What should be the ideal lifestyle. Ideals in human life

  • 24.09.2019

The biggest DLC for Fallout 4 - Far Harbor - ends with different endings depending on the player's decisions. Aside from minor choices throughout the game, key decisions are made during the final two missions: How Life Should Be and Cleansing the Earth.

Additional features of the finals will only be revealed if you complete all side quests. Having quarreled with one of the factions, you will forever close your interaction and, accordingly, a unique ending with it.


During the decisive mission, you can influence the following events:

- Whether to destroy Acadia;

- Destroy Far Harbor;

- Destroy the Nucleus;

- Avery's life;

- The life of DiMA;

- Life of Tectus;

- Kasumi's life.

What should life be like

Initially, take on the task "The Way Life Should Be" so as not to spoil the desired ending. On the second quest, it is much easier to stumble and make a different choice. Let's consider three finals and some decisions of this mission, as well as methods for choosing them:

The Way Life Should Be: Tell About Avery

In the course of the development of this scenario, you can change your mind several times and choose a different path. First, talk to Avery and Allen, and order Teddy to examine the skull. The ending will start when you present the evidence to Allen. Avery's life depends on how many additional (related) tasks you have completed and on your Charisma skill.

After that, the Far Harbor settlers will liquidate Acadia, in which you will be asked to take part. Then Kasumi dies. Finally, talk to Allen to receive a unique perk that increases attack power when HP is low. To put an end to it, you will have to destroy Far Harbor or Nucleus.

The Way Life Should Be: Talk to DiMA and convince him to reveal himself

If you refuse to show evidence to Allen and simply refuse this development of events, then you have another option - to talk to DiMA and try to get him to clean water. This will require a high Charisma score, obviously.

Then, during the meeting, the inhabitants of Far Harbor will decide whether to go to Acadia or retreat (depending on the completion of the corresponding additional tasks).

DiMA will die and Kasumi will become dependent on Acadia. Again, you need to decide who to destroy: Far Harbor or Nucleus.

The Way Life Should Be: Talk to DiMA and keep the secret

During the conversation, DiMA will also tell you about another option that will launch the "Reformation" quest. You have to reconcile the inhabitants of the island, which will save the lives of all the settlers. You will get armor and Kasumi will survive.

When this quest is completed, you will have to resolve the confrontation between the two opposing sides, which will unfold in the task "Cleansing the Earth".

Oh cleansing the earth

Cleansing the Earth: Use the key to destroy the Nucleus

This decision will end the Children of the Atom. By inserting the key into the socket, you will start a 30-second countdown, after which the Nucleus will fly into the air.

The variant offers you a perk that increases damage resistance. After all, look to Allen, who will give you an award.

Cleansing the Earth: Disable Far Harbor Defense

In this scenario, all the inhabitants of Far Harbor will die. You are required to find four fuses that will open the door. You will find the first one by the bench with the fuse box. The other three are on the shelves, not far from the door. To activate marking objects, click on the box.

This will be followed by a battle with the robot in Turbine 003, after which you must activate the third option in the terminal to turn off the ventilation. Finally report back to the Supreme Confessor on your success. The bonus perk will increase the attack with radioactive weapons.

Scouring the Earth: Eliminate Far Harbor and the Nucleus

The craziest option that does not reward you with any bonuses.


It will only appear if you have agreed to complete the DiMA plan. Look into Martin's hideout and find two holotapes there (on the table and by the bed). Return to DiMA and go to Nucleus. To continue, you will have to complete the side mission "What the Atom Requires".

The most honorable among all creatures is considered a man. Although, the right to be called him, from the point of view of ethics, must be earned. Each person has unique ability develop, improve, learn, passing on their experience to future generations.

Many people ask themselves the question: what should a person be like and who should he be equal to? I believe that, first of all, a person should be self-sufficient. You need to go your own way, live your own principles and values, make independent adequate decisions, take responsibility for yourself and your actions. It is important to remember: deceit and hypocrisy do not add significance, and therefore, it is better to remain yourself. Of course, you don’t want to be a “gray mouse” and get lost in the crowd, but looking back at others, you can lose yourself.

There were times when a person did not strive to be someone else's copy, did not try to imitate the habits, habits, opinions and actions of others. And it was always interesting and pleasant to spend time with such people, or just by chance to encounter in the crowd. A person must be himself, no more, no less, love life and appreciate every moment of it, remain true to himself, to his convictions. Such a person, in my opinion, can be called a person.

