How to decorate a wall with fabric. Drapery and wall upholstery with fabric: royal chic in a new way

  • 13.06.2019

Wall upholstery is a modern decorating technique in the interior of any room. The textiles used for wall upholstery are very different. He might be natural material and synthetics, different in color, pattern, texture and density.

The most popular fabric is viscose, which perfectly combines best qualities natural and synthetic materials. How to sheathe walls with fabric will tell the article.

When combining textiles of different textures or colors in one room, you can visually divide it into zones with different functional purpose. Decorating the walls with fabric can give the room the effect of warmth and comfort. This is due to the large number of advantages of the material over other types of coatings.

These include:

  • The walls take on a richer and more stylish look.
  • This method of decoration helps to hide all the shortcomings of poor-quality initial wall decoration:
  1. mask their irregularities;
  2. hide wiring.
  • It is easy to upholster the wall with a fabric with your own hands.
  • Textiles allow the walls to "breathe", which is very important for human health.
  • Wall upholstery fabric does not require perfect surface preparation, as it is necessary for painting.
  • The material additionally prevents the penetration of noise and low temperatures.
  • Sheathing with fabric walls can be performed in a new room, and not wait for it to shrink, its elasticity does not allow the material to deform.
  • The various widths of the produced textiles allow the decoration of the room to be made absolutely without seams.
  • Wall covering with fabric is characterized by the absence of debris and dirt.

What rules should be observed when lining walls with textiles

At self-decoration walls with textiles, you need to follow some rules:

  • For sheathing, only durable matter is used that allows air to pass through and does not fade in the sun, otherwise the fabric on the wall will quickly lose its original appearance.
  • In a room intended for textile decoration, it should not be very hot and not humid, which can lead to strong stretching of the fabric, and after drying, deform it.
  • You should start after pre-treatment of the fabric, it must be wetted and dried well. Most often, the material will shrink a little, so you need to measure it only after wet processing. In this case, it is worth treating the canvas with dirt-repellent impregnations.
  • Finishing walls without seams, if possible, should be started from an even corner or that part of the wall where the resulting butt seam can be carefully decorated.
  • Ideal when the width of the material corresponds to the height of the walls.
  • It is necessary to purchase textiles for decorating walls with some margin. This is due to the fact that the material is short-lived and after some time it will be necessary to carry out restoration work.
  • The adhesive should be applied to the wall, not to the fabric.
  • The places of fixing it to the wall are closed with a decorative strip or.

What fabrics are used for wall decoration

Before sheathing the walls with fabric, the right amount of material is purchased. It can have any look and texture.

The most popular of them are fabrics from:

  • Calico.
  • Silks.
  • Drapa.
  • Tapestry.
  • Velor, suede. It is easy and simple to work with such dense fabrics, they are conveniently glued.
  • Velvet.

Tip: If the proposed options do not fit, you should purchase a regular furniture fabric designed to perform any finishing works, not afraid of moisture.

  • Viscose and cotton just stretch. For drapery on walls, it is best to take very light fabrics with a high density.

Tip: For finishing work, synthetic fabrics should be used, which are more easily amenable to any impact on them than natural materials.

Before covering the walls with fabric, it must be borne in mind that the price of this type of fabric may be higher than simple wallpaper.

How to finish the walls with fabric sheets

There are several options for wall decoration with fabric.

These include:

  • Stretching the material.
  • Sticking.
  • Drapery.

The instructions for each wall finishing process are different. The easiest way to decorate a room is to stretch the fabric. An example of its implementation is shown in the photo.

For high-quality wall decoration in the room, you must purchase:

  • Small wooden slats.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Dowel if necessary.
  • Building level.
  • Any pencil.
  • Roulette.

How to stretch fabric on the wall

The order of work is as follows:

  • Using a level, a pencil and a tape measure, the required distance from the ceiling and floor is measured and marked with a pencil to install a wooden slat.

Tip: To simplify the task, immediately along the entire perimeter, draw a line for mounting the rail.

  • These elements are mounted under the ceiling and close to the floor surface on the wall with dowels or self-tapping screws, depending on the type of wall:
  1. for brick or stone, it is better to use dowels;
  2. for drywall - self-tapping screws.
  • There should be the same distance along the entire perimeter between the lower and upper rails, which will allow the fabric to stretch evenly and not form defects when finishing the wall.
  • The material is stretched and fastened to the rails with nails with decorative caps. At the end of the work, these hats can be hidden under decorative ornament, which can be a floor or ceiling plinth.

