Title page for term paper. How to make the title page of the report correctly - a complete analysis of the first page and a sample

  • 20.10.2019

A sample of the design of the title page of the term paper can be downloaded for free from the Internet, but in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is safer to turn to the alma mater staff for tips. Laboratory assistants or methodologists of the department will issue a single form, a template can also be asked from the teacher.

Each institution of higher education develops its own standards for maintaining research documentation, based on the unified national standards established by GOSTs. If you make a title page in Word on your own in accordance with the federal procedure, even the most captious reviewers of any university will not have any complaints.

State Standards of the title page for the term paper

The requirements for the form are:

  • in GOST 2.105-95, relevant since July 1996;
  • GOST 21.101.97;
  • GOST 7.32-2001.

GOST 2.105-95 ESKD has the status of interstate, which means that it operates in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

How to issue according to GOSTs

The page size of the title page should be A4. State standards do not strictly regulate the type of font, but Times New Roman of the 14th, less often of the 12th size is most often used.

Title page term paper is considered the first, but the numbers on the sheets are affixed starting from the chapter "Introduction".

Standard fields:

  • upper - from 1.5 to 2 cm;
  • lower and left - 3 cm;
  • right - from 1 to 1.5 cm.

The indentation values ​​are set in MS Word 2010 at the top of the file in the "Page Layout" - "Margins" section - the line at the bottom of the "Custom Margins" drop-down box.

The title page for a term paper should contain the following information:

  1. Full (without abbreviations) name of the university.
  2. The name of the faculty and department.
  3. Thing.
  4. Topic.
  5. Full name of the author.
  6. Course number, group.
  7. Full name, position of teacher.
  8. Town.

You can use uppercase (large, capital) and lowercase (small) letters. As a rule, the names of ministries, educational organizations and the topic are typed in capital letters (caps lock), the rest of the information is in lowercase. It is best to refer to the example of a title page for a term paper from the department manual.

How to fill out the title page of a term paper

All information is located on the sheet in three blocks.

Upper ("hat")

Formatting in the center of the page. Dots are not placed at the end of lines. Letters are preferable to uppercase, a combination of uppercase and lowercase is allowed, the use of bold font:

There is a double spacing between the lines with the names of faculties and departments.


It is located slightly above the middle of the title page. The type of study is written in font from 16 to 24, bold type can be used as an additional emphasis.

Be careful: there are no dots at the end of phrases. Center alignment.

Below, indented by two or three lines and shifted to the right, information about the student and his supervisor is indicated.

Completed (option - "Student"):

course, group.

Checked ("Head"): title, scientific degree, position, full name of the reviewer (head).

It is easier to place this part in the right place if you do not shift each line with the space key, but use the functionality of the Word ruler - its icon is located in the upper right corner of the page. After clicking on the icon, a markup appears on the left and at the top. Hover the cursor over the left edge of the upper scale, to the location of two triangles joined at the vertices, wait for the window with the inscription "Indent to the left" to appear, holding the left mouse button, grab the square at the base and move the block to the desired distance.-

Lower ("basement")

Saint Petersburg 2017

Which universities, specialties and subjects are suitable for the sample

The title page for the term paper presented in the article is universal and suitable for all higher educational institutions and organizations in Russia and countries that are members of the Interstate Council for Standardization.

Many first-year students have problems with the correct design of a report or abstract. Very often, having received the task to write an essay, the student thinks about how to arrange the title page. The key to a good mark is not only the text of the abstract itself, but also an impeccably composed title page. Since the abstract is a scientific work, its design should be at a high level. First of all, the title page should look neat. Further, on the left side of the sheet, we leave a place for binding. Indents must be done on all pages. It will be better if you take an indentation of three centimeters on the left, two on the top and bottom, and one and a half centimeters on the right side.

How to arrange the title page of the abstract?

Let's move on to choosing the size and font. The normal font for text is twelve. However, for the title, we need to choose a large font. As a rule, by standard we use TimesNewRoman. Next, you need to highlight the name in bold or italics. When choosing a creative theme, you can make the title original by using different styles It is better to consult with your teacher in advance. When writing a serious topic, the standard design without any frills will be right.