Human qualities

You can find a lot of modern literature with blatant titles: What qualities should a person have? However, you can only answer this question yourself. Considering the fact that each of us is an individual, with his own value system, as well as personal opinion and his own view of things. I think that a person should strive to conquer new heights, achieve their goals. At the same time, we must not forget that we live in a society. A person, on the contrary, is also an individual, which means that he is worthy of understanding and respect. Kindness, honesty, responsiveness, development, responsibility - these are the main qualities that I want to see in a person.

The expanses of the Web can offer a lot of information about a person and his qualities for your judgment. Teachers offer schoolchildren and students to express their opinion on this matter through reports and essays on this topic. An essay about what a person should be is often put on the agenda in educational institutions.

Modern man

Our world is changing just before our eyes, not allowing us to come to our senses. Days rush by in a swift stream, covering from head to toe. The twenty-first century is the time of technology and progress. This time dictates to us the conditions that modern man must meet. You can't just stand still. We need to develop at a given pace.

Each of us wants to know what a modern person should be like. Very erroneous is the widespread belief that a person who has a computer and mobile phone may be called modern. In my understanding, a modern person can be considered one who has not lost the ability to empathize with other people. He knows how to value friendship, achieves his goals, strives to learn more new things, develops spiritually. A modern person should be educated, tactful. It seems to me that such a person is the personification of thoughts, lifestyle and state of mind. It is the one who does not stand still, tries to develop, keep up with the times and meet its standards, is a modern person.

human culture

And what should be a cultured person? Distinctive features cultured person are: appreciation and the ability to be grateful, civilization, education, goodwill, refinement of taste, respect. Of course, someone can call a cultured person who has never used a swear word for half an hour. However, one should not confuse civilized norms of communication and the culture of an individual person.

I have always found it interesting to communicate with an intelligent person. How intelligent does a person have to be to be considered as such? It is very difficult to determine. Let's start with the fact that intelligence refers more to a personality trait than to a set of some qualities of character and its manifestations. By nature, an intellectual is a theoretician. Even if he is busy with some business, achieving great success in it, the driving factor of such a person is thought.

The affairs of an intelligent person are often aimed at universality, his goal is to discover something new, useful, acceptable to people. Therefore, we can safely say that intelligent people set as their goal the observance of universal human benefits. That is why doctors, teachers, actors, writers and artists are classified as intelligent professions. These people work for the good of mankind. In my view, an intellectual is a modest, friendly and well-mannered person. Do not confuse intellectual and well-read person. These are completely different concepts.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that the idea of ​​​​what a young man should be in modern world, to each his own. I have one point of view, you have another. The desire to keep up with the times, while remaining an individual, is common to all. It is enough just to remain yourself in any situation, behave with dignity, culture, respect others. Following these simple rules, a person can be safely called a Personality.

As long as there is a person, so many disputes continue about what constitutes human life what it should be. According to philosophers, psychologists, culturologists, and simply not indifferent people, life is more than just eating food, going to bed on time, washing Marya Ivanovna's bones from accounting or switching to new level even in the most addictive computer game.

You can rise above everyday life, make your life active, vibrant, full of interesting events, if you understand and imagine what you live for, adhere to certain values. What exactly to focus on in life, everyone decides for himself. Life ideals different people may differ. At the same time, there are universal human values ​​(truth, goodness, beauty, love for one's neighbor), to which everyone should be involved.

Throughout history, people have developed different ideas about what ideals are and what an ideal person should be like.

The ideal of man in culture

Ideas about the essence of man are not the same in cultures of different historical eras.

Ancient world

For the first time, people began to think about a person in time immemorial. Thus, the ancient Greek philosophers considered the concept of kalokogaty, the essence of which was self-knowledge and perfection. Aristotle paid special attention to the fact that the perfect man adheres to moral standards, does not allow himself to commit evil deeds and strives for the beautiful for the sake of the beautiful.

Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, the ideal of man was considered in the context of serving God. It was believed that perfection is achieved through discipline, meekness, obedience, asceticism. This ideal of education was preached by the ministers of the church. However, at this time there were also natural Sciences, education gradually acquired a secular character, and accordingly, ideas about a person and his capabilities also changed. It was believed that a person can master the secrets of nature and acquire new knowledge through experience.

Another ideal of a person in this period was a noble and valiant knight. Knights united in orders, created their own codes of honor, and organized tournaments. Each knight had his own “Beautiful Lady” (real or imaginary), to whom victories on the lists and accomplished feats were dedicated.


