2 arguments on the topic of loyalty and treason. Five of the brightest literary traitors

  • 02.07.2020

Treason is a violation of an oath, duty, fidelity. It can be an action, a thought, a desire. You can betray both physically and spiritually. You can even betray yourself.

Change, as a concept, can be interpreted in different ways. Change may involve love sphere, relationships, friendship, public debt, own principles, etc. In simple words, treason is the rejection of the oath of allegiance. And it is not necessary that such an oath be pronounced. For example, between friends, this oath can be secured without words. Both friends understand her.

The problem of betrayal is sharply raised by Tolstoy in the novel Anna Karenina. The main character got married early and without love. She was always faithful to her husband and did not think about stupid things.

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But one day she met Vronsky, whom she fell in love with. Why did she cheat? Because I never loved. It was as if she had seen the light and realized that she was ready to give everything in the world, if only for a short moment to become happy. But what did it lead to? Whatever story is tied around treason, this concept does not change. Treason will always be considered a crime in every sense.

Schiller once said - "Faithful love helps to endure all hardships." He was absolutely right. If you have a faithful person near you, then you will pass any test. Cheating, on the contrary, at any moment can plunge you into an abyss of torment.

based on the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

Loyalty of animals to their owners.

It's no secret that animals are distinguished by devotion to their owners. Proof of this can be found in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Yu. Lermontov. In the chapter "Bela" there is a storyline connected with Kazbich and his horse Karagez. Karagyoz for Kazbich is not just a horse, it is a true friend who was with him in the most difficult moments of his life. When Kazbich was attacked, Karagyoz showed himself very bravely: he distracted the enemies, and then returned for his master. The horse more than once rescued him on campaigns. Kazbich treated Karagez as a close friend, he was the most important being for him. This is how Kazbich describes his attitude towards his comrade-in-arms:

"There are many beauties in our villages,

The stars shine in the darkness of their eyes.

It is sweet to love them, an enviable share;

But valiant will is more fun.

Gold will buy four wives,

The dashing horse has no price:

He will not lag behind the whirlwind in the steppe,

He won't change, he won't cheat."

For Kazbich, the loss of a friend was a huge tragedy. When Azamat stole Karagez, the dashing Circassian was inconsolable: "... fell to the ground and sobbed like a child." So he lay "until late at night and all night ..". Kazbich's relationship to his horse is a vivid example of mutual devotion between man and animal.

Do you always have to be true to your principles?

Loyalty to oneself and one's principles is considered a positive quality, but a person who never changes his ideas about life and people is static, he limits himself. The protagonist of the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "The Hero of Our Time" Pechorin is a strong personality with a strong-willed character, a man true to himself. This quality plays a cruel joke with him. Unable to change his ideas about life, he is looking for a catch in everything: he does not believe in friendship, considering it a weakness, and perceives love only as the satisfaction of his pride. Throughout the novel, we see how the hero is trying to understand the meaning of life, to find his destiny, but finds only disappointment.

The reason for disappointment is Pechorin's immunity to the feelings of other people, he cannot forgive them for their weaknesses and open his soul, he is afraid to seem ridiculous to others and even to himself. In the chapter “Princess Mary”, we see how hard Grigory is going through the departure of his beloved woman, he rushes after her, but his horse dies on the road, and he, exhausted, falls to the ground and cries. At this moment, we understand how deeply the hero is able to feel, but even in such a situation, he thinks he looks pathetic.

By morning, he returns to his usual state and attributes the manifestation of humanity to frustrated nerves. Analyzing the behavior of the protagonist of the work, we can conclude that loyalty to one's principles is a positive quality only in a situation where these principles are dictated by philanthropy, and not selfishness. A person must be open to something new, be able to recognize the fallacy of his judgments. Only this will allow a person to become best version himself.

Betrayal towards people who trusted you.

The theme of betrayal is reflected in Lermontov's novel A Hero of Our Time. So, main character Pechorin is a person who cannot be relied upon. He betrays everyone who had the imprudence to trust him. Comrade Grushnitsky revealed his soul to him, told him that he was secretly in love with Mary, turned to Pechorin for advice, considering him his friend.

Pechorin did not dissuade him, but vilely took advantage of Grushnitsky's openness. Pechorin was annoyed by the young cadet. He did not wish him happiness, on the contrary, he dreamed of seeing him in a wounded state, ridiculed him, belittled him in the eyes of Mary, a, at the end In the end, out of boredom, he decided to seduce his "friend's" beloved. Pechorin needed Mary to annoy Grushnitsky. Such behavior can be called vile, it deserves only condemnation. It doesn’t matter whether Pechorin Grushnitsky considered his friend or not, he had no right to do this with a person who trusted him.

Pechorin's betrayal of Vera/Vera's loyalty.

Vera sacrificed herself for the sake of Pechorin, abandoned family happiness, and risked losing her reputation. Deep down she hoped for them possible happiness. Pechorin's betrayal consisted in the fact that he accepted this sacrifice, but did not give anything in return. When his beloved woman was going through difficult moments, he was not there, he dragged after Mary, whom he did not even love. Pechorin betrayed the only person who truly loved him and accepted him for who he is. He used it "as a source of joys and anxieties, without which life is boring and monotonous." Vera understood this, but sacrificed herself, hoping that one day he would appreciate this sacrifice. For Vera, Gregory was everything, while for Pechorin she was just an episode, important, but not the only one. Disappointment awaited her, because a person capable of spiritual betrayal cannot bring happiness.

