Tattoo on the stomach flowers. Belly for a tattoo in men

  • 29.06.2020

Tattoos on the stomach for girls - great way decorate the body and hide from prying eyes the inner craving for different kind experiments. It should be understood that such a step is quite serious, because it will remain on you for a single year. If you are an easily flashing and quickly fading nature, who quickly gets bored with everything, you should refuse to draw with durable paint. For such ladies, there are methods of stuffing with henna, which will be completely washed off the tummy at the end of the summer season.


Body painting has long moved into the category of trends art, because it is also a manifestation of human creativity. The body, especially the female body, has always been a source of inspiration, which means that the desire to decorate it will never dry up. A tattoo on the stomach is a whole world, space, the Universe, which has no boundaries and frames. A girl who dares to make it in this area can choose any size of the drawing and its subject, as well as color solutions. But everything, of course, depends entirely on the master you trust. And if you do not delve into the subtleties of the meaning and sacred secrets embedded in the ornaments created by a deft hand, the overall picture against the background of beautiful breasts and rounded hips always looks very sexy and piquant, especially when it comes to girls who do not have extra pounds.

The original architecture on the body is chic

Why is this needed?

Each lady always has her own reasons for doing this or that act. But what motivates them to get a tattoo in the tummy area? There may be several answers, for example:

  • The desire to designate one's own individuality and stand out from the crowd.
  • The ability to express what one does not always want to describe in words ( life position, guidelines, principles, motivation, etc.).
  • Creating a special style.
  • Getting rid of deep complexes that torment and do not allow to fully open up.
  • Masking of skin defects, such as scars and scars after childbirth and other operations.

Advice!Not all women give birth naturally, resulting in a scar closer to the groin area. For some, it causes unpleasant associations, makes you feel ashamed of your body, puts a ban on the purchase of frank things. In this case, the tattoo really becomes the most the best way getting rid of complexes. If the scars are very conspicuous, you can make a 3D object using the play of light and shadow.

Important information! Before putting yourself in the hands of the master, carefully study his recommendations, "portfolio". If it is known enough, there will be plenty of reviews about it on the Internet. You also need to seriously approach the choice of drawing. Do not blindly fill in the picture you like: sacred meanings can affect your lifestyle. Remember, there should be no mistakes! Such decorations are made once and for all, and any mistake can spoil the mood and lead to a nervous breakdown. And if you want to withdraw it, the procedure will turn you into another painful sensation and a significant waste of the budget.

The main advantage of a flat girlish tummy is, of course, a large enough area for the realization of their ideas and fantasies. Any image can be expressed on such a canvas, no matter how complex and intricate it may be.

In this section, we decided to take responsibility and give a number of tips on choosing the right picture. It should be noted right away that this should not look like an imposition of an opinion or a strong recommendation to which close attention should be paid. We will just list the most popular tattoos that modern ladies prefer in the coming year. The choice, as always, is yours!

So, today the following types of tattoo are relevant and in demand:

  • Plant and flower compositions;

  • Zodiac signs and combinations of stars of different sizes;

  • Commemorative inscriptions and Japanese and Chinese characters;
  • representatives of the fauna;

  • Insects, such as a butterfly or dragonfly;

  • Abstract drawings.

First of all, underwear painting should be feminine, flirtatious and tender. Thus, you will emphasize your attractiveness and hidden sexuality. Probably for this reason, you rarely see images of reptiles, spiders, lizards or dragons on the skin of a girl. These are, rather, brutal drawings inherent in men.

Advantages and disadvantages

Long-lasting painting in this particular part of the female body has both pluses and minuses. This is due to the fact that on such a large area you can "prick" a tattoo of any size. Let's first understand the merits of such experiments on the body:

  • Only the closest and dearest people can find out that you are an ardent fan of the work of tattoo artists. The pattern is easy to hide under clothing. Even if you are an employee of a serious company with a strict dress code, a tattoo will never be the reason for dismissal.
  • In order to show off a tattoo, just put on a short top or T-shirt, or go to the nearest beach and demonstrate your beauty in a swimsuit.
  • The desire to fill a drawing can be a serious motivation for losing weight. You understand that in order for the pattern not to blur and have a strict outline, you need to lose extra pounds and turn your tummy into a smooth and even surface.
  • Tattoos in such places always attract the attention of others. And if in the presence of strangers your blouse is pulled up, and a piece of the picture looks out, men will definitely look at you from the other side.

