Slavic feng shui as it is called. Feng Shui for the uninitiated (Slavic version)

  • 02.07.2020

Feng Shui, as you know, is the Chinese science of harmony with environment and the ability to arrange your life in accordance with the laws of nature. But even in Slavic culture since ancient times there has been its own system of ideas about the structure of the house. Unfortunately, it is almost forgotten and has remained in our lives only in the form of individual signs and superstitions.

We know, for example, that one cannot sit on the corner of a table, say goodbye across the threshold, hand out a knife and fork with a sharp end to a neighbor, and so on. However, why there are such bans - we do not know. And this is just a small part of ancient Slavic science spiritual development man and the relationship of all phenomena and objects.

Since ancient times, the house was considered a nest, reliable protection from bad weather and evil. No wonder the proverb was born: "Houses and walls heal." To make life in it comfortable, happy and prosperous, our ancestors built their lives in accordance with natural rhythms.

So, the construction of the house they began strictly after the new moon - on the growing moon. To ensure happiness and wealth in the house, shreds of wool, grain or money were placed under the corners of the dwelling under construction. Before laying the ceiling, a loaf of bread, a pie or a pot of porridge was tied to the base. And a green branch was installed in the front corner - to ensure the health of the family.

Simultaneously with the laying of the foundation of the house, a tree was planted in the middle of the future courtyard. Mostly they were birch or mountain ash. By the way, our ancestors endowed all trees with certain properties: oak symbolized strength and good luck, pine - money and recovery, cherry - love, cedar - longevity, maple - love and material well-being, walnut - health.

A special place in the homes of our ancestors was occupied by a high and strong threshold, since under it in pagan times the ashes of their ancestors were buried after burning. And then the threshold began to be considered as a habitat for ancestral spirits. That is why the sign that you can’t talk on the threshold is still preserved.

Above the threshold of the front door, it was customary to hang or draw a horseshoe - a symbol of happiness.

The windows of the house were oriented towards the sunny side. Since life and warmth symbolize the east and south, therefore, the windows of the rooms and bedrooms faced precisely these cardinal points, and the front door and the kitchen were placed in the west and north.

The hallway, according to our ancestors, should be spacious and bright, because it is here that they receive guests, they return here tired from work, and through it there is an exchange of energies of the house itself and outside world.

The central place in almost any Slavic house is the kitchen-dining room. Life is always in full swing here: the whole family gathers for lunch and dinner, conversations are held with guests, the owners pour out their souls to friends. Here, according to popular beliefs, the guardian spirit of the dwelling lives - the brownie. That is why the kitchen, the most comfortable and inhabited place in the house, should be beautiful and clean. Here, according to tradition, various symbols-amulets are hung: spoons, symbolizing a satisfying life; decorative keys - symbols of dowry and wealth; hatchets - signs pagan god Perun - the patron saint of the harvest; bells, whistles, shoulder blades, brooms - as protection from various troubles; corn cobs and dried sunflower hats - as amulets for children.

But, perhaps, the most popular charms and decorations of the house (kitchen-dining room, living room and even bedroom) were elegant linen and hand-embroidered towels-towels. They symbolized the life and fate of the owners.

A doll sewn by the hands of the mistress of the house, the eldest woman in the family, had a deep meaning among the Slavs. The magnificent doll Bereginya was placed above the porch and on the windows. They also believed that the doll protects children's sleep. She was beautifully dressed up, but her face was not painted. After all, according to folk beliefs a doll with a face acquired a soul and after that could harm the household. Many dolls were filled with grain - a symbol of well-being and health. In general, a house without toys was considered soulless and empty.

For our ancestors, a mirror symbolized financial well-being. It was hung next to the table in the living room or in the kitchen - repeatedly displaying dishes on the table, the mirror thus attracted prosperity to the house.

By the way, recently it has become fashionable to decorate bedrooms with mirrors, they are often hung on the doors of wardrobes in bedroom sets. Here it is important to ensure that the bed is not reflected in the mirror - in this case, it can destroy the family life of the spouses sleeping on it, take away their strength and energy.