Ideas about the omnipotence of man were developed in the Renaissance (Renaissance). At the forefront is a person from the point of view of his nature and capabilities. But people still realized that not everything depends on them, and this contributed to the emergence of ideas about freedom and necessity. Similar views existed in the era of Antiquity, but now they are being actively rethought and put into practice.

During this period, the relationship between man and God is explained differently. It is still believed that God created man, but man from birth is endowed with activity, the desire to transform the world and himself, therefore, he can and should become the master of his life. At the same time, initial ideas about the differences between people are formed.

new time

In the Age of Enlightenment, German classical philosophy contributed to the formation of ideas about the ideal of man. So, Immanuel Kant wrote that the main thing in life is to be able to use your mind. The ideal of that time was a reasonable person, arranged according to the laws of logic and capable of changing the world in accordance with reason. The people of this era still believe in God, but ideas of freethinking appear in the minds of some of them.

With the development of capitalism, a working man becomes ideal, and labor discipline, diligence, professionalism and relatively healthy competition become true values.

The ideal of a Soviet person is a hero. In those years, the utopian idea of ​​building communism was actively promoted, and one had to be “always ready” for this construction, that is, to fight, to go forward to the detriment of own desires, needs or even at the cost of their lives. A similar view of reality was demonstrated by the example of pioneer heroes, leaders in production and other individuals who were able to sacrifice themselves to achieve a common goal.

However, such ideas about the ideal person were rather official. In reality, conscience was the ideal, when it is much more important to "be" than "to have." People helped each other, shared the last piece of bread, empathized not only with relatives and friends. However, life in conditions of fear, repression, restrictions on freedoms was also a kind of heroism.

Man in the culture of different peoples

Ideas about the ideal of a person depend on the living conditions of a particular people and are reflected in the works of folklore: fairy tales, legends, traditions, epics, songs. So, a Russian girl is certainly a beauty, for the Circassians (and not only for them), the main thing in a person is his honor and dignity. The peoples of the Caucasus are famous for their hospitality, and the Chukchi for their ability to hunt. But, whatever the differences, all peoples agree on one thing: the ideal of man is national hero, possessing good health, fortitude, intelligence, diligence, and responsiveness.

The ideal of man in art

Historically established ideas about the ideal of man are reflected in works of art.


The ideas of this period about the perfect man are embodied in the statues of gods, heroes and winners. Olympic Games. In fact, the ancient Greek gods were ideal people, and people were likened to gods. The statue of Myron "Discobolus" is widely known. The prototype of the sculpture is a real person, strong, healthy and self-confident, as a true citizen of Hellas should be.

The unlimited possibilities of man were sung by Sophocles, Homer and other poets. The image of a beautiful hero, carrier moral ideals, was also shown in the ancient Greek theater.

Art of the Middle Ages

As mentioned above, the life of people in the Middle Ages big influence provided by the church. Therefore, in contrast to the ancient tradition, a person was understood as a blade of grass, a grain of sand, a small particle of the Universe, subject to the will of God. Similar views are also reflected in works of art: it is not the man himself that rises, but the spiritual power that makes him related to God. A vivid example of the ideal of man in the art of the Middle Ages is the iconographic image of Job the sick biblical character who resignedly accepts the will of God.

Somewhat later, ideas about a person became more optimistic. Gradually, in the minds of people, the image of a worker, a creator, a creator begins to form. Labor is no longer perceived as a punishment for sins, but as the main duty of a person. These views are reflected in the images of Christ the Martyr, the description of his life on Earth. Jesus Christ on the canvases of the painters of those years personifies a humiliated, suffering, but inherently divine person.

The Man in Renaissance Art

During the Renaissance, artists were no longer interested in the divine, but in the earthly essence of people. Art is gradually becoming secular, and methods for creating portraits and works of fine art of other genres are substantiated scientifically. This leads to the fact that a person on the canvases of masters becomes natural. The viewer can determine the character and mood of the hero of the picture. An example of this is the world-famous Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.

Despite the development of the ideas of humanism, the masters of the Renaissance continued to use religious themes, but the images of Christ, the apostles and the Virgin Mary more resembled real people. Probably, this was done in order to show a person his essence through well-known plots. So, Raphael in the form of the Sistine Madonna embodied beautiful woman who loves her son and worries about him.

