Albert einstein how to change the world for the better. How to change the world for the better

  • 24.09.2019

Here I am sitting and writing something like my own obituary at the age of 68. I do this not only because I was persuaded; I myself think that it is a good thing to show my seeking brethren, as they appear, in a historical perspective, their own aspirations and searches. After some reflection, however, I felt how incomplete and imperfect such an attempt must be. After all, no matter how short and limited the working life may be, no matter how errors and wanderings prevail in it, it is still not an easy task to select and present what deserves it. When a person is 67 years old, he is not the same as he was at 50, 30 and 20 years old. Every memory is tinted with what a person now represents, and the current point of view can be misleading. This thought might be intimidating. But, on the other hand, much can be gleaned from one's own experiences that is inaccessible to the consciousness of another.

While still a fairly precocious young man, I vividly realized the insignificance of those hopes and aspirations that drive most people through life without giving them rest. I soon saw the cruelty of this race, which, however, at that time was more carefully covered up than now, by hypocrisy and beautiful words. Everyone was forced to participate in this race for the sake of their stomach. This participation could satisfy the stomach, but not the whole person as a thinking and feeling being. The way out of here was indicated primarily by religion, which is implanted in all children by the traditional machine of education. In this way, although I was the son of completely non-religious (Jewish) parents, I came to a deep religiosity, which, however, ended abruptly at the age of 12. Reading non-fiction books soon led me to believe that many things in the Bible stories could not be true. The result of this was downright fanatical free-thinking, coupled with the conclusion that the youth were being deliberately deceived by the state; it was an amazing conclusion. Such experiences gave rise to a distrust of all kinds of authorities and a skeptical attitude towards the beliefs and convictions that lived in the social environment that surrounded me at that time. This skepticism never left me, although it lost its sharpness later, when I better understood the causal connection of phenomena.

It is clear to me that the religious paradise of youth thus lost represented the first attempt to free oneself from the fetters of "only the personal," from an existence dominated by desires, hopes, and primitive feelings.

There, outside, existed Big world, existing independently of us, people, and standing before us as a huge eternal mystery, accessible, however, at least in part, to our perception and our mind. The study of this world beckoned as a liberation, and I soon became convinced that many of those whom I had learned to appreciate and respect found their inner freedom and confidence, surrendering entirely to this occupation. The mental grasp, within the limits of the possibilities available to us, of this impersonal world seemed to me, half consciously, half unconsciously, as the highest goal. Those who thought this way, whether they were my contemporaries or the people of the past, together with the views developed by them, were my only and unchanging friends. The road to this paradise was not as comfortable and enticing as the road to the religious paradise, but it turned out to be reliable, and I never regretted that I took it.

What I have just said is true only in a certain sense, just as a drawing consisting of a few strokes can only in a limited sense convey a complex subject, with its intricate small details. If this person especially appreciates a sharply honed thought, then this side of her being can stand out brighter than her other sides and to a greater extent determine her spiritual world. It may then happen that in retrospect this person sees a systematic self-development where actual experiences have alternated in a kaleidoscopic disorder. In fact, the diversity of external circumstances, combined with the fact that at any given moment you think of only one, introduces into the conscious life of each person a kind of atomic structure. In the development of a man of my type, a turning point is reached when the main interest of life is gradually detached from the momentary and personal and is more and more concentrated in the desire to mentally grasp the nature of things. From this point of view, the above schematic notes contain as much of the truth as can be said in such a few words.

What does it really mean to "think"? When, when perceiving sensations coming from the sense organs, pictures-memories emerge in the imagination, this does not mean “thinking”. When these pictures line up, each member of which awakens the next, then this is still not thinking. But when a certain picture occurs in many such series, then, by virtue of its repetition, it begins to serve as an ordering element for such series, due to the fact that it connects series that are themselves devoid of connection. Such an element becomes a tool, becomes a concept. It seems to me that the transition from free association or "dreaming" to thinking is characterized by the more or less dominant role played by the "concept". In itself, it does not seem necessary that the concept be combined with a symbol that acts on the senses and is reproduced (with a word); but if this is the case, then the thought can be communicated to another person.

By what right, the reader will now ask, does this man operate so unceremoniously and artificially with ideas in such a problematic area, without making the slightest attempt to prove anything? My justification: all our thinking is of the same kind; it is a free game with concepts. The rationale for this game lies in the ability to view sensory perceptions that can be achieved with the help of it. The concept of "truth" is still completely inapplicable to such education; this concept can, in my opinion, be introduced only when there is a conditional agreement on the elements and rules of the game.

For me, there is no doubt that our thinking proceeds mainly bypassing symbols (words) and, moreover, unconsciously. If it were otherwise, then why do we sometimes happen to be "surprised", and quite spontaneously, at this or that perception? This "act of surprise" seems to occur when perception comes into conflict with the world of concepts that is sufficiently established in us. When such a conflict is experienced acutely and intensely, it in turn has a strong influence on our mental world. The development of this mental world represents, in a certain sense, the overcoming of the feeling of surprise - a continuous flight from the "amazing", from the "miracle".

