How to clean the microwave from grease. How to clean a microwave oven from dirt? Seven ways to care for your microwave

  • 15.06.2019

Microwave became important element household appliances. Not a single day goes by without it.

She does an excellent job of warming up. And besides this, with its help you can cook a huge number of full-fledged dishes.

Over time, the inner and outer surfaces lose their former purity and require cleaning. What means will help to cope with plaque, find out below.

How to clean the microwave inside and out?

The surface of the heating oven is made of metal, which is easy to clean. But before you get rid of stubborn dirt, soot and grease, you need to arm yourself with a few tips.

  • It is necessary to use fabrics of a soft texture so as not to spoil the surface of the oven.
  • Abrasives should be kept to a minimum so that the integrity of the coating is not compromised.
  • Determine the material of manufacture of the microwave oven:
    • Enamel- soft fabrics and dry wiping are suitable.
    • Stainless steel- specialized tools.
    • Ceramics- soft substances and sponges.

With the advent of the question of cleaning microwave ovens, there appeared both special means, and caps that cover plates of food. The essence of their action is that they do not allow drops of fat and food to get beyond their limits.

Household chemicals for cleaning the microwave: how to apply?

Manufacturers of modern chemicals for getting rid of dirt on the surface and inside the ovens offer a very wide range of their products. They perform their functions well, perfectly fight grease stains and other contaminants. The price range of funds varies depending on demand and the manufacturer's brand.

How to use:

  • Apply detergent to a damp sponge or soft cloth.
  • Wipe the surface of the microwave oven.
  • Then wipe with a clean and dry cloth.

Precautionary measures:

  1. Remove the plug from the socket before cleaning.
  2. After evaporation, do not open the door immediately.
  3. Clean with rubber gloves.
  4. Keep children and animals away from the cleaning area.
  5. Use household chemicals with caution.

How to clean the microwave with folk remedies?

Folk remedies help get rid of dirt no worse than household ones. And sometimes even surpass their chemical counterparts. Among these, the most suitable are distinguished:

  • citrus products;
  • Vinegar;
  • Soda;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Laundry soap.

How to quickly clean the microwave with baking soda?

  1. Pour baking soda on the soft side of a sponge or cloth.
  2. Gently wipe the entire surface of the oven.
  3. Rinse with a clean cloth and water.
  4. Then wipe with a dry cloth.

You can also use another method with soda:

  1. Combine 3 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 cups of water.
  2. Put the container with the contents in the microwave oven and turn it on for 20 minutes.
  3. Then take out the container and wipe it with a damp and then dry cloth.

Leave the oven door open overnight to eliminate any odor.

How easy is it to clean the microwave with vinegar and baking soda?

Vinegar and baking soda have long been knights against dirt on any surface. In addition, the help of vinegar will help not only to cope with ingrained dirt, but also with the smell.

  1. Combine a couple of tablespoons of vinegar, soda and glasses of water.
  2. Mix everything in a container and transfer to the oven for 15 minutes.
  3. Once the steam has developed, grease and other impurities will become more amenable to removal.
  4. Wipe with a damp cloth to remove dirt.
  5. And then wipe with a dry cloth.

How to easily clean a microwave with vinegar and water?

Water has always been an assistant in the fight for purity. And in a duet with vinegar, it will give shine to both the inside of the oven and the outside.

  1. Pour a couple of tablespoons of vinegar solution into a glass of water at room temperature.
  2. Place the contents of the container in the oven for 20 minutes.
  3. Walk with a damp cloth, wiping off the dirt.
  4. Then, use a dry cloth to wipe the surface of the oven.

How to clean a microwave with lemon?

  1. Squeeze lemon juice into warm water.
  2. Put the mixture on maximum temperature oven for 20 minutes.
  3. Then wipe with a soft, damp cloth to remove any remaining dirt.
  4. Then dry the oven with a dry cloth.

How to clean the microwave with citric acid?

  1. Combine a sachet of citric acid with a glass warm water.
  2. Move the container inside the oven for 20 minutes at high temperature.
  3. When finished, wipe the inside with a damp cloth.
  4. Pat dry with a dry towel.

How to clean the microwave with ammonia?

