Apple blossom tattoo. Tree tattoo - types and their meanings

  • 29.06.2020

Tattoo is forever! And while some people like to just grab something trendy or popular, others like to do research and take the time to find out what they want and why they want it. This article is not for those who want to copy someone else's tattoo, but rather for those who are looking for ideas and inspiration while creating their own unique and carefully thought-out tree tattoo design.

Meanings of tree tattoos

The tree is one of those symbols that have an extremely large semantic load. That is why tattoos with a similar image are used extremely often.

A tree on the body means continuous growth and development, a person's desire for self-improvement and reunion with all the elements of the world. In addition, the tree can symbolize fertility and even immortality. At the same time, it is extremely important in which way this plant will be depicted.

Among some Central American tribes, including the Aztecs, such trees symbolized sacred plant. The tree contributed to the procreation, where it acted as a talisman for many carriers of such tattoos. In addition, at the moment, the tree symbolizes physical strength and its combination with spiritual beauty.

There are many interpretations for the meanings of different types of trees. Below you will find the main thoughts to keep in mind for tree tattoos.

Apple tree

Apples appear in many religious traditions, often as a mystical or forbidden fruit.

Apple trees can be ambivalent: they represent evil and temptation due to the biblical role of the apple tree in the fall of Adam and Eve, but they also symbolize knowledge and learning.


Ash trees can be huge: up to a meter in diameter and up to 40 meters in height. You can imagine the root system needed to support this growth. Its weight, size, and deep and complex root system can work as metaphors: ash speaks of growth, expansion, and a higher perspective. openwork trees also often have a sacred meaning and are used as symbols of spiritual awareness or enlightenment.


In literature, lore and legends, you will find many references to trembling aspen leaves. Anyone familiar with this tree has seen it dance in the wind. The Druids went to the aspen groves to see nature and used the aspens as omens. Aspens symbolize the positive end of something (overcoming fear or doubt, overcoming difficulties), but can also represent mourning or grief.


A robust, impressive tree with smooth gray bark, a short trunk and broad branches, the beech is often seen as representing the lost wisdom and teachings of ancestors or the past. Beech can be a sign of prosperity, knowledge or patience.


Another positive tree with many medicinal properties, they are often used for new beginnings, rebirth, renewal and cleansing. Due to its characteristic white bark, birch was used for protection: on the eve summer solstice branches were hung over doors to ward off bad luck, and birches were adorned with rags to ward off evil. The traditional witch's broom is made from birch.


cedar tree revered for many thousands of years, its wood was used for sacred structures and burned in purification rituals. It was believed that the tree contains the gods and serves as a passage to the higher kingdoms. Think about your cedar tattoo: these trees are about protection and incorruptibility.


The Egyptians used cypress to protect mummies, while the Greeks and Romans made coffins or urns out of it, and also buried cypress branches with the dead. Muslims and Christians planted cemeteries with cypress to ward off evil spirits. Although the aspect of protection is positive, cypress also represents mourning, death and sadness.


The Celts revered oaks as sacred and believed that they could access various psychic realms by "opening the door of the oak". Oak represents strength, strength, endurance, freedom and courage.

Read more about the oak tree tattoo.

Fig or fig

The fig leaf is often used to convey a figurative cover for something embarrassing or unpleasant, probably stemming from biblical history, in which Adam and Eve used fig leaves to hide their nakedness. Many paintings and statues use fig leaves to cover the genitals of their characters. Thus, fig trees, which are known for their longevity and abundance, can represent fertility or an attempt to hide it, and can also represent a lack of shame.


Willow trees - loss of freedom, healing and love. They also take on more mystical meanings and can be seen as symbols of magic, inner vision and dreams.

Shabby trees in a tattoo are a manifestation of devotion and dignity.