You should also not hang shelves, cabinets or paintings with negative plots above the bed. But innocent home flowers in pots - geraniums, aloe, delicate violets - will be very useful in the bedroom.

In general, our ancestors attached great importance to the plants that treated them, and fed and watered them. Therefore, they were used as amulets. For example, ferns, lilies, marigolds, junipers were grown at the entrance to protect the house from evil spirits, and its inhabitants from damage and the evil eye.

There should be no unnecessary things in the house. According to the ideas of the ancient Slavs, each thing serves a specific purpose and should be filled with love and a great sense of serving the material to the spiritual. And superfluous things create chaos and disorder, so they should be systematically disposed of. As a rule, this is done before Christmas and Easter.

The tradition of decorating your home dates back to pagan times - in this way a person sought to protect his family from evil forces. Therefore, images of sacred animals and birds were placed on the most vulnerable places for negative energies: windows, gates, doors, a chimney or a fireplace. At Eastern Slavs especially popular were images or figurines of a dove, which personified kindness and beauty, a chicken, a symbol of fertility, a horse, the personification of the sun and life (a wooden horse was planted on the roofs of houses), a bull, the embodiment of earthly strength and reliability, and so on. Carved, drawn and wooden (as well as clay, glass, porcelain) images of the sun, moon, and fish were also popular.

Poetic images and spiritual ideas embodied in everyday objects helped our ancestors to make their lives more beautiful and happier since ancient times. They will also help us, because the arrangement and spirit of the house, the warmth and comfort in it depend only on the owners themselves, their thoughts, desires and diligence.


Artist Vsevolod Ivanov. "Vedic Russia"

Feng Shui is a popular Chinese science of harmony with the environment and the ability to arrange your life in accordance with the laws of nature. In our Slavic...

At all times, the house was considered a nest, protection from bad weather and evil. No wonder the proverb was born: "Houses and walls heal." Our ancestors approached the boundless world of space with the help of images, building their lives in accordance with natural rhythms.

Starting to build our house - both literally and figuratively - we can use many rules that guided our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Construction should begin after the new moon - on the growing moon. Simultaneously with laying the foundation in the middle of the future courtyard, a tree should be planted. Previously planted birch or mountain ash. In general, our ancestors endowed all trees with certain properties: ebony symbolized the ability to magical protection, oak - strength and luck, pine - money and recovery, cherry - love, cedar - longevity, maple - love and material well-being, and walnut - health. From time immemorial, a sign has remained: in order to ensure happiness and wealth, shreds of wool, grain or money were placed under the corners of the first logs. Before laying the ceiling, a turned-out bear short fur coat and a loaf of bread, a pie or a pot of porridge were tied to the base, and a green branch was installed in the front corner - it would “ensure” the health of the family.

A special place in the homes of our forefathers was occupied by the threshold, high and strong, since under it in pagan times the ashes of their ancestors were buried after burning. And then the threshold began to be considered as a habitat for ancestral spirits. Until now, the tradition has been preserved - not to talk on the threshold. Above the threshold of the front door, it is customary to hang or draw a horseshoe - a symbol of happiness or a Christian cross, as protection from negative energy.

The entrance hall should be spacious and bright, because it is here that guests are to be received, they return here tired from work, and through it there is an exchange of energies of the house itself and the outside world.

Windows also connect us with the surrounding nature - they should be oriented towards the sunny side. East and south symbolize life and warmth. Therefore, it is better that the windows of rooms and bedrooms face south and east, and Entrance door, kitchen, bathroom and toilet - to the west and north.

The central place in almost any Slavic house is the kitchen-dining room (in ancient times, the stove). Life is always in full swing here: the whole family gathers for lunches and dinners, talks with guests, raises children, “pours out” their souls to friends, and according to popular beliefs, the guardian spirit - brownie lives here. Therefore, it is the kitchen, sometimes the most comfortable and “inhabited” place in the house, that should be beautiful and clean. Here, according to tradition, you can hang symbols-amulets: spoons, symbolizing a satisfying life; decorative keys - a symbol of dowry, wealth, hatchets - a sign of the pagan Perun - the patron saint of the harvest; bells, whistles, shoulder blades, brooms - protection from various troubles, corn cobs and dried sunflower hats - children's amulets and so on.

