Valkyrie Slavic tattoo. Valkyrie tattoo

  • 29.06.2020

In ancient times, people actively used amulets in everyday life. Amulets had different purposes, but they were all designed to protect their wearer from all evil. One of the strongest was considered the Valkyrie amulet. Today, this symbol is no less popular.

Amulet Valkyrie - what is it

The Valkyrie amulet is perhaps one of the most famous and powerful sacred symbols belonging to the Slavs and representatives of the peoples of the north. It is very popular today.

The Valkyrie amulet was considered one of the most powerful amulets.

Meaning of the swastika and other mascot design elements

The Valkyrie has a complex image, in which the main word for the military culture of the ancient Slavs is encrypted - "protection".

The design of the amulet looks angular, and therefore aggressive. But this aggression is not an invader, on the contrary, it endowed the warrior with strength to protect his native land, home and family. The basis of the Valkyrie is made up of intersecting squares inscribed in the solar circle. A common geometric symbol was perceived as a desire for orderliness and coordination of actions performed.

In the center is a sign, which, as the Slavs believed, is able to protect against ailments, the evil eye and damage. It resembles the symbols of Perunov Color or Fern Flower. In this sign, a swastika (Kolovrat) is also guessed, ancient symbol life, sun and prosperity.

The design at the Valkyrie amulet is very complex

The history of the amulet, its features

According to the legends of the northern Scandinavian and Germanic peoples, Valkyrie is the daughter of a king or supreme ruler. On a winged horse, she swept over the battlefield and, picking up the dead, transferred them to Valhalla (Iriy among the Slavs) - a heavenly place or a heavenly chamber for the chosen warriors.

The Valkyrie herself could decide who would be the winner in the battle.

Translated from the Old Norse language, Valkyrie meant "chooser of the slain."

The gods themselves allowed the glorious maidens to decide on the outcome of the battle and choose the winners.

The Valkyrie amulet is a continuous cycle that symbolizes life from birth to death, and also means the inextricable connection of a person with the Universe and the four elements - Air, Fire, Earth and Water. The one who achieved spiritual enlightenment, the Valkyrie endowed with four moral qualities - Nobility, Justice, Honor and Wisdom.

What is the amulet for?

The Valkyrie amulet allows you to concentrate on the goal, it enhances the capabilities and strength of the wearer to achieve good deeds aimed at creation.

  • For warriors who came out to defend their native land, the amulet serves as a shield in which the energies of other protective forces of the Slavs merged together.
  • A person who is preparing to depart for another world is reminded that the human race is not interrupted, and this life is not the last.
  • It was used by the priests to protect the Vedas - texts containing a description of the nature of all life on earth, the soul and God.
  • The ancient Slavs believed that if you put a sign on the wall of a house, it will create a protective barrier around it that will prevent enemies from coming close.
  • The symbol helps a person cope with apathy, depression, relieve bad thoughts and insecurity.
  • AT modern world, people associated with sports, it helps to develop the qualities necessary for victories, and gives energy.
  • Computer scientists use it to protect media from being hacked.

Valkyrie: sun, runes, sword and wings

There are many options for the Valkyrie amulet, especially for tattoos.

The influence of the talisman on men, women and children

For some reason, the Valkyrie amulet is considered a male talisman intended for warriors and people whose profession is associated with risk (firefighters, rescuers, policemen). This is partly true, but not entirely. The symbol was often worn by women and children. For everyone, the protective sign had its own meaning.

Valkyrie is a good amulet against bad thoughts that often visit a person, and from the same actions.

What can be the Valkyrie amulet

In ancient times, it was made from natural materials - wood, clay and metal. Embroidered symbols were popular. As a protective sign, it was customary to use amulets that were worn on a chain or cord. Leather bracelets were popular. Warriors wore not one, but several defenders - engraving on weapons, embroidery on clothes and wearable talismans. The Drevlyans could wear a necklace with the image of the Valkyrie.

In the modern world, the image on metal belt buckles, rings and flasks has become widespread.

In ancient times, people wore a necklace with the image of a talisman

Methods for making a Slavic amulet

The main rule is that the material from which the amulet is made should be combined with your temperament and character.

