the Russian people are the direct heirs and successors of the traditions of the Ancient Slavic Culture. Therefore, it is necessary to significantly postpone the date of the celebration of the Day Slavic writing and culture a hundred thousand years ago.

Conscience of the Soul of the Clans of the Great Race

God Svarog established the Universal Laws of the ascent of the Soul along the Golden Path of Spiritual and Soul Perfection. Free passage of the Soul, along the Golden Path Spiritual Development, the Wise Knowledge of these Worlds helps.

In our Universe, the Golden Path of Spiritual Ascension, leading up, is called Svaga, along which the Light Harmonious Worlds are located. They follow one after another: the World of People, the World of Legs, the World of Arlegs, the World of Arans, the World of Radiances, the World of Nirvana, the World of Beginnings, the World of Spiritual Power, the World of Cognition, the World of Harmony, the World of Spiritual Light, the Worlds of Spiritual Assets, the World of Law, the Worlds of Creation , World of Truth, Worlds of Patrons. At the end of Svaga, the Frontier passes, beyond which begins Greatest World Rule.

The Human World is Four-Dimensional — Body, Soul, Spirit, Conscience. The beings of the Worlds located along the Golden Path have the following number of dimensions: the World of Humans - 4, the World of Legov-16, the World of Arlegs-256, the World of Arans-65536, the World of Radiance-65536 squared, ... the World of Patrons-65536 at four thousand ninety-six degree. There are intermediate Worlds: five, seven, nine, twelve and smaller in number of dimensions.

The transition of the Soul from one World to another World is possible, but it is necessary to cross the threshold, which is associated with the loss of the body, this dimension. Such a transition of the Soul in the World of Reveal is called by people Death. Death is the loss by the Soul of the body in which the Soul lives. In another World, the Soul inhabits the body of a rational being of the World into which it is directed.

The body is controlled by the Soul, the Soul is controlled by the Spirit, and the Spirit is controlled by the Conscience. Conscience is the joint Message of the Human Soul and the Light Gods. Mother of God Jiva grants to each Pure Soul Ancient Wisdom - Spirit, i.e. part of Heavenly Truth. The soul must cognize this Wisdom in the Explicit World in accordance with the passage of the Time of Life. There is a Higher Mental and Spiritual meaning in this. Wisdom in the Soul, through energy channels, interacts with the Heavenly Truth. Their constant, harmonious relationship is called Conscience. If the Spiritual personality performs actions in accordance with the Spirit bestowed in the Soul, then the Conscience of a person is calm, the Soul and the Body develop harmoniously. Peace in the Soul fills time with the meaning of Life. It is called by us, to Live according to Conscience! If People of the Clans of the Great Race neglect their Conscience and commit voluntary and involuntary sins, then anxiety, ailments and illnesses overtake them. People of the Clans of the Great Race cannot lose the Highest Truth and Wisdom of the Light Gods and our Ancestors, for it is impossible to lose what is connected with our Souls and Hearts.


A man walks along the path of his life
And they don't know what they were born for?

Why did the Gods send them to the World of Reveal,
What is the goal in life and what is after it?

Where will this path lead them?
Whether to the White Light, or to the Darkness?

Such thoughts do not leave a person,
From birth in the World of Reveal to death.

And these reflections are not wonderful at all,
For the times now are the Night of Svarogia.

This Night of Svarog is not in the yard,
And lies in the hearts of men.

And if someone forgets his ancient family,
Then the darkness of the night will fall on his heart.

And no one after all, acre human beings themselves,
Unable to disperse the darkness of the night.

And until people know the Light,
And they will not follow him along the White Path,

Until that very time, this night darkness
Will live in human hearts.

For the most vicious enemies of men,
They huddle in their hearts, and in their souls.

And only man by his deeds,
Which are aimed at the splendor of the Childbirth,

They will be able to pluck out of themselves, all that Evil,
What settled in their Souls and Hearts.

Laziness and Gluttony and Desire of someone else's
The entire human mind is clouded.

And man no longer sees the White Way,
And they roam the world unrepentant.

And all their searches are in vain, for behold,
The cold of Darkness bound their Hearts and Souls.

Great Sweep and Longing for Death,
They begin to gnaw at the inside of people.

Only a return to their ancient roots,
Helps to return to the White Way.

This path, man, begins in Svarga,
And only then do they enter the Explicit World.

Mother of God Jiva gives birth to their Souls,
Giving great Wisdom for life.

Souls swiftly fly to the Halls
And on the Earth blooming then fall.

Souls for life choose births for themselves,
To be born in the Clans of those Great.

And be under the supervision of the Great Gods,
Whose patronage guards Rod.

The Great Makosh of Fate will harmonize them,
With Worlds, Gods and Strong Conscience.

Their birth in Reveal leads to creation,
And it gives striving to Spiritual life.

Knowledge of all Svarga and the Earthly World,
For a human, it will begin with the Wisdom of the Family.

This wisdom is not applicable, eternal,
She is in the beginning with the roots of the Family.

But he directs everyone to the coming time,
Along the Bela Way that penetrates into the Rule.

At different peoples Your Path-Destination
And in different worlds waiting for their return.

For the Great Race the White Path is prepared
And only she only ascends on it.

Glorious are the Worlds that are filled with Light
To the Worlds where their descendants are met by their Gods.

The connection is inseparable between the Worlds in the Rule,
And the primordial Light was given to them from the very beginning.

Souls aspire there from birth in Reveal,
But not every Soul reaches those Worlds.

For the Dark Forces, from the Eternal Worlds,
All Souls strive to lure into their Inferno.

Falsehood and Flattery, Gluttony and Lust
They try to fill their souls every day.

So that they stray and rush about in the darkness,
And they did not know their cherished White Way.

And this path is not easy, it is glorious with diligence,
Creative Labor and Ancient Faith.

Every one who is born begins to create
Own World according to Svarog Laws.

As a child, a hut made of tree branches,
Or the sandy Kremlin on the river bank.

And then, according to the Parental will,
For the benefit of the Childbirth, he begins to create.

Only in labor, creating only goodness,
In Reveal, the born White Way acquires.

Walking along the White Path, he listens to Conscience,
And the ancient Gods instruct him in every possible way.

From the elders of the Clans, he learns all the Wisdom,
What the Mother of God Jiva put into the Soul.

Only knowing Wisdom and strengthening the body
He begins to create a family union.

Love, Joy, Happiness and Ancient Faith,
They give offspring in a sacred union.

Filling children with the Light of the Wisdom of the Kind
They are taught to see clearly.

With which this beautiful world is covered
And they will know the secret Meaning of the Universe.

This reveals in the born the Light of Power,
What illuminates the White Path of Ascension.

From Reveal, born, falls into the Glory World,
Where the Ancestors of the Clans will joyfully meet him.

And there he will continue to create creation
Which he began to make in the Explicit World...

But all the Dark Worlds are not pleased with the foundations,
By which all those born in the Light live.

