Do-it-yourself cardboard box houses for a child: the best ideas. Do-it-yourself cardboard house schemes: puppet and for cats

  • 14.06.2019

Children love playhouses and are ready to build them themselves from anything - tables, chairs, pillows, cardboard boxes... Boys are more attracted to the process of building a house with their own hands, and girls will be happy with a ready-made house for dolls, where they can leisurely play real life. We will tell you how to make an original house out of a cardboard box with your own hands - any child will be happy to live in this!

House-mill out of the box

By itself, a large box is already a house, but if you work on it a little, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdelight is guaranteed! I offer you a variant of a cardboard house from a box with windows, a door, a pipe and even a screw that can be twisted.

You will need:

  • Large cardboard box
  • Screw stick
  • Screw
  • Rope
  • Scotch
  • Double sided tape
  • Acrylic paints
  1. Form an acute-angled roof of the house from two large box doors and glue them together with adhesive tape. Cut out a gable for the roof from small doors and glue it with tape.

  1. Cut skylights in the roof.

  1. Cut through the door in one of the ends. To make the door open and close easily, first cut through the part where it will be attached to the wall of the house, and immediately glue the cut with tape. Then cut the door on the other three sides, open it wide open and tape the fold in the open position.
  2. Similarly, you can make shutters for skylights.
  3. Open the pipe as shown in the photo. To mark the correct bevel of the pipe, use the corners that remain after cutting the gable. Tape the pipe.

  1. Attach the pipe to the roof and circle. Cut a hole for the pipe and glue it to the roof with tape.
  2. Cut out windows at the end.
  3. For the propeller, cut out two rectangular blades. Glue a circle to the center of the screw on both sides for strength. Place a small stick under the roof of the house and tie it with a rope, as in the photo. Screw a screw with a washer into the end of the stick, onto which you put the screw.

  1. Paint the mill house: first coat it with primer acrylic and let dry, then paint bricks on the walls, tiles on the roof, paint the screw and pipe.

Equip your cardboard house from the inside: you can draw pictures and furniture on the walls, hang a lamp from the ceiling, curtains on the windows, and “lay” a rug on the floor. Comfort will be added by safe, non-heating garlands.

gift idea

Anastasia Shukevich made a Little Red Riding Hood puppet house with charming details: folding doors and red volumetric tiles on the roof! The house is made from a box dishwasher, painted water-based paint, tiles and window frames - from cardboard, painted with children's gouache. A layer of gouache is fixed with hairspray so that the paint does not get dirty. The walls inside are covered with gift wrapping paper.


Comment on the article "Box plus fantasy: do-it-yourself children's house"

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Would you buy your child a large cardboard house that looks like a real one inside and out? With a removable roof, windows and It turns out a pocket of about 13x15. Box plus fantasy: do-it-yourself children's house. How to make your own cardboard house

All children dream of toy houses, which they clumsily try to build from what they have at hand. And sometimes parents do not even realize that there is material in the house from which you can make a wonderful house for children's games - this is ordinary cardboard. Without special efforts from waste material can turn out beautiful and comfortable home - favorite place for children's games.

Decorating the house, children will develop their imagination. A toy house can be for them spaceship or the castle of the princess, involving them in an amazing adventure. Tidying up their toy home, children learn to clean up the house. Having retired to the house, they can organize a secret society or tell horror stories to each other.

Making a house out of cardboard with your own hands is not difficult. Children must be involved in the construction process. It's very interesting and exciting! Helping in construction, children will receive the first architectural knowledge and skills.

Materials and tools

Do-it-yourself cardboard house does not require large material investments. Materials and tools for construction can be found in the household of any family:

  • Carton boxes different sizes, glue gun.
  • Scissors, sharp knife, pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, adhesive tape.
  • Acrylic or watercolor paints, gouache, glitter and various embellishments.

