What do you need to donate blood? How do you donate blood and its components? Is donating blood painful?

  • 01.10.2020

Blood is a liquid without which no living organism can function normally. Donating or donating blood for the needs of other people is considered an honorable mission all over the world. Thanks to donated blood, thousands of people can be saved. Most often, the need for it arises during the operation or during childbirth. Unfortunately, not everyone can become a donor.

There are a lot of restrictions, the presence of which makes the donor's blood useless and even dangerous for the one to whom it is intended. The sampling is carried out at the blood transfusion station and the desire to donate liquid is the only thing you need to donate blood for donation.

There are few requirements for donors. The main one is health.

To be a blood donor, you must meet the parameters prescribed in the Russian Federation "On the donation of blood and its components" N 125-FZ of the Russian Federation of 20.07.2012. According to Art. 4 of the law under consideration when taking blood and its components are based on the principles:

  • safety (blood and its components should not pose a danger to the person to whom it is transfused);
  • voluntariness (no one has the right to force blood donation);
  • the safety of the donor's health (a person who donates blood must be sure that dangerous infections will not be introduced into his body during the sampling process, and the amount of fluid withdrawn will not exceed the permissible limit);
  • social and legal support (the donor is provided with certain benefits);
  • gratuitousness (blood is donated for free).

There is a lot of controversy regarding the last point, but blood donation is still free. In exceptional cases, relatives of the patient in need of a transfusion pay for the agreement to take it from a particular person. The state does not pay for blood donations, but regular donors have some privileges, which will be discussed below.

Donor Requirements

In the Russian Federation, donors can be not only Russians themselves, but also foreign citizens who are in the country on a legal basis and have the appropriate registration. Despite the lack of potential volunteers to donate blood, the most stringent requirements are imposed on those. A donor is selected based on their compliance with the following criteria:

  1. Age. Liquids are taken from adults, not younger than 18 and not older than 60 years.
  2. The weight. People weighing less than 50 kg are not involved in blood donation.
  3. Health. The donor must be healthy. Donating blood is stressful for the body, because of which the patient's condition can deteriorate greatly. In addition, such blood can be dangerous for the one to whom it is intended. There are many diseases that are transmitted precisely during the exchange of fluids, in particular, blood.

Gender does not matter, but there are some restrictions. So, a man without health risk can donate blood up to 5 times a year, and a woman only 4. At the same time, the interval between the next sampling should not be less than 2 months.

Blood sampling is not performed in patients:

  • viral form of hepatitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • HIV and AIDS;
  • cancer;
  • atherosclerosis and other heart diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • high myopia;
  • radiation sickness.

It is forbidden to take blood from patients with acute respiratory viral infections, influenza or tonsillitis. The above contraindications make a person completely unsuitable for blood sampling, but this does not mean that their absence automatically grants admission to the ranks of donors. There are also so-called temporary obstacles. These include:

  1. Vaccinations. At least 1 month must pass from the date of vaccination.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation. You can come to the delivery point no earlier than one year after giving birth. In addition, a woman should not breastfeed. If a one-year-old baby is still reaching for the chest, then it is too early to think about donating blood.
  3. abortion and surgery. It is dangerous to draw blood after an abortion or surgery, including dental procedures. In the first case, at least 6 months must pass, and in the second, 2 days.
  4. Period. You can come to the delivery point only a week after the end of your period.
  5. Antibiotics. At least 2 weeks must pass from the day of the last dose of the medicine.
  6. Analgesics. Donate blood no earlier than 3 days later.
  7. Exacerbation of allergic reactions.

With care, fluids are taken from the body of people who have lived in the tropics and subtropics for a long time, as well as those who have had piercings, tattoos or permanent makeup. To approve the candidacy of such a donor, at least six months must pass from the date of tattooing, makeup or moving to a new place.

What documents, certificates are needed

No special documents are required. It is enough to present any other proof of identity. The main condition is registration in the same region where the person is going to donate blood.

The donor is entitled to various benefits.

Donation is a free donation. Donating blood is usually not paid, but there are exceptions. If the donor is officially employed, then he has the right to count on 100% payment for the working time that he spent visiting a medical institution.