Man of the New Age

Realistic art continued to develop during the Age of Enlightenment. The replacement of the feudal system by the capitalist one, the development of industry contribute to the emergence of the so-called new breed of people. A person becomes more down to earth, preoccupied with his own problems, but at the same time, educated, trying to use his own mind to solve life problems. This is how it is shown in pictures and in literary works. An example is the canvases of J.B. Chardin, W. Hogarth, A. Watteau, treatises by Diderot, Rousseau, novels by J.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, etc.

The image of a person in socialist realism

AT Soviet times workers-shock workers, advanced collective farmers, noble milkmaids, caring mothers of families looked at people from pictures, propaganda posters and TV screens. Representatives of the authorities positioned the USSR as a country in which there is no exploitation of man by man, and people show heroism exclusively voluntarily, guided by the desire to build a brighter future as soon as possible. Therefore, in the art of socialist realism, the worker became the ideal. In addition, a Soviet person should have a prosperous family, good TRP indicators, as well as excellent combat and political training.

All of the above is reflected in the paintings of P. Smurkovich "On Skis", V. Kutilin "First Field", T. Yablonskaya "Bread", poems by V. Mayakovsky, A. Tvardovsky, K. Simonov, prose by M. Gorky, M. Sholokhov, A. Fadeev, songs to the words of V. Lebedev-Kumach, etc.

The ideal of man in religion

In addition to culture, art, the ideal of man is represented in all religions of the world. Common to religious teachings is love for one's neighbor, the victory of good over evil, truth over lies and light over darkness. These values ​​must be professed by a person. But each religion has its own ideas about the ideal. Let's dwell on this in more detail.


The ideal person in this religion corresponds to the image of Jesus Christ. The virtues of a Christian are kindness, meekness, humility. He who professes the Christian faith strives for God, and therefore fulfills his will, tries to keep peace in his soul, build benevolent relations with relatives and friends, and do no harm to anyone.


According to the ideas of Muslims, an ideal person should drive away sinful thoughts from himself, do good deeds, strive for knowledge, be kind, modest, patient and clean. Also, a true believer does not smoke, drink alcohol or gamble.


Here, the Buddha, who was originally ordinary person, but was able to achieve enlightenment (Nirvana). Followers of Buddhism believe that you can get closer to this state if you engage in spiritual practices and do good deeds. In Islam and Christianity, the ideal of man is unattainable.


The followers of this doctrine believe that the ideal being can be achieved only by being freed from karma - the cycle of events, births and deaths in which a person is. Once free, the soul reunites with one of the deities or remains on its own. Yoga helps to achieve liberation faster. Only the chosen ones are capable of true freedom. It remains for mere mortals to purify karma (prayers, good deeds) in order to be born more successfully in the next life than in this one.

The ideal of modern man

Define the ideal modern man does not seem possible. Our time is quite complex and contradictory in terms of values, moral norms, permissions and prohibitions.

Today it is "not fashionable" to be highly moral, to build one's life in accordance with spiritual values ​​and lofty ideals. Pragmatism, the thirst for consumption, the desire to have fun and not make efforts come to the fore.

Modern society makes high demands on a person. Today, it is simply necessary to look in the latest fashion, have a super-prestigious job, and succeed in business. Anyone who does not try to reach career heights causes misunderstanding.

At the same time, it is still impossible to call all those living on Earth inveterate pragmatists. A significant number of people read fiction, visits temples, does charity work, practices downshifting. It seems that the ideal of modern man has not yet been formed, but I want to believe that this will happen in the near future.

Quest "What should life be like" - another story quest add-on to the game Fallout 4 Far Harbor. The result of the quest "The Way Life Should Be" can be the destruction of Acadia, or the only peaceful ending DLC Far harbor. This quest is an alternative to the Purification of the Earth quest.

For convenience, use summary :

Passage of the quest "What life should be" (DLC Far Harbor)

Option #1: "Tell everyone in Far Harbor (destruction of Acadia)"

In this scenario, you can blackmail Avery, she will pay 1300 caps for silence, or tell all the residents. To do this, you need to tell everything to the character Allen Lee, he will not believe you at first and will demand that you provide evidence of this monstrous setup. To do this, you need to go to Teddy Wright and conduct a DNA examination of Avery's remains. After receiving positive results, the protagonist will have two paths, either go to Allen and provide evidence, or jump to option 2 or 3, going to DiMA.