They do not like the White Way of Ascension,
And black Envy overshadows their entire vision.

It is hard and cramped for them in that Pekelny World,
Where Greed and Malice are legalized everywhere.

There is no Love, Prosperity, Happiness,
Only Selfishness, but desire for Profit.

Desire of the Alien, Deception and Debauchery,
The only meaning of Pekelnoy life.

They do not know in that world, a harmless life,
That only one Creation grants a way out.

And leave their Inferno, the Dark Forces,
They direct their gaze to the Light Worlds.

Where the bowels of the earth are filled with riches,
And the inhabitants there, Lies, Deception have not experienced.

And they rush across the boundless expanses,
And blooming secretly arrive on Earth.

Using Lies and words very flattering,
The Velmies infiltrate Trust in the Citizens.

As soon as the residents gain Trust,
They begin to comprehend their ancient heritage.

Having learned everything that is possible in the ancient heritage,
They begin to interpret it in their favor.

They declare themselves to be Messengers of God,
But the World is brought only by Strife and War.

Using cunning and vicious deeds,
They turn the young away from Wisdom.

They teach them to live in idle idleness,
To non-compliance with the traditions of the fathers.

And those who listen to the messengers from Hell,
They lose their Way and their immortal Soul.

They roam without way in their world,
But then they plunge the Soul into Hell...

Only those who did not heed the hypocrites from Hell,
They will see the White Way that goes to Svarga.

Those who go into the Darkness remain in the Darkness,
Aspiring to the Light, Svarga is known.

Every living person chooses his own path,
By his deeds he opens the Gates.

One, the gates to Svarga will be opened by God Veles,
To others, Viy to Pekla will show the way ...

Only by living God's habit,
All the Light Gods help in every possible way ...

And the human is moving measuredly to Svarga,
White Way, according to the Laws of Svarozh.

Conscience helps them to follow this Path,
She directs to the accomplishment of deeds.

To the Glory of the Family, to the Greatness of the Fatherland,
And turns away from all deeds that are not decent.

All the ancestors of the Clans help those who are walking,
So that their family thread is not interrupted ...

Paths beyond the death line are not trodden,
For those who were born under the light of Yarila.

And therefore the White Way indicates to the living,
Where they will find all the most ancient Powers...

Word of Wisdom Prophetic Oleg

What is not born, does not die.
The wounds of heroes heal faster than the wounds of the vanquished.
Magi - healers, conjure, witches, conjure, play tricks, enchant, portend.
Meat interferes with the magic, it makes them go berserk.
The Magus knows how to hide pain and disappointment.
Any magician masters destruction before creation.
See the connection of words, you will be able to extract magic only by translating one into another.
Our everyday life can be hell for the beings of some worlds, and heaven for the beings of other worlds.
If something has arisen here, then somewhere it has disappeared.
The sword does not cut the guilty head, but they cut another place.
In this world it is difficult to find a friend, even more difficult to lose an enemy.
Friends are often fake, but enemies are always real.
If a warrior needs to defeat only enemies, then the sorcerer needs to defeat two at once: himself and the enemy.
It is unworthy for a sorcerer to fight like a wild beast, he must use the knowledge of sorcery.
Anyone who is safe is protected by God, but strangers do not touch.
The stars show the way to the weak, and the strong themselves move them.
A real person must change, only fools do not change.
Initiates clearly hear the voices of the Gods.
In every person there is a drop of blood of the Most High God of the Kind.
You people are the younger Gods who live for a moment.
A slave wants to eat to satiety and drag a woman into bed, he can only free himself if he starts dreaming about something other than slavish joys.
Everything is poison and everything is medicine. The dose makes it one way or the other.
The most powerful Gods are people who have gained power.
Magi prefer spring water instead of wine.
The hardest thing is to conquer yourself.
In order for the spell to work, you must very accurately and vividly imagine in your imagination what you want.
For a spell, you need a clear mind, a cold head, concentration. If even a little anger is mixed in, any spell is down the drain.

Word of Wisdom Magus Velimudra

And it was told to you, children, that this Word would be, the Word of great wisdom, the Ancient Word. This Word is not something that rested in the mist, but something that Mother Life herself composed and bestowed on the Volkhva the name of Velimudr. This Word of Wisdom, in other words, the Message, it is for good people to carry it all their lives. Heed the call, children, to know the news, not like traversing the gati through the marshes. It is necessary to perceive this message with your mind and accept it with your heart, and most of all, delve into every image of the Word of the Wise.

“For those children of God who choose the Right Path leading to the summit of the Spirit, it becomes more difficult to walk with every step, because the road they are walking along, constantly narrowing, turns into a path that rises steeper and steeper and disappears into the transcendental distance. But those who follow this Path to the end, despite the hardships and hardships, will gain such Spiritual benefits, Wisdom and Spiritual Power, which they did not even think about. Those who decide to go down the outgoing road will never get enough strength to return to their origins and rise to the very heights, for those who go down lose their Mind and Strength, and Hell will open its wide doors before them, and for those who are persistent going to the top of the Spirit, Veles-God opens the Gates from Heaven and all the multicolor of Svarga the Most Pure, who is steadfast in the Spirit, acquires himself.

“Whoever is likened to a person who lives only by his desires and all sorts of vicious deeds, he destroys his pure Soul and does not fulfill his duty to the Family. And after this, it is not surprising that the immeasurable Hell becomes a refuge for such people at the end of the Life Path.

“Someone is trying to know the small, and someone is great from the Ancient Wisdom, thinking at the same time that it is easy to do, but hundreds of human lives may not be enough to know the small or great from the Ancient Wisdom.”

“Knowing the World of Reveal around us, sooner or later we come to a clear understanding that we know ourselves, because our existence in the World of Reveal is an integral part of ourselves.”

“If someone has a burden on their Soul, it is easiest to share it with their neighbor or relative, and when your neighbor needs your help, help him too.”

“If your neighbor is in trouble, never refuse to help him, for trouble never walks alone, and can visit you too.”

“If someone caresses and feeds an orphan child, giving him shelter, warmth and comfort, from the Soul, and not for self-interest, then he will do a good deed and there will be more benefit from him than from a hundred speaking Wise Men.”

“Those of the children of men who aspire to another World without knowing the Joy of creation in their World of Reveal, who have not developed their Soul and Spirit, who have not known the Wisdom of their Gods and Ancestors, will face disappointment and great darkness, for they are not able to see the beauty and the greatness of the new World, since their Soul and Spirit are asleep.”

“Only those who do not think about doing any good deeds do not make mistakes, and do not put their hands to creation for the good of their kind.”

“The greatness of each Clan-Tribe is due to its creative work for the benefit of the Clan and friendly unity with other Clans and Tribes, and if all Clans live in unity, goodness and mutual respect, creating for the good of their descendants, to the glory of their Gods and Ancestors, then no dark force or the enemy army will not be able to overcome this Great people.