Well, as you can see, there are plenty of advantages. But are there any drawbacks, because, as you know, any coin has two sides.

  • If you are not an ardent supporter of a sports lifestyle and proper nutrition, it is better to refuse a tattoo. Their owners have to constantly monitor their parameters, engage in abs workouts and monitor their daily diet.
  • The application procedure is always very painful. Girls with a low pain threshold often can't stand it. In addition, the work constantly have to take breaks.
  • And after “stuffing” the sensations of pain and discomfort do not subside for several days. Therefore, such "operations" are best done during a vacation or a long rest. At this time, it is not recommended to leave the house and disturb the press with unnecessary loads.

How to make the right choice?

In this matter, it is important not only the image itself, which in just a few days will decorate your body, but also its stylistic direction. This is what we will talk about in this section.

The Internet, friends and professionals will help you decide on this issue. It all depends on how the girl wants to present herself in society. Style, character, fullness of meaning - all this is the key to the success of your decision.

  • If you want to express your sexuality and eroticism, a small image of a panther or any other cat– their grace always fascinates and attracts attention.

  • Floral compositions- a sign of a refined, sophisticated and glamorous person.

  • In cases where you want to perpetuate some memorable date or a phrase that reminds you of a significant day in your life, use various hieroglyphs and inscriptions in English, French or Latin.

  • Charming butterflies or flowers- a sign of romanticism, tenderness and coquetry.

Advice! You must understand that in this matter you cannot focus on momentary impulses and weaknesses. This should be a balanced and considered decision. Therefore, in order not to regret your act for the rest of your life, carefully weigh all the pros and cons.


It should be noted that on this part of the body it is easiest to correct or restore any fragment of the picture. You can even supplement it, of course, subject to consultation with a specialist. Be sure to scroll through the catalogs before doing this, they are in in large numbers usually lie on the tables in the master's waiting room.

You probably already managed to look at the presented photos, and made sure that color and black-and-white pictures in the waist area always look very harmonious, attractive and extraordinary. But this is only subject to a decision in favor of the correct pattern.


Flower arrangements are a symbol of unity with nature, naturalness and naturalness. In many countries of the world they have a special meaning. For an example, take a look at the following definitions:

  • Jasmine- love and female coquetry.

  • Orchid- beauty and mystery.
  • Pansies- reflection and sophistication.
  • Lotus- purposefulness and eternal overcoming of difficulties, but he has a place on his neck.

  • If you want to cover up a scar, you can create a whole bouquet, for example, from roses - a classic interpretation of girlish beauty, peony - a sign of longevity, thistles - a symbol of firmness and integrity of character, wildflowers, which are an expression of femininity.

Advice! Make small tattoos, because anesthesia is not recommended - the wounds will heal for a very long time.


  • peacock tail speaks of majesty and royalty.
  • Bee- about energy, diligence and diligence.

  • bird feather talk about lightness and romantic mood.
  • Angel wings- purity, spirituality, sublimity.
  • soaring bird- unity with God, freedom from everyday worries and fuss.

  • Hare indicates happiness and a carefree attitude to life.

As for the inscriptions and hieroglyphs, this is a completely different story. Memorable phrases bearing sacred meaning, you must choose based on your own feelings and worldview.

We have already said a lot about the beauty of tattoos on the stomach, but at the end of the article, we should talk about contraindications. Girls suffering from psoriasis, dermatitis and other skin diseases are not recommended to get a tattoo, the drawing will be spoiled by rashes and redness.

And once again I want to say about the choice of the master. This must be taken seriously, because it is to him that you entrust your body. Carefully look for any information about how professional the selected specialist is, whether he has enough experience, whether there have been precedents for poor work and low-quality service. Pay attention to the level of sanitary and hygienic treatment of tools - remember, you can get dangerous diseases through the needle of the machine!

If some men can afford a tattoo on open area bodies, others prefer non-trivial and personal sketches with deep meaning. These include tattoos on the stomach. In men, this area is not so often in demand, but still. Decorative and meaningless images are rarely performed here.

