How to water a cactus at home in spring. Cacti at home (photo) - varieties and features of their cultivation

  • 28.05.2019

Hello dear flower growers! Anyone who loves cacti knows everything about these plants, and it will be useful for beginners to learn how to grow, replant, and how to care for a cactus at home.

When will the prickly pet bloom?

With proper care, the cactus will be able to please with its wonderful flowers by spring. The most important thing - proper watering.

How to water this plant, this question worries in the first place. Only Schlumberger needs frequent watering, while other varieties do not require this. But all species prefer dry and cool wintering.

  • From November to March, it is better to keep them on a veranda with sufficient lightening or on a glazed balcony.
  • At this time, they do not require fertilizer.
  • Often watering is also not necessary, a quarter cup once a month is enough.
  • The frequency of watering should be reduced already in the month of November, so that the pet leaves well for the winter.
  • Bring the pots home in March. During this period, they must be sprayed with water. After a week, you can start watering, then fertilize with potassium and phosphorus. Buds should appear very soon.
  • It should be noted that flowering cacti do not like permutations. Put them in one place and do not touch.
  • In summer, it should be watered 3 times a week, but in such a way as not to flood the plant too much, otherwise the roots will begin to rot.

Care begins with the choice of a pot. A cactus likes to grow in a plastic pot rather than a clay one. The earth must be loose in order to let air through to the roots.

You can purchase a universal soil, or you can cook it yourself by mixing it in equal parts earth, sand, small pebbles.

How to care for a cactus so that it blooms

All flower growers can't wait for their pet to bloom. How to grow thorny seedlings to see the long-awaited color? Experienced flower growers recommend getting vaccinated.

Cut off a small piece. Then transplant the cutting to the place of the cut flowering plant. If the transplant is successful, then wait for flowering. If the buds did not appear, then the procedure must be repeated.

Connect the stalk and scion so that the cut surfaces coincide. Tie them with a thick thread, move them to a warm place with a small amount of light, cover with a jar. The vaccine will grow in 2 weeks.

How to make it bloom? The first is to ensure winter peace. After leaving dormancy, do not immediately water, but only sprinkle with water at room temperature twice a week. If the cacti are exposed to sunlight, they can get burned.

How to transplant? Prepare a shallow pot that is the right size. In a pot that is too wide, this flower will not break buds. The best pots those sold in flower shops. Do not fertilize or water for 7 days before transplanting.

When transplanting, do not disturb the root system, do not shake off, do not clean the soil. Pour new earth into the pot, carefully plant the seedling. Watering should be after 5 days, not earlier. If the transplant is carried out according to the rules, wait for the buds to appear.

Place the transplanted seedling on a western or eastern windowsill with soft lighting. On the south window, home cacti can get burned.

How to feed. When cacti emerge from hibernation, they will need regular feeding with ready-made fertilizers specifically for cacti, which are sold in stores.

How to make your thorn bloom? With proper care, beautiful flowering can be expected in the 2nd year of life. Mamillaria and rebutia bloom quickly. Some species will please flowering only after 10-15 years.

Novice cactus growers holding their thorns all year round at room temperature. This should not be done. At rest, they are not afraid of even zero temperature.

Keeping a minimum watering in winter will do them good. You may not even water at all! Seeing shriveled plants - do not worry! This is not scary, in the spring they will quickly recover as soon as you start watering. It is in a state of rest that the future flower is laid in them!

During the dormant period, they also do not particularly need light. For the formation of kidneys, they need 4-5 hours of light per day. In winter, only zygocactus, schlumberger, ripsalis bloom. They need 5-6 hours of light.

You did everything right, but it does not bloom. Why doesn't it bloom, the cacti growers ask again? Probably in the spring you overdo it with the light. It can also be detrimental to the kidneys.

For them, movement relative to light is contraindicated. They can not be turned at the beginning of flowering, otherwise they will drop the buds and that's it, you have to wait for the next year.

Blooming pet loves Fresh air, so do not neglect airing, especially on spring days.

Do not apply fertilizer during the budding period so that your pet does not shed all the color.

Apply after flowering.

For some reason, everyone is used to thinking that the cactus blooms very rarely. Create favorable conditions for him and he will delight you with flowers every spring.

Varieties of flowering cacti

See photos and names of these desert plants that grow well at home.


