Housewarming script for toastmaster. Housewarming - the scenario of a new life in a new place

  • 13.10.2019

Many today are of the opinion that you need to spend holidays and meet friends outside the walls of the house. This, of course, has its advantages, but it is customary to celebrate such a holiday as housewarming in the house. And in his. And always in a new one - that is, in the very one where, in fact, the culprit or heroes of the occasion moved. Otherwise, the whole meaning of the holiday is lost: guests want to look at new housing, evaluate, praise, envy, give out a bunch of tips and recommendations and, of course, congratulate them wholeheartedly. If you invite friends to housewarming to a restaurant, the soulfulness of the holiday will disappear.

Housewarming Celebration: When?

So, celebrate housewarming better at home. But when? Is it worth waiting until the renovation is completed and all the furniture is delivered? In fact, it doesn't matter if the apartment has been renovated or just purchased. Another thing is important: you settled in it or not. After all, the very word “housewarming” implies settling in a new place. Even if you decide to move into an unrenovated new apartment, this does not mean that you need to postpone the housewarming. If you wish, you can invite friends and relatives to a housewarming party, even though the wallpaper is hung only in the hallway, and the only furniture in the apartment is a table, a bed and a couple of stools. Especially if you know that the repair will drag on for a long time, it is better to arrange a housewarming party right away. Agree, it will be strange to invite people to a housewarming party a year and a half after you moved into new house.

Housewarming Celebration: How?

If the interior design of a new house or apartment is still in progress, it will be a little more difficult to prepare a holiday: you will need to somehow decorate the premises, find places for guests. On the other hand, this has its advantages: tipsy guests will not break a new vase, lovingly chosen by the hostess especially for the new interior, and will not stain carefully pasted wallpaper with mayonnaise. And you can even accommodate guests on the floor, spreading a clean carpet even on a screed, even on an already laid parquet.

At a housewarming party, it is customary to show guests all the premises of a new home: “We have a kitchen here. Yes it's big. Yes, I like it too, thanks. Now let's see our bathroom…”. Approximately in this spirit, and passes the first part of the housewarming. If there is no repair and / or furnishings, you still have to demonstrate the premises - guests will be able to evaluate their size, the convenience of the location of window and doorways etc.

To make the tour of the house more interesting, you can install something like an easel with a design project in each room. Moreover, each room has its own design project. You can draw it by hand with pencils or markers or make it in 3d using computer program. Or you can make a joke by cutting out from magazines or printing photos of luxurious interiors found on the net - very expensive and solid or, on the contrary, incredibly creative and extravagant. Let the guests break their heads - are you really so rich and extravagant or is it just a joke.

At the celebration of housewarming, the main thing - this is still a feast, even if there are newspapers instead of tablecloths, and boxes instead of stools. After all, you invite guests to a new home, and celebrations in Russia have never been without refreshments. However, guests also need to be entertained. Cooking for , organizers of festive events often combine the two components of this holiday - a tour of the house and entertaining guests. We offer an approximate course of the holiday in this vein.

An exemplary housewarming scenario in the form of a tour of the new home

When guests arrive, the hosts give them slippers and offer them a tour of the house. The tour starts from the hallway.

Hallway. There is a tray with glasses filled with juice, beer, light wine or other drink. At the bottom of each glass is a small key. Suitable keys for mailboxes- you will need to buy a couple of inexpensive locks, which come with several keys. Of course, the keys must first be washed with soap and water. The guests pick up glasses with a drink and, at the sign of the owner, begin to drink, trying to quickly fish out the key. Whoever fishes out the key faster and gets it out of his mouth wins this game. The hosts give him a small symbolic prize: for example, they present a decorative figurine-key with the words: “This is a pass to our house - now you can come here at any time”. But after a few seconds they add: “We also wanted to give the winner a gift so that he would call before coming to us, but you don’t need a phone - you have your own. So give me a call if you want to come".

The next step is the kitchen. The owners say that it is here that they will cook all the goodies that guests will be invited to. But the question is - do they (guests) know how to understand the taste of products. One or two volunteers are blindfolded and alternately allowed to smell different products. The guest must guess the product by smell. It could be a slice of tangerine pickle, shrimp, cheese, ice cream, a glass of vodka, etc. If two people participate at the same time, then they are offered “by scent” different products.

