The ancient name Zlata, the meaning and features of the name, the fate and hobbies of a curious girl. Zlata: the fate of the one named by this name

  • 26.09.2019

Zlata is charming, charming, inquisitive. He makes every effort to please others. Such a woman loves to be in the center of attention and is capable of many sacrifices in order to achieve her goal. Zlata is favored by the stars, she easily gets out of even the most difficult situations. With all this, he often makes unfulfilled promises.

origin of the name Zlata

This name appeared during the Middle Ages, among Ashkenazi Jews and is an analogue of the old name Golda (“gold” from Yiddish) and was common in Lithuania, Belarus and Poland. In the territories inhabited by Jews (Ukraine, Romania, Poland), the Zlote variant was in use.

There is a version that Slavic version name came from Ancient Greece. Yes, it came from Greek name Chris (gold).

According to Wikipedia, in Orthodox saints the great martyr with the same name is mentioned - Khrysa (Zlata) Moglenska. The girl was born in a poor family, but grew up very beautiful. One day, the conquering Turks decided to marry her off to a young Turk. But Zlata refused to accept the Muslim faith. Then her enemies brought her to death. She died in great agony, but remained faithful Orthodox faith. The villagers buried her with honors, and later canonized her as a saint. In memory of this saint, Zlata's name day is celebrated on October 26, as well as name day on October 31. Full name- Gold.

In folklore, there is a fairy-tale character - Goldilocks. Among the Slavs, the name Zlatotsveta was common. Related male names:

  • Zlatan, Zlatamir, Zlatoyar;
  • Zlatko, Zlatozar, Zlatosvet;
  • Zlatovlas, Zlatan.

Some of them are still found in everyday life among Czechs, Serbs, Bulgarians, Croats.

Main features- activity, freedom and reason. AT difficult situations saves the ability to restrain. It happens that aggression is manifested when arguing with someone. And if necessary, he skillfully turns into a tactful diplomat. Easily changes environment. Having chosen his own business, he steadily and rigorously achieves the best for himself. Zlata subtly feels people who are hiding something or lying.

Zlata: the meaning of the name for the girl

The name is very suitable for girls, who were born in November (scorpio). If the parents chose this name for her, then there will be no difficulties in raising a child. The girl grows up very obedient, smart and friendly. Unlike other children, he does not know how to lie and cunning, he is not a hooligan at all. Little Zlata amazes adults with prudence, seriousness and concentration. He likes to communicate and talk about the events of the day.

Likes to attend extra classes or circles. In the class, the girl is an excellent organizer, she will be happy not only to organize school events, but also to participate in them.

Thanks to her openness, sociability and friendliness, she has many friends, some of whom she will be friends with all her life.

Zlata: the meaning of the name for a woman

Personality changes with age. There is an interest in everything mysterious and unusual. Her childish independence and organization are often replaced by fear of difficulties. Understanding and support of loved ones is important for Zlata woman.

Her character is unpredictable. Sitting in one place is not about her, Zlata is prone to adventure and adventure. Purposeful and does not tolerate boredom. Curiosity never lets her down.

Despite his openness, he prefers to tell the truth tactfully and as punctually as possible. No, it won't hurt you on purpose. If her friends passed into adulthood with her, she will support them in every possible way.

Responsible and often valuable employee at work. All complex and difficult tasks will be entrusted only to her. She is not a careerist in life, it is important for her that the work is interesting.

A woman is very emotional and categorical, and therefore intolerant of the shortcomings of others. Often shows intemperance towards others. With ease, he can exchange a calm and prosperous life for a brighter and more interesting one. She is not interested in routine and monotony.

Positive and negative traits

Like all names, Zlata is fraught with not only positive, but also negative traits character.

Zlata woman attractive, has a special charm and desire to please others. She always wants to be in the thick of things, so that people pay attention and admire her. These desires endow her with the desire and ability to achieve in spite of everything, she does not rely on anyone. Independence is the best thing in it.

Another trait- luck, fate is favorable to her. When it seems that it is difficult to overcome no matter how difficult moments, then fortune begins to smile at her. New opportunities open up that Zlata did not even suspect.

Negative sides of the name

This includes her desire to achieve the sometimes unattainable. And often resorting to different, sometimes contradictory methods.

Zlata is not stingy with promises, however, does not seek to fulfill them if he does not see any benefit for himself. Sometimes her selfishness is openly manifested in relation to others. But at the same time, Zlata will never remain indifferent to the plight of others.

Her mood is changeable, therefore her behavior is also unstable.

Zlata: the secret of the name

Fate and mystery are complex and difficult. Nevertheless, the fate of the name is being actively explored today, paying a lot of attention to it. . As for the name Zlata, then everything is much simpler here.

