Help with insect and snake bites. Bites of snakes and insects: how to provide first aid! Then they go according to plan.

  • 20.06.2020

A variety of representatives of the fauna are capable of inflicting bites. They represent a protective reaction of a living organism.

Unfortunately, bites can harm human health. Often they cause intoxication of the body, skin burns and allergic reactions.

They can cause a lot of pain and in some cases are a serious threat to life.

It will be useful to know how to provide first aid for the bite of a snake, spider, tick, wasp, bee, jellyfish.

The right actions help to remove pain syndrome, reduce inflammation and prevent the development of complications in the form of allergic reactions, redness and swelling of large areas of the skin.

If you are in the wild, you should respect its inhabitants, do not invade their space. But it is not always possible to avoid the bite of one or another representative of the fauna.

Everyone knows that many types of snakes are poisonous. Their contact with a person can be fatal.

But usually snakes are not the first to attack. They become dangerous if disturbed.

It should be noted that the most dangerous species are the following:

  • cobra;
  • gyurza;
  • muzzle;
  • viper.

If a person is bitten by a snake, he often does not have time to see how it looked. Not necessarily this animal will be dangerous.

But in order to avoid the most serious consequences, first aid should be provided for a snake bite. The first thing to do is to seek qualified medical help.

It is necessary to call an ambulance or place the victim in a car to go to the doctor.

While the person will be taken to the hospital, the spread of poison from the bite should be prevented in the body.

To do this, expose the affected area and begin to suck the poison out of the wound. In no case do not swallow saliva during this process, because it may contain the victim's blood and toxic substances.

It is very important to apply a bandage above the affected area in order to slow down the blood flow and prevent poisoning of the whole body.

It is very important to limit all movements of the victim. The more he moves, the faster the poison spreads throughout the body.

In a situation where a person gets bitten, it is important not only to call for help. Sometimes, it is the first seconds after the bite that become decisive. That is why it is so important to be able to provide first aid.

insect bite

Most often, first aid for insect bites consists of using anti-inflammatory ointments and applying something cold to the affected area to reduce swelling.

But there are people who have an increased sensitivity to contact with wasps and bees.

After a bite, they experience an allergic reaction, which can lead to the development of anaphylactic shock.

This condition is treatable, but if measures are not taken in a timely manner, a person may die.

After a wasp or bee sting, check the skin for a sting. These insects sometimes leave a sting that exacerbates the symptoms of the bite.

Most often, redness and swelling appear on the skin, there is a mild pain syndrome.

If a sting is found in the skin, it should be carefully removed with washed hands with soap. After that, it is advisable to rinse the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with cool water.

This will reduce swelling, pain and cleanse the skin of pollution. At the first manifestations of an allergy, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Allergic reactions to bee and wasp stings vary from person to person. Most often, a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body swells, the temperature rises, a sharp pain appears, and the general well-being of a person worsens.

To avoid the development of anaphylactic shock, it is very important to call an ambulance. The doctor will give you an injection of epinephrine, which will prevent complications.

tick bites

Ticks are arachnids that bite, stick to the skin and feed on human blood.

The danger of contact with this subclass is that they suffer a serious illness - encephalitis.

It is accompanied by inflammation of the membranes of the brain. The encephalitis virus can cause inflammation of the lining of the spinal cord.

In this case, the disease is called meningoencephalitis or meningitis.

Most ticks that carry encephalitis live in the Far East, the Urals and Siberia. There is a high probability of catching such a dangerous disease.

There is an effective prevention of encephalitis, which involves vaccination. Thanks to such measures, immunity is provided for a period of 4 to 5 years.

If you notice a tick on your body, you should remove it. The sooner this is done, the less chance that infection will occur.

You should choose methods that will not harm the tick itself. Otherwise a large number of the virus can enter the bloodstream, increasing the chances of getting sick.

Then it is imperative to consult a doctor who will prescribe preventive treatment for encephalitis. It consists in the introduction of serum containing antibodies to the virus. In most cases, such prevention is very effective.

Bites from various animals can seriously harm human health. For this reason, it is so important to know what first aid should be.