How to properly format the title page of the abstract? To give the title page a beautiful look, you can make a frame. It is best to choose a frame that is voluminous or with drawings, but in classical style. The next step is to enter text. There is a government standard for title page formatting. However, sometimes higher schools establish their own standards for its preparation. To properly format the title page of your essay, it is better to take a sample from the department or from the teacher. The top text should be written in the standard font - Times New Roman. Its size is fourteen. Then we highlight the sentence in bold and align in the middle. The line spacing must be one.

The name of the faculty should be written in the center of the page. Usually the name of the faculty is written at the top. Next, step back down and write the word "abstract" in capital letters. Below we indicate the words “by discipline” and the name of the subject, and on the next line the word “topic” and the name of the work performed. We retreat down and on the right we write the details of the student and his teacher, including the mark for the abstract and leave a line for signatures. At the bottom of the sheet in the center is the name of your city, and at the bottom - the year of delivery of your work.

As a rule, reports begin to be asked from school. It is from the title page that one gets acquainted with the content of the report. Therefore, its design must be neat and correct. It is mandatory to indicate information about the educational institution, the topic of the completed report, the name of the student, and also write the year and locality. Let's take a closer look at how to properly format the title page of the report. Be sure to use large font.

At the top we write the name of our school or university, for example, "Secondary School No. 12 of the Ryazan Municipality." Any abbreviation must be deciphered. This is usually done in capital letters. Go to the central part of the page and indicate the topic of the work. To do this, first write the phrase “report on the topic” and on the next line capitalize the title itself, for example, “Healthy lifestyle”. We retreat down and on the right indicate the last name and first name of the author, class, as well as the full name of the teacher. At the bottom of the page, indicate the date of writing the report, and below the city with a capital letter.

A correctly designed title page of the work testifies to the student's attitude to his project. The title page is the first page of your project, but it is never numbered. Before proceeding with its compilation, the standards of the educational institution and the teacher should be taken into account. At the top, in the middle of the page, write the name of your school. A little lower we indicate the name of the work performed.

Having indented down the middle of the page, indicate the name of your project, including the name of the subject. Remember that when designing the title page, the title of the topic is written without quotes. Next, go down and right side indicate the name of the faculty, your group or class and the details of the author. Just below the initials of the head of the word "checked (a)". If you do not know how to format the title page correctly, see the example on the sample.

At the bottom of the page, in the center, indicate your city of residence. On the next line, write the date of the task. It must be borne in mind that the word "year" is not indicated on the sheet. When filling out the title page, never put a dot at the end of the sentence. The only exception is the title of the work, which consists of several sentences. However, after the last sentence, we do not put a full stop, respectively.

Coursework is one of the defining forms of a student's report on a particular subject. The rules for its registration in each educational institution may differ. But there are generally accepted standards for its design. The title page is drawn up on A4 format with a font size of fourteen. The font should be standard - TimesNewRoman. Before you start filling in the data on the page, you need to indent: one centimeter on the right, three on the left, and two centimeters on the top and bottom.

Translated from Latin, the title page means "inscription", "title". This sheet contains information about the educational institution, faculty, topic of the course work, subject, details of the student and his supervisor, as well as the locality and year of preparation of the work. The top line is filled with capital letters, bold and centered. The title of the topic of the course work is also written in the middle, but with a large font size and always in capital letters. Do not put a dot at the end of the sentence. If the sentence is long, it can be written on two lines.

We write data about the student at the bottom right, aligning to the left. The student's name is written in the genitive case. Skipping one line, indicate the initials of the supervisor or teacher. The name of the leader is written in the nominative case. To enter this data, we use a font size of fourteen. And finally, at the bottom of the page, we indicate the locality and the year of delivery of our work, aligning it in the center.

When a student prepares a term paper for delivery, one of the most pressing problems that he may encounter is the design of the title page, which, in most cases, is due to ignorance of general educational GOST, which establishes the basic requirements for appearance and title content. Another equally important reason is the inability to use the means text editor– MS Word.

Therefore, today I will give a number of tips on how to draw up a title page, I will try to highlight the main mistakes that students make and attach several samples that are relevant in 2017-2018.

Registration of the title page of the term paper in accordance with GOST

First of all, I want to briefly explain why it is required to adhere to any requirements and standards when designing student projects.