If you tell Allen Lee about everything, then he will hold a general meeting at which he will bring Captain Avery to "clean water", all this will end with the fact that all the inhabitants of Far Harbor will go to smash Acadia, the main character can participate in this or stay away . After Acadia is destroyed, this quest will be completed and the last quest of this DLC will begin - the Family Business quest.

In order for the inhabitants of Far Harbor to treat the main character better and be easier to suggest, you need to go through the quest "Rite of Initiation".

Option #2: "Tell all to DiMA (destruction of Acadia, or peaceful ending)"

Instead of going to Far Harbor, you can go directly to DiMA, give him his memories and halo tape and blame him for this terrible act. Whatever he says in his defense, insist that he is guilty before the inhabitants and must personally go to them and tell the whole truth. All of DiMA's persuasion will have to be done at a difficult level, but in the end you will convince him of the need for this step.

DiMA will come to Far Harbor and repent of his sins, the inhabitants will be furious and going to execute DiMA and destroy Acadia, you can prevent them from doing this and even persuade them to save DiMA's life, or support the angry mob. In any case, this quest will be completed and the Family Business quest will begin.

Option #3: "Tell DiMA All (Peaceful Ending)"

Interesting is last option, when choosing it, only one person will die, it will be the leaders of the Children of the Atom. In a conversation with Dima about the death of Captain Avery, you can calm the synth by saying that everything he did was right and that it would be nice to change the leadership of the Children of the Atom in the same way. After DiMA agrees, this quest will be completed and

In the new addition Fallout 4, which is called Far Harbor , there are several endings depending on your actions and decisions in the process of completing the tasks "Cleaning the Earth" and "How Life Should Be". A number of minor differences depend on the number of secondary tasks completed and your persuasion skill. With a strong insult to one of the factions, you will not be able to get some options.

At Far Harborthere is an opportunity to influence such final events:

  • Will Far Harbor, Nucleus and Acadia be destroyed;
  • Destiny Dima , Avery, Kasumi and Tectus.

You need to be extremely careful and take the task “The Way Life Should Be” first of all, since the actions in the second task can close the options.

This quest has three main endings and different paths to reach them.

What Life Should Be

Tell me about Avery

  • If you change your view, there will be several points along the way. Talk to Allen and Avery, and let Teddy examine the skull. After presenting evidence to Allen, the ending will come. Avery's fate depends on your ability to convince and the number of additional tasks. The inhabitants of Far Harbor will destroy Acadia, and you will be able to participate in this. Kasumi will be killed. Then talk to Allen for a low HP damage perk. To end the story, destroy Nucleus or Far Harbor.

Chat with DiMA and force yourself to reveal

  • By ignoring the path, or without providing evidence to Allen, you can talk to Dima about his actions and force him to open up. For this you need high rate beliefs. Based on the number of side missions at Far Harbor Court, it will be decided whether to go to Acadia. Dima will kill. The fate of Kasumi will depend on Acadia. To end the story, destroy Nucleus or Far Harbor.

Chat with DiMA and keep the secret

  • To resolve the tension on the island, Dima will offer another way - the Reformation task. In addition, you will be rewarded with armor. Kasumi will stay alive. After completing this task, in the task "Cleansing the Earth" you will solve the problem of the warring factions. There are four options here.

Cleansing the Earth

Use the key to destroy the Nucleus

  • This will destroy the Children of the Atom. After using the key, you must escape the Nucleus within 30 seconds. You will receive a perk that increases damage resistance. Talk to Allen to receive your reward.

Turn off Far Harbor protection

  • This option will wipe out the inhabitants of Far Harbor. To open the door you need to find four fuses. Three are on the shelves near the door. One next to the fuse box on the bench. In Turbine 003, kill the robot, and then select the third option in the terminal to disable the turbines. Report your actions to the High Confessor to receive a perk that increases radioactive weapon damage and rewards.

Destroy Nucleus and Far Harbor

  • By choosing this option, you will not receive anything.


  • This option will be available only after an agreement with Dima and consent to his plans. Go to Martin's hideout, where you will find holo-tapes - one by the bed, the other on the table. Come back to Dima report your readiness to follow to Nucleus. To continue, you will need to complete the additional task "What the Atom Requires". Tell Tectus about the tape and play it, then meet in the tunnels. You can either kill him or convince him to make an escape. Come back to Dima to end the story. You will get a perk that increases damage when your HP is low. All factions will live in peace.

Eventually, you can complete the Far Harbor final quest "Close to Home" and talk to Mr. Nakano on the mainland.