In addition, he can count on an additional day off, which is provided for rest and early recovery. You need to take advantage of this day. It is paid at the same rate as regular working hours.

The donor who has arrived at the blood station is provided with free tea and buns, which he can consume both before and after the procedure. Regular donors in a number of regions are provided with benefits for medical care and travel in public transport. Donors usually do not have other additional privileges.

Preparation for donation

  1. You can not drink alcohol and smoke. Approximately 2 days before blood sampling, they refuse any alcoholic beverages. Do not smoke for 2 hours before delivery. If a person drinks alcohol often, then in order to extract high-quality blood from his body, you will have to give up alcohol for at least 1 week.
  2. You need to refrain from using drugs. 3 days before the scheduled procedure, stop taking aspirin and analgin, any blood-thinning drugs are also contraindicated.
  3. You need to eat right. The donor should not eat fatty, salty, fried, spicy and smoked foods. Milk, bananas, citrus fruits, butter, eggs and nuts are also excluded from the diet for at least 12 hours. You can dine with bread, jam, vegetables and fruits, porridge, pasta, crackers and steamed fish. You can drink mineral water, tea, juice, compote or fruit drink, while the drink should not contain caffeine. For breakfast, you can eat buckwheat, rice or oatmeal porridge, dried fruits, sweet tea with breadcrumbs. Donating blood on an empty stomach is not recommended.
  4. Good vacation. You should only come to the blood point after a good night's sleep. If on the eve of the chosen day a person defended the daily shift or did not sleep for a long time, then it is better to postpone the procedure to a more suitable time.

Any physical ailment, even temporary, is a reason to refuse blood sampling. It is worth remembering this when starting preparations for it.

What tests should be done when giving blood for the first time

If a person acts as a donor for the first time, then he goes through the same standard procedure as people who are regular visitors to the blood sampling station. At the reception, he fills out a questionnaire in which he answers questions about lifestyle, habits, and health status. After filling out the questionnaire, a potential donor is sent for examination to a therapist, and from there to a laboratory for blood sampling from a finger. Its analysis allows us to determine:

  • the level of leukocytes and hemoglobin;
  • Rh factor and group.

It is mandatory to conduct a study on the absence of pale treponema (provokes syphilis), hepatitis and HIV.

Delivery process

The process of donating blood takes place with maximum comfort for the donor.

Before blood sampling, the donor is sent to the canteen, where he is given sweet tea or juice and buns. A small snack is necessary to improve the physical and mental state. The procedure itself takes no more than 10 minutes. If separate blood components (plasma or platelets) are taken, it takes longer.

I suggest that the donor sit in an easy chair or lie down. The fence can also be made in a semi-sitting position. The arm above the elbow is pulled with a tourniquet, the skin is treated with alcohol. The sampling is done with a disposable syringe. Blood is taken in an amount of 450 ml directly from a vein. Before using it for its intended purpose, experts conduct additional research. They help to identify hidden diseases that can be transmitted from the donor to the recipient.

After removing the needle from the vein, a tight bandage is applied to the elbow bend. To avoid bruising, it should not be removed for the next 3-4 hours. If the damaged area is still blue, then a compress of heparin ointment should be applied to the skin.


After the procedure is completed, it is recommended to keep the body still for another 15 minutes. If each subsequent attempt to get up from the chair is accompanied by dizziness and severe weakness, you should ask for help from the medical staff. For a speedy recovery, the donor is again forced to drink sweet tea. To avoid negative consequences, avoid:

  • any physical activity within the next 48 hours;
  • drinking alcohol in the next day;
  • smoking (the first cigarette after a break can be smoked no earlier than 1 hour later);
  • vaccinations (vaccination is allowed only after 10 days).

To recover, drink more fluids, have a hearty breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can get behind the wheel immediately after leaving the hospital, but you should refuse to drive a motorcycle for the next 2 hours.

Voluntary blood donation for medical needs is a noble undertaking. Those wishing to become a donor undergo a strict selection process. They must meet certain age, physical and psychological parameters. Only Russian and foreign citizens who are adults and do not have dangerous diseases are allowed to donate blood. Not only whole blood, but also platelets and plasma can be withdrawn from the donor.

