How to make hot glue at home. The best carpentry adhesives for wood - what kind and why

  • 14.06.2019

Not a single repair, whether in an apartment or a house, can do without glue. Today, the choice of adhesive mixtures in the store is very, very large. But, their quality, sometimes, leaves much to be desired. Many builders make homemade glue at home directly from improvised means. However, we note that in each case the composition of the adhesive may be different, because it may be suitable for different materials, for example one for paper and another for wood.

In this article, we will look at various homemade glue mixes that can be easily prepared at home without spending a lot of money on its preparation. So let's go!

Paste recipe according to a traditional flour recipe

Such glue is used quite often in a variety of situations. Most often, they resort to its preparationin case of urgent need, for example, when glue from the store runs out, during wallpaper renovation. Therefore, in order not to run to the store for a new pack (which, apparently, will only be used by 1/3), it is easier to make your own glue, which will be no worse. Plus, this glue is non-toxic, and is quite safe for home use. The main component is flour, which is probably in every home. The glue ratio is as follows - 1 liter of glue is enough for 2, 3 rolls of wallpaper.

Prepare the following components:

A container in which the glue will be mixed;

6 tablespoons of flour per liter of water;

Water, according to the amount of flour (1 liter per 6 tablespoons).

Prepare the glue as follows:

1. Heat the water to a boil;

2. In a separate bowl, stir flour with cold water until a mixture is formed, like liquid sour cream (and always without lumps);

3. Now, pour boiling water into this mixture in a thin stream, while constantly stirring it with a spoon;

4. After mixing, boil the resulting mixture again and leave it to cool.

The finished consistency should resemble thick jelly. Similarly, such glue can be prepared using starch instead of flour, and it will not differ a bit from flour. In some cases, such glue can even prove to be much more effective than glue from the store. If you are hesitant to apply this adhesive to wallpaper, test it on small pieces of wallpaper by gluing them together. In general, this adhesive can be used on any wall surface, bonding paper to cardboard and other types of paper. In a word, experiment and see everything with your own eyes.

Homemade PVA glue

The second, no less popular and effective, is homemade PVA glue. If you think that the factory makes glue using some special technology, you are mistaken, because exactly the same glue can be made at home. Agree, this type of glue is one of the most common. It is used as instationery, and in the construction industry, that is, in fact, it can be called a universal adhesive. Well, it's time to move on to how to make it after all. This will require:

1. Distilled water in a volume of 1 liter;

2. Photographic gelatin (available at any camera store) in the amount of 5 grams;

3. Pharmacy glycerin (4 grams is enough);

4. Wheat flour, about 100-150 grams;

5. Ethyl alcohol in a volume of 20 ml (you can buy at any pharmacy).

Conventionally, production can be divided into two stages:

This is a preliminary preparation, during which gelatin must be soaked in a glass of water;

And the cooking process.

So, a day after the gelatin swells, you can start making PVA.

∙ Place distilled water on water bath in some container. Next, add gelatin to it, and stir with flour, stirred in a small amount of water (again, without lumps);

∙ Bring the mixed consistency to a boil, but do not boil. Notice how the mixture becomes thick and white, like sour cream. Stir it so that in the end the glue is homogeneous, without clots.

∙ It remains to add only glycerin and ethyl alcohol. Stir constantly and stir the mixture again to make it as thick as possible. The mixing time should be on the order of 10 minutes, so don't think that two spoonfuls of stirring will be enough. Glue can be used only after it has completely cooled.

How to make your own wood glue?

This glue is ideal for wood. It also effectively bonds paper and cardboard, other cellulose materials, and in some cases even plastics. However, this glue has a couple of drawbacks:

Firstly, it does not keep too long in liquid form and is perishable;

And secondly, it has just a disgusting and pungent smell, which can only be put up with.

Partially, this problem disappears if it is pre-boiled and made into a gelatinous mass. Then, its validity period increases, and if necessary, you can cut off a piece of the desired size, heat it over low heat, and use it. There are several recipes for making such glue. The most elementary and accessible to you, we will describe below.

Method one.Take ordinary wood glue. Grind it and soak it in water until it swells completely. So, it will soften, and become like a jelly. In the same state, place it in a container for melting, called oilcloth. The easiest way to make such a container is from an ordinary can (condensed milk or canned pineapples). Ship the gelatinous mass into such a jar, and put it in a water bath (there should be a very low fire). Stir the heated mass with a wooden spoon or a stick (for example, from sushi). You need to stir constantly, because in case of burning, the mass will acquire a yellowish color, while losing its adhesive qualities. After the mass has passed into a liquid state, dilute it with vodka with the following ratio: 720 grams of glue need 950 grams of vodka. Then, for every 100 grams of glue, add 12 grams of powdered alum. The resulting homemade wood glue will have a high degree of adhesion and have excellent water repellency.

Method two.In the same oilcloth, mix wood glue and water with a ratio of 1 to 1. After the mixture starts to boil, it will thicken a little, and at this stage it must be poured into a ceramic mortar and rubbed with a pestle until a gelatinous mass is formed. After, put the glue on a plate, cool, and cut into the necessary pieces. If necessary, mix glue with vodka in a different ratio - 720 g (glue) / 360 g (vodka). Bring the mixture to a boil, then cool and use.