I experienced this kind of miracle as a child of 4 or 5 when my father showed me a compass. The fact that this arrow behaved so definitely was in no way suitable for the kind of phenomena that could find a place for themselves in my unconscious world of concepts (action through touch). I remember even now - or I think I remember - that this incident made a deep and lasting impression on me. There must be something else behind things, deeply hidden. A person does not react in this way to what he sees from an early age. The fall of bodies, wind and rain, does not seem surprising to him, he is not surprised at the moon and that it does not fall, he is not surprised at the difference between living and non-living.

At the age of 12, I experienced another miracle of a completely different kind: its source was a book on Euclidean geometry on a plane, which fell into my hands at the beginning of the school year. There were assertions, for example, about the intersection of three altitudes of a triangle at one point, which, although they were not obvious in themselves, could be proved with certainty that seemed to exclude any doubt. This clarity and confidence made an indescribable impression on me. It didn't bother me that the axioms had to be accepted without proof. In general, it was quite enough for me if I could rely in my proofs on such propositions, the validity of which seemed to me indisputable. I remember, for example, that the Pythagorean theorem was shown to me by my uncle even before the sacred book on geometry fell into my hands. With great difficulty I managed to "prove" this theorem by means of similar triangles; it seemed to me, however, "obvious" that the relation of the parties right triangle must be completely defined by one of its acute angles. In general, it seemed to me that it was necessary to prove only that which was not "obvious" in this sense. And the objects with which geometry deals did not seem to me of a different nature than "visible and tangible" objects, that is, objects perceived by the senses. This primitive understanding is based, of course, on the fact that the connection between geometric concepts and observable objects (length - a solid rod, etc.) was unconsciously taken into account. It is possible that this understanding underlies the well-known Kantian formulation of the question regarding the possibility of a "synthetic judgment a priori."

“To change the world... you have to realize that if you don't do it, no one else will. Your actions mean more than you can imagine.”

“To change the world, just take action. It means taking responsibility for what is happening around you, even when no one is demanding it from you, and even if it seems to you that no one will notice it.

“You can’t build a career if you are known as a person who always finds an excuse for his own inaction.”

John Izzo in How to Change the World for the Better: Raising Personal Responsibility for Everything That Happens Around

Everyone has the ability to improve their lives and the lives of those around them. To do this, you should define your “five rows of responsibility”. Imagine that you are flying in an airplane and your smile elicits smiles from the passengers sitting five rows ahead and behind you. A person has the power to influence everything that happens in his personal life, in the family, at work and in the world around him.

Show courage and take personal responsibility for what is happening around you. If everyone does the same, then many of the problems that bother people will simply disappear. Each of these problems is in the area of ​​someone's personal responsibility, and this person will probably want to do something to solve it.

Starting to act, a person starts a chain reaction: his active life position inspires others to action, their actions in turn inspire others, and the world is gradually changing. When something does not work out, then before looking for the guilty, analyze your behavior and mental attitudes. When things are going well, pay attention to how many people around you share your joy.

“It's not my fault, it's none of my business”

Social psychologists divide people into two categories, depending on how much, in the opinion of these people themselves, they influence the world. “Initiators” draw energy from within, are not afraid to act, take responsibility for their lives and believe that all their successes and failures are the result of a conscious choice. "Victims" - people dependent on the external environment - on the contrary, shift the responsibility to others and believe that their lives are controlled by fate, chance or "the powers that be".

Most people fall somewhere in between these two extremes. Your personal position on this spectrum determines how you perceive the world, and your mindset (flexible or rigid) determines how you see yourself. First of all, always think about what you can change, and not about what you cannot. Try to work on yourself more than trying to influence others. Start acting: engage in self-development, share your experience, knowledge and discoveries with others.

Change your life, develop mental flexibility and never forget that only you and no one else are responsible for everything that happens to you.

There is safety in numbers?

Respondents to a survey conducted in the US and Canada identified four top reasons why they hesitate to change their lives. The most common answer (46%) was “I can’t do anything on my own”. Another 20% answered that “someone else needs to change”, 18% referred to “lack of time and the burden of everyday worries”, and 16% answered that they would be ashamed to fail. If you are hesitant to act because you think that your efforts will lead nowhere, then know that the actions of people with common interests cause a synergistic effect, the potential of which is many times greater than the ability of the individual. There is nothing shameful in failures: many people who have brought great benefits to society have failed more than once. And the attitude of “let someone else do it” ultimately robs you of self-respect.

Eight ways to change the world for the better

Once you understand why you need to change the world and why you should do it, learn strategies to help direct efforts in the right direction.

1. Naive people change the world

If you want to change your life for the better—personal, professional, and social—become naive enough to believe that such a change is even possible. Naive faith pushes to action. So, Executive Director Clorox Don Knauss has a “philosophy of all-conquering optimism”: he believes that if you just try, you will definitely succeed. Get started right now by focusing on the problems you can solve. Try to shake the conviction of others that "nothing will ever change."