Liquids are taken only from those donors who have previously prepared for it. Preserving the health of the donor and recipient is of paramount importance in the implementation of the procedure. All instruments used must be sterile. This will reduce and virtually eliminate the risk of the donor becoming infected with a dangerous blood-borne disease. donor and recipient are protected at the legislative level.

Watch a video about what you need to donate blood for a donation and what to do after the procedure:

You can become a donor Whole donated blood is not used. Each dose of blood is divided into components, the main of which are erythrocytes, plasma and platelets. The patient receives exactly the component that he needs. Thus, the blood of one donor can save the life of several patients.

">blood if you meet the following conditions:
  • you have the citizenship of the Russian Federation or a residence permit in Russia for a period of at least one year;
  • you are over 18 years old (or you acquired full legal capacity before reaching the age of 18 in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation);
  • you don't have medical You can see the full list of contraindications in the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2001 No. 364 "On approval of the procedure for medical examination of a blood donor and its components."> Contraindications to blood donation - both temporary and absolute.

You can become a platelet donor if:

  • you are a personnel donor of those blood transfusion departments where platelets are harvested;
  • the content of platelets in the blood during the examination before donation is more than 210x109/l;
  • the need for a platelet concentrate of a certain group and Rh-affiliation was confirmed.

2. What do you need to become a donor in Moscow?

To become a donor, sign up for a donation. This can be done at the O.K. Gavrilov or at the nearest blood service institution of the Moscow Health Department.

In the first case, sign up for blood donation in one of the following ways:

Arrange a visit by phone.

The registry needs:

  • fill out a questionnaire;
  • register a donor in the database of a single donor center (by presenting an identity document);
  • get a donor card.

If you are donating blood for the first or third time in a year, or if you have donated blood in another region, you will need to undergo a medical examination. A medical examination is not necessary if you have already donated blood in Moscow, and also if you donate blood no more than twice a year.

If you were a donor at another institution, it is recommended that you obtain a certificate of the number of donations of blood and (or) its components in the form 448-05 / y from the previous place of donation. This certificate will be needed to register as a donor in Moscow.

3. How to pass the initial medical examination?

Step 1. Donate blood for analysis. After registration, a potential donor is sent to the laboratory for an initial clinical and laboratory blood test using an express method to determine the blood group, the main indicators of peripheral blood, Rh and Kell factors.

Step 2 Get checked out by a transfusiologist. The survey determines:

  • rhythm and pulse rate (from 50 to 100 beats per minute);
  • blood pressure (systolic pressure in the range of 90-160 mm Hg, diastolic - from 60 to 100 mm Hg);
  • weight and, if necessary, height;
  • body temperature (no more than 37 degrees Celsius);
  • condition of the skin, mucous membranes, veins;
  • heart and lung conditions.

The transfusiologist will also assess the psychoneurological status of the donor, study the collected information of the donor:

  • about living conditions;
  • past illnesses and operations;
  • injuries;
  • pregnancies;
  • chronic pathology;
  • allergic reactions;
  • heredity.

Step 3 Get a doctor's opinion. After the examination, the transfusiologist will decide whether or not to allow donation, determine the type of donation, as well as the amount of blood or its components taken. If in doubt, the donor will be sent for a consultation to the clinic at the place of attachment, if a positive decision is made, to the department for collecting blood and its components.

4. How often can I donate blood and how much?

The maximum allowable number of blood donations for women is 4 times a year, for men - 5 times a year.

Intervals between:

  • blood donations - 60 days;
  • donation of blood components (plasma, platelets) - 14 days, per year no more than 20 donations of plasma and no more than 10 donations of platelets;
  • between erythrocyte donations - from 60 to 180 days (depending on the volume of blood cells taken).

5. What is involved in donating blood?

Blood donation can be free of charge, for a fee and with social support measures in the form of a cash payment immediately after donation or upon completion of a certain number of donations during the donor year.

Donors after donation free of charge or with the receipt of social support measures will receive compensation for food - 1,128 rubles.