Pechorin's betrayal towards Bela.

The theme of spiritual betrayal is revealed in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". So, Grigory Pechorin once meets unusual girl Bel. She captivates him with her beauty and mystery, so Pechorin decides to steal her. Bela initially resists, but then she herself falls in love with the "thief". Her loyalty to her beloved knows no bounds. She is willing to give up her home, family and traditions to be with her loved one.

Pechorin becomes bored over time. He comes to the conclusion that all women are the same, and is no longer happy with the love that Bela gives him. He does not cheat on her physically, but in his heart he refuses her, dreaming of travel. The girl understands this, but cannot leave Gregory, because she is true to her choice. Even before her death, she only cares that they cannot be together in heaven, because Bela belongs to a different faith. From the relationship between Bela and Pechorin, we can conclude that the worst betrayal is not associated with external manifestations, it is deep inside a person, but can do much more harm. Spiritual betrayal hurts just like physical betrayal, sometimes even more.

Treason of the Faith (marriage without love).

People cheat for a variety of reasons, but the most common betrayal happens when people marry for reasons other than love. Such an example can be seen in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". One of the main characters, Vera, marries an unloved person, therefore, having met true love, she cheats on her husband. Vera cares little about the feelings of her unloved husband; she does not consider herself obliged to be faithful to him. The novel does not tell what circumstances forced her to marry, but it led to the misfortune of both spouses. Living with an unloved person is unbearable, but even worse is the one who is being deceived.


1 "Loyalty and betrayal" - arguments for the final essay Loyalty-treason as categories that determine the hero's value system ancient Russian literature. The victory of a hero who betrayed his faith is unthinkable. This is the moral canon. In the "Life of Alexander Nevsky" the image of the prince is created, whose glorious victories are the fruit of a convinced faith. “God is not in power, but in truth,” he tells the squad before the start of the battle with foreign invaders. And help in the struggle for a just cause is provided to him by his "relatives" the great martyrs Boris and Gleb, and the heavenly host. For Russian literature, treason, betrayal of the Christian faith is a direct path to moral and physical death. Apostasy and heresy lead to retribution and God's judgment. In a poem by G.R. Derzhavin's "Lords and Judges" we read: The Almighty God has arisen, may he judge the Earthly gods in their host; How long, rivers, how long will you Spare the unrighteous and evil? The denunciation of unfair judging, apostasy from God's commandments, according to the lyrical hero, threatens with retribution: And you will fall like this, Like a withered leaf will fall from the trees! And you will die like this, As your last slave will die! The theme of betrayal of God's laws is also heard in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The split in the soul of the protagonist, the heretical theory created by him, lead to the brink of death. Raskolnikov is trying to change love as the basis of the world, to replace it with strength: “Strength, strength is needed: without strength you can’t take anything; but strength must be obtained by force ...” However, the path to nowhere has not yet been passed, as long as there is one who again gives faith : “Both were sitting side by side, sad and dead, as if after a storm they had been thrown out onto an empty shore alone. He looked at Sonya and felt how much her love was on him, and strangely, it suddenly became hard and painful for him that he was loved so much.

2 Loyalty to God is unthinkable without love for man. To kill a man is to commit a great betrayal, like Cain. You can return (become faithful again) through repentance. Loyalty to the Fatherland, native land The problem of loyalty to the Motherland in difficult years of trials or in peacetime does not go unnoticed by Russian classics. "Guys! Isn't Moscow behind us? Let us die near Moscow, as our brothers died!” And we promised to die, And we kept the oath of allegiance in the Battle of Borodino. Oath of allegiance to brothers in arms for the heroes of "Borodino" M.Yu. Lermontov is also an oath to his Fatherland. To be faithful to one's native land means, according to the veteran of that battle, to be ready to lay down one's head for it. Therefore, a generation of recruits living "under the burden of knowledge and doubt" causes a bitter smile. Are they capable of the same feat or will they betray in a difficult moment, because they are not heroes at all? .. Lermontov leaves the reader alone with this thought, gives an opportunity to reflective contemporaries to decide on their attitude towards Russia, their homeland and state Loyalty to their country, readiness to serve it until the last breath is the main idea in the poem "Vasily Terkin" by A.T. Tvardovsky. As if picking up and developing the idea of ​​the poet's predecessor, he creates a new formula of fidelity: The battle is holy and right. Mortal combat is not for the sake of glory, For the sake of life on earth. The famous refrain leaves no doubt: after all, it is the same land, dear! Treason to her is a betrayal of the family, children, loved ones, everything that is dear and sacred. This idea becomes the leitmotif of all the literature of the period of the Great Patriotic War. Witnesses of the events: poets, writers, war correspondents conveyed to their descendants the idea of ​​loyalty and readiness for self-sacrifice as a guarantee of the coming victory. The causes of apostasy and betrayal interested the classics of literature no less than the heroic stages of the country's history. On the pages of books we meet