A student is a future specialist who will work with drawings, estimates, contracts, acts, normative documents and other types of documentation.

Each of these documents has its own state-approved form. In order to educate the future specialist in the ability to properly interact with standardized documents, each alma mater teaches cadets to arrange their study papers in accordance with an established set of requirements. Due to this, a graduate, trained by term papers and semester papers, reports, etc., getting into a real working environment, can already independently process documents, form and correct them. Perhaps this is the main reason for the use of GOST by students of modern universities and colleges.

I got off topic, so I'll continue.

The need to design the title page in accordance with GOST is due to the fact that since the title page is the “cover” of the document, this is exactly the element that the supervisor, the examination committee sees first of all, and which creates the first impression of this scientific work. Imagine that you are given a term paper in your hands, the first sheet of which is unclear how it is designed (for a better understanding, look at the figure below).

Figure 1 - An example of incorrect design of the title page of the course paper

What do you see here? Different font, no clear highlighting of the main elements (header, author's name, theme) and other problems, right? Now think, would you accept such a document from your student? So the majority of teachers, having seen only one title, "wrap" the student, even if he has prepared an ideal paper as a whole. Therefore, my advice to you is to always adhere to GOST and do not ignore its requirements.

Where can I get the requirements for the title page

You can always take all the requirements that may be required when completing a course project from your teacher, usually all manuals are provided to them immediately before issuing an individual assignment for a course work. In the event that your scientific instructor did not do this himself, ask him - he must give. Well, if he doesn't have it either, then go to the pulpit.

In the received methodological manual, you will find not only a set of requirements for the design of the title page of the term paper, but you can also find a sample that can be used by copying it into your project. If you copy, do not forget to correct it in accordance with your data.

From my experience, I will offer you my set of requirements, which I use to design title pages, but whether you use them in your practice is up to you.

  • To be included in the general numbering is mandatory. But in no case should you put a number on it.
  • We center the header on the sheet, in it we indicate the name of your educational institution and the name of the department;
  • The title of the work is written in capital letters, highlighted in bold, centered on the page (horizontally and vertically);
  • After the title, indicate your name, group number, as well as data about your leader, indicating his position;
  • At the bottom of the page, indicate your city and year of work;
  • Do not use spaces and tabs to highlight structural elements - use MS Word tools to align text;
  • If you want to create a frame, use headers and footers and divide the entire document into separate sections so that the frame does not go to the next pages of the work;
  • Always use Times New Roman unless otherwise stated in the manual.

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, then I will tell you how to use them in practice.

How to make a title page in Word 2010 and 2007

To prepare the main sheet of your document in the editor environment of MS Word 2007, 2010 and later, we will create new document(I hope you know how). Now we fill in the empty document with the information that you want to reflect here. To begin with, you can fill the document with information without any formatting, we will do it later.

So, you should end up with something like this:

Figure 2 - An example of a title page without formatting

Happened? - Well done! Let's continue. Format the header of the document - select the text and select " Center text alignment» on the panel « Paragraph", we get the following result:

Figure 3 - An example of the design of the header header

Now let's move on to the title of the work - center it in the middle of the sheet and move it down by pressing the button " Enter", then open the font control panel and adjust the settings, we get:

Figure 4 - An example of the design of the name

Figure 5 - An example of a properly designed title page

How to make a title page frame in Word

I often hear this question from students. To begin with, I want to clarify that there are several types of frames for title pages - these can be guest frames for making entries in them, or they can be ordinary bounding lines. The first option is done using headers and footers, but I don’t recommend doing them yourself - this is a rather lengthy process and can negatively affect the structure of the entire document, so it’s better to download it:

The second option is much simpler and is done using the MS Word tool - " Borders and shading" which is located on the toolbar " Paragraph". The following window will open:

Figure 6 - Borders and shading

Now in this window you need to open the tab " Page» indicate the places where the borders of the frame will be placed on the title page - top, bottom, right, left. Also, if necessary, here you can set the thickness and texture of the frame. After press " OK”, as a result, the title of the document will be framed in a regular frame:

Figure 7 - Sample title page in a frame

Where can I find a template for the title page of a term paper

The above sample of the design of the title page is rather a generalized version and it is not always suitable for practical use, since in some cases the requirements of the manual establish other design rules. In my practice, I have seen more than 20 ways to design a title page only for course projects, and how many more can be found for abstracts, diplomas and other student reporting documents. Various examples of title covers differ in frames, fonts used, location and presence of certain structural elements, etc.