The best ideas to date are biomechanics, various predators, Polynesian ornaments, birds and religious subjects. All sorts of inscriptions, symbols, floristic plots, animals and birds, 3d pictures, monochrome and color sketches are no less popular. More information about the selection rules with photo examples can be found in the article below.

With the help of tattoos on the stomach and ribs, men emphasize their masculinity, steel press, relief of the figure and a special style. These are mostly large monochrome compositions that can be combined with patterns on the chest, arms, shoulders, etc. The top list of the best includes the following ideas:

Biomechanics- the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"half-man-half-robot", created with the help of realistic and voluminous pictures, imitation of mechanical pistons, gears, and other details crashing into the flesh. The main message is a decorative function, the work does not provide for sacred influence.

Predators- with the help of any animal, the owner, as it were, emphasizes his courage, courage, strength, desire to be the first, imperiousness and even danger. It can be a paw print, a grin, the muzzle of an animal or the whole beast.

Polynesian pattern- it can be a small pattern or a whole ornament, including several patterns at once. Inside the composition there can be different amulets and talismans (turtle, sun, moon, etc.), each curl, angle and line will work as a protector from evil and negativity.

soaring bird- more often it is an eagle, but there is also a falcon, a phoenix, an owl, a raven. The main message is the desire to be free and independent, to easily perceive and decide life difficulties, be purposeful and fast.

Fallen Angel- a non-trivial tattoo on the ribs of the guys, talking about the pain and disappointments that a person had to face earlier. It can also be a symbol of repentance, recognition of one's sinfulness and the desire to atone for wrongdoing.

Features of tattoos on the abdomen and on the ribs in men

To determine how appropriate the wearable pattern in this area is, it is enough to weigh the pros and cons. The undoubted advantages include:

  • the ability to hide scars and other skin defects;
  • drawing at any time can be combined with the composition on the chest;
  • a well-chosen sketch will visually make the figure slimmer;
  • many plots emphasize muscles and relief;
  • in some places, the work is almost painless.

For reference! If we talk about the ribs, here, due to the close location of the bones, the tattoo will be painful, regardless of the pain threshold. Another disadvantage is the high cost of large-scale and complex sketches. Also, when gaining weight, there are risks that the tattoo will lose the correct shape and proportions.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your stomach? And on the ribs?

The most painful part of the body in the context of tattooing is the ribs. This is due to the fact that the skin is quite thin, without a fatty layer, tightly fitting the bones. In addition, there are more than 20,000 nerve endings. Therefore, the master must use painkillers.

On the stomach, the situation is somewhat different. If the guy is physically strong and goes in for sports, a dense layer of abdominal muscles will be located under the skin, they, in turn, will absorb needle punctures. Thanks to this effect, the work will be minimally painful. And even if there are no muscles here, the fat layer will give the same effect.

Are you ready to pay the master 1000 bucks for a quality full back tattoo?


Styles and colors that are popular for tattoos on the abdomen and on the ribs of men

Once the decision was made to choose a sketch for the future underwear drawing, now you can think about the style and color in which the master needs to perform it. To date, there are several dozen trends and directions, but the most popular are the following:

3d effect optical illusion;

believable realism;

monochrome blackwork;

tribal with patterns and ornaments;

soft dot work;

colorful watercolor;

gangster chicano style;

old school in a classic format;

new school in a modern creative interpretation;

aggressive trash polka.

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, 8 years experience

If you are an adult man with strict conservative views on life, with a courageous and brutal style, give preference to monochrome pictures in black and white. color scheme. Color plots will be organically combined with the youth style of a creative expressive guy.

Lettering with meaning

The simplest and most versatile option is inscriptions that reflect the inner world, life credo, thoughts and feelings. For example:

  • wise sayings in latin
  • mysterious Sanskrit,
  • understandable English,
  • quotes in spanish,
  • French love motives
  • religious inscriptions in Hebrew or Arabic script.

Gothic font will look original and stylish, calligraphic will look better in sensual love inscriptions. You can write a prayer on the ribs as a talisman on the right side, and motives relating to spiritual and personal growth - on the left.


With the help of symbols in Chinese or Japanese, you can not only express your life principles, priorities, goals and dreams, but also create some kind of intrigue. At the same time, it is extremely important to choose the right script and its translation, since different dialects similar to each other are practiced in these countries and cities.


