Pagan gods dazhdbog. Dazhdbog in Slavic mythology - Vedic prophecies of the incarnation of dazhdbog

  • 29.06.2020

Even in ancient times, the amulet Dazhdbog brought light into people's lives. He helped them find hidden potential, find harmony, and then make the transition to a new life stage.

The Slavs believed that this sign patronizes princes and people close to him, helping to manage important state affairs. Simple people also wore an amulet, turning to the deity with a request for prosperity.

This talisman continues to be used to this day by new generations of pagans who pay tribute to the Family and revere the Slavic gods.

Dazhdbog is a Slavic deity of sunlight. Some sources claimed that he was the son of Svarog, others say that he is the grandson of Svarog. The name of God comes from the words "God forbid" that Svarog heard on the day he brought Dazhdbog to earth to give people light.

Dazhdbog is a Slavic deity of sunlight.

Dazhdbog's appearance was to match his inner essence - giving warmth and prosperity to all those in need. Legends say that he had kind blue eyes and blond hair.

Our ancestors believed that this solar deity travels across the sky in a chariot. There are claims that winged horses and even lions were harnessed to it. The lion was associated with the god himself, believing that he has the ability to turn into this animal. The invariable attribute of God was a round shield - the light reflected from it is sunlight.

Symbols and charms of Dazhdbog

The main attribute of the solar god is a symbol called the Straight Cross. This is a very powerful sign, as evidenced by its symmetry. The Slavs were of the view that the more symmetrical the symbol, the more powerful it is. The same harmonious energy was hidden in visual harmony. The amulet Dazhdbog symbolizes world unity, directed by the rays of enlightenment to anyone who is lost in darkness and wants to find a way out of it.

The amulet with the Summer Dazhdbog symbol will help activate all life processes that have fallen into the stagnation phase.

This symbol of Dazhdbog is called summer. In addition to it, there is also a winter one. Outwardly, the summer and winter symbols are similar only in some elements, so it is difficult to confuse them. They also had different meanings.

Summer Dazhdbog was used as an amulet - worn as jewelry or embroidered on clothes. It was sometimes also carved on wooden idols.

Winter Dazhdbog was never used as a talisman. This sign was also found on chura and on the stones of ancient temples. It symbolizes the cold season, dedicated to the solar deity.

Winter Dazhdbog symbolizes the cold season, dedicated to the solar deity.

Direct Cross as a talisman is capable of:

  • save its owner from indecision, failure, depression;
  • activate all life processes that have fallen into the stagnation phase;
  • give health - both physically and spiritually;
  • help make a career or find love;
  • feel enlightenment, find your place in life;
  • protect from other people's slander or black magic;

So that the amulet does not lose its effectiveness, do not forget to perform a cleansing ritual. Clean your jewelry monthly with waning moon salt. Ordinary kitchen salt has unique properties draw out negative energy. An object left overnight in a plate of salt will be cleansed of everything dashing that it has taken upon itself, taking trouble away from you.

Rune Dazhdbog

In addition to the main symbols of Dazhdbog, there is another embodiment of this sign - runic. Speaking about the meaning of the rune, we can draw a parallel with the cornucopia. Some ancient symbols are able to attract only cash flow or focus on the spiritual. The same runic sign symbolizes prosperity in all its manifestations.

A person using a runic amulet will be able to attract good luck into his life, successfully complete the work he has begun, fulfill his desires and achieve prosperity in all areas of life.

The runic amulet of Dazhdbog will help to achieve prosperity in all areas of life.

How to use the rune:

  1. Buy jewelry or order it from the master. Before use, such an amulet should be cleaned and activated by charging it with the energy of the sun or fire.
  2. Draw a runic symbol on a piece of paper and always carry it with you. A good option would be to put a paper amulet in a locket. But this is somewhat old fashioned. Therefore, instead of it, many people use a wallet. This option has the right to exist. But in this case, the amulet will focus on interacting with a certain energy - monetary, paying less attention to other aspects of life. The action of the amulet will be similar to other talismans for the wallet: a purse mouse or a rake spoon.
  3. Get a rune tattoo. This runic sign is one of the few symbols that cannot cause harm when worn for a long time. This is due to the fact that the rune has a universal meaning. She does not provide negative impact on the character of a person. It does not make it any harder or softer, but only helps to develop and achieve the desired benefits. That is why such a symbol of Dazhdbog can be worn not only as an ornament, but also as a pattern on the body.