  1. Pour a couple of tablespoons of ammonia into a warm liquid.
  2. Mix well and place in the microwave oven for 20 minutes.
  3. Then walk with a wet and dry cloth.

How to clean a microwave with citrus fruits?

  1. Cut any citrus product and pour warm water.
  2. Move the container with the contents inside the oven for 20 minutes.
  3. At the end, let the contents stand inside for another 15 minutes.
  4. Then go over with a damp cloth.
  5. And pat dry with a soft dry cloth.

How to clean the microwave inside: the fastest way

Most fast way depends on the degree of plaque:

  • If the plaque is fresh, then a simple soapy solution and a foam rubber sponge will help. It is enough just to walk along the walls of the oven, and then wipe it with a clean and then dry rag.
  • If the pollution is of an old nature, then steam treatment using the above means will come to the rescue. After steam treatment, it is necessary to clean the oven from the remaining dirt and wipe it with a dry cloth.

How to clean the microwave from old fat?

Old fat is very common among microwave ovens, as they are the subject of high attention among users. But even such soot can be destroyed with the necessary products at hand. In this matter, you can help:

  • Fae- apply to a sponge and walk through contaminated areas;
  • Laundry soap- combine the grated soap with water and put in the oven for heating for 20 minutes, then wipe;
  • Specialized funds- spray on dirty places, and then wipe with a rag;
  • dough baking powder- pour on contaminated places for 30 minutes, then remove with a sponge;
  • Folk methods- put in a container with water for a while, then wipe the surface;
  • mustard powder- Apply to grease stains for 10 minutes, and then wipe off with a cloth.

How to clean the microwave from the smell?

To eliminate unpleasant pungent odors, the following can help:

  • Citrus fruit- when cleaning from dirt, the inside of the oven will be saturated with pleasant odors.
  • Salt- in a small amount will cope with any smells, it is enough to leave it for the night.
  • Activated carbon- crushed 7 tablets will help get rid of the hated smell, leave the powder overnight.
  • Coffee beans- ground coffee beans will get rid of any smell, it is enough to leave a handful of coffee powder for 8 hours.
  • Dentifrice- or its alternative - toothpaste, combine with lemon juice and rub the walls. Wash off after 30-50 minutes.
  • orange peel- leave peels of the whole fruit inside the appliance for 8-10 hours, they will help to eliminate the harmful smell.

How to clean the grill in the microwave from soot?

From soot on the grill will help:

  • Steam processing- put water or a mixture of water with a folk remedy in the oven for a while. After evaporating the dirt, wipe the surface with a napkin.
  • Slightly wet cleaning - wipe the walls and parts of the oven with a damp cloth, then put a damp cloth in the oven and turn it on for a few minutes. After that, walk again with a damp cloth.

Microwave cleaning can be a breeze if done right. With the help of simple but effective substances, this process will be quick and easy for you. And folk methods will help no worse than specialized branded products.

Today you can see it in almost every home. She has become an indispensable modern kitchen. With the help of a microwave, you can quickly defrost food, cook Tasty food and reheat food before serving.

The kitchen helper is usually used very often by all family members. In this regard, sooner or later, yellow dried spots of fat appear on its surface. How to clean the microwave at home and help it become snow-white again?

If your kitchen assistant is dirty, then keep in mind that it is strictly forbidden to wash it like a kettle or a pan. In each case, you should apply your tricks and secrets. How to clean the microwave at home so that it does not have to be taken to a repair shop after that?

If you wash the kitchen assistant from the outside, then a damp sponge and any detergent is enough. From the inside, the microwave oven gets dirty much more and more often. At the same time, it is necessary to clean difficult-to-remove greasy or stains that have already dried.

In order for the device to shine white again and not be damaged at the same time, you should know its device inner surface. It is usually multi-layered. The last, outer layer is designed to reflect microwaves and is protective. That is why it should not be damaged.


Before you should carefully study the instructions for its use. It should have a section indicating those detergents that can be used to clean the inner layer. First of all, they should not contain abrasive particles. In other words, various microwave washing powders cannot be used. A sponge for cleaning the kitchen assistant should be taken only soft. With a coarse brush, dried stains are easier to remove, but the likelihood of damage to the protective layer is significantly increased.

