Huge caterpillar. Why is the caterpillar dreaming? Dream Interpretation: white caterpillar, hairy caterpillar

  • 15.10.2019

Dreams are a place where we can plunge into a new, hitherto unfamiliar world. Everything that we see in a dream is different from our usual life, everything is filled with some new, different meanings.

Not always we can easily figure out what exactly our subconscious wants to tell us. You need to have remarkable abilities in order to “click like nuts” night visions every morning.

On the one hand, caterpillars are pests, and on the other hand, they are potential butterflies that are designed to pollinate flowers, and simply decorate our world. These insects at all times had a special meaning and special symbolism - they were associated with transformation and transfiguration.

Let's try to find out what this symbol means in a dream, and find out what caterpillars dream of. Among the interpreters of dreams there is no unanimity in the interpretation of this symbol. Some say that deceit and betrayal awaits you, others, on the contrary, predict spiritual development.

In order to be sure of the interpretation, it is important to do a detailed analysis of the vision. Take into account even the smallest and unusual nuances.

Be sure to pay attention to the following:

  • Big or small?
  • Color.
  • What did you do?

What did you dream about?

In order to understand why the caterpillar is dreaming, it is important to remember it appearance. If the caterpillar was small, then it means that a little trouble awaits you, which you can easily handle.

Seeing big in a dream means that difficulties await you, overcoming which you can easily achieve your goal. Most importantly, do not stop and do not give up, all the difficulties that you face in life are given to you to strengthen your morale. Also, a big caterpillar is a symbol of your fears and disbelief in yourself.

A lot of insects in a dream means that you are surrounded by not very kind and sincere people. Many of them talk about you behind your back and openly gossip about you. Don't be so simple of heart and remember that you should keep your inner dignity.

Seeing a lot of caterpillars on yourself in a dream means that you are in danger. You need to go to the doctor and check your health. You worry a lot, from which your body is weakened, so you need rest and relaxation.

  • The brown grub indicates that you need a vacation, as you become unproductive and tired.
  • The green caterpillar is a symbol of your self-doubt. Also, the green larva indicates that you need recognition and respect.
  • Red, speaks of your quick temper.
  • The black caterpillar is a symbol of your restraint and modesty.
  • Seeing a yellow larva means what awaits you good mood In the next few days.

Then, it is important to remember what the caterpillar was doing. If the larva ate something in a dream, then expect a change in your financial condition. Soon you will need to spend enough a large number of money for a big purchase.

If the larva just crawled, then you are slowly but surely moving towards your goal. Also, a crawling caterpillar, as the modern dream book says, predicts you success and good luck.

Seeing in night dreams how the larva pupates means that a period of change awaits you. Just know that it will be preceded by some stagnation, but don't let it scare you, because this is the calm before the storm. Changes will embrace not only you, but also all your surroundings.

Seeing a larva in food means that you should not trust your loved ones so unconditionally. Not all of them have sincere feelings towards you.

Caterpillars and larvae in a vision are harbingers of various changes in life. The main thing is to correctly interpret the dream and then life can become easier.

The appearance of a caterpillar in your dream should not be considered as a harbinger of any unpleasant events. Do not forget that from the caterpillar appears beautiful butterfly, therefore, in a dream, this symbol can mean rebirth, global changes, a successful acquaintance. But in some cases, the caterpillar symbolizes selfishness, internal contradictions, betrayal of friends.

Invasion of caterpillars on your garden in a dream:
In a dream, you saw how the caterpillars attacked your garden and completely devastated it - this dream means the presence of an ill-wisher nearby who hides his true attitude to you under the guise of friendship.

A caterpillar falls in a dream:
The dream in which a caterpillar fell on you indicates that all failures occur due to internal contradictions, the cause of which is your selfishness. Be less selfish and try to pay more attention to those around you.

A butterfly appears from a caterpillar in a dream:
In your dream, a beautiful butterfly turned out from a disgusting caterpillar - this is a sign that in reality you will have the opportunity to change your life for the better, so be attentive to everything that happens.

Crush a caterpillar in a dream:
In a dream, you crushed a caterpillar - in reality, disappointment awaits caused by the treachery of friends or a person close to you.

