Step-by-step instructions on how to get rid of moths in an apartment: clothes and food, effective and proven folk remedies. What moth larvae look like: photos, how to get rid of oviposition and prevent the proliferation of voracious pests

  • 12.06.2019

Excessive cleanliness does not guarantee the absence of moths. In the absence of other moths, gray butterflies are seen more and more often. In fact, the appearance of this pest does not depend on the cleanliness of the home. Its appearance is influenced a large number of other factors.

First of all, it is important to determine the type of moth in the house. There are two varieties: food and clothing. They are very similar to each other, but they get into the house in completely different ways.

How moths get into an apartment

To determine where moths are coming from in your apartment, think about how often you bring food into your home from a supermarket or other store. As a rule, the insect enters the home through factory packaging. The first reason for this is the lack of tightness, as well as the wrong method of storage in warehouses and other premises.

Food moths love the following foods:

  1. Cereals.
  2. Seeds.
  3. Nuts.
  4. Dried fruits.
  5. Milk formulas.
  6. Flour.
  7. Pet food.
  8. Dried berries.
  9. Herbs.

How clothes moths appear

  1. Carpets made of natural wool.
  2. Fur or wool clothing.
  3. Furniture with natural upholstery.
  4. Knitted, woolen items.
  5. Shoes with natural fur.

If you notice that the pest appeared after such purchases, then you can safely say that the larvae were in the purchased product. As soon as the pest moves into the apartment, he will begin to spoil everything that comes his way. As practice shows, even expensive stores cannot boast of “clean” clothes and other things.

The main reasons for the appearance of food moths

The most favorable living conditions food moth are the following:

If you have correctly identified the primary source of moths in your apartment, then a competent approach to pest control is sufficient.

To avoid the proliferation of clothes moths, you need to carefully inspect all things that enter the house. Buying an expensive fur coat does not exclude the fact that it cannot have moths. Therefore, conduct an inspection right in the store! At home, hang things on the balcony for several days on sunny days.

Lavender or orange peels will help with aromatic prevention against clothes moths. Essential oil any plant will also be an excellent tool in preventive work.

For those who prefer finished products, we recommend paying attention to the special anti-moth sections. It is enough to hang such a product in the closet - and the job is done.

The basic rules for combating the food variety of moth are almost identical to those stated above. When you come home from the store, carefully inspect all products that could potentially contain moths. If nothing is found, store food in linen bags or glass containers.

Regularly ventilate the room and cabinets in the kitchen. Wipe down shelves with vinegar. You can put lavender or orange peels inside.

There is no need to stock up on cereals and nuts in large quantities, because over time, moths can start in these products on their own and form a whole outbreak.

A moth, of course, does not evoke such a wild feeling of disgust as, for example, a cockroach. However, its appearance also brings little joy to the owners of apartments, houses and gardens. She spoils food, destroys crops, and can even eat her favorite and only fur coat. Therefore, the control of these pests is a priority for everyone who is closely acquainted with them.

What is

A moth is an insect belonging to the order of butterflies. Size and appearance of an individual depends on its species. House moths usually include clothes moths, furniture moths, grain moths and food moths. All of their adult representatives are small in size (up to 15 mm) and unsightly in color, for example, gray-green, dirty brown. The insect lives not only indoors, but also in nature. For example, there are cabbage, apple, and rye moths.

The feeding method of individuals also varies greatly. All larvae and caterpillars, thanks to their powerful mouthparts, can eat tough and hard food: stems and leaves, nuts, cereals, cabbage, beets. All moth species have their own favorite food, and it is often reflected in the name of the species. In addition, in some species, the adult does not have a mouthpart and cannot feed, and therefore lives no more than a week.

These pests live near or directly in a food source, for example, in cereals, cabbage, or on an apple tree. At first, a small nest always appears, where all the larvae live compactly. Nests are also within reach of food.

How does it reproduce

An adult is ready to mate already on the second day after its appearance, since the lifespan of certain varieties is too short. Everyone's flight takes place in different time. After fertilization, the female must find a place for laying in the shortest possible time. It should be safe and have food nearby for the larvae. A butterfly can lay from 4 to 150 eggs at a time.

Reasons for appearance

For a nest of this insect to appear in an apartment, one fertilized butterfly and comfortable conditions for reproduction. There are three main options for where moths come from. She can:

  • fly through an open window or door;
  • come with purchases from the store or with any things;
  • get over from neighbors through cracks or entrances.