“He who comprehends a little, he will find a little, and he who knows a lot does not gain anything, but his Spirit becomes stronger.”

“Relationships in the Communities should be based on Diligence, Kindness, Love and Mutual Aid, and not on coercion and fear. Forced labor cannot bear good fruits, for the one who creates, under compulsion or out of fear, withdraws into himself and cannot put his Soul into the fruits of his labor. Creative labor for the benefit of your Clans and your Communities must be only voluntary and at the call of your hearts, otherwise the fruits of such labor will be fruitless and ugly.”

“Those of human children who are able to hear all the variety of sounds of the surrounding World of Mother Nature will be able to hear how his heart beats in unison with the Universe, and who only listens only to himself and his reasoning, will never hear the magnificent Heavenly music.”

“Whoever points to the place where orphans vegetate to the Yoga Mothers has accomplished a small deed. And whoever raises an orphan child to his feet, under the shadow of his Great Family, he has accomplished a greater deed.

“The longer a person’s hair, the more God’s Power he receives, for this Power nourishes the body, Spirit and Soul of a person, and directs him to creation and righteous deeds, in which the measure of everything is Conscience.”

“The best and most effective, pleasant and refreshing remedy for heavy fatigue, after the labors and deeds of the righteous, is a restful sleep.” But a person closed himself in for so long that now he sees the World of Reveal only through narrow cracks in the cave of his own ideas.

“From a pure heart and with pure thoughts, bring bloodless sacrifices and requirements to your Gods and Ancestors in the World of Reveal, for what is sacrificed to them will appear before them in the World of Light Navi and in the World of Rule.”

“Protection of all their Clans, the Holy Land of their Fathers, the Ancient Faith of their First Ancestors, is the first duty of every man from the Great Race or a descendant of the Heavenly Clan, but at all times while the Yarilo-Sun shines.”

“With willingness, follow the instructions of your Parents and the Elders of your Family, for not a single Parent or Elder wishes harm to his child or grandson.”

“In all his deeds, great and small, and in all relations between his Relatives or Community members of other Clans - our Mind's Conscience and Truth, should be the measure of everything. In relation to all pagans, one must fulfill the Commandment to Perunov: "What deeds people do to you, the same you do to them, for each deed is measured by its own measure."

“The most unforgivable acts for a person are betrayal, envy, slander, gluttony, the desire for the good of an alien Kin and covetousness.”

“The most important thing in a person’s life is Life itself; only Duty to the Family can be above Human Life.”

“The unexpected in a person's life happens more often than the expected. This is due to the fact that a person tends to perceive the Explicit World in accordance with his conclusions at the level of limited knowledge. In connection with these conclusions, a person in Life very often gives out wishful thinking, ignoring the Laws of Existence of the Explicit World.”

“Protect and take care of your Parents and the Elders of your Clans, all the days and their advanced years, for your children, looking at you, when the time comes, they will also treat you.”

“All phenomena of various Natural Forces, manifested around us, do not exist on their own, but are accomplished in strict accordance with the Ancient Laws of the Universe, which are observed by all creatures living in the Nature of Midgard, and therefore must be observed by people.”

“If no one applies his strength to accomplish righteous deeds, how will you see what good will happen in the future to you and your loved ones. Therefore, you create what you are able to create, and what will happen will happen, because nothing happens to those who do nothing, and therefore, it’s as if they don’t exist, as if they weren’t born in this world.

“The dark forces use two ways to lure people and prevent them from developing in the Explicit World of Midgard, creatively creating for the benefit of the Family, improving Spiritually and Mentally: the first is ignorance, and the second is ignorance. On the first path they do not allow people to know, and on the second they say that knowledge is unnecessary and harmful to people.”

“You won’t know life with someone else’s mind and you won’t become smarter, and if you don’t know with your mind the essence of your life and the World of Reveal, how can you worthily live it and fulfill your Duty to your Family and the Heavenly Family.”

“Nothing happens in our World without some initial reason. What cannot be in the World in general, that never happens in this World. If something happens in the World, then it is possible in this World. Nothing happens by chance, because every chance has its own pattern, cause and starting point of the event.

“Three Great Mysteries of Existence are hidden for the memory of man and they are kept behind nine seals: How man was born in this world; how his whole life flew by unnoticed; and when a person will go along the Honest Path of Glory, through the World of Light Navi, to the Heavenly Abode of Svarga, where he will again see his Ancestors.

“Know, children of the Great Race, that only that is the true descendant of the Gods, who is able to create and create for the benefit of his Ancient Family, to the Glory of the greatness of his Fatherland and his Ancient Primordial Faith.”

“If some young Parents begin to protect their child from creative deeds for the good of their Family, then they will ruin their Soul and his life. And the Soul of that child will be callous, and life will be joyless and worthless. And if the young Parents indulge in every possible way the various whims of their child, then they will destroy his bright Spirit, and the death of the Spirit of the child is not forgiven to anyone living.

“Knowing with all my heart the world, a person begins to understand that everything living in the world, stone and wood, has a Soul. Knowing the power of the Soul of stone and wood, a person finds the Ancient Source of the healing Forces of Mother Nature, with the help of which one can expel pain and illness from human bodies.

“Remember, children of the Great Race, that your strength lies in unity, between all Clans and Tribes, on the foundations of the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors.”

“In the Ancient Runes there is a hidden meaning, from ancient times a reminder to everyone: The lot of the blind is only a verb, the lot of the all-seeing is silence.”

“Which of the children of men thought about the Primordial, True Essence of all things and about the Primordial One, Who created this Nature and various Worlds, in those ancient times, when there was nothing, nothing, and especially nothing from what we intuitly call Nature, Time and Worlds, and when the darkness was covered with darkness.

“It is a person who, unlike other creatures living on Midgard-Earth, is able to rejoice with all his Soul for the success of his neighbor and grieve with all his heart when trouble comes to his neighbor.”

“Never grieve that in the past you did good deeds or helped your loved ones, for good deeds are created only at the call of your great heart and according to your Pure Conscience.”

“Keep the memory of all military people who laid down their lives, for their friends, for the land of their Fathers, for the Holy Faith of their Ancestors, for the prosperity and future of their Clans.”

“All that was created for the greatness and prosperity of your Clans and all the descendants of the Great Race cannot be blamed. For the Great Ancestors of your Clans have invested their pure Souls in the fruits of their creative labor.”

“The sacred duty of every husband, from all the Clans of the Great Race, is to protect his native patrimonies, old and small from his Clans, the Clans of his friends and relatives.”

“Do not let unrighteous anger into your gracious heart, for anger will destroy all goodness and spoil your pure heart.”

“No one can ever deny a person the right to know the Truth and the Great Ancient Wisdom, which was left by the Gods and Ancestors.”

“If the men of the Clans of the Great Race do not show due concern for the protection of the Borders of the land of their Fathers, then who can save the Ancient Clans from death and all kinds of humiliation.”