The most familiar representative for us is Schlumberger or. It has no spines and blooms in winter when other species are resting.


Another species that came to us from the tropics of Brazil is hatiora or ripsalis. It unfurls beautiful yellow bells.


Aporocactus looks very nice. Its stems, covered with thin spines, can reach five meters in length.


Another beautiful, long blooming view- epiphyllum. This group includes 20 subspecies. It has long stems, often flat, but also triangular. Instead of spines, they have serrated edges. It blooms in bunches from snow-white to purple.


Thorn lovers are very proud of the flowering specimens called Ariocarpus. They are small plants with elongated stems that produce beautiful red, yellow or white flowers in spring.


The cactus of the Mammillaria family is widely known to flower growers. He is loved for beautiful bouquets of various shades. A small plant is cylindrical or spherical in shape. The space between the needles is filled with whitish hairs.

Austrocylindric subulata

A specimen with amazingly shaped leaves is called austrocylindrical subulata, and among the people "Eve's Needle". The plant is endowed with juicy leaves, and it blooms with huge beautiful inflorescences.

Prickly pear

Prickly pear is also quite a popular plant. Her branches look like pancakes, but not all lovers of thorns bloom. Only after proper care can you see extraordinary flowers. yellow color.


Each cactus owner wants to have an unusual specimen - cephalocereus or "wax head". The entire surface of the seedling is covered with long, as if gray, thin hair.


The spherical cactus is called Gruzoni. It does not bloom, but attracts attention with its colorful spines. Colors can be very different: from light green, pale yellow, to maroon. It grows slowly, but with proper care it can grow up to a meter tall. Not afraid of cold and dryness.


The “hairy” cactus, called esposta, attracts attention. It practically does not bloom, and if it releases a bud, then only at night. Many connoisseurs of this beauty do not sleep at night to photograph a rare flower.


A fairly common plant in our homes. Experienced lovers of prickly pets appreciate him not only for appearance but also for cleansing properties. It is placed in the kitchen or in a room with a computer.


Grows in many homes and offices, but not everyone can achieve this lush flowering. With the right care, you can achieve amazing results.

Even a single bouquet pleases every lover of prickly pets.

Gymnocalycium Mikhanovich

It has a low stem, on which rather large flowers bloom, reaching up to 8 centimeters in diameter.

The color of the buds can be very different. Pure white buds look very nice. This species has several varieties that cacti cacti enthusiasts readily plant.

Dear flower growers, by growing the most beautiful flowers, you not only decorate the interior, but also purify the air in the apartment, it is not for nothing that they are placed near TVs and computers. For beginners, growing cacti will be the most interesting hobby. Try it!

Cacti are beautiful and evergreens, the appearance of which makes almost any person wonder, rejoice at the variety of their forms, marvelous colors and splendor of many specimens.

Most cacti are endowed with huge luggage healing properties and qualities, and for the inhabitants of desert oases, these plants, or rather, their trunks, more than once served as reservoirs for water in the form of a syrup that quenches the thirst of travelers.

Features of growing cacti

It is not difficult to grow a cactus on your own windowsill at home, since cacti, in principle, are unpretentious plants. But certain rules for growing cacti, individual characteristics each species must be known and observed, thereby ensuring proper care for your magnificent pets.

At home, in cacti, the growth period begins in the spring.

From spring to autumn, cacti need watering, preferably in the morning and using non-hard water.

In the summer, cacti need to be fed once a week using phosphorus-potassium fertilizer for this.

In winter, cacti need to create conditions for rest during the dormant period - removing the plants in a cool but dry room.

In the spring, when the cactus is active, it is necessary to accustom it to the sun's rays until flower buds appear on it, which subsequently need not be watered, but only sprayed with warm water.

Cacti at home: varieties of exotic plants

Echinopsis (echinopsis)- this type of cactus belongs to the genus of plants that have a roundish shape and are very reminiscent of a curled prickly hedgehog. Instances of these domestic cacti are popular and loved by flower growers. Unpretentious, multiply with the help of shoots (children), which can be easily separated from the stem of the plant. Blossom - with caring and proper care for them.

Cerius (Cerius)- This type of cactus can reach large sizes. It has multi-colored spines. This cactus is similar to its hedgehog relative, but has not one cone on the trunk, but several. Propagated by seeds or cuttings, at home it practically does not bloom.