2. 100% Responsibility: No Excuses

In 1998, Fortune magazine named the little-known financial company Synovus the best employer in the United States. This company has a “100/0” rule, where 100 means everyone is 100% responsible for everything related to the company’s business, and 0 is an absolute rejection of any excuse if something goes wrong. The sad fact is that most people swap these numbers and live by the “0/100” principle, believing that they personally are not responsible for anything, and are not trying to change the status quo. Of course, human possibilities are not unlimited, but those who have determination and faith in themselves succeed no matter what. Think about how your life will change for the better if you stop looking for an excuse for your inaction. Get proactive: look at yourself in the mirror and ask what you can change here and now. Don't be afraid to take on the challenge, no matter what forces oppose you. Persevere through the inevitable obstacles and don't give up after the first setback.

3. Don't sit back

If you really want to change your life, start taking action right now. It doesn't matter if you don't have a plan. It is important that you are not idle. Just get started and everything else will fall into place on its own. If there is a problem in the area of ​​the city where you live, organize a meeting of local residents. If something is not going well at work, discuss the situation over a cup of coffee with like-minded colleagues. If arose family conflict, show that you are ready for a serious conversation. You may not be able to come up with a good plan of action, but you will definitely not get any closer to solving the problem if you do not take action.

At one firm, three employees agreed not to disturb each other with work-related messages over the weekend. A “domino effect” arose in the team, and a year later this rule became the official policy of the company. If you feel like you need to work out but can't hit the gym, make it a point to start your day with a few jumping jacks and squats. This, of course, will not improve your fitness, but it will help form a healthy habit. Start changing your life by taking one small step towards your goal, then another. Find people with whom you can solve problems that concern you. Feel free to talk about how much better life would be if you put a little effort into it.

4. Start where you are

According to culture transformation expert Peter Block, change “should start right in the room you are in.” In other words, if you want to help developing countries, you don't have to travel halfway across the world. Act where you are. A child can organize a lemonade sale to collect donations for those in need, an adult can help with packing humanitarian aid, a pharmaceutical company can donate medicines, and an airline can deliver cargo to a disaster area for free. Opportunities are everywhere, and your act will not become less noble if you perform it while remaining in place. Just try to do everything in your power.

There are two main factors that motivate people to take personal responsibility for what happens. The first is a protest against injustice and a desire to rectify the situation. The second is the realization (sudden or gradual) that you have the power to change something for the better. Take action by identifying where you can improve your life by simply looking at things from a new angle. Think about the benefits you can bring to others, how unique abilities(oratorical, pedagogical, organizational or any other) possess.

5. Leader is not a position

A leader is an internal state, not a position or beautiful word on a business card. Taking on a leadership role means dedicating yourself to serving others. Learn not to lose your temper during a heated discussion, and you will see that others will soon begin to listen to your opinion. Be a leader even in what goes beyond your direct responsibilities. For example, Frappuccino has become a multi-billion dollar brand thanks to the persistence of the staff at a Starbucks coffee shop in Santa Monica, California. This handful of people took the initiative in an area that was not formally their area of ​​responsibility, and in spite of everything, they saw the job through.

Another example of this kind of leadership is the story of a collections agency employee working for Canadian Tire (a large household goods retailer). This man helped a woman with credit card debt start her own business to pay off her debts. Two high school students from a Canadian high school also showed themselves as leaders, organizing a “Pink Shirt Day” to support a teenager who was bullied by other students because he came to school in a pink shirt. Get started by stating out loud (or better yet, putting it on paper) how you are going to change the world for the better. Don't be afraid to go beyond your limits and do more than is expected of you.

6. Don't be afraid to speak up

To change the world, have the courage to go where you have not been invited. You shouldn't be afraid to expose your company's dishonest practices, offer advice to a friend or colleague even if they don't ask for it, or voice an unpopular opinion. Remember the difference between an argumentative argument and a squabble. An argument is a discussion in which the parties seek the truth by analyzing and refuting each other's arguments, but refraining from getting personal. The argument turns into a squabble when one of the participants tries to blame others and relieve himself of responsibility.

You will achieve tremendous positive change if you speak your mind openly in cases where it helps to restore justice, expose dishonest actions, or open the eyes of others to something important. Your honesty can turn into a powerful stimulus for change. Give constructive friendly criticism to others. Don't be afraid to touch on sensitive topics. Whether you criticize friends, relatives, or colleagues, do it with the utmost respect.

7. “Who am I to change the world?”

You don't need a plan to get started, and once you take the first step, you won't be able to stay away. This happened to two Canadian homeless people - Ken Liotier and Williams Tremblay, who earned their living by collecting bottles.

In 1991, they held a one-day action to draw attention to the problem of the homeless. Their efforts have forced the Canadian government and businesses to change their approach to recycling. Today, Liauthiere and Tremblay's recycling company has employed many homeless people and is making a handsome profit.

Devin Hibbard founded the charity BeadforLife with two casual acquaintances. The goal of this project is to provide a source of livelihood, and with it hope for the future, to thousands of needy women in Uganda. According to Hibbard, “Change requires patience. We all want our action to have an immediate effect, but change does not happen immediately.” Take action, even if you think you don't have the right skills, talents, or knowledge.

