How to be a leader in a group. How to develop a leader in yourself

  • 24.09.2019

30 Sep

The simple truth of life: Leaders are not born, but made! You need to cultivate leadership qualities in yourself if you dream of success. You must work hard on yourself and develop leadership qualities in order to become a respected and independent person in the future!

You must first learn to lead your own life, and not wait lucky ticket! Create your own circumstances good conditions both in life and at work!

If you want to become free and independent - be a leader! No one can influence the leader, since he has his own iron opinion developed by experience! A leader is someone who knows what he needs from life and stubbornly achieves it!

Do you dream of managing your life, not being dependent on circumstances, building a career and becoming the master of your destiny? Then you should develop certain qualities of character that LEADERS have! Believe me, as soon as you cultivate these qualities in yourself, you will feel like a Human, with a capital letter!

Key leadership qualities:

1) To become a leader, be purposeful.

Set clear goals for yourself and work to achieve them every day! Remember the proverb: “Without labor, you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond!” So here too!

2) To become a leader, be able to make decisions quickly.

To become a leader in everything and everywhere, be proactive! Train it in yourself. A leader person always thinks over future steps and draws in his head a scheme for their implementation into reality.

3) To become a leader, have a firmness of character.

Learn to say NO! In life, you need to say this word very often! It is human nature to try to be nice to everyone, but that is impossible. Believe me, life will become much easier if you include in your vocabulary a word that saves you a lot of time and effort - the word NO!

4) To become a leader, be balanced.

No matter what happens to you, always remain calm. This is one of the most important leadership qualities. Don't give anyone the opportunity to piss you off. Throw everything negative out of your life! This includes people who are unpleasant to be around. Be with those who you like, the one who really pleases you! You know, no matter how rude it may sound, but when you communicate with people who constantly whine about their lives, you are saturated with their problems and lower yourself to their level! Avoid such people! Always think with your head, not with your emotions! There is an old and very effective recipe to calm down - prayer!

5) To become a leader, be confident.

This is the most important quality of character, without which there is no leader! To develop confidence, you need to write down your small victories every day in a personal achievement diary, successfully completed tasks.

6) To become a leader, be hardy and persistent.

Do you know about the drive and endurance of Thomas Edison himself? So, he was able to create an incandescent lamp only by doing more than 10,000 scientific experiments! The most interesting thing is that this amazing person had no technical education behind him at all, but only saw the sarcastic mockery of his “graduated and educated” friends. When asked, "Was it hard for him to continue his research after so many failures?", To which Thomas replied: "I had no failures in my experiments, I found 9,999 ways to create a light bulb!"

7) To become a leader, be responsible.

There is good method to understand and develop your responsibility: take a sheet and write 10 sentences that will begin with the words "I am responsible for ..." This method will allow you to analyze what you are responsible for.

8) To become a leader, develop organizational skills.

As soon as quarrels arise within the team, this can lead to disruption of the work process. The person-leader must immediately put out all the misunderstandings and conflicts that have arisen between employees. You need to learn to unite people as one. This can be done with the help of a common goal, an idea.

9) To become a leader, develop intelligence.

If you are engaged in self-development, half of the success is already yours. Read a lot of books, different genres and different specialties, and not just in your field. You know the proverb: "Who owns the information - he owns the world!" Always learn from other people. Carefully study the work of those who have achieved excellent results and achieved the desired, who deserve applause.

10) Do not wait for the weather by the sea, get up and DO IT!

Another simple truth - if you continue to do what you do all the time, then you will get what you used to get! This is the same as stepping on the same rake with the persistence of a ram! Feel yourself in the shoes of a leader - that person who boldly takes on those things from which ordinary people running with rounded and frightened eyes!

Think about it... if you help a butterfly to get out of its cocoon, while cutting it, you thereby steal the ability to fly from a butterfly. Because when a butterfly resists, trying to break its cocoon on its own, a liquid flows into its wings, which nourishes and gives them strength to fly. The same applies to humans!

Here is a short leadership program for you:

Step one. Decide why you want to be a leader. Can not be successful people in general, there are no leaders in everything, there are no real leaders “just like that”. You must have a Purpose, what you truly want from life. Leadership is a tool.

Step two. Keep a success journal. Write down your successes and victories every day. Five pieces a day, ten is better. Hard? Try! Then it will be much easier. You will raise your self-esteem and convince yourself that you are truly successful.