Who are Dazhdbog's amulets suitable for?

Dazhdbog's amulet is equally well suited to people of any age and gender.

The amulet is equally well suited to people of any age and gender. This is a very harmonious sign. It does not carry only male or female energy. And therefore it will be useful to everyone.

At the same time, the value of the amulet for young and mature people differs. The first Direct Cross will help to feel the enlightenment of the mind and the surge of strength necessary to overcome life's difficulties. The second will make up for the missing balance and harmony, make them calmer.

The amulet will be especially useful for those who seek knowledge. And we are talking not only about schoolchildren or students, but also about novice magicians.

Natures who have not yet figured out themselves, doubting what life path choose, be able to find peace and find correct solution thanks to the amulet Dazhdbog.

When the earth was still young and people did not know the light, Svarog decided to set foot on the earth and learn about the existence of his mortal children. Since the world was in darkness, the Heavenly Father took with him his son, born from a spark of fire. And this child was wonderful, for it glowed and was warm like an ember in a fire. Svarog carried his son in his bosom and entered the dwellings of mortals, which were without windows. In order to see the children of men, Svarog allowed his son to get off his hands and step in front of him in order to illuminate everything around with his light. And people saw the light and felt the heat. Reaching for Svarog, they only prayerfully asked: "God forbid." And Svarog saw that people were unhappy in the darkness and cold, and he decided that his son would henceforth bring his light and warmth to the human world. And it became a gift for people, and Svarog called his son Dazhdbog, in honor of the first prayer that flew from human lips.
Since then, many years and winters have passed, and Dazhdbog regularly carries out his service every day, leaving his heavenly abode only at night in order to rest from his deeds and worries. People pray all the same, to their beloved Sun-God, and ask him for grace. And the cherished sounds: "God forbid, give."

The ancient Slavic Dazhdbog is the sun itself and the source of all earthly blessings that people possess. The origin of the name of the deity itself causes a lot of controversy among scientists. There are now several theories.
According to one of the versions, which M. Vasmer adheres to, the name of God arose from the merger of two Old Slavonic words: “dazh (d)”, which means a request to give something, and “bogъ”, which means happiness, good. In short, according to this statement, Dazhdbog means "giving all grace."
V. Yagich claims that the name of this deity arose from the exclamation "God forbid", which is very consonant with Fasmer's theory. That is, in the name of God, there is a prayer with which people turned to him.
Some researchers argue that, as such, there was no single deity with a similar name in the Slavic pagan pantheon. The phrase, which was adopted by the Slavs as a kind of greeting, was incorrectly interpreted by Christian missionaries as the name of a separate deity. It is very difficult to judge how true this statement is, since there are simply no arguments that could fully confirm or refute this theory.
According to another statement, the first part of the god's name, and in particular "Dazh (d)", is a softened form of dagh, which in Sanskrit means "day", "fire". Both of these meanings can be associated with the sun, and in this perspective, this theory looks very convincing, since Dazhbog is the god of the sun.

The theory of the appearance of Dazhdbog

To begin with, it is worth noting that the question of who was the father of Dazhbog, who bears the middle name Tarkh, is a big question. Somewhere you can

come across the assertion that Dazhbog-Tarkh is the son of the god Perun, the grandson of Svarog, and a descendant of Vyshen in the third generation. According to legend, the mighty Tarkh crushed the hordes with his dazzling light. dark forces who lived on the moon Lele and wanted to take over the mortal world. In honor of great victory The Sun-God over evil, the old Slavs celebrated this day with red eggs, which symbolized the power of Tarkh. The eggs were broken against each other and were called Koshchei's eggs. This day is usually celebrated in summer. To trace the amazing similarity with the current tradition of celebrating Easter in the Orthodox world, I think it will not be difficult for every reader.
In other sources, Dazhbog-Tarkh is mentioned as Svarozhich, the son of Svarog. In favor of this theory, they cite an excerpt from the Ipatiev Chronicle, where Dazhdbog is referred to as the Sun. Word for word: "The sun is the king of Svarogov. hedgehog is Dazhb. That is, there is a direct statement of the origin of the deity, the sun reigning in the sky, the son of Svarog, called Dazhbog. This version looks more plausible, although this article is not intended to assert anything, it is rather an attempt to let the reader get acquainted with all possible options and make your own judgments.