Other trees

  • Hawthorn: one of the positive symbols of the tree is satisfaction, happiness and hope for the future.
  • Holly-trees due to religious overtones are used to symbolize fidelity, protection and spirituality.
  • Linden trees are closely associated with marriage, these trees symbolize monogamy and love.
  • Maple trees are used to represent balance, harmony and duty.
  • Wood Joshua- Another tree with a biblical and religious overtone, they are used to show praise, worship and strong will.
  • Wood poplars can be seen as negative, often associated with death, funerals and mourning.
  • Nut trees are symbols of clarity and focus.
  • Pines: Native Americans believe that these trees symbolize tranquility.
  • Yew trees are positive, showing signs of resurrection and rebirth, trees, but they also have negative side sadness and piety.

tree of life tattoos

The most popular tattoo design is the Tree of Life. It is found in many cultures and religions. In Christianity, a similar symbol denotes a constant connection with God. If you depict fruits on this tree, then this may indicate a person’s desire for salvation and the preservation of health.

The mythology of the tree of life can be found in various religions, philosophies, histories and cultures. And while its meaning and design are different, the general idea is the same. This tree (also known as the sacred tree, the tree of knowledge, the tree of immortality, the world tree, or the cosmic tree) refers to the interconnectedness of living beings and serves as a metaphor for the idea that we all have the same source of life.

The theme of flowers is saturated with symbolism, which makes them an excellent plot for creating a tattoo. In addition to the language of flowers, plants can acquire personal meaning.

They smooth any subject, adding depth to it. That is why the floral theme is addressed to representatives of both sexes.

The meaning of flower tattoos for girls

Images with flowers serve as the best decoration for girls. Depending on the image of a particular type of flower, its meaning changes. Adding additional items changes the context.

Women's flower tattoos on the arm are a symbol of purity, depth of feelings or bright sides of the wearer's charisma. One of the popular themes in ornamentalism is the flower of life, the tattoo is performed in the traditional Arabic manner.

From European symbolism, flowers mean:

  • acacia - secret love;
  • purple lilac - first love;
  • azalea - restraint;
  • white lily - purity and innocence;
  • tiger lily - hatred;
  • yellow lily - gratitude, frivolity;
  • cornflower - grace;
  • apple blossom - eternal friendship;
  • laurel - triumph;
  • buttercup - wealth;
  • mint - suspicion, distrust;
  • carnation - passionate heart.

An additional interpretation depends on the color of the bud. So often, lovers choose scarlet roses as a symbol of passion. Red colors are both the power of feelings and protection. At the same time, the red bud pierced is hatred from lost love.

What flowers are applied to the hand

Not all plants are applied to the hand. Some tattoos on the arm are transformed in meaning. For example, forget-me-nots on the shoulder take on the meaning of "love at first sight." Rose stuffed on the forearm oak leaves- the strength of the spirit, which cannot be broken by circumstances.

Often hit on the wrist. This means that a person shows disposition to certain personalities and phenomena. For example, a tattoo of white flowers on right hand say that a person is open to relationships. On the left - that not every partner suits him.

Small tattoos on the fingers are hardly noticeable and are intended for an attentive viewer. Such on the hand, on the one hand, in plain sight, on the other hand, they are hardly noticeable.

Secret messages are meant to express special feelings. For example, the wild rose always acts as a hidden sign, the symbol is interpreted as a promise to wait for true love.

Small flower tattoos mostly symbolize love. What kind of love it is depends on the choice of flower:

  • to parents
  • homeland
  • friends
  • around the world
  • certain event or person.


Wildflowers have a special place among plants for plant themes. Symbols are filled with freedom, immediacy and power of feelings.

These are flowers that do not have secret meanings, are interpreted without subtext. Wild flowers in bouquets - love for the world and life in general.

  1. Rosehip tattoo means true love, which the owner can wait for years.
  2. Edelweiss on the forearm, which means courage and stamina.
  3. Bright summer cornflowers mean a sense of taste, grace of nature.
  4. A cheerful sunflower tells the viewer that he has an extraordinary personality with a positive attitude towards life.
  5. Air daisies are a universal symbol for both sexes. Their image was suitable for people seeking to create a strong family.

noble flowers

In the era of chivalry, plants acquired big number tract. By choosing a flower to decorate the coat of arms, one could understand what the aspirations and efforts of a person are aimed at. These meanings passed into the plant tattoo, did not change interpretations and became part of a new culture.

Flowers can complement patterns and whole compositions of objects. A beautiful flower not only adorns the skin, but also suggests its deepest intentions.