Step three. Find leaders and communicate with them often. If they are not in your environment - make new acquaintances. Communicate with them as much as possible. Ask for advice about this and that (people love to give advice 🙂), ask for their opinions and always listen to them! Think of them as your teachers (as they are), and you will not notice how they positive traits will become yours. Success is contagious!

Step four. Do something! Engage in social activities, open your own business. Do whatever you want, but it's better if it involves leadership. Get used to being responsible for everything yourself. Set yourself up for success, but don't be discouraged by failure. Use every chance. Your goal is to gain experience and develop initial leadership skills.

All success!

And finally, we offer you to watch an interesting video


Learn to communicate properly. It is important to be able not only to express yourself eloquently, but also to listen to the interlocutor. Sincerely interested in the topic of conversation, never interrupt the speaker. After asking permission, you can ask a few clarifying questions, defuse the situation with an appropriate joke. All this, of course, will show the interlocutor an interest in communication, and not the usual courtesy.

Engage in self-improvement. Determine what qualities you need to be leader companies. Try to base your choice on such personality traits as honesty, respect, purposefulness, good nature, etc.

Change your attitude towards failure. Try to look at them from a positive perspective. The beauty of failure is that it either opens up new opportunities for you to try again, or it shows you another way to achieve your goal. Remember that only a cheerful and self-confident person can become leader.

Form your own opinion. A person with leadership qualities must have a strong core, which makes it possible to enjoy authority in companies. Try to correctly substantiate your point of view on any occasion, but never impose your attitude to what is happening on other people.

Leader companies should be able to see best qualities other people, to connect them in communication, to promote the development of personalities. Besides being leader- this is not only a matter of some prestige, but also some responsibility for each member of the team.

Don't forget to give compliments to other members companies. Encourage their good deeds and appearance, desire for change and learning. The main thing - be sure to do it honestly, do not overdo it.

Remember modesty. This quality always adorns the leader. However, do not be embarrassed when communicating with strangers.

Man is social by nature and therefore the natural form of his existence is the collective. But we all know that even in those collectives that unite people on an equal footing (communities), a leader always appears after some time, or even more than one. To many, this place seems to be honorary and offering special benefits, but not everyone who wants to take it can succeed. Be leader v collective, it is not only honorable, but also difficult.


First of all, such a person must have a combination of leadership qualities, individually they can be inherent in many members of the team, but only the leader will have their complex. Of course, this includes the will to win, the ability to prove one's own and for oneself. Another, perhaps the main quality of a leader is the ability to take responsibility. If you have these qualities, then take action.

If you are in a new for you, but long-established team, then do not rush. Study and adhere to the rules in force in it, determine the hierarchical relationships, take a closer look at the leaders. Ask for advice at difficult situations related to work, listen to those who give you voluntarily. Start getting to know the rest of the team members, finding an approach to everyone. Answer questions about yourself, but without intimate details. Take part in team activities.

  • Are you tired of being an obedient herd yet?
  • Who said a leader has to be born?
  • How to become a leader in a team - an algorithm of actions.

1. Territory of the leader

In order to become a leader, you first need to decide on the territory where you will be the leader, in which team you will be the leader. A leader in a class, student group, or team at work.

Second, do you need to determine where you are at the moment? Who are you in this team? If you are currently an ordinary member of the team, then you need to get permissions to manage this team. After all, a leader is a person who influences and influences other people. And with the right to do it is much easier.

That is, if your team is a class or a group, then you need to become a headman. If this is a team at work, then you need to become a leader.

The third point is how you will receive these powers. The most organic way is to take the initiative so that a higher manager notices your desire and appoints you as a leader. Or you were chosen as the head of the group by your fellow students.

The fourth point, your desire to become a leader should look natural, not feigned. That is, energy, confidence should come from you, people feel it.

2. Leader energy

Where to get energy? The energy in the human body comes from the three basic instincts responsible for survival.

1. The survival instinct of the individual. To have an idea about the energy of this instinct, imagine that you are lying on the couch, you are too lazy to get up, different thoughts are spinning. And suddenly a siren howled and the bombing began, buildings collapsed, fire, etc. You will instantly jump up, all thoughts will be focused, the energy will be over the edge.

Or the second option, you are walking through the forest, and suddenly a bear chases you ...

2. The instinct for survival in a group, or the so-called hierarchical instinct. He encourages you to take a higher position in the team. Since your biological survival depends on it, and the distribution of resources in the group. No one wants to be "smeared" and humiliated, so people strive up the social ladder.