Signs of appearance

The most difficult thing is to find the eggs of these insects, since they are tiny, but it is quite possible for an attentive owner to find caterpillars, a lot of cobweb threads and pupae in the closet. It is difficult to miss a flying adult moth, and the presence of more than one individual in the room is already a sure sign that it is time to arm yourself with a flashlight and carefully inspect items made from natural fabrics stored in closets, and kitchen set, especially places where cereals are stored.

How to fight

You can get rid of moths at home only by finding their lair and destroying all the eggs and larvae. In addition, the butterflies will need to be destroyed so that they cannot lay new eggs. For these purposes, it is necessary to use all possible methods of control, namely: chemical, physical and traditional methods. Of course, chemicals are always more effective, so you need to start with them.


Modern insecticides will help remove these pests. They are available in the form of aerosols, fumigators and sections. The first act quickly, the second - slowly, but protect better, the third - only protect.

Aerosols. The use of aerosols in the fight against moths is very labor-intensive. To completely destroy these pests, you need to spray not only infected items, but also all surfaces in closets, carpets, and upholstery. One can will not be enough for this. After treatment, 3-4 hours later, you will need to thoroughly wash the room, ventilate it and wash the disinfected items.

The use of aerosols against kitchen moths is completely limited. They can be used to poison flying species, including butterflies. But the use of aerosols against larvae in cereals and food storage areas is prohibited, since the products will be poisoned and unsuitable for consumption in this case.

The best aerosols are:

  • "Armol". Ideal for fur and wool products. Smells like lavender. It costs about 70 rubles.
  • "Raptor". Effectively destroys insects at all stages of its development. Smells like lavender. The residual effect lasts up to a year. A bottle will cost 90 rubles.
  • Mosquitall "Protection against moths". A very powerful product with a lavender scent. Suitable for processing fabrics, furniture and clothing. 200 ml of the drug costs about 100 rubles.
  • "Clean house". Like other aerosols, it is highly effective and has a lavender scent. In addition, “Clean House” is used very economically.

Fumigators. To combat moths, they are used much less frequently than aerosols. However, using them is very simple: you need to place a plate or flask with liquid in the device and plug the device into a power outlet. When heated, it begins to emit an odor that is detrimental to the insect. This aroma does not bother a person at all and is even imperceptible to him.

For baiting moths, the same fumigators are suitable as for mosquitoes:

  • "DiK-3". This device costs about 30 rubles and effectively copes with pests. Suitable for fighting kitchen and clothes moths, however, you should not place it near food.
  • "Raid". An analogue of the DiK-3 device, but its cost is many times higher - 120 rubles for the device and 10 plates for it.
  • "Mosquitall". Like other fumigators, this device is equally effective against moths and mosquitoes. Its action is enough for a room of 30 square meters. m.

This type of chemicals against these pests is also in demand. Their action is aimed at scaring away butterflies, however, the larvae that have settled nearby remain safe and sound. Therefore, using this tool is more likely preventative measure rather than a method of struggle.

  • "Raptor". Sections of this brand are very common among buyers. Their aroma is different. For proper protection, you need to hang 2 sections per cabinet. Their effectiveness period is estimated at 4 months.
  • "Mosquitall". These sections come in two types: plates or bags hung on a hanger, or blocks glued to the surface of the cabinet. Their cost varies from 50 to 120 rubles.

Physical means

You can destroy moths without using chemicals, namely:

  • To begin with, you should always find the insect nest and remove it, for example, vacuum the shelves.
  • For butterflies, fly-catching tape should be used.
  • If there are moths in the cereal, you can bake it in the oven for 30 minutes at 60 degrees.

Folk recipes

Moths, like other insect pests, cannot tolerate the odors of certain plants. These include lavender, citrus fruits, tobacco, and geranium. Using these herbs, you can scare it away for a long time. Among the means available to a person at home that can destroy moths is naphthalene. However, recently its use at home is not recommended.

A universal method of prevention
There is one universal folk recipe for getting rid of moths in an apartment. But it rather prevents the appearance of the pest than actually destroys it.

  1. Dried lavender, tobacco, and citrus peels are placed in a small bag made of thin fabric, or preferably gauze.
  2. It is then placed in a closet with clothes or food.
  3. The contents of the bag should be changed once a month as the smell fades.

Calling specialists


It is more difficult to remove moths from an apartment than to prevent its appearance. Today, ready-made sections against these pests are produced for the laziest. They do not use chemicals, but only natural oils, the smell of which is unpleasant to insects. To avoid encountering food moths, you should carefully examine the purchased cereals for contamination. For the first time after purchase, it is better to leave them in the original packaging to make sure there are no pests.

