How to install a wall hung toilet with installation. Do-it-yourself toilet installation repair Hanging toilets installation

  • 23.06.2020

Proper installation of the toilet installation begins with checking the location and walls, especially if the toilet is supposed to be mounted on the wall. It must support the weight of a person. For this, powerful fasteners are used, which are mounted on the main wall.

If the walls are in order, then you can proceed to the next step - marking the walls for mounting the frame. The rigidity of the final structure, its reliability and correct location all the details. Our plumbers use laser levels and professional rulers that are accurate to tenths of a millimeter.

Mounting the installation

The next stage is the fastening of brackets or anchors. They are usually supplied with the installation. Sometimes it is better to buy stronger anchors if you feel that the ones offered by the supplier are too flimsy.

In addition, the installation of the installation at this stage must be carried out in a certain order, which is duplicated in a special instruction for the equipment. Different installation systems are attached differently, so it is important to take into account the features of a particular system.

After attaching all the necessary elements, the installation of the installation frame or its blocks begins, depending on the type. At this stage, you need to perfectly align the frame in the vertical and horizontal dimensions. This is done by adjusting the bolts and legs of the structure in height.

Depending on the type of construction (floor or wall), installation of a toilet with installation may require additional fasteners or height adjustment. It is important to ensure correct position all design details.

Connection to communications

It is not enough just to mount the equipment, it is important to ensure its performance. After the installation of the wall-hung toilet with installation is completed, you need to connect and insulate the inlet hoses and drain pipe. After connecting, we turn on the water and check the joints, the rate of water intake, the pressure when draining.

Installation problems

If installed incorrectly, the following problems often occur:

  • leakage of the drain tank due to the incorrect position of the gaskets;
  • stagnation of water in the drain due to improper position of the drain pipe;
  • toilet leaking due to weak gaskets;
  • wobble of the toilet and cistern.

Our plumbers can easily solve these regular situations by tightening the bolts, replacing the gaskets or changing their location. After the final check of the design, it works without problems.

Features of working with installations

This is complex equipment that requires competent installation. When installing a wall-hung toilet bowl with an installation, it is necessary to constantly monitor the position of individual structural elements. In the process of work, the frame often shifts, changes the angle of inclination, so you need to align it, adjust the bolts.

It is important to correctly attach the drain button at a height of no more than one meter, the sewer pipe should be located at a height of 22-23 cm, the drain should be strictly at an angle of 45 degrees. Otherwise, the flushing process will be difficult, the water will begin to stagnate, which can lead to unpleasant odors and structural damage.

Installation nuances

Installing an installation for a wall-mounted toilet is more difficult. In this case, you need to take into account several details at once:

Wall strength;

The position of the drain pipe;

Toilet height. Too high a mount will make use uncomfortable;

Possibility of supplying water.

All these issues are technically solvable, but this may require additional costs.

Bidet installation

In principle, the installation of a bidet with installation is carried out in much the same way: marking, fastening, installation of the structure, connection of communications and performance testing.

Exists technical features associated with different bidet designs, water entry and drain points, type of attachment (wall or floor). Our plumbers are intimately familiar with these details and will be able to get the job done quickly.

How much does the installation cost?

In Moscow, the cost of installing an installation starts from 4-5 thousand rubles and can consist of the following parameters:

  • the cost of installing the installation itself;
  • the cost of installing a toilet or bidet;
  • the cost of mounting keys and flush buttons.

This price includes only plumbing work (without wall finishing, tiling, etc.). All work performed is covered by a guarantee.

What does the price depend on

It is important to consider that the cost of installing an installation for a wall-mounted toilet bowl depends on the complexity of the design, manufacturer, room size, availability of additional functions, and so on.

Sometimes during the installation process, we see that it is worth changing the supply pipes or fixtures, replacing fittings. We will immediately tell you about this, because later, after finishing, it will be very difficult to get to the communications, and you will have to change the worn out elements.