Method three.Boil in a water bath a mixture consisting of one liter of water, a kilogram of wood glue, and one liter of 9 percent table vinegar. After, stirring this consistency, gradually add a liter of vodka to it.

Method four. Dilute wood glue with water in a ratio of one to one. Heat it in a water bath until the mixture thickens completely. After, add one part of glycerin (equal to the glue that was taken initially). Put on a small fire and wait until the water has completely evaporated. It remains only to put it in a mold and dry the glue. Before using it, mix it with water in an amount of 1 to 1.

Homemade styrofoam glue

Recently, the need for such glue has become acute. This is due to the fact that cases of wall insulation, sound insulation, which require the use of foam, and other materials like it, have become more frequent. You can also use glue from the store, but, as a rule, he is afraid of solvents, like acetone. Therefore, you can use the wood glue above.

Otherwise, you can make glue, especially for polystyrene foam, from homemade cottage cheese. To do this, you need to mix hydrated lime in equal proportions with homemade cottage cheese, stirring, to get a homogeneous mass. Try to use this glue immediately after mixing, as it hardens fairly quickly.

Casein-based adhesive for wood and leather

For gluing wooden or leather products, casein glue will be very effective. This type of homemade glue is also suitable for other materials, for example, for gluing puzzles. But, in order to make such glue, you need to get the casein itself, so the whole process of preparing the glue must be divided into two stages.

The first step will be to isolate the casein from the curd. For this, the cottage cheese must be fat-free. To get such cottage cheese, it can be soaked in soda solution, while you need to dilute 1-2 tablespoons of soda per liter of water (about 15-20 minutes). After, it must be thoroughly rinsed with running water, squeezed and dried to hardness. Now, it remains to prepare a powder from it, which will be dry casein.

At the second stage, you need to prepare the glue itself. To make it, you need to pour casein into a flat dish, pouring a thin stream of water into it. Don't forget to stir the mixture. The ratio will be as follows: for one part of casein, you need to take two parts of water. It needs to be a thick mass. Now, the most important part of the preparation comes, this is mixing this mass. The better and better you mix the mixture, the better the glue will turn out. In general, this procedure will take at least 30 minutes, although with the help of a mixer it can be done faster. As a result, such glue will perfectly glue wooden fragments, as well as leather, for example, shoes. It is necessary to use such glue as soon as possible, within 3 hours after production.

Glue for needlework

Many housewives are engaged in needlework. Quite often, they make fabric flowers, which require special fabric glue. You can also make this glue at home. There are several simple ways that we will now consider.

Method number 1

To do this, you need 3 tablespoons of flour and a glass of water. Dilute the flour with a small amount of water, heat the rest of the water, and pour the flour mixed with water into it in a thin stream.

Method number 2

In the second method, we need a tablespoon of flour, also a tablespoon of starch, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and a glass of water. Mix all the ingredients and bring to a boil, making sure that no lumps form.

Method number 3

You will need a bag of gelatin, two tablespoons of flour, a tablespoon of sugar, and a glass of water. Soak the gelatin in 1/3 cup of water overnight, and in the morning, mix the gelatin and other ingredients in the rest of the water. Bring to a boil, and then store the glue only in the refrigerator.

Glue based on dextrin

For classes with paper, various kinds of applications, it is far from always possible to use PVA glue. For example, dextrin-based glue, which is easy to make at home, is ideal. In order to get dextrin, you can use starch. Take a bowl, pour starch into it and put it in the oven on a small fire. Gradually increase the temperature of the oven to 160 ° C, and hold it for about an hour and a half. So, the starch will break down and turn into dextrin.

For glue, you need 3 tablespoons of dextrin, 5 tablespoons of water, and a spoonful of glycerin. Mix the dextrin with water, heat the mixture to completely dissolve the dextrin, and only then add the glycerin. Stir, and after cooling, get ready-made glue.

Glue based on acetone and linoleum

To make homemade glue at home, you can read a lot of recipes, and one of the cheapest is such glue. So, to prepare it, you need to take the old linoleum, cut it into small pieces, and put it on the bottom of the dish. Pour it with acetone, in a ratio of 1 to 2 parts (1 part of linoleum, 2 parts of acetone). Then, tightly close the container, and leave for 12 hours (preferably in a dark place). After this time, the glue will be ready. It can glue metal, porcelain, wood or leather.

Universal moisture resistant adhesive

A fairly simple recipe for homemade universal glue that is resistant to moisture. To do this, it is enough to take wood glue, soak it in water until it swells completely. After, bring to a gelatinous state, adding linseed oil to the container.

Well, as you can see, there are a lot of ways to make homemade glue at home. In addition, each adhesive is suitable for use with one or another type of material. Plus, these are far from all recipes for homemade glues, because there are really a lot of them.

Mounting foam. Help in choosing. Secrets of application

Homemade glue can be prepared by yourself at home. How to prepare the glue yourself and how to use it is described on this page of the site.