Who is Dazhdbog?

Whose son would Dazhd beGod, it is clear that he alone is the deity of the Sun, the lord of light and grace, which is bestowed on mortals. Dazhdbog was represented as a middle-aged man, strong build, with azure eyes, like the sky, and light hair, like the light emanating from him. The Slavs believed that Dazhdbog could turn into a lion. The god was depicted on a chariot drawn by lions. But there was a belief that Dazhdbog crosses the sky twice a day on a golden chariot harnessed by golden-maned horses. Flocks of swans and ducks always flew before him. They are like messengers of dawn and dusk. The Slavs believed that the bright daylight was a reflection from the golden armor that Dazhdbog was wearing.
In essence, Dazhdbog is the supreme manifestation of goodness. He is a protector, not a warrior. His weapon is a shield, which is able to repel the blow of any force and any weapon, but the god herself hardly uses magic. He does not attack, he only protects and protects. Dazhdbog is a peaceful god. His destiny is to give people and the whole world light and warmth, so that there is life.
Dazhdbog gave people not only light and warmth, but also material values ​​and health. The harvest also depended on it. Therefore, the ancient Slavs tried in every possible way to appease the bright god. They made offerings to him in the form of bird feathers. Mostly they were feathers of geese, swans and ducks. Honey, apples and nuts were also offered. The temples were erected on the hills, and the idols, which were made of wood, were placed so that their faces were turned to the east, from where Dazhdbog began his daily journey.

Holidays in honor of Dazhdbog

Like any other representative of the Slavic pagan pantheon, Dazhbog had special days when people honored him. The days dedicated exclusively to this deity were March 18 and May 6, which respectively bore his name. These days, the Slavs celebrated the renunciation of Dazhdbog from Marena, which meant the end of the winter cold and his union with the goddess Alive. On the same days, Yarilo was also revered as one of the faces of Dazhdbog, or rather, the spring revival.
On the day of Dazhbog, cattle were also driven out to pastures for the first time, after winter retreat. The Slavs asked their solar god to save not only crops, but also livestock and return it whole. In honor of this, it was customary to burn bonfires.
Dazhbog was also revered on February 12-14, 16 and 17, along with the god Veles. There is an opinion that Dazhbog was also called the Savior, as the savior of the Slavic lands. Based on this, on August 14 and 19, when the apple and honey Savior is celebrated, it is associated with Dazhbog. If we take into account that the offerings to this god were made in the form of honey and apples, then we can trace a certain logical pattern.

Rune Dazhdbog

This rune is called summer, as it personifies the gifts that nature presents to people in summer time of the year.
The rune of Dazhbog embodies the cornucopia, implying the wealth that is given to man by God. This is not only material wealth, but it is also good health, success, peace of mind and love. By the way, this rune also personifies, according to some interpretations, both love and first love. Meetings are also associated with the rune of Dazhbog, which can be of exceptional importance in the fate of a person. In divination, this rune means the successful resolution of serious problems that a person has. In its form, the rune symbolizes a bowl, in a more ancient sense, a cauldron, which means the grace that is bestowed by the gods on mortal children. This bowl is full of spiritual enlightenment and carries an understanding of the meaning of life and the universe.

Symbol and amulet of Dazhdbog.