Operating procedure

The sequence of building a cardboard house with your own hands can be different, depending on what architectural structure you want to create. But the general algorithm can be described as follows:

  • Find a sketch or diagram on the Internet, print it out on a printer and start acting. If you are an experienced craftsman, you can draw a sketch of the house yourself.
  • According to the scheme, cut out the parts and glue them in the desired sequence with adhesive tape.
  • Together, you can decorate your building with fun.

Helpful Hints

  • It will be great if your boxes include corrugated cardboard.
  • Cardboard cutting work should only be carried out by adults.
  • For the stability of the house, it is desirable to find cardboard pipes. You can ask for them at a store that sells goods in rolls. If you can't find it, make pipes out of cardboard. To do this, simply roll it up.
  • Try to make the door of the house open outward so that the children have more room to play.
  • Don't throw away small cardboard boxes. From them you can make a beautiful doll castle for a princess or a garage for cars.

There are many options for do-it-yourself cardboard houses. You yourself can come up with something interesting. We offer several workshops and original ideas for the manufacture of houses that you can easily build with your children.

DIY folding cardboard house - master class

We will need: a large cardboard box, scissors, a sharp knife, tape.

Step one: cut off the top of the large box, as shown in the diagram. Set aside the cut pieces. We glue the side seams of the box with tape.

Step two: turn the box over and connect its parts in the places indicated by the yellow arrow in the diagram. We make a roof from the cut off parts, connecting the parts with adhesive tape in the places indicated by the arrows. We attach the roof to the side parts.

Step three: cut the cardboard in the place indicated by the yellow dotted lines in the diagram. We connect the parts indicated by the yellow arrows.

A comfortable and functional house is ready. It can be taken apart at any time, played with and put back together again.

Cardboard house with a door - master class

We will need: a large cardboard box, a sharp knife, adhesive tape, acrylic paints or gouache.

Operating procedure:

  • We cut out the roof and side parts of the house according to the scheme from cardboard.
  • We collect the house and glue the junction of the side seams with tape.
  • We glue the roof and cut out the door on three sides, as shown in the figure.
  • The window can be cut or drawn.

DIY cardboard mill - master class

We will need: a large cardboard box, a knife, adhesive tape, a wooden stick, a screw, a rope, acrylic paints.

Operating procedure:

  • Fold the box as shown in the diagram. From the sides we cut out triangular gables, and on the roof we make holes for the window and pipe.
  • According to the pattern, we make a cardboard tube.
  • We screw a screw into the tip of a wooden stick and attach it to the roof with a rope.
  • According to the scheme, we make a screw and fasten it to a stick along with a screw so that it spins.
  • We cut out two triangular windows at the end and fasten the pipe.
  • We paint the mill with bright colors.

Do-it-yourself house for Barbie - master class

We will need: two small cardboard boxes, a knife, adhesive tape, glue, acrylic paints, colored paper.

Operating procedure:

  • We take two boxes, cut out two windows on the side and glue them together, as shown in the first picture.
  • We glue the shelves, the back wall and the roof, made of two pieces of cardboard.
  • We cut out beautiful windows, then paint the resulting house with paints or glue it with colored paper.

Cardboard cat house - master class

You can make a wonderful cat house for your pet out of cardboard with your own hands.

We will need: two not very large boxes, a knife, adhesive tape, glue.

Operating procedure:

  • We make two small houses according to the size of the cat according to the scheme given in the second lesson. Only one of the houses should be without a roof, there is no need to make doors.
  • We cut out the windows, as shown in the diagram and glue one house to another. We hope your kitty enjoys her new home.

Interesting DIY Cardboard House Ideas

  • Cottage with starry sky can be made from cardboard boxes with skillful hands.
  • Surprisingly beautiful doll houses are obtained from cardboard if they are pasted over with a bright cloth.
  • Unusual architectural cardboard structures are simply amazing.
  • A transforming dollhouse can be made from cardboard according to the attached scheme.

We hope that our lessons, ideas and tips will help you in creating wonderful toy houses. You will certainly get a joyful mood and indescribable emotions as a result of your creativity.