  1. So magnolia is a symbol of respect for beauty, the power of faith and inspiration.
  2. Peonies are imperial flowers. They denote power, strength, prosperity.
  3. The tulip has a similar meaning. He was timed whole line interpretations of glory, admiration, recognition, fidelity, reliable love.
  4. Lotus has a deep sacred meaning. It symbolizes spiritual ascent, the rebirth of the spirit.
  5. rose symbol strong love, the addition of a lotus denotes love for God and the universe.

Where else are flowers applied

The second most popular place for applying flowers is on the leg. Women beat flower arrangements on the ankle, men on the calves.

  • flower tattoo on ankle

  • Ankle tattoo

  • flower heart tattoo

  • Poppy and wild flowers tattoo, photo from:

  • Flower tattoo photo from:

  • Rabbit and flowers tattoo, photo from:

  • flower and skull tattoo on arm

  • Wildflower tattoo on forearm

  • photo from:

  • rose tattoo on bicep

  • flower tattoo under breast

  • Daisy tattoo, minimalism

  • flower tattoo, forearm

  • Clover tattoo, minimalism
  • flower tattoo on shoulder
  • rose tattoo behind ear
  • flower tattoo

A common place for a tattoo on the back, flowers can be laid out in bouquets and combined with other symbols.

Girls often get a tattoo on their side. This allows you to emphasize the beauty of a slender figure.

Popular places on the body:

  • chest, abdomen;
  • scapula;
  • collarbone;
  • base of the nape;
  • lower legs, ankle and top of the foot;
  • base of the loin.

To successfully arrange the composition, select a place and select a list of flowers. Lush buds such as peonies or asters look better on the thigh.

Field thin twigs look beautiful along the lines of the leg. On the chest, shoulder or back, the place is for roses, lilies or lilacs.

It is fashionable to draw small sketches of flower tattoos from living branches. If you decide to get a tattoo in winter period, photos of plants will help you. A sketch of wild flowers is recommended to be done in the style of watercolor or realism.

The best ideas are compiled individually for the person. The beauty of a future tattoo depends on the appropriateness of the chosen area of ​​the body and the composition of the flower. Ideas can be taken on the Internet, but it is better to adjust them to your skin color and body texture.

Practice shows that tattoo artists are more willing to work with their own sketches than with those brought from outside. But which option to prefer is up to you.

Related video - flower gallery

AT modern world tattoos have taken on a new meaning. If earlier these mysterious symbols could be seen on the body of the military and prisoners, today tattoos are very popular among young girls. A modern tattoo is not only an expression of the inner world, but also a part of the image, as well as an opportunity for self-realization.

Women's tattoos: history and reason for popularity

They began to decorate the body with drawings many centuries ago, back in the days of primitive society. Tattoos denoted the belonging of people to a particular tribe. At the beginning of the 20th century, drawings on the body were predominantly in men, but about 20 years ago, representatives of the fair sex also picked up this hobby. Today, many girls not only seek to decorate their bodies with tattoos, but also show them to the whole world.

Tattoos for girls are an opportunity to emphasize their individuality and show their own "I". It is also a way to increase your attractiveness and emphasize sexuality. In some cases, the drawings on the body are the result of important life events, when a girl tries to capture love, separation or the appearance of a child in these symbols. In addition, a tattoo is an opportunity to hide unwanted defects on the body, such as scars or moles.

Types of popular tattoos for girls

The fair sex most of all prefer small, unpretentious patterns on the body, which, first of all, should carry aesthetic appeal. Among girls, tattoos of flowers, butterflies, stars, fairies, hearts, Japanese hieroglyphs and various ornaments are especially popular. In this case, compositions of several drawings are often used. So, it is customary to combine names with hearts, flowers with ornaments and stars.

The most popular places for tattooing are the back, shoulder blades, ankles and wrists. The sexiest are the lower back and ankles. At the same time, you should pay attention to the fact whether you can hide the pattern under your clothes, since, for example, at a business event, an open back with a pattern will look completely out of place.

Tattoos for girls: flowers

Every year, drawings in the form of flowers are gaining more and more popularity among girls. But before applying this seemingly completely harmless pattern to the body, it is worth knowing its meaning. Indeed, in the most ordinary, unpretentious flower, an incredibly deep meaning can be hidden. In addition, the location and color scheme of the pattern is of great importance.