Opuntia Robusta (Opuntia robusta)- has an original flat body, similar to cakes. Reaching an impressive size, this magnificent representative of the cactus family can harm a person with elongated bristles on its trunk. Therefore, you need to handle this cactus very carefully. This species propagates by cuttings, planting cakes for rooting in fertilized places.

Mammillaria (Mammillaria)- a type of cactus adapted to dry and hot climates. Has a pale green color, soft spines and in appearance resembles a beautiful and fluffy ball that does not have ribs. It blooms at home with pretty flowers in the form of bells.

Phyllocactus (Phullocactus)- a common group of cacti among flower growers. This is a leaf-shaped cactus that does not have leaves. With proper care, a cactus with elongated wide stems blooms at home with luxurious flowers.

Cacti at home - cultivation and reproduction

The first thing to do is to choose the right pot for planting a cactus. Based on the characteristics of the cactus root system, you need to choose a tall pot for planting. It is better even if its height is much greater than the width of the pot.

A plastic pot will be an ideal container for planting a cactus. Since a pot made of plastic will not allow water to evaporate, and thereby prevent the possibility of soil salinization.

Soil and ground

For cacti, it is more expedient to select certain soil mixtures that contain turf, leafy soil, river sand. The composition of the soil must be selected for each type of cactus individually. For young cacti with white spines, soil mixed with lime is recommended, old specimens need peat soil and nothing more.

Properly selected soil is a guarantee that the root system will not rot and mold. But if this suddenly happened, it is important to clean the rhizome in time and remove all rotten parts from it.

And so, having decided on the pot and soil, you need to move on to planting a cactus. It is better to do this process in the spring. At the very bottom of the pot, you need to lay a drainage layer consisting of coarse sand or small expanded clay. Next, the pot must be covered in three parts with the main soil, and the roots of the cactus should be lowered into it. The surface layer must be covered with river sand or small pebbles, the soil should not retain a large number of moisture.

Lighting and temperature

It is also important to remember about lighting. In summer, the cactus must be taken out to an even more lit place.

In cities, places with a lot of dust, these plants need to be covered with a film, thereby protecting the cacti from ultraviolet radiation and rain. If suddenly burns appear on the plants, then the cacti must be sprayed with a mixture of magnesium sulfate. Young cacti are recommended to be kept in the shade, since if the specimen has changed color, then this is a sign of a burn.

According to many, cacti are not only adapted to a hot climate, but in general, they love the sun and heat, but this is not entirely true. It all depends on one or another type of cactus, on the season, but in both cases the temperature should not exceed 35 degrees, otherwise the plant will stop its growth and will get sick.

Winter cactus care

In winter, these plants do not need to be watered. You just need to provide cool conditions for cacti to bloom best. You also need to provide the cacti with the necessary lighting, using fluorescent lamps for this.


Cacti propagate at home:

Cuttings, and the plants do not need to be put in water, they take root perfectly. It is preferable in the spring, since at this time the cactus does not receive much stress from the cutting process.

What you need to do - with a sharp knife, you need to cut the stalk. The lower end is completely freed from everything superfluous and, using the same knife, slightly sharpen the stalk. After these procedures, the cutting must be left alone, for drying and complete adaptation.

Then the cutting needs to take root in the soil specially selected for this. Rooting is a long process that requires patience from the grower, in which it is not necessary to water the plant abundantly in order to avoid the appearance of rot on the root system.

The process of reproduction with the help of children proceeds quite easily. Since the children are well rooted and grow quickly. Weaned cactus babies from the mother plant can be immediately planted in the soil. But with such reproduction (children), every year the plant will weaken and begin to degenerate.


Some especially young cacti often bloom. The first flowers of cacti appear in the third year of life. And after three years, cacti can begin to bloom annually.

For better flowering, it is recommended to grow cacti in pots that are tight for the plant. In addition, it must be remembered that cacti give flowers only on newly appeared shoots of the plant. In this connection, it is imperative to create all conditions for the plant to grow well in the spring.

Cacti at home - watering and feeding

For some reason, many people believe that cacti should be watered no more than once a month. Such an attitude to the plant can lead, if not to its death, then to real stress, that's for sure!

During the growing season, the soil must be moistened and monitored for its moisture using a special indicator, or simply visualize this process.