Any girl dreams of a house for her dolls. Now there are a huge number of them on store shelves. But such pleasure is not cheap, and the assortment is of the same type.

We offer to please the child with a handmade gift. This will allow you not only to save money, but also to make the house one of a kind.

In addition, it will be a great pastime for the whole family during leisure time.

There are many special tutorials for making dollhouses with your own hands. You can use a variety of Construction Materials: boards, plywood, chipboard, laminate, cardboard, etc.

As a rule, the front wall on dollhouses is not made, or they make it removable or openable so that your child can put dolls there, change the situation in the rooms, and tidy up.

Choose the material - and we will teach you how to make a dollhouse with your own hands!

Doll houses made of plywood and laminate

These are the most popular items. Distinctive feature from "brothers" - stability and longevity. It is easy to decorate both outside and inside. But the manufacture of such a house requires male power.

If you try, then such a house will not be distinguished from the store version.

Diagrams and drawings can be found on the Internet, but if there are technical inclinations, you can try to draw it yourself. There are also photos of finished dollhouses on the Internet.

To make a house, we need:

  • thicker plywood (from 7 mm.);
  • electric jigsaw;
  • glue;
  • self-adhesive for the floor;
  • pieces of wallpaper;
  • tape measure or ruler;
  • a pen;
  • scheme;
  • a little imagination and patience.

Let's get to work, before that, having decided on the size dollhouse(they will depend on the dimensions of the "residents"):

  • we cut out the walls of the future house from plywood or laminate;
  • we cut windows and doors into them;
  • we glue the walls together, it is also fashionable to use building nails or staples;
  • we make a roof, it can be both flat and sloping. To give a real look, you can use corrugated cardboard, and then paint it;
  • we fasten the resulting structure with the foundation - a sheet larger than the house itself. On an unused site, you can make flower beds, sidewalks, a platform, parking;
  • glue wallpaper and lay floors;
  • we furnish the house with furniture;
  • you can also add curtains made from pieces of fabric, bedspreads, rugs, etc.

Plasterboard dollhouses

Many housekeeping parents after repairs leave the remaining building materials to gather dust on the balcony in the hope that they will someday come in handy. Their time has come! Drywall can make an excellent dollhouse.

A good house made of this material is that it turns out to be very light and easy to assemble. But, at the same time, it will need to be handled more carefully - it will be quite fragile.

The scheme of such a house is no different from a plywood or laminate product. But it is much easier to assemble such a house, and there are much more layout options - with the help of partitions, you can divide the premises among themselves.

Styrofoam houses

To assemble such a house, we need:


  • sheet foam;
  • glue;
  • canape sticks;
  • rulers;
  • bamboo sticks;
  • cardboard;
  • pieces of wallpaper and fabric;
  • dye;
  • sponge for washing dishes;

Pieces of plinth for the ceiling

Let's get to work:

  • make a diagram;
  • cut out foam walls;
  • we make doors and windows in them;
  • we connect the walls with toothpicks, then we glue the walls together;
  • for the strength of the roof, we first install bamboo sticks on top of the walls, and only then we glue the roof to the walls;
  • from wooden rulers or the same foam we make a ladder;
  • you can also use toothpicks for the railing;
  • in addition, if desired, a balcony, massandra or even a terrace can also be made from polystyrene;
  • we paint the house;
  • inside we decorate the house as in the previous description.

Houses from bookshelves and cabinets

House of old furniture it will not be difficult to do - because the walls are already ready.

It remains only to cut windows and doors into them, and think about what to make a roof from, if necessary.

It can also be made from the materials described above. We arrange the furniture, let the cat in - happy housewarming!

Cardboard houses

For this design we need:


  • cardboard;
  • house detail templates;
  • scissors and stationery knife;
  • gouache or watercolors.

Building a house:

  • if you have a large piece of cardboard, then we do not cut it, but bend it in places according to the diagram, and then glue its components together.
  • we install interior partitions made of cardboard, they will serve not only to delimit the space, but also to fasten the frame structure.
  • Let's get started on renovations!