Those women who bear the name Zlata will have a happy fate. Her whole life will be filled with bright colors, adventures and travels. A significant role in the life of Zlata will be played by a man whom she truly loves.

Don't rush into marriage because it may turn out that true love will come much later. Scientists say that she should not listen to the advice and opinions of other people.

Fate has prepared the birth of one or two children (usually boys). With the advent of a child in the family, her character changes to a softer and more pliable one. A woman becomes sentimental, sensitive and attentive.

For diligence, Zlata will be rewarded with a decent pay. And here fortune will smile again. Business will be successful if the main partner is a close or trusted person.

Let's talk about bright and cute woman's name with Jewish gypsy roots. If you decide to give your daughter an unusual and sonorous name Zlata: the meaning of the name, character and fate.

Zlata precise characterization person with that name. What kind of life awaits a girl, a girl, a woman with that name?

The name Zlata relatively appeared in the Middle Ages. Linguists believe that it was born among the Ashkenazi Jews, and then began to spread throughout the territory of the Jewish people, and it also took root among the nomadic gypsies.

Gently sounds the name in Yiddish: Zlate. Historians believe that its translation is identical to the more ancient name of Gold, because its meaning is also “gold”.

Notable namesakes:

  • Razdolina, composer and songwriter;
  • Byzova, artist;
  • Volkov, professor.

personality in adulthood

How the origin of the name Zlata influenced its meaning

The bearers of this name have their own charm and beauty, they strive to evoke sympathy and enjoy attention, they want to be admired, and for this they are ready to sacrifice a lot. They are surprisingly successful - luck seems to meet them, and even if it seemed that there was no way out of a difficult situation, fate, as if by order, showed her new opportunities.

This woman has a zest for life, and also such a trait as not keeping her promises if she does not see any benefit. Zlata's selfishness is expressed in great demands on those around her and much smaller demands on herself. The girl's actions are determined by a momentary mood, but more important for her are new impressions.


One of the main character traits of Zlata is independence in deciding what to do and what to do in life. She believes that she will achieve everything in life herself, on her own, which happens. If she cultivates without being afraid to take on difficult or difficult tasks, she will definitely reach the highest level in any direction.

She is constantly in business, smoothly moving from one to another, she can easily “revive” even a running entrepreneurial business, make it profitable. But if Zlata occupies a managerial position, it is important for her to have the ability to shift insignificant matters to other employees, and this will give her the opportunity to concentrate on the primary ones, without being distracted by details.

Zlata is a movement, the successful implementation of the plan. And in the implementation of the planned, her resilient character, fortitude, the ability to be exacting towards herself and those around her help her. Successful leaders inspire people. The choice of friends, comrades, partners is approached thoroughly, paying attention to their financial security and status. In addition, she fundamentally does not borrow money, even if she needs it.

She is constantly in search of herself. She does not see herself as an employee of a state institution, but private business, her business, show business is hers. There manifest her best qualities, including the ability to interest trustees, assistants, and authoritative people in their business. She has excellent artistic abilities, and in this area can reach high altitudes. She has money, but she has to work hard for it.


She has many friends, a large social circle, fortunately, she loves it very much, as well as travel, trips, outdoor recreation and sports activities. Enjoys visiting the fitness club and swimming.

But, on the other hand, because of disgust, being a guest, she may not touch festive dishes, for meals. Perhaps that is why she prefers to receive guests: at least she is confident in the quality of the products.

In communication, she is very delicate, she will never offend the interlocutor and will not brag, showing the qualities of a diplomat. Different evenings, meetings, concerts and other cultural events around her are also her element.

Love for gold, as well as for everything sparkling, shining - this is destined for her name. Therefore, at leisure, our heroine is engaged in filling her favorite collection of jewelry.

She loves to grow flowers in the house and cannot do without a pet, a family pet. If life decides so that Zlata will have a lot of free time, she can even work for free in some organization to protect our smaller brothers.

The girl has a special attitude to books, to reading, especially to historical and women's novels, to cookery books and, interestingly, to fairy tales.

Influence of time of birth

Autumn Golds are more exacting to people, are open, distinguished by sharpness of mind, winter ones are more restrained and kinder. Those of them who were born in the summer are calmer, more purposeful, strive for justice, and spring girls are more attentive and extravagant.

Relationships and marriage

She always has admirers, she is liked by the representatives of the stronger sex, but she marries later than her peers. It would be appropriate to note that already by this time she does not pay much attention to the level of her husband's wealth, since her self-realization in the professional sphere is so high that a woman acquires economic independence. She is a wonderful hostess, she loves children very much, but keeps them in strictness.