Cacti love soft water, preferably chlorinated, without any impurities. It is best to use rainwater, melted water or passed through a filter at room temperature for irrigation.

For proper irrigation of cacti, it is necessary to use two methods of watering - from above and through the pan. Moreover, each method carries its own importance and has its own advantages, and possibly disadvantages.

Watering the cactus from above is easy and convenient, all the nuances of irrigation are visible. True, with constant such watering from above, nutrients are washed out of the soil, which adversely affects the vital activity of plants.

Watering a cactus through a pan is simple - the soil and necessary substances are not washed out, but it is difficult to understand how much water a plant needs.

When watering cacti, it is important to know:

When watering, water should not fall on the trunk of the plant.

The cactus must have good drainage soil - it is impossible for water to stagnate.

Excess water can cause irreparable harm to the cactus.

Cactus roots do not absorb low temperature water at all. Therefore, it is necessary to water the plant with water at least 12 degrees.

In the summer season, cacti need to be watered in the evening, and at other times of the year it is better to use morning irrigation.

top dressing

In order for the beloved handsome man to bloom, the cactus must be fed with special fertilizers and nutrients. It is necessary to fertilize cacti starting from the growing season and so on until September, until the moment the plant begins to rest and enters a state of rest. It is more expedient to use potash fertilizers with calcium and phosphorus for fertilizer.

Cactus at home: why does it die?

There are several main reasons for the possible death of cacti:

Bad mode.

Incorrect plant care.

Infection of plants through pests.

Various diseases.

Inept cactus device for wintering.

Also, mold can cause irreparable harm to cacti, and therefore the bottom of the pots and trays must be cleaned and washed regularly.

Cacti, or rather stomata located on the plant stem (through which cacti breathe), need constant spraying with water, as it easily washes away dust from existing specimens and allows them to breathe.

Also very often cacti infect mites and mealybugs. On cacti, mites can live in large colonies, infect and pierce plant stems. With worms that accumulate on cacti, they fight with the help of special means, the most important thing is to discern the threat in time.

The root system of cacti must be protected from rot - choose the right soil for your pet and provide it with appropriate watering.

When you follow all the rules for caring for these plants, at home you can create a unique collection of luxurious cacti that will give mood and delight the eye. And do not forget to wake up your pets in the spring with warmth, spraying, but not abundant watering.

Features of growing cacti at home:

  • In summer, the cactus grows at temperatures up to 24 ° C. In winter, most species need a decrease in temperature. If you keep them at temperatures above 20 ° C, they will not bloom.
  • Cacti need a lot of light. If it is not enough, the top of the trunk is pulled out, and the plant loses its attractiveness.
  • In summer, cacti can be taken out into the street. It is only necessary to take into account that they are very afraid of drafts. Plants must be protected from rain and wind with a film. First, the cacti are taken out for several hours. Gradually increase the time spent outside. After a couple of weeks, they can be left overnight. Temperature changes in different time hardens the cactus for days, its spines become shiny. Such hardening strengthens the plant, helps it to endure winter more easily.
  • In winter, plants are installed closer to the glass. But you can't get close to him. It must be remembered that the cactus does not like to travel around the apartment. He does not tolerate well not only the movement from one window to another. The cactus should not be rotated around its axis. Feed once every 2 weeks from April to the end of August.
  • If you water the cactus with hard water, which contains a large amount of salts, the soil dries long time, the lower part of the stem is covered with a brown salt coating. It spoils the appearance of the cactus, but will not bring much harm.
  • Pests common to most plants: mealybug, spider mite. You need to deal with them by treating them with insecticides. But it is better to avoid infection.

Repot the cactus in the spring. Only young plants are transplanted annually. Those who have reached 4 years - after 2 or 3 years. Dishes for transplanting a cactus can be of any shape. But flowerpots-cubes made of white polystyrene have become popular for growing cacti. If they have a retractable bottom, then removing the cactus from such a pot is much easier.

The size of the pot is taken a little more than the diameter of the cactus. A layer of gravel is laid at the bottom, which will allow moisture to easily pass through the soil. The base of the cactus should be at the level of the pot. Straighten the roots in different directions. Sprinkle with mixture. It is advisable to put a layer of sand or gravel on top. It will protect the soil from compaction and drying out. You can pick up beautiful decorative stones that will decorate the pot.