Nowadays, you can easily buy detergent. The choice of this product is quite large. There are also special products designed for washing microwave ovens. When buying, preference should be given to sprays, creams and gels. It is this form of cleaning product that will gently remove dirty stains.

In departments household chemicals supermarkets you can buy "Mr. Muscle" and special napkins for the microwave oven - "Magic Power". Cleaners such as Sanita 500-Antigir and Sanklin are also being sold.

How to clean the inside of a microwave? Simple enough. To do this, apply a little of the product to the contaminated surface and leave it for a few minutes. After that, the gel, cream or spray is removed with a soft cloth.

The main disadvantage of this method is that you need to go through several options to find the most effective remedy. In addition, household chemicals cause considerable harm to health. If you have allergies or have Small child, you will have to use another option.


How to clean the microwave inside using a safe and fairly simple way? Completely free to remove greasy spots ordinary water will help with the protective layer. However, it is worth remembering that this way only suitable for light soiling.

How to clean the microwave at home with water? To do this, pour it a large number of into a bowl, and then put the container in the microwave oven. The microwave is turned on full power by setting the timer for five to fifteen minutes. After switching off, a little time should pass for the stains to become better soaked. Only after this contamination is removed with a soft cloth or sponge. This method is very effective in eighty percent of cases.

Lemon acid

How to clean the microwave at home if the stains are difficult to remove? In such situations, when using ordinary water, the desired result cannot be obtained. But you should not despair. There is a simple way that will allow you to clear your assistant without spending extra money. To do this, you will need to use citric acid. It will perfectly clean the contaminated surface and whiten it.

How to clean the microwave with citric acid? The principle of using this tool is the same as in the version with water. Only a teaspoon of citric acid should be added to the prepared container with liquid. This method is also good because after cleaning the inner surface in the microwave, a pleasant fresh smell remains. Instead of citric acid, the juice of one lemon or several slices of this citrus can be added to a container of water.


There is another great tool that will answer the question of how to clean the microwave from fat. This is vinegar. In terms of effectiveness, it is on a par with citric acid. Therefore, the choice of means is up to you.

This method of cleaning the inner surface of the kitchen assistant is as simple as all of the above. In a container with warm water, add vinegar in the amount of three tablespoons. The prepared mixture is placed in the microwave, which is turned on for five minutes. In order for the spots to soften well, after turning off the device, wait a quarter of an hour. After that, the walls are cleaned with a soft sponge or cloth. If the surface is not very dirty, then it can simply be wiped with the resulting vinegar solution.


This product is abrasive. However, it can also be used to clean the inner surface of a microwave oven. How to quickly clean the microwave with baking soda? To do this, the product in the amount of two to three tablespoons must be added to a container of warm water. After that, putting the resulting solution in the microwave, start the timer for five minutes. The container must remain inside the appliance for another fifteen minutes after it has been switched off. Only then the stains are finally soaked, they can be removed without much difficulty with a soft sponge.

orange skins

Microwave cleaning can be done with everyone's favorite orange citrus. This will require his skins. They are placed in a glass mug containing water. The container is placed in a microwave oven for three to five minutes. After that, it is enough to carefully clean the walls of the inner surface from greasy stains.

The principle of operation of a microwave oven is the heating of food by microwave radiation, and its walls inside are covered with a special layer that reflects them. When cleaning, it can be easily damaged by aggressive brushes and other abrasive and caustic substances. You need to use something that is unable to scratch this layer: liquid products, microfiber or a non-rigid sponge.

When cleaning, it can be easily damaged by aggressive brushes and other abrasive and caustic substances.

When using the oven, just cover the plate with a lid and fat, the crumbs will not splatter on the microwave. This will keep it clean for a long time and help avoid frequent cleaning, which removes the fragile layer responsible for the operation of the device.