Since ancient times, the inflorescence in the form of a bowl has been considered a female symbol. The flower tattoo was the embodiment of the flowering of nature. Traditionally, such drawings symbolize the cycle of birth, development of life, reproduction of offspring, extinction and rebirth. At the same time, in different cultures the same sign can be interpreted in its own way.

Flowers are one of the most mysterious and enigmatic symbols. They are a reflection of the inner world and the character of its owner. By the appearance, color and composition of flower drawings, you can guess the desires and preferences of the girl, as well as try to uncover secrets.

What do flower tattoos hide? The meaning of each symbol will be considered separately.


The rose is the brightest and most popular flower, which is "worshipped" by millions of women around the world. She is a symbol eternal love. At the same time, the tattoo implies a pure immaculate feeling that can withstand the test not only of distance, but also for years.

According to ancient Greek legend, initially all roses were white. One day, the goddess of love Aphrodite hurt her finger on sharp thorns, as a result of which, according to the laws of alchemy, a rose is considered a symbol of knowledge and enlightenment. In Christianity, it symbolizes sacrifice. In ancient Rome, this flower was used to give conversations an atmosphere of mystery. If we consider it from the point of view of Tarot cards, then it is an indicator of balance and balance.

Young women of fashion choose a flower primarily for its beauty. From the point of view means beauty that can only be contemplated, but cannot be touched. In addition, even strong men prefer this beautiful flower to adorn your body, to take an oath of eternal love.

If you decide to get a rose tattoo, you should know that a flower without thorns means pure love, with thorns - a difficult relationship with a lot of obstacles. A black rose is romance and sadness, the pain of loss and loss, red is passion and desire, white is tenderness and purity, burgundy is spiritual harmony, blue is the pursuit of perfection, blue is the denial of principles and rules.


Lotus flower tattoo has many various interpretations. First of all, it is a sign of perfection, purity and purity, boundless happiness and tranquility. It is believed that a girl with a lotus on her body brings light and beauty, can overcome many obstacles in order to achieve highest point perfection. Often this flower is also considered a balance between the forces of nature. In India, it is a sign of femininity and fertility.

Lotus is very popular among girls, because this flower allows you to emphasize your intellect, beauty and even greatness. Many cultures consider it a sign of immortality and spiritual harmony.


The orchid flower tattoo is considered the strongest in terms of energy. Sophistication, pride and originality of this flower will captivate a large number of girls who want to show their inner strength. In the East, the orchid is considered a symbol of wealth and luxury. For the Chinese, the orchid is a sign of beauty, love and harmony. In addition, many consider it a talisman that gives vitality.

Girls choose for the opportunity to emphasize their originality, sexuality, as well as fragility and love of life. Very often the flower is combined with insects, ornaments and leaves.


Along with bright popular flowers, you can often see ordinary field flowers. So, a simple dandelion has a huge hidden meaning.

A girl who chooses such a blooming pattern will immediately attract attention. This simple, but at the same time very is an indicator of vitality, joy and purposefulness. Usually it can be seen in bright positive natures. Romantics choose a flower with flying parachutes. Dandelion is considered an indicator of the truth of unfading beauty.


A simple yellow-white flower is an indicator of purity and tenderness. In the tattoo world, daisies are considered a symbol of youth and naivety, freshness and purity. Traditionally, chamomile is used for divination, so tattoos with it have some kind of magic. Usually such tattoos are chosen by cheerful cheerful girls who are true to their principles and value friendship. But sometimes this flower is applied as a symbol of loneliness and parting.

Flower tattoos are incredibly beautiful and attractive. Each girl can put such a pattern on her body, while giving it a special meaning. The variety of tattoo options in the form of flowers is huge. However, they can be combined with each other or add new characters.