Design Features

If you want to place the toilet in the middle of the bathroom (and this is possible), then we will need more time for installation, organizing communications and testing the design. Therefore, it will cost more

Complex solutions also include work in cramped conditions, work with heavy structures, when the participation of several plumbers is required.

Call our specialists and tell us about the task. After a few questions, we will be able to tell you how much it costs to install a toilet installation in your case, how long it will take and make an appointment.

Our specialists leave on the day of the order or the next day. We are well acquainted with different systems so we will come with all the necessary equipment.

When equipping a bathroom in a house or apartment, the owners often face the problem of how to “hide” unaesthetic communication nodes. In addition, they are occupied with the question of how to rationally dispose of useful space. There is an excellent option - installing a toilet installation that solves both problems.

The design for attaching a hanging toilet makes it possible to hide all communications and functional parts, including a flush tank. Using the installation visually increases the volume of the room. We will tell you how it is installed, how decorative masking is performed, how the plumbing bowl is then hung.

We have described in detail the process of installing support frames for wall-hung toilets and fixing them to walls and floors. Outlined step by step guides for mounting different types installations. The information presented for consideration was supplemented with visual diagrams, photo collections, video instructions.

The modern market of construction and related equipment offers two types of installation systems. Both options are convenient and practical, and the choice depends on which walls the structure will be attached to and which parts of it will have the main operational load.

Block installation- the simplest a budget option, however, certain conditions are required for its installation. You can use the structure only on the main wall, having previously prepared a niche in it for placing a tank and places for connecting to a sewer with water supply.

The second option involves bricking the system with bricks, masking with drywall or other sheet materials followed by decorative cladding. These actions are performed only at the end of all installation activities.

Strong anchors are required for fastening. They bear the main operational load. The main advantages of the model include a reasonable price and the ability to use the installation not only complete with hanging, but also with stationary floor toilets.

A block installation can be “drowned” in a niche made in the main wall, and in this way save the usable space of the bathroom

Frame installation belongs to a more complex type of construction, but makes it possible to fix the toilet on thin hollow partitions or plasterboard walls. Considered very reliable system and has all the characteristics to hold both the plumbing module and itself.

Placed on the floor or foundation. Allows several mounting options: with special elements to four points of the wall, to two points on the floor and two -on the wall, or only to the base of the floor by means of stable paws. The main load goes to the bottom of the base.

The main advantage of the frame installation are the adjustable legs. They are exposed to any desired and convenient height for themselves. The design is suitable for installation in rooms of non-standard shape, easily fits into the most unexpected design and can be located even in the corner without hiding the useful space of the bathroom.

The frame installation allows you to place the toilet in any place that is most convenient for you and does not require the presence of a main wall for installation.

Dimensions of block systems are always standard. Their width is 50 centimeters, the depth varies from 10 to 15 cm, and the height does not exceed 1 meter. Frame installations have a base base width of 50 to 60 cm, a depth of 15 to 30 cm, and a height (due to adjustable legs) of 80 cm to 1.4 meters.

For wooden houses or non-capital buildings, experts recommend buying the widest possible and low systems. This makes it possible to reduce the load on the walls and ensures the normal functioning of the module for a long time.

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Conventional floor toilets have outlived their time. They are being replaced by new developments. Toilets mounted on the wall began to displace conventional models. A wall-hung toilet is more difficult to install, more expensive, takes longer to install, however, it saves such important square meters. This development will be especially appreciated by residents of old buildings, where a bathroom and a bathroom are occupied by a couple square meters. Among other things, you can save your money if you install a wall-hung toilet bowl with your own hands. From this article you will learn about each stage of this work.

Device and principle of operation

You can figure out how to install a wall-mounted toilet if you understand how the installation design works and what is the principle of its operation. Whole structure wall mounted toilet can be divided into three separate elements:

1st element - strong steel frame:

The frame is the main part on which the toilet bowl and cistern are attached. It must be securely fixed to the floor and wall. After installation, it must withstand the weight of an adult. As a consequence, the walls must meet this requirement. If you have drywall on the walls, then it will not work as a basis for a hanging toilet. Among other things, the frame has a mechanism that allows you to adjust the height of the bowl in the region of 40–43 cm. Strong steel pins are used to fasten the toilet bowl.