After transplanting, the cactus is not watered for 4 days, but exposed to the sun after it takes root.

The soil mixture consists of washed river sand, finely broken bricks, peat, turf and leaf soil. They make the composition loose and breathable. Peat is taken 2 times less than sand. It will help make the soil slightly acidic. The prepared soil is steamed to disinfect it.

Mixtures for young and adult cacti differ in composition. For young people, you need to add sod land, for adults - clay. You can buy a ready-made mixture at a flower shop.
Cacti that grow quickly need humus. Prickly species are sprinkled with eggshells in the soil.

Cacti do not require frequent watering with a small amount of water. It displaces the air and prevents the roots from breathing. Most species require watering only when the earth ball is completely dry. The exception is the cacti of moist forests. For each apartment or room, the drying time of the soil can vary significantly.

When and how to water a cactus:

  • To determine how dry the soil is, you need to make a recess in the corner of the pot and check the moisture manually.
  • Water for watering cacti should be soft. It can be obtained using filters. You can boil running water from the tap, and then defend. Cactus does not absorb cold water, the temperature of which is below 12°C.
  • Shed an earthen lump completely. excess water drains into the tray. It is drained from there in half an hour. The disadvantage of this method is that useful substances move faster to the lower part and are washed out. There is a risk of water getting on the stem.
  • You can pour water into the tray. Thus, it does not fall on the cactus stem. The main part of the roots is in the bottom of the pot, so they will be able to absorb moisture. In this case, it is difficult to determine the right amount of water. This requires some experience.
  • The cactus absorbs a lot of water. It will take him a long time to digest it. The substrate dries out between waterings, saturated with air. The roots breathe, the cactus grows.

How many times should a cactus be watered?

  • In winter, adult plants are watered according to the requirements of the species, approximately once a month. Small ones - once every 2-3 weeks, a couple of tablespoons of water is enough for them. You can spray the plants once a month warm water and water once. During the formation and growth of buds, cacti are only sprayed.
  • In the spring, from March, increase the amount of watering. In March, it is enough to do this once every 2 weeks, in April - once a decade, in May - once a week. Sprayed every 2-3 weeks.
  • In summer, in the heat, the soil dries out very quickly. Therefore, most species are watered every day or every other day.
  • In autumn, the number of waterings is gradually reduced: in September once a week, in October - once every 2 weeks. From November to March, a period of rest and wintering begins again.

When watering cacti, some restrictions must be observed. Do not water in the heat when the sun is at its zenith. This may cause burns. Do not water on a rainy day. It is best to do this in the evening. Some types of cacti in the hottest period cease to function, do not grow. Therefore, watering them at this time is not necessary. After all, they cannot absorb water in this state. When caring for cacti, you need to remember that it is better to add too little water than pour it too much.

More information can be found in the video:

Who first came up with the stereotype that cacti do not need to be watered? Now we are unlikely to know. On what basis did this invention come about? Unless, on knowledge of winter care. In principle, now it doesn’t matter who let this bike out to the people. Much more important proper care, in which water occupies, perhaps, a central place.

Despite a certain drought resistance, for the normal development and growth of the plant, you should know a few seasonal rules. And follow the recommendations for watering. Otherwise, your cacti will grow very poorly, and you won’t wait for flowers at all. By the way, absolutely all types and varieties bloom. Let's find out how to water a cactus at home?

Each season has its own irrigation system. It is based on the natural vegetative cycle of the cactus. At different times, the plant needs a different amount of water to drink, normal growth and good flowering. Therefore, we draw up a watering schedule using the natural cycle of cactus development.


In natural habitats, this time of year is the rainy season. Therefore, the water should be soft, settled. Best filtered and room temperature. Cacti need to be watered every day. Little by little, but often.

Do not be afraid of stagnation of excess fluid. If your pet is planted in the right soil with a good drainage layer, then all the excess will flow out. And nothing threatens the roots.


In nature, it is hot during the day and cool at night. Therefore, watering comes mainly from the dew that accumulates on the surface of the cactus. This is due to the difference between day and night temperatures. We do this: in the early morning and late evening, we spray the cactus with a spray gun every day. Spray well. We stop when water begins to flow down the plant in large drops.

As a rule, the cactus sits in a small pot. And in the summer heat, the earth in it dries up quite quickly. Therefore, do not be afraid to destroy the cactus with such frequent watering. Everything that he does not have time to drink will safely evaporate or drain through the drainage.