Tip: The fabric should immediately be attached to the top rail, and then pulled across the width. After that, evenly stretch and gradually fix to the bottom rail to avoid wrinkling.

The dimensions of the rail, which acts as a frame for the fabric, allow you to create a space between the wall and the fabric, it can be used for warming the room.

  • Styrofoam, small thickness.
  • Thin polyurethane foam.
  • Minvata.
  • Felt.

The installation procedure is as follows:

  • A special building adhesive is applied to the wall and to the surface of the insulation material.

Tip: The fabric absorbs dirt and moisture very easily. This requires the process of warming the room to be carried out very carefully to avoid getting glue on the outer surface through the joints of the material.

  • To eliminate such a defect, you can use a finishing tape, hiding all the flaws behind it, gluing it to the joints of the material.

When insulating, it must be borne in mind that it is impossible to use ordinary glue for the installation of insulation. Over time, it will corrode the insulation, which is deformed. When choosing a light shade of fabric, the same insulation is used.

How to stick fabric on the wall

Sticking fabric is a very popular type of wall decoration.

To carry out such a process, it is necessary to properly prepare the surface. They should be even, as when using a surface for ordinary wallpaper.

It additionally uses:

  • Drywall. This allows you to quickly and easily level any surface (see).
  • Plaster. When applying such a coating, the result directly depends on the master who applies it.

This is a dusty and time-consuming process, after which a lot of debris remains.

To complete the process you will need:

  • A stationery or ordinary sharp knife with a thin blade.
  • Powerful, better "grandmother's" iron.
  • Furniture special glue, hardening only from exposure to high temperatures.
  • Metal ruler not less than one meter

Work order:

  • Furniture glue begins to harden only at high temperatures, so you can immediately smear the entire surface with it. And then the canvas can be pasted over all surfaces.
  • The fabric is stretched from top to bottom. For reliable fixation, the upper corner of the canvas is attached to the surface with small nails.
  • An iron on the surface is used to iron the fabric from top to bottom so that the glue can gradually be absorbed into the wrong side of the fabric and harden.

Tip: To avoid the formation of defects when finishing with fabrics, the fabric should be well stretched.

  • The canvas is ironed with an iron several times, which will achieve the desired result.
  • After the end of the process, the remnants of the material are cut off at the top and bottom with a sharp knife. But in this case, you need to act very carefully, in these places the glue may not acquire the necessary strength and the fabric will begin to fray. To avoid this, at the bottom, at the top of the wall, and at the junctions of the canvases, furniture glue it is necessary to apply more, which after it hardens will not allow the finish to deform.
  • The glue is quite elastic and dries completely in three days.
  • After finishing work, the surface is checked for the presence of air bubbles on the canvas, which can form under the fabric and they will not allow the material to be evenly distributed over the wall.
    To eliminate bubbles, you can pierce them with a needle or stick the entire canvas on the surface completely, or some part of it.

How to drape surfaces with fabric

Drapery is the most hard way decoration of the room where fabrics are used. In this case, the fabric is taken much more than the total area of ​​\u200b\u200ball the walls of the room.

For this finishing method, you need:

  • The canvas itself.
  • Rails are wooden.
  • Carnations.
  • Self-tapping screws with special decorative caps.
  • Building level.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Yardstick.
  • Regular pencil.
  • Roulette.
  • File or jigsaw.

Stages of work:

  • The height of the drapery is measured.

Tip: If the ceiling was previously designed, all work should be carried out from it.

If you plan to repair the ceiling and use a tension or suspension structure on it, you can set the level of drapery and level it by eye, but as high as possible.

  • This level is drawn with a pencil along the ruler on the surface of the walls.
  • One edge of the canvas is attached at the top of the wall along the previously marked line with a small carnation.
  • On the surface on top of the fabric, a wooden rail is fastened with self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. The fastening step is taken no more than 30 centimeters.
  • The fabric must be well stretched before fastening around the entire perimeter.
  • The whole process goes down. The web tensioning technology resembles the two previous methods, with the difference that the rail is fixed on top of the web.
  • The fabric is also stretched gradually and fastened to the surface with a rail.
  • Excess fabric is cut off with a knife.