Since Dazhdbog is a solar, that is, a solar god, a disk is considered his symbol. Dazhdbog belongs to the great Slavic solar triad of gods: Khors, Yarilo and he, but since Khors is the god of the winter sun, Yarilo of the spring, and Dazhdbog of the summer, the disk, as the embodiment of the full and mature sun, is exclusively his sign. The most common sign of Dazhdbog is also the solar square, which has many similarities and similarities with the Svarog square and the Lada star. In this square

the sacred meaning of the very power and grace of the deity is concluded: his light and love extends to all four corners of the world. Also among the symbols of Dazhdbog is the ruby, which is recognized as the personal stone of the deity.
The amulet of Dazhdbog is not only a great honor, but also reliable protection. For the young, this amulet is the path to enlightenment of the mind and the acquisition of strength and understanding, which are needed in order to overcome all life's difficulties and obstacles. Dazhdbog's amulet will allow you to find the right solution from difficult situation and attract a worthy life partner. For representatives of the older generation, the amulet is a way to find peace of mind, health and find mutual language with the younger generation. In general, Dazhdbog's amulet is designed to make people happy, to attract love to them, but it also allows the wearer to understand that his happiness is inside himself and depends on his thoughts and actions. The amulet of Dazhdbog was made of wood or soft metals. It was also embroidered on napkins and carefully worn in pockets located on the chest, closer to the heart.

Dazhdbog's wives and grandchildren are Slavs.

According to the first wife of Dazhdbog, Zlatogorka became. Seeing her sleeping one day, God was subdued by her innocent beauty and he decided to marry the sleeping beautiful girl. Three times he struck with his club to wake up the one that captivated his heart. Waking up Zlatogorka, she was angry with the courage of Dazhdbog and bewitched him, she locked him in her magic chest. But the face of the young god was too beautiful and clear, and he captivated the heart of the beauty. Zlatogorka released her beloved from imprisonment. Having married, the young people were going to the great mountain Latyr, when in the field Zlatogorka saw a coffin enchanted by the vile Chernobog. She really wanted to sleep, so she climbed into it, but the trouble was she could not get out. No matter how Dazhdbog tried to free his

beloved wife, it was all in vain. And then he went to the underworld to seek help from the wise Viy. He gave him a special ring that could destroy the dark spell of Chernobog, but warned Viy Dazhdbog that if he loses this ring, then forever eternal soul his beloved Zlatogorka will go to the Navi world. The liberated goddess gave birth to her husband two sons: Kolyada and Ovsen, after which, due to the machinations of Chernobog, Dazhdbog nevertheless lost the magic ring of Viy, and Zlatogorka went to the Navi world, where her soul merged with the soul of the goddess Mary.

Marena, in which she lived, the soul of Zlatogorka married Dazhdbog and gave birth to his son Bogumir, but then she renounced her husband and fled from him with the grandson of Chernobog - Kashchei. The enraged Dazhdbog set off in pursuit of his unfaithful wife, but was defeated by the twice vile Kashchei. For the first time, he turned the god's sun into stone, but Perun disenchanted him. For the second time, Kashchei deprived him of his strength and chained him to Latyr-mountain, dooming him to eternal torment, but the beautiful goddess Zhiva saved the clear Dazhbog, which became his third and most beloved wife.

She gave him living water to drink, and she revived a new and more powerful soul in his body.

Zhiva gave birth to Dazhdbog two sons: Kisek and Aria. From the sons of the first descended after the peoples of the Hessians and West Germans. Arius had three sons: Kyi, Khoriv and Shchek. From them came the Czechs, Serbs and Kiev glades. Arius had descendants - Lech and Krak, who became the ancestors of the Mazovian and Polish tribes.
About the eldest son of Kolyada, Dazhdbog had a grandson Radogost. He became the father of the peoples of Radimich, Vyatichi, Obodrite, Ruyan and Ratary. From the son of the dark Marena, Bogumir, Dazhdbog had the granddaughters of Polev, Dreva and Skreva, from them the Krivichi and Drevlyans and the grandchildren of Rus, Scythian, Kim-ra, Khazar, Sloven and Seva originated. From the latter went the clans of Russ, Slovenes, Khazars, Scythians, Northerners and Cimmerians. All Slavic peoples are the descendants of Dazhdbog, his grandchildren.

DAZHBOG (or DAZHBOG) is one of the most ancient gods Slavic, he is the god of the whole world, he is a solar god, he is also the bearer of solar light.

NAME: "Giving God", a god who creates the main conditions for life on our Earth (or a god who "sends good to us"); he is the giver of heavenly moisture and our harvest; he is the god who "gives Life itself" to nature.