Tiles of wood glue are broken into pieces, lowered into a glue pot and poured with cold water so that it slightly covers the glue. When the glue swells (after 10-12 hours), the glue maker is put on a small fire, where it is kept until the glue dissolves. It should be used while it is hot.

Adhesive paste

For bonding to metal, glass, stone, etc. Finely sifted wood ash is added to hot wood glue to make a thick paste.

Bookbinding glue

Glycerin is added to the melted wood glue (1 part by weight of glycerin to 20 parts by weight of glue).


The composition of this glue: sugar 120 grams, slaked lime 30 grams, wood glue 120 grams and water 400 cubic centimeters. First, sugar is dissolved, then lime is added and heated, stirring, for an hour. The clear solution is drained and pieces of wood glue are added to it. When the glue swells, it is boiled as usual until the glue is completely dissolved. Syndeticone is a universal adhesive.

Waterproof adhesive

Add to hot wood glue natural drying oil or linseed oil (1 part drying oil or oil to 4 parts glue).


Starch: Potato flour (starch) is poured with a small amount of water and thoroughly stirred until a creamy state. Steep boiling water is poured into the resulting solution in a thin stream, continuously stirring the solution so that there are no lumps. As soon as the paste becomes transparent and gelatinous, it can be used.

Flour: Sifted wheat or rye flour fall asleep in boiling water, and then, stirring, heated over low heat until the flour is brewed.

Dextrin glue

Dry potato starch heated on an iron sheet to 400°C. The resulting brown translucent lumps are broken into powder. Preparation of glue: 10 grams of this powder is carefully diluted in 20-25 cubic centimeters of cold water. You can also add 2 grams of sugar. Glue is used mainly for gluing paper.


Gum arabic is made from a gum (resin) that some plants secrete. However, a completely satisfactory glue can be obtained using the resin of cherry, plum, apricot trees, as well as the resin secreted by white locust. Pieces of this resin are cleaned of bark and dirt, dried and ground into powder, which is stored in a closed vial. As needed, the right amount of powder is dissolved in warm water, and the glue is ready for use. gum arabic - best glue for paper.


Casein glue is used for gluing various materials, including faience, plastic, etc. Casein glue is more moisture resistant than wood glue. Casein is usually sold in powder form, but you can easily make your own.

Obtaining pure casein: Skimmed milk is placed in a warm place so that it turns sour. It is then filtered through blotting paper.

Casein (protein substance of milk) remains on paper. It is washed in soft water, then, tied in a cloth, boiled in water to remove fat. After that, the casein is laid out on blotting paper and dried at room temperature. Glue preparation. Ten parts of casein and one part of borax are kneaded in two parts of water until a dough is obtained, then two more parts of water are added. The resulting adhesive is usable for two to three hours, after which it hardens. Casein glue can be prepared by adding drops to curd ammonia until a gelatinous transparent mass is obtained. This mass is used to lubricate the parts to be glued. For greater strength, the surfaces smeared with glue are allowed to dry, then they are covered with a thin layer of lime paste and after that the parts to be glued are connected.

A few drops of formalin or a solution of aluminum alum are added to the finished casein glue to obtain a waterproof glue.


Celluloid glue can be used to glue a wide variety of materials - wood, leather, fabrics, plastics, etc. The glue dries quickly and is not afraid of moisture at all. For the preparation of glue use unusable film. She is washed in hot water from the emulsion and cut into small pieces. These pieces are placed in a vial and filled with acetone or amyl acetate (pear essence). For one part of celluloid take 2-3 parts of acetone. The vial is shaken from time to time. When the film is completely dissolved, the glue is ready for use.


Small sawdust of organic glass is placed in a vial and filled with a solvent composed of equal parts acetone and amyl acetate. After pouring the solvent, the vial is placed for several days in a warm place. When the organic glass dissolves, the glue is ready for use.

Acetone or pear essence alone can also be used as a solvent, while the organic glass will not completely dissolve, but the resulting solution can still be glued. Organic glass before gluing is heated to 20°C.


Adhesive for rubber products can be made in the following way. A piece of good soft rubber (crude rubber) is crushed into small pieces, which are insisted for several days on clean, light so-called aviation gasoline. The result is a rubber solution, which is carefully drained, filtered and left open in a warm place until a thick mass is obtained. It is used for gluing. The surfaces to be joined must be free of all dirt and grease.

Another recipe for glue for galoshes: 13 parts of gutta-percha and 25 parts of rubber are dissolved in 100 parts of carbon disulfide. 7-8 parts of bovine glue are added to the resulting solution and mixed. If the surfaces to be glued are cleaned (with a knife or sandpaper), then it is enough to put a thin layer of this glue so that the connection is very strong. The glue hardens completely after 1-2 days.


Glue composition: Wheat flour - 10 parts, alum - 0.2 parts, water - 410 parts. wheat flour is kneaded in cold water until a slurry without lumps is formed.

The rest of the water is heated to a boil and alum is dissolved in it. The slurry is added to the alum solution, stirred and the mixture is boiled until a translucent mass is formed.


The dextrin is mixed with a small amount of water and such an amount of denatured alcohol is added to make a syrupy liquid. This adhesive does not seep through the paper.