A good example in this case is Michael Tyson, who was often beaten by his peers as a child, and what this led to. Who does not know, he became the world heavyweight boxing champion at the age of 19. That is, he became the most strong man in the world.

The second example is Ayaz Shabutdinov, who had a very difficult childhood. According to him, he lived in a dugout where there was not even a floor. And as a result, at the age of 20 he became a millionaire.

3. The survival instinct of the species, or sexual instinct. He makes you want to be liked. Go to any fitness club, see how people mock themselves, and at the same time they pay a lot of money for it. What motivates them to do this? Indeed, from a logical point of view, it is absolutely not rational to go to the gym after work in order to get even more tired.

This is an example of the work of the sexual instinct, that is, the desire to please outweighs the desire to relax.

3. How to get energy

How to get energy when there is no war, and you are not dying of hunger, but the current state of affairs still does not suit you? I will give an example from the training of the same Ayaz Shabutdinov.

Close your eyes, imagine yourself in 10 years, when you have achieved your goals. What kind of car do you have, what countries do you vacation in, what kind of sexual partners do you have. You need to feel everything deeply, get positive emotions.

And then imagine that you didn’t do anything, everything went, of course. You worked somehow, did not show initiative, you were eventually fired. You started living on credit, then the bailiffs took away the apartment, and you ended up on the street in the winter, hungry. Close your eyes and imagine this situation and the emotions that arise in you. Fear, resentment, etc.

Here are two options for the development of your future, with positive and negative emotions. It turned out a potential difference, a certain voltage. This tension is the motivation and energy that will support you on the path to leadership.

4. What else prevents you from becoming a leader

And one more thing, so that the desire for leadership looks organic and does not cause doubts among others. Most people have feelings of irrational fear, shame, and guilt. This manifests itself as uncertainty, indecision, shyness, fearfulness.

Thoughts are constantly spinning in my head, and what people will think and what they will say about me. It prevents you from focusing on your tasks, it scatters your attention, it reduces your efficiency by 80%.

And most importantly, this is reflected in your body, your gait, your gaze, gestures, timbre and volume of your voice. That is, your voice becomes quiet, your eyes are running around, your posture is stooped. All this is subconsciously read by the surrounding people, and they will not perceive you as a leader. The solution to these problems is described in detail.

The leader must appear confident and speak clearly. The back should be straight, the voice is loud, not choked. Thoughts must be clear, goals clear.

Clarity of thought is given by the detailed elaboration of the plan, the miscalculation of various options for the development of events by how many steps forward. Be sure to work out a plan of action for the most negative scenario. This will give you extra confidence.

The multivariance and miscalculation of situations a few steps ahead is very well described in the book - "Kickbacks". Please note that the main character walked on a razor's edge, but he had a plan for any scenario, and he knew how to get out of any seemingly hopeless situation “dry out of the water”.

5. How to strengthen the power of the leader

So, you have received the authority. The next step is to consolidate your power.

The first step is to get rid of the opposition. In any team there are envious people and competitors. And they usually try to try to discredit the leader. In order to move further towards your goal, you need to get rid of them, as they carry an alien ideology, and simply take away attention and energy.

An important point, criticism must be correctly divided into constructive and non-constructive. That is, if your goals coincide with a person, perhaps this criticism is constructive.

Constructive criticism is very helpful for a leader, as it reduces the chances of making a mistake, and as such, it works to your advantage. Therefore, you need to carefully deal with critical remarks, and find errors in your position or the position of your opponent. Such behavior will not only save you from mistakes, but also increase your authority, which is only to your advantage.

The second type of criticism is not constructive. There are such people - energy vampires, they don’t offer anything constructive, but simply enter into an argument in order to draw attention to themselves and feed on your energy. Naturally, it is in your interests from such.

The second step is to form an ideology.

Example: Let's say you are a store owner, and in this case, in order to maximize profits, you need to instill in the heads of employees the idea of ​​​​maximizing customer satisfaction. This ideology should fit well into the heads of sellers, since they themselves are interested in this, because they receive a percentage of sales.

First, you need to develop business processes. That is, highlight the repetitive actions that make up the cycle of attracting and servicing customers.

  • That is, work out the design of the store;
  • Work out how to meet a client;
  • How to say hello;
  • How to find out the needs;
  • How the seller should be dressed;
  • Work out sales algorithms;
  • How to maintain customer loyalty, etc.

All these points need to be explained in detail to employees, why, why, and why it needs to be done this way and not otherwise. A detailed justification of the rules of conduct significantly reduces the resistance to innovation.