Both in ancient times and in the modern world, tattoos are very popular.

The amulet made by one's own hands has the greatest potential and power. A hand-made amulet is not allowed to give to another person. The only exceptions are blood relatives, for example, a mother can give an amulet to her son, a sister to her brother. It is strictly forbidden to sell it.

Making a charm was considered a sacred deed. And it was necessary to proceed to it only of good will and with a pure soul.

by the most simple option was embroidery. Any piece of clothing was suitable for her, and she was also applied to everyday items. Embroidered only with natural threads:

  • silk - maintains clarity of thinking and helps in situations related to career growth;
  • flax - has a calming effect;
  • wool - helps those who have been damaged or the evil eye.

Synthetics are inanimate material and do not carry any energy. Therefore, a charm embroidered with such threads will be useless.

There were several more rules for embroidery.

  1. They took only a new needle, and after work they buried it in a secluded place.
  2. When embroidering, they did not make knots, they negatively affect the protective effect.
  3. As a rule, only 2 colors were used: black and red.
  4. If it was intended for children, then embroidery should have been done on the first quarter of the moon.

The wooden amulet was also easy to manufacture. Wearable amulets and protective signs for the house were made from wood. Nowadays, amulets for cars are very popular.

  1. You need to cut a wooden blank yourself, polish it and apply a drawing.
  2. For a wearable amulet, you will need blanks from 30 to 45 mm, a charm for a car or at home - from 45 mm and more.
  3. Then, using a new cutter, cut out the desired pattern, carefully removing pieces of wood.

If you don’t want to carve, then the image of the Valkyrie can be applied to wooden blank using a stencil and paint or varnish. For those who are engaged in wood burning, it will also not be difficult to make an amulet.

For those who are engaged in wood burning, it will not be difficult to make an amulet

The manufacture of the amulet should be started on the full moon. If the work is delayed, then the amulet must be wrapped in cotton cloth and hidden away from prying eyes.

Another popular option for the Valkyrie amulet is a tattoo. As a tattoo, the symbol has the meaning of strength and militancy. But before applying it to the body, you need to choose the option that you will not regret. Leave the work to be done only by an experienced specialist.

Valkyrie tattoos - gallery

The word "protection" is encrypted in the amulet The symbol has the meaning of strength and militancy
The tattoo increases the power of the wearer to achieve good deeds For women, the amulet tattoo helps to strengthen the fortitude and become more patient For men, the amulet tattoo symbolizes success in any endeavor Before applying the amulet to the body, you need to choose the option that you will not regret

Practitioners believe that the Valkyrie tattoo is suitable for both sexes and endows them with exceptionally positive qualities. Scandinavian creatures that came from myths are fearless warriors, and therefore the owner of the image will become decisive, courageous, wise and learn to control their own emotions. There are no restrictions on tattoo technique or placement, but practitioners recommend choosing detailed sketches.

Meaning and appearance

Scandinavian mythology

According to the Elder Edda, earthly girls of a noble family, whom Odin personally selected into his retinue, became the Valkyries. When they died, they ended up in Paradise.

In Scandinavian mythology, the Valkyries are warrior maidens who escorted worthy warriors who died on the battlefield to Valhalla. The heroes, on whom the eyes of the Valkyries fell, were to have a great honor - to drink along with the powerful and fair Odin. It is believed that divine warriors from birth observe and influence the fate of people. It is the Valkyries who decide who will die on the battlefield and who will have to return to their families. From Old Norse, the name of mythical creatures is translated as "picking up the fallen."

The Valkyries look like fair-haired maidens of unprecedented beauty, which they inherited from the elves. They have wide wings behind their shoulders, allowing them to glide over fighters and pick them up during battle. Sometimes warriors are depicted on a horse in the heat of battle. Frequent attributes are helmets and swords. Even the Valkyries sometimes appeared to brave warriors in the form white swan. Since virgins are born warriors endowed with divine power, practitioners believe that a tattoo will protect against depression, nervous breakdowns, apathy and other mental disorders, and will also help to clearly define the goal in life and follow it, despite obstacles. The magical image will endow the owner with the following character traits:

Drawing the image of the Valkyrie will help its owner to train endurance and gain fearlessness.
  • inner strength;
  • confidence in the future;
  • focus on pressing issues;
  • fearlessness;
  • the ability to always be fair;
  • endurance;
  • desire for self-improvement.