Whoever guesses everything or almost everything gets a comic prize - a very deep plate with a huge spoon to take with you, going next time to visit the heroes of the occasion.

Next is the bathroom. The hosts say: “We always welcome guests and want you to be comfortable. We don’t know how convenient it is for you, dear guests, that toilet paper which we are buying. Let's check now". It will take two or three rolls of paper with notches (perforation at the tear line). 2-3 people participate. They need to tear off the paper exactly along the tear line (along the notch) and put these small pieces of paper in their pockets or in their bosoms - in general, hide them on themselves. Whoever runs out of the roll faster wins. He is entitled to a comic prize - a collection of jokes: “Going to visit us, you can take it with you: our toilet is at your complete disposal”.

The next item is the bathroom. The bathroom probably has tiles or something else, but it must be waterproof. You can ask guests to write with special “bathing” pencils (easily washed off) wishes for memory. How nice it will be to see good words friends and relatives, taking a shower, but only before the first cleaning. You should not worry - the pencil is very easily washed off.

Bedroom. Two special “pillows” have already been prepared in the bedroom. Rather, they are just pillowcases filled with various items. The owners are asked to evaluate the bedroom: “Well, how do you like our bedroom? Is it comfortable? Comfortable? Is everything there? Yes? Do you know exactly what should be in the bedroom? Will it be comfortable in the dark? Have you been here in the dark? Well, now let’s see how authoritative your opinion was”.

Two people are invited to play a game and thereby prove that their praises can be trusted, because they understand this issue. The hosts show the same pillows, then blindfold the participants, give each one a pillow. Task: unbutton the pillowcase and take out items from there, sorting them. In one direction, put away those items that may be needed in the bedroom, and in the other - those that do not belong in the bedroom. This, of course, will have to be determined by touch.

The following items can be placed in pillowcases: sleep mask, night face cream, book, towel, comb, condoms, massage oil, sun cream, tweezers, wallet, screwdriver, jar of canned food, washcloth, tube of toothpaste, small pillows, soft slippers, nightgown, stockings , tweezers, glue, etc. After the items are sorted, the players' blindfolds are removed. Then the number of obvious errors is counted. Whoever has less wins, receiving a symbolic prize. For example, a small thought pillow to be handed with the words: “If it gets really bad, take this pillow and come to us - we will always be happy to see you and find where to put it, but don’t count on a place in the bedroom!”.

Let's go to the nursery. “How do you like our nursery? Will our children be comfortable here? And how do you know whether it is convenient or uncomfortable - you have long forgotten what it is like to be a child. Or not forgotten. Shall we check?”, - with such an eyeliner, the hosts invite guests to the game. If children's for quite small child(perhaps even of the future), it is possible to organize a competition for the farthest throwing of a pacifier directly with the help of the mouth. Of course, you will need a lot of pacifiers, since everyone who wants to “shoot” needs to be given an individual pacifier.

If this is a nursery for older kids, they probably have a Lego-type constructor. So let the guests make a plan of the apartment out of it - the very one they are invited to move into. So there will be a test of how they remembered everything they saw.

Living room (or dining room). This is where the table is set. From where they started - they came there. At the table, you need to immediately raise glasses for an interesting excursion, and after that you can perform a ritual: the hosts distribute papers and felt-tip pens to guests with a request to write something bad that can happen to their new home. Then all the pieces of paper are collected and immediately burned in a large heat-resistant dish or in a fireplace, if there is one. Now the owners can be sure that nothing bad will happen to their new home!

In the second part, another exemplary housewarming scenario is given, but of a completely different nature - in the form of a theme party. See this script on the page “ “.

At least once in a lifetime, every family experiences moments of happiness that you want to share with all your friends and relatives. Housewarming is such a joyful event. Whether you inherited an apartment or took out a mortgage, now you have your own nest that fully corresponds to your concept of style and comfort.

Invite friends, introduce them to your home, arrange fun party or a quiet evening watching a movie - the choice is yours. And we will show you how to make housewarming an unforgettable holiday for everyone!

Compiling a guest list- the first step in preparing for the celebration of housewarming. Invite close friends, colleagues, relatives, first consider how many people your home can accommodate. If there is not as much space as you would like, then organize 2-3 parties.

housewarming invitations It is not necessary to send out, you can call by phone or send SMS with the address. But original postcards in the style of a party, sent by mail or handed in person, will make the holiday memorable and sweet. Draw a map of your area and indicate the address of the apartment on it or shoot an unusual video invitation, burn it to disk or upload it to youtube and send it to your friends.