House of boxes

The easiest and fastest option. It is enough to choose the right number of boxes (depending on the number of rooms), fasten them together with a stapler, after placing them on their side so that the top of the box serves as an exit.

This will allow you to open the front wall at the right time to rearrange, clean up, etc.

Cut out windows and doors. Let's start building the frame.


Paper folder house

It needs four folders. We glue them from the inside with wallpaper or printed sheets with decor items and household appliances in the plane.

We cut out windows in the folders, set the folders vertically, fasten them with the help of clips that are available for each folder. Your house is ready.

fabric house

This option is good because it takes up almost no space, it can be completely folded.

Using a dense piece of fabric, we make the back wall - it will serve as the foundation. We sew a rectangular base for the house. We make pockets, to which cardboard for the floors will then be attached. We attach ribbons to both corners of the pockets.

It remains only to sew pockets with a rectangular base from one edge so that the ribbons are with reverse side. Floors with ribbons and sew the ribbons with the back wall. Set up a house and start playing!

You can make houses from other materials - the main thing is to show your imagination! It will also be a wonderful gift for a boy - after all, you can build a garage, parking, etc.

DIY dollhouse photo

Such a craft will not take much time and materials, and for a child this activity will be very useful.

nym. When working with paper and three-dimensional figures, spatial thinking develops, fantasy and ingenuity work. Among other things, this is just an exciting activity for both adults and children.

Every girl dreams that her favorite doll lives in a house. Is it worth it to spend huge sums of money to purchase a doll house, if you can easily make it with your own hands. In addition, the child will treat the toy more carefully when he himself takes part in its creation.

To do beautiful house from cardboard boxes, you need very few materials and most importantly - fantasy!

You'll need:

  • Boxes made of durable cardboard in different sizes;
  • Paints;
  • colored paper;
  • Knife and scissors;
  • Glue gun;
  • Scotch;
  • Pencils or markers.

You can make any house - large or small, with a removable roof or a stationary one, with separate rooms or one large one. To have an idea of ​​how the house will look like, look at the approximate diagrams and sketches on the Internet (instructions are attached to each). Based on them, you can draw your own plan for the dollhouse.

DIY large cardboard house for children

Getting a kid interested is pretty easy. Build him a house! If you live in an apartment, making drywall housing at home will be very difficult - due to lack of free space. But there is a way out, because for sure each of you at home on the mezzanine or in the garage has large boxes from under household appliances TV, refrigerator or gas stove. Unless you're planning a massive move, these boxes are unlikely to be of any use to you. But from them you can make a great house-teremok for your child. It will be interesting for the kid to play in such a spacious house.

To make a children's house with your own hands, you need:

  • A large cardboard box or two medium ones;
  • Glue;
  • Scotch;
  • Colored paper or wallpaper;
  • Ruler;
  • Stationery knife.

Place the box in such a way that the opening parts are at the top. Cut out a piece of cardboard from an unnecessary box to make a quadrangular roof. Fasten all bends with tape.

You can leave the top of the roof empty - so that air flows better.

Think about where the door will be located. The hole should be large enough for the baby to crawl inside the house. Draw a door and cut it out with a utility knife. We do the same with windows. Finished holes can be decorated with old tulle, this will make the home cozy.

You can lay a warm blanket on the floor, so the baby will not freeze, even if he sits inside the house for hours.

Homemade house is ready and waiting for its owner!

Do-it-yourself cardboard houses: schemes and nuances of construction

To create a house, first of all, you need to draw a sketch. You can download the finished drawing of the house on the Internet or try to draw it yourself, based on the child's requests. If desired, you can make a house layout from plain paper.

House project:

  1. According to the drawing, cut out sketches of the future toy house from a cardboard box.
  2. Cut windows and doors. Remove unnecessary pieces of cardboard.
  3. Joints must be sealed with tape.
  4. If you glue the bends correctly, the house can fold, and in this form it will take up very little space.
  5. The roof of the house is made from the end parts of the box. They are fastened together with adhesive tape, on top of the roof can be pasted over with colored paper.
  6. To make the second floor, you need to install interior partition. Put a sheet of cardboard on top and firmly fix it along the edges with the walls of the house.
  7. The stairs between floors are also cut out of cardboard.