3 not only with images of patriots. Characters of traitors created in literature help us to determine our own moral position. A.S. Pushkin "Poltava": in 1708, Mazepa went over to the side of the enemy of the Russian state in the Northern War, the Swedish king Charles XII. For treason and betrayal, he was awarded the Order of Judas. In the poem, Alexander Sergeevich showed Mazepa as a treacherous hypocrite, for whom nothing is sacred ("does not know the shrine", "does not remember the goodness"). N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba": the youngest son of Taras Bulba "mazunchik" Andriy did not live according to the laws of the Zaporizhzhya Sich, but according to the call of his heart. Because of love, the Cossack betrays his Fatherland. "And what is my father, comrades and fatherland to me? You are my fatherland!" he says to his beloved. For the Cossacks, whose law says: "There are no ties holier than camaraderie," Andriy is nothing but a traitor. It would seem that Taras Bulba cuts the seemingly insoluble dilemma of forgiving a traitor son or punishing an unfaithful one like a Gordian knot. After all, the ataman does not think of himself outside the Sich, and he cannot forgive Andriy's betrayal. But loyalty is honored not only in war. Not only in war is treason possible. Sometimes the quiet feat of Lefty (N.S. Leskov "Lefty") is louder and more effective than battle thunder. "We are committed to our homeland," says Lefty, refusing to stay in London. His image, like the image of General Platov, in a Cossack straightforward and rude, is opposed to the image of Emperor Alexander Pavlovich. The admiration of the king by all foreign narrator perceives with resentment. And after him, the reader also thinks about how Alexander feels in relation to the country in which he was appointed to be king ... In its own way, the theme of loyalty to the native land, to its roots is developed in "Farewell to Matera" by V.G. Rasputin. The tears of the old woman Darya echo with piercing pain in the reader’s soul: “Let’s leave the graves, then? Our graves, and relatives. Under water? Devastated graves, burned houses, a flooded village, the dead "royal foliage" tragedy plays out against the backdrop of indifference and silent betrayal. Andrei, Sonya, Pavel do not yet realize how terribly betrayal can respond. Changes are irreversible: “If you and I cheated, they won’t think of cheating with you. Oh, we are not human, no one else ... ". Where does the path to change begin? Like any evil, betrayal begins with a small lie, with a momentary doubt about something that cannot be doubted. A.I. Solzhenitsyn ended his Nobel speech with a Russian proverb: “One

4 the word of truth will pull the whole world. And the writer considered personal non-participation in lies to be the simplest, most accessible key to a righteous life: “Let the lie rule everything, but let us rest in small things: let it rule not through me!”. Loyalty and betrayal in relationships between people It is possible to consider the antithesis of "love-treason" from a different angle. Loyalty and betrayal in relationships between people. Here it is appropriate to bring arguments not only from domestic literature. Let us turn to the tragedy of W. Shakespeare "Hamlet". The names of traitorous friends Guildenstern and Rosencrantz have long been a symbol of treachery. Deciding to deceive Prince Hamlet was not so difficult when the betrayal was paid. The protagonist's thoughts about his own fate are also connected with the problem under consideration, because the prince has an insoluble dilemma: to remain faithful to the memory of his father, fulfill his request and take revenge, or become like a cheating mother and live with his eyes closed to the truth. Hamlet's doubts and throwings are embodied in the well-known monologue: Is it worthy to Humble yourself under the blows of fate, Or is it necessary to resist And in mortal combat with a whole sea of ​​troubles To end them? Die. Forget yourself. The prince still makes his choice. Surrounded by traitors, Hamlet goes to the end to bring the perfidious to clean water. A no less striking example of betrayal in friendship is drawn by A. Dumas in the novel The Count of Monte Cristo. Edmond Dantes, betrayed by his friends, carried the thought of revenge, of retribution through his whole life. But the hero is not alien to justice. Faithful to a friend, Captain Morrel receives unexpected help at the most difficult moment. His family, which found itself on the verge of ruin, again gets the opportunity to live comfortably, calmly, without dropping either honor or dignity. Examples of true friendship in foreign literature should be familiar to schoolchildren. Here are the heroes of the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers", and the team of "Duncan", who devoted themselves to the search for Captain Grant (J. Verne's novel "Children of Captain Grant"), and many other works.

5 Loyalty and betrayal in love This aspect of the problem, obviously, will cause the strongest resonance. Love as a feeling that reveals the true moral character of the characters is traditionally the topic of literature lessons in high school. Here are just a few quotes to help you start thinking about the nature of loyalty and betrayal: His love disgusted me. I'm bored, my heart asks for freedom ... (Zemfira. A.S. Pushkin "Gypsies"). The heroines of Pushkin's poem Zemfira and Mariula have no moral obligations to men and children. They blindly follow their desires, obey passions. Pushkin deliberately created the image of mother Zemfira, who left her daughter for a new love. In a civilized society, this act would have caused general censure, but Zemfira does not condemn her mother. She does the same. Gypsies do not consider betrayal a sin, because no one is able to keep love. For an old man, the act of a daughter is common. But for Aleko, this is an attack on his rights, which cannot go unpunished. “You only want freedom for yourself,” Zemfira’s father accuses the killer. Considering himself free, Aleko does not want to see others free. For the first time, Pushkin depicted the expulsion of a romantic hero not only from civilized society, but also from the world of freedom. Aleko betrays not traditions, but universal values. But I am given to another; I will be faithful to him forever. (Tatiana. A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"). A. S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" contains many problematic issues: marital fidelity, responsibility and fear of being responsible. The characters at the beginning of the novel are completely different people. Eugene is an urban heartthrob who does not know how to entertain himself in order to escape from boredom. Tatyana is a sincere, dreamy, pure soul. And this first feeling for her is by no means entertainment. She lives, breathes it, therefore it is not at all surprising how a modest girl suddenly takes such a bold step as a letter to her beloved. Eugene also has feelings for the girl, but he does not want to lose his freedom, which, however, does not bring him joy at all.