It is important to note that people are inert, and the formation of new beliefs and behaviors does not happen all at once. And the leader needs to be able to be patient, and explain everything again and again. On average, this takes up to two months.

The introduction of new beliefs is noticeably accelerated if people are put under stress. It has been scientifically proven that during stress, people release a special hormone that accelerates the formation of new neural connections in the brain, and this is a new memory and new behavior patterns.

Remember the lessons at school, if the teacher is very strict, then you listen more carefully, and the material is remembered somehow better. And you will not forget to do your homework, and hand it in on time.

Therefore, the leader must always be ready for conflict, he must be able to sharply stop the wrong behavior, pull the offender. To learn how to abruptly stop someone's behavior, it is advisable to work out a few appropriate phrases that can be used to shut up the interlocutor. This psychological weapon is described in detail in the book by Alexander Kotlyachkov: “The Weapon of the Word”.

And when solving important problems, the leader must be able to stress the entire team, as this mobilizes resources and dramatically increases the return on people. An example is Stalin, what was the discipline and productivity of labor then. No one dared to be late for work, let alone steal something.

Let me remind you that the economy then grew by 25% per year. And in our time, many successful directors, or business owners, are authoritarian leaders. They have a psychopathic personality type. That is, sometimes they simply fall into fits of rage, and yell at subordinates, which greatly increase their productivity.

With the necessary perplexity of the leader, it is not very difficult to form the necessary behavior and worldview in the team. Moreover, the leader comes to the aid of the laws of human behavior. Every person is subconsciously looking for a leader who will take responsibility for making decisions and taking responsibility for their consequences.

Firstly, it has been laid down since childhood, that is, when a parent is nearby, then the child feels calm and protected.

Secondly, decision-making and responsibility is calorie consumption and the same stress. And a person subconsciously tries to avoid making decisions.

And then a leader comes to the rescue, who makes decisions for them, naturally, first of all, in their own interests, and the rest as it turns out. Well, in extreme cases, you can always say that he did everything he could, and blame others for the failures. Therefore, it is extremely profitable to become a leader, otherwise you will most likely remain on the sidelines of life.

Thirdly, human nature itself is on your side. With the help of psychological experiments, it has been proved that personality traits are formed as a result of external situations that affect a person, and are not given to a person from birth.

Read about the "zimbardo experiment", its essence is that randomly selected volunteers were put in a makeshift prison, they were divided into prisoners and guards. Two days later, the guards began to show sadistic tendencies, while the prisoners, on the contrary, developed helplessness and humility.

On the sixth day, the experiment was stopped because it got out of control. The guards turned into notorious sadists, and the observers could no longer look at bullying. We are interested in one single question here. How did some ordinary citizens turn into sadists after six days, and others into obedient, helpless slaves?!

The answer is that we already have all the qualities, and they simply activate in the circumstances we need. The fact that the human psyche is very plastic could be understood even without experiments. Remember how Hitler affected the population of Germany. But they, too, were ordinary citizens, and then calmly went to work in concentration camps and gas chambers.

Or a modern example, watch a video on YouTube about North Korea. What ordinary citizens look like there, what they say about their leader. Do they even look like people? What happened to them?

What is the practical use of these examples for us to become leaders? The benefit of this knowledge is that if we set ourselves the conditions under which leadership qualities are needed, they will gradually manifest themselves in us. And if we avoid making decisions, we will gradually turn into obedient slaves.

For an example of how people change, watch the old 20-year-old videos of Vladimir Putin or Ramzan Kadyrov. Were they like leaders? Is not a fact. Are they similar now? Without a doubt.

6. How to become a leader for an ordinary person - video

Find your strength
And become the center
around which it revolves
It's your time.
Richard Bach

Becoming a leader is not an easy task. And to be a real leader, the center of a team, a company, one's life is charisma, the individual inner essence of a person, his enormous potential, which can seriously ignite, inspire others and lead.

Where do leaders come from? Are they born or made? And if they are not born, then how to become a leader? How to be a leader in a team? In company? In Group? At work? How to become a leader in life? Let's try to answer these questions.

Born to be a leader

There are people who are often called "minions of fate", "lucky" and so on. And they are called so because they were already born in such a good place, in such a family and in such living conditions that they have everything: parents, grandparents who adore their baby, the most important, "center" person. And while he is growing, he gets all the best, the most newfangled, the very best. All the attention and love is given to him. And when he reaches the age of majority, he is waiting for the best position in his father's or the family business, best car, the first beauty of the city and the like.