This will save you from serious complications and allow you to lead a normal life instead of treating a dangerous disease.

AT summer time a person can be bitten by a bee, wasp, bumblebee, snake, and in some areas - a scorpion, tarantula or other poisonous insects. The wound from such bites is small and resembles a needle prick, but poison penetrates through it, which, depending on its strength and quantity, either acts first on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body around the bite, or immediately causes general poisoning.

Bites of poisonous snakes

bites poisonous snakes life-threatening. Usually snakes bite a person in the leg when he steps on them. Therefore, in places where snakes are found, you can not walk barefoot. Snake bites are most dangerous when the venom enters a blood or lymph vessel. With intradermal ingestion of poison, intoxication increases within 1-4 hours. The toxicity of the poison depends on the type of snake. Cobra venom is the most dangerous for humans. Ceteris paribus, poisoning is more severe in children and women, as well as in persons in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

Symptoms of a venomous snake bite: burning pain at the site of injury, two deep puncture wounds, redness, swelling, petechial hemorrhages under the skin, fluid vesicles, necrotic ulcers, dizziness, nausea, sweating, shortness of breath, tachycardia. After half an hour, the leg can almost double in volume. At the same time, signs of general poisoning appear: loss of strength, muscle weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, weak pulse, drop in blood pressure, fainting, collapse.

First aid for venomous snake bites:

  • above the bitten place, it is necessary to apply a tourniquet or twist to prevent the poison from entering the rest of the body (only with cobra bites for 30-40 minutes);
  • the bitten limb must be lowered and try to squeeze out the blood in which the poison is located from the wound;
  • immediately begin intensive suction by mouth for 10-15 minutes of the poison from the wound (pre-squeeze the fold of skin in the area of ​​​​the bite and “open” the wound) and spit out the contents; you can draw blood along with poison from the wound using a medical jar, glass or glass with thick edges. To do this, in a jar (glass or glass), you need to hold a lit splinter or cotton wool on a stick for several seconds and then quickly cover the wound with it;
  • ensure the immobility of the affected limb (splint or fixing bandage); rest in the supine position during transportation to a medical institution; plentiful drink;
  • put cold on the wound (ice pack); wash the wound with a 10% solution of potassium permanganate, inject into the wound 0.5% adrenaline, diphenhydramine, IM 1 ml of 1% solution; 500-1000 units of specific serum intramuscularly, deliver the victim to a medical facility.

Important! It is impossible to suck blood from the wound with the mouth if there may be scratches or broken teeth in the mouth, through which the poison will penetrate into the blood of the one who provides assistance. You can not make an incision at the site of the bite, as well as give alcohol in all forms.

Bites of various poisonous insects

Insect stings (bees, wasps, bumblebees) lead to both local symptoms and signs of general poisoning, and can also cause allergic reaction organism. Their single bites are not particularly dangerous. If a sting remains in the wound, it must be carefully removed, and a lotion from ammonia with water or a cold compress from a solution of potassium permanganate or simply cold water.

Bites of poisonous insects are very dangerous. Their venom causes not only severe pain and burning at the bite site, but sometimes general poisoning. The symptoms are reminiscent of poisoning by snake venom. With severe poisoning by spider venom karakurta death may occur in 1-2 days.

Symptoms: limited local pain inflammatory reaction: burning sensation, pain, redness, swelling (especially when stinging the face and neck). There are no general toxic effects. Chills, nausea, dizziness, dry mouth are weakly expressed. If the general toxic effects are strongly pronounced, then this indicates an increased sensitivity of the body to insect poisons and the development of allergic reactions, which can cause death.

First aid for insect bites:

  • quickly remove the sting of the bee and squeeze the poison out of the wound;
  • put cold on the affected area;
  • moisten, drip into the bite with galazolin, alcohol, validol;
  • take antihistamines inside: diphenhydramine, suprastin, pipolfen;
  • hot drink;
  • with the development of asthmatic syndrome, use a pocket inhaler;
  • with the development of complete asphyxia - tracheotomy;
  • call an ambulance.