6 After three years, the heroes meet again. They have changed a lot. Instead of a closed dreamy girl, now she is a sensible, secular lady who knows her worth. And Eugene, as it turned out, knows how to love, write letters without an answer and dream of a single look, a touch on the one that was once ready to give him her heart. Time has changed them. It did not kill love in Tatyana, but taught her to keep her feelings under lock and key. And as for Eugene, he, perhaps for the first time, understood what it is to love, what it is to be faithful. Tatyana Larina did not choose the path of betrayal. She is honest: “I love you (why lie?). / But I am given to another; / I will be faithful to him for a century. Who does not remember these lines? You can argue for a long time: is the heroine right? But in any case, her fidelity to the duty of a wife, fidelity to her obligations causes both admiration and respect. “We part forever, but you can be sure that I will never love another: my soul has exhausted all its treasures, its tears and hopes on you” (Vera. M.Yu. Lermontov “A Hero of Our Time”) Bela and Princess Mary, Vera and the undine are so different, but equally painfully hurt by Pechorin, who survived both love for him and his betrayal. Princess Mary, a proud and restrained aristocrat, was deeply carried away by the “army ensign” and decided not to reckon with the prejudices of her noble relatives. She was the first to confess to Pechorin her feelings. But the hero rejects Mary's love. Offended in her feelings, the sincere and noble Mary withdraws into herself and suffers. Can she trust anyone now? Bela is endowed not only with beauty. This is an ardent and tender girl, capable of a deep feeling. Proud and bashful Bela is not devoid of consciousness of her dignity. When Pechorin lost interest in her, Bela, in a fit of indignation, says to Maxim Maksimych: “If he doesn’t love me, I myself will leave: I am not a slave, I am a prince’s daughter!” Relations with the undine were just an exotic adventure for Pechorin. She is a mermaid, a girl from a forgotten fairy tale. This is how she attracted Pechorin. For him, this is one of the coils of fate. For her, a life where everyone fights for their place. Love for Vera was Pechorin's deepest and most lasting affection. No more! Among his wanderings and adventures, he left Vera, but returned to her again. Pechorin caused her a lot of suffering. He gave her nothing but mental anguish. And yet she loved him

7 ready to sacrifice to a loved one both self-respect, and the opinion of the world, and the honor of her husband. Faith became the slave of her feelings, the martyr of love. Her husband finds out about her betrayal, she loses her reputation, good relations with her husband went wrong. Pechorin experiences the final separation from Vera as a catastrophe: he indulges in despair and tears. Nowhere is the hero's hopeless loneliness and the suffering that he engendered, which he hid from others, being nevertheless constantly unfaithful in relations with women, more clearly revealed. “After all, this is not good, this is a sin, Varenka, why do I love another?” (A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm") Loyalty and betrayal is always a choice of one's behavior in relations with a loved one. And not one, but both He and She are responsible for this choice. The heroine of Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" cheated on her husband. With all her heart she fell in love with Boris, a weak, weak-willed man. Katerina's secret meetings with him are a desire for love, mutual understanding. She realizes the sinfulness of her behavior and suffers from it. Suicide is a mortal sin, Katerina knows it. But she goes for it for various reasons, including not being able to forgive herself for betrayal. Can the reader justify the heroine? He can understand, he can sympathize, but he can hardly justify. And not only because the commandment is broken betrayal is difficult to forgive. “I am tormented only by the evil that I did to him. Just tell him that I ask him to forgive, forgive, forgive me for everything ... ". (Natasha Rostova about Andrei. LN Tolstoy "War and Peace"). The story of the quarrel between Natasha and Prince Andrei, the collapse of a seemingly ideal love story outrages, plunges one into bewilderment, makes one again and again look for the answer to the question: “How did the vile, narrow-minded Anatole Kuragin eclipsed the brilliant, refined, intelligent Bolkonsky in the eyes of young Rostova”? What pushed Natasha into the arms of the "vile, heartless breed"? The reader experiences the fall of Natasha, her tears and pain with all his heart and, without noticing it himself, makes his choice in favor of fidelity, sympathizing, nevertheless condemns the betrayal of the heroine. “No, Nikolai Alekseevich, I didn’t forgive. Since our conversation touched upon our feelings, I will say frankly: I could never forgive you. Just as I had nothing more precious than you in the world at that time, so I didn’t have it later either. That's why I can't forgive you." (Hope. I.A. Bunin "Dark Alleys").