8. Building a culture of action

Leaders in most organizations would like subordinates to take the initiative and not be afraid to take responsibility. Building a culture of responsibility begins with leadership: leaders must personally demonstrate the qualities they demand from team members. Keep the following basic principles in mind.

People are not afraid to act when they have a voice. Involve everyone affected by the decisions in the decision-making process. Employees will be personally interested in the results, feeling their involvement in the decision.
Give people responsibility and they will act responsibly. Empower employees at all levels, and you end up with dedicated people who have a vested interest in the success of the company and its customers.
Praise the effort, not just the result. The efforts made by subordinates often go unnoticed by management. People will want to change much faster if they know that their efforts will be rewarded even if they fail. They should not be afraid to be embarrassed, reprimanded or lose their jobs. Take the opportunity to praise them for their diligence.

You will crush any desire in people to take the initiative if you immediately reject any of their proposals. Encourage innovation by celebrating fresh ideas.

Remember: "And one warrior in the field!" Everyone has the ability to change the world for the better!

Your actions always make sense, even if you have to act alone. When many people begin to make efforts in the same direction, the final effect will increase many times over. Accept your personal responsibility for everything that happens around you and start changing the world for the better.

When failures are everywhere and you constantly want to escape from problems, it begins to seem that the whole thing is in the world. That someone is stopping us from achieving our goal. But is it really so? After all, we all want to achieve our goals and live the way we dreamed of as a child. So why does someone succeed, and someone sits with nothing? Do you want to catch a fair wind in the direction of your dreams on scarlet sails and learn how to change the world?

It's all a conspiracy!

Everyone in life probably has a feeling that the Universe itself puts sticks in his wheels. After all, he tries his best, but still nothing works. And the conclusion comes that someone else is to blame. Very often they are guilty successful people, because misunderstanding grows: why luck smiles at them, but not at you. They must be doing it wrong! But in fact, it speaks in a person envy.

If you are thinking about how to change the world around you in such a way that it pleases you, then the way of thinking described above needs to be changed. The world will not change if you yourself remain the same. Our environment is a mirror. And you can see in it only a reflection of your inner world. If you think that it does not suit you, then you need to change the source. And when you become better, the world around you will begin to help you achieve your goals.

Choose a course

If you feel like a ship without sails and oars, which just goes with the flow, then something needs to be changed. Designate for yourself and clearly form the main goal, and then move in its direction. Success accompanies those who strive for it, and not those who simply wait for it. How can you change the world if you don't change anything in it?

Do not delay, look into your heart right now and feel exactly what you want. To begin with, you can look for the fulfillment of some minor desire, but which you sincerely want. What for? Why not immediately reach for the most desired? Because for this you need confidence, and you can cultivate it in yourself after a few successfully completed goals. Nobody says to forget the secret, always remember it, but first concentrate on the simplest goals. After choosing a direction, you can proceed to the next step.

The state of your body

The body should give you only joy and admiration. How to change the world for the better? Literally start with yourself! You must love and respect the body. And it's not about narcissism. Of course, loving yourself the way you are is also important. But if the body has flaws that bother you and that can be corrected, then you just need to get rid of them.

And don't neglect your overall health. The first step is to have regular check-ups. But it’s just not enough either, the body needs to be tempered. sports, proper nutrition and simply healthy are designed specifically to keep the body strong and healthy. At first, it may seem that everything is very difficult, because the body is not used to discipline and regimen, but even after a week of a healthy lifestyle, you can notice changes in well-being.

You just need to look into long term: Do you want to always stay healthy and feel young? Lying on the couch with chips, you will not achieve this. The choice is yours. And who do you think is easier to achieve success: a healthy and active person or a lazy person with a bunch of small health problems that he simply does not want to pay attention to? We think everyone understands that the more pleasant we are in our body, the more it helps in achieving our goals and improving the world and life.

Our environment is our reflection

First of all, pay attention to the conditions in which you live. Whether it's a house, an apartment, or just your own room. TO environment can also be attributed workplace because you are there a large number of time.

To better understand how to change the world and how the environment influences, imagine a swan living in a well-groomed and green protected area and swimming in a clean pond with water lilies. The surrounding nature will only further decorate the noble color of the swan's feathers, and he will be able to give joy to everyone who looks at him. Now imagine that this beautiful snow-white bird will be planted in a swamp with reeds burned around and littered with bottles, candy wrappers and cigarette butts. How long will swan feathers stay white? And can he even survive in such conditions? Most likely no. This is how the physical environment affects a person. Determine what needs to be changed and take action.

The environment can also be social. There are people who will always support you, and those who will doubt you and prevent you from moving forward. This does not mean that the former are good and the latter are bad. And it’s not at all necessary to completely stop communicating with people who “slow down” you, it’s enough just to limit the scope of conversations a little. All people are afraid, and perhaps these people are just worried about you. Therefore, you need to avoid talking about topics that may cause some negative reactions. Do you think that this person does not share your belief in achieving goals? Talk about buying yourself a new shirt or just about the good weather. And with people who can inspire and support you, you can already discuss your plans and how to change the world in better side. Without like-minded people, you can tune in to the positive, but with them it becomes easier. After all, we are only human, sometimes we just need a little support to believe in ourselves.