PEDIGREE: Dazhdbog is the son of a great and gentle mermaid, he is the progenitor of the Russian people. Through the father - the grandson, through the mother - the grandson. Spouse, and

From Zlatogorka he has two sons - and


PECULIARITIES. The very first feature of Dazhdbog is the miracle of his birth. For according to legend, he was born from a stone that the mermaid Ros brought to Svarog. The golden arrows of Perun hit this stone, and there, inside the stone, Dazhdbog was born (turned out?) - the son of Perun and Ros. And Svarog freed him from this stone. The legend is beautiful., no words, but - just a legend.

ELEMENTS. Dazhbog refers to the elements.

APPEARANCE: Dazhdbog had a majestic gait and a straight look, not knowing lies. And he had marvelous hair, blond, sunny-golden, as if flying, flowing easily in the wind, as if soaring, and his eyes were bright, blue-blue, like clear sky on a sunny afternoon, like a ravine in inky thunderclouds, or like a blue, unbearably bright core of a fiery fire.

SPHERE OF INFLUENCE: Patron of weddings. It is he who, according to legend, meets the groom at dawn on the day of this wedding, and endows with skill and strength, wisdom and health. For this, Dazhdbog is referred to.

Dazhbog keeps the keys of the earth: he closes the earth for the winter, and gives the key to migratory birds. And in the spring it opens the doors.

ATTRIBUTES. Dazhbog did not have any special attributes, because he was engaged in different affairs, and for each business he needed his own tool. But there is Dazhbogov's amulet. This is a talisman in the form of a duck and with the head of a horse.

SPHERE OF MANAGEMENT: As a bright god, it is part of the Supreme.

IN CONSPIRACIES. The name of the god Dazhbog is mentioned in conspiracies on.

Visions of the Arctic Throne of Dazhdbog, art.

ACTIVITY: He struggled with both and as a result he freed then cows and water. He fought and caused the Flood.

LIFESTYLE: The appearance of the light of Dazhbog in the sky is always preceded by the appearance younger sister him - the Dawn of the Morning, the very one that brings his white-maned horses to the highest horizon; the other sister, Evening Dawn, she brings the horses to the stable in the evening, after God has finished his detour. And Dazhbog the sun also has faithful servants-assistants who disperse the clouds and cleanse his face with the help of rains.

The Slavs firmly believed that Dazhdbog travels across the sky in a wonderful chariot, harnessed by four beautiful white fire-maned horses with golden wings. They also believed that sunlight comes from a fiery shield that Dazhdbog carries with him. And twice a day - in the morning and in the evening - he tirelessly crosses the Great Ocean-Sea on a magic boat, and geese, ducks and white swans pull that boat. Therefore, the Slavs attributed special power to all kinds of amulets-talismans in the form of a duck.

photo of Nata

AMULETS of Dazhdbog are quite common.

IN LITERATURE. The ridge of the native winter was broken long ago. The day was growing, soon it will be equal to the night, and we will mold small birds from sweet dough and go with them beyond the edge of the gardens - to call spring to visit. The winner Dazhdbog ran into the sky as a youth. M. Semenova, The one I always look forward to.

IN LITERATURE. And after the toast and Dazhdbog, the servants - boys of ten years old, two girls in sundresses tied under their breasts and two women of age - brought out dishes with whole baked piglets, a sterlet of a pound for two, from the open mouth of which a pike stuck out, and a pike had golden carp with boiled onion. Alexander Prozorov, Copper Guard (Vedun-9).

(5) Selection made specifically for the site

Viktor Korolkov

Andrey Klimenko

Among the gifts of Svarog to people were his sons - Svarozhichi. The first of them is Dazhdbog - the god of the Sun, the giver of heat and light. His name is heard in the shortest prayer that has survived to this day: “Give, God!”.

The ancient Slavs considered the Sun, Lightning and Fire - two heavenly Flames and one earthly one - to be siblings, sons of Heaven and Earth. His idol stood on a hill in Kyiv. Our ancestors believed that Dazhbog patronizes weddings, meets the groom at dawn on the wedding day. Dazhbog closes winter and opens summer.
Dazhbog - Dab, Radegast, Radigosh, Svarozhich - these are different variations of the name of the same god. God of fertility and sunlight, life-giving force. The first ancestor of the Slavs (the Slavs, according to the text of "The Word of Igor's Campaign" - Dazhdbozh's grandchildren) - "Then, under Olze, Gorislavlichi sows and stretches out with strife, the life of Dazhdbozh's grandson perishes, in princely sedition, the vezi shrinks a man."