Scenes from the category of flora and fauna, that is, different animals, birds, plants and insects, will look original on the side or stomach. Each group contains many ideas with individual meaning.


With each animal, the owner of the tattoo, as it were, associates himself, his character and behavior. This is primarily courage, masculinity, strength, wisdom. If not, then it may be a desire to imitate the beast, such as:

  • wolf;
  • bear;
  • elephant;
  • tiger;
  • scorpion and more.


All plots from the category of floristry can be interpreted as the personification of sensuality, emotionality, passionate creative nature. At the same time, the man will also look courageous. What could it be:

  • peony;
  • the Rose;
  • thistle;
  • dandelion;
  • lotus;
  • leaves;
  • tree and more.


With the help of stories with birds, the desire for freedom and independence, the desire to fly, to be light and at the same time wise man. Many characters also personify purposefulness, deep knowledge, spirituality, intuition.


Drawings with all sorts of bugs and spiders are both a manifestation of non-standard thinking and vision of the world, and strong amulets and talismans.

With the help of underwear, you can not only express your essence or change the quality of life, but also capture important events from the past. These can be dates associated with service, training, work, marriage and the birth of children. Also, some men emphasize scars as a reminder of hard times.


Small objects and details can be sacred symbols that affect fate, thinking, perception, intellect and quality of life in general. Some symbols work as amulets against risks, dangers, negativity and evil, others attract luck, wealth and love to life, others reflect the owner's character and dreams.

For example:

  • Dreamcatcher;
  • infinity;
  • compass;
  • cross;
  • labyrinth;
  • mandala;
  • key;
  • hourglass;
  • pentagram and more.


You can emphasize masculinity, charisma and brutality with the help of monochrome and bold plots. They focus on the strength, inner core, will, leadership and severity of their owner. You can look at the following ideas:

  • Cerberus;
  • doberman;
  • the Dragon;
  • snake;
  • flame;
  • pattern or ornament;
  • soaring eagle;
  • wolf;
  • grin of the beast;
  • weapons and more.

Mini tattoo

Miniature pictures are inherent in strict, restrained and conservative guys who do not want to shout about anything in this way, but leave some mystery and understatement. As interesting idea we offer the following:

  • cross;
  • hieroglyph;
  • crown;
  • compass;
  • hourglass;
  • flower;
  • Sun and moon;
  • stars;
  • Zodiac sign;
  • animal paw.

Beautiful and funny tattoos

Despite the fact that the sides and stomach are rarely open to the gaze of others, cool and beautiful stories and images are very popular. Their main task is aesthetics and decor, but hidden subtext can also be found here. What could it be:

  • floral ornament;
  • Angel wings;
  • praying hands;
  • abstraction;
  • animals;
  • birds and more.


Different shades and colors in the picture are also welcome, with many modern styles executions literally require the intervention of several base colors and their close shades. The meaning of the drawing fades into the background, rather, it is a manifestation of creativity and imagination. For example:

  • phoenix;
  • the Rose;
  • the Dragon;
  • carp;
  • shark and more.

3d tattoo

The 3d format has become a real hit in the field of body art, these are three-dimensional pictures that create the effect of an optical illusion. They have little sacred influence, more entertainment and bewitching aesthetics. For example:

  • biomechanics;
  • patterns and ornaments;
  • wild animals;
  • mythical characters;
  • religious motives.

Important! There should be no discrepancy and dissonance between the wearable image and the owner. Therefore, when choosing, it is important to take into account your character, life credo, lifestyle and professional activities.

Now it's the turn to think about a few important questions before heading to the salon to the master. Namely:

  • make a sketch, do not use other people's work, it must be a unique author's drawing;
  • analyze in detail the meaning of each element in the plot;
  • consider the scale of the picture, how large and contrast you see it;
  • choose the appropriate style and color scheme;
  • decide where exactly the work of the master will be placed(on the left or right side, on the navel, on the side of the abdomen, in the lower abdomen or in the center).

Only after that you can visit the salon for a consultation. Be sure to discuss with the master how long the process of fulfilling the idea will take, and most importantly, how much money such an experiment will cost you.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

Go only to the salon where masters with an impeccable reputation work, used modern equipment and professional paints and most importantly, sanitary standards are observed. Find out in advance on the Internet the site of this institution, read the reviews.