The table, according to Slavic customs, should connect two spaces in the house - living and working, and on its main side - under the icons - the owner-breadwinner is planted. There used to be a samovar on the table with a beautiful heating doll sewn by the hands of the mistress of the house, the eldest woman in the family. Among the Slavs, the doll had a deep meaning - it protected and looked like an idol. Bereginya - a magnificent doll was also placed above the porch and on the windows. They believed that the doll guards children's sleep. The doll was dressed up, but the face was not painted. According to popular beliefs, a doll with a face acquired a soul and could do harm. Many dolls were filled with grain - a symbol of well-being and health. A house without toys was considered soulless and empty.

Elegant linen towels in Slavic Russian culture were perhaps the most popular "amulets" and home decorations (kitchen-dining room, living room and even bedroom). Towel - symbol human life, line of fate.

The mirror symbolizes financial well-being. Hang a mirror next to the table in the living room or kitchen - it will attract prosperity to the house. Recently, it has become very fashionable to decorate bedrooms with mirrors. In no case should you hang a mirror near the bed - in this case, it can destroy your life, taking away all your strength and energy! You should also not hang shelves, cabinets or paintings with negative images or plots above the bed. Innocent home flowers in pots - geraniums, aloe, delicate violets - will come in very handy. Our ancestors generally attached great importance to plants that both treated and fed and watered. They were used as amulets. For example, ferns, lilies, marigolds, junipers were grown at the entrance to protect the house from evil spirits and the evil eye.

Extra things in the house should not be. According to the ideas of the ancestors, each thing serves a specific purpose and should be filled with love and a great sense of serving the material to the spiritual. And superfluous things create chaos and disorder, so they should be systematically disposed of. As a rule, this is done before Christmas and Easter.

The tradition of decorating your home dates back to pagan times, so a person sought to protect his family from evil forces. Therefore, the images of sacred animals and birds were located on the most vulnerable places for negative energies: windows, gates, doors, chimneys or fireplaces. If the house expresses a triune system, then the amulets correspond to the three worlds - earth, water and air. Among the Eastern Slavs, images or figurines of a dove, personifying kindness and beauty, a chicken - a symbol of fertility, a bear - a symbol of wealth, a horse - the personification of the sun and life (a wooden horse was planted on the roofs of houses), a bull - the embodiment of earthly strength and reliability, and so Further. Also popular are carved, drawn and wooden (clay, glass, porcelain) images of the sun, moon, fish, palms, and nesting dolls.

Poetic images and spiritual ideas embodied in everyday objects helped our ancestors to make their lives more beautiful and warmer since ancient times. They will help us too, because the structure and spirit of the house depend only on the owners themselves, on their good thoughts, desires and diligence.

Elena Melenevskaya

No one can say for sure what was used earlier - Slavic feng shui or Chinese feng shui.

The merit of Chinese masters

The merit of the Chinese masters is that it was they who preserved and generalized the ancient traditions that existed in almost all cultures, and created Feng Shui, a harmonious system of rules that the whole world now uses.


In fact, feng shui is a natural intuition, not crushed by the media and modern fashion, which some designers impose on us. Previously, no one could have thought of building a house irregular shape. Chinese masters do not even undertake to audit such a structure.

Slavic traditions and feng shui

The Slavic tradition also had its own rules for creating good feng shui. For example, the house necessarily had four corners, in accordance with the four cardinal points.

“Without a trinity, a house is not built; without four corners, a hut does not become”

Just like in Chinese Feng Shui, the main points of the house were: the front door, the stove (stove for cooking), the bed.

Entrance door (threshold).

“They don’t give hands through the threshold”.

That is, first invite a person to the house, and then start a conversation - an elementary rule of politeness.