Housewarming Menu may well be modest. Organize a buffet reception. In this case, it is worth setting the table with light snacks, tartlets, cakes, sandwiches, beautifully decorated plates with chopped fruits and vegetables. The main thing is that all the treats can be easily taken with a fork, and it does not crumble. However, if you want to cook a festive dinner from full dishes in a brand new kitchen, then choose this option.

music for housewarming an important part of creating a cozy atmosphere. Light blues, incendiary jazz or melodic European hits can accompany the conversations of guests. Music will be the backdrop of the evening, cheer up the guests and inspire them to dance.

Party style in honor of the housewarming party, you can choose any. We propose to beat the name of the street on which the house is located. For example, if the street is South, then arrange either a Cuban party, or a holiday in the style of a safari, or an oriental fairy tale.

housewarming home decor should be cute and not flashy. Housewarming is a holiday for each family member, you introduce the house to your friends, so remove all traces of repairs, excess furniture, old things. As a rule, a garland, paper balls, a horseshoe that is hung over the door, funny inscriptions or posters on the walls are used as housewarming decor.

Decorate the house can be in the style of the planned party. The decoration of the hallway should start with a rug with the words "Welcome". Arrange small bouquets of flowers in light vases in the rest of the rooms.

When setting the table you can use housewarming elements: figurines of a brownie, a horseshoe or keys. Think over cute details: original napkins, beautiful dishes, tablecloth. You can put a sticker on each guest's plate so that they write you congratulations on the move.

Photo posters houses “before/before” will help to add colors to your story about the stage of construction and repair. Guests will be interested design solutions, your style finds in the process of creating comfort.

Housewarming Games, which you stock up in advance of day X, will save you from a painful situation. An excellent solution would be the battle in the Crocodile. The facilitator gives the player a word related to the repair, and he must portray it as believably as possible so that the rest of the participants can guess.

Board games will be a good addition to the evening. Give preference to "Munchkin", "Pravdomer" or "Imaginarium". If you want to create an informal atmosphere, then select the game "Ruff".

Housewarming gifts for guests given as a token of appreciation for visiting your home. Lovely gifts will make it clear that friendships and family ties are important to you, which only strengthen your home. The present can be: magnets in the shape of a horseshoe, a brownie, a key, boxes with fragrant tea or sweets, scented candles, cookbooks, hot coasters, indoor flowers, calendars.

Day after housewarming

Cleaning up the house after the party not the most favorite pastime of the household. It's great if you have conscientious guests who help wash the dishes and clear the table. In any case, you should not strain with all your might and rush to return the home to its original appearance. Wash the dishes and put the furniture in their places, finish the rest of the work tomorrow morning.

Thank your friends for wonderful housewarming gifts and offer to meet again soon. It is better to say words of gratitude by phone or SMS the next day after the party. Such respectful treatment of people close to you will help create a backbone of true friends around the house and your family who will help in difficult times.

be happy in my house. This feeling will intensify when you realize that the guests are delighted with your home. It will be remembered and will remain with you for many years and until the next party in new apartment.

Buying a new home is associated not only with the euphoria of the acquisition, but also with such troubles as running around various authorities to re-register papers, transporting accumulated property and labor-intensive repairs that never go without nerves...

But finally, all the worries are behind, the walls are covered with fresh wallpaper, and the bathroom sparkles with new plumbing. All the furniture is arranged in its place, and even the flowers have blossomed. ahead of time after transplanting into new pots. So it's time for a housewarming party! The signs and customs associated with this unusual celebration are very interesting and varied. Our grandparents attached great importance to them, but it is up to the owners of the house to follow the wisdom of the older generation or not.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the traditions in order to arrange an unforgettable holiday, think over contests with symbolic prizes, or maybe feel like theater actors and play scenes at a housewarming party. This article will be useful both for the happy owners of a new home and for those who have decided to congratulate them on this important event.