Moth larvae are pests that feed on natural fibers. They ruin clothes, fur and leave bald spots on the carpet. Moreover, moth butterflies do not take part in this feast, and in general their entire adult life is spent on an empty stomach. The fact is that their oral apparatus is underdeveloped. But they lay eggs, from which hungry offspring then hatch. Each such “child” leaves several holes in a woolen product or bald spots in the fur.

Interesting! It is incorrect to say that females do not have wings. They have wings, but they hardly use them and flap them very rarely. In our rooms only males fly.

House moth larvae cause damage not only to our clothes. There are hundreds of species of moths that can live and bring offspring into human homes. And each of them has its own taste preferences. The moth caterpillar eats not only woolen items, but also any organic products, for example:

  • flour,
  • cereals,
  • dried fruits,
  • bread,
  • nuts,
  • pet food.

However, if you compare the types of caterpillars to an uninitiated person, they will seem “alike,” but an experienced entomologist will determine the difference.

Larvae and caterpillars have white or yellowish color, their length is approximately 1.5-2 cm. The larvae of any type of moth have powerful jaws on a dark brown head. In almost all species of moths, the offspring resemble worms, but this comparison is incorrect, since these insects have six pairs of tiny limbs. Therefore, the name “caterpillar” suits it better.

The appearance of moths in the house has nothing to do with the level of cleanliness and tidiness of the home. You definitely won’t be able to prevent its proliferation by frequent cleaning. Remedies for moths in an apartment need to be much more radical. Their choice will largely depend on the type of insect.

What causes moths to appear in an apartment?

The first question that arises in people’s minds when they see gray, inconspicuous butterflies is where do moths appear in an apartment? The easiest way is through open windows, vents, doors, ventilation. The second most likely method is with clothes (if clothes moths) or with food (in the case of food moths). It often starts when cereals are stored in food warehouses. Moth larvae are barely noticeable, but they destroy food supplies. As in the case of the clothing subspecies: it is the caterpillars, not the flying individuals, that damage clothing.

Types of moths in the apartment

In total, there are more than 40 species of moths. Most of them live in natural conditions. Moths in the apartment belong to the category of house moths. These are small insects; their body length including wings reaches about 7 mm. When the wings are folded, they are shaped like a triangle. By its color different types house moths differ little from each other, being generally as inconspicuous as possible.

Black moth in the apartment

Black moths infest cereals that have been stored for too long. It multiplies very quickly, so at the first sign of its appearance you need to take action immediately. Before using any anti-moth remedy, you need to determine exactly where it lives. She often prefers warm and dark places where there is no influx fresh air. The main danger to food comes from larvae, which devour everything around them. Flying insects are males and do not pose a big threat. Female black moths are gray in color. What they do is lay eggs.

Food moth in the apartment

Another variety of grain-dwelling moth is the silver-white moth. Its wingspan reaches 15 mm. The laying of eggs is carried out by the female. She does this directly into the cereal. When the caterpillars hatch, they spin a web around several grains and feed on them, making them unsuitable for human food. Sometimes food moths settle in dried fruits and various seeds. The best ones are laundry soap and vinegar. In addition, they do not tolerate sunlight at all.

Moth in the closet with clothes

Clothes and furniture moths are very similar to each other. Both of them live in closets with fur, wool and cotton items. They damage not only clothes, but also upholstery and carpets. Both species reach 5-9 mm in length, the color of the wings and body is straw-yellow. Furniture moths may be slightly darker than clothes moths, but at first glance it is very difficult to distinguish them. The larvae pose the main danger by feeding on our clothes and rendering them unusable.

Helps against moths in the closet folk remedies– dried tansy, lavender, rosemary, orange zest, tobacco. They are laid out in the closet with clothes. But they only scare off adult individuals and have no effect on larvae. To kill the caterpillars, clothes are frozen or, conversely, heated in the hot sun, after which the larvae easily fall off. If possible, clothes are washed at maximum temperature.

Wax moth - how to fight?

Danger beehives carried by a wax moth. Its caterpillars feed on honey, wax and beebread. In addition, they eat bee larvae. Sometimes large colonies of such pests can even destroy the insulation of a hive. Fighting wax moths with folk remedies means etching honeycombs in sealed containers with vinegar essence. Prevention consists of constant cleaning of the hive, cleaning the honeycombs and cells themselves, or completely changing the honeycombs and hive when signs of infection appear. In an apartment, this type of moth can appear along with honeycombs infected with larvae.

Poplar moth in the apartment

Another type of moth that can fly into our house along with fluff is poplar. It reproduces on trees in downy pillows. When it gets into our house, it does not cause significant damage to things or food. At the same time, it can be very annoying with its presence. It will be especially uncomfortable if there are people with allergies in the house. In addition, such moths can damage electrical appliances by getting inside them. How to destroy moths in an apartment: you can use sticky traps and traps that attract with their light.