The threshold for the Slavs is the border of two worlds - external and internal, which needs protection from unkind people. To do this, at the threshold (inside the room), they put a broom with the handle down. In China, a fan with dragons is placed in front of the door for protection.

Furnace (stove)

The oven, the element of fire, gives heat, food is cooked in it, bread is baked. Fire is considered the protector and guardian of the family. The oven must be kept clean. In the kitchen you can not quarrel, utter swear words. Previously, during cooking, it was impossible even to shout or slam the door loudly, since the taste and benefits of cooked food depend on the internal state of the person who cooks it. In the East, while cooking, they sing or listen.
The bed was placed in good location(where the cat sits). There were the same rules as in Chinese feng shui: you can’t sleep with your feet to the door, and also that people sleeping on the bed are not reflected in the mirror

Protective signs were embroidered on pillows, sheets, duvet covers.

Unfavorable energy was "scared away" by bundles of onions, garlic and red pepper. They hung in the kitchen, where the whole family gathered, and special ritual bags with a set of herbs and plants, or put a pretty amulet.
Much attention was paid to . For this purpose, they used salt, burned wormwood brooms, read prayers, conspiracies.
Just as in China, the storage of broken dishes was considered unfavorable, even if they could be glued together. It was believed that this would lead to discord in the family.
, it was necessary to remove the old one, thank him for the “shelter and table” and pass it on to the new tenants with wishes of good and health. Then you will be warm and comfortable in your new home.

Slavic rules

The unspoken rules that were passed down from parents to children are preserved in Slavic proverbs and sayings:

"Don't sit on the corner - you won't get married"

The angle is the concentrationI am two streams of energy, which has a destructive effect on the energy of a person. As a result, health suffers, there is not enough energy to create a family, have children.

"Give in debt - lose friendship"

According to Feng Shui, lending money is not recommended. And, if you already gave, then consider that you gave.

"Every house is kept by the owner"

If people do not live in the house for a long time, it begins to “get sick”, literally falls apart. According to Feng Shui, leaving home for a long time, you need to say goodbye to the house with love and put on energy protection. Then the house will help you wherever you are.

"Everything has its place"

That is, the house should always be in order. It is necessary to get rid of everything unnecessary in time (shabby things, broken dishes, newspapers and magazines that have turned yellow from time to time).

“Money, like pigeons - where they take root, they will start there”, “Money clings to money”

Just like in Chinese Feng Shui, rituals were performed to attract monetary energy.

“Remember friendship, but forget evil!”

Resentment, a sense of revenge, destroy a person, so you need to forgive the offender and wish him all the best.
Popular amulets in Slavic culture were decorative brooms, horseshoes with various inscriptions, for example, “for health”, “for happiness”, etc.

An inverted broom, bunches of dry herbs, bells, bells, pretty brownies - drove away negative energy.

Money placed under the tablecloth or attached under the table attracted.
To strengthen family relations, women embroidered towels (towels), embroidered their husband's shirts with various patterns, weaving in them protective signs, love symbols.

These traditions have been preserved to this day in the villages of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus. As you can see, each culture has its own knowledge of how to make a home healthy, comfortable and prosperous, so choose what you like best.

Oud hello to you and good feng shui!

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What is Feng Shui and what impact do Feng Shui rules have on our lives? How to apply the rules of Feng Shui in modern world? For several years now, almost every inhabitant of our country has been interested in the ancient Chinese science of harmonious home improvement. And only a few think that oriental features and traditions are absolutely not applicable in our geoethnozone. After all, it is known that a person living in a certain geographical area is best suited for local food, climate, and the customs of his people. The same can be said about the energy channels that most are trying to establish with the help of Eastern practices.

Feng Shui rules for our life

Interestingly, most of the rules of Feng Shui can only be applied when building your own house or arranging an apartment. And therefore, some of them are completely useless for those people who live in apartments or already built houses. So you should not move furniture headlong, force everything with figurines and other things, if the building was not originally built according to the rules. Moreover, if you feel great in the house, get enough sleep, do not get sick and do not know acute financial problems, then you absolutely do not need all these Eastern practices.