For example, you want to lose weight, then buy a gym membership where people have the same goal.

Way of thinking

This is probably the most important thing to change in yourself when you start to think about how to change the world. Most of us, most likely, do not even realize how much our thoughts can help or hinder us in achieving our goals. You need to not just think about success, but visualize it and believe in it. When you learn to think positively, you can very soon see the so-called law of attraction in action.

Hello, my name is Alexander. I did not think about the text, so everything I write is instant thoughts and emotions! I am not a well-read person! I am a very lazy person! I believe that in my entire life I have read no more than 1000 or 2000 pages, having completely read about 3-5 books and then with the instructions of my parents) there were articles, there are all sorts of well, he was straight stubborn, his father was a military doctor, an excellent student, a gold medal all things - he was a botanist, his mother, my grandmother was an extremely smart woman! a clear vision and the construction of a strategy led her from a poor area for ten years, divorced with two children in the 80s, she received an education in construction in order to get an apartment considering the floor - what if an earthquake from the upper floors can not be in time ... well, on the first you never know - it’s easier for robbers, but the second floor is buzzing - an assessment of situations from many angles, the entrance even mattered! she clearly assessed what it takes to spend the least effort to get an apartment in at that time in the most elite area, so you need to get an education in construction, stick to the right construction site the right person and get away from it! honestly earned an apartment in the right place, and not to engage in construction, there was a strategy of selecting the right wives from the right families with the right views, positions - in common man who could judge situations clearly! Well, this is incredibly short, I think it’s clear why I wrote this! a year before my birth, when my father was about 30, he died, my father says that it was under mysterious circumstances! and then a year later the collapse of the union! Grandmother, of course, was very smart, but her views were not enough (of course, part of this clarity was passed on to her father! Until 2005, he was one of the few Russians in Kazakhstan, so far from the times of the USSR who reached the position that he had, if honestly, my father doesn’t understand a lot in life, but in his own way he was special, it happened that he could in someone, not in everyone, but in someone or something he could evaluate beforehand what this situation could lead to! even the choice of professions sons were evaluated from a strategic point of view - uncle is a lawyer, father is a doctor - at that time it was easier for the military, so a military doctor! and made of them, I think she even evaluated the optimization of knowledge so that the father could cure a lot, and uncle knew the laws , he was also a military man, well, that's another story ... my father very often on very many things, even it would seem that it didn’t seem to be very important, he made accents, took them apart! in general, my father had an idea - how to make a super person, it would be interesting to look at me if only he knew more! knew how to make a super person, so that I would go further, what would move the family and offspring to the top! my grandmother turned out to be tactful but not fully provided for to choose wives for her father and uncle, so that she would be beautiful both in body and from a strong family with certain skills - I think she understood that her father and mother would have problems in relationships - well, I think she knew what she would find what to say to everyone so that everyone understands the truth, but then she said goodbye to the 90s, although my father is smart - very well-read and understood a lot of things - but no one was ready for this, I myself was born on July 20th In 1991, the collapse of the union almost destroyed the existence of our family, which for generations built strategies to move forward! I know only from words - my mother with my baby somehow ended up on the street - we were kicked out by my father's brother - drugged by a beloved creature, only an accident brought my father from a neighboring military town, although he was supposed to be in another town (Otar), there were no cell phones, and at home, my uncle was already preparing the docks, well, by some magic my father brought home on time, just a couple of hours and that’s all ... homeless people, well, everything worked out and he gave everyone a fucker, but uncle - what to do with him? this is simply unthinkable, I think my father could not have imagined that this could happen to his own, because he was not a stupid guy - his uncle was 25 years old then, well, then his father cleared his brain! I think it's very smart! Well, it's in the cut! in general, the father with a soul tried to invest in me as much as possible! I was almost always involved in some kind of sport - and then my father made an assessment of the desired sports! piano music school as a child, summer is a must in the camp, and after all, you need to know what is there and how, from 6 to 12 years old I go every summer, it happened all summer, it happened almost all summer! there, from a very young age, I don’t remember exactly how - but I began to participate in skits somewhere, helped in all sorts of things! I liked it! I just had unmeasured energy, now estimating how much and what kind, I can’t even believe that you would understand, until the age of 16 I often ran to the store for a while in order to be in time before the end of advertising, I was rarely late) proper thoughtful nutrition, regimen , obligatory trips to the mountains with the whole family! father was an ardent communist! a steelist, and my mother is a Catholic, she was not a fan, but she often prayed to the church all things, respectively, her father is an atheist! but seeing before my eyes that my mother adequately relates to religion, the norms belonged to this, I think he treated religion as a spiritual culture of the people! he went to religious holidays with pleasure - gently teaching me to treat religion with respect, but realizing that this was bullshit - roughly speaking! father was one of rare people, guests often came on various issues, there were moments at the reception house - and people of different classes came, the janitor from the yard offered tea, I often saw a tactful approach to many! he could make a remark in such a way that many even seemed to like the way he did it! the rich, the poor, the military, high-ranking, etc. were visiting. and maybe even always made notes about them - and the notes are not monotonous - all this gave interesting skills! but how, with such an upbringing, such a harsh, healthy, intelligent and strategic Stalinist person admitted that I skipped almost the entire 7th