Animal bites and first aid for them

From the bite of a rabid dog, cat, fox, wolf or other animal, a person becomes ill with rabies. The bite site usually bleeds slightly. If an arm or leg is bitten, it must be quickly lowered and try to squeeze the blood out of the wound.

Help with a bite from a rabid animal:

Chapter 7

Going on vacation to the mountains, to the forest for mushrooms, berries, we often take children with us to show them the beauty of the surrounding nature, to breathe fresh air and just play in the grass. But it must be remembered that in addition to us and beautiful animals and birds, nature is inhabited by poisonous and non-poisonous snakes, wasps, bees fly, collecting nectar from flowering plants, and other insects that can deliver not only pleasant sensations. When going out into the forest, take care of durable shoes for the baby and trousers that do not fit the legs of the child, while tucking the trousers into the boots to form an overflow. This is necessary so that if suddenly a snake or spider uses their poisonous chelicerae or sting, they will only bite through the fabric of the trousers, and not the delicate skin of your child.

Leaving or going out into nature, you need to know some of the habits of snakes. A cobra, for example, when attacking, is able to make a throw equal to a third of the length of its body. The threat posture of this snake is very characteristic: the front of the body is raised vertically, the hood is swollen, swaying from side to side and hissing. Viper and gyurza before the throw zigzag arch the front of the body. Efa rolls up into a rosette, in the center of which is a head with a peculiar pattern that resembles a flying bird or a cross. Cottonmouths finely shake the tip of their tail before attacking.

Snakes lead an active lifestyle only in the warm season - from the first days of April until late autumn, they hibernate in winter, choosing rodent burrows for this. Therefore, you should not allow the child to look into them, even if they are very small in order to consider “whose house this is”. Do not forget that the snake bites only in defense! Therefore, teach your child, when searching for mushrooms or berries, to use a stick when moving apart thick grass or shrubs, examining crevices so as not to inadvertently disturb the snake. If, nevertheless, your child was bitten by a snake, then do not immediately panic, first of all, you need to determine whether it is poisonous. At the site of the bite, traces of the snake's teeth remain in the form of two crescent-shaped strips that form a semi-oval of small dots. A non-venomous snake leaves only this mark on the skin. If a poisonous snake has bitten, then in the front of the semi-oval between the sickle-shaped stripes there are two wounds (traces from its poisonous teeth), from which blood usually oozes. The toxicity of the poison depends on a number of factors: the physiological state and age of the snake, climatic conditions her dwelling, the time that has passed since waking up from hibernation. A hungry snake has more venom than a well-fed one. When bitten by a snake, swelling of the bite site is observed, which becomes red, painful and swollen. There is a strong burning pain at the site of the bite, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, weak and frequent pulse, cold sweat. What should you do if your child is bitten by a venomous snake?

1. First of all, you need to try to suck the poison out of the wound as quickly as possible, constantly spitting it out. It is possible to suck out poison by mouth only in the absence of cracks in the lips and oral mucosa, as well as carious teeth. If you have a medical jar at hand (a thin glass, a glass), then you need to insert a set fire to the wick into its cavity and quickly attach it to the edges of the wound. Suction is performed within 15-20 minutes. After that, the bite site is treated with iodine, alcohol and the limb is immobilized. Also, the wound can be treated with a 5% alcohol solution of iodine or cologne or alcohol.

2. Having sucked out the poison, it is necessary to limit the mobility of the affected child. At the same time, if the snake has bitten his leg, bandage it to the other leg and, putting something under his legs, slightly raise them. If you bite into your hand, fix it in a bent position with a scarf or handkerchief, if there is no bandage. With severe pain, you can take 1/2-1 tablet of analgin or baralgin.

3. To speed up the elimination of poison from the child's body, it is necessary to give the victim more tea or alkaline mineral water.

4. A child bitten by a poisonous snake should be taken to the nearest medical facility as soon as possible, since the most effective tool against snake venom is a polyvalent anti-snake serum, administered no later than 30 minutes after the bite. But only a medical professional can enter it.