8 Bunin's works about love are tragic. For a writer, love is a flash, a sunstroke. His love cannot be extended. If the heroes are true to this love, it is only in their souls, in their memories. The heroine of the novel Dark alleys"managed to keep in her memory the fidelity of her first and only love in life for Nikolai, somewhere in the depths of her soul there is a glimmer of this wonderful feeling, which she experienced so much in her youth for" Nikolenka ", to whom, as the heroine says, she gave " her beauty." And what about a hero? For him, the relationship with Nadezhda is a fleeting hobby of the handsome master of the maid. He did not even understand that he had betrayed his beloved, changed their love when he simply forgot about her. But it turned out that it was this love that was the main thing in his life. Nikolai has no happiness: his wife cheated on him and left him, and his son grew up "without a heart, without honor, without a conscience." The betrayal of love makes both unhappy, and loyalty to the beloved warms the heart of the heroine, although at the meeting she accuses him, not forgiving him for betrayal. Follow me, reader! Who told you that there is no true, true, eternal love in the world? May the liar be cut off his vile tongue!” (M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"). This is a novel about the love of two people who, before meeting each other, were each alone and unhappy in their own way. Margarita will look for her Master, and when she finds him, they will never part again, because it is love that is the power thanks to which one can survive all the hardships and hardships of life without losing such qualities as loyalty, hope, kindness and sympathy! The purity of Margarita's moral character, her fidelity, devotion, selflessness, courage in the performance of duty are the eternal features of Russian women who are able to stop a galloping horse and share with their beloved all the hardships and hardships that fall to their lot. She is faithful to her Master to the end. But let's not forget that Margarita also commits a betrayal. Due to their sympathy for the heroine, writers never emphasize that, having fallen in love with the Master, Margarita cheated on her husband. But her love was a betrayal in relation to him. For the sake of the Master, the heroine betrays herself to some extent, because she agrees to sell her soul to the devil, to be at Woland's ball, hoping that he will help her return her beloved, which she probably would not have done under other conditions. Such is the nature of Margarita, she is ready for anything

9 for love. The intrigues of the devil are tempting: Bulgakov's heroine is subconsciously tormented by her betrayal of her husband and acutely feels her guilt. There are other perfidy in the novel by M. Bulgakov. Judas betrays Yeshua. Pilate betrays justice. The master betrays his life's work. There are traitors among the guests at the ball. And also Baron Meigel, Berlioz. It is terrible when a person consciously gives himself to the service of imaginary values, realizing their falsity. Here she is, betraying herself! The writer is convinced that the conformity of those who understand evil and are ready to condemn it is more terrible than open evil, but does not do this because of cowardice, that everyone who has ever been led by cowardice, one way or another, comes to betrayal. The history of foreign literature gives us another example amazing properties the ability of the human soul to truly wait for that very minute, that very meeting ... Love, which there is no strength to forget for those of us who truly loved. (Dante Alighieri. "The Divine Comedy"). Dante and Beatrice. She was out of reach for Dante during her lifetime. But he remained faithful to her and after her death, openly, without hiding, lavished the most sublime praise of his beloved. His Beatrice rose in the poem, lost her earthly features, became a dream, an ideal of life, a light on the poet's mournful path: "If my life lasts a few more years, I hope to say something about her that has never been said about a single woman." Dante fulfilled his promise, he wrote a great poem in which he sang his muse. It is no coincidence that in Paradise Dante and his companion Virgil meet those who were faithful and virtuous: Saint Lucia, the biblical prophets. They are next to her, his divine Beatrice. Is this not an example of the amazing fidelity of a beloved? Treason to the motherland, beloved, friends What could be worse? Therefore, in the ninth, most terrible circle of Hell, according to Dante, there were traitors to the motherland, traitors. There is the first murderer on earth, Cain, there is Lucifer, who rebelled against God, there is Judas, who betrayed Christ, there is Brutus and Cassius, who betrayed Julius Caesar. This is where the path of the traitor leads to hell! It is impossible not to recall the tragic outcome of another love story: No, do not swear by the deceptive moon In love to the grave of a young maiden! Or you will be, like the moon, fickle...

10 (Juliet. W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet"). The love of Romeo and Juliet, literally love to the grave, is touching and boundless. But were not two young hearts “traitors”? After all, they betrayed the traditions of the family, violated the unshakable (until then!) Truth: the Montagues and Capulets are enemies forever. But who will raise his hand to condemn the lovers. Their loyalty to each other makes them tremble, and death puts an end to the age-old enmity of "two equally respected families." One can talk about fidelity and betrayal by analyzing episodes from such works as "The Mother of the Traitor", fairy tales "IX, XI" from M. Gorky's "Tales of Italy"; "Anna Karenina" by L. Tolstoy; "Olesya", " Garnet bracelet”, “Shulamith” by A. Kuprin; "Sotnikov" by V. Bykov; "Quiet Flows the Don" by M. Sholokhov and others. Loyalty, betrayal of an oath, duty With this approach to the disclosure of the topic, we will clearly see a roll call with the theme of honor and dishonor. After all, betrayal of an oath dishonors a person. Treachery makes the hero a perjurer. "Shvabrin fell to his knees ... At that moment, contempt drowned out all feelings of hatred and anger in me. I looked with disgust at the nobleman, wallowing at the feet of a runaway Cossack" (Grinev. A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"). The traitor Aleksey Shvabrin did not keep honor from his youth. The author characterizes him as a cynical empty person, capable of slandering a girl only because she refused him reciprocity, as a low person, a traitor, a coward, a traitor. When, during the assault and capture of the Belogorsk fortress, Shvabrin realizes that the siege of a poorly fortified fortress cannot be sustained, he goes over to the side of Pugachev. Later, in order to save his life, Shvabrin kowtows to Pugachev. Aleksey Shvabrin will forever remain a stranger among his own, a friend among strangers. He betrayed his homeland, his beloved girl, friend, all the inhabitants of the Belogorsk fortress. And the attitude of "their" towards him will always be contemptuous. W. Shakespeare "King Lear" In "King Lear" a whole gallery of traitors is presented. Here loving daughters swear allegiance and love to their father, competing in the splendor of comparisons and the sophistication of hyperbole. "As children did not love / Until now, never