2nd element - drain tank:

In such a system, the tank is hidden. It is made from heavy duty plastic. The shape of the tank is standard. It is installed in steel frame. To prevent the appearance of condensate, the tank is covered with Styrofoam. There is a special cutout on one side for installing a drain button. If in the future repair of the tank is required, then it is through this hole that the fittings of the drain tank will be removed. Each cistern in the wall-mounted toilet is equipped with an economical flush system. Water is dosed in 3 and 6 liters.

3rd element - toilet bowl:

The bowl is the only visible part of the suspended structure. Its shape can be different (square, rectangular, round), although in most cases it is an oval.

As for the fasteners for the hanging toilet bowl, it is included in the kit. So you don't have to buy anything extra.

Tools and materials for installation

To carry out quality work, you will need to prepare the following set of tools and materials:

  • plastic outlet for drains,
  • teflon tape,
  • hairpins,
  • flexible hose,
  • angle valve,
  • perforator,
  • set of keys and screwdrivers,
  • construction level.

Depending on individual needs, a set of construction tools and materials may vary slightly.

Mounting technology

The process of installing a wall hung toilet is as follows:

The work, of course, is difficult, but if you strictly adhere to this manual, and also study the attached instructions from the manufacturer, you can do everything yourself.

This video shows the installation of a GEBERIT installation:

Installation without installation

In case you like the wall-hung toilet model, but you can’t buy it complete with installation, you can build a homemade concrete base. This is much more cheap option. As for the installation of the tank in this embodiment, there are two options here:

  1. Mounted on the wall.
  2. Mounted above the toilet bowl.

For example, consider the most affordable and economical option for installing a toilet bowl without installation with concrete base. To do this, you need to prepare in advance:

  • 40 liters of concrete M200;
  • formwork boards;
  • washers, nuts and wood screws;
  • 2 metal rods Ø2 cm, length 50–80 cm;
  • plastic pipe Ø11 cm, length 8 cm;
  • silicone sealant;
  • drain coupler.

The workflow looks like this:

  • Metal rods must be fixed in the main wall. It is on them that the toilet will subsequently be mounted. This design can withstand weight up to 500 kg!
  • Then the drain coupling is installed. The trimming of the coupling is carried out taking into account the height of the bowl.
  • Then the formwork is installed. Attachment points should be marked on the formwork. Holes are made in the right places.
  • The length of the rods also needs to be adjusted correctly. To do this, add up the depth of penetration into the wall and the distance from the wall to the toilet bowl.
  • When the formwork and rods are installed, perform a test fitting with the toilet bowl in place.
  • If everything fits together, you can start concreting. Fill the drain hole with foam. Upon completion of the work, a monolithic structure with outgoing pins and an open coupling will be obtained.

Then it remains the case for small - you need to install a toilet bowl. Pre-fabricated concrete structure. Remember that each connection must have a good seal. As for the tank, it is a matter of taste, or rather, the financial capabilities of the family.

We have considered with you the options for mounting a wall-mounted toilet bowl: with and without installation. Choose the method that you can afford and can afford.


Recently, conventional floor-standing toilets are increasingly being replaced by suspended structures. They involve placement in a smaller area, and also have a more modern appearance. Therefore, the process of displacement of traditional models by them is quite natural. However, following current trends has its negative sides - more complex installation, longer and more expensive. However, you can successfully get out of the situation if you learn how to install wall hung toilet with a do-it-yourself installation.

Design features

Before proceeding directly to the installation, you should understand the design. Installation of a wall-mounted toilet bowl will become much easier when its structure and principle of operation are known. It will immediately become clear how to act correctly and what is needed.

The main feature of the product is that only the bowl remains in sight.