1) apply a tourniquet to a limb above the site of a snake bite or poisonous spider(tarantula, scorpion, etc.), since this measure does not prevent the absorption and spread of poison in the body, but it disrupts blood circulation in the limbs and contributes to the development of necrosis (necrosis) of tissues, the accumulation of decay products in the limb and a sharp deterioration in the condition of the affected child after removal tourniquet;

2) cauterize bite sites with fire or chemicals;

3) cut the wound at the site of the bite.

All these manipulations are not only useless, but also harmful, as they lead to the development of infected wounds that do not heal for a long time and contribute to metabolic disorders in the affected tissues.

Most dangerous insects are scorpion, spider karakurt, tarantula.

They are distributed in the southern strip of Russia, Asia, and the Caucasus.

For example, when bitten by a karakurt, pain is felt, inflammation does not develop at the site of the bite, but the poison, entering the bloodstream, causes general poisoning phenomena: general weakness, thirst, cold sweat, weakening of cardiac activity. As the first first aid cold lotions are put in place of the bite, preferably from a solution of potassium permanganate, and drinking plenty of water.

The bites of the South Russian tarantula, skolopendra, phalanx spider are not life-threatening. But in place of the bite should be put cold lotions from a solution of ammonia or potassium permanganate.

As a result of a scorpion sting, redness occurs, pain and swelling appear at the site of the bite. Then the phenomena of general poisoning may occur: convulsions, vomiting, weakening of the pulse.

If you had to stop for a halt, where these unpleasant insects are often found, then here is a piece of advice from the old aksakals. The place where you settled down to rest, “outline” with a woolen thread, spiders will never crawl over it. This fact is explained by the fact that spiders have developed a reflex to wool - they are afraid of it like fire - sheep are often grazed in these areas, many wild animals (mountain goats, camels) walk around, trampling the minks of these spiders and themselves.

Single bee stings do not pose any danger to life, but cause severe pain, burning, swelling, local temperature increase, followed by the formation of swelling of the skin. With multiple bites, the child develops weakness, dizziness, headache, chills, nausea, vomiting, fever. With increased sensitivity to poison, even one or more bites can cause a severe allergic reaction, in which hives, palpitations, pain in the lower back and joints, convulsions and loss of consciousness, fever, nausea, and vomiting are observed. An attack of bronchial asthma or anaphylactic shock is possible.

What should be done to alleviate the condition of the child?

1. If a sting remains in the wound, it must be removed with tweezers, lubricate the wound with ammonia and put a cold compress from a solution of potassium permanganate or soda, ice on the bite site; you can make lotions from ammonia (1 part ammonia to 5 parts water) or wine alcohol (vodka mixed with water), you can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

2. Then it is better to put the child to bed, thereby ensuring peace, provide plenty of warm drink.

3. If your child has a strong reaction to a bee or wasp sting, expressed in the form of large swelling, seizures or urticaria, and vomiting has opened, which may be due to hypersensitivity to bee or wasp venom, consult a doctor immediately.

Think back to your childhood: maybe you or your friend got bitten in the mouth by a bee or wasp while eating an apple. These bites are especially dangerous. In such cases, death can occur very quickly not from general intoxication, but from laryngeal edema and suffocation. In this case, an urgent tracheotomy is necessary (dissection of the cartilage of the larynx), i.e., urgent medical attention is needed. Such cases are quite rare. To soothe the pain of a bee sting, apply earth or cow dung.

If, nevertheless, your child was bitten by a wasp or a bee, and there is no first-aid kit at hand, then the bite can be smeared with earwax. This will quickly relieve the pain.

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Bites from animals with rabies.

Rabies an extremely dangerous viral disease in which the virus infects the cells of the brain and spinal cord. Infection occurs through the bites of animals with rabies. The virus is excreted in the saliva of dogs, sometimes cats, and enters through a wound in the skin or mucous membrane. Incubation period lasts 12-60 days, the developed disease lasts 3-5 days and often ends in death. At the time of the bite, the animal may not have external signs of disease, so most animal bites should be considered dangerous in the sense of infection with rabies.

First aid.