If everyday difficulties become too much, there is a risk of diseases nervous system yet she rarely gets sick. The only thing that can fail is the digestive system. But a reasonable diet and properly selected nutrition solve this problem, although this will require Zlata to systematically control the products, the cooking regimen, and the composition of the menu.

What will the girl be like?

Characteristics of the name Zlata, features of character and fate

Since childhood, Zlatochka has been growing up thorough and loving the truth, outwardly similar to her father. While still a high school student, she seriously thinks about the future, accurately and clearly assessing herself. Knowing his abilities, he tries to improve them. She is not afraid of crooked views and does not listen to what people condemn.

The character is calm: this is a serious, truthful child who does not tolerate hypocrisy, and who is distinguished by sanity and prudence. But, nevertheless, the girl knows how to fantasize: she just does not fly in the clouds and dreams of a fairly real one.

She does not dissemble, does not deceive, does not cunning and does not play pranks. The girl often amazes adults with her thoughts, her vision of this or that event. And, usually, the character of a girl remains like that for life.

School years

He does well at school. But, unfortunately, she does not have perseverance, she can hardly endure monotonous activities. So a lot depends on teachers. If she is lucky and the team in educational institution will high level, then the girl will have no problems with education.


She has an amorousness from an early age, and her emotions often prevail over reason. This situation usually does not change over the years. The amorousness of a girl can lead to problems in the "transitional age", especially during the period of a wonderful first love.


In general, under the name of Zlata, we meet beautiful, bright, active women who bring love, joy and energy into our lives.


origin of the name Zlata


Characteristics of the name Zlata

active and sociable, excellent student, athlete. Collected and tidy. With good imagination. Both at school and at the institute, she is always chosen for leadership positions. Becomes a good professional, unambitious, does not make a career. It is important for her that the work is interesting and well paid. He does not tolerate monotony, he will always prefer difficulties to him. Very emotional, as a rule, gifted in the field of art. An overly principled woman. Demanding and unrestrained, but caring towards loved ones. She has few friends, but she appreciates those that she has. If her trust is deceived, the relationship immediately breaks. Responsive, always ready to help. Selfless. Very tidy, good hostess. Men are crazy about her, but Zlata will look for someone who is spiritually close to her. The family usually turns out to be happy, despite the fact that Zlata, as a rule, seeks to command. Zlata loves loneliness. But, being very romantic, she dreams of great love.


The Holy Great Martyr Zlata of Moglenska was born and lived in the Bulgarian village of Slatino, in the Diocese of Moglens (+ 1795). Bulgaria at that time was under the yoke of the Turks. From her youth, Zlata was distinguished by her extraordinary strength of character, firm faith in Christ, chastity and beauty. The local Turk repeatedly tried to seduce the girl and force her to convert to Islam. But neither persuasion, nor threats, nor the monstrous tortures that continued for many months, did not break the spirit of the holy Great Martyr Zlata.

You need to start this article by indicating the fact that Zlata, the meaning of whose name will be studied in as much detail as possible a little lower, was in significant demand back in medieval times. And it gained the highest popularity in those days among the Ashkenazi Jews. According to historians, this name is an analogue ancient name Gold, translated as "gold".

In addition, the female name Zlate received significant distribution among the Belarusian, Lithuanian, Polish people. At the same time, there is another version, according to which the name Zlata is derived from the ancient Greek - Zalata. It, in turn, originates from "chris", translated as "golden", "gold". Thus, Zlata, whose name meaning will be studied below, is truly golden.

Characteristics of the name Zlata

A woman from Zlata, born in winter, is a mobile, active nature. Her highly developed ambitious, ambitious feelings do not give her a moment's rest - Zlata is simply not able to be inactive. A woman named Zlata under no circumstances should miss the available opportunities for the implementation of her own goals. Nevertheless, despite considerable diplomacy and sociability, Zlata, the meaning beautiful name which is described does not have a large number comrades.

This is due to the fact that such a person is more to the core of loneliness, which does not burden her at all. Also, such a nature never restrains its own emotional outbursts, especially when dealing with representatives of the stronger sex. By the way, they like some mystery of Cinderella with her charm and charm. A woman bearing the name Zlata, the meaning of whose amazing name is being considered, born in the spring, is a sensual, romantic person, albeit with her appearance and similar to a cold, restrained nature.

Such a woman dreams of true love. However, her daydreaming has come up with such an ideal model of a man that absolutely no guy will match him. Only by changing life position in terms of men, spring Zlata will be able to build her own life and achieve some success in her chosen profession.