Are you ready to endure painful procedure rib tattoos for the end result?


What tattoos should not be applied?

There are several categories of tattoo that sooner or later will require laser removal and removal. For example:

  • names- people come into our lives and leave, the tattoo will always be on the skin;
  • satanic symbols- I attract negativity, failures and evil into karma;
  • subcultural sketches- Interests change over time
  • love motives- in modern society these feelings are also fickle, which cannot be said about tattoos;
  • prison plots- if you are not related to the zone, you should not go for such experiments.

The ideal choice is an image that harmonizes with your inner world and appearance, lifestyle and activities. And most importantly, it will not lose relevance after years.


Tattoos on the ribs and stomach are more of a non-trivial option with personal overtones and designation. They are rarely shown to the environment, but despite this, cool 3d pictures, colorful and funny stories, epic and impressive motifs are popular. No less often choose miniature, monochrome and brutal ideas. After viewing the photo with examples, following the advice in the article, you run the risk of becoming the owner of a cool tattoo.

Among the lovers of wearable drawings, there are many fans of tattoos on the male abdomen. Sketches for such tattoos, as a rule, express courage and strength. Before deciding to go to a tattoo parlor, you need to clarify all aspects of a tattoo on your stomach, weigh its advantages and disadvantages. This approach will be relevant if the entire torso is not filled with drawings, but the idea has arisen to apply a tattoo on this particular part of the body.


A tattoo located in the abdomen, which, with its good shape, men are often so proud of, has a lot of advantages.

  1. The main advantage is the original choice. The representative of the stronger sex, who prefers a tattoo on his stomach, is a priori bold, courageous and original. In this part of the body, almost all the vital organs of the body are concentrated, therefore, a person who has been visited by such an idea seeks to control all the processes that occur to him. The purpose of a real man lies precisely in these virtues, so this choice can only be welcomed.
  2. Appearance for a man is of great importance. A tattoo on the side and in the center of the abdomen will surely attract attention, telling about the unusual taste of its owner. beautifully executed male tattoo triple the number of admiring glances on the beach, gym and in the sports arena.
  3. A tattoo in the abdomen is suitable for men who have scars and visible defects in this part of the body. After undergoing surgeries, burns and other unpleasant life episodes, ugly scars remain that cannot be hidden by a pumped-up press or chocolate tan. In this case, the tattoo will be a real salvation for a man who cares about his appearance.
  4. A tattoo on a man's stomach can always be hidden under clothes and shown only at will. This is very convenient at work that does not involve the presence of tattoos, as well as if friends or relatives adhere to puritanical views.
  5. The most important plus for men who take care of their appearance will be a male tattoo as an incentive to maintain an excellent shape. With age, many people stop working on their figure, get better, grow a beer belly. A tattoo on the stomach will not let its owner relax, because a distorted and unrecognizable drawing will be a constant reproach and a reminder of lost youth and love of life.
  6. disadvantages

    Men's tattoos on this part of the body have several disadvantages that must be considered when deciding to choose this particular option.

    Popular sketches

    The most common among men's tattoos on the stomach are images of animals, photos of which can be viewed on the site. If the tattoo is located in the center just below the chest, it is recommended to focus on the drawing of the head of an animal with an open mouth. The feeling of wild strength will warn that the owner of the tattoo will be able to stand up for himself and his loved ones. Often, a spider or web is depicted on the male abdomen; they are a powerful amulet and help enhance communication skills.

    The inscriptions arranged in a circle will be known only to their owner. Despite the openness of the picture, it will be extremely problematic to read them. Very popular are images of geometric shapes, stars of David, wind roses, etc. The cross tattoo occupies a special place among male tattoos located on the stomach, sometimes it is performed in the form of a crucifix, with angels and other biblical motifs.

    Some men prefer side tattoos. The image can start on the chest and descend vertically to the lower abdomen. With this arrangement, a whole composition consisting of motifs chosen by the owner of the drawing would be appropriate. A tattoo on the side will look very elegant, which starts under the chest and armpit and goes down to the thigh. In this case, inscriptions in any European language, Sanskrit, Hebrew, as well as hieroglyphs of eastern countries are preferable. Sketches of plants are especially popular; slender sakura, palm or cypress look great.