Symbol of the ancient Slavs

On the Kievan Rus from the northern countries came a sign denoting heavenly warriors. It consists of 2 rhombuses and the disk of the Sun, and therefore is considered solar. The Magi considered him a powerful amulet that saved warriors from evil and did not allow them to give up in battle. However, it was believed that the Slavic Valkyrie favors only those who protect the house. Rhombuses symbolize the main qualities that a real warrior should have: justice, sharpness of mind, honor and high morality. Such an image will save a civilian from curses, illnesses and envious people. To strengthen magical properties, magic runes are drawn nearby. It is better to place them in a circle in a tattoo.

Who suits?

A tattoo in the form of a Valkyrie will suit both sexes and will have the effect described in the table:

Practitioners warn that if a woman prone to aggression gets a tattoo, then her outbursts of anger may become more frequent. It's best to henna the image first to see what effect it will have. Men are rarely affected.

Tattoo technique

Image of a Valkyrie warrior

It is allowed to print a pattern in a colored style, but it is not recommended to choose a red color, since the tattoo itself is already aggressive.
  • ethnicity;
  • chicano;
  • trash polka;
  • realism;
  • old school.

Most often, the tattoo is done in black, but bright colors are acceptable. From the point of view of magic, the color scheme does not matter, except that practitioners advise against abusing red, since the Valkyrie itself is aggressive. If the Valkyrie is depicted in full height, then you should choose big size with detailed details. It is better to place on the back or chest. Fans of small tattoos should depict the wings of a Valkyrie or her face. Such a magical image looks good on the arm or leg. Any rune of the elder Futhark or combinations is suitable as a frame, however, you need to select it with mandatory diagnostics. Runic signs have powerful power and it will not be possible to reduce them, even if the tattoo is removed by a laser. Even invisible, they will continue to affect the wearer.

People often choose creatures for tattoos that have been praised in all sorts of legends and myths. Valkyries, on the other hand, are of Scandinavian origin, despite the fact that they were later actively used in Slavic legends. This is a powerful amulet, which is valued for its elegance, brevity, conciseness. Such images are chosen by both young people and girls. It is relevant for those who believe in omens, sacred meaning Valkyrie images, mythology. It also just looks beautiful, provided that it was applied by a good master.

Valkyries. Who is it?

Valkyries are beautiful maidens who served the god Odin. It was they who met the soldiers who died on the battlefield, escorted them to the hall to feast, served at the table. They are described as gorgeous girls in their appearance. It was believed that these are fair-haired or golden-haired creatures, with milky white skin. There was also an opinion that it was the Valkyries, flying over the field, who decided which of the soldiers would die and which would return from the battle alive and unharmed.

Odin's assistants were considered witches. Often, women who were distinguished by beauty, luckiness, were called by this name. The Valkyries carried away only the most valiant warriors, planted them next to Odin himself. Others are forced to spend their afterlife in the underworld. The Valkyrie tattoo, the photo of which depicts beautiful maidens, is often performed in bright colors, emphasizing the unearthly existence of girls.

The first touches in applying a Valkyrie tattoo

The image of the Valkyrie

The very word "Valkyrie" means "picking up the dead." In myths, it was believed that these maidens moved exclusively through the air. Therefore, they are depicted either with wings or riding clouds in the form of horses. There is also an opinion that the Valkyries are the descendants of elves, so they are especially beautiful. The Valkyries have a colossal influence on people, for example, they follow everyone from birth, weaving the threads of life.

Valkyrie tattoo in the form of a sketch on a sheet

It is interesting. Despite the fact that the origin of the Valkyrie is associated with beautiful elves, some of Odin's assistants were recruited among the daughters of princes, simply wealthy citizens. Even during their lifetime, they were gifted by God, so that after their death they would stand next to him. Valkyrie tattoos, whose meaning is protection, can also depict swans - another image of these beautiful creatures in which they moved between warriors.