Character features

A woman named Zlata, whose name meaning and fate is being studied, is a fairly open, honest, emotional person. True, sometimes this is not enough for her to feel a genuine sense of happiness. Zlata lacks self-confidence, as well as the ability to experience joy from minor successes, achievements, with which the whole life of a person is filled.

A sense of positivity, the ability to move away from the ordinary and a simple smile will help a woman born in the summer in finding her own place in life. As soon as this happens, the spouse drawn in dreams will immediately “appear”. A woman named Zlata, whose origin and meaning is being studied and born in the fall, is a rather impulsive, impulsive person. This nature will initially think, and then only do. Therefore, her life is filled with all sorts of curiosities.

Zlatushka has a significant number of acquaintances and admirers who value her for her light, simple disposition, as well as her excellent sense of humor. However, few people are able to guess that this sociable person is also prone to feelings of sadness and loneliness. But such traits are “contraindicated” for Cinderella, born in autumn. Moreover, her partner should have an idea about them and take any steps to add variety to her life. This is the main secret of the name Zlata of her character.

Childhood years of Zlatushka

You need to start studying the meaning of the name Zlata for a girl from the fact that such a child is very serious for his age. From an early age, a girl named Zlata is quite fair, principled, honest and quick-witted. But lies and slyness are completely uncharacteristic of her. The girl will constantly defend her own positions, which will lead to considerable amazement of adults.

It should be noted that the meaning of the described name Zlata for the girl suggests that her sense of responsibility, solidity will be well received by both nannies and teachers. But rational, prudent actions will prevent the child from dreaming. However, her daydreaming is always justified and is related to the category of achievable.

Such a child will never cause trouble for mom and dad, as it is distinguished by the presence of a non-conflict character. Zlatushka will not argue with peers. Moreover, he will never defend his own opinion when it does not coincide with the opinion of the disputant. Sometimes close people attribute the girl to the category of closed, shy, aloof natures, which does not correspond to the present at all.

It's just that the secret of the name of the girl Zlata indicates that she is disgusted by the excessive attention of others. The main disadvantages of a girl named Zlata include excessive straightforwardness. Zlatushka is an excellent student, but an excellent student is unlikely to come out of her "thanks" to her extreme restlessness. Cinderella will get bored of the monotony, monotony.

The sex life of Cinderella

And what does the name Zlata mean in terms of intimate relationships? It should immediately be noted that such a woman is attractive to guys, because. controls with the utmost care appearance and comply with all new fashion trends. In addition, a woman named Zlata is an amazing conversationalist, able to both listen and give helpful advice. She is also very charming.

As a young girl, she is practically not interested in a serious relationship, but quite the opposite - to strive for maximum freedom. Therefore, her line of behavior towards men is frivolous, superficial. Breaking up with a partner is not difficult for her, just like getting new novel. Having become an adult Zlata, the meaning of the name, whose character is being studied, completely changes her own priorities. She tries to find a reliable partner with whom you can create a strong, happy family.

Having truly fallen in love, she can forget about everything and completely dissolve in her loved one. However, we must not forget - the love of such a fastidious, demanding nature will need to be won for a long time. Zlata radiates a cold intimate energy that repels many men. But do not think that sex is in her background.

It is important for her to feel emotional closeness with a partner. Only then will a woman named Zlata be able to completely relax and surrender to the will of the senses. In turn, Zlatushka will give her partner true pleasure. It should also be noted that Zlata, the meaning of the name, whose character and fate is being studied, is a conservative in sex.

Zlata's career

And what does the name Zlata mean in her professional activities? This woman has one enough important quality rare in women. She is able to do any business to the fullest, regardless of the total amount of work available. And he tries to do everything personally, without involving outside help- let her lead the whole "army" of employees.

This is due to the fact that Cinderella is able to trust only herself. Being responsible, demanding, executive, Zlata can be an excellent boss who is able to turn any, even hopeless, business into a rather successful one. Concluding the article, we can say with full confidence that the question of what the name Zlata means is disclosed in as much detail as possible.

The meaning of the name Zlata: this name for a girl is an abbreviated form of the name Goldenflower. Means golden, golden.

Origin of the name Zlata: It is believed that the name was known as early as the Middle Ages, when it became widespread among Ashkenazi Jews. Historians say that this is an analogue of the more ancient version of Gold, which symbolizes "gold". The name Zlata at one time was quite common in Lithuania, Belarus, northeastern Poland. The Zlote variant was also used. In addition, there is a version according to which Zlata was originally popular in Ancient Greece, and it comes from the word "chris", which in Greek also means "gold", "golden".