Finding ready-made title page templates is not as difficult as it seems. Many manuals already include a sample title page in the appendix, others include a link to a place to get a sample. You can also get it from a scientific instructor, at the department, download it on the Internet, take it from a manual on another subject, ask a friend, find it in last year's papers, etc. Several samples can be downloaded from the links below:

And finally. The last tip is to make the title last and better in a separate document so that the features of its formatting do not accidentally overlap with the design of the main content of the term paper.

That's all, good luck with your studies!



Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Education of the Ulyanovsk Region

OGBOU SPO Mechanics and Technology College

R. Staraya Kulatka

about frontier control, practical exercises and laboratory workshop

student Trofimova Oksana Yurievna.

(name in full)

well 4 group IS-09-1 department full-time .

cipher 230205 speciality Information Systems .

Methodology for mastering new software tools

discipline lessons

The boundary control is carried out at lectures or practical classes.

In the absence of a student at the boundary control, he performs an abstract, the topic of which is given by the teacher.

In practical classes, the student performs calculation work.

Attendance at practical classes and a laboratory workshop is mandatory.

Students who have completed all boundary tests or abstracts, calculated work in practical classes, independent extracurricular work and passed a laboratory workshop are allowed to take the exam in the discipline.

The student must arrive at the exam with bound reports with all credited reports on midterm control, practical exercises, independent extracurricular work and laboratory work.

The present title page is attached as a title page to the general report.

In the absence of a student in practical classes, he performs settlement work in the reading room.

Student's signature Teacher's signature

______________________ _____________________________

Appendix 2

Conducting a search for a given material on the Internet on a topic:

"Introduction to New Programs"

Message topics:

1. Software tools and methods of working on a computer

2. Software Management

3. Software tools information systems

4. Hardware and software development tools

5. Software for information systems for managing an organization

6. Design automation software

7. Modern software for electronic document management

8. Functional modeling software

9. Software and information management tools

10. Software life cycle support software

The volume of the abstract is 10 - 15 pages of printed text. Font - no more than 14 pt, Times New Roman, spacing - 1.5, margins: top, bottom, left - 2 cm, right 1.5 cm.

The title page indicates the title of the work, the full name of the student and the group, the full name of the teacher who checks and evaluates the abstract. The topic of the message can be formulated independently, in agreement with the teacher.

The title of the work is formatted as follows:

Message on the discipline "Mathematical methods for processing economic information" on the topic: "……"

The message text is printed on one side of the page; footnotes and notes are printed on the same page they refer to (with 1 spacing, in a smaller font than the text). The main text should be accompanied by illustrative material (drawings, photographs, diagrams, charts, tables, programs). If the main part contains quotations or references to statements, it is necessary to indicate the number of the source according to the list given at the end of the abstract, and the page in square brackets at the end of the quotation or reference.

A message is a summary in writing of the contents of the books and documents read; report on the results of the study of a scientific issue; a report on a specific topic, covering its issues based on literary and other sources. The purpose of writing a message is to deepen knowledge on a specific problem, to gain skills in working with scientific and popular science literature. Work on the message requires, as a rule, at least a month.

When working on a problem, you need to:

Isolate the problem

to independently study the problem on the basis of primary sources;

give an overview of the literature used;

Present the material consistently and conclusively;

2. Mandatory structural elements of the message:

2. The text of the message must contain:

rationale for the chosen topic;

· comparative analysis literature on the problem;

Presenting one's own point of view on the problem;

· conclusions and offers.

3. The list of sources used must be drawn up in accordance with GOST and may contain not only the names of books, magazines, newspapers, but also any sources of information (for example, information from the Internet, information from television and radio programs, as well as private messages of any specialists expressed in their personal conversations with the author of the abstract).

The message is presented in an accessible scientific (popular science) language in a relatively concise form using lightweight syntactic constructions. Such constructions can become a kind of plan for an abstract article: “The article under consideration raises a number of questions ... The author emphasizes that ... The problem is considered in more detail ... Different points of view are analyzed ... In conclusion, it should be noted that ...”, etc.