Donations made free of charge are taken into account when presented for awarding with the badges “Honorary Donor of Moscow” and “Honorary Donor of Russia”.

When making paid donations, the amounts of payments will be (compensation for food is not paid):

  • for donations of whole blood, subject to a rare phenotype of erythrocytes - 1800 rubles;
  • for plasma donations - 3372 rubles;
  • for platelet donations - 7860 rubles;
  • for donations of erythrocytes (400 ml) - 5616 rubles.

The amounts of payments for donation with the receipt of social support measures:

  • for whole blood donations - 5208 (4080+1128) rubles or 24000 rubles deferred for 4 donations during the donor year (+1128 rubles after each donation);
  • for plasma donations - 4728 (3600+1128) rubles;
  • for platelet donations - 6888 (5760+1128) rubles or 62,400 rubles for 10 donations during the donor year (+1128 rubles after each donation);
  • for donations of erythrocytes (400 ml) - 7128 (6000+1128) rubles or 19200 rubles for 2 donations during the donor year (+1128 rubles after each donation).

Donors are also provided with 2 days off at the place of work with the preservation of wages.

5 days after the donation, upon your application, during a personal visit, you can be given the results of a blood sample study: blood type, Rh factor and Rh factor phenotype, and so on.

6. Who is a staff donor?

A career or active donor is a person who donated blood or its components three times during the year (365 days from the date of the last donation) and agreed to donate blood at any time for a specific blood transfusion station. As a rule, a personnel donor donates blood or its components more often than 3 times a year, and also undergoes a medical examination 2 times a year and provides certificates of his health at the Blood Service institution.

The staff of the blood transfusion station to which he is attached have the contact information of a personnel donor, and they can invite him to donate at any time if they need components of his blood.

A human donor can donate blood free of charge (with monetary compensation for food, social guarantees and benefits) or donate blood and its components for a monetary reward.

7. How to become a staff donor?

The question of whether you are ready to become a personnel donor of a particular SEC is asked by the station doctor. Your consent means you are ready to donate blood for this SBC at any time. After that, you should be issued a medical card of an active donor.

To obtain a card, you will need documents from the clinic at the place of attachment:

  • an extract from the outpatient card for the entire period of observation by years, indicating the date of establishment of the card;
  • conclusion of an infectious disease specialist on contact with infectious patients over the past 6 months;
  • electrocardiogram (ECG) with interpretation;
  • urinalysis results;
  • fluorography result with a number;
  • conclusion of a gynecologist (for women).

All examinations must be on separate forms, certified by the seal and stamp of the clinic, with the date and signature of the doctor.

If you donated blood in another region, to obtain an active donor medical card, you must submit a certificate of the number of donations of blood and (or) its components in the form No. 448-05/y from the previous place of donation.

8. What are the requirements for staff donors?

In addition to agreeing to donate blood at any time, active blood donors must regularly provide data about their health:

  • once a year - data from laboratory and clinical analysis of urine, fluoroscopic (or fluorographic) examination of the chest organs, electrocardiography;
  • for women - once a year a certificate of gynecological status on the day the certificate was issued (past illnesses, surgical interventions, childbirth, absence of pregnancy);
  • every six months - a medical certificate from the clinic at the place of attachment, indicating the diseases transferred over the past six months;

Almost any healthy person over the age of 18 can become a donor. However, there are certain medical and social contraindications to donating blood and its components. Various diseases, recent surgeries, trips to some parts of the world - all this can serve as a temporary or permanent diversion from donation. A detailed list of contraindications can be found below.

In addition, you should know that the donor must weigh at least 50 kg. Body temperature measured before blood donation should not exceed 37°C; permissible systolic pressure - from 90 to 160 mm Hg, diastolic - from 60 to 100 mm Hg; the allowable heart rate is 50-100 beats per minute.