The basis of the whole structure is a solid metal frame. The visible part is directly fixed to it. It is from this element that all installation work starts. The frame must be firmly fixed to the wall and be stable on the floor. As a result, it should easily withstand an adult. Based on this, we can say that fixing the frame to a weak wall will not work.

The frame has an element that allows you to change the height of the bowl, which is attached using special pins. They are the main fasteners when installing the toilet installation.

A common option for attaching two installations at once is a toilet and a bidet.

The second element is a plastic drain tank. He also hides in the wall. It has a specific shape, because. should be placed in confined space. The tank is also installed in metal frame and is insulated with a special material that prevents the formation of condensate. On the front wall of the tank there is a cutout for mounting a drain button. Modern models, including floor-standing ones, have a dosed discharge of water - 3 or 6 liters.

The next element is the toilet bowl. The only part that is visible and in active use. Possesses traditional form, but in separate designer models there are original configurations.

The package contains all the necessary parts and accessories. The attached instructions are also able to show the entire installation sequence of the toilet installation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Toilets-installations have the following advantages:

  • Attractiveness and aesthetics;
  • Minimum dimensions that allow maximum use of free space in small rooms;
  • Missing legs and support simplifies the cleaning process;
  • Versatility of design, providing a choice to taste and budget;
  • Rarely occurring breakdowns, and in case of occurrence - not a difficult repair.

The disadvantages include the high cost. Taking into account the peculiarities of installation with the need for additional work, the installation price can exceed up to 2 times the price of placing a floor analogue.

But given the growing popularity, manufacturers have organized the release of relatively inexpensive models that are becoming available to a wider range of consumers.

Another disadvantage is the presence of hidden elements that are not very accessible for maintenance and repair.

Niche preparation

Installing a wall hung toilet involves using a niche to accommodate the frame. As already mentioned, a certain strength of the walls is necessary for fastening. The design of the installation can withstand a weight of up to 400 kg, part of the load from which is transferred to the wall. This issue must be approached with particular care.

In order to place the installation, it is necessary to prepare a niche. It should be the following:

  • Height - 1 m;
  • Width - 0.6 m;
  • Depth - up to 0.2 m.

In some cases, it is problematic to create such a depth. In such cases, it is necessary to go deep to the possible value, and hide the remaining elements with plasterboard panels.

By hiding the main part of the device, certain opportunities open up for decorating and improving the interior. It’s not worth just placing the installation near the wall and sheathing it with GKL, because. placing a conventional toilet will be cheaper and easier. In addition, it will take up less space.

Installation installation

Installing a do-it-yourself toilet installation on a special frame fixed to the wall is a more expensive process, but faster and more reliable. The installation will be fixed to the floor and a solid wall.

The technological sequence is as follows:

1. Fixing the metal frame. It has corresponding holes with which it is fixed to the surfaces with dowels. Two points for fixing to the floor and two to the wall. Sewer and water pipes are connected to the installation site. The installed frame must be checked for evenness with building level. It is necessary to maintain exact parallelism to the wall being installed, because even slight distortions can lead to interruptions in operation and even breakdowns. Horizontal adjustment is carried out using wall mounts that change their position.

This stage also involves setting the height of the hanging toilet. It will depend on the height of the residents, usually 0.4 m. The height of the bowl can be adjusted in the future.

2. Leading to the drain tank of water. You can use a flexible or rigid system. Professionals often use hard, because. she can last longer. Flexible hoses can also be used, but if they fail, it will not be possible to get to them and replace them quickly. During the installation of the liner, the valve valve of the tank, as well as the drain from it, must be closed.

After connecting, check the reliability of the connections. To do this, open the water supply and start filling the tank. If there are leaks, they are fixed. Water may remain in the tank.

3. Connection to the sewer. The toilet drain hole must be inserted into the outlet sewer pipe using the corresponding corrugation, but some models are able to connect without using it. At the end of the connection, check the tightness of the system by test drains. To do this, you will need to temporarily screw the bowl to the frame. After that, remove it again, it will be installed in the final installation.