Probably, Dazhdbog could, following the white Sventovit, correlate with Apollo as the god of sunlight. In the teachings against paganism, among other gods, they are mentioned next to Artemis: “and having started to the idol and starting to eat lightning and thunder, and the sun and the moon, and friends to Pereun, Hours, vilam and Mokosh, we rest and coast, they also call distant sisters, and others in Svarozhitsa they also believe in Artemis, whom the ignorant people pray, and slaughter chickens ... and we drown the essence in the waters. , and a source, and a coast, and into firewood - not only before in abomination, but many and now they are doing it.

"Resentment arose in the strength of Dazhdbozh's grandson, she entered the land of Troyan as a virgin, splashed swan wings on the blue sea near the Don: splash, lose fat times." According to the "Word of John Chrysostom ... what was the first trash they believed in idols and laid them treb ...", the god of the sun and life-giving power.

Dazhdbog's day is Sunday, his metal is gold, his stone is yakhont. The celebration may fall on the day of Rodion the Icebreaker. The largest cult center of Svarozhich was located on the lands of the Lutich Retarii, was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt again - in 953 it was ruined by Otto I, in 1068 - by the Saxon Bishop Burchardt II and was finally burned by the Germans in 1147-1150 during crusade against the pagans of the Bavarian Duke Heinrich the Lion.

Bronze images of the Lutich gods and ritual objects from the Retrinsk temple were found in the soil of the village of Prilwitz at the end of the 17th century. The figurines are covered with Slavic runic inscriptions. On the lands of the Vyatichi people, settlements were also named in honor of the god Svarozhich. The name Radegast would sound like Radigosh here. Radogoshch - two settlements claim its role - this is either Pogar on the Sudost River (a tributary of the Desna), west of Trubchevsk and north of Seversky Novgorod, or Radogosh proper on the Nerussa River, north of Sevsk and west of Krom.

The sacred animal of Dazhdbog - Radegast was considered a lion (like the Persian god of the Sun - Mithra), Svarozhich was depicted either with a lion's head or riding a chariot drawn by lions. Note that the root "rad" meant sunlight among the Slavs, hence the "rainbow" - the solar arc. The same "solar" root and the word "joy, joy" - that is, given by the rays (cf. lat. radio) of the sun.
Hence the names Radegast, Radogosh consist of three words: Rad - sunny, "yes", do" by analogy with Dagbog, Dazhdbog can mean donation, gift, and "gast", "gosh" are semantically close to the word "guest". In other words these names, perhaps, mean: "a guest who gives the sun and sunlight", or the messenger of the gods, who brought the power of light and the sun as a gift. In this case, the East Slavic Dazhbog and the West Slavic Radegast are different names the same god - Svarozhich.

Frenzel speaks of him as "De Radegastos. Marte Soraborumque altero supremo Deo" - Radegast in the Serbo-Lusatian pantheon is a figure no less significant than even Sventovit himself. The symbols of Svarozhich are not only royal lions, but also wild boars (boar is also the embodiment of Indian Vishnu and Scandinavian Freyr). One of the attributes is a sword, later an ax, as well as a spear, possibly a scarlet banner:
"In this converge the devil Svarozhich and the leader of the saints, yours and our Mauritius? Those who raise the sacred spear in front, and those who stain the diabolical banners with human blood?" Radegast's bird is a rooster that announces the coming of the sun with its cry. The name of the god was written on the idol with Venedian runes, perhaps there was also solar symbolism.

The head of the idol is placed at sunrise or in the southeast so that he can follow its course. Dazhdbog was called the Savior, that is, the Savior, but not in the sense of saving the lost sheep of Israel, but in the sense of a military defender. Therefore, the apple (August 19) and honey Savior (August 14) are the days of honoring Svarozhich. He, along with Yarila, is also honored on Yuri Zimny ​​(December 9).