  • On the outside of the door, you can walk with a special tool for washing mirrors. It will help to avoid streaks and remove traces of fingerprints, grease and other contaminants.
  • During cleaning, do not press hard on the rag, do not rub, but create a steam effect that will dissolve dry grease splashes. Thus, it will only be necessary to go over the surface with a cloth with detergent and rinse well with water.
  • Don't forget to unplug the oven while cleaning!
  • Also, do not bypass the plate that comes with the kit. It also needs to be washed with detergent by hand or in dishwasher. You can put it back only after it has completely dried.
  • During cleaning, do not allow water to enter the round holes located inside the oven - wipe them with dry rags. Otherwise, moisture may harm and cause a malfunction.
  • Do not forget to wipe the grates dry from dust, which settles over time and with a large accumulation, the oven may start to work intermittently.
  • One of the most important rules- try to wipe the oven after each heating, defrosting food, so that greasy drops do not have time to remain and dry on the walls.
  • After cleaning, the oven can only be put into operation when it is completely dry.

On the outside of the door, you can walk with a special tool for washing mirrors.
During cleaning, do not allow water to enter the round holes located inside the oven.

One of the most important rules is to try to wipe the oven after each heating, defrosting food.
After cleaning, the oven can only be put into operation when it is completely dry.

Methods for dealing with fat in a microwave oven

So, you've got to work and are ready to clean your stove of old dirt. But how to wash the microwave from old fat inside at home, if the dirt is dry and only amenable to increased friction and the use of aggressive devices? It is not necessary to buy expensive cleaning gels or special wipes, impregnated with a cleanser, because you can make the effect of such a napkin yourself with soda or vinegar. This is also called the steam cleaning effect. It is convenient in the sense that you only need to heat water with soda, vinegar or dishwashing gel. The steam will dissolve dried dirt, and the drops of condensate will make it easier to wipe off the grease with a regular napkin, this procedure does not take much time and effort.

It is not necessary to buy expensive cleaning gels or special wipes soaked in a cleanser, you can make the effect of such a wipe yourself using soda or vinegar
It is convenient in the sense that you only need to heat water with soda, vinegar or dishwashing gel


Since it is sometimes difficult to wash the inside of the microwave due to dried dirt, baking soda is often used in its pure form. As a result, the walls are scratched and the special layer is damaged. But do not neglect it, because there is good recipe how to clean a microwave inside quickly using baking soda without damaging the oven. Take a small bowl (preferably glass) and dilute 5 tablespoons of baking soda with water. Water can be poured into about half the container. Then this mixture must be put open in the microwave for heating at high power for about 10 minutes. After the heating process is over, check if there are any solid impurities. If so, then put it on for another 15 minutes. Then dampen a soft cloth and remove any remaining greasy splashes. With this method, the fat will dissolve and with drops of water it will be easy to wipe off.

Then this mixture must be put open in the microwave for heating at high power for about 10 minutes.


You can also use vinegar. But you need less - half a bowl of water 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Stir and put on the heating mode first for 5 minutes. The action is the same: steam dissolves pollution and the remaining condensate on the walls will help remove excess. You can wipe it with a paper towel or a soft-bristled cloth. If there is no vinegar at home, it is permissible to use citric acid in the same proportions instead.

Stir and put on the heating mode first for 5 minutes

The amount of time it takes to heat up depends on the power of your microwave oven. More expensive and stronger models will take less time.


If there is absolutely nothing to wash the microwave from old fat, then an ordinary lemon comes to the rescue. This is a more expensive method, but if the oven needs to be cleaned urgently, it can also be used successfully as a fat-dissolving steam and bleach. Lemon will not only give the original white tint to the walls of the stove, but also eliminate the extraneous smell of food, which has long been mixed with other deposits. For the procedure, half a lemon is enough. Put it on a plate with the flesh down and add a few drops of water. After 1-2 minutes of heating, steam will begin to form. Now you can wipe the residue and dry the surface.

Lemon will not only give the original white tint to the walls of the stove, but also eliminate the foreign smell of food.
Put it on a plate, flesh side down, and add a few drops of water.

orange peel

Another representative of citrus fruits will help to cope with pollution. It will help not only remove dirt, but also add a pleasant citrus aroma. All you need is to eat 1 orange and cut the peel into small slices and put them in a bowl, then pour a glass of warm water. It remains to warm this mixture in order for steam to begin to stand out. And finally wipe inner part appliance with a cloth.