The correct connection of the sewer pipe must be performed even before the installation is started. Pipe diameter - 100 mm. It must be laid with an appropriate slope. You can read about it in the corresponding article.

4. Closing with plasterboard sheets. Installation of a wall hung toilet must be accompanied by decorative trim functional elements. To finish the bathrooms, you must purchase a waterproof double drywall. It is more durable than normal. Sheets are required to be mounted to metal profiles and directly to the toilet frame. The installation instructions must contain the necessary information on the cutting method, indicating the points for cutting holes.

Sheathing can be done in two ways: over the entire wall area or only along the installation plane. The second method involves the formation of a small shelf above the bowl, which can be used to place the necessary items.

Subsequently, the installed barrier is finished with tiles or panels together with the rest of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

5. In conclusion, it is necessary to install the toilet on the installation, namely the bowl. It should be hung in the appropriate place using two fasteners.

6. Last, most a simple step is the installation of a flush button. They are pneumatic and mechanical. The process is not difficult, because. everything should already be connected to the required opening in the wall. The mechanical button is installed using special pins with their subsequent adjustment. For pneumatic, you only need to connect the appropriate tubes, everything is ready.

In the process of activity, it is necessary to especially control the process of mounting the installation frame,because the course of further installation will depend on the correctness. Figuring out how to install a toilet installation is actually not difficult. It is enough to follow the recommendations of the installation instructions, and in addition to watch the corresponding video about the process, and you will succeed.

Installation a simple toilet is not something complicated. But if the toilet is mounted, then the bathroom must be equipped with an additional link - an installation. In this article, you will learn howdo-it-yourself toilet installation, as well as its connection to the sewer system.

While different brands of toilets may differ primarily in their bowl shape or surface, installation could be the cause of many toilet problems in the next 20 years. Indeed, after all, the tank, frame and other elements will be hidden, which will make access to them difficult.

The modern plumbing market can offer installations of two types.

Important! If the bathroom is located in the center of the living space, away from the main walls, then only a frame installation can be installed in it.

With regards to manufacturers, Vega, Grohe and Geberit are considered the most reliable today. But here it all depends mainly on personal wishes. It is important that the model belongs famous brand that has already proven itself. The installation costs will be more expensive, but in terms of operation it will quickly pay for itself.

What will be required in the work

To install the installation, you need to acquire the following tools:

Choosing the right tools is already half the battle.

Installation should begin with the selection of a suitable location. If the layout is standard, then the best place is a niche with risers in it. The niche itself will have to be redone somewhat, “pushing apart” the risers on the sides.

Important! Metal risers should definitely be replaced with plastic ones.

Wall hung toilet with block design

Step one. It all starts with markup. If we are talking about a small apartment, then the toilet is installed in accordance with the axis of the room, since the area here is insignificant. If the apartment is large enough, then the toilet is tied to the axis of the drain. This axis must be drawn with a marker.

Step two. The next step is to measure the height. It almost always depends on design features frames. Points for installing dowels are marked.

Important! Dimensions for this need to be taken only from the instructions attached to the product, because they are different for different manufacturers.

It is also important to observe the correct distance of the dowels from the center of the installation. For example, if its width is 60 cm, then 30 cm recede from the axis on both sides. Holes are made with a perforator, dowels are hammered into them.

Step three. The drain tank is screwed, the drain hole is twisted (both procedures are described in more detail in the instructions). The presence of all necessary gaskets is checked, after which the tank is connected to the water supply.

Step four. The pins that come with the plumbing are screwed into the pre-drilled holes. The distance that they protrude out depends solely on the size of the toilet. It is characteristic that the pins will be open until the installation is completed - only then the bowl is installed.

The last step is to fix the drain hose with clamps (if provided by the design).

Step one. First, the frame is assembled, after which a drain tank is attached to it. The position of the frame is adjusted by means of screws and brackets located on top. Frames are always sold separately - they are universal, so they are suitable for any toilet bowl.