If you have a disease that is not included in the above list, or you are taking any medications, inform the doctor at the station or in the blood transfusion department about this, and he will decide whether you can be a donor or not. Examination by a doctor and a conversation between a doctor and a donor are mandatory procedures before donating blood or its components. Do not hide your ailments from the doctor, honestly answer his questions and the questionnaire, and then donation will be safe both for you and for those for whom you donate blood or its components.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, some medical institutions require donors to be registered in Moscow or Moscow Region - permanent or temporary (at least 6 months). However, other blood transfusion departments also accept blood from donors with regional registration. To find out what the registration requirements are for a specific institution, please contact our Donor Coordinator or find the institution in the list and read the description of the conditions for donating blood.

If you donate blood not in Moscow, but in another region of Russia, call the station or the blood transfusion department in advance to find out what requirements there are for the registration of a donor.

Thank you for being ready to become a donor or have already become one!

List of contraindications to donating blood and its components

(See Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of September 14, 2001 No. 364 “On Approval of the Procedure for Medical Examination of a Blood Donor and Its Components” and Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 175n of April 16, 2008 “On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2001 No. 364.")

I. Absolute contraindications

(withdrawal from donation, regardless of the duration of the disease and the results of treatment)

1. Factors of infection with bloodborne diseases:

At the same time, there are a number of contraindications to donation: absolute, that is, not dependent on the prescription of the disease and the results of treatment, and temporary - valid only for a certain period.

Absolute contraindications are:

- infectious diseases (AIDS, HIV infection, syphilis, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, etc.);

- somatic diseases (blood diseases, malignant neoplasms, organic diseases of the central nervous system, diseases of the respiratory system, digestion, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, kidneys and urinary tract, complete loss of hearing and speech, mental illness, drug addiction, alcoholism, surgical interventions for organ resection and transplantation of organs and tissues, etc.).

Temporary contraindications have different durations depending on the cause. The most common prohibitions are: tooth extraction (10 days), tattooing, piercing or acupuncture treatment (1 year), tonsillitis, influenza, SARS (1 month from the moment of recovery), menstruation (5 days), abortion (6 months), period pregnancy and lactation (1 year after childbirth, 3 months after the end of lactation), vaccinations (from 10 days (vaccination with killed vaccines) to a year (introduction of immunoglobulin against hepatitis B); taking medications (two weeks after the end of antibiotics, three days after the end of taking analgesics and salicylates), alcohol intake (48 hours), etc.

How to prepare for donating blood:

- On the eve and on the day of blood donation, it is not recommended to eat fatty, fried, spicy and smoked foods, as well as dairy products, eggs and butter.

- It is better to drink sweet tea with jam, juices, fruit drinks, compotes, mineral water and eat bread, crackers, dryers, boiled cereals, pasta in water without oil, vegetables and fruits.

- 48 hours before the visit to the transfusion station, you can not drink alcohol, and 72 hours before you take medicines containing aspirin and analgesics.

“You don’t need to donate blood on an empty stomach. In the morning, you should have a light breakfast, and immediately before the procedure, the donor is given sweet tea.

- One hour before donating blood, you should refrain from smoking.

- The body reacts best to blood loss in the morning. And the earlier the donation occurs, the easier this procedure is tolerated. After 12.00 it is recommended to donate blood only to regular donors.

- You should not donate blood after a night shift or just a sleepless night.

— Do not plan to donate blood immediately before exams, competitions, project delivery, during a particularly intensive period of work, etc.

- You must have a passport with registration (or a certificate of temporary registration) in the region where blood is donated.

Following these rules is especially important when donating platelets or plasma, their violation will affect the quality of the prepared blood components.

During blood donation, some people experience mild dizziness. The malaise can be caused by a decrease in hemoglobin levels, which causes a decrease in pressure. However, usually the body of a healthy person can easily cope with this.

After donating blood:

- Immediately after donating blood, sit relaxed for 10-15 minutes;

- If you feel dizzy or weak, contact the staff. The easiest way to defeat dizziness: lie on your back and raise your legs above your head, or sit down and lower your head between your knees;

- Refrain from smoking for an hour before and after blood donation;

- Do not remove the bandage for 3-4 hours, try not to get wet;

- Try not to be subjected to significant physical exertion during the day;

- Refrain from drinking alcohol during the day;

- Try to eat plentifully and regularly for two days;

- Drink an increased amount of fluid within two days;

- Vaccinations after blood donation are allowed no earlier than 10 days later;

- There are no restrictions on driving a car on the day of blood donation. You can drive a motorcycle 2 hours after donating blood.