To get a mass for gluing glass, you need to melt 50 grams of light shellac with 25 grams of turpentine over low heat. The mixture is cooled slightly and divided into small tiles. When used, the mass is warmed and carefully connected. Excess mass is carefully removed. When gluing glass, gelatin is also used, to which a small amount of an aqueous solution of potassium dichromate is added. This glue under the influence of light becomes completely insoluble even in hot water.

casein dissolved in liquid glass, is also suitable for this purpose.

Porcelain can be glued with the same compounds as glass. For repairing dishes, gypsum cement mixed with egg white is especially good. This cement hardens very quickly, and therefore must be handled with great care.

You can get glue for porcelain and faience in the following way: Knock egg whites into foam and put them in a cool place for a day. After that, the settled protein should be separated and carefully ground with quicklime powder, adding it gradually in such an amount that a pasty mass is obtained. This glue is applied to the parts to be glued in a thin layer. The bonding process must be done as soon as possible so that the glue does not have time to dry. To glue parts of porcelain and glass objects, you can use the following lubricant: take washed glass flour (crushed glass) -1 part, add river sand (seeded) -2 parts and liquid glass -6 parts. This putty cements the parts to be glued very firmly. In structure, it is somewhat rough, so it is used for gluing large objects.

HERE IS ANOTHER putty, which differs from the previous ones in a smaller structure, is also used for gluing large objects. They take burnt lime (quicklime) -1 part, chalk (ground) - 10 parts and liquid glass 2.5 parts. According to both recipes, the putty is prepared before use, as it quickly hardens. There is a particularly hard putty for gluing medium-sized objects made of glass and porcelain. It can be prepared as follows: burnt sculptural or medical plaster is taken and placed for one day in a saturated solution of alum. Then it is dried and again calcined and crushed. Gypsum treated in this way, in combination with water, turns into a very solid mass. The ratio of gypsum and water should be such that a liquid mass of cream consistency is obtained.


Amber products can be glued as follows. The surfaces to be joined are washed with an aqueous solution of caustic potassium, slightly heated and tightly compressed. The parts to be glued can also be smeared with a thin layer of boiled linseed oil after which the seam should be carefully heated over a charcoal flame. In this case, the parts to be joined must be strongly compressed with a clamp or tied with wire. An adhesive consisting of a solution of solid copal in ether is also recommended.


Ivory is glued together with a paste of slaked lime and raw egg white. For this purpose, you can also use a solution of albumin in water. The parts to be glued should be tightly compressed and left to dry in a cool place for at least a day. Small ivory items are glued together with an alloy of equal parts of wax, rosin and turpentine.

This composition is not particularly durable, but it is very convenient to use.


The skin is glued with a solution of pure rubber in carbon disulfide. Warm up the parts to be glued and carefully rub the glue in place of the future seam. It is recommended to add a small amount of turpentine to the resulting solution. Leather glue can also be prepared as follows: a good light wood glue is soaked in water for a day and then slowly melted over a fire with a little water. After that, tannin is added to the liquid mass, which makes it look like sticky threads. Gluing is done with this sticky mass, and the skin must first be cleaned (washed with gasoline) and roughened with glass paper (skins).


Marble can be glued with the following composition: four parts of gypsum and one part of gum arabic in powder are thoroughly mixed. Then a strong solution of borax in cold water is added until a dough is obtained. The parts to be joined are smeared with this putty, tightly compressed and left to dry in a cool, dry place for 5-6 days. Another way of gluing marble: two parts of wax and one part of rubber are mixed with two parts of marble crushed into a fine powder and heated over a fire. Marble must be completely dry when gluing. External cracks are additionally smeared with alabaster, pounded into a gruel with glue water. If the marble is gray, then slate is taken instead of alabaster, and red and dark marble is smeared with ocher. Finally, the entire surface is polished with very fine pumice or tripoli.


Gluing gypsum products should be done using syndeticone or thick wood glue. In both cases, you need to make sure that the glue does not squeeze out of the seam outward, as this results in a black line that spoils the look of the thing. The seam should be covered with plaster from the outside.


A broken donkey can be glued together, even if it has broken into small pieces. First of all, it is necessary to carefully clean and remove all oil particles from the fracture points by heating the pieces on a hot stove. After that, all particles that should be in contact are carefully sprinkled with shellac and heated again until the shellac melts and fills the pores. Heating must be done on a smooth metal board, and the flame must not touch the pieces, otherwise they may crack elsewhere. For this reason, they should not be heated too much. When the shellac is melted, the pieces are put together, pressed against each other and left in the clamp until they cool. The pieces connected in this way are so firmly glued together that they will not yield to a single stone.


The bone plates lagging behind the keys are glued as follows. Mix white zinc oxide with ordinary wood glue, then process with a file or sandpaper surfaces of both the wooden key and the bone plate, lubricate the key with the specified mixture and leave it for 5-10 minutes. After that, a plate is placed on the key and tied with a cord. After 3-4 hours, the glue will dry out and the excess that has come out at the edges can be removed with a file or sandpaper.


Mica is glued together with a liquid solution of gelatin. If the bonding must be particularly strong, then chromic alum is added to the gelatin.