Tip: So that the fabric with this method of finishing the room does not fray at the bottom and at the top, it is necessary to correctly measure its dimensions, adding about 2 centimeters to the obtained values. Surpluses are tucked up and disguised under the rail.

A few tips for preparing the surface before finishing it with fabric

These include:

  • Cleaning the surface from dust and other contaminants. Walls can be vacuumed and washed using cleaning products. This applies to brick walls.
  • For drywall surfaces, visible contamination, it is better to plaster or putty (see). Sometimes they are dyed.
  • If there is visible rust or other construction defects on the surface to be finished, it is better to treat the surface special composition and cover with wallpaper.

How the walls pasted over with fabric look, the video in this article shows well.

Wall decoration with fabric can look so chic that it becomes difficult to understand why our compatriots have not yet made this solution the most common among all others. You can even make such repairs with your own hands, and most importantly, the design will be completely atypical! In a way, the finished result will be something like a wallpaper, but it is, figuratively speaking, like a 3D movie with glasses compared to the usual 2D.

Wall decor with fabric for many is a real novelty, so you should carefully consider whether it is worth taking on such a design. Like any other design decision, it has both positive and negative sides.


Decorating walls with fabric is:

  1. Unique chic, underlined by soft features - no other material will give anything even similar.
  2. The special comfort of the room, in which all the bumps and sharp corners are smoothed out.
  3. Lack of preliminary preparation of walls that do not need to be specially leveled, unless it is a question of gluing fabric instead of wallpaper.
  4. Protection from most mechanical damage - the material simply stretches under load, without forming breaks or cracks.
  5. Increased, in comparison with paper wallpaper, sound insulation.
  6. Material with textured surface can replace decorative plaster without losing the rest of its positive qualities.
  7. Wall fabrics are available in a wide variety, which allows you not only to choose from a variety of finishes, but also to combine the color and texture of the walls with curtains or linens.

Textile wall decoration is elegant and cozy, however, when deciding on such a finish, you should know all the pitfalls


There is nothing absolutely perfect in the world yet, so wall decoration with fabric also has a couple of dubious points that claim to be shortcomings:

  • The fabric on the walls is able to collect a huge amount of dust on itself, which is especially important in big cities and close to trails. Developers have already created materials that repel dirt, but the price of them remains quite high.
  • Textiles are not among the most durable materials. More precisely, it can be preserved for a long time, but it appearance quickly loses its original freshness. No matter how hard the manufacturers try, the material is still quite easy to stain or wipe to such an extent that it becomes noticeable. As a way out, it is not recommended to attach fabric to walls in narrow aisles, and ideally it is generally better to fix it in such a way that it can be removed and washed.

Material selection

If, despite all the difficulties, it was decided in favor of textile design, it remains only to decide on a specific type of material. Theoretically, there are no restrictions on the choice at all, and the owner of the premises is free to choose what he likes. If we focus on practicality and durability, then the fabric used for wall decoration should be strong and elastic so that there is no constant need to replace damaged material. If you buy fabric for furniture upholstery, you will definitely not be mistaken, because in terms of performance it is approximately the same. If the material was originally intended for finishing, then surely the manufacturer has already properly processed it, and it will be more convenient to work with it.

It should be noted that when focusing on do-it-yourself repairs, special attention should be paid to the choice of material, because the method of fastening depends on it, and they differ in complexity.

Methods for attaching fabric to walls

Each type of textile has its own characteristics, which makes the craftsmen fasten the fabric in different ways. Deviations from the norm are possible, but most often it is better to stick suede, velvet and velor, drapery of walls with fabric suggests thinness and lightness of the material, and so on.


In this variant, the result obtained, perhaps, will most closely resemble expensive wallpapers. Pasting walls with fabric is relevant literally everywhere, even aprons for kitchens are made using this technique, just the material on top is either varnished or covered with glass. Any towels, tablecloths, curtains and other items sewn from the same textile allow you to create a harmony in the design of the room.

The process of gluing walls with fabric is somewhat similar to gluing ordinary wallpaper, but it is more complicated and requires more accuracy.

Sticking the fabric directly to the walls is perhaps the most difficult of all the other options. Since we are talking about an analogy with ordinary wallpaper, then the wall, firstly, must be properly prepared - cleaned, puttied, primed. The gluing procedure itself also requires great care - in general, it will be better to trust the professionals.