For the safety of donation, it is also important to follow the rules established by doctors. So, men can donate blood no more than 5 times a year, women - no more than 4.

Where to donate blood in Moscow:

- Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. Sklifosovsky, Department of Transfusiology, Sukharevskaya Sq., 3, bldg. 2, tel. 921-91-60.

- Blood transfusion station. Branch on the street. Polikarpova, 14, tel. 945-71-49. Branch on the street. Baku, 31, tel. 326-99-29.

- City hospital. Botkin. 2nd Botkinsky pr., 5, tel. 945-71-49.

Blood transfusion points are open from 8.30 to 14.00, on Saturday from 8.30 to 18.00, Sunday is a day off.

A complete list of places where those who wish to become donors can apply is posted on the website of the Moscow Health Department.

According to the order of the Moscow Health Department, from January 1, 2012

- for 100 ml of whole blood you will be paid 650 rubles (the standard portion that the donor donates at a time is 450 ml);

- 100 ml of plasma costs 400 rubles (standard portion - 600 ml);

- Compensation for food will be 1000 rubles.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources in

Significant blood loss is life-threatening, and in this case, an early transfusion is required. Then a blood donor comes to the rescue - a volunteer who gives part of his own to save another person. The word "donor" is translated from Latin - "to give". Transfusion is vital in a number of cases, such as:

  • injuries, surgical interventions, difficult childbirth, severe burns, etc.;
  • anemia;
  • long-lasting severe bleeding;
  • purulent-septic diseases;
  • acute intoxications;
  • severe toxicity.

Donation Law

To organize donation and regulate issues of blood collection, transportation, storage and its safe use, the law "On donors of blood and its components" was issued. This document defines who can become a blood donor, what requirements are imposed on him, obligations are imposed and rights are granted. The law provides for the protection of health and protection of the rights of both the recipient and the person who donates blood.

In 2013, a new law came into force. Changes were made to abolish paid donation, improve the quality of blood and blood products, and create a unified database. Under the new law, some benefits for blood donors have been abolished. From now on, blood is donated only on a gratuitous basis. Only free meals are provided, but no monetary compensation. Now they pay for blood only in cases of complex transfusions. An honorary donor (those who donated blood at least 40 times or plasma at least 60 times) now receives an annual payment of 1.5 times more.

Who can donate blood?

A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18, is suitable for health reasons and has a weight of at least 50 kilograms can become a blood donor. If earlier only a citizen of Russia could donate blood, then under the new law, a foreigner who has legally lived on the territory of the Russian Federation for at least 1 year can also do this.

How to become?

How to become a blood donor? You need to come with a passport and a military ID (for men) to the transfusion station and register. To do this, you need to fill out a questionnaire, honestly answering all questions, and undergo a medical examination, which includes a blood test (general, biochemical, hepatitis, RW, HIV infection) and an examination by a general practitioner. During the initial treatment, you can donate blood only the next day after the physical examination and laboratory tests.

Delivery rules

Often don't donate blood. Men can do this no more than 5 times a year. For women, there are slightly different requirements - a maximum of four times a year. In both cases, the interval between whole blood donations is at least 60 days. Plasma can be donated twice a month, but only a month after donating whole plasma.

Donors donate whole blood or blood components. Plasma is often required, and transfusions of donor platelets, red blood cells, and rarely white blood cells may also be required.

Who can't be a donor?