When scoring a message, the following components are taken into account:

design (compliance with the standard, design aesthetics, availability of illustrative material, etc.);

protection of the message (orientation in the text, answers to questions, etc.).

The notice shall be submitted in printed form and on electronic media.

Appendix 3

Searching for a given material on the Internet

Why is it important to get the title page right?

As a rule, students face a similar problem at the beginning of their studies. In the first, maximum, - in the second year of the institute. Often, after receiving a work assignment, a freshman does not know how to start its implementation. You have to spend a lot of time worrying. All this can divert attention from writing the abstract itself. The loss of time as a result will result in a loss of the quality of the work itself.
Therefore, it is advisable to study the rules for the design of the title page, to have a sample of its design with you. Moreover, for decades, no special innovations have been made to the regulations for the design of the first sheet of work.
A lot depends on the quality and correctness of the design of the first - title page. First, it is the face of your work. It shows how responsibly you reacted to the completion of the assignment.
Secondly, an experienced teacher, already by the appearance of the first sheet, can quite accurately assess the work itself, its quality and correctness of writing.
And, thirdly, you need to learn always and in everything. The habit of doing all the work "from cover to cover" on highest level, produces such important qualities character as purposefulness, responsibility, punctuality and conscientiousness.

Guiding documents for the design of the title page.

All basic requirements and features for the design of the title page of the abstract are defined in GOST 7.32-2001. up to date for 2019 The document is called: “Research report. Structure and rules of registration”, and reveals in detail how it should be. Therefore, before starting work, in order to eliminate errors, you should study this document. Well, for those who prefer a more detailed and visual study of the issue to dry numbers and concise instructions, our article has been prepared.

Basic requirements for the title.

So, the first step is indentation. In order for the finished abstract to be stitched into one brochure, it is necessary to make an indent of 30 mm on the right. On the right, the size of such an indent is set to 10mm, and the top and bottom are the same, 20mm each. This is the distance to the frame, which is recommended to be performed in a classic traditional style. And already inside the frame have all the necessary information.
Item number 2. - font. The generally accepted font for the design of the entire abstract as a whole, and the title page in particular, is set to Times New Roman. If the text of the abstract itself uses the 14th size of this font, then for the design of the title page, it is possible to use different sizes, as well as highlighting in bold, underlining, etc.

Components of the title page.

For better assimilation, we conditionally divide the title page into parts. Let's consider each separately.
Top of the sheet.
We indicate the name of the Ministry in whose jurisdiction this educational institution is located.
A little lower, with an indent of 1 interval, the name of the university itself is written in capital letters.
Both lines are aligned in the center.

the design of the title page of the abstract.

Title page sample

Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

St. Petersburg Restoration and Art College


By discipline:

(the name of the discipline is indicated)

(In this line, the exact indication of the topic of your work)

Student (_) course, (_) group
Full Name

Scientific adviser:
(Position, department name)
Full Name
Grade _____________________
Date _____________________
Signature ____________________

Saint Petersburg

middle of the title page.

It also needs to be centered. It states here:
- The word "SUMMARY".
- by discipline:
- "hereinafter the name of the discipline itself"
- on the topic: (required colon)
- the exact wording of the selected or given topic of the abstract is indicated
As a result, all information should be located on at least 5 lines (or more if the abstract topic does not fit in one line). There should be no quotation marks on the title page. And the word "SUMMARY" is allowed to be written
16th font, as it should stand out against the general background, as the main thing on the page.
Bottom part.
It is drawn up after two intervals are indented (double-clicking the Enter key).
Further, all entries are made as indicated on the sample. Pay attention to the alignment of the text in this section. Formatting rules allow alignment, both on the right and on the left. However, this does not mean the edge of the sheet, but a conditionally created table in which this block of the title page is placed. It is within this table that you can perform left-alignment (as shown in the sample).
And finally: at the very bottom of the page you indicate the city in which the university is located and the year the abstract was written.


We have already noted the importance of knowledge and ability to correctly draw up the title page of the abstract. We can only add that many educational institutions (especially higher ones) allow the introduction of their own characteristics. They may slightly, but differ from GOST, therefore, before drawing up the first sheet of work, contact your supervisor and check with him for such differences!

Video instruction on the design of the title page in MS WORD