  • All victims must be taken to the Pasteur station, where they will be given a course of anti-rabies vaccinations starting from the day of the injury.
  • When providing first aid, one should not strive to immediately stop the bleeding. , since bleeding helps to remove the saliva of animals from the wound.
  • It is necessary several times to widely treat the skin around the bite with a disinfectant solution (iodine alcohol solution, potassium permanganate solution, wine alcohol, etc.),
  • Then apply an aseptic bandage and deliver the victim to a medical facility for primary surgical treatment of the wound, prevention of tetanus.

Bites of poisonous snakes.

Bites of poisonous snakes(spectacled snake, cobra, viper, gyurza, etc.) very dangerous to life. After a bite, burning pain, redness, and bruising immediately appear. Swelling (edema) develops rapidly and red stripes (lymphangitis) soon appear along the lymphatic vessels. Almost simultaneously with this, general symptoms of poisoning develop: dry mouth, thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, convulsions, speech disorder, swallowing, and sometimes motor paralysis (with a cobra bite). Death often occurs from respiratory arrest.

First aid.

  • It is necessary immediately, within the first 2 minutes after the bite, to apply a hemostatic tourniquet, a twist, significantly higher than the bite site, then cut the skin at the bite site until blood appears (it is enough to ignite the knife on fire) and put a jar in this place to suck blood. In the absence of a special jar, you can use a thick-walled glass, glass, etc. The jar is placed as follows: a piece of cotton wool is wound on a stick, moistened with alcohol or ether and set on fire. Burning cotton wool is inserted into the jar (for 1-2 s), then removed and the jar is quickly applied to the bite site. You can use a breast pump.
  • After suction of the poison, the wound should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or sodium bicarbonate and applied
  • If edema has developed in the bite area or an anti-snake serum has been injected into the victim, then suction of the poison, application of a tourniquet are meaningless.
    The victim needs to be applied to the wound, produce limbs, create peace, the limb must be overlaid with ice packs (other cooling methods are possible).
  • To relieve pain, painkillers are used (acetylsalicylic acid, amidopyrine, analgin).
  • The victim is given plenty of fluids (milk, water, tea). Giving alcohol absolutely contraindicated!
  • In more late dates swelling of the larynx and respiratory failure are possible up to its stop and cessation of the heart.
    In these cases, an emergency tracheostomy is indicated. In case of laryngeal edema, an emergency tracheostomy can become the only measure to save the patient.
  • The victim must be taken immediately to the hospital for medical attention. The patient should be transported only in the supine position on a stretcher; all active movements only accelerate the absorption of the poison.
  • The most effective treatment for snakebite poisoning is the earliest administration. anti-snake polyvalent serum - antigyurzine. Serums are stored in ampoules of 2 ml and administered according to Bezredka for the purpose of prevention.
    Initially, 0.5 ml is administered, if there is no reaction after 30 minutes - half of the remaining dose, the full dose is administered after another 30 minutes

Bites of poisonous insects.

Very frequent stings of bees and wasps. At the time of the bite, burning pain occurs, and soon swelling develops in the bite area. Single bee stings usually do not cause severe general phenomena. Multiple bites can be fatal.

  • It is necessary first of all to remove the sting from the skin, then treat the wound with an antiseptic solution.
  • Reduces pain and swelling by applying hydrocortisone ointment to the skin.
  • With multiple bites, after providing first aid, the victim must be taken to a medical facility.

For scorpion stings there is severe pain in the bite area and swelling and redness of the skin develop very quickly.

  • First aid consists in treating the wound with an antiseptic solution and applying an aseptic bandage.
  • To relieve pain, painkillers are given (analgin, amidopyrine), with sharp pains, it is advisable to administer drugs.

spider venom causes severe pain and muscle spasm, especially the abdominal wall.

  • First aid - treatment of the wound with a solution of potassium permanganate,
  • Giving painkillers, calcium gluconate.
  • In case of severe reactions, the victim should be taken to the hospital, where they are used specific antiserum.

Insect stings (bees and wasps) accompanied by a local reaction of the body, and with increased sensitivity to bee venom, even one or more bites can cause a severe allergic reaction like anaphylactic shock.