But there are several useful tips which will help to harmonize the living space. Arrange your apartment according to the rules of Feng Shui. All Feng Shui rules for the home are focused on our geo-ethnozone and contain the wisdom and knowledge of ancestors.
Always trust your intuition, especially for beautiful ladies. After all, often, when moving to a new place, a woman immediately feels where and what needs to be put. Listen to your inner assistant, because he is almost always right. According to Feng Shui, you need to regularly clean your living space from unnecessary things, such as old newspapers, pieces of paper, empty bottles and other things. Particular attention should be paid to the corners - they must always be clean!
Periodically ventilate all the rooms of your home and try to get as much sunlight into it as possible.
Do not allow the room to smell bad, because a bad smell attracts negative energy. For aromatization, it is best to use not oriental incense, but essential oils made from local flora.

For Feng Shui amulets, use not Chinese figurines of their deities and mythical animals, but icons that are set in a corner on the east side. For those who do not welcome Christianity, you can hang bunches of garlic in the kitchen and in the pantry. You can expel all evil by ringing bells.
Color design rooms are selected intuitively, and not for the sake of fashion or some rules. If you feel like you want red wallpaper, glue it!

Immediately remove dried or rotting flowers from the house, they not only attract, but radiate negativity. The best alternative is flowering potted plants.
Track the movement of air - there should be no through path or stagnation in the room.
Carefully monitor the number and size of mirrors in the room, they absorb a lot of human energy and are able to remember everything that happens. For example, if you quarreled with your husband in the bedroom, where there is a mirrored cafe-coupe that is fashionable today, then quarrels in this place will occur constantly.

Harmony in the house according to the method of Feng Shui. How to attract wealth and prosperity

There are a number of signs that indicate that something in your life is not going well. After all, the house “feeds” on human energy and reacts to all changes.
It is worth considering your condition if:

There are constant problems with the doors - they do not close or open, creak, jam, and so on. Among our ancestors, the threshold was considered the line between the world of the explicit and the implicit, and therefore it was customary to lay the ashes of the ancestors under the threshold. And if the doors began to behave differently than always, then this is a sign that a person cannot decide in life or is playing a double game, trying to please "both yours and ours."

As you know, such behavior rarely leads to something good.
Plumbing fixtures flow regularly - a person does not know how to manage finances and spends them on nonsense.
Bulbs burn out chronically quickly - a lot of energy is wasted in the wrong direction.
Domestic pests started up - there are too many negative and dirty thoughts in the state of mind of a person.

In any case, you should not forget that harmony in a home directly depends on the thoughts and state of mind of its residents. Therefore, think about the good and bright. And then grace will settle in your house forever!

It's sad that you need to collect your culture drop by drop. But if this is not done, then the drops will dry out. Remember our windows were always in the form + ? Because it was believed that thanks to this evil forces cannot enter the house.

Today I came across an interesting one - it is desirable for the Slavs to read.

Feng Shui is a popular Chinese science of harmony with the environment and the ability to arrange your life in accordance with the laws of nature. The history of feng shui goes back thousands of years. The principles of Feng Shui are based on 5 elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Most feng shui recommendations are based on the relationship of the five elements.

And how did they attract good luck to their home in Russia? But in ancient Russian families they also knew the art of FSH, only it was called Rodolad. Let's share knowledge, how in Russia they attracted good luck to your home.