11 of my fathers," Goneril begins. Regan echoes her: "I do not know the joys of others, besides / My great love for you, sovereign!" And only one younger and beloved Cordelia says simply, sincerely: "I love you, as duty commands , / No more and no less. "But Lear does not like such words, he sees his daughter's behavior as not just irreverent and treacherous. Therefore, he gives the whole kingdom to her sisters. Edmund, the illegitimate son of the Earl of Gloucester, who served Lear for many years, appears among these showdowns. "Edmund planned to denigrate his brother Edgar in the eyes of his father in order to take possession of his part of the inheritance. Cordelia becomes Queen of France and wins. Lear lives with Goneril for the first month, who does not put him in anything, making it clear who is in charge here. Daughter duty is forgotten. There is no trace left of her former love and loyalty to her father. Goneril betrays her loved one, denies him care and attention. Public humiliation is destined to test Lyra from Regan. And only then does he realize how was unfair to Cordelia. Edmund betrays Gloucester, who ends up losing his eyes. It seems that the earth itself cannot withstand this inexhaustible flow of betrayals and betrayals. Everybody died. In the words of Edmund, "the wheel of fate has completed its turn." Lear goes crazy. The faithful daughter, Cordelia, having learned about the misfortunes of her father, the hardness of her sisters, hurries to his aid. Edmund orders them both to be killed. Cordelia is killed on Edmund's orders. Lear cannot survive this and dies. Goneril stabs herself, having poisoned her sister before that. Oh, those lying flatterers! Like rats, They gnaw in half the holy bonds of blood, cater to the passions of the masters, pour oil on their fire. And their stone souls freeze. The main task facing the author of the essay is to determine which of the proposed aspects requires the disclosure of a given topic. Do not try to "embrace the immensity." Students should be guided to a clear definition of the problem stated in the topic and the selection of material for reasoning and argumentation in such a way that the antithesis of "loyalty-treason" is not lost in arguments about "how to" and "how not to".


Directions of the topics of the final essay for the 2017/18 academic year: “Loyalty and betrayal”, “Indifference and responsiveness”, “Goal and means”, “Courage and cowardice”, “Man and society”. "Loyalty and treason"

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The heroes of N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" are selfless, devoted friend friend and his people people. The Cossacks considered comradeship and brotherhood based on faith, devotion and patriotism to be the main value in human relations.

The Cossacks faithfully stood for a just cause, for faith and brotherhood. During the battles with enemies: Tatars, Poles, Turks - they always rushed to each other's aid.

For six days the Cossacks escaped the persecution of Hetman Potocki. But he overtook them on the banks of the Dniester in a ruined fortress. The Cossacks fought back for four days. And Taras Bulba decided to go for a breakthrough. And the Cossacks made their way, when the ataman suddenly stopped and began to look for a pipe. A gang of Poles fell on him and twisted him. The enemies decided to burn the chieftain alive. But Taras was not looking at the fire. He tried to help the Cossacks: he shouted to them to occupy the hill beyond the forest. Then he saw the boats near the bank of the river and again shouted to the Cossacks so that they could leave in canoes.

Taras Bulba's devotion to his comrades was so deep, so boundless, that in the last minutes of his life, when the fire was already seizing his legs, he thought not about himself, but about his comrades.


In The Tale of a Real Man, the writer Boris Polevoy tells about the events that took place in the life of the Soviet pilot Alexei Meresyev during the Great Patriotic War. During the battle, the plane was shot down by the Germans. Alexei was thrown out of his seat, and he fell on a spruce, and then along the branches into a snowdrift. This saved his life. He soon realized that his toes were shattered. For eighteen days Meresyev made his way through the forest. Then he got to the villagers who were hiding from the Germans in the forest. He was amputated in the hospital. Thanks to the medical staff, Commissar Semyon Vorobyov and other comrades in the ward, he survived and retained faith in his strength, that he would be able to remain a military pilot, that he would be able to fly a fighter.

After the hospital, he was in a sanatorium. There he learned to dance. He could not betray his fighter aircraft. After going through incredible ordeals in bureaucratic institutions, where all the bosses acted only in accordance with the instructions, he nevertheless managed to be sent to a training school. In the review, the lieutenant colonel recommended Meresyev for service "in any type of aviation as a skilled, experienced and strong-willed pilot." As a result of persistent training and great willpower, Alexei achieved that the car became obedient to him.

Boris Polevoy gave the image of a man who, in incredibly difficult conditions of life, remained devoted to his chosen profession, to his chosen cause.