“Repay your enemies and enemies only for those unrighteous deeds that they have done in your land. And let your Conscience and your pure Soul be the measure of your retribution for all their unrighteous deeds.

“The Great Duty of every Parent, and every Elder of the Ancient Family, to bring up all their offspring according to the ancient Laws of the Family, by the Day of Age of Descendants.”

“Clan friendship and mutual assistance should grow stronger in all your lands. If you refuse to help all your near clans, then which clan will help you.

“Why does a person need to go against his Soul and his Conscience, because they are above everything in the world, and a person must always take care of them. Can someone from the outside fill the Soul of a person or his Conscience with Joy and Happiness?

“Conscience is the highest gift of God, you can’t run away from it, you can’t hide, you can’t deceive it and you won’t speak. For good deeds, she gives Joy, for bad deeds, she gives suffering.

“The soul of a person and his conscience can only be born on their native land, and they are only capable of living on it. If any person leaves his native land, leaves the burial mounds of his Ancestors, that person will lose his Soul.”

“Whoever reveres God Perun always saves his Ancient Clans from troubles and hardships. And whoever reveres Rod and Lada-Mother, he multiplies his Ancient Childbirth with healthy offspring.

“Whoever lives according to Conscience, that person is sinless. The soul of a person and the Conscience have existed since the Ancestral years, and by their will a person lives.

“Remember the children of the Great Race, and you, the descendants of the Heavenly Family, that Life must be lived in Joy, for it is only a single moment. A bright life in the World of Reveal is given to a person by his bright Soul and Conscience. All people revere the Soul and Conscience, and how can a righteous person, in the name of something or someone, destroy his Pure Soul and Conscience.

“When you protect your patrimonies from your fierce enemies and enemies, who come to your lands as thiefs, then reject pride and anger from yourself, and do not let revenge into your hearts, for any revenge, anger and pride cloud your eyes and harden your hearts.”

“Children from all Clans of the Great Race and wise descendants of the Heavenly Clan, you are always free in your Souls and in all creative deeds, and our Bright Gods established this. No one who came from outside taught the Ancient Families our Conscience and therefore cannot be free over it.

“Listen to the children of the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Clans of the Heavenly words to my words. If you live your life with great honor and according to your Conscience, then your pure and bright Souls with the smoke of the Sacred Bonfire-Kroda will ascend to the Most Pure Svarga. And if your whole life is lived dishonestly and not according to Conscience, then before your Family and Ancestors, you yourself will keep the answer.

“Strengthen the children of the Great Race, all your Ancient and Glorious Clans, and revere like in the Old, the Light Gods and your Ancestors. Protect your lands from enemies, which are watered with the Sweat and Blood of your wise Fathers and Grandfathers. Create the children of the Great Race for the glorious descendants of your Clans.”

“Each act you perform leaves its indelible mark on the eternal Path of your life, and therefore create people, only beautiful and good deeds, but for the Glory of the Gods and your Ancestors, for the edification of your descendants.”

“Live the children of the Clans of the Great Race, in the Great Relationship with your Gods, in friendship with your Clans and Clans, in Lada and Love for your Relatives, in Respect and Right Justice for all with your Border Enemies.”

“If you have disagreements with your neighbors or your relatives, then you should look for the reasons for the disagreements that have arisen only in yourself.”

“Blessed Words about the friendship of the Clans, which come from your pure heart, will strengthen the friendship between your Clans, better than any oaths on the Sword and in the name of your Tribal God.”

“Remember, children of the Great Race, never spur yourself on with fear. For it is like snake venom, in small quantities it is beneficial, but it quickly accumulates in the Soul and poisons the future life.”

“The desire for Pure Light will always live in the heart of man. But being on Midgard-Earth, a person will never reach the Sun, even if he has to climb the highest mountain on Earth, because the Yarilo-Sun will always be in a height inaccessible to man. And therefore, the seeker can find and acquire the Shining Pure Light, only in his Loving Heart, in the Clear Mind and in the Light Spirit.

“Remember the children of the Great Race, never spare your belly, in defense of your Ancient Family, in defense of the Ancient Faith of your Ancestors, in defense of the Holy Land of your Fathers.”

“Just as the light coming from the Yarila-Sun cannot be hidden in a dark vessel, it is also impossible to take away from the Race, the Land of Ancestors, Will, Conscience and Faith.”

“Remember the people of the Ancient Clans my words, that for each person, from the Great Race, the Higher Gods have established their Lesson. And what is destined for you from above, that is not possible in any way to utter or change at will. And therefore, fulfill your Earthly Lesson, established by the Heavenly Gods, and what is destined to come true will come true.

“Think, children of the Great Race, about who you are in your true essence, and why you live on Midgard-Earth. Look into the corners of your Soul, and look into the depths of your heart. And you will see the Ancient Wisdom of the Family, which was given by the Light Patron Gods, at earthly birth, in your Family.

“Remember, children of the Great Race, that no matter how much good you multiply, no matter what great wealth did not have, it will not exalt you over other Clans, and will not grant power to your Family. For even having multiplied goodness and great prosperity, in your Family, none of you will be able to stop the movement of the Yarila-Sun or force Time to flow back.

“Do not renounce the children of the Great Race from your Brotherly and Nearby Clans, for when hard times come, all your Clans will come to the rescue, all your Brotherly and Nearby Clans.”

“Children of the ancient Clans of the Great Race, respect your Fathers and mothers, for they gave life to all of you. And do not leave your care for your Parents until the very end of their earthly life.

“Knowing the surrounding Explicit World, experience the children of the Clans of the Great Race that nothing can appear from nothing, and nothing can disappear without a trace, and therefore, everything has its source, and everything has its place in the World.”

“Worldly treasures and riches, multiplied by you on Earth, will not be able to be useful to you in the subsequent Worlds of Navi and Glory, for the True Treasures and Wealths necessary in the Worlds of Navi and Glory are Love, Primal Faith, Creation, and the Wisdom of the Gods and Ancestors yours."

“On the ancient holiday Lubomir, create a great feast for the whole world, for whoever does not make Wedding feasts, deprives the children of their births of honest prosperity and grace, and those Communities and Gods do not accept new Family Unions.”

“Wrong deed or decision, committed out of ignorance by the Community, the Gods can forgive or not notice. But the very same deeds or decisions made out of ignorance by Rodan can bring disaster to the whole people.

“The Ancient Faith of the Ancestors and Conscience always live only in open hearts. So open your eyes, children, your hot and trembling hearts, and hear the voice of your pure hearts, and have the courage to follow them.

“Do not look for shining placers of Heavenly stars at the bottom of a deep lake, for they are high above you. And in order to see their true radiance, you need to fix your eyes on Heaven.”

“Remember the children of the Clans of the Great Race, and you, the glorious descendants of the Heavenly Clan, that you are the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the Ancient Gods, and therefore, you are originally free people, and for a person of the Great Race, Will, this is the initial state. It cannot be given or taken away. For Will, this is the state of your Spirit!”