Red corner, cat and rooster

So, housewarming! Signs, customs and traditions associated with it came to us from the distant past. It was believed that whoever enters the house first will be the first to leave it, so it was customary that the oldest man in the family enter the new home first, who thus, as it were, sacrificed himself pagan gods. When Christianity supplanted paganism, this custom became more humane, and instead of the eldest in the family, a cat was the first to be let into new houses and left there for a while. The place where the cat fell asleep was considered bright, and it was there that they arranged icons and a lamp. Why a cat and not a cat? The answer is simple: due to feline behavior, cats mark corners and furniture, and these traces of crime have a very specific smell that is very difficult to remove.

Instead of a cat, the main character, who had the role of "pioneer", was a rooster. He was associated with fire and the hearth. The rooster was launched into the house, where he had to expel all the lurking evil spirits with a loud crow. After the rooster performed the "act of exorcism", its fate was sealed: they cooked jelly (aka jelly) from it and treated all the guests who came to the housewarming party. Signs, customs and beliefs associated with people and living creatures ended there, and rituals aimed at otherworldly forces were used.

Lover of milk and sweets

The true keeper of the house is considered to be none other than the brownie. Moreover, if a rooster in a city apartment is found exclusively in soup, then a brownie is a quite common phenomenon. This is a good spirit who considers himself the owner of the dwelling, his duty is to help the family with whom he shares his territory. If the brownie does not like something, for example, unwashed dishes or a dirty floor, he begins to arrange "demonstrations" with light bulbs burning out and various things missing, such as keys, mobile phone and wallet. In addition, the brownie does not tolerate when family members quarrel with each other, and if this happens, he does not let him sleep at night, making various sounds.

To greet the brownie, he needs to leave something tasty on a silver platter, for example, sweets or cookies, and also pour a glass of milk, which he is a big fan of! The favorite object of the brownie is a broom (they say that he often hides behind it, watching his wards). Therefore, the broom must always be clean and not disheveled.

To strengthen protection, it is imperative to bring an icon into the new house, which, together with the brownie, will protect the household from all evil.

modern magic

What to do for those who do not believe in brownies, but on the nose - housewarming? Signs, customs and traditions associated with moving to a new home do not have to be based on religion or old beliefs.

In order to live happily in a new house, first of all, you need to open all the windows wide and let in more fresh air. After that, you need to unscrew all the taps for at least a few minutes. will wash away all negativity, and fresh air will bring pure energy. The last (control!) blow to evil spirits - candles lit throughout the house and cheerful music. All this will envelop the dwelling with a light aura and fill it with joy and happiness.

Bread, salt and... cake!

Presentation Variations

And, of course, we should talk separately about gifts. As a rule, when entering the house of new settlers, they need to give something that will be useful in one way or another on the farm:

  • kitchen utensils (chopping boards, containers for spices, beautiful jars for storing bulk products);
  • household appliances (yogurt maker, coffee grinder, blender, mixer, bread machine, microwave oven, kitchen scales, fondue set);
  • dishes (plates, salad bowls, tea set, glasses, candy bowl, honey container, baking dishes, sushi set);
  • textiles (tablecloth, beautiful potholders, napkins, bed linen, set of towels, ;
  • decor (pictures, photo frames, clocks, figurines, photo albums, sconces).

In every gift - a share of a joke

In addition to the traditional ones, you can give comic ones, for example, an antenna for a future 3D TV or a set of trempels, whose task is to hold on their "shoulders" a collection of fur coats that a hospitable hostess will definitely have.

In addition, new settlers will surely like an alarm clock that will not let them sleep through their happiness, or a bell that calls all household members to the table, and computer lovers will appreciate a table for a laptop or a mouse pad.

And money is happiness

More recently, it was not customary to give money for a housewarming party, but modern life has made its own adjustments to and finances can be a wonderful gift, especially for young couples who are just starting a life together. Making a cash gift is simple: just put the banknotes in a beautiful cardboard house or in a box.

New Year in a new house

And if a housewarming party happens just before the New Year, then pleasing the owners of the house with a gift is as easy as shelling pears: Christmas tree garlands, cheerfully blinking with colorful sparks, are very useful in the household! In addition, you can give Christmas decorations, figurines of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, knitted snowmen and other christmas decor. Napkin rings, an ice bucket for a bottle of champagne, beautiful candlesticks will serve as a good gift.