Universal cement (Chinese) is prepared as follows: prepare a mixture of 54 parts of slaked lime powder, 5 parts of finely ground alum and 40 parts of fresh, well beaten bovine blood. All the above substances should be mixed as thoroughly as possible to obtain a homogeneous mass of the desired density, depending on the intended use. In its thick form, this cement can be used to bond stone, faience, porcelain, etc. In a thicker form, it is used to coat various kinds of objects to make them waterproof.


It is a thick transparent liquid of light yellow color, which is used for gluing vases, figurines, bas-reliefs, antiques made of earthenware, glass, plastic, wood and metals, as well as for repairs metal products: buckets, tanks, etc. Not recommended for gluing dishes in which food is cooked. When gluing, make sure that water does not get into the glue. The surfaces of the products to be glued are thoroughly cleaned from dirt, dust, rust and traces of grease. Metal objects are treated with sandpaper and washed with gasoline or other means, non-metal - washed hot water with soda or gasoline. The places to be glued are thoroughly dried after their cleaning. Depending on the type of damage, the repair is carried out as follows: the edges of the product for butt gluing are smeared with a thin layer of glue using a wooden stick or brush and dried in air until the glue no longer sticks to the finger. Then a second thick layer of glue is applied and slightly dried. The parts to be glued are tightly connected by tying with a rope or bandage.

Glued small items are placed in a pot or a metal can, filled with water and put on fire. The water is brought to a boil, which should last at least three hours, after which the pan is removed from the heat, cooled in air and the products are removed. You can also heat the products in ovens or ovens at a temperature of 120-150 ° C for 1 hour, or over electric hob. Holes in products, such as metal, are sealed as follows from suitable material(tinplate, aluminum, copper, etc.) cut out a patch, the dimensions of which should be more hole 0.5-1 cm.

Apply a patch to the hole and glue the product. Then water is poured inside the dish so that it reaches the bottom edge of the patch and does not touch it. Putting the product on an electric, gas stove or kerosene, boil the water for at least two hours, then remove it from the heat and cool it in air. If a patch is applied to the bottom of a bucket, basin, etc., they are heated over a fire for one to two hours. When gluing figurines, ashtrays, antiques, large vases, etc., where high bonding strength is not required, you can limit yourself to holding at room temperature for four days.


This adhesive is used to repair clothes, linen, carpets, etc. It is a thick, clear yellow or red liquid. The places of products to be glued are preliminarily cleaned of dust with a brush, moistened warm water and squeeze well. After straightening the edges of the wetted areas of the fabric, two layers of glue are applied to them and air-dried after applying each layer until the glue no longer sticks to the finger. Then the objects to be glued are connected and pressed on with a hot iron (carefully). The iron is pressed through the damp cloth for 2-3 seconds at intervals of 10-15 seconds until the surface to be bonded is dry. After cooling to room temperature, the product is ready for use.


It is impossible to cook wood glue directly on fire, as it can burn. Therefore, it is cooked in special glue pots.

You can also make a glue cooker yourself from tin cans. Take one jar bigger and the other smaller. At the top of a large jar, several holes are made with a diameter of 5-6 millimeters. Iron staples are soldered to a small jar, with the help of which it is fixed on a large jar. Dry glue is soaked and placed in a small jar, and a large one is poured with water and heated. When the water boils, the glue will melt and you can use it.

PVA glue is considered a universal remedy and a great helper. And this applies not only to clerical issues. It helps not only to hold together various materials, but also helps to create unusual and useful things. What kind of crafts can be made using this glue, we will consider in this article.

Characteristics of PVA glue

PVA glue is universal composition, most commonly used in Everyday life. Thanks to its composition, it is possible to fasten a variety of materials: leather, paper, wood, fabric and many others. Glue has several varieties, depending on the area in which it is used.

The composition has a number of positive characteristics:

  • excellent adhesive ability;
  • resistance to variable temperatures;
  • economy in consumption and elasticity of the seam;
  • non-toxicity;
  • resistance to high humidity.

In addition, PVA glue has a relatively low cost, while it is actively used both for domestic and industrial purposes.

Varieties of crafts

Often, creative people wonder what crafts can be made from glue? In fact, the choice of options is quite extensive. Due to its positive characteristics, with this glue you can create a huge variety of crafts. Consider the most interesting ideas and instructions on how to make DIY crafts at home.

The easiest thing to do is to apply the papier-mâché technique shown in the photo of crafts made from pva glue. The technology involves the use of ordinary paper to create three-dimensional things of any shape and size.


These, for example, include "Kolobok". To create, you will need a balloon, paper cut into small pieces, and PVA glue. The creation process primarily involves applying glue (heavy layer) to the ball, after which paper is applied to it.

The number of layers must be at least ten. Before applying each subsequent layer, the previous one must dry thoroughly. The final layer is recommended to be made of clean white paper so that after drying it can be decorated.

No less beautiful is the manufacture of a lampshade. This is one of original crafts from glue for room decor with a different stylistic solution.

The technique involves the use of threads instead of paper, and the technique is in many ways similar to the previous version, since threads are superimposed on the ball instead of paper.

Acrylic paints

PVA glue is great for cooking acrylic paints. Buy ready-made version sometimes not everyone can afford it, so you can use a more budget option.