If, nevertheless, it is decided to carry out repairs with your own hands, then first you need to check the degree of shrinkage of the material. To do this, a small piece is cut off, soaked in water, then dried. The dimensions of the piece are measured before and after the procedure, and if there is not much difference, then you can start gluing. If shrinkage is obvious to the naked eye, then you will have to wet and dry the entire roll. Material preparation also includes pre-ironing.

Unlike wallpaper, the fabric is not glued in strips, but immediately on the entire wall - for this, the strips pre-cut with a margin are sewn together. To keep the seams as small as possible, it is better to take a wide cut. Before the final gluing, the seams are once again carefully ironed. Although such a sheet is usually attached only at the edges, at least two people will be required for this procedure. It is desirable to start from the side, continue from above. If the material is heavy, on top of it, already glued, small slats are carefully stuffed, which are not removed until the glue dries. The surface of the wall in the process is carefully smoothed out with a roller. At the end of the work, the excess fabric at the edges is carefully cut off.


Only at first glance, upholstery with fabric seems to be a simple task, which anyone who has ever held a hammer can do with their own hands. The problem is that for the perfect evenness of the resulting woven surface, the upholstery of the walls with fabric is carried out not on the walls themselves, but on top of a special frame, by analogy with stretch ceilings or drywall. To cope with such a task on your own is quite difficult, but possible.

The upholstery of the walls with fabric is carried out by construction companies, which, however, are also ready to help those customers who want to try to do the work with their own hands. You can buy fastener parts and a seamless fabric that does not need stitching from them. This method of fastening is good because there is no need for preliminary preparation of the wall, and the void can be filled with sound or heat insulation, and electrical wiring can also be hidden there. A ready-made mounting system, purchased from a specialized store, makes it relatively easy to remove installed textiles for replacement or washing.

Wall upholstery with fabric using removable wall structures allows you to remove soft panels for cleaning procedures


Draping the walls with fabric is the easiest way for those who want to get off with a minimum of effort. Such a finish usually does not imply a full-fledged fastening of the fabric to the walls over the entire surface; it falls freely, in folds. Wall drapery, which is always performed with folds, involves only fixing textiles on a horizontal bar hidden under the ceiling.

The cut with which it is planned to drape the wall must be much wider than it, otherwise the folds will not work.

Fabric in the form of an original exception can be attached immediately on four sides of the cut. Frames made of wood, plastic or metal can act as a basis. In this case, the folds must be thought out in advance, it is better to immediately highlight them with small seams, otherwise it is not possible to predict exactly how the roll will develop after the walls are draped.

Wall drapery with fabric is used to create either an oriental or European aristocratic style. This design is appropriate in living rooms or living rooms, as well as in public institutions.

Textiles have long been used by people to decorate residential premises, and such rooms looked very solemn and luxurious. Once upon a time, wall decoration with fabric was carried out only with noble and expensive materials - velvet, silk, brocade.

Previously, a space with such walls seemed purely royal. Now various fabrics with certain quality characteristics can be used, which are selected according to general style premises.

With the help of textiles in the room, a special feeling of coziness, warmth and comfort is created, which is difficult to achieve using ordinary paper wallpaper, plastic and wood panels or other finishing methods. There are several ways in which walls are decorated with fabric, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, including the method of installation. Below we consider the main of these methods, their features and applicability in various interior styles.

Common ways of textile wall decoration are: wall upholstery with fabric, similar to the installation procedure stretch ceilings, pasting the walls with fabric, similar to pasting the surface with ordinary wallpaper, and draping the walls with fabric, thanks to which you can decorate the room or part of it in an original way. In principle, any of these procedures can be performed independently, but this is a rather laborious process.

When these methods seem too complicated or energy-intensive, and you still want to finish the room with textiles, they often resort to using textile wallpaper, the procedure for gluing which practically does not differ from gluing paper wallpaper.


The upholstery of the walls with fabric is, rather, a close-fitting, since a special frame is covered with a certain material around the perimeter. It is difficult to perform such a procedure on your own, but it is possible. Most often, people turn to construction companies that decorate surfaces in a similar way. In specialized firms, a choice of materials is presented from which the frame for the wall or part of it is made. They can be made from wood, metal, plastic or rubber.

Wall upholstery with fabric involves special fastening devices, thanks to which the fabric does not stick and is not nailed to the frame, but passes into the gaps on it and is fixed. To increase the soundproofing of the wall, you can use a foam rubber or synthetic winterizer backing, which will also make the surface soft.