In a word, if a housewarming party is planned, signs, customs and traditions should not be left aside, and the celebration of this joyful event together with dear guests should not be neglected. This is a great occasion not only to acquire the things you need in the household, but also to have fun new life! Be sure to celebrate a rare and such a bright holiday - housewarming, and life will become more colorful and brighter!

The hosts meet the guests and invite them to the table.

Task for latecomers

A latecomer is asked to choose an answer to the question "Wow or well?" What he chooses means: "Wow" - kiss one, "well" - kiss one. The latecomer does what he chose. Guests give gifts to newcomers and a comic order for an apartment (to be printed). The one who takes on the role of leader reads it out.


Issued to citizen ______ (name of owner), citizen ______ (surname of hostess) and citizens ______ (names of children, if any) in that they are the sole and full owners of apartment No. ____ at ____.

Hosts have the right:

Spend the night in the above apartment, leave it for work and return from work;

Unlimited use of such benefits of civilization as plumbing, heating and sewerage;

Change the furniture and furnishings in the apartment in accordance with the impeccable taste of the hostess;

Hosts are required to:

Maintain order in the apartment with brooms, vacuum cleaners and maids;

Live in an apartment only in peace and harmony;

To arrange monthly entertainment meetings of guests in today's line-up!

To this a toast is proposed. Then the congratulations begin.

Feng Shui in Russian

Presenter: Now it is fashionable to arrange and hang all the items in the house according to the rules of Feng Shui. This is especially true for a new home! We properly prepared, read all sorts of books and came with Feng Shui gifts! True, we have turned out Feng Shui in Russian ... So, in a new house there must be an object that attracts money, otherwise they will flow away. Here is a symbol of wealth and prosperity for your family! (guests give the owners a piggy bank).

A good housewife always has cleanliness in her house. And according to legend, dirt and dust attract evil spirits, so you need to get rid of them immediately. And to evil spirits they were afraid of you - here is a symbol of cleanliness and order for you - (they give the hostess a brush).

Another indispensable attribute good home- cosiness. V cozy house always want to come back. And we give you a symbol of calmness and comfort - (they give slippers to the head of the family).

And here is another symbol - satiety and hospitality! (Give a ladle).

This ladle is in the kitchen of the colonel! “Builds” an army of utensils to make dishes tastier! Well, and finally, in order for the house to always be fun and pleasant, it must have a symbol of fun and hospitality! (Give a corkscrew).

This item opens any feast! I suggest you try it out right now! The toast is raised.

Congratulations from Domovoy

Then the guests say that there are no houses without a brownie and ask the owners if you met the new brownie. One of the guests is slowly dressing up Domovoi (required old clothes, a hat with earflaps, a can of beer, a new broom and a loaf) and comes out with congratulations.

Brownie: Allow me to introduce myself to please you!

I am a brownie by profession, I understand the economic process!

Whoever promises to be friends with me will live in abundance!

(Gives the owner a can of beer)

Well, master, will you be friends with me? Shall we have a beer together?

(The owner answers.)

(Gives the hostess a broom)

And for you, beautiful hostess, I brought a new broom!

Well, will you get along with me? Won't you chase me with a broom?

(The hostess answers.)

Brownie: That's great! Let's live nice!

Why were the people quiet? Do you want me to read a poem?

I'll tell you now, brothers, Briefly about the new apartment:

Here is a spacious corridor, Porcelain plumbing is here,

Here is a window in a new frame, new flower pots,

A bright light from a new chandelier, A new stool in the kitchen,

In the bedroom - new beds (Very soft, by the way),

New toys for children ... And look after everything behind this

There will be a guy with a head, It's me - your brownie!

I propose to drink a glass with me to intermarry!

A toast is raised to the brownie.

Brownie: Peace in the house is the main thing, we will have a glorious life!

And although I'm not Santa Claus, I brought you a gift ... (Brings out a loaf).

Here, baked a loaf, fly in, cut it!

(A key is baked in the loaf. The loaf is cut, and the guest who gets the piece with the key (it must be warned to eat carefully, because the loaf with a secret) receives the title of the most welcome guest in this house. And if the owner got the key or mistress, then he (she) is appointed from now on as the head of the family and house.)

(The brownie says that it’s time for him to go on business, says goodbye and leaves to change clothes)

Leading: There is one very old sign: a cat is the first to enter a new house on the threshold! She calls happiness. Did you let the first cat into the apartment? If not, don't worry, you can fix it!