How to find moths in an apartment?

In the apartment it begins with searching for their habitats and reproduction. Depending on the type of insect, the search methods and remedy for moths in the apartment will vary:

  1. How to find clothes moths: you need to start your search with clothing closets. All clothing should be thoroughly checked for larvae, eggs and adults. If they are detected, you need to treat all clothing with dichlorvos or another aerosol product, hang it in the sun, and clean it thoroughly.
  2. How to detect food moths: this subspecies lives in the kitchen, hiding in bulk cereals, dried fruits, tea, and nuts, which are stored in loosely sealed containers. You need to carefully check the contents of all food packages in the apartment. If contaminated food is found, it should be thrown away immediately and the cabinets should be treated with a soap and vinegar solution.

An effective remedy for moths in the apartment

It is believed that the best insect repellent is the one that acts as quickly as possible and completely kills moths at all stages of their development. Any industrial product from food moths or from their clothes variety can be in the form of a spray, fumigator, trap and repeller. Folk remedies are mainly designed to repel and prevent adult moths.

The most effective means- These are aerosols. They help to quickly treat a large area, penetrating deep into fabric, fur and wool. Fumigators also do their job well, but their action is not as fast as that of aerosols. Traps are designed to lure flying individuals, which is ineffective, but useful as an additional means.

Essential oils for moths in the apartment

A folk remedy for moths in an apartment as a preventive measure or additional control measures includes the use of strong-smelling essential oils:

  • lavender;
  • clove;
  • lemon;
  • rosemary

The way to use such oils is to dilute a few drops in water. This anti-moth remedy in an apartment can be used for washing the floor, spraying wardrobes, wiping kitchen surfaces and the insides of cabinets, wetting gauze swabs and then spreading them around the apartment. The main thing is that after such treatment a strong fragrance remains in the house for a long time.

Herbs against moths in the apartment

Scented herbs are also often used as an effective repellent against flying moths in the apartment. By placing bunches of strong-smelling dry plants everywhere, you can ensure that moths do not want to live in your closet. The best remedy from moths is:

  • sagebrush;
  • carnation;
  • chamomile;
  • tansy;
  • marigold;
  • lavender;
  • valerian.

How to poison moths in an apartment?

If you need to quickly get rid of already present individuals, you will need to treat your apartment against moths with sprays (aerosols). Proven means:

  1. "Armol". Aerosol for treating fur coats and other fur products with a pleasant lavender aroma. It does not leave marks on furniture and clothes; it can be used to treat not only clothes, but also carpets, curtains, and bed linen. There is a simple “Armol” and a reinforced “Armol Expert”. The second is used for processing large premises - exhibition halls, store pavilions.

  1. "Raptor". Effective against butterflies and larvae. Has a pleasant lavender scent. Used to remove clothes moths. Buying it is not a problem - the product is sold in any household chemical store.

  1. "Clean house". Aerosol against moths, not much different from other similar products. Economical and effective spray. It can be used to process clothes, furniture, carpets, curtains, etc.

At times, even in a perfectly clean apartment, moths are found. The owners are perplexed where she comes from. There is a feeling that insects appear out of nowhere. Harmful guests spoil property and all kinds of products.

Information about finding moths in an apartment contains the following sections:

How do moths appear in an apartment?

When considering the circumstances of the appearance of harmful insects in an apartment, it is useful to know that they are divided into 2 types:

  • Clothes.
  • Food.

Although they are very similar in appearance, they appear for different reasons.

The emergence of food moths

Homeowners are often tormented by the question: “Can moths grow in a dirty room?” The answer is no. The appearance of insects is absolutely not affected by dirt or non-compliance sanitary standards in the apartment. Moths spread in places where you can eat delicious food. In addition, we should not forget that a food lover eats almost everything that comes his way.

Reasons why food moths appear:

  1. It enters the apartment in products that were infested with these pests in a store or warehouse.
  2. Flies through ventilation holes from neighbors.
  3. Flies into the apartment through window or doorways.

Quite often, in stores or in supplier warehouses, products are stored in violation of sanitary standards. In this regard, you need to be careful with promotional products or those sold at a discount.
If a buyer purchases nuts, dried fruits, spices, dry pet food, flour, seeds, cereals, and roots at a promotion, there is a high probability that voracious pests will enter the apartment. This reason is the most common.
The entry of moths through ventilation holes also needs to be taken into account. Therefore, it is advisable to cover these holes with gauze or fine mesh.
Moths don't fly well. Therefore, entry into the apartment through window or doorways is unlikely.