If the procedure is performed independently, the easiest way is to make a frame of wooden planks and nail or glue the canvas to them.

But such wall decoration with fabric means that during the repair the entire structure will change along with the frame. When using the special mounting systems described above, it is possible to simply change the textile fabric by reattaching the new one to the old frame.

Often, only part of the surface is performed in this technique, making it out as a panoramic picture of fabric, which is also used for curtains, tablecloths or furniture upholstery.

Given the choice of a certain color, walls are decorated in a similar way in interiors in the style of classic, modern, and some ethnic styles. Different colors and textures allow you to use this method of wall decoration in almost any style, except for high-tech and techno styles.


The textile fabric can also be glued to the wall surface, having prepared both the fabric and the wall surface in advance. The walls are prepared as follows: first they are cleaned, then puttied and primed.

Walls to be covered with fabric must be clean, smooth and dry in order for the textile to adhere well to the surface.

Pasting the walls with fabric also implies the preparation of the fabric itself. First of all, for this, a small piece of the material used is measured, and then soaked and dried in a warm place. If the fabric has not shrunk, it is used without pretreatment. If she has sat down, then the entire textile fabric is then wetted and dried so that it does not sit down already in the process of gluing. In any case, before gluing the fabric, it must be carefully ironed.

The fabric is cut into strips from ceiling to floor with allowances of 10-20 cm. Then these strips are sewn together into a large canvas, which should be equal to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall with allowances along each edge. It is desirable that the canvas be as wide as possible, so that there are as few seams as possible. Some sew a canvas equal to the entire surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, but it is very difficult to work with such a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bmaterial. Before gluing the canvas to the wall surface, it is ironed again, especially at the seams, and then rolled up along the height of the wall.

Pasting the walls with a cloth is usually carried out by two people. The fabric is glued not over the entire area, but along the edges of the canvas - from above, on the sides and below. The order of gluing can be different: first one side, then the top, and at the end the second side and bottom, or first the top, then the sides and bottom.

More often, one edge of the wall is first glued, for example, the right one, then a fabric is applied to it along the entire height from floor to ceiling and ironed with a roller. Then the roll is unwound further and the upper edge is glued.

If the fabric is too heavy, it can be additionally secured with slats so that the glue "grabs".

After these two edges of the canvas are glued, i.e. the glue dries, the two remaining edges of the canvas begin to be glued. To do this, the fabric is stretched and glued to the left. Then the canvas is again slightly stretched and glued from below.

Once the glue has dried, carefully remove the slats using pliers while holding the fabric. The stock of textiles along the edges is removed or folded and left under the plinth. The choice of skirting boards at the edges depends on the style of the room. The advantage of this method is that the places where there were slats, or instead of a plinth, you can use textile decor - fringe, small draperies from the same material, etc.

Most often in modern interiors Not all walls are covered with fabric. One or two walls are chosen, most often in the living room, which will be the main ones in the room - it is they who are pasted over with silk or velvet. Mirrors, pictures or a TV are hung on them, i.e. the textile wall becomes the center of attention in the room.


by the most in a simple way among others is the drapery of the walls with fabric, but the same method provides unlimited scope for imagination, since you can skillfully apply it in a variety of rooms.

Draping the walls with fabric provides for the installation of a decorative strip under the ceiling, which closes the semblance of a cornice. It is on the eaves that the canvas is fixed, which is much wider than the width of the room, due to which the folds necessary for drapery are formed. The installation method of the cornice is very simple, so you can easily do it yourself.

Wall decoration with fabric looks quite unusual. It gives the room a very attractive and rich look. Not all textiles can be used for such a finish.

What is the fabric design of the room

Wall decoration with fabric is a drapery of surfaces, which is quite simple and fast. This design of surfaces can be used not only on walls, but also on ceilings. For this reason, firms that produce fabric stretch ceilings began to appear with enviable speed.

On the surface of the walls, the principle of mounting the fabric is performed in almost the same way. The fabric has become popular in finishing works for a long time. Only here you need to choose the right type of textile (see Wall decoration options).

Advice. Wall decoration with fabric can be done in any room except the kitchen. The fabric is very susceptible to odors. She absorbs them very well.

Features of fabric wall design

The main advantage of fabric finishing will be that it has an attractive appearance and a large assortment textiles, which offers an online store of home textiles "Shukhlyadka" for such work. It is impossible to call the fabric on the wall practical, since it can freely absorb not only odors, but also pollution.