    Fans of men's tattoos on the stomach also apply drawings of birds, honeycombs, swords, anchors, sometimes inscriptions are adjacent to them.

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Tattoos on the stomach are a great choice for avid lovers of wearable designs. On this part of the body, both large images and small ones look great. beautiful tattoo. In the article, we will consider the best tattoos for girls and spectacular female sketches.

Advantages and disadvantages of tattoos for girls on the stomach

The disadvantage of applying a tattoo on a girl’s stomach may be that during pregnancy the body will undergo a number of changes, which, as a result, will affect the external attractiveness of the drawing. In frequent cases, the tattoo stretches and loses its original appearance, and the abdominal area is covered with stretch marks. For this reason, it is best for a girl to fill a tattoo in the lower abdomen after the birth of children.

If the girl is not ready to deviate from her intentions, it is best to get a tattoo on the side of the abdomen, avoiding the area below the navel. This area is the least susceptible to deformation.

Also, it is worth knowing that a tattoo in the lower abdomen heals longer, unlike tattoos on other parts of the body. The thing is that this area is constantly in contact with jeans, elastic bands from leggings and sweaters, which create friction and slow down the process of tissue regeneration.

The advantage of tattooing on the abdomen for girls after childbirth is its excellent camouflage ability. Drawing on the lower abdomen can hide stretch marks, scars and other figure imperfections.

However, it is worth knowing that only a qualified master who has previously performed such work can fill a tattoo on stretch marks on the stomach. Once you get to an illiterate self-taught person, you run the risk that in the future the drawing will have to be deleted or redone again. And these mistakes require both time and financial costs.

Belly Tattoo Ideas for Girls

When choosing a picture, you can not limit yourself to applying small images, but give free rein to your imagination and bring to life the most daring idea.

However, not many girls are ready to make this bold act, so most of the tattoos applied to this area are feminine and delicate: various flowers, all kinds of patterns and ornaments, images of animals, etc. Below we consider the most popular ideas for female tattoos.

Tattoo inscriptions on the stomach

The tattoo inscription on the stomach of girls is one of the most common designs that looks very attractive and sexy.

Quotes in an ornate font look spectacular on this area, as well as phrases in the style of minimalism.

The choice of the language in which the text will be applied depends on the personal preferences of the lady: it can be beautiful Arabic script, wise Latin, or understandable English.

flower tattoo on stomach

Many girls stuff floral motifs on the scar after appendicitis surgery or caesarean section to camouflage it nicely. Roses, sakura, lilies, peonies and any other flower arrangements will be an excellent choice.

A flower tattoo on the stomach means beauty and femininity.

Roses, depending on the specific color, are associated with different values. Red roses, for example, symbolize true love, passion and respect, white ones mean purity and youth, and pink ones represent elegance and grace.

The lotus flower means purity of mind, body and soul, wisdom, spiritual growth.

Tattoo patterns on the stomach

In the past few years, oriental ornaments have become one of the most sought after designs among women. Patterns are applied both on the back, under the chest, on the lower back, and on the tummy.

The most elegant on ladies looks mandala, lotus flower or abstraction. For those who love the minimalist style, it is best to choose black for patterns. And for creative people, colorful ornate motifs are perfect.

small tattoos

Girls with a tattoo on their stomach stand out among the rest of the ladies. But in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex, it is not at all necessary to apply a large drawing from the chest to the pubis.

An excellent alternative would be a small tattoo applied, for example, in the waist area. Below you can see for yourself by looking at the small tattoos of girls.

Sketches of a tattoo on the stomach

Sketches of drawings for the abdomen are striking in their diversity. Popular motifs are flowers, stars, patterns, insects, birds and animals. Below in the photo, we will consider the most common designs that many girls around the world choose.

Butterfly tattoo

If you love butterflies and their symbols, then you can choose one of the tattoos that will give you a seductive look. The butterfly on the belly can represent freedom, transformation and beauty.

Eagle tattoo

Eagle tattoos symbolize courage, insight and enlightenment. This motive is perfect for a strong-willed girl who is used to achieving high results in life with her work.