“Entering the Sacred Forest or the Oak Forest, bring good gifts to the Master of the Forest, for a person who has not brought gifts, the Master of the Forest will whirl, confuse, confuse all the paths and paths for him. It will take away from the gaze all the hunting game, the cry will run into the mind of the kikimora.

“People of the ancient Clans of the Great Race, always work and create for the benefit of the prosperity of your Clans. Always invest your pure Soul in the fruits of your creative labor. And then, no need will touch, multiplying and all-prospering Ancient and Great Kinds of yours.

“Remember, the heads of the Clans of the Great Race, that you should never leave the care of all the descendants of your Clans until their physical and Spiritual maturity. For the growing offspring of your Clans that have not grown stronger and have not reached maturity cannot be a reliable support in the subsequent life of your Clans.

“Just as day follows night, as the Sun is born in the Morning Dawn, so any unseemly deed committed by a person of the Great Race, by accident or by malicious intent, becomes known to the Gods and the Community.”

“To build a dwelling for your Family, do not cut down a dead and sleeping Tree, and do not disturb the Tree on a full moon. For the Gods will not see your new dwelling, and the brownie will not look after your good. You are looking only for the revived Trees, the juice of the Raw Earth, which have drunk in the spring. Bring the chosen Tree, forgiveness and offer gifts and treats for him. On which, a blessed day in the Week, you begin to put up the dwelling of your Family, that Patron God will help you.

“Do not litter your children with the mother tongue, with the verb and adverbs of a foreign language. In the hearts only the words Native ones live, and other voices are dead for the Soul.

“Remember, children of the Clans of the Great Race, that nothing ever happens to a person on Midgard-Earth by accident, because any accident is a pattern determined by Fate and God's Laws. Everything that happens in a person's life is a sign of the Patron Gods of the Family, indicating the deeds you have created. And therefore, pay attention to everything that happens around you.

“To the one who fulfills the Heavenly Laws of the Gods, Mother Nature grants vitality, and the Heavenly Gods grant his Family, happiness in the heart and wealth in children. The Patron Gods of the Family protect this gracious person and his loved ones from all evil, falsehood, darkness and deceit, and this Goodness is also true and true, like the light of the Yarila-Sun in Heaven, and like a constant flow of water in the river.

“When the Highest Gods come to the rescue, never think about where the Great Power came from. Just accept with gratitude what the Patron Gods have given you.”

“Remember the children of the Clans of the Great Race, and you, the glorious descendants of the Heavenly Clan. That all the Heavenly Wisdom of the Gods, which is kept by the ancients of all your Clans, should belong only to the Race and your Clans, and no one else. And therefore, never reveal the secret Vedas to enemies and strangers. So that they could not use the Heavenly Wisdom of the Higher Gods, but against your ancient Clans.

“Do not go against your Fate, which the Mother of God Makosh wove for you, and against the call of your Heart and Conscience. For you will lose all the Ways of life, and you will be called outcasts.”

“Which of the people in error are good and wise words rejects, he missed the time, then regrets. Whoever, having heard good and wise words, follows them immediately, accomplishing deeds, he is very successful in life and the prosperity of his Family will multiply.

“Never rush and do not rush people, in your grace-filled deeds and conversations, and may your every movement and word always be smooth and calm, like the flow of water in a quiet morning river. Before committing any deed, or interrupting a conversation that has just begun, listen to the voice of your heart.

“If the Priest of the Gods or the Elder of the Family has instructed you to do a good deed, then do it immediately, as if this good deed was entrusted to you, your own Father.”

“Do not think that everything happens on Earth, only at the thought of the Highest Gods, and nothing depends on your mighty Will and your blessed thoughts. Only unreasonable people who do not know the Truth of Life speak like that. Heavenly Gods only observe your creative deeds, and come to the human call when people ask them for help.

“Take care, as the apple of your eye, of the Kummirs of the Heavenly Patron Gods and all the Shtands of your ancient Clans. For if you do not save the Shrines of the Clans, then your ancient Clans will not escape your sorrows, dark hard times and losses.

“By the will of the Highest Tarkh Dazhdbog, the Ancient Vedas will be hidden until the Time of Light, in Haratya and Santiy, which contain Tragi and Runes, from the curious gaze of dark people. For it is useless for dark creatures to know about the Glorious deeds of the Ancient Gods, which multiply the Light in the Pure Svarga. The Vedas are understandable only to the enlightened, who have realized the Way in their lives. And people who did not know the Wisdom of the Family, how can they know the secret Vedas.

“Never refuse shelter to those ancient Clans of the Great Race who seek protection for their offspring from fierce enemies in your settlements, relying on the power of the swords of your Clans. For the preservation of Clans and blood brothers is a good deed for each Clans.

“Remember the people of the Clans of the Great Race that the Sacred places on Midgard-Earth have always been, are and will be Sources of the inexhaustible Great Life Force. Regardless of whether Temples stand on Sacred Places near the Sources of Power, and regardless of the words and opinions of people, they always bestow Life Force to all the suffering and the needy."

“Each captive of the enemy wars, who caused damage to the Ancient Family, let him compensate for the damage with his own labor. After three full years, he is free to return to his native land or stay.

“Never start a dispute, because of which Clans and Peoples of Midgard-Earth the Patron Gods are better or more important, because this is not subject to your mind. Honor Holyly, in your ancient Clans, originally Native Patron Gods, but do not blaspheme or humiliate people who honor gods unknown to you.

“Remember the people of the Clans of the Great Race that only the Guardian Priests, the servants of the ancient Highest Gods, discover that hidden Wisdom left by the Gods and Ancestors, which is contained in Trags and Runes.”

“Know people that life in Svarga flows according to the Heavenly Laws, and does not depend on your thoughts. No matter how dark people reject the order and movement of the Heavenly Luminaries, the Yarilo-Sun will rise in the east, and a clear day will replace a dark night.

“Explore the people of the Race, this Wisdom: No one can protect your Clans, from foreign Clans and cruel enemies, if you yourself do not want to defend yourself. No one will create prosperity in your Clans, if you yourself do not want to create for the Clans. No one will bring up your children with dignity until you yourself bring up your offspring.”

“Realize the people of the Great Race, my words: Ancient Wisdom is known bit by bit, through great diligence, long-suffering, and painstaking creative work, because it is impossible to realize all the diversity contained in the Vedas at a single time, and to cover with your gaze, the entire Universe. If someone seeks to master the Knowledge in order to reach the heights of power and honor, he will eventually be worse than a madman, and all his aspirations will be in vain.”

“Ancient Wisdom is learned not in order to dominate and command someone, and not in order to be proud or exalted over other Clans. Ancient Wisdom was always learned in order to realize one's Life Path, and in order to pass it on to descendants.