Flower tattoos: meaning

The main tattoos of flowers and the secret meaning contained in them:

  1. Astra - beauty, humility, modesty.
  2. Azalea - restraint, purity.
  3. Orange - immortality and good luck.
  4. Bamboo - constancy.
  5. Cherry - hope, beauty.
  6. Carnation - love and devotion.
  7. Geranium - tenderness and tranquility.
  8. Oak - longevity, wisdom, endurance.
  9. Jasmine is happiness.
  10. Iris - wisdom.
  11. Cedar - strength and greatness.
  12. Clover - the unity of the body, soul and spirit.
  13. Lily of the valley - purity and modesty.
  14. Lily - purity.
  15. Lotus - grace, perfection, beauty.
  16. Magnolia - beauty and charm.
  17. Daisy - purity and innocence.
  18. Narcissus is pride.
  19. Orchid - luxury, grace, beauty.
  20. Palm - superiority, victory.
  21. Tulip - tenderness and charm.
  22. Chrysanthemum - determination and confidence.
  23. Saffron - sexuality and passion.

Location of tattoos on the body

Most often, the back is chosen for placement of tattoos. "Large sizes" allow you to create a real work of art here. Mostly back tattoos are preferred by men, but women also try to keep up with them. Flower tattoos on the back of girls are mainly located in the lower part. This is a way to emphasize your feminine attractiveness and sexuality. Representatives of the strong half of humanity choose more serious symbols and place them mainly on the shoulders or shoulder blades.

Girls most often choose small patterns that are distinguished by simplicity and sophistication. For beautiful people, tattoos are a way to show their independence and originality.

One of the most popular options for girls. The drawing can be easily disguised and hidden under clothing, or, conversely, made it a bright detail of the image. Very often, girls can see cute tattoos on their shoulder, forearm and even wrist.

indicator of romance. Drawings on the back of the neck under the hair are popular. This adds coquettishness to the image and attracts the attention of men, especially if the drawing is small and bright, because even the most serious man will find an unexpected symbol curious.

Drawings on the legs are also very popular. Flowers wrapped around the ankle look very original and attractive. But the drawings and inscriptions on the thigh will be an indicator of sexuality and attractiveness.

Whatever pattern you choose to decorate the body, it will emphasize your individuality, beauty and unique originality. A flower tattoo will become a "mirror" of your inner world.

We offer to find out the meaning of a tattoo with an apple tree. Even in ancient times, it was one of the most revered types of trees. In total, the Greeks and Romans numbered about 30 types of trees. Greek mythology tells about the fact that the creator of the apple tree is an intoxicated Dionysus. Allegedly, it was he who once presented this amazing fruit tree as a special gift to the goddess Aphrodite herself. Hence the erotic symbolism of the apple tree.

The branch of this tree personified the goddess Nemesis herself. It turns out that it was she who acted as a fee for entering Elysium. branches fruit tree can be found in the paraphernalia of the goddesses. They are used in various rituals.

This is amazing tree often associated with health and even immortality.

The Gauls considered the apple tree almost a sacred tree and equated it with oak in value. For the Celts, the branch of the apple tree was a silver branch that had magical powers. It was believed that her fruit is able to give fertility to the bride.

Apples, as well as branches of the apple tree, played an important role in. It is customary to use an apple branch during the manufacture of a wedding banner. This branch was often strengthened in the bride's wreath. Also often such branches were decorated with a huge wedding loaf.

What does an apple tree tattoo mean?

This tree, familiar to all of us, is considered a very powerful symbol in most religions. Therefore, it is not surprising that tattoos with the image of a fruit tree are chosen by men and women.

Such a wearable pattern, first of all, will mean motherhood, fertility and maternal blessing. For men, such a body pattern is primarily associated with mothers, and for women, with children and mothers. However, in addition to this, the apple tree also has sacred meaning. A tattoo depicting an apple tree can symbolize eternal life and love.

Fruit tree flowers represent purity and innocence. An image with a tree will be ideal for anyone who is fond of mysticism and the occult. Wearable drawing will help improve intuition and bring stability to life.

Significance for women

Most often, such a wearable image becomes a choice for the fair sex. For women, such a tattoo means:

  • motherhood
  • desire to find stability in life
  • fertility
  • love
  • longevity

An original tattoo with an apple tree on a woman's body will tell about a woman's desire to become a happy mother. Also, a woman can make such a wearable drawing in honor of her beloved mother or as a sign of memory.