One of the heroes of A.S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter" is Pyotr Grinev's uncle Savelyich, a servant who raised him from the age of five. Under his supervision, in the twelfth year, Petrusha learned Russian literacy.

Savelich was sincerely attached to the boy. He was preoccupied with the unworthy behavior of the French teacher Beaupré. Savelich was worried about Grinev, who, being in a state of intoxication, lost a hundred rubles to the hussar Zurin in billiards.

During the Pugachev rebellion, when the inhabitants swore allegiance to the impostor, Pyotr Grinev was already thrown in a noose and wanted to be hanged. Savelich threw himself at Pugachev's feet, asked him to let Peter go and offered himself instead of the "master's child."

When the Orenburg general refused to help in the release of Masha Mironova, Grinev decided to go on his own to Berdskaya Sloboda, where Pugachev's camp was located, and ask him for help. Pyotr told Savelich to manage part of his money without him. And the servant replied that he would not let Petrusha go alone, even if he would follow him on foot.

Subsequently, Savelich accompanied Masha Mironova on a trip to Grinev's parents. During parting, he gave Peter a promise to see Marya Ivanovna off and tell his parents that "such a bride does not even need a dowry."

Thus, A.S. Pushkin gave the image of a servant who is endowed with exceptional, akin to paternal, devotion.


“The White Poodle” by A.I. Kuprin is a story about how the poor old wandering organ grinder Martyn Lodyzhkin, his adopted pupil Serezha and the white poodle Arto wandered along the Black Sea coast in search of work. With the miserable pennies they got after the performances, they bought their own food.

In one of the rich country houses they saw how capricious the master's son was. All the inhabitants of the house tried to please him. The boy asked for a dog. The owners tried to buy Artaud from an old organ grinder. But the white poodle is not for sale, because Arto is a true friend and breadwinner. Then the owner's janitor kidnapped the dog by deceit and locked him in the basement. At night, Seryozha entered the garden, freed the dog, and they safely fled. Again, friends were together, proving each other's devotion and loyalty to friendship.

Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich (1809-1852) - Russian writer, one of the classics of Russian literature.


Dead Souls

Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka

Mirgorod (Viy. The story of how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich. Old world landowners. Taras Bulba)

St. Petersburg Tales (Nevsky Prospekt. Nose. Overcoat. Notes of a Madman. Portrait. Carriage)

Field Boris Nikolayevich (real name - Kampov) (1908-1981) - Russian journalist and prose writer. Winner of two Stalin Prizes. Laureate of the International Peace Prize.


From Belgorod to the Carpathians

A story about a real person

We are Soviet people


American diaries

deep rear

Our Lenin

On the wild shore

Dr. Faith

Most memorable

Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich (1799-1837) - the greatest Russian poet, playwright and prose writer.


Ruslan and Ludmila

Prisoner of the Caucasus

Bronze Horseman

Dramatic works

Boris Godunov

Little Tragedies

Arap of Peter the Great

Novel in verse "Eugene Onegin"

Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin (Shot, Blizzard, Undertaker, Stationmaster, Young lady-peasant)


Captain's daughter

The tale of the priest and his worker Balda

The Tale of Tsar Saltan…

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish

The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs

The Tale of the Golden Cockerel

Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich (1870-1938) - Russian writer.


river of life


white poodle


Garnet bracelet

One of the directions of the final essay is "Loyalty and treason." It may include topics related to such concepts: loyalty and betrayal to a loved one, to oneself, a friend, one's family.

In contact with

"Loyalty and treason" works

In almost every work studied at school, there is story line, to some extent associated with fidelity and treason. Consider the possible products for the first item:

  1. « » , Natasha Rostova, who cheated on Andrei Bolkonsky with one, and marries a third.
  2. Quiet Don, Grigory Melekhov, who cannot decide with whom he should be: with Natasha, the wife and mother of his children, or with the married Aksinya.
  3. « » , Margarita, who, being married, loves her master and is trying to find him.

For the second point, you can take:

  1. « » Bazarov, who at first is ironically confident in his views, and then meets a woman who changes his world, he begins to doubt himself.
  2. « » , Sonya Marmeladova, a highly moral person who is forced to deviate from her principles and go on a “yellow ticket” for the sake of her family.
  3. "Taras Bulba", the main character, Taras, is true to himself, to his homeland, therefore, without deviating from his views, he kills his son for betraying his homeland.
  4. Poems by Mayakovsky "About the Soviet passport". The lyrical hero is proud that in his hands is the “Hammered, sickle Soviet passport”.
  5. “And the dawns here are quiet…”. A detachment of women and their commander sacrifice themselves to save the Motherland from the Nazis.
  6. "Taras Bulba", Andriy falls in love with a Polish princess and betrays his motherland.

Loyalty and betrayal in the work "Taras Bulba".

As an example of friendship, you can take the following works:

  1. "Scarecrow". Here is an example (Lenka, who takes the blame for her friend's misconduct), and anti example - Dima Somov(afraid to tell the truth, looking at how classmates bully her friend).
  2. "Oblomov", Andrey Stolz, who does not leave his lazy, inert friend and helps him to improve things in the village.

The problem of fidelity and betrayal in the family circle is covered in the works:

  1. Quiet Don, Grigory Melekhov abandons his family: wife, parents - for the sake of a mistress.
  2. "Taras Bulba”, Andriy goes against not only the laws of his society, but also against the will, the teachings of his father.