Symptoms: severe pain at the site of the bite; first blanching of the skin, then redness and swelling at the site of the bite; with increased sensitivity to bee (wasp) venom, anaphylactic shock may develop (headache, nausea, vomiting, asthmatic phenomena, tachycardia, lowering blood pressure).

First aid

1. Remove the sting of the bee (wasp). Treat the bite site with alcohol.

2. Apply cold to the affected area. Provide plenty of fluids.

3. Give inside suprastin (fenkarol), if necessary, analgin.

NOTE. With numerous stings by bees (wasps), the development of anaphylactic shock, urgently call an ambulance.

Prevention: to protect residential premises, windows should be closed with nets, doors should be tightly covered, if necessary, chemically active agents (insecticides) should be used.

When bitten by venomous snakes snake venom enters the blood nervous system and can cause death from paralysis of the respiratory center. Snakes are the first to attack people, as a rule, when they are disturbed (touched, stepped on). The consequences depend on the type of snake, season, age and, especially, on the place of the bite. The bite to the head and neck is much more severe than to the limbs.

Symptoms: pain, burning sensation, hyperemia, increasing swelling at the site of the bite; dizziness, headache; muscle weakness, drowsiness; nausea, vomiting; increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure; in severe cases - convulsions, loss of consciousness; oppression, and then stop the respiratory and cardiac activity.

First aid

1. Provide the victim with complete rest in a horizontal position.

2. Treat the bite site with alcohol tincture of iodine and apply a bandage.

3. Immobilize the limb with a splint or improvised means.

4. Put cold on the bite. Provide plenty of fluids for the victim.

6. Urgently call an ambulance.

NOTE. You should not make incisions (cauterization) of the bite site, suck out the poison with your mouth, and apply a tourniquet.

Prevention: it is necessary to observe precautions when being in the forest, having previously explored the place of rest; when picking mushrooms, berries, legs and hands should be protected as much as possible with shoes and clothes.

28. Features of the structure and functions of the digestive system in children.

Oral cavity in newborns and young children is relatively small. Chewing muscles well developed, language relatively large, but short and wide.

Salivary glands in a newborn and a child in the first 3-4 months of life are not sufficiently differentiated. Therefore, little saliva is secreted, which causes dryness of the oral mucosa. At 3-4 months of life, the salivary glands become fully developed, and at this age children experience constant salivation, this is due to the fact that saliva is secreted in sufficient quantities, and the ability to swallow it has not yet been fully developed.

Esophagus in young children it is relatively longer than in an adult, and has a funnel shape. mucous membrane its tender, rich in blood vessels, dry due to the fact that mucous glands are almost absent. Stomach located in the left hypochondrium and only its exit - the pylorus - near the midline. Up to 1 year, the position of the stomach is horizontal, after 1 year, when the child begins to walk, the stomach takes on a more vertical position. mucous membrane the stomach is relatively thicker than that of an adult. stomach capacity in a full-term newborn is 30-35 ml, at the age of 3 months - 100 ml, 1 year - 250 ml. Secretory glands secrete gastric juice containing all the enzymes, as in an adult, but less active.

Gastric juice in a child it has the same composition as in an adult, i.e. he contains hydrochloric acid and enzymes.

Intestines baby relatively longer than that of an adult. Length the intestinal tract in an infant is 6 times the length of the body (in an adult 4 times). mucous membrane the intestine is highly developed, abundantly supplied with blood vessels, rich in cellular elements, tender, with a large number of lymph nodes and villi. At the same time, underdeveloped submucosal tissue, muscles, transverse folds and imperfect in structure nerve plexuses. All this taken together causes a slight vulnerability of the gastrointestinal tract.

A distinctive and important feature of the intestines of an infant is the increased permeability of its walls.

Colon is the main organ for the absorption of iron, phosphorus, alkalis, water, sugar, chlorides, acids and some medicines. The duration of intestinal digestion with artificial feeding is about 2 days.

Liver in newborns and infants is a relatively large organ. Its weight in newborns is 4% of the total body weight (in an adult 2%). The liver of a child is very rich in blood vessels, there are few connective tissue elements in it, and its lobules are not sharply expressed. The functional activity of the liver is diverse, but in young children it is insufficient.