All you need is to eat 1 orange and cut the peel into small slices and put them in a bowl

Dishwashing liquid

But how to quickly clean the microwave inside if there is no time at all? Dishwashing liquid is always in the house and will help to quickly cope with pollution. We use it by analogy with the previous ones - we mix it in a saucepan with water in any proportions and set it to heat up. Due to its properties that break down fat, it will dissolve it better than anyone for complete removal. With it, it is easier to wash the dirt also because the foam is lush.

Dishwashing liquid is always in the house and will help to quickly cope with pollution.

Laundry soap foam

Though modern housewives prefer him modern chemistry, yet its cleansing properties are not inferior to many other expensive products. It not only removes even the oldest stains from clothes, but also perfectly disinfects. But what does it have to do with household appliances and how easy is it to clean the microwave inside with its foam? The fact is that laundry soap has unique ability- It's degreasing. It must be brought to a large, dense foam and applied to the walls of the microwave oven, avoiding holes. To get the maximum effect, you should leave it for half an hour. This time will be enough for the old fat stains to completely dissolve. At the end, you just need to walk with a soft cloth or a napkin dipped in water.

It must be brought to a large, dense foam and applied to the walls of the microwave, avoiding holes

Glass cleaner

This universal way cleaning, as you can quickly wash the microwave inside and out with the same solution. Do not forget about the outside of the oven, because dust and splashes after cooking settle on it, and in order to maintain a radiant color, you need to rinse it well simply by mixing glass cleaner with water in proportions of 2: 1. Take a soft sponge (a sponge is recommended, as it will create a fluffy lather for easier cleaning) and wipe the microwave inside and out with it. After all the dirt is completely cleaned, do not forget to rinse everything thoroughly with water and wipe dry. Also, with this tool, it is worth rinsing the glass surfaces (door, dial) well to a shine and without streaks. For these parts, it is recommended to simply apply a little of the product on a paper towel and wipe well.

This is a universal cleaning method, since you can quickly wash the microwave inside and out with the same solution.

Use of purchased funds

At the moment, many companies specializing in the manufacture of home cleaning products offer a wide range of sprays, gels, solutions for effective cleaning of microwaves. If you don’t want to bother and prepare your own products from improvised ingredients, then you can find something to wash the microwave from fat inside in any store that has a department with household chemicals. Many people prefer this particular option, because the products have been tested, the safety instructions are written on the label in the instructions for use, you just have to start cleaning and the result will be impressive. But if there are children in the apartment, people prone to allergies, or our smaller brothers, then it is better to refuse such chemicals.

At the moment, many companies specializing in the manufacture of home cleaning products offer a wide range of sprays, gels, solutions for effective cleaning of microwaves.
Many people prefer this particular option, because the products have been tested, the safety instructions are written on the label in the instructions for use, you just have to start cleaning and the result will be impressive.

Removing traces of burnt food

If suddenly you unsuccessfully warmed up, for example, toast, and as a result, the microwave was covered with dark spots of burning, which are accompanied by bad smell, and this problem is easy to deal with. To clean the walls, you can use all of the above methods, and to eliminate the smell, it is enough to ventilate the oven, leaving the door open for several hours, or use the following tips. The absence of bad odors is an important indicator of the cleanliness of the oven.

To clean the walls, you can use all of the above methods.

How to remove an unpleasant smell?

After you have successfully cleaned the inside of the microwave from fat, it's time to get rid of the smell of burnt food, crumbs and other contaminants. And due to the fact that the furnace is always in a closed state, air does not enter in such an amount to ventilate it. It's quite simple: take a container of water and add mint, lavender or lemon juice to it, and heat it up. During heating, the flavor of the added ingredient will overpower the unwanted odor. Also good helpers in this case, onions and coffee beans come out, which can simply be left inside the oven for a while. They absorb odors and prevent the appearance of new ones.

It's quite simple: take a container of water and add mint, lavender or lemon juice to it, and heat

If there is activated charcoal at home, then you can safely leave it on a tray inside for the night without turning it on. It will absorb all unwanted strong odors. Ordinary edible salt will also come to the rescue, which is famous not only for its ability to absorb liquid, but also the smell. It can also be poured into a small saucer and left overnight without heating.