grade, it’s generally tough, in general, partly my mind and cunning were transferred, only something went wrong, I started skipping a lot, more often I did it all thoughtfully, forged certificates with my father's seal, I understood that there could not be many certificates, so I modeled excuses, although some luck and circumstances were on my side! then he began to drink, smoke cigarettes at my age of 16 - and after all, I had no right to sleep at home! one fig went missing several times) but I was just partially lucky that I did not stumble upon people who could be drawn into something! in general, in the 8th grade, he entered CSKA, did judo! I think my father wanted medals, but not getting them for some reason was more than normal, surprisingly! I think he understood that professional sports are hurting - he somehow unobtrusively sometimes drove into my head that I could do more! why, in such a wonderful family, I suddenly began to become a professional swindler at the age of 14-15, who drinks yes yes no no, smokes cigarettes, as I wrote earlier - my grandmother counted being there at the right time, but alas! my mother did not love my father, he understood that! there were often quarrels, sometimes right... and sometimes - the father became a demon! he could beat me shamelessly when I, when my mother, when my sister, it happened that he beat me like a mutt! then fixed everything! in general, by some miracle, the marriage did not break up! Of course it was very reflected on me, on my sister! in general, it can be written and written! in the senior classes of the suit, I, too, if I needed to, could secure myself an official absenteeism! only you can’t sit at home, my mother did almost all the work at home, I staggered either to the cinema, or in a computer club, or on the street! at times I got into circumstances from which I found sometimes ordinary sometimes masterpiece exits, sometimes something somehow went by itself by luck! in addition to this, many moral values ​​​​are well fixed - respect for elders! do not offend the weak, etc. - when I began to get older for any conflict with my sister (2.5 years older) - even if she is wrong - my father, without really explaining, said that I was wrong, I made a situation that could have been done differently! this happened often, it broke my brain at times! but it made me wiser, more patient, more reasonable! only with my sister for a turn (at 16-17 I studied at a sports school, wrestling, all things - often afterward I spent time in the area, and there I was more or less lucky with the company, I learned a little concepts, I saw showdowns from just between the goldfinch, in the flesh to the prisoners in general, I'm tired of writing, I'll sum up the essence! I was directly tucked up by circumstances in which most often improved my adequate understanding of the world! At the age of 17, suspecting my beloved of betrayal, I began to conduct investigations, waiting! For 3 months I did everything carefully, achieved what I wanted! strong! I began to delve into psychology, the most interesting thing is that I didn’t read anything, I had enough little experience and understanding of what to do, I began to help mostly friends - somewhere not close - listened to them, gave advice! was very attentive to little things, analyze, memorize! Yes, and in life! everywhere with whom he could, carried out certain checks to understand the psychology of certain people, a year later! it became unbearable! th essence of those people, I somehow determined that by improvisation I set up a conversation in such a way that it would be considered a person! in general, a year later, I began to extinguish it in myself! then uni! there were also quite a few things that pacified me and made me wiser, in those years - of course, not every teacher, often joked witty - of course, it happened that they kicked me out for this) but more often I joked so much that I cheered up the teacher! besides this, from almost every faculty I knew someone! I was not a direct super star, but many knew me - at some point I caught the reputation of a womanizer, but still there were smart, well-mannered girls who saw decency in me; in general, the university was a theater) but circumstances in my second year pushed me away from uni, family. I was sheltered by a classmate - over whom I often joked! moments father brought to thoughts of suicide! but leaving the house, I could not allow myself to be seen sad, I was always mega positive, but besides this, I taught myself to understand how to help myself, or distract! Well, then sometimes I came across unfortunate people in whom something caught me - I periodically talked with girls, studying them - helping them! by the way, I often noticed that many people just need to speak out, I used to convey simple things to people, sometimes surprising for such a youngster who had not read a single book on psychology! now it looks so absurd to me! but on many of my - in fact, advice in which I put my soul, realizing that - not every professional psychologist can so unusually assess the situation from many angles from all sides, I felt what questions should be asked in order to understand what needs to be understood! I laid it out on the shelves from different positions so much that sometimes I said options for the consequences for this and that, listened to me, yes, and Kali, then I saw their mistakes from which I warned, I saw how accurate I was in the analysis! it was frustrating! In moments I analyzed all this - I began to conduct psychological experiments - very successfully! I realized that it is important not only what you say, but also how! started experimenting too! successfully) then somehow relieved! so I wrote above that I moved away from the university, my family - and this is depression, I started smoking weed - almost at 21 - I was lucky that I tried it for the first time at 16 but there were no situations due to which I would get hooked, I could smoke every 2 -3 months! then I was introduced to painkillers (tramadol) in 2012-13, I still eat, but even here - I more or less restrained myself so as not to get hooked! meanwhile, marijuana began to smoke more, over time - I began to understand that I was losing myself, then unplanned very strange but instructive relationships, the result of which after a year and three months put me out of action, moments of thought ate so much that I began to work on plugging my thoughts, in this way, as far as I remember - I might not even be able to think ... for about a month I dragged myself from the fact that nothing was bothering me, then I began to feel and understand that speech began to deteriorate, the speed of thinking - I taught myself to think, forced me! I fixed it pretty quickly and instructively) in fact, it was sometimes interesting for me to conduct psychological experiments more often on myself, it was something not, over time I used to explain to someone who needs it, how to take it correctly so as not to overdo it, what and how to what if a hangover would go away easily, headaches - I understood