Phoenix bird tattoo

The Phoenix is ​​known to be a legendary bird that rises from the ashes. It stands for resilience and vitality. By adding floral elements to the Phoenix design, a more feminine and sophisticated look can be created.

Feather tattoo

Feathers look both stunning and delicate at the same time, which is why they are often worn at the waist or on the sides of the abdomen. They can be made both in black and gray and in bright colors, depending on the personal preferences of the future owner of the picture.

You can add meaningful text to your design, such as a name, date, or quote, to give it a new meaning.

Animal Tattoos

Those girls who choose tattoos with animals, to some extent, associate the qualities of animals with their character traits. Consider what these or those representatives of the fauna mean.

  • The peacock is an important symbol in many religions. It is associated with beauty, nobility, spirituality and renewal.
  • Cats are more than just popular pets. They symbolize feminine power, happiness, prosperity, secrets and elegance.
  • The fox is associated with both positive and negative meaning. She stands for wisdom, adaptability, quick thinking, as well as cunning and malice.
  • Wolves are currently one of the most popular tattoo motifs. The reason is that many people associate themselves with them. Wolves are a symbol of strength, family, instinct, survival, freedom and protection.
  • The snake symbolizes healing and rebirth, intelligence, revenge and temptation.
  • The dragon plays an important role in Japanese and Chinese culture. In general, it symbolizes power, might, wisdom and prosperity. Its color also affects the meaning of the tattoo. A green dragon, for example, represents life and earth, while a blue one is associated with compassion and forgiveness.

In our century, images on the body have become quite popular among young girls. This article will talk about female tattoos. Namely, about the tattoo on the stomach.

On a slender tummy, it looks cute and magical. Such a tattoo means resurrection, rebirth and the desire for a new one.

Butterfly is a symbol of feminine beauty. She is bright, unusual and has her own personality. Such a pattern requires a woman to fully comply with the declared image.

Flowers on the stomach mean rebirth and childbearing. Often such a tattoo is done by young women who want to get pregnant. Some peoples have a belief that the flowers depicted on the stomach give rise to life inside a woman and contribute to her impeccable development.

Depicted on the female tummy, red roses mean love, passion and sexual desire. And white roses tattooed around the navel symbolize fidelity, innocence and virginity.

So, having decided to make a tattoo with roses on your stomach, think carefully about what it means to you and what it should be a symbol of.

In the next photo, a tattoo of a woman who either does not understand symbols, or who has not decided on her purpose in life.

Butterfly symbolizes rebirth, roses - love, eagle - male sign, in women - the desire for independence and self-sufficiency. The image of death testifies to the desire for eternal life. According to belief, death that came for a person, having seen the image of his own kind, should leave forever.

Such a combination of drawings next to it does not carry a semantic load, most likely, the girl just liked the image.

Since ancient times in Japan, a chrysanthemum tattoo meant that a person is an excellent cook. This profession was very valuable and real masters were worth their weight in gold.

Now she is a sign of nobility and kindness, open heart. Such a tattoo is done on different parts body and in different circles has different meaning. Before filling such a pattern, consult with the master about its designation.

The image of a tiger on the body is inherent in men, but recently girls do not want to give in to them in anything. The same goes for tattoos.

The tiger on the female body means the duality of character. On the one hand, dark stripes, which are the dark side of the soul and a violent beginning, on the other, light red or golden stripes. On the contrary, they mean goodness, a bright soul and pure thoughts.

Equally important is the position and age of the depicted animal. A small tiger cub testifies to the defenselessness of the girl, and the need to find a protector. The hunting beast is a symbol of strength, grace and invincibility. Sleeping - peace of mind, satisfaction with one's life and slowness. An angry tiger betrays an unbalanced person who strives for superiority over the outside world.

The image of an owl, as in the figure below, in a cartoonish or comical manner, indicates only good feeling humor and cheerful disposition of its owner. Also, an owl means openness to communication and new acquaintances.

The image of cats or kittens on the female body indicates tenderness, elegance and attractiveness.

The poppy flower is a symbol of beauty and femininity, but at the same time it has the opposite meaning. Such as irresponsibility or denial of the established order.

See a few more interesting options tattoo:

The images that girls put on their bodies are countless. Each of them has several meanings. Not only the drawing itself is important, but also its location on the female body.

Do you have tattoos? Write in the comments what they mean to you.