And if such a person, who was already born to be a leader, has at least a drop of awareness and gratitude to close people and life for all the benefits that are given to him, if he continues to develop and increase what he already has, then he will really become good, real, effective a leader in every sense and in all spheres of life. There are such stars, but they are few. Such people are called golden youth, but not in the sense that they are some kind of majors, but simply the best among their peers, who, for example, were born in more modest conditions and who need to tread their own path in life.

And a handful of people like the golden youth are individuals born with higher qualities of the soul, they have a sense of gratitude, nobility, brilliant creative abilities and talents that they develop very purposefully and from early childhood. And they also have simplicity and tact in relation to other people, to relatives, friends, colleagues, subordinates.

How to become such a leader ordinary people? Is it real? What should be the leader?

The talent to be a leader

And here it does not matter in what conditions it was man is born. But he definitely knows and feels that he has leadership qualities and abilities. In this case, it does not matter exactly how the parents relate to their child, they can even suppress him in a certain sense, but the spirit of contradiction lives inside him. But in a team, in a group, at an enterprise, he will definitely reveal himself as a leader, and, of course, he will do it with brilliance. There are always a lot of people around such a person: in the sandbox, on the playground, in the classroom, in the yard, in the student team, at the enterprise. And if such a leader has a good, benevolent attitude towards people, talent and its implementation in any business, craft, then he will definitely become successful and effective.

How to become a leader?

All the options discussed above are quite simple, natural and require more work in terms of any professional direction, development of business qualities.

And if, for example, a person has never felt in himself the ability, opportunity and desire to be a leader and be in the spotlight. And he was born in a simple family, where there are other children besides him. And in kindergarten, at school, college and at work, he also did not show a tendency to leadership. So how to become a leader in this case? But suddenly, fleetingly, completely unexpectedly, such an incendiary desire is born. What if it works?

Anything can act as a catalyst. The boss praised for a well-executed task, rejoiced at the success of a colleague, parents inspired. And suddenly the idea came to try it too. A leader can become a person who will constantly work on himself, go to perfection, and not stop there. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties, then there are more chances that everything will work out.

Team Leader

How to become a leader in a team? Is one desire and aspiration enough? Maybe it becomes interesting, exciting. This is an additional opportunity to test yourself, to move from a boring and tedious job to a more interesting one. Life will sparkle with new colors.

How to become a leader in a team? At first, not everything may turn out perfectly, because doubts and fears immediately wake up and begin to actively interfere with the emergence of a new quality of character, a new stage in life. But if everything is in order with the will and faith of a person, he can!

It is very important that this new is consistent with the inner world, so that harmony and balance are necessarily present in the soul and heart. You have to constantly ask yourself, where am I going? Is this what I really want? And what will I get as a result? And then everything else. This is persistent painstaking work on oneself: changing a number of qualities that accompany the development of leadership (a different attitude towards oneself, a more efficient use of one's life, a deep approach in relationships with people, and so on), professional development, and open new horizons in life. You can go to this all your conscious life.

As a result, a person finds his inner strength in a completely new quality, he begins to feel his power, self-confidence. He really trusts himself. And this gives energy that is felt by the people around them, who are still walking sleepy through life. And such a person begins to light them. And if he believed in himself, then he would definitely want to believe in others, because they also have abilities and opportunities, you just have to wish, really want.

Leader in the company

How to become a leader in a company? If we consider the company as an enterprise, then here, in general, the leader is not much different from the leader in the team, except for the scale. When leadership qualities very clearly and stubbornly begin to manifest themselves in a narrow circle (in a team, department, subdivision), then over time they expand to more high level, that is, for the entire enterprise, for the entire company.

An employee becomes even more in demand, is in authority with managers and his colleagues, they begin to trust him, including serious projects. One can even observe such a tendency: the stronger the power and inspiration with which the leader approaches the solution of working moments and life issues, the faster and better the others begin to think and act.

Group leader

How to become a leader in a group? When a person reveals his inner potential, he becomes charismatic and interesting. People listen to him wherever he is: in the family, in the store, at work, in a group of friends and like-minded people. Because people feel and feel real leaders, their energy, show confidence in them.

good leader

How to become a good leader? It is very important to be sincere in relation to everyone, from management to subordinates of the last link. Sometimes it is necessary to be strict, but fair, tolerant and kind to people. Be able to teach if required. Be tactful and wise. Constantly be interested not only in yourself and your affairs, but also in the life and affairs of your team, subordinates, people around you, and with lively participation and interest.