Diminutive form of the name: Zlatulik, Zlatusik, Zlatonka, Zlatochka, Zlatushka, Zlatusya, Zlatosha, Zlatulya, Zlatunya, Zlatka, Zlatitsa.

What does the name Zlata mean? Cinderella loves to be among people, but she contemplates more than enters into communication. Becomes more relaxed in the company of friends and family. A girl with this name does not strive to occupy a high position in society, it is much more important for her to create beauty and comfort in her own home.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Zlata celebrates name days several times a year:

  • October 13
  • October 18
  • October 26
  • October 31

Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius

Characteristics of the name Zlata

Positive features: She has a special charm and beauty. Zlata is distinguished by the desire to please and have recognition. She wants to see her "I" in the brilliance of universal admiration. This desire to please makes her ready for any sacrifice. This girl is lucky. Fortune seems to help her in everything, and when it seems that there is no way out, new horizons open up before her.

Negative Traits: This can only be attributed to insatiable curiosity. A girl with this name can be generous with promises. However, she does not fulfill them if she does not feel the benefits for herself. Egoism is manifested in exactingness towards others and much less exactingness towards oneself, but it is not indifferent to someone else's fate. The behavior of the girl is determined by the momentary mood. Variety for her is the main value of life.

The nature of the name Zlata: The meaning of the name Zlata can be traced by studying numerology. Cinderella is patronized by the number 8, which helps to achieve success in major matters and portends material well-being. As a rule, she successfully completes one thing, invariably takes on another. And it is interesting that sometimes even an abandoned business can be restored and made incredibly profitable. However, it is important for Zlata to be able to shift smaller work onto the shoulders of subordinates if she occupies a leadership position - this will allow her to focus on the main tasks and not scatter her attention on trifles. A woman named Zlata always strives to move forward, successfully carries out her plan. And in this they are helped by a strong character, will, the ability to be demanding of themselves and others. The girl, named Zlata, knows how to manage a team, is able to captivate people with her. She chooses friends, companions, buddies, partners carefully and always looks at their material wealth and position in society.

It is worth saying that she is serious even in childhood. And there is not a drop of lies, cunning in her - she always says what she thinks. Zlatushka is also not inclined to tricks and pranks. At the same time, adults are sometimes unusually surprised by how openly a girl, even at a young age, speaks about her own vision of a phenomenon or event. You can be sure that after many years the character of Zlata will remain the same.

She loves to be in society, and therefore, seeks to make as many friends as possible. The girl likes to go hiking, on picnics. But she has one distinguishing feature- disgust. Because of this, she may refuse treats at a party. Also, Cinderella, as a rule, does not borrow money, even if she really needs it. In conversation, she always shows tact, can be a good diplomat. She will never offend another person, she will not brag about her achievements in order to humiliate someone.

Zlata and her personal life

Compatible with male names: The marriage of the name with Bazan, Bashilo, Mal, Svyatopolk is favorable. The name name Zlata is also combined with Tikhomir. Failed relationship can develop with Avdey, Varlam, Gerasim, Evdokim, Leo, Ostap, Taras.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Zlata promise happiness in love? A child with this name has been amorous since childhood. Her feelings often dominate the mind (what can remain feature and when she grows up. Therefore, there may be problems of "transitional age", which become more complicated when the first love comes, the first hobbies.

Cinderella, as a rule, is liked by men, and she always has fans. However, she marries late. By the way, already at that moment she does not particularly attach importance to the security of her spouse, since she herself is professionally consolidated and realized so much that she receives financial independence.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: She is always dissatisfied with her position and is looking for herself in a wide variety of constantly changing situations. Zlata is not disposed to work in state institutions. She manifests herself in entrepreneurship, private business, show business.

Business and career: She Zlata is looking for patrons and sponsors for her new business, and she manages to interest influential people. She does not attach much importance to the lack of money, but she gets it at the cost of many sacrifices.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Zlata: If life's hardships are beyond her strength, then Zlata is exposed to stress, diseases of the nervous system.

The fate of Zlata in history

What does the name Zlata mean for female fate?

  • Zlata Moglenskaya is an Orthodox saint who is known in the Bulgarian Church as a great martyr.
  • Zlata Razdolina is a Russian-Israeli performer and composer, who is also known by her real name Rosenfeld. Received a large number of prizes and awards for cycles of songs dedicated to World War II. Zlata Razdolina also wrote cycles of songs and romances based on poems by such famous poets as S. Yesenin, A. Akhmatova, A. Blok, N. Gumilyov, M. Tsvetaeva, etc.
  • Zlata Bulycheva is a soloist of the Mariinsky Opera Company.

Gold in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of Zlata to different languages has a similar meaning. On the English language translated as Zlata, on German: Zlata.