In addition, an apple tree tattoo often represents fertility and longevity. Sometimes a woman wants to tell with such a wearable image that she dreams of finding stability and love in life.

It also happens that women choose a tattoo with an apple tree solely because of the beauty of the image.

Significance for men

Not so often, but still sometimes a tattoo in the form of an apple tree can be seen on the male body. For men, such an underwear image means:

  • stability
  • memory of mother
  • longevity
  • love

A beautiful wearable drawing with an apple tree on a man's body will tell about a man's desire to live a long happy life.

If you visited this particular website, it means that peonies tattoo has become the object of your interests. From our short review, you will learn about what this symbolizes. beautiful flower for man and woman, general meaning in different cultures. We will also tell you which areas of your body are best for drawing.

Peonies tattoo, from the left of the girl and from the right on the shoulder with the transition to the chest of the man

The peonies themselves came to Russia during the time of Peter I, who loved everything overseas. He became no less popular than roses. Especially among the Russian nobility. The common people called it the "pansky flower", that is, the flower of the masters.

Another country in which he enjoyed great success was medieval China. If you pay attention to examples of paintings, ceramics of the Middle Ages, but in many cases peonies became part of the composition, along with lotuses.

In almost all cultures, this flower was considered positive. It was used as a talisman, a symbol that helps to achieve internal balance. Indians are an exception. With them, he became a local analogue of the narcissus. That is, it was associated with narcissism and an inflated ego.

Symbol experts always say - if a sign has several meanings, put your faith in what you consider the closest to you. This is how you get the desired effect. There are some affirmations for a tattoo that enhance the positive effect. Convincing yourself of something, you can create many miracles.

Male and female tattoos

You must have been surprised that these flowers are not only a female tattoo. Humble yourself, in a world where there are collections of men's bras, this will not surprise anyone. And if without jokes, then a peony is the exact opposite of a rose. It is considered a male flower. Moreover, he even personifies the male yang light energy in Eastern culture.

For a guy, a tattoo in the form of a peony can serve as a protective, security sign. It is especially useful for those who travel often and for a long time. In the old days, even sailors made such tattoos. So don't let the floral theme confuse you, it's just created for the brutal representatives of the strong half of humanity.

Among the values ​​found in different sources, meet:

  • Lack of fear and readiness for any difficulties. The flower itself grows well in any soil and in different types climate. In the old days, men believed that a tattoo would help them achieve the same;
  • In the Roman Empire, it was the flower of the nobility;
  • AT Ancient Greece- a symbol of health and longevity;
  • In China, wealth. In the Middle Ages, many wealthy men in this country got similar tattoos;
  • In Japan, combinations of a flower and some kind of predatory animal were used. It was believed that the beast symbolizes emotions, and the peony - the ability to constantly control them. The tattoo was used to suppress aggression, anger, which only interfere in battle;
  • In some cultures, the flower has become a symbol of lightness and calmness, serenity. It's like he's saying, "Take life easy."

And now let's move on to the next point and analyze what peonies tattoos meant for girls. On the one hand, this male flower. On the other hand, he has enough feminine properties and protective qualities.

In some Asian countries, it was believed that a peony tattoo would help you find a good spouse, or become the key to a happy family life. In most countries of the world, girls get peony tattoos on their side, back, or hips.

If the girl is not yet married, a peony tattoo will help protect against the evil eye and local analogues of curses for celibacy. In general, this flower protected from different kind trouble. If you constantly lose different pendants, amulets, a tattoo will be a way out of the situation.

The Japanese believed that a woman gains special power with such a tattoo, and can attract any man she wants. Peonies gave her power over the male will, awakened incredible attractiveness and femininity.

At the same time, there are many countries in which a peony tattoo means purity, good intentions. Moreover, in Christianity, this flower has become a symbol Mother of God. It is compared to a rose without thorns. So is the Virgin Mary - strong, but meek. If you are a religious person, you can use any saying in Latin or mother tongue associated with Christianity.

Often, peonies were identified with financial well-being. Seeing such a flower on a woman's body, one should understand that she is striving for prosperity. Moreover, not at the expense of others, but with their own work.