Exist absolute contraindications for donation and temporary. In the first case, we are talking about people who will never be able to donate blood for transfusion due to past illnesses, no matter how much time has passed after recovery. These include people who suffer from or have had the following illnesses:

  • AIDS, HIV-carriage, as well as being at risk (drug addicts, prostitutes, homosexuals);
  • viral hepatitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • typhus;
  • brucellosis;
  • leishmaniasis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • tularemia;
  • leprosy;
  • blood diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • organic diseases of the central nervous system;
  • mental illnesses;
  • complete absence of speech and hearing;
  • drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • ischemia of the heart, atherosclerosis, hypertension of 2 and 3 degrees, heart defects, myocarditis, endocarditis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • enphysema of the lungs, obstructive bronchitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • Achilles gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases;
  • complete blindness;
  • endocrine diseases with severe metabolic disorders;
  • inflammatory and infectious skin diseases;
  • high degree of myopia;
  • severe acute and chronic ENT diseases;
  • radiation sickness;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • psoriasis, eczema, sycosis, erythroderma;
  • fungal infections of the skin and internal organs;
  • operations for transplantation and resection of organs.

Temporary restrictions:

  • operations, abortions;
  • business trips for more than two months;
  • acupuncture treatment, tattooing;
  • stay in countries with a tropical and subtropical climate for at least three months;
  • ARVI, tonsillitis, influenza, other infectious diseases that are not provided for in the section of absolute contraindications;
  • extraction of teeth;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • inflammatory diseases of any localization (chronic or acute) in the acute stage;
  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergies in exacerbation;
  • vaccinations;
  • treatment with antibiotics, analgesics, salicylates;
  • alcohol intake;
  • changes in the composition of the blood.

A temporary ban on donation can range from 10 days to several months and a year, depending on the reason.

Preparation for the procedure

  1. Within three days before delivery, a diet must be observed. Do not eat fatty foods and drink alcohol.
  2. It is not recommended to come to the transfusion center in the morning after the night shift.
  3. On the eve of the procedure, you should have a light dinner, on the day of delivery, only sweet tea and bread are allowed.
  4. Immediately after blood sampling, you can not drink alcohol, engage in physical labor, drive transport.

How is the procedure?

The procedure is performed in the donor chair. Only disposable sterile instruments to be destroyed are used. 450 grams of material is taken from the donor, some of which is sent for analysis. Blood is checked for contraindications, group and Rh factor. Then a small amount is administered to the recipient and his condition is monitored. If he feels normal, start a transfusion at a rate of about 50 drops per minute. The procedure for donating whole blood takes about 15 minutes, plasma - about 30 minutes, platelets - about 1.5 hours.

Blood sampling is carried out in conditions comfortable for the donor using only disposable sterile instruments.

After the procedure, you need to rest for about 15 minutes and drink sweet tea or juice. In case of dizziness, you should consult a doctor. About an hour you can not smoke, during the day you should not engage in physical labor.


The donor is released from work (serviceman) on the day of the procedure and the next day, while maintaining the average salary.

On the day of donation, the donor is provided with free meals.

For those who donated blood during the year in the amount of two maximum doses, additional benefits are provided:

  • temporary disability allowance in the amount of full earnings throughout the year, regardless of illness and length of service;
  • preferential vouchers to a sanatorium provided at the place of study or work;
  • provision of free iron supplements and vitamins to prevent anemia;
  • students - 25% supplement to scholarships from the local budget for six months.

The following benefits are provided for honorary donors:

  1. Free dental prosthetics in state medical institutions (except for precious metals, cermets, porcelain).
  2. 50% discount on medicines, according to the list approved by the government.
  3. Free travel in public transport (except taxis).
  4. 50% discount on utility bills.
  5. Annual paid leave at a convenient time for the donor.
  6. Priority provision of preferential vouchers to the sanatorium.
  7. Preferential loans for housing construction.

Is donation harmful?

Not everyone decides to donate blood, because they do not know whether donation is harmful or not. There are a lot of rumors and different opinions around this topic.

Doctors say that being a donor is not harmful and not dangerous:

  • Only healthy people who have been tested can donate blood, and donating 450 grams is not a threat to health.
  • Instruments are used only disposable, they are opened in front of the donor.
  • Regular blood donation has a positive effect on the state of health, and a person quickly gets used to its restoration and easily tolerates its loss. After two weeks, its volume is completely restored.
  • All donor rights are protected by law.


Donation is a necessary and noble cause. When blood is required for a transfusion, it is often a matter of life and death. Thanks to volunteers who are now not paid, many will be saved, not only strangers, but, perhaps, the closest people.