how to understand - it is worth giving or not! who asked tried to convey that this is not the right thing! In addition to this, he could give health advice! considering many factors — well, where did I understand! I won’t get lost in thoughts) I think it’s clear why I wrote all this above - and even then without numerous nuances, so superficially! in general, in recent years, I continue to kill myself with marijuana, alcohol, in order to leave the realities of this world! so many skills are lost! but everything can be fixed) but despite all this, the analysis of a lot of things did not stop. what is most important, I tried to help as many people as possible, I didn’t always do it, I didn’t have enough time for everyone, I helped someone with money, now I’m in debt, and I understood at these moments that there are risks, well, okay! sometimes he was again disappointed in humanity - he scored on it, over time he worked through these moments! successfully) again began to help this and that! a year ago I broke up with my beloved! it finally broke me, I quarreled with my father very much for a couple of weeks I was homeless! today I could hang out in a cool place, and tomorrow I could sneak into the basement, then look for a place on the street! by the way - for some time he worked as a security guard in nightclubs, analyzed the conflicts of the guests, the reactions of the guards, the reactions to the reactions! then I started being at the age of 22-23 at that time I tried to harm myself less, which means my mind was more pure - I started to train some conflictologists, again only relying on personal experience and observations, in the end, if it was necessary to take a guest out (I don’t take into account those who are straight in the insole), more often fighters - others either rudely took them out, somewhere they persuaded guests - a lot different situations it was, I began to briefly explain to the guests from different positions and concepts so that even the pontarezes began to apologize, it turns out that it would not seem cultured people can be cultural! again, a crazy amount of thoughts, analyzes, etc. if a little further, then 2 years ago I tried myself as a leader and worked almost all summer! began to notice for myself and for people that — it's mine! girls often complimented me on the voice - I think this is all a music school - the choir, I loved the choir, and I did great! I began to devote time to my voice for a short time - very sluggishly from time to time I began to look for unusual stories, put on a musical background suitable for emotional loads - and it is unusual to read stories, not always - but quite often I wanted to evoke certain emotions at certain moments - and quite often started to work! immediately a ton of thoughts on how to improve it, how it can be used! began to think about audio theater, I think that only dramaturgy could swing! but over time, these soaps were passed! About 2 years ago I started wanting to read! just as the leader then began to work, I could conduct a self-warm-up to read a few pages, as the speed of thinking immediately increased noticeably! revealed a very light equipment a quick increase in reading speed, and speed of thinking! then these thoughts are tired! recent years, the sister began to make a lot of mistakes, this clearly affects the parents! parents grow old, meanwhile I became wiser but slower - I didn’t want to delve into myself, it was easier with my friends to get away from these realities! in general, for a while I stopped seeing and understanding how simple everything in this world is! Well, then I shook my brain, then I worked a little on it! and suddenly - like a year ago, I began to feel in the pool of the floor the dormant greatness inside myself, I still did not leave the thought of how to help this and that - the whole world! about two years ago I started watching programs about animals…………… for half a year, channels about animals went non-stop, somewhere I didn’t pay attention - somewhere I took into account something! and began to see in some animals some moments of certain people, which gave impetus to progress general psychology! I had moments of enlightenment - the understanding that everything is essentially lego - that in every situation you can find pros - cons, and in principle that the impossible is possible, but I'm too absent-minded to concentrate and combine all these views. a year or two ago I began to see that I needed to get better, but I was exhausted by everyday life, often in the morning all thoughts were gone, a lot of ideas on various topics were buried during the years of my battle with me. with the course of circumstances, a lot of things needed on these issues began to float either in the Internet in the article, or somewhere in conversations - as if they were signs. and earlier I understood that it is possible in principle to change the world, and not for me, and maybe not soon, but periodically going through the options, I did not stop periodically delving into this, but it’s hard with a smoky brain - and the fact that something is wrong with this it is necessary to do, in general, a lot of all sorts of thoughts, analyzes - accidents led me to think that I could once influence certain people, play with their emotions .... and lately all these things have begun to intertwine with me, most often it distracted me from globality, but something has recently begun to change. suddenly - I stumbled upon such a person as Mansa Musa - and this inspired me, I thought so much that I never had an obvious idol, but not now, in general, even though I am with great mental disorders, and not understanding a lot of things! and this morning, it brought me that I was somewhere close to the truth, I began to think about keywords! I haven’t put these moments on the shelves before, everything was too blurry! and today I realized that I can do everything, I have long been convinced that the impossible is possible - but it has become closer! I can - I want to change the world! I do not have enough knowledge, and there is no desire to spend a lot of time reading hundreds of books, I understood that this was a waste of time that would take me far from the point! and then I remembered from the course of philosophy the topic about the question! that if you know what specific question you are interested in, finding the answer is not easier, you also need to correctly ask the right question) and here I am) a lot of water of course! do not judge strictly! I usually prepare for such prophetic things, write the text, think it over - then I change the text - then I need to go somewhere - then life eats up and everything loses the thread, the thought - so I decided to write without hesitation, not to waste time! do not remake what would have changed above! rate it as it is! keep in mind - it’s not like I’m such the smartest person here, I know everything! I realized that all these qualities in me, collected with experience and worldview, if properly developed, then it is possible - to create magic with words! Thanks for attention!