Advice. It is best to mount the fabric on the wall surface in such a way that it can be easily dismantled for the purpose of cleaning.

Only natural textiles are used for work and are very popular:

  • Velvet.
  • Viscose.
  • Jeans and other material.

Material characteristics:

  • These fabrics have a dense structure and are resistant to physical influences. You can freely stretch them and not worry about their deformation.

Advice. You can use special fabrics for such work, which are made using special tools that increase the elasticity of textiles. Thanks to this, the fabric lends itself very well to processing and influences.

  • The price for this type of design may vary. It all depends on what quality and type of fabric is chosen for the work.
  • This type of finish is environmentally friendly. It freely passes air and perfectly absorbs moisture. For this reason, it is not recommended to use fabric for finishing wet rooms. Finishing from this will lose its properties and external design.

Advice. For fabric finishing, only dense fabrics are used. Due to their structure, they are less susceptible to this type of influence.

Methods for mounting fabric on a surface

All work on the installation of fabric trim can be done by hand.

To do this, there are two ways to fix on the surface of textiles:

  • With wooden slats.
  • With glue.

Both of these methods are good in their own way. The first implies a longer and laborious process of mounting the material, the second is faster and less expensive.

Advice. To avoid defects in the finishing of fabrics, the surface is prepared before work.

Surface preparation for fabric mounting

The technology for preparing the surface for mounting textiles on it is quite simple. It provides not only cleaning the surface, but also when mounting the fabric on wooden slats- frame making.

Stages of work:

  • When cleaning the surface, it is imperative to remove old layers of paint from it if they have already lost their properties. Plastering is subjected to the same actions.

Advice. If there are layers of plaster on the surface that have moved away from the surface, then they must be removed, since if they break off, they can cause deformation of the fabric finish.

  • How to determine the plaster, which does not adhere to the surface so firmly? Everything is very simple. You can use a rubber mallet for this, which completely taps the entire surface for finishing. Also, all this is done by hand. Thus, it will be much easier to determine the voids on the surface.

Advice. If there are wall elements on the surface that have visible spalls, then be sure to cover them with plaster.

  • The next step is to wash the surface. For this, simple detergents or cleaning agents are used. The surface after such work should dry well.
  • You should also pay special attention to the presence of rust or mold. They also need to get rid of, and use for this special means or vinegar solution with the addition of chlorine.
  • How can you get rid of mold? In such works, one cannot do without iron brushes, with which a layer of such a disease is removed from the surface. Then the entire surface is treated with a special antifungal agent.

Advice. Before sheathing the walls with fabric, it is necessary to carefully level the surface.

Let's take a closer look:

  • For this type of work, drywall or plaster is used. by the most fast way is the use of drywall. It is securely mounted on a metal profile frame using self-tapping screws.
  • It will be mandatory to putty the joints of the sheets of material with putty, since they will be very noticeable when pasting.
  • The use of plaster allows you to avoid such additional surface treatment, only here the work process is quite complicated and lengthy.

It involves the use of several types of tools:

  • "Start".
  • "Finish".

The first plaster is applied to the surface. For this, a spatula is used. different size. After complete drying, all layers are processed with sandpaper.

Then the finishing plaster is applied to the starting layer. Its main function will be to mask the defects of the starting layer. It is also after complete drying is processed with sandpaper.

Advice. In order to prepare a high-quality plaster solution, instructions are used. It is through it that liquid in a certain amount is added to the loose powder of the product.

Defects in the finish of the fabric may appear if the plastering of the surface is not done well.

Fastening to the surface of the fabric using wooden slats

For fabric finishing with rails, the following is used:

  • Wooden slats of the same diameter
  • Building level.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Roulette and pencil.
  • Dowels and screws.
  • Perforators and screwdriver.

There is a specific instruction according to which wooden slats are mounted on the surface at the bottom and top of the room. For this, dowels are used. They are able to securely fix the rails on the wall. Between themselves, some elements are connected by self-tapping screws.

The fabric is attached to the rails initially from above and with good stretching. In this case, the pattern on textiles should not be deformed. Then the fabric is stretched from top to bottom and not completely the entire canvas, but some of its parts.

Mounting fabric with glue on the wall surface

For such work, only dense fabrics are used, and it is better to glue the textiles in the places of fastening with interlining.