Valkyrie sword tattoo on thigh

Valkyrie tattoo meaning

Despite the fact that such a tattoo refers to warriors, it has enough meanings:

  • beauty and grace. The Valkyrie tattoo, the sketch of which is usually very exquisite, is considered a strong female amulet. It helps to save energy, promotes childbearing. A Valkyrie tattoo is extremely important for girls. This reflects their essence, helps to maintain harmony between femininity and militancy;
  • strength and courage. Valkyries on male tattoo often carry meanings associated with valor, courage. This is due to the direct appointment of these assistants to the god Odin;
  • unleashing creative powers. There is an opinion that such a tattoo helps to discover talents that were not previously known;
  • strengthening one's own principles. Valkyries mean firmness in decisions and actions. Such a tattoo means confidence, stability;
  • aggression. However, this symbol does not carry the anger with which this concept is associated. This is the aggression of a person who defends himself, his loved ones, loved ones. This symbol suits the head of the family.

Realistic valkyrie shoulder tattoo

Valkyrie symbol. Ancient Slavs

A tattoo related to the Valkyries does not always depict beautiful girls. There is also a sacred symbol that has the same name as "picking up the dead." It is believed that it reflects the symbol of the sun. This sign has elements of the swastika, but does not carry negativity. In fact, this is a solar disk connecting two rhombuses in itself. This sign combines the qualities that were necessary for every valiant warrior: honor, wisdom, nobility, justice. Accordingly, the sign of the Valkyrie also has the same meanings.

Valkyrie tattoo with crown in black and white

I made a tattoo with a beautiful maiden adorned with wings and a sword while still at the institute. I was struck by the image of the Valkyries. He is so feminine and at the same time militant! Perfect for my character. The tattoo is large, occupies almost the entire back, made in color. Not only do I like it, but my husband does too. So I don't want to change anything.

Olga, St. Petersburg.

Tattoo on the forearm - Valkyrie with a crown

Valkyrie Symbol Meanings

They like to depict such a sign on the wrist, ankle. Less commonly, a tattoo with these sacred symbols is applied to the neck, collarbone. The meaning of such a tattoo is similar to the meaning of a warrior girl. However, there are also a number of differences. It is known that such a symbol was respected by the priests. In their opinion, it increased their inner strength, power, and power.

Did you know? The epic "Nibelungenlied" tells of a Valkyrie named Sigrdriva. She was the only one of the maidens who dared to confront the great Odin, giving victory to the wrong warrior. As a result, the angry deity removed the Valkyrie from the fights, plunging him into a long sleep. After the expiration of the term, waking up, the Valkyrie became an ordinary girl, living out her earthly term.

Tattoo on the side of the body of a Valkyrie guy with blue hair

The main purpose of such a symbol is to reduce negative energy. This is directly related to the fact that any war is aggression, pain, fear. Valkyries and their sign are designed to save people from the consequences. It is believed that this sign can bring the owner peace of mind, self-confidence. Many also make special amulets in the form of this symbol, while someone prefers to get a tattoo right away.

I pinned the symbol of the Valkyrie on my thigh so that it would not be noticeable to others. For me, this is a talisman. I hope that he will protect not only me, but also my family. I think that all this is true, all the properties assigned to the symbol. My tattoo is not a tribute to fashion. This is a necessity. Therefore, it is made strictly, without frills. Clear contours, black color. In my opinion, this is exactly what such a tattoo needs.

Viktor, Obninsk.

Video: the process of applying a Valkyrie tattoo with a dragon

Rooted in the depths of centuries. Our ancestors created a great variety of different items, the main task of which was to protect and show the right path.