9.Question: How can the world be changed for the better.
The question is not new. Most often, this question has occupied and occupies the minds of philosophers and sages. Not everyone will accept such an answer: it is the prerogative of God. But that's just the way it is. Without having at least a small part of perfect spiritual knowledge, a person will never agree with the role assigned to him only to follow the Will of God without his absolute initiative and interest.

Therefore, God gives a person through his illusory energy an understanding of his involvement and thereby involves him in developing material games, the purpose of which has always been and remains - the development of human consciousness and the improvement of his qualities.

And yet, is it possible to change the world for the better? - It is impossible for any person, no matter what position he occupies, or for all mankind as a whole, to change the world for the better. The histories of all civilizations on Earth, their connections, their interdependence, the specific path of development are interconnected by such a Divine plan and the idea that nothing can somehow be changed by someone else's will, except God, as well as cannot be introduced without God. Everything to the smallest detail is connected by cause-and-effect connections, and everything to the smallest detail is the steps of one ladder, where not a single step, not a single person can step over or somehow ignore. The whole staircase is the path of development of Creation, from civilization to Civilization, everything is Divinely Meaningful, including from now to this life of the simplest living beings, not to mention man,

For many millions of years ahead, for all planets of all levels, the entire universe and all material universes combined.

Therefore, returning to the wishes of people, we can consider them as good impulses, but in ignorance. A person should think in this direction, but not globally, but in terms of

Your virtue and service to God. He cannot change the course of events, the cause of which is in the karmic reactions of both one person, nations, communities, and entire states, which, moreover, stretch not only from centuries, but also from past millennia.

Only people who are far from religion can believe that history is created by the people, or units, or leaders. All of them are just a tool through which God implements His Plans. Only God Himself Personally Governs everything, He Himself elects the rulers long before their earthly birth and determines their contribution to the development of the country or Society, God Himself removes them when they have already played the role allotted to them, for which their qualities and qualities were perfect. in just such a way. And the sinful qualities of people helped God turn history in the way it was necessary for

further development. It is very difficult for a person who thinks within the limits of his own life to see the auspiciousness of both favorable and unfavorable events, both for one person and for States. It was thanks to both violence and visible injustice that God raised peoples from a backward state, brought

Progressive knowledge and culture, conveyed spiritual and scientific values ​​and so developed and develops, and will continue to develop, and in a variety of ways. The goal of God, I repeat, is the development of creation, and He copes with this task superbly. Earth is the place from where they go to the spiritual plane. Neither from the heavenly planets nor from the planets low level, namely from the Earth, the planet of the middle level, people forever go beyond the limits of this universe. God leads everyone through all stages of development, leads through the path of suffering and overcoming, and He Himself knows the measure. If in one life a person eked out a miserable

Existence, then in another he will certainly live in abundance. If a person could not achieve success in work, then this will be given to him in next incarnation. Similarly, if a person in one life was cruel and brought only Suffering to others, then in the next birth he will be treated cruelly and will have to suffer from the cruelty of others himself. In everything there is a Divine order and the greatest Divine Justice.

Well, how can a person improve the life of someone who, for his deeds in the past, God averted suffering? You should know it. But with all this, a person, not knowing the true cause of the suffering of another, will act correctly and righteously if he always comes to the rescue.

Therefore, it is best to do this and live in a way where God allows you to show your best qualities for God knows His Cause, and man must know his own. Otherwise, his path will be considered sinful and punishment will certainly follow, like karmic reactions.

However, all of the above must be understood correctly. Gotta know what

God is behind everything. One must be religiously literate in understanding the role of God and place

An individual person. You need to understand your field of activity, where you can apply

Your efforts for the benefit of many and many, and not be attracted by the illusion of

His special role and chosenness. Everyone has a lot of opportunity in life

Bring a lot of Light into the lives of others with your Destiny. Even though God limits here,

For the Father is striving for the development of everyone, both through his efforts as well, and through his help.

Others. Those. God will give to do good, but in such a way as not to aggravate the path of dependents on

Someone else's blessing. Those. God is definitely in control. Thoughts for the good of everything

Humanity is relaxed and prevented from concentrating on a specific deed.

But such a way of thinking is considered by God, although not perfect, but blissful at the stage of ignorance. However, people at this stage of understanding have

Grace of God and they are given to realize themselves as God gives them, against the background of their

Time and your way.