“Remember the children of the Clans of the Great Race, and you, the glorious descendants of the Heavenly Clan. Do not listen to those dark people who say that your Ancient Gods and the dead Ancestors of your great Clans will never help you in difficult times. For the paths and thoughts of your Gods and Ancestors cannot be led by the dark ones, and whatever they say to you is only a lie and a great deception, which lead away from the Right Paths, into darkness.

“Work and create, people of the Race, in the name of the Gods and Ancestors of your Clans, for if there is prosperity in your Clans, your Peoples will live in abundance. And if the Peoples prosper in abundance, then your State will be called the Great.”

“For every accomplishment or good deed, as well as for an event in human life, there is a time and place determined from above. And therefore, which deeds must be performed, perform without delay and without haste. Create people that are able to create, and what will happen is what is destined by the Gods.

“Listen to the children of the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Clans of the Heavenly words to my words. Remember and pass on to your descendants. The Future for all your Clans will spring from the Past of your Clans, for you yourself create your Future, guided by the Love that lives in your hearts. If there has never been in the Past, Love in your Hearts and Clans, then there is no Future for your Clans, and therefore the Present is meaningless. For everything that you do for your Clans, and your descendants, will turn to dust. Remember, there will be Love in the heart, which means there will be a Future for your Clans.”


To the Glory of the Gods and Our Ancestors!

We pronounce this appeal before the laying of the 6 Blood Sacrifices and Treasures on the alatyr-stone or altar, as well as during all Orthodox and Divine Services.

Ancestor-Rod, Heavenly Rod! Strengthen my heart in the Holy Faith, grant me the Wisdom of my Ancestors, Your sons and grandchildren. Grant happiness and peace to Your peoples, now and forever and from age to age! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

We read this appeal before studying the Ancient Slavic-Aryan Vedas, as well as before classes or studies.

To the Glory of the One and Indivisible God the Father, the Tri-Light Great Family of Our Parent! May all our deeds be done, but for the Glory of our Gods and Ancestors, and for the prosperity of our Clans and descendants! Now and ever and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Heavenly Family, Progenitor! You, the Patron of all Clans! Remember all my Ancestors! Koi in Your Light Svarga! Now and ever and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

We read this appeal when bringing bloodless Treasures and Gifts to all our Ancestors, on the days of the Memory of the Ancestors and on Parental days.

Blessed be Ancestral Rod, Heavenly Rod! We thank Thee for the help of Dukhovna, for the help of Glorious, but in all our deeds! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Blessed be Triglav the Great! Now and ever and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Blessed is Inglia - Life giving birth to the Light of the Great Ramha, now and forever, and from century to century!

With this appeal, we thank the Creator-Creator of the Universes for His creation and for the life He gave to us and to the entire Heavenly Family.

Be blessed, Perun - our Leader, now and forever, and from century to century! And lead us to Glory Trisvetla! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

With this appeal, we glorify God Perun, the protector of all Clans of the Great Race and all descendants of the Heavenly Clan).

Blessed be, Patrons of the Clans of the Great Race, the Heavenly Clan, Lehi-Guardians and the Great Triglavs, now and forever, and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

With this appeal, we glorify and thank the Gods and Legs for God's help, God's Wisdom, God's Light and Freedom.

Ancestral Rod, Heavenly Rod, protect my heart from the scab of soullessness, indifference and lack of will, grant me the Help of my Ancestors. Sons and Grandchildren of Yours, grant me Strength and Will in order to fulfill my duty to my Family, now and forever, and from century to century! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Bless Dazhdbog, Tarkh Perunovich, for good deeds, for glorious deeds, but in defense of the Holy Faith and the land of the Holy Race, and in defense of our Elders, our wives and children. Protect from desecration by the pagans of the Holy Land of our Holy Land. May the Mansions, Sanctuaries and Temples of ours not be defiled, now and forever, and from century to century, for our Old Faith is great and mighty. Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Glory to Ancestral Rod, Heavenly Rod, we thank You for our meal, for the bread and salt that You give us, to nourish our bodies, to nourish our Soul, to nourish our Spirit, may our Conscience be strong and may all our deeds be Yes, to the glory of all our Ancestors and to the Glory of the Heavenly Kin. Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Ancestor Rod, Heavenly Rod, we thank you for the food that you give us and strengthen the strength of our Rod, may we be with you now and forever and from Circle to Circle. Taco be, taco be, taco be.

Perun! Wake up to those who call Thee, Glorious and Trislaven! Health and a multitude of the Family to all the children of Svarog, give, Kindness of patronage, show mercy, rule over everyone, even from the Motherland! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Glory to Ancestral Rod, Heavenly Rod, blessed be for centuries, You, the basis and protection of all Your people, the Sons of Svarog - Svarozhich, the Sons of Perun and Ros - Rosich, all the grandchildren of Dazhdbog and Stribog and Beles and Sventovit. Grant Your sons, grandchildren and great-grandchildren Happiness, Wisdom and Freedom, so that they enter Vyriy the Light, and to their Father in Svarga, and may the Righteous Light find, and Svarog will only let them through! Taco be, Taco be, Taco be!

Glorious and Trislaven be the Holy God, instructing us on Holy Life, for you have indicated, You, the Way to Svarga the Pure and Rule there. And this rule is true, for the dark Nav is removed below Reveal, and Slav is arranged above Reveal, and taco abide forever and ever.

My father and my mother! My brothers and sisters! I stand before you open heart with your pure thoughts! You are the strength and power of my Family. You are the Glory and wisdom of my Family. You, eternal help in all my creative deeds. May we arrive together in our life and in our deeds, now and forever, and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

With this appeal, we call on our Family.

Perun! Wake up to those who call Thee, Glorious and Trislaven! Weapons, bread and Strength, howl to the defenders of the Race, give! Sword of your Strength in the face of reality! Protecting all the Vesi of Svarog, rule over all the Son of Svarog! Taco be, Taco be, Taco be!

With this appeal, we call on Perun before the battle.

Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Fireman! They slept in pain, cleanse the womb, in the child of a person, in every creature, in old and young. You are God's Delight! Cleansing with fire, opening the power of the Soul, save the child of God, may the twigs perish. We glorify you, we call to ourselves, now and forever and from Circle to Circle. Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Perun! Wake up to those who call Thee, Glorious and Trislaven! Give the goodness of Svarga and Peace to the whole Holy Race, and the awakening of the Spirit, children, reveal Perun! The kind of glorifier, rule over all, perished so that Spiritual darkness! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

This appeal is a speech before Kummir.

Glory to our Light Gods, the source of the power of our Life, for our Bozi is the Light in the darkness of the unbelief of our world!

We speak this appeal in our temples.

Our Heavenly race, the One God, having risen from sleep, I thank Thee for a restful sleep, for bodily rest, and taking up my deeds, I ask Thee: help me at all times, in every deed, and deliver me from the evil of the dark, may all be my deeds, but to Your Glory and to the glory of my Family and the Great Race, so be, be so, be so!

We speak this hymn-address when we wake up from sleep.