Now you can decorate the house with doll furniture or make it yourself from cardboard.

Helpful tips for making:

  • The door of the house should open outward;
  • In order for the house to be stable, cardboard pipes must be installed in the corners;
  • For safety reasons, only adults should cut cardboard.

How to make a cardboard house with your own hands: step by step with pictures

A beautiful and original house for Barbie can be made not only from boxes, but also from ordinary colored sheets of cardboard. Let your daughter help you create the house, make the layout and think through the decor.

For work, you will need sheets of thick cardboard, colored tape, felt-tip pens and a stationery knife.

Let's get to work:

  1. Our house will not have a front wall - so it is more convenient for a child to play with a doll if the dwelling is supposed to have several tiers.
  2. The basis of the house are four standard sheets of cardboard, which are fastened together with colored tape.
  3. Before connecting the sheets, you need to cut out the window of the future house.
  4. Having fastened the sheets, we make the second floor. To do this, you need to connect 3-4 sheets together so that the overlap is more durable.
  5. Glue the sheets to the walls of the house around the entire perimeter with adhesive tape.
  6. The walls of the house can be pasted over with wrapping paper, imitating wallpaper, and thin felt can be laid on the floor - like a warm carpet.

It will be very interesting for the child to play with the new acquisition, to equip the house. These skills will definitely be useful in adulthood.

If the child is already going to school, he can take his creation to an exhibition or just brag to his classmates.

Do-it-yourself cardboard house: how to decorate a doll house

A dollhouse, like an ordinary apartment, requires comfort. To make your home more comfortable, you need to stick wallpaper on the walls - from colored paper, packaging wrappers or simple glossy magazines. You can hang curtains on the windows, for sure you will find a piece of unnecessary fabric. To attach them, use pushpins or a stapler.

Like any apartment, the house should not be empty. Favorite doll also needs furniture. From the boxes you can build a voluminous sofa, wardrobe or bookcase, table and chairs. They can be painted with watercolors or pasted over with appliqués.

The floor can be covered with felt, which is attached to the box with a glue gun. Now the Barbie doll will be able to walk barefoot on the floor.

To make the house light and cozy, you can hang an LED garland along the walls.

Around the house, you can arrange decorative flowers in pots and build a fence from plastic bottles. However, this option is acceptable if space in the nursery allows.

Let the child design the house himself, because your tastes may differ. Entrust this work to the kid, let him develop his imagination!

Step-by-step master class: how to make a cardboard house for a cat

If you have a tailed whiskered animal at home, you know how cats love to hide - they jump into a stroller, climb into boxes or on a rack. You can make a house out of the box and your pet will have a personal apartment that no one will claim.

Cardboard box for a cat - original and interesting idea, but, alas, such a house will quickly become unusable. Cardboard is afraid of water, so it cannot be washed. If your pet confuses the house with the tray, the cat's apartment will have to be thrown away.

In addition, cats like to sharpen their claws, and this will also harm the house.

Despite the disadvantages, this option is the cheapest and fastest to perform.

Building a cat house

  1. You need to choose a box in which your cat will not be cramped. Cats love space and love visibility, so don't put the box in the farthest corner of the room.
  2. Place a rug or pillow on the floor.
  3. You can paste over the outside of the house with old wallpaper so that the cat's home does not violate the interior of the "human" room.

When the house is ready, invite the cat to examine it. Let him get used to the new thing, study it. It is not necessary to force the cat to immediately climb inside, this can only scare him away.

How to make a cardboard house (video)

If you have a fantasy and love to craft, you can do toy house from cardboard. Such a gift will appeal to both toddlers and older children. Even an adult girl will appreciate such a gift, because very often you want to return to a carefree childhood and play with Barbie dolls again.