Congratulations from the Cat

One of the guests dresses up as a Cat, you will need a headband with ears and a tail, a cat's whiskers and nose are drawn on the face with a cosmetic pencil.

Cat: Meow! That is, good evening

What a joyful meeting!

What a big company!

I won't bother you at all

I have fluffy fur

And the stomach is no more than a thimble,

I'm toilet trained

Trained to catch mice!

Here, I've already caught one.

(takes out a toy mouse from his pocket and shows it to the owners),

Is this not enough for you?

You take me home

You won't regret it!

(And if the preliminary consent of the owners is received, the cat gives them a live kitten, if the owners are against it, then a plush one).

The presenter announces an anonymous competition for the best nickname for a kitten (if presented alive). You need to write your options on pieces of paper and throw them into the voting box. The results are summed up closer to the end of the holiday, the hosts choose Best offer or called in their own way, but the winner is still awarded an extra glass. Together with the kitten, they give accessories to care for him.

Cat: How good are you guys...

But my kittens are waiting for me at home!

To hang out a little more

I want to invite the owner to dance!

Host: Indeed, is it time to check if the floors in the new apartment are strong? Let's dance break! After a pause, the feast continues again, there is interesting options table games.

Board game "Don't laugh"

One of those sitting at the table starts the game, the rest repeat the movements after him. For example: put your hand on the neighbor's shoulder; then touch the neighbor's nose, etc. The main thing is not to laugh. Whoever laughs, he drops out and goes to the “penalty sofa”. At the end of the game, the penalty boxers perform some funny task together.

Game "Builders"

The leader says that a real man must, as you know, build a house, plant a tree and raise a son in his life. The guests count how many of the men present have built houses, planted trees and how many children in their lives. The winner is determined.

The game "Yourself karaoke"

A competition is announced for knowledge of songs about the house, apartment and everything connected with housing. One of the guests remembers the song, the rest pick up. Awarded to those who know the most a large number of songs and the most sincerely singing. Hint - songs about the house: "Weather forecast" ("Weather in the house") from the repertoire of L. Dolina. "Parent's House" from the repertoire of L. Leshchenko. "Under the roof of your house" from the repertoire of Y. Antonov. "My love is on the fifth floor" from the repertoire of gr. "Secret". "Grass near the house" from the repertoire of the "Zemlyane" group. "No one will be in the house ..." from the TV movie "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!". “So far, everyone is at home” from the TV show of the same name. If the company does not like to sing, you can arrange a similar contest of proverbs and sayings. Proverbs about the house: Away is good, but home is better. The hut is red with corners, and the wife with pies. Houses and walls help. My home is my castle. Without an owner, a house is an orphan. In crowded but not mad! Every house has its own skeleton in the closet. Do not go to someone else's monastery with your charter. Not at home: sat - you will not leave.

"Home" riddles

Riddles about household utensils. The one who guesses is rewarded with candy.

1. The most delicious and invigorating -

This is real coffee!

Who does not know a lot about this,

Those will help ... (coffee grinder)

2. There is such a thing in the house,

Everything in front of her at a glance!

Let's put on make-up

And then let's go for a walk! (mirror)

3. I know and can do everything in the world,

Adults and children are friends with me!

It's so sweet to lie in front of me

And spend a long winter evening! (TV set)

4. If it's cold outside,

People need a warm home!

I warm bodies and souls

And my name is ... (battery)

5. If there is a ringing in the room,

So this is... (phone)

6. I twist and turn,

I turn things around!

I help the hostess

I'm rolling everyone! (sealing key)

7. Then they go, and then they get up,

Never get tired! (clock)

Finally, the host makes a toast:

Live the most friendly family

Such a wonderful apartment!

We wish that for many, many days

Great happiness settled in her!

04.08.2015 20.01.2018 by Brownie

Crossing the threshold of a new home, a person seems to be entering a new life. Whether this life will be prosperous depends on the observance by the new settlers of many signs. It is believed that if you perform the necessary rituals when you move in, then life in the new house will develop happily.