Our Heavenly Clan, the One God, going to sleep, I call Thee: grant me a peaceful sleep and bodily rest, and save me from all troubles and send the Leg of the Guardian Sleep for the sake of the Soul, and if I die in a dream, take my Soul to Yourself, for You are the God-Guardian of our souls and bodies, and settle her in Heavenly Vyria and forgive all my sins, voluntary and involuntary, for Great and Wise - You, so be, so be, so be!

We speak this appeal, going to sleep.

Good night to all Gods and Ancestors! Good night brownie! Good night to all good people! Now and ever and from Circle to Circle.

We speak this short address, going to sleep, instead of the previous address.

Our father Perun, Bose the Guardian! You are the Ruler of the Light Forces of Svarga, grant us good luck, in Glory, without crying! Shelter from deceit, from darkness and dope! From Black God's vices, from foreign dues. Lead us to creation, and our Clans to prosperity. Now and ever and from Circle to Circle. Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Perun! Vmi calling upon Thee! Glorious and Trislaven wake up! Health, bread and Family, give my children, bring thunder! Rule over everyone! More from Rodno! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Glory to the Thrice Holy, life-giving Great Triglav of the World of Reveal - Svarog, Svetovit, Perun, who are the Conscience, Light and Freedom of all the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan! Our Fathers began in the same way, they sang His Great Glory, and remembering the Sichs and Warfare, with a fierce thief who came out of the darkness. The same way we speak the Great Glory, now and ever and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Glory to our Ancient Fathers, who are now in the Most Pure Svarga, and see all our deeds, and smile well at us. And so we are not alone, but with our Fathers. And we are descendants, sensing the Glory of our Forefathers, we keep in our hearts the Holy Race, which is and remains the land of our Gods and Fathers. Now and ever and from Circle to Circle. Taco be, taco be, taco be!

The Wanderer Lies down, my Light Guardian, given to me by the Protecting Family for protection, I ask You earnestly: You, enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to a good deed and direct me on the Righteous Path, may all my deeds be, but to the Glory of Svarog and the Kind of Heaven, taco be, taco be, taco be!


Empress, Mother Lada, Heavenly Mother, Mother of God! Visit us, You, by the Power of Light, bless for good deeds, for glorious deeds, but for the Glory of our Family, so be, be so, be so!

With this appeal, we ask for the blessing of the Lada Mother of God before starting work.

Empress, Mother Lada, Heavenly Mother, Mother of God! Blessed are You, Patroness of the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan, we thank You for your help in our deeds, and at all times, while the Yarilo-Sun shines. Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Empress, Mother Lada, Heavenly Mother, Mother of God! Bless, You, I’m on a long road, I’m crossing, and I’m going straight, and may Your name be hallowed from Generation to Generation! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

With this appeal, we ask for the blessing of the Lada Mother of God when we set off on our journey.

Jiva-Mother, Heavenly Mother, who sent down a pure Soul, help in the cause of righteousness, in the prosperity of our Family. Illuminate in the clear Svarga, our aspiration-path, to Tarkh the Light in solace! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Empress, Makosh-Mother, Mother of Heaven, Mother of God! Weave for us the Fate of the Light, the Fate of the Clear, but without the Dark Threads. And may Your mercy not perish, but to all our Clans! We sing the Great Glory to you, now and ever and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Empress, Makosh-Mother, Mother of Heaven, Mother of God! You, Mother-Rozhanitsa, Svarog sister! Grant us good luck, without aunts and cry! Give health to children, great and young! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Mother-Rozhanitsa, Kindred sister, hear, You, our verbs, accept our bloodless, essential gifts, grant healthy offspring to all our Clans, so that our eternal Family Thread will never be interrupted. For Thee, we sing the Great Glory, and in our mansions, Thee, we call, now and forever, and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

At that time, it still faintly resembled some kind of belief system, since it was just a desire to explain incomprehensible things to the supernatural. But as society developed, the transition to pastoralism and a settled way of life, it began to acquire great importance.

Culture and religion are difficult to study. Firstly, not so much information has come down to our days. And secondly, the tribes of the Slavs have always existed separately, and each had its own religious views and traditions that sometimes overlapped, but combine them into single system very hard.

Religion of the Eastern Slavs: basic information

With the transition to a settled way of life and the organization of public centers, religion became centralized and acquired great importance for the role of the priests was performed by the so-called Magi, who made sacrifices, took direct part in fortune-telling and other cult events. It is still unknown who exactly was the head of the temple, but there are speculations that it was the prince, since during the excavation of princely graves many ritual objects were found there: a knife for sacrifices, divination bones, etc.

Yes, the religion of the Eastern Slavs included sacrificial rites. As gifts, food was brought to the gods, animals were slaughtered, and sometimes the sacrifice was human.

As for the idols, they were usually made of wood. Such a statue looked like a wooden pillar with the head of a deity. The idols were placed in the center of the temple so that it could be worshipped.

There is some news about ancient pagan temples. For example, they were divided into temples (places where you could worship the gods), and trebish (places where sacrifices were made). Traditional temples were oval in shape and were located either on hilltops or in a large clearing in the middle of the forest. The temple was surrounded by a rampart and a moat. In the middle was a wooden pillar - the idol of the deity, near which there was a pedestal for sacrifice.

Religion of the Eastern Slavs: pantheon of gods

At present, it is very difficult to determine the hierarchy of the ancient deities, since different tribes worshiped different gods. In addition, over time, the religion of the Eastern Slavs evolved, but at the same time, new beliefs literally overlapped the old ones.

Religion recognized as the head of the pantheon. He defended the human race and was helped in this by the so-called Women in Childbirth - faceless and nameless goddesses who helped women manage the household, bear, give birth and raise children. The representative of women in labor is Lada, who was considered the protector of the hearth.

But over time, Perun became the main god, who is quite often associated with Norse god Thor. His symbol was a hammer and an ax, he commanded lightning and thunder. Perun was the deity that caused fear, since his power was limitless. That is why the ancient warriors tried to gain his favor, as he helped during the war. Perun was a symbol of heavenly power, which constantly fought against earthly evil. His main enemy was the Serpent, which combined all earthly evil.

In addition, the religion of the Eastern Slavs also praised Svarog, who was considered the god of heaven. His sons Yarilo and Stribog were also very important for the ancient peoples. Yarilo was considered the deity of the sun, while Stribog commanded the forces of the wind.

The only goddess of the Slavic pantheon is Makosh, who was the patroness of weaving. It was to her that women brought gifts so that she would not tangle the yarn. They say that sometimes she even spun herself, helping the housewives.

In addition to the main recognized the existence of other, supernatural beings. These were goblin, mermaids, kikimors, brownies and other representatives of the cult, each of which was credited with certain powers and duties in nature.