Talisman "Valkyrie"

In the culture of the northern Slavic tribes, the solar sign Valkyrie was used. It was believed - this is a symbol of a warrior capable of protecting the land and relatives. He bestows courage and self-confidence, means honor, dignity and wisdom. It was not forbidden to wear a talisman and those who had nothing to do with the military. During troubled times, everyone is subject to suffering and pain. The Valkyrie symbol has the ability to smooth out the heavy energy of war. The name of the sign is translated as "choosing death". According to an ancient legend, mythical maidens with this name possessed courageous character traits, were distinguished by courage and militancy. The gods gave them the opportunity to decide who will win the battle on earth. The Valkyries, watching the battle from heaven, noted the most courageous and fearless warriors. Waving their swan wings, they descended on the battlefield and took the dying warriors to the heavenly abode of Valhalla. The last thing the brave men heard was the song of the heavenly maiden, similar to the cry of a swan.

In ancient Slavic mythology Another story is known, according to which the Valkyries were the names of two royal daughters. They were unfemininely desperate and courageous. During the battles, the girls were on the battlefields. One of the sisters accompanied the souls of the fallen warriors to heaven, and the other blinded the enemies, covering them with a thick fog.

Both legends are associated with military affairs, courage and courage, honor. Therefore, undoubtedly, the Valkyrie amulet is necessary for people of military professions.

The value of the amulet

Old Slavonic amulet "Valkyrie"

Such an amulet is one of the most powerful magical items. According to some sources, it was used in the rituals of priests aimed at protecting the Vedas. Possessing powerful energy, the Valkyrie creates a protective barrier from the negativity of the surrounding world, protects from death. It endows its owner with the following qualities: justice, nobility, honor, wisdom. There is an opinion that it is dual. Except everyone positive qualities, it carries a certain charge of aggression. If we take into account that the main purpose of the amulet is to protect the warrior, then there is no disagreement. To resist the enemy, aggression is justified and even necessary.

This and ordinary people, in this case, his magic gave strength to confidently go towards his goal, to achieve success. It should be noted that the Valkyrie had a similar effect on a person with pure thoughts. Being a solar symbol, it is constantly fueled by the energy of the sun, therefore it can have a powerful effect on its owner, opening up the opportunity to learn the secrets of the universe.

Magic Possibilities

Amulet "Valkyrie"

Slavic signs keep a lot of mysteries. Many of their properties are unknown or have survived to this day in an incorrect understanding. Main Feature Valkyrie's amulet is his ability to create an energy barrier that protects from his own evil thoughts and dark thoughts that destroy the soul. Life presents many temptations, sometimes it happens to make rash acts for which you then have to be ashamed, to achieve goals through deceit. The Valkyrie amulet protects a person from such steps, helps to find spiritual harmony. The solar symbol makes it possible to feel a spiritual connection with the ancestors. Under the influence of the magical power contained in it, intuition develops, a person does not lose spiritual and physical strength, constantly receiving nourishment. The Valkyrie amulet gives its owner leadership qualities, so he will always be in the spotlight. People who are under the protection of the amulet often become leaders. It is believed that it contributes right choice"second half" and reliable friends, develops creative possibilities. The energy of the amulet also protects from external negative influences: the evil eye, slander.

Manufacturing and activation

"Valkyrie" made of wood

It is believed that handmade amulets have the greatest magical power. The tree of "male" species is considered the most suitable for the Valkyrie: oak, cedar. You can also use any other natural material: clay, fabric, leather, metal. Slavic warriors painted the Valkyrie symbol on weapons and shields.

AT modern life the image can be on a disk or a flash card in order to protect against "leakage" of information. Recently, it has been popular to stuff Old Slavonic sacred symbols on the body. A sketch of the Valkyrie is allowed to be used. Before you make such a tattoo, you should carefully study the magical properties of the sign, so as not to harm yourself, because it is not easy to get rid of a tattoo.

It is important to know that you should not give or sell a sacred item. Having lost an energy connection with the owner, the amulet will lose its magical capabilities.

Must be activated before use. This ceremony is usually performed on the full moon, leaving until the morning under the moonlight. Say a conspiracy, and with the first rays of the sun, hide the object in order to avoid unnecessary questions, so as not to destroy the still fragile connection with the amulet.