You will need:

  • Scissors for cutting fabric.
  • Building level for smooth installation of the material.
  • Special glue.

Advice. To speed up the process of gluing the fabric to the wall surface, you can choose a width that would correspond to the height of the room.

Glue is applied to the surface. You need to give it a little time to soak into the surface. The fabric is glued from one of the corners from top to bottom. At the same time, it is strongly not recommended to stretch it. After the glue dries, the deformations of the pattern or other design on the surface of the textile will remain.

Advice. To prevent the fabric from being painted during the cutting process, it is treated with glue or wax before such work.

How to finish fabric surface designs:

  • As a rule, fabric drapery on the wall requires finishing at the bottom and at the top.
  • At the top of the room, under the ceiling itself, ceiling plinths made of foam, plastic or wood are used.
  • On the floor surface, plinths made of plastic or wood are also used.

The most important thing is to choose the right color scheme such design. It is recommended to watch a tutorial video on how to install a fabric covering on the walls.

In developing exquisite and unique design as a rule, the most original materials and technologies are used. One of beautiful finishes walls is sheathed with cloth.

This method interior design was invented a long time ago, but in last years has become popular again thanks to the use of innovative techniques and materials. An atypical approach produces a stunning effect after evaluating the result. It is quite possible to do the work yourself, if you take into account all the nuances and recommendations of specialists.

Advantages and disadvantages of wall decoration with fabric

For most people, wall decoration with fabric seems to be a novelty, although this method of decoration internal surfaces premises has been a success in past centuries. Modern materials are distinguished by high wear resistance, a large selection of colors and thematic images. Among the main advantages of wall decoration with fabric:

Exclusive design;

Additional soundproofing;

The surface does not require special preparation;

Special comfort in the room;

The material is more resistant to mechanical damage than wallpaper;

the ability to choose a single theme for the design of walls, furniture, textiles;

Simple fastening;

Large selection of colors;

Finishing allows the walls to "breathe";

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Environmental friendliness.

Of the shortcomings, the cost of the material stands out. High-quality fabric, impregnated with a special water-repellent composition, is not cheap. There are also inconveniences associated with the installation of sockets and switches.

A plus on the one hand and a minus on the other is the ability to clean soiled areas with a cleaning solution. In this way, not only dirt will be removed, but also the brightness of the color. And repeated cleanings will lead to a rapid loss presentable finishes.

The choice of material for wall decoration with fabric

In principle, any textile for wall decor can be used, but not every fabric is durable and unpretentious in care. Therefore, experts recommend making a purchase taking into account the following criteria.

A special fabric intended for finishing work, almost all of it is being prepared for use and does not require additional processing. The only negative is the cost, as the production process includes more steps than conventional textiles.

Suitable furniture fabrics that have a water-repellent surface. According to its properties, the material is similar to finishing.

Preference should be given to elastic and durable weaving that can withstand repeated cleaning.

It is not recommended to use fiberglass based material. In addition to a longer preservation of the brightness of colors, such a fabric has no advantages. It is unlikely that a synthetic coating will be able to provide the proper level of comfort and warmth in the room.

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Looks very nice and trendy decorative trim based on natural raw materials: linen, cotton, wool. This type of room decor is displayed in several styles used for interior design at once: rustic, Provence, eco-style, ethnic.

The selection of textiles is carried out taking into account the method of fastening. To create draperies, deep folds and complex shapes, it is recommended to give preference to light silky fabrics. To simulate textured plaster dense fabrics with a geometric weaving pattern are more suitable.

Features of wall decoration with textiles

The properties of the selected material and the condition of the surface determine how the fabric is attached. Before performing work, the fabric is checked for shrinkage and shedding. This must be done first of all in order to avoid unpleasant surprises during operation.

1. Pasting is more like wallpapering, but the selected pattern and texture are immediately erected decoration walls in the category of respectable and refined. The surface before pasting is carefully prepared so that flaws are not visible through the canvas. The layer of plaster is rubbed with a mesh to remove granular fragments. To increase the adhesion of two dissimilar surfaces, the walls are treated with a primer. The fabric is laid on the wall with an adhesive applied only at the edges. More often, the fabric is pre-sewn and fixed in one piece. So it will be possible to avoid overhead joints and displacement of the pattern. If the selected textile is heavy, it is recommended to stuff wooden slats on top of it, which are dismantled after the glue has completely dried. You need to smooth the fixed fabric with a rubber roller.