Your home is your soul and your face. But, in addition, it is also an extremely dynamic, independent entity that can very powerfully influence your entire life. It is up to you what this impact will be. We offer to plunge into the world of Slavic Feng Shui, it would seem that something new, but in fact, a well-forgotten old one.
Our Slavic culture has its own concepts about the arrangement of the house. We know, although we don’t remember where from for a long time, that the broom should be held with the broom up, that you can’t sit on the corner of the table, say goodbye across the threshold, twist your hat in your hands, hold out the sharp end of the knife to your neighbor, and so on. We have our own original history, we have something to be proud of and something to learn from the knowledge of our ancestors. Russia is a great power with its own traditions and rituals. Russian craftsmen are geniuses of their favorite business, who knew a lot about building strong wooden houses. It was the tree that was considered a symbol of beauty, life, greatness, which gave its owners warmth and comfort. The house for a Russian person was not only a shelter, but also a real complex of traditions.
It is impossible to overestimate the influence of the atmosphere of our home. We spend most of our time at home. About eight hours a day we spend in bed and the rest of the time at work. The atmosphere, setting and energy of a place affect our mood, self-confidence, relationships with households and our success in life, how we feel at work. Have you noticed how differently you feel when you enter different rooms? It is easy to breathe in one, you feel some kind of light movement of air, your mood improves, you enjoy and relax while being there. And in the other - bad premonitions fall upon you from the threshold, bad smells, dark, discomfort. You want to leave this house as soon as possible. So a competent approach to arranging your home will never be redundant.
So feng shui in slavic style modern design looks absolutely unobtrusive, enveloping with comfort and creating a desire to return to this place again and again. At the energy level, good feng shui at home attracts material well-being, peace of mind and good health the whole family.
So, guided by the experience and beliefs of the ancestors, one should simultaneously plant a tree in the middle of the future courtyard along with laying the foundation. Previously, they planted birch or mountain ash, very beautiful and graceful trees. In general, our ancestors endowed all trees with certain properties: ebony symbolized the ability to magical protection, oak - strength and luck, pine - money and recovery, cherry - love, cedar - longevity, maple - love and material well-being, and walnut - health. From time immemorial, a sign has remained: in order to ensure happiness and wealth, shreds of wool, grain or money were placed under the corners of the first logs. Before laying the ceiling, a turned-out bear short fur coat and a loaf of bread, a pie or a pot of porridge were tied to the base, and a green branch was installed in the front corner - it would “ensure” the health of the family.
According to Slavic beliefs, different objects in the house had their own meaning - some averted misfortune from the family, bringing happiness and prosperity, other objects called misfortune; such things, of course, sought to get rid of.
For example, “happy” items were never loaned, otherwise one could lose their favor, and fire has always been a symbol of life and prosperity. Bast shoes - a gift to the brownie at home. They usually decorate the kitchen. A broom helped keep the house clean, garlic and pepper drove out evil spirits, homemade cakes and a pot of buckwheat porridge symbolized hospitality and prosperity. A bag of juniper helped to get rid of bad thoughts. Bast shoes always walked in pairs - that's why they testified to the strength of family ties.
But, perhaps, the most important feature of the house in the Slavic traditions is the atmosphere of comfort, prosperity, well-being and harmony, based on traditions, reverence for ancestors and family.

In Russia, they believed in a fiery spirit that kept the hearth. Signs were especially associated with the stove, foreshadowing the well-being of the family. Many made a hole on the wall above the stove, so that on a certain day the rays of the rising sun would penetrate into it, which promised peace and goodness in the house. It can be assumed that the hut was located in such a way that such a miracle occurred once in one of public holidays for Trinity or Easter. The stoves not only served for cooking and heat, but also were a real work of art, fitting perfectly into the interior. The stove-heater in tiles is a truly breathtaking sight, a masterpiece handmade. The entire interior of the hut was complete, general style set the tone for the room. From it one could understand: a person is rich or poor, what kind of character he has, whether the hostess is clean.

The red corner of the house is the most elegant and ceremonial place, a symbolic center, to which everyone who enters immediately pays attention. And this part of the house was made out not only in order to admire it yourself, but also for incoming guests. Usually the red corner was located diagonally from the stove, and there could be several of them in the room. It contained valuables in which the family firmly believed: a bible, a prayer book, icons, a cross. All things were placed on a table or shelf, covered with painted towels.

In general, all fragments of space were separated by partitions or whole objects, due to their size: a bed, cabinets, a table. Sometimes the bed was fenced off with a curtain, on which pillows were placed one on top of the other for beauty. Above the bed hung a carpet or reproductions of different kind. This could be seen in many houses. It seems to us now boring and monotonous, but at that time people could not imagine that their house would be decorated in any other way.