Who should wear

Pendant "Valkyrie"

According to old Slavic legends, the Valkyrie amulet was originally a protector of warriors. In the current life it is necessary:

  • Those who are unsure of themselves, trying unsuccessfully to get rid of internal fears.
  • People whose professions are associated with risk, where it is necessary to show nobility.
  • Aimed at achieving high results (for example, athletes).
  • To the child as protection from the evil eye and damage.
  • A teenager to smooth out emotional age-related problems.

Impact on women

There is an erroneous opinion that the Valkyrie, but this is not so. Women wear it in such cases:

  • In difficult moments of life, to strengthen the strength of the spirit.
  • There is an important matter in which you need to “be on top”.
  • Protect yourself from envious people.
  • Get endurance and patience.
  • Find harmony in relationships with men.

Sometimes it can happen that the owner of such an object begins to notice unreasonable aggression behind her. Perhaps this affects the effect of the amulet. It is necessary for some time to part with the talisman and go through the ritual of purification, then again try to "establish relations" with the energy of the Valkyrie. Recommended as a talisman for pregnant women and girls seeking self-improvement. There are some features of using such a talisman:

  • Cannot be worn over clothes, hidden from prying eyes, has more power.
  • If you decide to embroider such a sign, weave it delicately into the main ornament.
  • You can not brag about a magical little thing and give it into the wrong hands.

Use of the Valkyrie amulet by men

The main purpose of the Valkyrie amulet is the protection of a male warrior. Thanks to its powerful solar energy, it is able to serve the people of peaceful professions: employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, security agencies, athletes, heads of large enterprises. The item gives its owner:

  • Restraint of character.
  • Avoids bad decisions.
  • Gives clarity of thought in difficult situations.

Such a sacred sign can be worn in the form of a pendant, bracelet, ring, and can also be applied to a leather belt or buckle. It is acceptable to use a magic image on several things.

The Valkyrie amulet is a symbol of the protector of the Family, the earth - which is the purpose of a man.

It has a deep meaning. With regard to the Valkyrie talisman, it should be remembered that such a sign helps only people with good thoughts. If the soul is dark, the aspirations are unkind - all the negative under the influence of the object will turn against the person himself.

Recently, the image of the Valkyrie has gained immense popularity in the world of tattoos. Young men and women put a beautiful and sophisticated design on their body, but not many people really understand its meaning. Valkyrie is an ancient sacral Slavic symbol with Scandinavian roots. A Valkyrie tattoo is great for someone with a warrior soul, the image combines the meanings of nobility, justice, honor and valor.

Valkyrie patronizes warriors who fight for their lands and for their people. In times of war, the symbol of the Valkyrie balances the spirit of the warriors, raising it and setting it up for victory. Also, the Valkyrie personifies the human rights to protect and defend their views and principles. The meaning of a Valkyrie tattoo means strength and militancy.

Symbolism of the Valkyrie tattoo

The symbol of the Valkyrie originates in mythology, when they were described as insanely beautiful, but at the same time fearless and courageous. The warriors who fought for their peoples, lands and views were revered and respected by the Valkyries, especially considering that they occupied a special place in the retinue of the god Odin.

In ancient times, it was believed that the Valkyries influence the fate of a person from his very birth. In the Middle Ages, when people hunted and exterminated witches, women with unusual abilities were called Valkyries. At first, Valkyries were considered evil maidens. The basis for this was the actions of the Valkyrie during the battle.

By decree of the god Odin, the Valkyries flew over the battlefield, watched how various wars howled and made a decision who would live and who would die. Also, the Valkyries took away the bodies of dead warriors from the battlefield, who were considered worthy of this, and brought them to the god Odin. Based on this, a judgment arose that if you go to battle honestly and with prayers to the gods, the Valkyrie will deliver the body to the god Odin. The rest of the bodies will remain on the field, and the souls of the soldiers will fall into underworld and condemn themselves to eternal torment.

Valkyries often fell in love with brave warriors. Because of this, they began to be depicted as beautiful maidens with long golden curls. Later, the Valkyries began to be described as a girl who looked like a resident of Scandinavia at that time.

Applying a Valkyrie tattoo on a girl's body will help her gain inner strength, increase self-esteem and strengthen self-confidence. Such a tattoo will become a talisman for its owner, able to protect him from all evil.