Appearance of clothes moth

This type of moth is very interested in natural products, mainly fur and wool. And it doesn’t matter how clean things are. The main thing is that you have them. Reasons for clothes moths entering an apartment:
  • Moths enter homes with contaminated products.
  • Insects are brought in by domestic animals.

The source of the appearance of pupae and larvae of the pest is most often purchased items, both new and used. Even buying clothes in an expensive store does not guarantee the absence of unpleasant individuals.
Having entered the apartment, the voracious pest begins to actively reproduce. As a result, the premises have damaged carpets, furniture, fur products, and woolen clothing.
Not new material much more accessible for moths to eat. Therefore, you need to thoroughly check all wardrobe and interior items for the presence of pest larvae.

Clothes moths can also be “visited” by dogs of the following breeds:

  • Wire-haired dachshund.
  • Bobtail.
  • South Russian Shepherd Dog.
  • Giant Schnauzer.
Therefore, owners of pets of the above breeds need to carefully care for their fur.
Shoes, clothes and carpets also need to be looked after, especially:
  • Furniture with natural upholstery.
  • Knitted clothes.
  • Natural wool carpets.
  • Outerwear. Mostly moths spoil wool and fur products.
  • Shoes with natural fur.
In addition, if “unpleasant guests” are found in the apartment, you need to remember recent purchases. It is likely that these acquisitions were the reason for the appearance of harmful individuals.

How to find moths in an apartment?

Often the presence of insects is indicated by moths flying around the apartment. If they are noticed, this indicates the presence of larvae in things and products. They managed to complete their life cycle and turned into butterflies. They say you should look for them depending on the species in the appropriate places.

Moth eggs are not that easy to spot. Although it is possible to see pupated gluttons and caterpillar larvae in the cereals. Holes appear on woolen items, and specific tracks and sand (larval excrement) can be seen on fur items.

Search for food moths

This individual lives in the kitchen. It lives in all kinds of uncovered or loosely tied loose cereals. In addition, larvae can often be found in nuts, tea and dried fruits.

In order to detect a voracious insect, you need to carefully examine the contents of all containers and bags of food in the apartment. When larvae are found, you should get rid of products containing them. It is also necessary to treat the surfaces where these products were stored. To do this you will need a sponge and cleaning agent.

Moths can also occur in poorly ventilated areas with high humidity. Therefore, the apartment must be systematically ventilated. And if pests have already settled in the kitchen, then ventilation should be done more often.

To avoid reappearance food moths, you need to hide the cereals in an impenetrable container or in tied plastic bags, but so that the pest larvae cannot crawl into them.

Searching for clothes moths

Many people mistakenly believe that clothes moths feed on all kinds of clothing. But this is not true. These gluttons do not eat clothes, but pieces of human skin left on them after wearing them. That is, voracious pests can settle not only in a fur coat made of natural fur, but also in pants, sweaters, hats, etc.

You need to start looking for moths from the closet. This is the place she likes to live most. First of all, you should explore all the cracks in search of larvae and butterflies. The closet should be completely emptied of clothes, which should be thoroughly cleaned.

Hang your clothes outside for a couple of days so that they receive direct sunlight. Moths don't like this!

To get rid of larvae, you need to use disinfectants that contain dichlorvos.
After the cabinet, all cabinet furniture in the room should be inspected and processed. Then the moth will not return.

What does a moth eat?

The domestic animal causes a lot of inconvenience indoors in the form of damaged things, products, and property.

Favorite delicacies of food moths

These insects are divided into several types. Therefore, they eat foods made from grains and flour. Another group of individuals loves dried fruits, sweets and confectionery products.

The range of products that this type of moth prefers:

  • bread,
  • dried fruits,
  • pasta,
  • chocolate,
  • flour,
  • flour pastries,
  • cookie,
  • nuts,
  • candies,
  • cereal,
  • seeds,
  • cereals.

Taste preferences of the duffel moth

This pest is divided into clothing, fur, wool, carpet, and furniture moths.

List of dungeon moth treats:

  • knitwear,
  • blankets,
  • socks,
  • products made from bird feathers,
  • knitted hats,
  • furniture upholstery,
  • mittens,
  • sheepskin coats,
  • fur shoes,
  • natural fur coats,
  • felt slippers,
  • felt boots,
  • wool sweaters,
  • carpets.

This is not the whole list, because the insect eats everything that consists of natural fiber. The pest can even ruin synthetic linen if it contains cotton or wool.
Clothing that has been worn for a long time is also subject to attack if it contains particles of epidermis from human skin.

On a note!
Do not hide clothes in plastic bags. If a moth has chosen a thing, it will gnaw even such material!