"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of a caterpillar, difficulties and illnesses await you. For women: caterpillar - pregnancy. Many caterpillars - great damage, intrigues of enemies. To see a caterpillar on yourself is to experience a lot of excitement. Crush the caterpillar - you want to hurt yourself. Find a caterpillar - protection. To hold a caterpillar in your hand is to break off a protracted close relationship. The silkworm caterpillar is a profitable business proposition. The transformation of a chrysalis into a butterfly is a difficulty in achieving success.

Why do caterpillars dream of a dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a caterpillar - to betrayal; crush a caterpillar in a dream - be careful, you can get into trouble.

The caterpillar is a child of nature. It would seem that at a certain period of her life she has a repulsive appearance, but, the moment comes, and she is reborn into a beautiful butterfly. If in a dream you saw this creature, try to remember what its dimensions were, where it was and what exactly it did. Thanks to these "little things" you can find out exactly why this is a dream. The interpretation of such a dream is given by several dream books.

The summer dream book believes that watching a slowly crawling large caterpillar in night dreams is a relaxed and pleasant outdoor recreation. Most likely, this time will be spent in a pleasant company.

Predictions of a female interpreter

The female dream book is convinced that the dreaming caterpillar is a sign that fate will collide with dishonest, hypocritical people. It is necessary in any communication with them to exercise extreme caution in words, in deeds. Such citizens can turn even innocent words against you.

Did you dream that you caught a big black caterpillar? Be the victim of an insidious deception. A carefully thought-out conspiracy of ill-wishers is not excluded. To kill this creature in a dream is good luck. It will turn out to defeat enemies and your own suffocating fears.

Interpreter of the 21st Century

If you dream of a large number of fluffy caterpillars, get ready to suffer some damage. A girl may dream of a white worm under her skin if she becomes pregnant soon. If you dream of a dark-colored worm, then you should prepare to survive a painful illness. The larger this creature of God was, the longer the recovery will be.

If in a dream a big green caterpillar was in your mouth, then a person will appear who will take away property. The 21st Century Dream Interpretation promises lengthy litigation and a very small chance of winning. Especially if in a dream you experienced a terrible disgust for this whole incomprehensible situation with a living being in the oral cavity.

All kinds of predictions

If in a dream there was a huge white caterpillar in your hair, you will get a chance for spiritual development. Most likely, such a chance will be a certain disease, thanks to which you will be able to look at your own existence and the life of those around you in a completely different way.

Seeing a caterpillar in a dream means that the business that you, roughly speaking, got into, disgusts you, but it makes no sense to reproach yourself with hindsight and you needlessly take what happened so close to your heart.

A dream in which you see a caterpillar on yourself and cannot throw it off portends a meeting with low, two-faced people. It would be better if you managed to avoid contact with them.

Holding a caterpillar in your hand means that you will be disgusted with your connection with a person who has long turned from a desired object into an object and cause of your constant irritability and dissatisfaction with life.

Crushing a caterpillar in a dream - to good luck, which is just around the corner. A silkworm caterpillar seen in a dream portends getting a very profitable place and achieving a strong position.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Caterpillar

A caterpillar in a dream portends a meeting with low, hypocritical people. Try to avoid contact with them.

In addition, a dream about a caterpillar means that in real life you didn't appreciate good man. The first impression was deceptive, and you treated him rather coldly. Nothing can be fixed, and you will only regret what happened.

Interpretation of dreams from

Scientists are sure that if you weigh all the insects living on Earth, they will easily outweigh the people living next to them. And not just outweigh, but 30-40 times. Naturally, we meet them at every step and in most cases we do not notice. But big and beautiful caterpillars attract attention, and it is not surprising that sometimes we even dream of them. So why do caterpillars dream?

Like all other dreams, each dream book interprets dreams about caterpillars in its own way, so you should choose the most realistic situations for you. If there is no garden, do not expect a rich harvest. Wealth will come from the other side.

Although Miller's dream book considers caterpillars a symbol of lies, not all dreams with them are interpreted negatively.