You don't have to worry that these products will leave behind a specific smell, because their principle of work is to absorb, not interrupt the smell.

All of the above methods are suitable not only for microwave ovens, but also for gas stoves. What you can safely wash the microwave inside, it is permissible to use it on other similar surfaces of household appliances. It's up to you to decide what to choose - natural, folk recipes without chemicals, but with which you need to work longer, or ready-made, industrial - they will provide a quick, good result. Any cleaning should be carried out periodically and do not forget that the longer the oven is left without maintenance, the more difficult it will be to return it to its condition. perfect purity and the absence of foreign odors. The oven will last longer if its condition is treated with due attention, and the question of how to wash the microwave from fat inside will no longer frighten with its complexity.

Fat - worst enemy Our favorite kitchen utensil is no exception and the microwave oven. Every housewife often wonders how to wash greasy drops and stubborn stains inside the microwave ?!

There are a lot of ways to clean the microwave from pollution, but not every one of them is convenient or effective. We all know that the multifunctional one is quite useful in everyday life, because you can cook many different dishes in it: from toast to grandiose cakes.

But let's not go far from the topic, we will consider several options for how to clean the microwave inside.

On the shelves of specialized stores, our attention is given to a lot of such as sprays, powders and various liquid types of soap. However, to be convinced of the effectiveness of a particular remedy, you need to buy it and try it. Having spent money on a large amount of funds, often many buyers are disappointed in them, not getting the desired result. And again they are looking for ways to clean the microwave inside.

There are self-purification. For such microwaves, you just need to pour water into a special hole and press the desired button. With hot steam, the microwave will melt greasy drops, and you just have to wipe it inside with a napkin. It is worth noting that this is quite an expensive pleasure. Each user needs to decide for himself - which microwave better fit for him.

There are several "home" ways to clean the microwave inside.

1 way

Soda and water. Pour water into a deep cup, put a spoonful of soda there and set for 15 minutes. Then, with a napkin, carefully remove the stubborn fat from the walls of the microwave. You can replace soda with citric acid or slices of the lemon itself.

Before washing the microwave inside, prepare an orange, or rather, crusts from it. Then place the crusts in a cup of water and do the same as described in Method 1. In the same way, you can get rid of unwanted odors from the microwave oven. You can choose an aromatic oil of your choice, add to a cup of water and boil a little. The more drops you add, the stronger the flavor will come out of your microwave.

Laundry soap. Everyone knows that laundry soap does an excellent job with difficult dirt, but in order to wash the microwave inside, you need to lather it well first. Then apply evenly on the walls and leave for 30 minutes, then thoroughly rinse the soap with warm water using a sponge.

4 way. The most effective

The simplest and effective way- this, of course, is the acquisition of a special cover that does not allow drops of fat to splatter on the walls of the oven.

How to wash the microwave - chooses, of course, the housewife herself. Everything microwaves different, each needs its own cleanser, and how it will be - it's up to you.

A microwave oven is a constant assistant in cooking, heating and defrosting food. Behind the microwave oven, as well as behind the other kitchen appliances need to be properly cared for. Experts advise regularly cleaning the microwave from carbon deposits inside and preventing it from becoming heavily soiled. A thick layer of dirt, greasy coating can lead to a short circuit, and it is unhygienic to use such a device. How to clean the microwave at home without much difficulty? Consider a few quick and proven methods.

Basic information and some rules

The inner surface of the oven chamber is covered with a thin layer, which is designed to reflect microwaves. It can be damaged, so do not wash the device with hard detergents, rags, metal sponges that can scratch the surface.

Adhere to the following rules:

  1. Unplug your microwave before cleaning.
  2. During the procedure, do not touch the ventilation holes.
  3. Clean the outer surface with insulation with a damp cloth, otherwise you risk flooding the sensitive elements. Wipe it dry. The same applies to the panel with control buttons.
  4. Do not disassemble the device even if grease, dirt have penetrated deep inside.

Special Substances

Almost every manufacturer of household chemicals can find special products that will quickly wash the microwave from fat inside. But not every hostess can afford them because of the high cost, they contain harmful substances and you can't buy them everywhere.

You can always use folk ways for cleaning, allowing you to keep the microwave clean.