For cooking, you need a combination of PVA glue and gouache. The mixture is perfect for painting on various surfaces, as well as for painting a variety of crafts.

Due to the fact that the composition includes glue, gouache gains strength and evenly falls on the work surface, while maintaining its durability for a long period of time. It is necessary to mix the ingredients on the palette in a ratio of 1 to 1, and 1 to 2 is allowed, it all depends on the volume.

Christmas balls

One more original idea became the manufacture Christmas decorations from a ball, threads and PVA glue. How to make such a beautiful craft with your own hands?

In order for the craft to turn out neat and beautiful, you should adhere to the technology of how to make crafts from glue:

  • a balloon with a volume of no more than 10 cm is inflated;
  • the thread is threaded into the needle and a bottle of glue is pierced through so that the fiber is thoroughly saturated with glue (it is better to use a needle so that it is slightly thicker than the thread);
  • the ball is wrapped with threads in different directions so that there are no gaps, even the smallest ones;
  • the tip of the thread is fixed by threading it under the layers already on the ball.

After completing the main stage of creating crafts, it must be left for long time so that it dries well. After the threads are completely dry, the ball can burst and untie with gentle movements.

As a result, you will get an excellent frame from some threads. At the final stage, you only need to tie a ribbon and place the decoration on the New Year's beauty.

With this technique, you can create toys not only in a round shape, but also in the form of animals or a snowman. To make the latter, you need a small amount of cotton wool. Which needs to be torn into pieces and wound into three balls of different sizes.

After that, the glue should be diluted in water in a ratio of 2: 1. You can add glitter to this mixture if you like. Spread the solution on each ball and fasten together. Further, the matter remains small, only to complement the figure by making her a nose from cotton wool and toothpicks, eyes from buttons or beads and handles from pre-prepared twigs.

The technology for creating crafts from PVA glue is quite simple. It does not require large financial costs, and in the manufacturing process you will need a little patience and a flight of fancy.

Photo crafts from PVA glue

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Many people often need to glue or glue some object made of plastic, wood, rubber, etc. Today in stores you can find glue for various purposes. But what to do if you don’t have glue at home, and going to the store is not the right time. In this article, we will tell you how to make your own glue and look at popular glue recipes.

You will need:


This glue is designed for gluing wood, paper, cardboard. Therefore, you can safely use it, or.

Its advantage over other types of glue is that it is not afraid of moisture.

Making casein glue at home is easy:

  • To do this, you will need to pour yellowish or white casein powder into a bowl.
  • Then pour water into it in small portions, constantly stirring the contents of the vessel.

  • Pour water until you get a mass of about the same density as sour cream.
  • It takes about 30 minutes to stir the casein glue, as its quality will depend on this.

You can prepare casein from fat-free cottage cheese:

  • To do this, squeeze it well in gauze.
  • Rinse in water with soda, squeeze hard and dry.

  • After complete drying, the cottage cheese is ground into powder and sieved.


This glue will easily help you glue leather, fabric, paper and cardboard.

To make dextrin glue you need:

  • Dextrin 3 tbsp. l
  • Cold water 4-5 tbsp. l

You will need to stir 3 tablespoons of dextrin in 4-5 tablespoons of cold water. In the process of stirring, the water must be heated and continue to stir, and after a while add a spoonful of glycerin.

Glue is used cold and stored in an airtight container.


To make waterproof glue, use freshly curdled milk or cottage cheese and mix it with slaked lime to form a smooth, thick paste.

Apply the resulting mass in a thin layer on the surface to be glued, squeeze strongly and dry.

It is best to glue wood materials with this glue.


To make PVA glue, take:

  • Potato/wheat flour 4 tbsp. l
  • Water 0.5 tbsp.

Combine, stir thoroughly, so that there are no lumps. While the starch is being stirred in cold water, you need to boil the water. Quickly pour boiling water into the already mixed solution of starch and water and stir the mixture for 10 minutes. It is not recommended to use iron spoons, as they heat up quickly and can be easily burned.

Put the resulting glue on the stove and boil it until a transparent and jelly-like mass is obtained.

Frequently Asked Questions

    How to cook flour glue for wallpaper?

    With a little time, you can get quality glue. The basis is wheat flour (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Pour flour into a bowl, add warm water, boil for a few minutes on low heat. The finished composition should drain from the fingers, but you will notice stickiness.

    How to cook glue from starch?

    The process includes the following steps: sift the starch to remove lumps, pour warm water and stir for a long time (thick sour cream should be obtained), slowly add boiling water and whisk quickly, filter, heat in a water bath, pass through a sieve again. It is necessary to prepare such glue immediately before use, it is safe, hypoallergenic and very popular.

    How to weld wallpaper glue?

    Popular options:
    - flour or starch paste (recipes are given above);
    - home PVA: 1 l. water, gelatin - 5 gr., glycerin - 4 gr., flour - 100 gr., alcohol - 20 ml. Pour all gelatin with a glass of water and leave to swell for 24 hours. Flour is also combined with a glass of water. Heat 1 liter of water, pour in gelatin and flour solutions. Bring to a boil, pour in alcohol and glycerin, mix everything and leave to cool.