Meaning in prison symbolism

In general, tattoos depicting flowers are not so often used in a criminal environment. Especially if the colony is male. Usually the peony is stuffed together with other details. It can mean a person's love for someone, mercy, perseverance and the presence of certain principles in a person's life.

Also, often in the zone, a tattoo with a peony can mean belonging to a certain group, complicity in a crime. Most often there are peony tattoos on the arm, forearm. But there are options on the back, chest and abdomen. In general, it depends on the general context, other details of the "picture" created on the prisoner's body.

Where can I get a peony tattoo

If you decide to get a peonies tattoo on your leg, there are several options. Peony tattoos on the thigh, ankle, ankle will look best. However, the location of the picture depends on its general meaning, the presence of other elements, and size. That is, the larger the picture, the larger the area required. Most of the space is on the hips. And it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman. In any case, the further the leg narrows, the skin surface area is smaller.

Arms (unless you're a bodybuilder) are usually thin. Therefore, a picture cannot be drawn on them. A peony tattoo on the forearm will look spectacular. It can be a single flower, or several. It all depends on what meaning you put into the drawing, which will soon become part of you. Often, peonies are tattooed on the shoulder, with the image passing to the neck.

Another option is a sleeve with peonies, starting from the wrist, and covering the area to the base of the neck, and sometimes even higher. If the drawing is miniature, and has personal meaning, and is not done for show, then the area does not matter. In this case, you can safely make a peony tattoo on your wrist. In general, a peony tattoo on the arm is a universal “unisex” solution.

Is it possible to make a peonies tattoo on the stomach? This is a female tattoo that can use this flower, or several different ones. A kind of floral decoration is assembled from them. However, if you tend to be overweight, a big picture in this area is hardly appropriate. It will draw unwanted attention to those parts of the body that can hardly be called your virtues.

Not bad is a peony tattoo on the ribs and under the chest. But these areas are very sensitive. Therefore, doing new tattoo, think about whether you are ready to endure pain during the procedure and discomfort after it.

Create an original sketch

Outwardly a little reminiscent of a rose, the peony is very beautiful. It is not easy to convey this visual splendor. Girls often order original sketches peonies tattoo. Someone likes a simple small drawing depicting a single flower, or a bouquet. Others prefer a picture - a landscape.

For example, a piece of wildlife where a flower grows. Nearby, or right on it, insects are depicted - butterflies, bees, ladybugs. They are all considered auspicious symbols. Sometimes the customer chooses a bird instead.

The site presents various photos peonies tattoo. These are just small examples of the diversity that a modern tattoo parlor can offer you. Let's strike with creativity on boredom and monotony! Considering that a flower in life comes in different colors and shades, a colored peony tattoo is quite relevant. Red, white, pink, burgundy, lilac - the shades of the petals of this wonderful plant a bunch of.

However, not everyone likes bright colors. If you are getting a tattoo in the traditional Asian style, then pay attention to the black peony tattoo. It not only looks spectacular, but is also very simple. If you create a pattern in the style of ethnic, tribal, etc., it will resemble not only a flower, but also an original pattern.

Love surrealism? Then you can create a composition of logically incompatible parts. For example, goldfish swimming around a flower, or an unreal cosmic landscape where not apple trees, but peonies bloom on Mars. Whole fields beautiful plants covering the endless wastelands of the red planet.

Among girls, black and white peonies tattoos are a success. They are applied with one paint, in the form of a clear contour. They look nice, they just don't work. If you are not a fan of red shades, then this, or white tattoo may come up.

Young people like options made in the traditional Japanese "samurai" style. It is almost always multicolored, consisting of many large and small elements - flowers, leaves, various objects.

When choosing a sketch option, the following points are taken into account:

  • Do you put meaning into the drawing. If so, which one;
  • What colors suit you. Zodiacal correspondences. You can easily find a lot of information about them on the net. In particular, it is believed that the peony is one of the traditional plants corresponding to the sign of the lion in the horoscope. It also suits scorpions, symbolizing fame and fortune. So, if you were born in the periods from 23.07 to 23.08 and from 24.10 to 22.11, you can safely get a tattoo with “your” zodiac flower. The tattoo will bring good luck. These flowers are not bad for rams (03.21 - 04.20).

A photo

Photo galleries of men's and female tattoos with peonies.