Effective Leader

How to become an effective leader? And here you just need to constantly and constantly grow and develop, read, learn new things, discover new facets of your individuality, be in the flow of life, improve yourself. And it is very important to be flexible, and sometimes absolutely irrational, if life requires it. But here the leader always listens to his inner strength, intuition, because he trusts her.

Go ahead, work on yourself, improve, then you will easily become a leader in life!

There is an opinion that the ideal female leader is an uncontrollable careerist, a heartless dictator and a flint lady. But practice shows that such "leaders" quickly fade into "no", their words are not heeded, and the authority of tyrants dies at the moment as soon as they lose power or at least go on vacation. Therefore, in order for a woman to become a true leader in the workplace, you need to look for other ways than the usual “iron fist” rule for men.

5 steps to become a team leader

1. Development of punctuality and responsibility. It is these two qualities found in yourself that indicate that you have a chance to take the chair of the leader of the team. After all, it is not enough to want to be at the helm of the team, in order to stand at the forefront, you need to have some inclinations for this. However, it is not so difficult to develop a love of order in oneself; effective training time management or regular willpower training.

An example of such a “strength” training: “I will come to the office 5 minutes before the start of the working day every day for a month, and from my salary I will buy myself several new dresses for this.” And, of course, along with punctuality, you will have to develop self-confidence. For a leader is a leader in order to solve his problems on his own and clearly orient himself in his goals, and those who prefer to go with the flow may not even aspire to become leaders.

2. The ability to set goals and achieve them. Do you want the team to follow you and hang on your every word? Show colleagues that you can be relied upon. There is no need for show-off and bluff. The easiest option is to set yourself a goal for the month and achieve it. But the goal must be large-scale and related to your work, so that the results of your work affect everyone and, of course, in a good perspective. An example of such a goal could be the organization of automation of one of the routine processes that are part of your responsibilities: organizing a unified information base of the company, planning the integration of commercially available software products into the work of the company, simplifying reporting, or simply putting things in order in the documentation.

3. Create a "support group" for yourself. Even the kings had several advisers, for even our ancestors noted the superiority of two minds over one. And it's good if this group of close associates will consist of experts in their fields, and not just colleagues with whom you can talk about fashion and have a cup of tea at lunch. In the office, work should always be in the spotlight, and leave friendly tea parties with communication “On trifles” for the weekend. In addition, a group of like-minded people is also good for strengthening leadership positions, because you are confident in your associates, and they are confident in you and can recommend you to the authorities as a valuable employee and a good manager.

4. Be proactive. A leader knows how to set goals not only for himself but also for others. Remember this simple truth and try to "plunge" into the problems of the company. It is clear that you do not need to give advice in areas in which you are not oriented. But in matters directly related to your area of ​​\u200b\u200bknowledge, you can insert your proposal. Just before taking the initiative, think carefully about the plan of action. It is possible that the implementation of your idea will be offered to you, therefore, prepare in advance for the materialization of the idea, so as not to be considered empty talk.

In the implementation of ideas and initiatives, the help of a previously organized support group, consisting of professionals in related areas of the company's activities, may be useful.

5. Get into the habit of striving for perfection in your work. This does not mean at all that you will have to become a perfectionist in an accelerated mode and be one for the rest of your days. It will be enough just to find time in your schedule for self-education and improving your professional level. Usually, people follow people who are constantly learning something new, because the desire for knowledge and personal growth are valued at a subconscious level.

What does it take for the team to feel your leadership

Be sociable. A leader who withdraws into himself ceases to be a leader, because he drops out of the team. So, to be in the spotlight, you need to constantly maintain a dialogue with everyone who works in your company. Look at the world more positively. Without excessive obtrusiveness, be interested in the life of colleagues and their problems. Provide all possible assistance. But don't be afraid to say no to things you don't have to or don't want to do. In other words, become the soul of the team.

For communication "without ties" corporate meetings and collective trips out of town are great. Try to introduce a tradition in the office once a quarter to get out to meet with the whole team for communication in an informal setting.

Improve the efficiency and productivity of your company with every action you take. For this, not only the team will take you to leadership positions, but the management will also mark and promote you. But in order to stay on the podium, you will have to constantly stay in this rhythm of work and not slow down.

Gradually go through these seven steps to leadership according to the strength of every woman. But, before choosing a course to the place of the "helmsman", you need to think about whether you need it.