The Russian people are a believing people, with their own traditions and signs. Rites and primordially Russian style are our culture, our past and present. Without brownies there would be no stories, without jumping over a fire there would be no love. And sometimes, when we read a fairy tale to our child, we want to plunge into the place where the wooden carved architraves and the warm stove are. We take a steam bath and understand that this is the Russian soul who wants to sing songs and run among the curly birches.

But even in our time, some preserve that forgotten old, creating unique wooden houses, painted ovens and the style that was once just ordinary, but filled with love, warmth and the smell of pies.

Russia had its own system of organizing living quarters, truly the art of creating what we call design today. It is a pity that now much has been lost and forgotten by us, rarely where in the villages today you will find primordially Russian traditions of organizing external and internal home improvement. These two systems were not chosen by chance. The first, due to its current prevalence and publicity, the second in order to familiarize the reader with his national traditions.
But in general, both systems come down to one thing: nothing improves the mental and physical state of a person like a healthy environment in his own home.
The study revealed that both systems of design organization, despite national, territorial and other differences, are similar in some respects:

The location of rooms for various purposes on certain cardinal points;
- some similarities color solution interior;
- the use of various amulets, amulets, talismans and their similar placement in the design of the house.

Since feng shui has become a very fashionable trend today, a lot is written about it and is actively used in the organization of design, the purpose of my research is to lead the reader to the conclusion that it is possible to return to one's roots. Because, having a great experience accumulated by many generations in this direction, it makes no sense to borrow almost the same thing from another people, and even more barbarically replace one culture with another “... let's not forget that each territory, each country has its own traditions , their rituals. Our Russian rites and rituals in our country very often turn out to be much stronger and more effective than Chinese ones, because our rites and rituals are supported here by the very energy of our native walls, our entire vast country ”(A. Semenova“ House is a mirror of fate ”).
Another similar and at the same time fundamentally different moment is the symbolism in the perception of space, the world around and at home. When we adopt something from another culture (in this case, Chinese), we unconsciously or deliberately begin to use symbols that are not intended and not characteristic of this national tradition. This goes against the prevailing perception and worldview. Therefore, such borrowing of some cultural moments should always be partial, careful and not contradict the prevailing symbolism of a given culture. Since Feng Shui traditions often coincide with Slavic traditions, there are almost no worldview inconsistencies here. And, nevertheless, it is always more useful to use accessories, colors, arrangement of objects that are close in territorial and national traditions.

Summing up, all of the above, the question arises of how such different peoples, so distant from each other, could build such similar systems for organizing the design of their own houses. Apparently, there is something else besides the human desire for coziness and comfort. This means that for a very long time people perceived global things, such as sunrise and sunset, lunar cycles, wind direction, and others in the same way, but due to different geographical conditions, this perception was transformed and “adapted” to them, acquired somewhere its own specific the sound, somewhere has changed to not recognizability, something has remained the same.
For example, the chamber was located on the south side of the house, a room in which a lot of light was supposed, just like in Feng Shui, there is a living room. The bedroom, according to Russian tradition, is located in the west, the sun shines more sparingly in this part of the house. Kitchens in Russian houses are usually made in the east, and in feng shui in the east or southeast. But symbolic reflection occurs with the help of various objects, and the principle of trinity (heavenly, earthly and underground worlds) in the traditions of Feng Shui is absent when organizing design. But we must always remember that the connection of the ensemble with the life of a person is not limited to utilitarian and rational functions, it necessarily includes the spiritual activity of a person, this is expressed not only in specific things, but also in a person’s awareness of his place in the world, shaped by his worldview. Today, this is increasingly determined by the development of ecological consciousness, which is impossible without cultural continuity.

No matter how historically the ratio of things changes, their role in design, in human life, the main value orientations will remain the same, because they are aimed at a person. Fortunately, today design is experiencing a creative revival and begins to fulfill its main function - it forms an active creative mood in a person.