Most importantly, you need to put positive energy in your new home. First of all, the apartment must be “cleaned” of negativity. For this, a branch of dried St. John's wort, a candle from the church or incense with the smell of lavender is suitable. The first circle is made, starting from the door, counterclockwise, in order to burn out all the accumulated negativity, then clockwise, imagining how well you will live in a new house. Then, standing in front of the door, stretch your arms with your palms up and imagine that you are placing a protective shield in front of the front door of the apartment. What color this shield will be is up to you. Gold, purple or lilac color will bring wealth to your home. Pink and scarlet colors promise love and tender relationships in the family. Blue, gray will ensure success in business. Yellow, orange, green - bring health. Silver or white will help to attract into the house good people and helpers.
Advice to anyone who moves: leave your old apartment in good condition. If the faucets are leaking, don't be too lazy to fix it. By fixing the problems, you will free yourself from the negativity that could accumulate during your stay in this house.

Before moving into a new home, check the electrical wiring, gas, water and sewer pipes throughout the home. Make sure everything works properly, because. broken things bring bad luck.
Invite a priest to bless your new home.
Don't forget to hang a horseshoe front door so that its ends look up, thus, favorable energy in the house will accumulate. If you hang a horseshoe upside down, then all the goodness from the house will leak. You can also hang it in the shape of the letter "C", this will mean that Happiness lives in the house.

In order for the new house to be filled with a special atmosphere, and, crossing its threshold, you feel that you have come to your own house, make repairs before moving in. Even if it's small. If this is not yet possible, then general cleaning can be an alternative to repair.
By the way, with a rag in one hand and a mop in the other, you can feel like a magician. To do this, you just need to imagine that with a rag you are erasing not only dust, but also all harmful and evil energy, and with a broom you seem to drive away evil spirits.

The energy of our home is very much connected with our emotions. When you clean your new home, you clean it not only from dirt and dust, but also from negative energy. Then take on the arrangement of things. Do it joyfully, remembering something good and charging your new home with positive energy.

When moving, it is customary to let the cat in first. This tradition has been around for a very long time. It is believed that the cat lies down in place, with negative energy and "takes it over." In addition, they say that a cat, entering a new home, chooses a place that should belong to the brownie. She sits or lies down and does not move for a long time. But the cat must be yours. Animals "for hire" are not suitable for such a mission.

Then the oldest man in the family should enter the apartment.
Spouses must move into the house together. Moreover, a pregnant woman should not take part in the housewarming. Therefore, if the new mistress of the house is “in position”, it is better to postpone the housewarming.

When you move into a new house, first bring in the icons, then money, rice, oil, sugar and salt, and then everything else.

Immediately go around all the rooms, turn on the lights everywhere or light candles.

The new house should announce your favorite song or just a nice tune. These sounds will attract positive energy into your home.

On the first day of your stay in your new home, drink local water. This will mean that you have accepted the terms of the new location.

Cook for new kitchen tea. You will taste this hot and fragrant drink not as a guest, but as a host in your home.

First of all, in a new apartment, open all the windows. Fresh air should fill the room. Then turn on the water. Let it flow in the bathroom and in the kitchen. At least a couple of minutes. The air that has poured into the house as a fresh stream, and the water flowing in a strong stream, will “cleanse” your new home of bad energy, of all the negativity that has accumulated in the apartment during the time the previous owners lived in it.
Finally leaving the old home, remember only the joyful moments spent in it.

There is an interesting ritual that needs to be done when leaving the old apartment. Take a piece of paper and a pen. Write words that mean everything you want to be surrounded by in your new home: harmony, happiness, prosperity, health. Take this list, compiled within the walls of the old house, with you. Everything you put on the list, go with you.

There is a tradition to leave coins in the old apartment. They say it brings wealth to both those who leave and those who move in. (It is also considered a good omen; to take a broom with you from old apartment. If you used to have a brownie, call him with you.

Or you need to make friends with a new brownie. The best way for this - to arrange a feast for the whole world, but simply put - a fun party with close friends and delicious treats.

Guests were supposed to come with bread and salt - symbols of wealth and prosperity.
If you yourself are going to a housewarming party, take at least a small bun with you. Such a gift brings happiness to newcomers.

It is recommended to celebrate the housewarming twice - the first time for the closest people on the first weekend after the move. The second time already for numerous guests, when you stop feeling like guests in a new house.

Housewarming without fun is not supposed to meet. There is a sign: you need to let the cat into your house first. Well, for God to help, christen your threshold. The miracle worker - the icon - is the main place at home. Everything is fine? And now with bread and salt we are waiting for guests.