Slavic god, whose appearance personifies sunlight and fertility, cannot be considered a formidable warrior. Inhabitants Ancient Russia believed that Dazhdbog is a real patron and protector. Therefore, most of the myths dedicated to the radiant god talk about the kindness and generosity of a man, and not about military exploits.

Origin story

The god of the sun, very similar to the ancient Greek, is known by a number of names - Dazhdbog, Svarozhich, Dab, Radegast, Radigosh. The first mentions of the deity belong to the earliest sources of writing. For example, the Tale of Bygone Years speaks of a wooden monument to Dazhdbog, which the Slavs placed next to the Khors monuments, and.

Notes about Dazhdbog, preserved in the Ipatiev Chronicle, allow us to conclude that the history of the origin of the deity is associated with the Scythian people. The written evidence mentions altars in the form of concentric circles. In the same way, the plowmen in Scythia glorified their own sun-god.

"The Lay of Igor's Campaign" also did not do without mentioning the Slavic deity, however, only in an indirect sense. The author of the literary masterpiece of Ancient Russia designates the Russians as the grandchildren of the glorified god, which corresponds to the rest of the mythology dedicated to.

The ancient Slavs divided the cult of the deity into two periods. Dazhdbog summer symbolized the departure of winter, flowering and flowering. Dazhdbog winter personified soft sunlight and patronized wedding celebrations. Each period of the god's reign had its own symbol and amulet, which the Russians embroidered on clothes or carved on wood.

Dazhdbog in mythology

The great god of the sun is the son of the formidable Svarog. Once the blacksmith god decided to see how people live on Earth, but because of the constant darkness he could not see anything. Then he took out Dazhdbog, who lit up the world and people, from his bosom.

Already by his own appearance, the man helped the ancient Slavs. The rays emanating from Dazhdbog gave humanity hope and a harvest. From that day on, every morning the sun god harnessed the chariot and drove through the sky, stopping only at night to rest. And the grateful Slavs began to glorify Dazhdbog and proudly bore the title of "Dazhdbog's grandchildren."

But the sunlight does not come from the man himself, but from the divine shield with which Dazhdbog travels across the sky in a beautiful chariot. The crew is pulled by lions and wild boars (in other sources, horses with a fiery mane), so sometimes the Slavic god is depicted with the head of a ferocious animal.

However, more residents of Russia believed that Dazhdbog was a fair-haired and blue-eyed middle-aged man. The charming and benevolent god does not part with the already mentioned shield, which gives sunlight and reflects any magic. As a weapon, the deity uses a spear, throwing which he is fluent in.

It is not surprising that such a beautiful and strong man there were many women. The first wife of Dazhdbog was Zlatogorka. God saw the sleeping beauty and was captivated by the girl. Having awakened Zlatogorka, Dazhldbog achieved a reciprocal feeling and married his beloved. But family life was overshadowed by the excessive curiosity of the girl.

Once on Mount Latyr, Zlatogorka discovered a coffin in which she lay down to sleep and could not get out of captivity. To free his wife, Dazhdbog got a special ring. The wife was saved, but the accidental loss of a magical artifact destroyed the marriage - Zlatogorka went to the Navi world. From the first wife, God left two sons - Kolyada and Ovsen.

What was the happiness of the man when Dazhdbog found out that the soul of his beloved had passed into the goddess Mara! However, happiness with a new wife did not last long. The woman fell in love with and ran away with her lover. Enraged by infidelity, Dazhdbog fought Koshchey twice and lost both times.

The second battle ended deplorably for the god - the man was chained to Mount Latyr. Goddess Zhiva saved Dazhdbog. The girl became the third and favorite wife of the deity. Zhiva gave birth to Dazhdboga Kisek and Aria, from whom the whole human race descended.

  • Meaning of the name Slavic god- giving prosperity. The name of the deity probably came from the phrase "God grant" (i.e. God forbid). Therefore, despite the similar sound, Dazhdbog is not the god of rain at all.
  • The god's amulet is a disk that personifies the sun. No less powerful is the symbol of Dazhdbog - a solar square that looks like a swastika.
  • There is a rune, the name of which is consonant with the name of the solar god. In divination, the rune symbolizes abundance and prosperity.
  • The ancient Slavs believed that Dazhdbog's conspiracy would help expel evil from life and fulfill any desire.