Attention! You can use any suitable examples from classical Russian, as well as from foreign and modern literature.

Loyalty and betrayal - introductory part

The introduction should reveal the meaning of terms"fidelity" and "treason". After you have given a definition, comment on the problem, give your assessment, express your thoughts on this occasion, tell about its meaning and relevance.

Make a thesis - highlight main idea literally in one sentence. And then move on to the argument.

The problem of loyalty and betrayal

Here you can talk about what cheating leads to, tell about the consequences. Think about how the traitor will feel, and what will happen to the person who trusted him.

You can think about whether a faithful person will ever be happy and about many other things. The description of the problem will depend from a specific topic.

The problem of fidelity and betrayal arguments for writing

Arguments to the essay should be taken from the works corresponding to the topic. You can format them like this:

And after that, you can move on to writing the conclusion and summarizing.

Loyalty and betrayal: arguments for writing, quotes

  1. "Constancy is the basis of virtue" - Balzac.
  2. "Be faithful to the one who is faithful to you" - Plat.
  3. “And what about my father, comrades and fatherland? So if so, here's the thing: I don't have anyone! Nobody, nobody!” - Andriy, "Taras Bulba".
  4. "Take care of honor from a young age" - "The Captain's Daughter" epigraph.

Attention! You don't have to use quotes in your essay.

Loyalty and treason: conclusion

Summarize based on the above arguments. Do you agree with the topic? Think about what you want to convey in your essay. Perhaps you can suggest something to solve this problem. Point readers to something call them to action.

You can use templates like this to designate output:

  1. In closing, I would like to say that….
  2. I agree (agree) with the author that ... .
  3. Pay attention to the fact that treason is fraught with far from joyful consequences.

Loyalty and treason

This topic raises such a concept as "patriotism" - love for the Motherland.

This problem is beneficial in that you can pick up a lot of examples from literary works devoted to historical, military topics (“The Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “Vasily Terkin”, “The Little Soldier”, etc.).

Each of us understands that this topic is very important nowadays. Therefore, there will be no problem in identifying its relevance and significance.

The Captain's Daughter: Loyalty and Treason

This work can be used for argumentation in the directions:

  • loyalty and treason to the Motherland;
  • loved one;
  • to myself.

Let's consider in more detail. Maria Mironova can be used as an example of pure, true love.

And Pyotr Grinev can be cited as an example of how true patriot, confident in his life views, an anti-example to him is Shvabrin. And we also saw traitors to the Motherland here when they were offered to die or go over to the side of the invader.

Eugene Onegin: loyalty and betrayal

The protagonist of this work can be used as examples in several ways. He is courting a married woman, especially since she is the wife of his best friend. It destroys friendship and starts enmity. You can also consider and use tangled love line Eugene Onegin - Tatyana.

Another example is the biography of Tatyana's mother, a domineering, callous woman who became so because of her husband. In her youth, she dreamed of moving to the capital and marrying a military man, leading a secular life. But since she became the wife of a landowner, she had to forget about all your dreams.

Loyalty and treason, essay examples

Loyalty is constancy in one's views, feelings, beliefs. Certainly this positive quality. But for each concept there is a term opposite in meaning. The antonym for the word "fidelity" is - "treason" - this is uncertainty, retreat in one's convictions.

The theme of fidelity and betrayal was of interest to many writers. I think they got their attention emotions and feelings of people who were betrayed and betrayed, the thoughts that were the driving force of the traitor at the moment of committing vile deeds. In order to confirm my words, let's turn to examples from the literature.

A vivid illustration of this topic will be "Oblomov" by Goncharov. Here we see the standard of a true friend - Andrei Stolz. This character is quite pragmatic: this person’s views on life are absolutely stable and permanent. It seems to me that it is precisely for this reason that Stolz always helped out his not very independent friend Oblomov and did not leave him in trouble throughout the entire work. I think such loyalty and devotion deserve respect.

A more interesting plot, full of intrigue, is tied up in Zheleznikov's work Scarecrow. Here we will face both fidelity and betrayal. Before readers - ordinary students of an ordinary school. The main character Lenka is new in the class, she is quiet, modest, sincere. The girl got a friend, because of which she is harassed by her classmates. When Dima reports to the teacher that the class skipped a lesson, Lenka shows nobility and takes the blame before the class on herself.

I think that this is a very brave act, because she knew how it could end. But how will her only friend behave, looking at how the whole class mocks an innocent girl? And we see that he is suffering, the thought of this haunts him, but at the same time, he is afraid to be in her place. Therefore, he preferred to maintain his reputation, and not to help out Lenka, who helped him in difficult times. I believe that this is treason and betrayal. But I think that after reading this book, few people will want to get into such a situation, because the author so skillfully describes the mental anguish of a traitor.

Loyalty and betrayal. direction of the final essay

"Loyalty and treason" Essay example


In conclusion, I want to say that by reading various works on the topic of fidelity and betrayal, we can learn from actions and mistakes heroes in order to avoid unpleasant situations in life and be good true friends.

In the final essay, it is very important fully cover the topic, so for the best result, try to pick up examples where the first one shows positive side, and second - negative side the phenomenon indicated in the topic of the essay.