And further. Do not spray the cactus during the day. He, too, can get severe burns. Especially if it grows in direct sunlight.


Gradually, the temperature difference decreases, the thermometer slowly slides down. In nature, there is almost no dew, sometimes it rains a little. Maybe once every 5 days.

So we water the cactus in a similar way. Water the cactus well every 5-7 days. Again, keep an eye on the water temperature. It should be 2-3°C below room temperature. Accordingly, we lower the air temperature.


In nature, this season is dry and cool. Day and night temperatures are approximately the same, which rarely rise above +16°C. There is practically no rain. Sometimes, maybe once a month, a crazy cloud will fly in and water the cactus.

Our actions must be identical. We water our prickly pet no more than once a month. Keep at a temperature of about + 16-17 ° C.

In order not to pour the cactus in the cold season, be sure to make notes on the calendar or diary. Better not rely on your memory, write down the date of the next watering. Or set an alarm with a note on your phone. At the right time, he will notify you that it is time to water the cactus.

With the advent of spring, we gradually increase the watering of cacti. Then we repeat the annual cycle.

General requirements

Water for watering cacti should not be too hard. If you use a well, it is better to boil it. So you will definitely be sure that you will not water the plant badly. The same applies to tap water if, after settling, a hard salt coating or a thin layer of rust remains on the walls of the dishes.

We do not recommend using acid to reduce water hardness. It is very easy to overdo it with the number of drops. And in nature, cacti rarely water acid rain. No, of course, if you are a certified chemist, you may well try. It is better for mere mortals to boil in the old fashioned way.

Some breeders prefer to water the cactus at home with rainwater only. Or even bring snow from the street, then melt it. All this would be great if not for the current state of the environment.

Are you sure that together with this natural water you will not bring pathogenic bacteria or half of the periodic table into the house? It is unlikely that the cactus will like such supplements in the diet. It is desirable to clean any water for irrigation as much as possible. You need to feed the cactus with special fertilizer, instead of a chemical poison that is incomprehensible in composition.

If you still can’t wait to pamper your prickly pet with melt water, then do this:

  • filter prepared water for irrigation
  • let it sit for at least a day
  • pour into a suitable container (tight bag or plastic container)
  • place in the freezer
  • Take the ice out of the freezer after 3 days.
  • let it melt completely and cool to room temperature
  • carefully pour into another container, being careful not to shake the sediment

Everything, now you have clean melt water, which you can safely water the cactus. It is important not to boil this wonderful liquid at any stage of preparation. Otherwise, the structure will change completely. Then why all the preparations?

After each watering, carefully monitor the presence of excess liquid in the pan. Even in spring and summer, when you water cacti abundantly and regularly, the pan should remain dry. Be sure to drain everything from it to the last drop. Otherwise, the roots of the plant will begin to rot, and you will have to treat it stubbornly for a long time.

For the same reason, it is not recommended to plant a cactus in a clay or ceramic pot. This material perfectly absorbs moisture, gradually giving it away when the earthen coma dries up. You can't see it from the outside, so you'll be watering your prickly friend more than you need to. And moisture will accumulate. Then rotting of the roots or disease of the plant itself will begin. And you will puzzle for a long time about where it came from.

Use plastic pots. So you will definitely be sure that all excess liquid is glass in the pan.

In summer and spring, when keeping cacti outdoors, pay attention to humidity. environment. After rain or in cloudy weather, you can skip watering. The cactus will have enough of the liquid that is in the air.

At extremely high temperatures, on the contrary, watering is more frequent. After all, dry air is just as detrimental to a cactus as it is to other plants. Undoubtedly, the cactus easily tolerates the drying of an earthen coma. But still stock it vitality not endless.

With special attention, they observe the watering regime if the cactus has begun to produce buds. It is strictly forbidden to change something when the first buds of flowers appear. The slightest deviation from the usual conditions of detention - and instead of flowers, young shoots will begin to grow from the buds. Wait for the end of flowering. And only then change the watering mode to a more suitable one, according to the time of year.

How to water a cactus at home? As you can see, this is a whole science. But your plants will be as close to natural conditions as possible. Accordingly, they will begin to grow well and delight you.

Video: watering and feeding cacti in spring