    How to make styrofoam glue?

    The process of creating glue is absolutely not complicated: find a container, pour solvent into it, lower the material and wait until it is completely dissolved, apply with a brush to selected areas. When the substance dries, it will resemble glass.

    How to make conductive glue with your own hands?

At the time of repair, it often becomes necessary to use adhesives. With their help, you can stick wallpaper, lay out tiles. Glue often becomes one of the main components of the cement composition.

To save your finances on buying factory-made mixtures, you can learn how to make glue at home yourself. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the algorithms for the manufacture of a variety of mixtures.

The Recipe for the Most Powerful All-Purpose Solvent and Styrofoam Adhesive

This adhesive composition is used when the house does not have the desired consistency or it ends at the most necessary moment. The substance is suitable for sudden cracks in the roof. Some people prefer to use such an adhesive composition in order to fasten objects in the interior or to install a cornice on the ceiling.

Solvent and foam glue can be called the most reliable, so using it, you can not be afraid that the fastened parts will begin to fall off after a while.

The glue gained popularity due to the reliable fastening of materials such as gas-filled polystyrene, skirting boards and furniture elements.


styrofoam glue recipe

In order to create the required adhesive consistency, it is enough to perform a number of simple steps:

  • Pour the solvent into the container. Acetone or thinner #646, 647 is suitable. The volume depends on the required amount of adhesive after creation.
  • Pour the foam into the solvent and keep the material in it until a viscous substance begins to form.

The resulting adhesive is used to bond different planes. When the consistency hardens, it securely holds the treated surfaces for a long time.

To apply the material, you can use a brush. This is ideal if you need to repair the roof. When the material hardens, it resembles glass.

We covered the first method, which described how to make glue at home from Styrofoam and thinner.
To create a bonding composition, you can simply apply crumbled foam to the desired location and pour it with a solvent. During the reaction, the material begins to melt, expand and fill all the cracks. This results in high quality sealing.

As an example, consider the process of sealing cracks in the roof (slate). The composition can be applied and securely fasten the joints of the roofing material. Please note that, with a liquid consistency, it will be unusable.

Composition features

As in any other process, in working with chemistry, you need to follow specific rules. Mixing work should be carried out away from sources of fire. The resulting mixture not only quickly ignites, but also burns for a long time.

It should be noted that cooking is best done on fresh air, it will not cause harm to health, since mixing in the room can lead to chemical fumes poisoning.

In addition, we must not forget that. That a mixed consistency can be applied only after a day, and with an increase in the thickness of the layer, the solidification time increases.

A similar adhesive composition is used if there is no necessary glue or it has ended at the most inopportune moment.

We dissolve the foam

To make the resulting consistency dry faster, it is recommended to choose solvents that contain acetone. If the preparation has been done correctly, the result can withstand almost any temperature fluctuations. For this reason, this adhesive is used on the roof and in cracks in the house.

Which foam is suitable

We considered the question of how to make glue at home from foam. Now you need to familiarize yourself with exactly which components can be used to create.

Styrofoam is a material made from foamed masses. It is very often used for the purpose of warming living space. Depending on the production process polystyrene is combined into 3 categories:

  1. No pressing required. In the final version, such material looks like balls that are linked. If you rub several elements of this foam against each other, then it will begin to crumble, and the balls will separate. The option is used to obtain the adhesive in question. It can be easily dissolved in acetone and turned into a mass of the desired consistency.
  2. Using pressing. The material has an increased strength factor in contrast to the previous considered option.
  3. extrusion. This is a foam with a homogeneous structure, since elevated temperatures are used in the process of its manufacture.

In addition to the options listed, you can also use granular foam. However, before using it, you need to check it for solubility. It will be appropriate to say that this version of the foam is considered the most convenient in creating glue.

Thus, with a solvent and foam at your disposal, you can get an adhesive that is reliable and can last for a long time.

Recipe for making wallpaper paste

If you plan to stick wallpaper, but you don’t want to spend extra money, we suggest that you read the instructions from the site on how to make glue at home. You will need to take as a basis:

  • flour;
  • water.

The number of components used will be selected based on the amount of work to be done. Calculate the ratio of three tablespoons of flour and 500 milligrams of water.

The creation process itself is very simple, and it will take no more than thirty minutes.

This glue will ideal option, if in the process of wallpapering, the desired consistency is over, and there are no hardware stores nearby.

How to organize the creation process:

  • put water on the stove and wait until it starts to boil;
  • in a separate plate or saucepan, flour is diluted with half a mug with a small amount of (preferably purified) liquid;
  • the composition is carefully added to the already obtained boiling water and thoroughly mixed;
  • bring to a boil again and remove from heat.

Let the mixture cool down. When it has completely cooled down, use as directed.

The mixture outwardly turns out like jelly. Some believe that this particular glue is ideal for redecorating rooms with wallpaper. It is elementary in cooking, does not need rare elements, and most importantly, does not contain harmful chemical components.

Recipe for making wood glue

Glue for carpentry is one of the most common and most commonly used consistency. It can also be made by hand.