It is believed that after the conversion of the Slavs to Christianity, pagan cults completely disappeared. In fact, this is absolutely not the case, since Christians still celebrate some pagan holidays to this day. For example, it was on Christmas Day that the ancient Slavs celebrated Kolyada, and the traditions of this holiday have survived to this day. The pagan religion of the Eastern Slavs simply merged with Christianity and in some way exists to this day.

The religion of the ancient Slavs is a combination of religious beliefs and attitudes that have developed in the pre-Christian Slavic culture, as well as ways of organizing spiritual experience and behavior. Historically, the religion of the Slavs goes back to the religion of the ancient Indo-Europeans. It acquires relative integrity and originality in the era of Slavic unity, which lasted until the second half of the 1st millennium AD. Gradual settlement led to the emergence of differences in religious ideas and cults; in addition, some forms of religious life appeared, borrowed by the Slavs from neighboring peoples.

Information about the ancient Slavs was preserved mainly in the oral tradition. The only written source Veles book”, raises great doubts among experts about its authenticity.

Slavic ideas about the sacred were associated with ideas about superhuman strength, life-giving and filling the being with the ability to grow. There was a developed system of concepts denoting supernatural forces. The highest category was the gods. The concept of "God" means - giving a share, inheritance, wealth. The gods, just as in the ancient religion, were divided into heavenly, underground and earthly.

belonged to the heavenly gods Perun - the patron god of princely power, squads and military craft. He had an anthropomorphic appearance of a warrior, sometimes on horseback. Stribog- the god of atmospheric phenomena, and above all the wind. Dazh-god or Dazhdbog - a giving god who was related to the sun. Chore(solar - compare Horus or Horus among the ancient Egyptians) and Simargl(a mythological image of a huge eagle, correlated with the upper world).

The underground gods are primarily Earth, "Mother Earth Cheese", "Breadmaker", which among the Slavs does not have an erotic coloring and is subsequently identified with Mokosh. Mokosh - this is a female deity, which is endowed with only positive qualities. However, the Slavs also had ideas about evil female deities who had to make bloody human sacrifices. Was considered a male underground god Whiter, who was also called the cattle god and believed that he would give an abundant offspring, and therefore wealth. Another property of Beles was considered clairvoyance.

Earth gods are the gods of the human world. Their responsibility extends to cultural pursuits, social and family relationships, life and environment. This is first of all Svarog - the god of fire put at the service of man. The continuity of generations originating from common ancestors is personified in the image kinda, next to which they mention women in labor- virgins of fate, determining the share, the fate of the newborn. There were ideas about the gods associated with the professional activities of people.

Along with ideas about higher gods, there were beliefs in gods lower level, spirits, werewolves. A significant detachment was called demons, which were attributed to malevolence and destructive power. The spirits of dangerous places to visit were attributed to demons: the wilderness (goblin), swamps ( boggart, swamp) whirlpools (water). Lived in the field midday. Outwardly, demons were represented in human, bestial or mixed form.

The group of half-demons of human origin belonged to the most dangerous - these are people who have not escaped their life path, - ghouls, ghouls, witches, mermaids. They harm the human race and must be feared. There was also the personification of diseases: in passing, fever, mara, kikimora and etc.

Another group personified the concept of fate: Share, Nedolya, Famously, Grief, Truth, Krivda and etc.

The Slavs believed in the immortality of the soul, in its posthumous existence. During the burial, it was necessary to observe all the subtleties of the rite, and only in this case the soul finds peace and will subsequently help the descendants. The Slavs resorted to different form burials, often to cremation. Water occupied a special place in the understanding of the world among the Slavs. They believed that water is an element that connects the living and other worlds.

In difficult years, the Slavs resorted to the ritual killing of the elderly in the hope that another relative who had passed into the world would alleviate the fate of the living. This rite was called plant on a splint."

There were many rites that accompanied a person to another world, but no less number of rites had to be observed after the funeral. The most important was trizna - competitions and feasts; the meaning of this rite is in the activation of the forces of life, in its victory over the forces of death.

The funeral rite is a rite of passage. The rites of passage also include marriage and the birth of a child. There was also a calendar ritual: Christmas, Shrovetide. Sometimes rituals were accompanied by human sacrifices, but more often the sacrifices were bloodless in the form of food or other gifts. Often sacrificial food was eaten during the feast. In folklore, there is a lot of evidence of sacrificial feasts. The Slavs believed that God was present at these feasts in the form of a guest and at the same time the owner of the ritual feast, who was called " Lord

Divination was widespread. Since water was the boundary between the other worlds and this world, many fortune-telling involves the manipulation of water.

The primary cell of religious life was family or community of families genus. The ceremony was performed by the head of the family. There were no special priests, although there were experts on the wave - Magi.

The Slavs worshiped natural phenomena and deified them. Also, our ancestors believed in evil and good spirits, they had a cult of family and ancestors in honor. The first religious belief of the Eastern Slavs was paganism. The main distinguishing feature of paganism is polytheism. worshiped Svarog, Rod, Dazhdbog, Yarilo, Horos, Stribog, Mokosh and.

Summer was replaced by winter, day was replaced by night. People could not understand why frosts come to replace warm days, snow begins to fall. The Slavs thought that all this depended on the will of the gods and other mysterious forces. If it rained heavily in the summer, people believed that it was the angry god Perun who sent fiery arrows to the earth, and therefore such a terrible thunder rumbled and bright lightning flashed.

When the rain ended, it means that God calmed down, the Slavs concluded. Perun seemed to them a giant with a big head, a gray head and a red beard. He has a bow in his right hand and arrows in his left. Carving an idol out of wood, people covered their beards and mustaches with gold, and the top of their heads with silver. They put an idol on the temple (the most high place), and trebs (bloody sacrifices) were brought to the foot.

The victims were birds, animals, and sometimes people. Unlike other pagans, the ancient Slavs did not build temples, they did not have a class of priests, although the Magi (interpreters of the will of the gods) existed. This was the faith of the ancient Slavs, pagan.

People didn't know why the sun shines, the wind blows, the sky happens different color. After thinking, they came to the conclusion that all these phenomena depend on the deities and are in their power. So they appeared: the father of the sun - Svarog, the manager of the air element - Stribog. The Slavs loved their Russian land, so they revered Mokosh, the goddess of the earth.

They composed many songs about the land of the nurse. They treated her with kindness and respect. A plowman, for example, before plowing the land, with tears asked for forgiveness from Mother Earth, that he would hurt her, tear with a plow. If a person took an oath in something and ate or kissed the ground, then he had to fulfill his promise. Otherwise, he became an outcast.

The Slavs came up with a Brownie, Leshy, Vodyanoy, Kikimora, Baba Yaga. They believed that at home, in the forest, on the river, there should be an owner who can help a person, or maybe destroy him.

The pagan ones were associated with agricultural work and the change of the year. The day of the spring equinox is the Maslenitsa holiday, the summer solstice is Ivan Kupala, New Year- Carols. They performed special rituals at birth, death, weddings. All this was accompanied by songs, of which there were a lot.