You dreamed of a lot of caterpillars

Caterpillars are very voracious, and perhaps that is why modern predictors believe that many caterpillars greedily eating a tree are sure to dream of abundance - or you will grow up by autumn excellent harvest, or in the foreseeable future, improve your financial situation.

French dream book warns of possible large losses. The same is assumed Spring dream book and Dream Interpretation of the XXI century.

Wangi's dream book is sure: if the caterpillars ravaged your garden, look for a traitor among your friends, it was dreamed that these insects attacked your garden and completely ruined it, which means that the enemy is hiding behind you under the guise of friendship.

You are watching the caterpillar

If in a dream you are watching a beautiful caterpillar from nothing to do, mark it bright color, wondering where she is crawling and what she will do next, then soon you will really get a long-awaited vacation. So says Modern dream book. As you can see, his prophecies are quite predictable.

Udilova in her dream book claims that the caterpillar in a dream speaks of your unrevealed potential. Listen to yourself, it turns out that you are capable of more.

A beautiful, bright caterpillar is a symbol of your inner beauty, which for some reason you hide from loved ones. But a black, terrible caterpillar warns that an ill-wisher has crept into your environment.

You saw a caterpillar, but were not at all interested in it

According to Miller, such a dream should be taken seriously, because soon you will meet a deceitful, unprincipled person. It is better for you to give up new deals and acquaintances for a while. But the French dream book claims the opposite - a very good friend will appear in your life.

If you are a young girl, be careful, as the caterpillar predicts pregnancy for you.

Spring dream book predicts imminent love. And your chosen one will be in every sense a worthy person.

Freud's dream book warns that ill-wishers will start a dishonest game with you.

you caught a caterpillar

Miller's dream book is sure that you should not play a wedding in the near future, perhaps you have chosen the wrong person.

In a dream, you crushed a caterpillar

If by chance, it's good luck. But if you did it consciously, you can harm yourself.

Big online dream book prophesies that soon you will know the name of your sworn enemy.

From dirt to Kings

Caterpillar turns into a butterfly

Get ready, something will happen in your life global change. It could be new job, marriage and even change of religion. Whatever happens, all changes are for the better. But if a caterpillar pupates in a dream, this portends an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Caterpillars are crawling over your body

Look around, among your loved ones an ill-wisher or an envious person is hiding. Do not make new acquaintances yet and try not to spend a lot of time in big companies. The more people around, the harder it is for you to see the hypocrite.

Let's give the caterpillar wings!

flying caterpillar

To see such a caterpillar is a great happiness.

Caterpillars fall on you from branches

You are far from an angel in life, it's time to pay for your actions.

Vanga also thinks: such a dream indicates that you yourself are main reason their failures. Moderate selfishness and devote more time to others.

Color and size matter

What color is your caterpillar?

If it is black, listen to your inner feelings. You did not experience anxiety in a dream, which means that the dream portends wealth and power. But if you feel anxiety, enemies, illnesses or anxiety about loved ones await you ahead.

The green caterpillar gives hope for the successful completion of all your affairs. But you'll have to work hard. For example, do not dream that wealth will fall from a tree, but buy a lottery ticket. Do not expect from business partners advantageous offers and come up with your own ideas. Do not self-medicate, but stomp to the clinic - now is the time to take care of your health, the disease will definitely recede.

The white caterpillar also warns of the appearance of a traitor among friends. Miller's dream book adds that in addition to betrayal, a black streak will begin in your life. It will take a lot of effort and patience from you to return everything to its original place.

big caterpillar

Freud's dream book is sure that if you dreamed of a huge caterpillar, then you will soon lose your spouse / partner. No, nothing will happen to him, he will just leave. But you are in for a period of despair and rethinking your behavior towards him. If you really need this person, from now on, give him maximum attention.

At some point, the caterpillar seems to us a terrible monster, but soon it turns into an ideal of beauty and grace.

She is unstable as human life. So when you see a caterpillar in a dream, do not panic - a terrible insect does not necessarily predict a black streak in life. Rather, on the contrary, its appearance in your dreams makes it possible to avoid unpleasant situations and not make irreparable mistakes.