The process is elementary, and if you approach this matter thoroughly, you will get a composition that can connect wood products. Of course, this glue has its own negative qualities- this is a sharp and unpleasant aroma, as well as the period of use of the prepared composition.

What are the ways to prepare wood glue.

Option 1

This cooking option is designed for long-term storage of the finished glue. As a result of cooking, a solid glue will be obtained, which, if necessary, can be cut into pieces and used.

Would need:

  • take wood glue, grind and put in a bowl of water;
  • wait until the mass swells and becomes soft;
  • pour the water with the dissolved glue into the oilcloth, set it to warm over the steam;
  • stir regularly.

You can remove the glue from the stove when the water from the container has almost evaporated. Pour the finished glue into molds and leave to cool completely.

Another version of wood glue is performed using one of the most well-known technologies today. Do you have a dry mix? Use it for cooking purposes. You will need an adhesive mass of 360 grams of the composition and 500 grams of vodka.
All components are combined and 100 grams of alum are added to them. We are waiting for everything to boil. Use the consistency after you wait for it to cool completely. The glue will be durable and have water-repellent performance.

Option 2

Consider another option for making a cool carpentry-type consistency. It is designed for use in the steam cooking process.

You will need (based on 500 ml of liquid):

  • 500 grams of glue;
  • half a tablespoon of vinegar;
  • 500 grams of vodka.

Glue is poured into the liquid and acetic acid is added to the composition. The consistency is cooked until you notice that the adhesive ingredient has dissolved. After that, vodka is poured into the composition and mixed.

This method of preparation can be improved, but for this it is necessary to take 250 grams of the adhesive composition, the same amount of water. Bring everything to a boil, and at the end of cooking, pour in the glycerin.
The finished mixture is poured into molds and used as needed. Please note that before the process of use, the composition must be diluted with water in equal proportions.

Recipe for silicate paper glue

If there is a need for silicate glue for paper, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following creation technology, which will be given below.

This glue is indispensable if a person likes to practice the technique of folding paper figures. It is silicate glue that is suitable for this task.
Not many people know that this adhesive consistency can be used in relation to wooden objects, which is an additional advantage.

The composition of silicate glue is the main component - dextrin. You can even cook it at home. What is required of you for the work process:

  • put two small spoons of starch into a container made of heat-resistant material and heat in the oven;
  • when the temperature indicator reaches 150 degrees, the composition is placed in the oven. Approximate cooking time is one and a half hours. The component is ready.

We are making glue. We prepare: glycerol, dextrin, water.

The first thing to do is combine water with dextrin. We heat the mixture, and wait until the component melts in water. At the final stage, we add glycerol to the previously obtained mixture. When the consistency is at room temperature, you can use the prepared glue.

How to make PVA glue at home

If you are one of those who is often faced with the need to use PVA composition, check out detailed description how to make high quality pva glue at home.

Before you make your own pva glue at home, prepare:

  • water;
  • gelatin;
  • flour (preferably wheat);
  • glycerol;
  • ethanol.

As for the amount of each ingredient, at least 500 ml of water will be required. for such an amount of liquid, take a few grams of gelatin and the same amount of glycerin, and 50 grams of flour is enough. As for ethyl alcohol, take 10 milligrams.

To understand how to make glue at home, we recommend that you read the detailed instructions:

  1. Pre-put gelatin in liquid and leave for next day. During this period, it will swell.
  2. Once the gelatin is cooked, you need to organize a steam bath. Place a container of liquid on the stove. Find a bowl that can catch on the edges of the pot of water. Please note that the container should not touch boiling water.
  3. Gently add gelatin to a separate plate with water and stir until completely dissolved and add flour. Put it all on a small heat and stir thoroughly during cooking.
    When the mixture is similar to thick sour cream, remove from heat.
  4. Add glycerin to the consistency that you have obtained and pour in alcohol. When the finished composition has cooled, it can be used for its intended purpose.

Now you have learned how to make pva glue at home. This cooking method is elementary, many ingredients are at home, or purchased within walking distance.

Flour glue recipe (for fabrics)

It takes a lot of glue to glue all sorts of fabric-based fabrics. If the additives are selected in the right amount, then you can prepare and stock up on several liters of high quality glue. The glue will not deteriorate and will not lose its qualities even if it is located at room temperature.

In order for the fabric to stick together firmly, you will need to make a grain-type paste. For this purpose, wheat or oat grains need to be broken on a coffee grinder powered by electricity. Of course, you can use a manual unit, but the grinding quality will not be high.

The resulting mass does not need to be sifted, it is poured with water and boiled. When everything swells, the consistency will need to be passed through cheesecloth, it is not necessary to wipe the mixture through it. Alcohol and PVA glue are poured into the liquid, how to make the right glue at home, we described above. The finished consistency can be used as intended.

If you plan to work with heavy fabrics, then instead of wheat and PVA, you can brew rye grains on a steam bath and add carpentry glue with alum.

The need for glue can arise at any, even at the most inopportune moment. You can’t talk about savings if you have to buy a whole package of industrial glue to fix a small defect in the house. It is more economical to cook it yourself and in the quantity that is needed. All this allows to solve the problem of the sudden end of the adhesive composition.