At the end of the assembly, a structure with a height of 1.3-1.4 m comes out, while the width depends on the specific model. The maximum load that such frames can withstand reaches 450-490 kg.

Step two. When installing a drain tank, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the drain button should be a meter from the floor;
  • toilet bowl - about 40-45 cm;
  • sewer outlet - 22-25 cm;
  • the distance between the fasteners must be equal to the distance between the lugs of the toilet bowl.

Usually the frame is attached in four places. There is a small gap between it and the surface - at least 2 cm.

Step three. The assembled installation is installed, moreover, clearly horizontally. To do this, the slope of the wall is checked with a plumb line and, if such is found, a horizontal line is drawn at the point of contact between the plumb line and the floor. Then, from the line at a distance necessary for the installation of the installation, a second one is drawn.

The frame is applied to the wall, fastener points are marked. Holes are being made. The frame is screwed to the floor, its height is adjusted by screws, and its horizontal position is adjusted by the building level.

Step four. Connected to the drain tank water pipe. This can be done from the side or from above, but in almost all modern models connection point can be changed.

Important! It is undesirable to use a flexible hose when connecting a drain tank, because it will last much less than the toilet itself, and it will be quite difficult to replace it under a false wall if necessary.

Therefore, to connect are used plastic pipes. The tank itself is insulated with a material that prevents moisture condensation. Everything that is required for installation is included in the kit, except that the panel with a drain button must be purchased separately.

Step five. The toilet outlet is connected to the riser. It is often impossible to insert the outlet directly, so corrugation is used. After that, all connections are checked for tightness.

Step six. Before assembling a drywall box, do the following:

  • close all openings with plugs so that debris does not enter them;
  • screw the screws into the frame to fix the toilet bowl.

All technological holes are cut out in drywall, after which it is fixed on the frame with self-tapping screws. Drywall is tiled.

Step seven. The installation of the toilet bowl can be started no earlier than 10 days after laying the tiles. The release is adjusted to sewer hole, and the place where the tiles come into contact with the toilet is covered with silicone sealant. The toilet is placed on the shifts, the nuts are tightened.

After that, it is advisable to perform a test drain of water in order to check the tightness.

Step one. With the help of metal fasteners, the position of the knee is fixed. The outlet of the toilet bowl is processed with technical ointment, after which the device is placed at the installation site. Its outline is outlined with a marker, all mounting holes are indicated. Then the toilet is removed, and according to the markup, the mounting brackets that come with the kit are installed. The toilet is put back, the outlet is pressed into the fan pipe.

Step two. Cistern installed according to the instructions. A connecting cuff is fixed at the outlet of the toilet bowl, the bolts are tightened, and their caps are closed with special caps.

Step three. The drain button is led into the technological hole made.

Step four. The finished structure is checked for tightness.

Video - Installation for the Geberit DuoFresh toilet bowl - installation

  1. If it flows floor standing toilet, then the tightness of the joints treated with sealant is checked. Corrugated connections are re-processed.
  2. To simplify future repair work a technological hole must be provided under the drain button.
  3. The instability of the toilet bowl can be corrected by tightening the bolts. This must be done carefully so as not to strip the thread.
  4. The drain button must be placed between the tiles.
  5. The cause of the leakage of the drain tank, most likely, is the incorrect installation of the sealing gasket. To replace it, water is shut off and all fasteners are unscrewed. Gaskets get better, everything twists back.
  6. The drain must be at an angle of 45ᵒС, otherwise the water will stagnate in the toilet.
  7. When buying an installation, it is better to give preference to a model equipped with a water saving system. Often, such a system provides for the presence of two drain buttons - for complete or partial draining.

Video - Installation and installation of a wall-hung toilet bowl on a GEBERIT installation


Here, in fact, are all the nuances of installation. The main thing is to fulfill all the requirements, and at the end of each stage, check the tightness of the connections. All detected defects should be immediately eliminated, since it will be difficult to do this later, when the structure is hidden by drywall.

Video - Installation of the GROH installation